Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 22, 1910, Image 3

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    The money .spent. n o thorough spray
ing of fruit trees now with S. W. Arsen
ate of Leod will be returned to you
Shcrwln-Wllllanvv Arsenate of Lead
hills every kind of Insect which troubles
fruit. IMs ensy, safe and Inexpensive
to use.
S.-W. Arsenate of Lead Is recommended
by Agricultural Colleges and expert
mint Stations because of Its superior
S Pound nuke, a 100 gallon solution
We ore Sole AgenU In Oregon City
Again " enjoying fine
weather, wliU-h plcae the farmer,
Mm. I.ydla Wooille u calling on
lii-r parent, Mr. mill ,fi. llowlctt,
Mm. 1 1 tin 1 1 iik 1 1 ii r"i v-l it cull
f r t mt Mm. Weey ImiiKtu last
Tlmmiluy afternoon.
Welcy IHitiKlniia returned home
Saturday from Klevciiiuin, Wimh ,
htri li IihiI been vUHIiik Willi hi
miii. Ilert llcrt iircomimnled him
home, k lie whh not well uiul In mill
mi I Iik nick Mm.
Mm ll'TK Hp.'iit Sunday with Mm.
llmlit HotTuu'lster.
H. A Douglas purchased dog (if
H. (Ilbinin Sunday.
Mr. uiul Mm. Walter Douglas were
ruriliiiiil vlxllum Moiiiliiy.
Mr. uiul Mm. llowlctt called mi Mr.
mill Mm. Wi'nli-y IxiukIihii Sunday.
Tin' Kaiile Creek tiH.tull nlnti piny
'i wllli the White IMiiiiioniU, of Port.
Innit, Hiiliit'lty. mill liuilly ilefcllti'd
litem, The ror wim IX to 0. The
Knicl Creek boy have lUt 1 Glenn
HiiiikIukh fur tlii'lr mascot, a nil lit' him
lirniiKlit llii'in good luck lli( past two
Sunday We hope In' will continue
In lirliiK tlK'in khiiI lurk. A Inrge
crowd w ill tint In wltne I In' game
Egli Crtek School Rtport.
Tim following In the imiiillily ropurl
nf Eagle Creek School Dl.lrlct No. J7,
(nr thit iiiiiiiiIi I'll ill n it April U, HMO.
Number of tiny immht during month.
2d; ntinihor 'f pupil belonging. 41;
hula number of ilny attendance.
7K!; whole number of day abeiit, 71
Those neither hi"'iit or Into during
tlx. miinih were; Frank Nfoimno. tior
dull Wolf)', I Ana Hell, Minnie Mnnmm,
Iti'ttlim ll'irgcr, Millard Triillliiger,
lir Juilil, Jennie Smith. Uoyd Triil
lliiger. Clmrllii Meiinne, Walter Smith,
Kit Menalie, Glen Garrett, AHn Han
sen. I'nul Hi III. Jullit llU'k, Killth lt"c
for. Florence Rector.
KIJJ:N ('. MOICIINKK, Teacher.
Children Cry
At the regular moiilhly meeting of
I he
F. P. A. last Saturday evening, a
large crowd wn In attendance, pco-
lit, ronilim from Handy, IKiver mid
Chcrryvlllo. All ccmcd to enjoy the
meeting. A tiii inn the fi'iituri'N of thv
evening, whli'h furnished n great deal
of niiiiiHi'iuiMil. were Impromptu
speeches. One yntniK Imly wiih called
upon to draw on her I in n k' "'' ,r 1111,1
it'll mi orlKlmil Hlnry, in which ho
promptly ri'Hiiidfd. nnd the result
ciiimt'tl niut'h merriment. Tho Asso
r lilt ton ili't'lili'd to Kvu nn entertain
nii'iit mid social on Dm third Hnttirilny
of Miiy. Special preparation will Iik
mailt to make llilH a miccess. Fir
wood never undertake anythliiK that
due not prove successful . Fur-
partlt'iiliirH will he given later
Mr. E. V. Htroim'H brother, (ieo.
Ili'i-iiliid. of Portland, spent Sunday
with her. He wiih very much pleased
with the country.
A. .1. Movley has been on the Hick
list for several day.
MIhh Ethel Hart, of Monlavlllu,
spent n few tlayH al the Hurt much
last week.
Clulr Corey Ik iIoIiik considerable
Improving on his timber claim.
Mr. and Mm. A. Malar visited the
Give Us a Call Bring Your Estimates-We will Save You Money
Hiullic Main UU
Hume II HH
Careful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones. Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street
latter' folk at liainiott'iiH lust week.
A great luiiliy people lliivn heen
I'll Inn out fruit lre Hid lunt few
Mr. and Mm. Klm-her enlerlalnijd
eonipatiy from rortlund IhhI week.
'Ilie Klrwooil (llee Club ha lieen
chiitiueil. It now roiiHlnl of III voiinit
men, mid they make HiIiik hum when
they ! tiirted. lliey met at tint
lioini' of v ). Hurt hint Kiiutliiy lifter
noon to prartlre for the romliiK eii
tertnln mi'tit.
Ijmi Tliiimday nfiernnon the lndle
nf Klrwooil tnel l the home of Mm.
A. Malar for ih piirpoHe of orKanlr.
1 1 K n e'liiK circle, the oliject lielliK
to help one unotlier, kcwIiik or HH'inl
Iiik for the Imly with whom they meet.
Coiinlderahle ran lie nrciutipllHhf d
when all join heartily In the work.
Tli Im lirliiK the Indie ttiKt'lher hoc
Inlly. The milijert of the colivema
linn HI In he omethlUK helpful hy ex
iliniiKliiK Iden III the line of work
the ludle lire llltereittt'd In. No K
bIiIiik I allowed, nnd no lunclie
erveil. Itifttfiitt of eat I UK. B few (iuim
will be 1IHK t th rloe of the meet
IliK All enjoyed the flmt UieetlUK
ami felt that they would feel more
like working tfier havliiK Hole
recreation than If they hnd mured at
Inline nnd worked. "Variety I the
nilt'c of life," mid "All work mid no
play make Jnck dull Ixiy," they
ny. Tim nvt tneetltiR will h with
Mm. K. H. Itart, Thurday oftorniKin,
April ;'K. All are mutt cordially In
vited. The Alumni of the Btnt Normal
at Monmouth ak your aupport for
(tint cIiiniI. You know we muni have
teacher. We mimt educate, the Ikiv
and (tlrla; a trained I the beat attency
for till. The col I four rent n
year on a thoiiHand dollar. Vote,
Ye, for Monmouth, and ettle tltli
qticmlnn. J. 11. V. llutler. Sec, Com.
I'ald Adv.
Many Oregon City Readers Have
Heard It and Profited Thereby.
"Good new travel fast," and the
thousand of bad hark nfferers In
Oregon City are glad to learn tha,t
prompt relief 1 within their reach.
Many n Inme, weak nnd nchlng hack
I bad no more, thnnk to Doati' Kid
ney I'lll. Thousand upon thousands
of people art telling the good new
of their experience wiih the Old (Jun
ker Itenii'dy. Hero I nn example
worth reading:
Jnme Willis, II. V, P. No. 1, Os
wego, Oregon, any: "I hnve tried
Btiy number of kidney remedies and
I can any that I hum's Kidney PHI
have been of the greatest benefit. For
flv vi'iim I wna nffllrteil with rheu
matism mid kidney trouble mid I enl
a great amount of money in an unsuc
cessful effort to cure myself. I even
went to Hot Springs, but I received
only temporary relief. Having heard
considerable, about ltonn's Kidney
Pills and being advised by more than
one person to try them, I finally be
gan their use. While they have not
cured me, they have Improved my con
dition one hundred per cent, nnd have
restored my kidneys to a normal con
dition. 1 am glnii to tell of my ex
perience." Kor salt by nil dealers. Trice 60c.
KoHter-Mllblirn Co., Ilnffalo, New York
sole agent for the United State.
Remember the name Dunn's and
tnko no other.
Corner Main and 14th Slrtctt
Suggestions Por Improvement of Barn Yard
Fowls That Will Prove Helpful.
Car of Llttl Chick.
iri.,r ,.i.n.u liuvii been In tho I"-
ciibulor ten or twelve. ImiirH they will
I... .,lr mid lliiffv. Illll reatiy 10 I'D
put In the brooder, which Hhould havo
a layer of iry Hiiwiium or imw "
Iiikh nn Inch deep all over tlx hot
loin. A lltll" chick feed nnd krlt can
be placed on a mnnll piece, of burlap
about VI Inchc iuar In tnu uroouur.
They will atari mtlnK rlxht away.
l!n auinll fountain for the llrt day
or two. Chick will fat leltuco thu
llml day of their exlaleiicw, and H It
ha u medicinal value they can't eat
too much of It. Tim Hceond day acnt
ler linn Hlraw on (he breetler Iioiihii
Moor, throw th t hick feed III till, o
they will liavn to acrulch for It.
Incubator and Brooder,
The only way to ralne chicken In
iurKc liiimlier In a aliort apart) of
time anil have them at the rlnkl tlmo
to ((fl the blKKcKl price for tliein U
to u Incubator and broodem. Ily
the ime of the lien for hatchliiK d
briMidliiK enoiiKli chicken cannot Im
ralaed In a m-awm to miik) It pay.
Many of my cuHiouiem tell me Unit
they would rather lake care of 100
chick In a brooder than lo care lor
obi hen and her brood. You can
net n many ckk In a mcillum-Hl.eil
Incubator a you can put under ten
hIiiIuk hen With the machine, you
have abHolute control lit all time.
No lice lo IlKht. N (IliliKcr of ckk
lielliK broken or chilled durlUK Int-u-
Imiloii. Kkk ami chick perfectly
Hiife at all time. No work at all com
pared with (he work that ten fuxay
old lien wmilil eaiiHc you. AKrlcul-
luiiil KpltomlHt.
Beit Egy for Hatching.
The ,'1,-iiH lo he nlaceil III an Incu
bator nhould be from well-matured 1-
i..ai4ilil i.iilIflH or 2-venr-old hell.
1'he tiiillet or hen nIiouIiI he yarded
off, fifteen hen to each rooster. Till
method cost a little nioTO than the
old ciiHtom of letilUK hen and room
em all run toncthcr. but It Insure
fertile ckk". lilve the lien plenty of
rburconl. frenh water, Krll, clean tpinr
ter. alfalfa tr other tcreen. and you
will have it flock that will pleime you
and everyone clue. Hut feed oyter
hIh'IIm parliiKly to breeilltiK li'-n, a
(he t-KK Midi will be no tnicK inni
in,, riiii kK run t brt-ak (hroiixli. Kum
Hhould not be over even day old for
hatchliiK for beat reulm. The brood
er Hhould be wnrm to receive un-
chlckH. ltural World.
Milk for Poultry.
Poultry and dairy farmliiK Rfi well
toitether. Milk fed to poultry In nil
form, produce Rood reaull. How
ever, rare ahould he taken to keep
the tllHlie clean and aweet.
Help Entertain Visitor.
The Htate (iranite will meet In Ore
Kon City Mfcy 1M2 Inclusive. There
will lie several hundred delennte and
visitor. In the city at tnai time.
hotel accommodation, are not suffl-,
vuimra in tin, rltv at that time. A
Hen. for o larKe a crow-1 an appeal
U hereby made to all to open up your
home If you can possibly pnre
Suburban town please take notice.
PIcbko Inform the committee a to
tho number you can accommodate.
T. J. fiARY,
Chairman of Committee.
If you have sore eye of any kind
use Sutherland' Eagle Eye Salve. It
I i good for nothing but the eyes.
It Is pnlnle and harmless, and 1
positively the best. If yon don't say
so wo will refund your money. Try
It and then tell your neighbors. Sold
everywhere. 25c ft tube.
The Ingredient are on the carton.
Dr. Hell's I'lne-Tar-Honey contains no
habit producing drugs, and always
give gatlsfactlon. Look Mr tho bell
on the Mottle.
Aurora and Northern Marion
The ball gnme between Mt. Angel
and Aurora last Sunday was one of
the best games of the season. Aur
ora won by a score of 5 to 0, the
pitcher of AurM fanning 11 men.
Next Sunday the Aurora team plnya
CltulHtotie; a good game Is expected.
The boy have received their new
suits, and will hnve a good bunch of
Henry Items and faintly were up to
Mt. Angel Sunday to witness the ball
game between Aurora nnd Mt. Angel.
Tho rythlnn Sisters will celebrnte
their anniversary this evening. The
feature will be cards, followed by a
Henry Hurst was Up from Portland
Sunday to visit his folks, and return
ed Sunday evening.
Mrs. Earl (irlbble, of Portland, la
visiting with her parents. Dr. mid
Mrs. W. W. Cilesy, for n few days.
A horse belonging to S. A. Miller,
the liveryman, got away from lis driv
er and after making a record run
around town, Blurted over the long
Pudding River railroad trestle going
as fast a a train. Upon landing on
the Clackamas side of the bridge tho
horse fell twice nnd badly lacerated
one hind leg.
Prof. Phillips has been re-engaged
tench the Aurora public school
next year.
Remember the Hand dance, Satur
day evening, April 23. Music will be
furnished by nn orchestra of seven
pieces. . Everybody cordially Invited.
The moving picture show was well
attended last Tuesday evening.
C. Zimmerman made n ' business
trip to Portland last Tuesday.
(ilen Hurst nnd Krcddlo (llesy went
down to Portland Tuesday to see the
opening gnmq of the baseball season.
A concrete walk Is being built from
the bank to the depot.
Frank Miller Is tearing down tho
old shacks on his property, nnd In
tends to commence on the new auto
mobile building.
street Commissioner Zimmerman Is
out with a force of men grading the
streets in Miyucrs addition.
A full nnuf hnrrol nf the fnmnua Dili
.Toe Cildeon whiskey and six cases of
Mnrtlnet Imported brandy nave ar
rived nt tbe New Aurora lintel hnr.
Grading Up.
i runner that ha only the common
flock of poultry Bli'iuld endeavor to
urmii, no the atock lv nurchaMliiK a
pure-hreil mulo of (Hiine of the utility
breed ami croa on in iock. i n
II rat aeiiHon'a prox"iiy will pay thu
price, of tho pure-bred male. KuriHU
Plenty of Neit.
It I. a irrmit lllull to lirovlllll Illl'tltV
of nct for the li' n to lay In. WTien
there am not aiiltlclent iicmi the lien
lite aiit to quarrel and finht for their
poiaenalon and In the nciitTle ckk are
npt to he. broken. Then the hen eat
I he broken CKK me CKK-euwiK
hablt I formed.
Breeding for Egg.
I'oultry tniit lei hr d to lay ckk.
The fancier l" ttlnht of that pur-
piiHo. A how biro really kiiouki nave .
one more requirement, namely, that I
li b an (KK pro'lut. r. Thl would j
(Crtatly help In the uphiilldlliK "f H't
poultry trade. I
Well-filled I I't alway well fed. j
The hen will crowd it crop run or
corn, mid will put on fat, but will not
lay many t'KK. To b- well fed mean
more than Jut plenty of feed. It
mean thoe kind of food which will
Ko lo muke eKK Agricultural Eplt
oinUt. Egg Eating Hen.
The hublt of t-KK-atlnK I nually
moKt prevalent a' Ihli aeaaon of the
year, Juat after th- howa are over and
other of the herm are laylnc tho
first i-kk of their Hprlni? clutch. In
the cane of how hlrdN, they often
contract the had habit In the exhibi
tion hall, because whi n they are pen
ned up In mall coop and lay an
K they havo nothing to occupy their
time but to peck at the t'KK until the
itbell finally kIv,, ' 'n th,! ca"
of hen or pulletii JiihI beRlnnlnK to
lay (he flmt etct! of a new clutch, they
are more liable at thl time than any
other t drop an occasional Hoft-ahell-ed
('Kg, and nothing ha a more pro
found effect than these In teaching
n Hock of hen the et-K-eatlnn habit.
Agricultural Epltomlst.
The Varioui "Rock."
A breeder of Hud Rock wants aorue
one to explain why It I claimed that
itnrr..ii Plymouth Rock are no much
better market fowls than all other
vnrletle. especially the Huff and the
whim Plymouth Rock. All tnree
have the same general conformity, all
three have yellow less and yellow
skins, and the. huff and whites have
net hlncli tiln feather, a have the
barred variety. Exchancr.
Your tongue 1 coated.
Your breath la foul.
Headaches come and go.
These symptoms show that
, h the trouble. To remoVe
,he th,n, and cham.
f ph and Uyer Tablet
tRke . most
will do that Easy to take and most
effective. Sold by all dealers
Attorney 8ued For Divorce.
Joseph J. Fitzgerald, a deputy in
the office of District Attorney Cam
eron, of Multnomah County, Is the de
fendant In an action for divorce filed
here Inst Saturday by Emma Fit.
gerald, who says her husband desert
ed her In August, 1908, and has told
her he never Intended to live with
her. They were niarrleo at Salem,
December 25. 1894. Mm. Fitzgerald
states her husband draws a salary of
$150 per month and she asks for 10
per month alimony. Mr. Fltrgerald
came up from Portnnd Saturday after
noon and accepted service of sum
mons In the case.
Is the greot incent
ive oward sav
ing money
We pay
on savings accounts
We pay 4 per cent
on Certificates of
of Deposit
Is our motto
Aurora, Oregon
Hi liTi
'"III u
J. Levitt Department Store
Diitrict No. 1.
Eat Side Mill & Lumber Co. ..125.29
(ieo. Atwood a'.
Cha. Atwood 2-0
Kd. Drefa 32.75
L. Montgomery 8-80
Geo. Atwood
A. J. Hurst 22.50
J. C. Coats 8-CO
Jno. Davis 10.00
C. H. Counsell 17.50
N. E. Noffltt 2.50
Joe Hartwlg 20.00
H. A. Battln 2.50
W. II. Counsell 15.75
District No. 3.
Drown Lumber Co 33.00
J. Ewlng 75.00
A. Ilernett 65.00
D. Chltwood 0.00
H. Troge 76.60
C. Htuke 45.00
J. Stadlo SS-00
Ostcrbach 20.00
J. MullenbofI H OO
W. Chilcote, .50.00
J. Chltwood 700
E. Crawford 24.00
H. Kerstlng 200
C. Heinrlch H-M
A. Spohn 18 00
M. Troge 1000
R. Schmidt 2200
Mlley 24.00
H. Rltzau 106.45
J. C. Elliott 115-85
District No. S.
Security Vault Metal Works.. 1.15
A. B. Elliott 4 Co 10 50
C. M. Lake 10.00
District No. .
Oleson Lumber Co 56.80
R. Netzel 3.40
T. Flatan 5-65
N. H. Blgford 875
Chas. Krebs 18 25
District No. 7.
Melnlg Bros
W. F. Strack '
J. Clark
T. Clark
G. Craig .- 29.00
W. A. Stuell 8.00
H. A. Garrett 14.00
W. Dadian l-0
Geo. Flln 2 00
J. Maronay 8.00
Ernest Leaf 20.00
A. Craven 16 00
Geo. TenEyke 16 00
Ed. TenEyke 18.00
Henry TenEyke 18.00
F. E. McGugin 32.00
District No. 8.
Melning Bros 108.35
District No. 11.
W. H. Bonney 28.75
Frank Busch 75
C. Mann 2.00
W. Mann 2.00
S. Forsythe 3.00
P. Jones 2.00
J. R. Livesay 1.00
C. R. Livesay 8.25
District No. 12.
G. Fischer 3.50
S. Kohl 20.00
H. Gill 8.00
H. Bnbler 6.25
C. Johnson 6.00
J. S. Gill 21.25
District No. 13.
Estacada Mercantile Co 3.35
Frank Busch 6.00
A. Mather 66.40
A. Graham 7.00
Wilson & Cooke 3.75
Pope & Co 2.50
II. Hubert 16.00
C. Jubb 14-00
H. Mattoon ." 36.00
W. C. Ward 23.75
B. M Mattoon i 16.00
T. Rippley 8.00
A. Hubert 8.00
A. B. May 6.00
District No. 14.
W. H. Bonney 24.30
H. HenricI 5.00
D. Scherruble 6.00
C. Muralt 6.25
A. Vogel ' 1.00
District No. 15.
Francis Welsh 19.27
District No. 17.
Maple & Masterson ,.'12.25
Carlton & Rosenkrans 6.S0
E. M. Bnbcock 4.00
U. Layne 4.00
S. W. Bany 7.00
D. R Dlmlck 10.00
J. Kraft 1100
District No. 18.
Pope & Co 23.50
Wilson & Cooke 2.80
Wm. Moehnke 380.52
C. Anderson 3.00
R.&G. Corsets
The Most Up-to-Date Styles, ranging
in prices, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3
Worthy of Your Inspection
E. W. Hornsnuh 10.00
Claude Anderson 16.0.)
C. Anderson 16.00
C. Jones 16.00
E. W. Hornshuh 20.00
A. Babcock 1.00
F. Ilohlander 1.00
M-, Hoi man 8.00
A. Hornshuh 18.75
District No. 19.
R. H. Long 2.03
E. A. Malum 3:00
W. Porter '. 6.00
0. Hoffsletter 4.00
C. French 3.00
J. L. Evans 2.00
J. J. Mallatt 9.00
0. A. Davis . 100
C. Brum 100
District No. 20.
W. F. Haberlach 184.20
E. Grace 1-50
T. Washburn 2.00
Geo. North 1.25
Jessie Mayfield 75
E. Kirk 1250
E. Damoures 6.50
Nat Scribner 900
District No. 23.
W. W. Irvin 20.00
G. Hartwig 3.90
J. W. Berkey 83.52
M. Armstrong 3.50
W. Grlbtile 5.75
H. Kraus '. 8.75
F. Mills 3.50
J. J. Taylor 4.00
J. E. Wells 2.25
C. Oglesby 12 25
Geo. E. Oglesby 19.25
District No. 24.
N. Egll 5 25
Sam Kropf 60
A. Jones 50
E. Werner 2.50
R, Mlljer 5.75
C. E. rillton 5.75
H. Hilton 3.50
IL. Chrisner 7 00!
'P. Welgand
50 j
13.62 '
W. Galllns
J. W. Wolfer . .
' P. Smith 6.62
L. B. Yoder 50jS. Boff 2.80
G. E. Wyland 50 , A. W. Elliott 15 80
G. .Olson 60
L. P. Spagle 33.00
District No. 25.
A. Kocher 21.00
District No. 28.
J. M. Nicholson 7.00
G. M. Groshong 7.00
G. Huber 13.12
A. M. Groshong 2.50
District No. 29.
T. C. Dolson 4.00
I. G. Rose 3.00
C- Klnyon 2.00
A. McConnell 13 50
District No. 30.
J. BIckner 13.95
Geo. B. Rate 3.90
A. Woldorf 13.50
J. Woell 13.00
J. Erlckson 14.00
A. Berg 28.00
P. Rankin 26.00
C. Morel! 25.00
L. Evans 28.00
C. JJelashmuc 23.00
Wm. Dyer 14.00
J. M. Worthlhgton 3.00
F. E. Davidson 43.75
J. H. Manning 66.00
Wm. Worthlngton 10.00
0. C. Davidson 14.00
District No. 31.
C. Tetdeman 19.00
A. Athey 4.00
District No. 32.
F. Chapman 7.00
C. I. Calkins 3.50
J. Gross 7.00
W. C. Heater 10.00
A. Holzman 3.00
District No. 33.
R. Marrs 32.00
C. Denny 27.00
H. Gaulen 30.00
W. A. Bard ' 23.50
B. Saruer 9.00
T. H. Hayner 2.00
A. Genserouskl 2.00
North 4.00
G. Wilcox 14-25
A. Novotne 13-50
R. Novotne 13.50
R. Wilcox .' 2-0
P. Howell 8.00
J. D. Cromer 12 00
B. Tellfson 4.00
D. Warner 7.50
S.' Tureld 7.50
S. Tureld 7.50
V. Glbbens H-25
J. B. Soman 5.00
Hnry Cromer 32.00
B. Swales - 1700
C. S. Bard 14-50
John Keller 8.80
J. D. Cromer : 12.00
E. H. Tlson 3.00
S. Lacroy 10.00
Henry Cromer 49.50
Diitrict No. 34.
Security Vault Metal Work. .182.40
Straight and Salisbury 3.50
Wilson & Cooke 19.50
F. J. Buriey 2.70
Trojan Powder Co 129.70
A. D. Bowers 32.00
D. M. Spatz 21.37
M. Melvin 20.25
D. Howell 10.75
L. Ford 22.60
G. Ford 20.25
G. W. Armstrong 6.75
W. M. Armstrong 6.75
F. E. Armstrong 6.75
J. S. Lystell 18.00
C. A. Colson 4.50
J. Shannon 2.50
Fred Zimmerman 56.00
C. Elsie ; 69.50
0. Elsie . 35.00
A. K. Ford 12 00
A. J. Hodge 17.50
C. Zimmerman 38.50
J. Zimmerman 14.00
E. Teldemaa 13.12
R. Wllsonn 14.00
J. Kaiser 10 50
W. Kaiser 7.00
J. Parker 8.75
G. Levltte 12 25
J. Peters 5.25
C. Hlnze 5-25
J. Strusberg o.zs
J. Fisher 17-50
N. Christian 1-75
C. Fromong 3.5
J. Peterson '. 5.25
J. Elsie 3.50
J. M. Turner 109.25
District No. 35.
A. B. Elliott 105.10
J. P. Smith 125
J. B. Jones 27 00
District No. 36.
A. J. Lais
A. S. Thompson
A. L. Yoder
N. R. Graham 100
A. Lenhart .' 100
J. H. Burkhart .80
Wm. Burkhart -80
Wm. Barnes 3.60
C. C. Grimm 3.40
P. J. Scnnelder 4-50
D. Kenagy 3.00
P. D. Samson 1-60
J. K. Hart 3.80
W. Moser 3.80
W. L. Woodcock 3.20
F. M. Samson 45.0i
District No. 37.
J. Bivert 26.25
J. McElson 35.8T
E. W. Cook .'. . 14.00
W. J. Carrer 51.00
(Continued on Page 6.)
Hair Tonic 75c per Bottle
Prepared Shampoo 25c per Jar
The Only Guaranteed Cure for Dand
ruff, Itching Scalp, Dry, Oily or Falling
Hair. "Made In Oregon." If anything
on earth
This Tonic Will Do It If used as di
rected. ' If used in one way It will
make the most harsh and stubborn
hair soft, pliable and glossy; another
will make oily hair crisp and flossy.
Instructions and good pay to demon
strators. Herb) i Mfg. Co., Milwaukie, Ore.
Send 2-cent stamp for Sample Sham
poo Paste. Makes several ounces Su
perior Liquid Shampoo.
Cor. 7th and Center
Cheapest Place in Ore
gon City to Buy
Field and Garden Seeds
at Wholesale Prices
H. J. Bigger & Sons
The best of Mt. Hood beer always on
Clyde Anderson
3.00 Ed Young 11-00
tap. -