Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 15, 1910, Page 7, Image 7

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Nolle of Final Settlement,
Niitlcii In hereby given lliut tlm
ili'i'HlKiii'il, iiiliiiliilHlriitnr with Ihn will
it tt ii x ! nf tlm i'n I ii In of llutior Murks
whitiiicii, iii'cciiHi'ii, iiiih niii in th
Cniiiiiy CnirVI, or CIiii'Iiiiiiihh County,
Hiiitn of Oregon, IiIn ft ii it I ni'i'iiiint tin
i 1 1-1) iiiltiiliilitlritlnr of mild chi iitu, mill
Unit Monday, tint I ill h tiny of Muy
HUH, lit HI o'clock A. M , Iiiih been
II I'd liy hiiIiI rourt a h th" Hum foi
hi'itilng of oIiJim'IIoiin to, mild report
mill tin' Ni'ltlmiiKiit tlioreor.
Ailiiilnlntriitnr wild th" will nuiinmd
of th" cumin of Honor Mtirki Whit
llll'k, lIl'CIMIHI'll,
Attorney for AilnilnlHtriitor.
In llm circuit Court or ihn fitnto or
Oregon for tlio County or Clock
Mary AugtiHtn Strong, plaintiff,
Putnam llrtldlco Wrong, Defendant.
To I'utiiii mi llrnilliio HtroiiK, above
named (liifi'iiilnnt:
In t ho nniiiti or tlm Blato or Oregon
you nro hereby required to appear
ml answer tlm rmiinini fll"d agulnat
you In. the sbovn nllllii mill on or
before tlm 2'Jntl dny or April, 1010
Hint being t weeks after tlm ilnt"
or t tin first publication or tli I H sum
ttittiiH ; mnl If you full to appear and
anawer nulil roinplnlnt tho plnlntlff
will npply to the Court for tlm relief
thnrcln prayed for, to-wll: A decree
of illvurci! furnvt r dUmilvIng Hh
lunula or tiiiilrliiiouy now minting be-
twi-iti piiiimirr mnl ii"f"tiiiiint bIiiivb
nntiu'it mnl for mich other mnl fur-
tlii-r relief im to llm Court inny ncchi
iiqiillnliln mnl Jual. Thin summon
In piilillHlicil nt enl once n week for
il rnnm'cutlvn week liy onl"r of
Hun. J. ti. Cnmplii'll, Judge of aliovit
nnlil Court, mad on the IMh tiny of
Mu nil, 1UI0.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
I'lmt pulillrntloil March II. 1910.
UH pulillcnilon April 22, 1910.
lu tlio Circuit Court of llm Htnto of
Ori-gnu, fir ClHckitiiimt County.
Mui lie llimwortli, I'liiluHfT,
(imirgn K. Ilowollli, Itofelidaiit.
To Ccorit K. Iliinwortli, tlm above
mimed defendant :
In lln mini" of llm Hint" of Ori'Kun
you ar hereby required to appear
mill answer Hiu roinplnlnt filed again!
ymi In tlm above emitted milt on or
before llm :M dny of April. 1510,
nlil ditto Iji'Iiik the expiration or l
week from Hin ilutx of tlm first pu !
Ili'ntlmi or lliln Kiirti inutiit, and If you
full lo appear mid uimwr anld coin
plnlnt. for wmit thereof iIik plulntlff
will apply to ih" court for tlm relief
demanded In Hm complaint, lo-wlt
Kor a decree dlmiolvlng Ihn bond of
matrimony now exUtlug between the
plaintiff mid il"f"itilmit.
Till auiumon Im published ly or
iler of Hon. Grant 11 Hlmlrk, Judite
of the County Court, which order win
made mnl entered on I"" Sih ilny of
March, 1911. and Urn Hum prescribed
for pulillcnllnn In l weeks, beginning
with Dm Isaue of Krldny, Mnrch 11,
HUH. and continuing each week there.
afler to and IiicIuiIIiik Krldny. April
22. 1910,
Attorney for 1'liilntlfT.
Ill the Circuit Court of llu Hlato of
Ori'Kun for Clackama County.
Margaret Freeman, PlulnlllT.
George W. Freeman, Dcfcndnnl.
To George W. Freeman llm abovo
nnnied (lffi'iiiliint:
In tlm tinnm of the Slate of Ore-
Kim you are hereby required to ap
lieur ami anawer Ibu rouiplntnl flicil
liKaliiHl you III tlm above "IiIIiI.kI milt
within "Ix wceka from the 11th day of
March. 1910. which la the date of tho
tlmt publication of Ihl nummona. and
If you full to appear mid anawer tin'
plaintiff will apply to tlm Court for
the relief deinunded In llm complaint
to-wll: ror a decreet forever dissolving
the bonds of mnlrlinouy existing be
tween you and said pliilntlff, and for
the rnro and custody of tho minor
child. Joyce E. Kreemnn, during her
minority, and for twenty dollnrs per
month for her support mid fou such
other relief na lo thn Court aoemi
meet mnl lust.
This summons Is published by order
of the Hon. J, IT. Campbell, Juln" of
the Circuit Court or tlm Statu or Oro-
Kim ror the County or Clacknmaa and
mi hi order was miulo and dated the
Klh day, or March. 1910, directing that
Kit hi publication bn miulo In tho Orc-
Koli City Enterprise, a weekly newt-
pupil- of aeneml clrculntlon, published
nt Oregon City, Clnckamns County,
On'guii, anil that anld publication bo
made onco a week fr six consecutive
weeks, thn tlnto or first pulillcnllnn
or this Niimniona bclnu; Mnrch 11, 1910
mid the iliil" or Inst uuhllcnllon being
April 23. 1910.
Attorney ror Plulntlff.
In the Circuit Court of Oregon for
Cliicknmns County.
Kll.iibi-tli H. Stitwers, rialutlff,
I'erley H. Slowers, Pefmidnnt.
To I'erley II. Stowora, tho nbovo
nnnied defendnnt:
In tho nmnn of tho Slnto of Oro
Kon: You nro hereby roqulrod to ap
pear nntl nnawor tho complaint filed
l.Kiilnat you In this suit on or before
I bo 27th tiny or April, 1010, and If
you fall to appear mid answer, for
wiu)t thereof, plulntlff will apply to
tho Court for tho roller prnyed ror
In the complaint, nnmoly: iir a de
cree dissolving tho bonds or mntrl
ninny between you and tho plaintiff,
it ml for Ruch other roller ag may bo
tueto with equity. Tbls summons Is
ordered published by order made by
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above
mimed Court on tho 4th day of March,
1910 directing publication In the Ore
gon City Enterprise onco a weok for
six buccoshIvo weeks and the first pub
lication hereof Is Mnrch 11th, 1910,
mid the Inst publication will be April
22, 1910.
Attorney for Plnlntlff.
In the Circuit Court of tlio State of
Oregon, rr Clackamas County.
Walter H. Fox, Plnlntlff,
Jennlo V. Fox, Defendant.
To Jennlo V. Fox, abo-vo named do
fondant: In tho name of tho Stnlo of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
miHwer tho complaint (lion ngalnntynu
In thn ubove nnined milt, on or be
fore the 23d dny of April, 1910, nld
date being after the expiration of 8lx
weeks from tho flrHt publication of
this summons, and If you fnll to ap
pear and answer snld eompliilnt, for
want thoreor tho plnlntlff will apply
to tho court for tho rollef dnmnndud
In the complaint, to-wlt: For a docree
tliHsolvliig tho bonds of mntrlmony
now existing between Uni plaintiff
mill diif"iiiluiit. Tills Huihihuni Is pub
llNhed by order of I Ion. J. U.
Campbell, Judgo of tint Circuit Court
which mib r wits ii i it (I o and ontoreU
on tlm lid ilny of Mnrch, 111 10, mid tlm
Hum pioNcrlliod for publication there
of Is six weeks beginning with the
iHstie of Frliluy, March llth, 1910, ami
coiillnulug each week tlmreaflor to
mid Incluillug the Ihsiiu or Friday,
April 22d, 1910.
Attorney for I'nlntlff.
In tlm Circuit Court of thn Hlato of
Oregon, for Clnckiiiins County,
llrldgitt Illunclmrd, Plalnllff,
Wlllliim Hcolt Illnnchard, IXtfendnnt.
To Wlllliim Hcotl, Illntichnrd, above
iinmeil dufendmit:
In the liunii) of tlm Hlnl of Oregon,
you are hereby required to nppenr ami
answer the complaint filed agulnst you
In thn ttbnvii limned mitt, on or be
fore the Mil day of April, 1910, said
dill" being after the explrallon of alx
weeks from llm flrHt publication or
Ibis summons, and If you fall to ap
pear mid anawer anld eompliilnt, for
want thereof tho plaintiff will apply
to llm court for tlm relief demanded
In thn complaint, to-wit: For a decree
dlNNolvIng I ha bonds of matrimony
now exlNtlng between the plnlntlff
and defendant. Thin numinous Is pub
Hulled by order of Hon. J. II,
Cuiuphcll, Judge of thn Circuit Court,
which order was made and filtered
on the 3d dny or March, 1910, and the
Hunt prencrllicd for publication there,
of Is alx Weeks beginning with ihn
hmi" of Friday. March lltli, 1910, and
muii liming each week thereafter to
mnl Incluillug th Ikniiu of Friday,
April 2.'i, 1910.
(iko. c rutowNici-i-,
Attorney ror Plaintiff,
In Ihn Circuit Court of the Htnto or
Oregon, ror Cliirkamaa County.
V, J, Stewart, Plnlntlff, j
ICudora A. Stewart, Defendant.
To ICudora A. Stewart, above named
lu the, name of the 8tato of Oregon,
you ari hereby required lo appear
and answer tho complaint filed against
you In thn above named milt, on or
before the ll'.tli dny of April, 1910,
anld date being after the explrntlon
of six weeks from llm first publica
tion of thin summons, and If you fall
lo appear and answer said complaint,
for want thereof, thn plaintiff will ap
ply lo the court for llm relief de
manded In the complaint, tt-wlt: For
a tiecren dissolving tnn bonds or mnt
rlmony now exlatlng between the
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon.
(irant II. Illmlck, Judge or tho Coun
ty Court, which order was mado and
entered on thn 1st day or March. 1910,
and the time prescribed rr publica
tion thereof Is six weeks beginning
with the laaue or Friday, March 4th,
1910, and continuing each week there
after to and Including thn Issue of
Friday. April 15th. 1910.
C.KO. C. llltOWNKI.U
Attorney for Plnlntlff.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Annie K. Chamberlain, Plaintiff,
(ieorge I, Cbamberlnhi, IVfendnnt.
To lieorge U Chamlierlnin, the
above named defendant:
In the nanm of the stnte of Oregon
you are hereby required lo appear
and anawer the complaint filed agalnat
ymi In the above entitled suit on or
before the ifith day of April. 1910
said date being the explrntlon of six
weeks from the date of tho first pub
lication of this summona, and If you
hill lo appear and anawer said com
plnlnt, for want thereof the plaintiff
will aply to the court for the relief
demanded In tho complnlnt, lo-wlt
For a decree dissolving tho bonds of
mntrlmony now existing between the
plnlntlff mid defendant.
This aiimmnitg Is published by or
er of Hon. J. I). Cnnipbetl, Judge
or Dm above nnnied court, which or
der was ninde and entered on the
3rd day or Mnrch. 1910. and the time
prescribed for ptibllrnllon la alx
weeks, beginning with the Issue or
Frldny, Mnrch 4, 1910, and continuing
nch week thereafter In and Includ
lug Friday. April IS. 1910.
Attorney for Plalnllff,
In the Circuit Court of the Stnlo of
Oregon for tho County of Clnck
John W. OiisklU. Plaintiff,
Olive Kllr.nbeth CnHklll, Defendnnt.
To Olive Kllzuhcth C.nskill defen
dant, above named:
In thn name or tho State or Oregon:
ion nre hereby required lo appear
and answer the complaint Died
agnlnst you In the above entitled suit.
within six weeks from the day or the
nrsi piioiicaiion or una summons, ami
ir you fnll to appear and answer tho
plalnllff will apply lo tho Court tor
the roller demanded In the complnlnt,
to-wlt: ror a docree forever dissolving
the bonds of mntrlmony existing be
tween thn plnlntlff and the defendnnt;
mid tor such other and further relief
us to the Court may seem Jimt and
This summons Is served upon you
by publication by order of the Hon.
(Irant It. Dlmlck, Judge of tho County
Court, nnd snld order Is dated the
8th dny or February, 1910, and re
quires ymi to nppeur nnd answer tho
complaint within alx weeks after tho
date or the service or this summons
upon you.
And the date of tho first publication
thureof Is March 4, 1910, and the date
if the last publication !n April 15,
Attorney Tor Plaintiff,
In tho Circuit Court of the Slate of
Oregon, for ClnckamaB County.
Julia Catching, Plnlntlff,
U Catching, Dofendunt.
To A. I Catching, the above mimed
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you nre hereby required to nppear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In tho above entitled suit, on or
before Monday, tho 18th day of April,
1010, snld dnto being more than six
weeks from tho dnto of the first pub
lication of this summons, nnd If you
fnll to nppenr and answer snld com
plaint, for wnnt thoreof, tho plnlntlff
will apply to tho court ror tho roller
prnyed for In said complnlnt, to-wlt:
for a decree of this honorable court
forever dlHsolvliig tho bonds of mntrl
mony now and heretofore exlatlng bo
tween plnlntlff nnd defendant, nnd
granting unto plaintiff tho care, cus
tody, and control, or said minor child,
trgll Catching, and for such other.
farther nnd different relief as to the
Court mny seem meet unci equitable.
'I s summons is published by order
or Hon. O. II. Dlmlck, Judge of the
Coiinly Court, which order was
mm!" mid otitorod on tho 1st dny or
March, 1910, mid the time prescribed
for publication Is lx week, beginning
wllh the Issue of Friday, March 4lh
1910, and continuing ouch week there
after to ami Incluillug Friday, April
ir, 1910.
Attorneys for Plulntlff,
In (he Circuit Court of the Htnto or
Oregon, ror Cluckmiias County,
Martha II. Iluckley, Plaintiff,
Joseph Iluckley, Defendant.
To JnMi'pli Iluckley, nbovo named do-
In the name or llm slat a of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint fllod agnlnst
you In llm above entitled suit on or
before the 27Ui day of May, lillO,
anld ditto being the expirntlon of six
weeks from the diitu of tho flrHt pub
llcullon of Ibis summons, and If you
full lo appear and answer said com
plnlnt, for'want thereof tho plulntlff
will apply to thn court for the relief
demanded In the complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge
or the above named court, which or
der wits made mu entered on the
Mill dny or April, IUI0, nnd the lime
prescribed for publication Is six
weeks, beginning with the Ishiki of
Friday, April 1 5 1 Ii . HMO, ami continu
ing eui'li week then-lifter lo ami In
eluding Frldny, May 27, 1910,
T: 11. Me PBVITT, Jr.,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Htnle of
Oregon, for the County of CUtck
iiman StiHle Kiln Itoblns in, Plaintiff,
Frank W. Itnlilnson, Defendant.
To Frank W. Itoblusoii, above nam
ed defendant;
In the name of llm Slnto of Oregon,
you are hereby required lo nppeur anil
answer the complaint filed ngitlnsi
you In the above entitled court and
ciuiHo on or before tho expiration of
alx weeks from nnd after tho date of
the flrnl publication of this summon,
to wit ; on or before the 15th day or
April, 1910, and If you fall so to
answer, the plaintiff for want thereof
will take Judgment agulnst you for a
decree dissolving tho Ixmds of matri
mony heretofore and now existing be
tween you and the plaintiff and for
ii h other and further relief as to the
Court seems meet and lust.
This summons la publlKhed by order
of the Hon. J. IJ. Campbell, Judge of
the Circuit Court ot the Slate or Ore
gon ror tho County ot Clackamas, and
anld order was made un I dated the
25th day or February. 1910. ami the
date of the first publlcitlon of this
Htinimons Is tho 4th (lt.y of March.
I'.ilO, nnd the date of th t last publica
tion of ill la summons U. the 15th day
of April, 1910.
(ill.TNKIl ft SHWAU,.
Attorneys ror Plaintiff. 509 Commer
cial ltlock, Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court or the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Hester Morrison, plaintiff,
Cltiia. It. Morrison, defendant.
To Chaa. II. Morrison, defendant In
the nlsive entitled suit:
III the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of plnlntlff tiled
ficaltiHt you' In the above entitled suit
on or before the 2Nth dny of May
I It 1 0. w hich Is moro than six weeks
from the dale of the first publication
or this summons,! and If you fall to
nppeur and answer, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded In said com
plaint, lo-wlt: That the bonds of
matrimony between plaintiff and de
fendant be dissolved, and that plain
tiff be releusetl from nil duties and
nlillgnllons or her mnrrluge with de
fendant, nnd for such other and fur
ther relief as mav be Just and equit
able. l tils summons is served upon you
pursuant to an order made nnd en
tered lu said suit on the 13th day of
April, 1910, by the Honorable J. lT
Campbell, presiding Judge In the
above entitled court.
C. W. (1 AH LAND.
Attorney for Plulntlff.
Date of first publication, April 15,
1910. Dale of Inst publication, May
27. 1910.
111 the Circuit Court of the State or
Oregon ror the County or Clack
anias. Clara Richardson, Plaintiff,
Robert Richardson, Defendant,
To Robert Richardson, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the Slate or Oregon:
You nre hereby commanded and re
quired to nppenr on or before the
29th day ot April. 1910, and answer
the complaint tiled against you In the
above entitled Court and cause, snld
dnto being more thun six weeks from
Iho dnto of the first publication of
this summons, nnd If you fnll to np
penr and answer, the plaintiff will ap
ply to this Court for the roller prnyed
for In said complaint, to-wlt: For a
decree forever dissolving the bonds
of matrimony heretofore entered Into
nnd existing between you nnd plnln
tlff, and fostering to plnlntlff her
maiden name, Clara Gulley, and for
such other and further relief as to
the Court may seem meet.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication by authority or an order
duly Issued by Iho Honorable Grant
R. Dlmlck, Judgo of the County Court
In the absence, of the Circuit Judge
for snld county, snld order being tinted
tho 17th dny of Mnrch, 1910, and duly
mnde nnd entered in snld Court nnd
rnuso on snld dnte.
Attorney for Plnlntlff.
In tho Circuit Court of the Stnte of
Oregon, for the County of Clnck
nnina. '
Esther Hull, Plnlntlff,
John J. Hull, Defendant.
To John J. Hull, above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to nppenr and
titiBwer- the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled couTt and
cnuso on or before tho explrntlon of
six weeks from nnd after tho dnte of
the flrBt publication of this summons,
to-wlt: on or before the 22d day of
April, 1910, nnd If you full so to
answer, tho plnlntlff, for want thoreor
will take judgment agnlnst you ror a
decree dissolving tho bonds or mntrl
mony heretofore and now existing be
tween you nnd the plnlntlff nnd tor
such other and further relief tn to the
Court aeoma meet and Jut,
This siimirfona U published by order
of Hon, J. IT. Campbell, jt(Kn of the
Circuit Court or thn Hlul or Oregon
ror tho County or Cinckamas, mid said
order was mads and dated tlm 10th
day or March, 1910, and the dale or
Ihn first publication of this summons
Is the llth day of March, 10, and
the data of the last publication of
this summons Is the 22d day of April,
Attorney for plalnllff.
' Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given, Hint the un
derslgned, administrator with the will
annexed of the estate f christian F.
Vonderahft, deceased, has filed his
llnul account and report In the said
estate, In thn County Court of the
Slain of Oregon, for Urn County of
Clackamas, and the Ju'Iko of said
court has appointed Monday, May 10,
1910, at 10 o'clock A, M , at the Coun
ty Court ratlin In the County Court
house In Oregon City, Oregon, as the
time and place for the fn-irlng of ob
jections to snld final account and the
settlement thereof.
eiiAuucs w. voNiJicrtAiiK.
Administrator wllh tint will annexed
of the estate of Christian F, Vonder
lihe, deceased.
Attorney for suld Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas, l.ureiia King, plaintiff,
Ward King, defendant.
To Ward King. Un- above named
In the name of the Ktute of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and anawer the complaint tiled
against you In t he above entitled
suit and court, tin or before the ex
piration of six successive weeks from
I be II ml publication of this summons,
lo-wlt, on or before the 'joth day of
May, 1910, and If you fall to appear
mid answer, for want thereof plain
tiff will apply to Ibis court for the
relief prayed for In the complaint filed
herein, lo-wlt: For a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony hereto
fore existing and that now exists be
I ween- plaintiff nnd defendant, upon
the grounds of personal indignities
rendering life burdensome.
This summons la published in the
Oregon City Knterprlse by order or
Hon. J. V. Campbell. Judge or the
above entitled court, said order belns
made on the 13th day or April. 1910,
and the dale or the first publication
of this summons Is the 15th day of
April, 1910,
Attorney for Pliilntlff.
O. Address. G10-18 Henry Hldg.
Portland, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the state of
Oregon, for Clnckamas County.
Maud K. Shields, Plaintiff.
Samuel D. Shields, Defendant.
To Samuel D. Shields, Defendant:
In the name of the stale or Oregon,
vou are hereby required lo appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit on or be
fore the 21st day of May, 1910, that
being the last day prescribed In the
order of (mhltcailun of this summons,
and If you fall to appear and answer
said complaint the plaintiff will apply
lo the court for" the Teller therein
praved. to-wlt ; a decree dissolving the
marriage contract now existing be
tween you and the plaintiff.
This summons Is published In the
Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper,
for six consecutive weeks by order of
J. C. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court of the state of Oregon for Clack
amiis County, made on the Oth day ef
April. 1910. the first publication being
on the 8th dny or April, 1910.
Attorney ror Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the Stnte of Ore
gon for the County of Clnckamas ex
ecutor of the estate of Charles Hett
man. deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate nre hereby
required to present them to me at the
office of U'Ren & Schuebel, Oregon
City, Oregon, properly verified as by
law required, wllhln six months from
tho date hereof.
Date or first publication, April 1,
Executor of the estate of Charles
Hettman, deceased.
Attorneys for Executor.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Ore
gon for the County of Clnckamns ad
ministratrix of Hie estate of Jnckson
Knotts, deceased. All persons having
claims against said estate are hereby
required to present them to me nt
the office of U'Ren & Schuebel, Ore
gon City, Oregon, properly, verified as
by law required, within six months
trom the date hereof.
Date of first publication, April 1.
Administratrix of the estate of Jnck
son Knotts, deceased. -
Attorneys for administratrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clack
amas. Chester H. Bourne. Plaintiff,
Leora nourne. Defendant.
To Leora Bourne, obove named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled court and cause
on or before the expiration of six
weeks from and after the date or the
first publication of this Biunmons, to
wlt: on or before the 13th day of
Mny, 1910, and If you fall so to an-
swer, the plnlntlff for want thereof.
will take Judgment against you Tor a
decree dissolving the bonds or matri
mony heretorore and now existing be
tween you and the plaintiff and for
such other and further relief as to the
Court seems meet and Just.
This summons Is published by order
of the Hon. J. XT. Campbell, Judge of
the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Ore
gon for the County ot Clackamas, nnd
snld order was nude and tinted the
31st dny or March, 1910, and the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons is the 1st day of April, 1910, and
the date of the last publication of
this summons Is tho 13th day of May,
Attorney for rialntlff.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
dersigned has been appointed Admin
istratrix ot the estate of Alexander
Mantluath, deceased, by tho County
Court of tho State of Oregon, for the
County of Clackamas.
' And all persons having claims
against said deceased or auld estate
are hereby' notified and required toJ
present the same duly verified accord
ing to law, to me at my residence In
Oswego, said County and State, oft or
before six months from the date of
the first publication of this notice.
Administratrix of the estate of Alex
ander Maelleath, deceased.
Duto of first publication March IS,
' Nbtlce of Administrator's 8le.
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an order and license or the
County Court, of Clackamas County,
State or Oregon. I will offer for sale
at private sale and on or after April
lth, 1910, will sell to the highest bid
der for cash and credit, the 8W1-4 ot
the Ni:i-4 and the W',4 of the W',4 of
the NW1-4 of the NE1-4 or Section 13.
also beginning at the BEcorner of
tho SW1-4 of the NE1-4 of section 13.
running thence East S chs, to the
land ot Ed Rlpke, thence North to the
south margin of mill pond, thence
easterly along the margin of pond and
creek to the county road, thence N
19 degrees W 2.88 chs. thence West
10.01 chs. thence South to the place of
beginning, all in Section 13, T. 4, 8
It, 3 E., W. M. In Clackamas County,
Oregon, containing 57 acres, more or
less, which said described property
belongs to the estate of Relnholt
Miebs, deceased.
Administrator of the estate of Rein-
holt Mlebs, deceased.
Attorney for Administrator.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Fred M. Moyer, Plaintiff.
Jessie E. Moyer, Defendant.
To Jessie E. Moyer, above named de
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above named suit, oil or before
the 7th day ef May, 1910, said date
being after the expiration or six weeks
from the first publication of this sura-
mons, and If you fall to appear and
answer said complaint, for want there
of the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded hi the com
plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now existing
between the plaintiff and defendant.
This Bummons Is published by order
or Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge of
the County Court, which order was
made and entered on the 21st day of
March 1910, and the time prescribed
tor publication thereor Is six weeks
beginning with the Issue of Friday,
March 25th, 1910, and continuing each
week thereafter to and Including the
iKsue or Friday, May 6th. 1910.
Attorney ror Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court or the State or
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Anna George, Plaintiff,
John E. George, Defendant.
To John E. George, -the above named
defendant :
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby commanded to
appear In the above entitled court
and cause on or before the 9th day
of May. 1910, and answer the com
plnlnt filed against you In said CAurt
and cnuse. and for want of an answer
the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for the relief demanded In the com
plaint, to-wit: For a decree or divorce
dissolving the bonds or matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and de
fendant. This summons Is published by an
order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, judge
of the above entitled Count, made and
entered on the 24th day of March,
Date of first publication March 2.r,th,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County or Liacga
mas. Charles P. Hays, Plaintiff,
Elizabeth Hays, Defendant.
To Elizabeth Hays the above nameu
Defendant: In the name of the State
of Oregon you are hereby required to
appear and answer the complaint
or the Plaintiff filed in the above en
titled Suit on or before the 6th day of
Mny, 1910, that, being the last date
prescribed in the order of publication
of this Summons upon you and If you
fall to so appear and answer said com
plaint, tor wnnt thereot Plaintiff will
nnnlv to the court ror tbs rellet pray
ed ror In said complaint, to-wlt: For
a decree dissolving the bonds ot mat
rimony existing between Plaintiff ana
Defendnnt and ror such other nnd fur
ther relief ns the court mny deem
This Summons Is published by or
der of the Honorable J. U. Camphell.
Judge or the above entitled Court, and
which order was made and entered on
the 24th day of March. 1910. The
first publication of this Summons Is
Mnrrh 25th. 1910, and the last publica
tion therefor Is on May 5th. 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of Oregon ior
Clnckamas County.
Jessie Tyacke, Plaintiff,
George Tyacke, Defendant.
To George Tyacke, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon: You are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
agnlnst you in this suit on or before
tho 7th dny or May, 1910, and If you
fall to appear and answer, for wnnt
thereof, plnlntlff will apply to the
Court for the relief pr.ayed for In
the complaint, namely: For a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
between you and the plaintiff, and for
such other relief as may be mete
with equity. This summons is ordered
published by order mnde by J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the above named
Court on the 23rd day of March, 1910
directing publication In the Oregon
City Enterprise once a week for six
successive weeks and the first pub
Ucntlon hereof is March 25th, 1910,
nnd the last publication will he Mny
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Harvey E. Cross.
Removed to Rooms 12 and 13 Masonic Building.
Real Ejtata Abstracts Main Street,
Loans, Insurance. Oregon City, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State or
Oregon, ror Clackamas County.
Elmer Kelley, Plaintiff,
Llllle Kelley, Defendant.
To Llllle Kelley, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State or Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you on or before the 12th day of May,
1910, and If you fall to appear and
answer, for want thereof, plaintiff will
apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In the complaint, namely:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
mntrlmony between you and the plain,
tiff and for such other relief as may
be mete with equity.
This summons is ordered published
by order made by Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon for Clackamas Coun
ty, on the 30th day of March, 1910,
directing publication In the Oregon
City Enterprise once a week for six
successive weeks and the first pub
lication hereof Is April 1st, 1910, and
thn last publication will be May Cth,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Annie Conway, Plaintiff,
James Conway, Defendant
To James Conway, defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed herein
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the 14th day of May,
1910, and If you fail to so appear or
answer, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In the
complaint, to-wit:' For a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and defend
ant on ground ot desertion, also that
plaintiff be decreed sole owner In her
own right, free from all claims of de
fendant or the following realty situate
In the County of Multnomah, State of
Oregon, to-wit: Lot seven and eight In
block thirteen (13) Sullivan's Addi
tion to East Portland, now Portland;
also lot one, block two hundred and
eighty-eight (288) Couch's Addition to
the City of Portland.
This summons Is published pur
suant to an order of Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of the above Court, made
and entered March 30th, 1910, direct
ing the publication to be made tn the
Oregon City Enterprise, published at
Oregon Ctty, Oregon, for at least once
a week for six successive weeks prior
to said 14th day. of May, 1910.
The date of the first publication of
this summons Is April 1st, 1910.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, tor the County -of Clack
amas. Levi Stehman, Plaintiff,
George F. Barnard, Defendant.
County of Clackamas, ss.
By virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued
out of and under the seal of the above
entitled court, In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 23d day of March, 1910, upon a
judgment rendered and entered In
said ourt on the 12th day of March,
1910, In favor of Levi Stehman, Plain
tiff, and against George F. Barnard,
Defendant, for the sum of $941.01.
with Interest thereon at the rate of
7 per cent per annum from the 6th
day of January, 1910, and the further
sum of $90.00, as attorney's fee, and
the further sum of $27.50 costs and
disbursements, and the costs of and
upon this writ, commanding me to
make sale of the following described
real property, situate In the County
of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to
wlt: Beginning on the Southeast bound
ary line of the S- S. White Donation
Land Claim in Township 3 Pou'h.
Range 1 East, of the Willamette
Meredlan at the Southwest corner of
the Howland Donation Land Claim,
thence North 42 degrees 30 minutes
East 452.4 feet to an Iron pipe, thence
North 47 degrees 30 minutes West
1250.5 feet to a stone, thence South
42 degrees 15 minutes West 1152 feet
to a stone, thence South 47 degrees
30 minutes East 1250.5 feet, more or
less, to the Southeast boundard line
of said S. S. White Donation Land
Claim, thence North 42' degrees 30
minutes East on said Southeast bound
ary line of the S. S. White Donation
Land Claim to the place of beginning,
containing 34 acres, more or less.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
or said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
30th dny of April, 1910; at the hour of
10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of
the County Court House in the City
it Oregon City, in said Counv and
State, sell at public auction, subject
to redemption, to the highest bidder,
for U. S. gold coin cash In hand, all
the right, title and Interest which the
within named defendants or either of
them, had on the date of the mortgage
herein or since had In or to the ubove
descrtved real property or any part
thereof, to satisfy said execution,
Judgment order, decree, Interest, costs
and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon.
By R. W. BAKER. Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City, Ore., March
23rd, 1910.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice la hereby given that the un
dersigned executor of the last will and
testament of Peter Engle, deceased,
has filed his final account in said
estnte, in the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Clnckamas County
and that the Judge of said court has
appointed April 27th, 1910, at 10 o'
clock A. M. for hearing of Bald final
account and settling the same.
Executor of the estate of Peter Engle,
Attorney for Executor.
William Hammond
I Attorneyat-Law
Money loaned, abstracts furnish-
4, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
J Over Bank of Oregon City.
Deutacher Advokat
Will practice In all courts, make
collections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
T TH08
Probate and Realty Law Prac
tice Specialties. ,
Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple
t C. D
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
.. . ... ;
W. S. EDDY. V. Sn M. D. V.
Graduite of the Ontario Vetert
t nary College ot loronto. Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, bas located
at Oregon City and established an
of rice at The Fashion Stables,
Heventh Stmt near Main.
Both Telephones
Farmers' 13a Mall IJH
Clackamas County
510 Chamber of Commerce,
. Portland, Oregon. . .
Full equipment of maps, plats,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
E. F. 4 F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys 4 Counsellors at Law
e e e e m tttt
Wind Mills, Pumps and Hyra
lie Rams a Specialty.
Phone 2611.
Oregon City,
? 4 '.)!
Famous at home for Genera- I
tlons past; N
I Famous now all over the B
World. I
For sale by H