Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1910)
OREGON CITr ENTERPRISE, FKlIUY, APRIL 8, 1910. a ipii : 1 13 ;i - i -ft; ALCOUOL 3 PKK CENT. Avertable frrnsrsiriri CtAs simiiaiimjiwhxWJrtnwii: rtomolrs Diostionflimfiil noss and RretToniams nciiftr Opiimilorphioc iwrMiacraLl &OTARCOTIC. jiKrtfouikSKiinrxai WW w- Aniifrfl Remcdv rorConsfti Worms jCom-alsn$.rftnsa ncssandLOSSOFMXEP. FatSin SignararroT NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature to In Use tor Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper, TMf tiimvi mimiit, mtw tom errr. NEWS OP THE COUNTY ELDORADO. Easter was spent with a ball game at Mulino. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bullard spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wourms and family. Olis Jackson visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. Spangler the first of the week. Ed Howard and wife and Otis Mor ris and family spent Sunday at Macks burg. Charley Morris, of Macksburg. a brother to Otis Morris and Mrs. How ard, has been quite sick with lagrippe, but is better now. John Payne was helping C. Smith plant potatoes Monday and Tuesday. Gilbert Smith has rented a piece of land from C. Smith. Our school has closed. Otis Morris has gone to Macksburg to work a few days for his mother. Rob Bullard and family took Easter dinner at H. Wallace's. Curtis Helvey made a business trip to Will Jones Wednesday. Richard Davis went to the flouring mill Tuesday. Mrs. Ed Howard spent Wednesday afternoon with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Otis Morris. A few from here attended the fun eral of Bertha May, In Oregon City, Sunday. It's Th World's Best No one has ever made a salve, oint ment or balm to compare with Buck len's Arnica Salve. It's the one per fect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns,' Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands, or Sprains, it's supreme. Infallible fori Piles.' Only 50c at Jones Drug Co. J STAFFORD. After the rain of Saturday, when all : decided that April had played hide and go seek with March, we have: enjoyed ideal Spring weather, and the i farm work goes merrily on. One of the children of Mr. Kellar, spoken of last week as very sick, died Wednesday morning of a disease said to be diphtheria, making two they have lost within a few weeks with the same disease. They have the sym-; pathy of their neighbors. Albert Turner, a highly respected citizen of our next neighborhood, was' kicked by. one of his horses last week : and badly Injured. It appears he had just bought a new span, and one of the others resented the new comers,' as horses often do, and as he led them out past her she wheeled and kicked at them. It sprang back aud her vicious bepls landed square upon Mr. Turner, hitting him in the abdomen low down. He Buffered great pain for a number of days, but at last accounts was resting easy un der the care of Dr. Mount. His farm nrnrlr ll.c Irllo PYPCIlt fnf What OnC boy can do, and while he makes no complaint, one can see it worries him. The neighbors might get up a bee, and put in . his crop. The writer Is willing to help in any way, as we all know from experience that when the mind is at rest one travels faster to ward the land of Wellvllle, and he is indeed seriously burt. George Aden and wife are rejoicing over the advent of a fine 9 pound boy by the name of Alton Keith. Mrs. Waeblte, our old neighbor, is with her daughter. Mrs. John Aden is still confined to her bed. They again called in Dr. Mount on Sunday, when he returned from a visit to Albert Turner's. Mrs. Fred Baker returned home on Fridav from the bedside of her moth er at Cornelius, leaving her on the road to health again. Something has been killing lambs and chickens over east of here. A party of valiant hunters went for the "varment" last Thursday, thinking It was an animal of the cat kind, a cou gar or bobcat, but did not get a shot at it that day. On Sunday Fred Baker witn nls uogs went over ana got iu It proved to be a large coyote, and they say there Is another, a smaller one, over there which they are In nopes of getting in the near future. Mike Shafer's was the lucky shot that brought It down. A resident of this berg got up early to build a fire and stepped into the woodshed for more wood. It was still dusk but he saw a man with a sack on his back hurry around the corner of his picket fence from the direction of his granary. He ran In and drop ped his wood and hastened to the door but by the time he had It unlocked and was out, man and sack had dis appeared. He says the man might have come across from somewhere on legitimate business of his own, still he thought best to caution his neigh bors to lock their granaries and cel lars, so as not to put temptation in the way. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Peters visited at Wm. Schattz's last Sunday. The girls are secretely making their baskets, and boys and girls alike are practicing faithfully for their parts for the coming entertainment at the school house for the benefit of the library, which Is stated for the even ing on Saturday, April 16. Lome one, come all, admittance free. The girls are adepts at making baskets and also filling them with good things and the programme promises to be one of the best. Samson, the famous, of Ore gon City, Is to be the auctioneer, and you remember he promises to marry the young fellow free of charge who pays $5 for his basket. Mrs. Nemic had to consult a doctor again last week on account of her feet, which pain her dreadfully at times, caused, it Is thought, from hav ing to be upon them so much. Mrs. Powell is entertaining rela tives from Mt. Angel. had the pleasure of welcoming back Into the order Grandpa ami lirandma Noyvr, whom were connovtod with a Molalla grange sonic 40 years ago. Wednesday, April 13. will bo the date on which Clackamas County Po mona Grange will hold Its springtime meeting with Sprlngwator tSwige take note of the time and plact). J. W. Thomas has been appointed special representative of lue National Cooperative Realty and Insurance Company, of Washington. D. C: also a notary public for the StaU of Ore gon, It would not be a very bad scheme for Clackamas County to annex the oast one-third of Mullnomuh County thou our domain would have- att out let to the Columbia River, .lust watch old Oregon City crack a smile on the 9th of April when she Is to smile, as she never "smolo" be fore. There Is to be something doing In the "Old Town" so we are told; they are going to put on the new. For All Skin Diseases Dr. Hell's Antiseptic Salve is the best It Is a creamy snow white ointment pleasant to use and every box la guar anteed. Price S5c. At all dealers. WILSONVILLE. Joe Thornton has been the fortu nate angler, who has been landing the bass, this week. Mary Brobst. who Is attending the high school In Portland, spent Satur day and Sunday at home. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton entertained guests from the Rose City on Sunday last. Mcltrlde & Butson were busy soil ing real estate near our village on Saturday. Rev. Exon. of Tualatin, was in Wll sonville, on Monday. Mrs. J. S. names, Mrs. Agnew and other relatives from the East, visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. U Walters, our popular hotel people, on Sunday. Peters & Aden have taken the agency for the new "Simple Cream Separator." and have one of these labor savers on exhibition at their store. Mr. McDanlel, who bought the Blue place, has returned to his home at Billings, Montana, his son remaining here to take care of the ranch. John Angus is greatly pleased with his new farm near our village. Mr. Rothenberg was shaking hands with old friends here on Monday. We are glad to know that Mrs. Ire land and Infant child arrived In Wll sonville on Wednesday last, as this probably means that, Dr. Ireland is pleased with this location, and will make our village his home. The Basket Ball team la fixing up a fine lawn tennis court,' for out-door sport during the Summer months. If George Aden, the happy dad of the nine pound boy, that arrived at his home upon Wednesday, March the 30th, is as much "sot up" according ly, as Is uncle Henry of our village, he may be compelled to call in an expert brain specialist, before he can get down to common everyday farm work again. Mr. J. Seely and son, Ernest, left on Monday to take up homesteads in Central Oregon, and their many Wll sonville friends wish them success In this new undertaking. Alonzo Epler's friends will be glad to know that he is able to do some light work, in the electric business, at his brother Fred's plant, in Sher wood, and has made his home there for the present. Henry Aden, who went as a dele gate to the Laymen's Missionary As sociation, held in Portland on Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday of last week, reports a very enjoyable time. Mr. Aden was Impressed with the amount of Interest taken in this big movement by the leading 'business men of Portland, as over one thous and men sat down to the banquet, which was served In elegant style, in the spacious dining room of the new Meier & Frank building. Missionar ies from all over the world were In attendance and made splendid speech es, telling of their different missions, and a male chorus of fifty trainea voices, added to the entertainment of the guests. The exceptional a- mount of Interest In the Laymen a Movement, shows the great advantage of societies being non-sectarian In character. The Commercial Club of Oregon City Is certainly doing a good work at the County seat, and it is to be hoped that many of our people will take advantage of Booster Day, April 9th, to go to Oregon City, and hear the splendid speakers who are on the programme for that day, and by so doing keep in touch with the big movements on foot to benefit the County at large. Ijet us show that we are wide-awake to the interests of dear old Clackamas, by turning out en masse to boost one whole day for the best County, In the best Stale, In the Union. Tell Your Neighbors When In need of a cough medicine to use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. It is the best. Look for the bell on the bottle. MOLALLA. Levi Robbin's farm house was burned Sunday at 3:00 P. M., from : catching fire from the flue. Some of the household goods were saved. A. W. Robbing and wife were living In the house and were at home when the fire occurred. By givlnf alarm i Hie neighbors rushed In and assisted : iu savins the barn. Ouite a storm struck this section ; of the country last Saturday, shaking things up more than any blow for some t me. Last Saturday night the United i Artisans of .Molalla Assembly. No. 8J, took In .six new members and Molalla Lodge, No. 1S4. I. O. O. F., introduced ! three now members Into the myster ies of Odd Fellowship. Molalla j Orange, at its last regular meeting, Not Sisters Now and ajfaio you see two women past, ing down the street who look like listen. You are astonished to learn that they ire mother and daughter, and you realize that a woman at forty or forty-five ought to be at her finest and fairest. Why iin't it o? The general health of woman it to in timately associated with the local health of the essentially feminine organs that there can be to red cheeks and round form where there it female weakness. Women who have suffered from this trouble have found prompt relief and cure in the use of Dr. Puree' Favorite Prescription. It fives vigor and vitality to th organs of womanhood. It clears the complexion, brighten the yet and redden the cheeks. No alcohol, or habit-forming drugt is contained in "Favorite Prescription." Any tick woman my consult Dr. Pierce by letter, Iree. Every letter is held at tacredly confidential, and answered in a plain envelope Addrettj World' Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pret., Buffalo, N.I. Diarrhoea should be cured without loss of time and hv a medicine which like Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy not only cures promptly but produces no unpleasant after effects. It never falls and Is pleasant and safe to take. Sold by all dealers. CLARKES. Dr. Mount went through Clarkes with an automobile. Mr. Stagg and Mary Sullivan, from Oregon City, wore out to visit her parents, .Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan, on Sunday. P. Davidson Is out at Carl Stron green's. Willie Marshall Is working on his place. Alex Scherruble Is through clear ing for Sam Elmer. VS'e had snow on the 1st and 2nd of April and now are having beautiful weather. Alex Scherruble was In town last week. John Marshall left for Eastern Ore gon last week. Mr. Ilottomlller Is sowing outs. For Sixteen Years Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-Honey. Has been used by millions of people with per fect satisfaction. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma In fact all throat and bron chial troubles. ' m IF YOU'VE NEVER WORN SUCKER you Vp vet to Icjm the bodily c-imlort it qrvw in the wrttMl wNther mm ro AND OUAUANTtIO fcAriRMJOor At Alt OOOO VCWJ CAIALlM mt Portland to work through, tho um- mer. The baseball game between Mo lalla and Mullno last Sunday resulted In favor of Muliuo. li to S, Arthur Mallntl, whi has been work ing at Clear Creek, returned homo Sunday. A crew of men arc working on tho Molalla bridge putting lt i'w P'r under the north-end of It. Mr. Murray and rauilly spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Mclaughlin. Pan Graves Is busy getting his shingle mill ready to operate In the near Mure. Mrs. Oscar Daniel, who has been on the sick Hat, Is Improving slowly. Kill A Murderer. A merciless murderer Is Appendicitis with many victims. Hut Dr. King's New Lite Pills kill It by prevention. Thev gently stimulate stomach, liver nn.t bowels, nreventlne that clogging that Invites appendicitis, curing Con stipation, Headache. Ullllousnos. Chills. 25c at Jones Drug Co. MACKSBURG. VMwiird Burgess, of Portland, visit ed at the home of Mrs. J. J. Glbsou lust Sunday. tr.irmnn llimna h:is boueht a line buck skin horse from Roy Thomas. J W Smith, who has been III wltn the grippe. Is about well again. ir Mi-Anultv uncut Saturday and Sunday at his home In Oregon City. number of tho voting people gathered under the hospitable roof of Mrs nowrra for an Aor Fool party. the night of the first. Everybody hu,l a In v time but a Kent eman named Mr. Short hud the laugh on the whole crowd. There is to be a Uh- Institute at the Macksburg school house, Satnr v Anril .to. Good sneakers will bo tu attendance aud a musical and liter ary programme will be furnished by the scholars. The Macksburg ladles will prove that they are the best cooks on tne Pacific coast. Come everybody and have a good time. The Macksburg aim Aurora oase- ball teams will cross bats Sunday, April 10, at the Macksburg grounds. Both teams are in good shape and a rattling good game Is a sure thing. Every family and especially those who reside in the country should be provided at all times with a bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment. There Is no telling when it may be wanted In case of an accident or emergency. It is most excelluntja all cases of rheu matism, sprains and bruises. Sold by all dealers. MARQUAM. P. J. Ridings is at Woodburn so he will be close to the doctor. Homer Davenport, the famous car toonist, lectured In the M E. Church to a full house Monday night at Mar qua m. Miss Belle Gray returned to Oregon City last week. Mr. Nierson 8 sawmill, one mile north of Marquam, Is about ready to run. Miss Juell Marquam has been on tne sick list for a while. Jack Jones, our land agent, took some parties up to Howell Prairie to look at some land. It would be a good Idea If some of the large land owners would divide up their land In small tracts and sell It orf. Better for thom and the neigh borhood. The head engineer for the F. M. Swift railroad has returned and is ready for business again. Good weather prevails and every body Is glad. Your tongue Is coated. Your breath Is foul. Headaches come and go. These symptoms show that your stomach Is the trouble. To remove the cause is the first thing, and Cham berlaln's Stomach and Liver Tablets will do that. Easy to take and most effective. Sold by all dealers. the mud vnlvtt and that caused the smoke stack to explode. The fires were started In tho fur naces at the new mills Friday for the first time. Mr. DoiIro aud Mr. Dar ling did the masonry work. Mr, llalr, a murine engineer, recent ly discharged from tho navy for dis tinguished service boforo his term ex pired, and head engineer for the Scbnfer Milling Company, and again discharged for meritorious service be fore beginning bis Job, tried to leave the Impression on the minds of some that I lie Scbitfer Milling Company was not paying their men enough, S. Wright, of Liberal, was the first to go to the relief of tho Milling Com pany. There remains no doubt In tho minds of tho people but the company appreciates Mr. Wright's generosity. Forced To Leave Home, Every year a largo number or poor sufferer whoso lungs nre sure and racked with coughs nro urged to go to another climate. Hut this Is costly and not always sure. There's a bet tor way. It Pr. King's New DIs covory cure you at home, "It cured me of lung trouble." writes W. R. N'I son, of Calamine, Ark., "when nit else fulled and I gained 4.7 pounds In weight. Its surely tho King of nil cough and lung cutv." Thousands owe their lives and health to It. Its positively guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, UGrlppe, Asthma, Croup all Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Jones Drug Co. TIME CARD. O. W. P. Between Portland MRS. FLEMING PASSES. Clackamas Heights Woman Succumb To Attack of Erylpl. Mrs. Glnovra May Fleming, a well known resident of Oregon City, died at tho family homo at Chirkiium Heights Friday morning at 3 o'clook. after a week's Illness of erysipelas, Mrs. Fleming was born in Iowa. Jan uary S3, 1S..7, and came to Oregon City about 25 years ago with her par out. Mr. and Mrs. John Forty the, the former who died here uIkiuI 12 years ago. Deceased loavus an aged mother, Mrs. Forsytho, of this city, two broth ers, William Forsytho, of Ashlaud: Samuel Forsytho, of Oregrm City, and four children, Mrs. John Walter, of Tacomn. Wash.; Mis Echo Fleming. Harry and Arthur Fleming, of Oregon City. The funeral services were held Sat urday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the family home on Clackamas Heights, and conducted by Rev. W. H. Meyer, formerly pastor of the Congregational BEE HIVES Dmcr raoH racroav Made from Oregon Cedar Print UotmU Wt (1m auk Ponllrj Sklpstas Ca Prin list ssat rvaai WILLIAMS BROS,, tiro. LINT. On YOUR BOILER May try to asrt It Independence Mid explode Jutt to celebrate th Qlorlou Fourth. If you would avoid tuch trouble, lot u keep all your PLUMBING In good repair. Our work Is uniur ped. P. C. GADKE Tinning, Hot Air Furnace and Hop Pips. All Kind of Job bing and 8praylng Material. 014 Main St. Phqn 2654. OREGON CITY. church at Parkplnre, of which church Mrs, Fleming was a devout member. Many frlesds of the deceased attend ed tho services and followed tho re mains to their last resting 'place lu Mountain View cemetery. Many beau' tlful tributes wow In evidence. CATARRH. Quickly Cured by a Pleaatnt Germ Killing Antiseptic. The little llyoiiit'l (pronounced lllgh-o-iuo) Inhaler la mndo of hard rubber and can easily b carried In pocket or purse. It will last a life time. Into this Inhaler you will pour a few drop of magical llyouiol. This Is absorbed by the antiseptic Riiure within and now you am ready to breathe It In over the germ Infested membrane where It will speedily begin Its work of killing catarrh germ. Ily oiiH'l Is made of Australian euralyptol combined with other nntlaeptlc and Is very pleasant to breathe, It I guaranteed to- cure catarrh, bronchitis, tore Ihrout. croup, roughs and colds or your money bark. It clean out a stuffed up head In two minutes. Sold by druggists everywhere and by Huntley Bros. Co. Complete outfit Including Inhaler and one bottle of llyomol, 1100. And remember that extra bottle If afterward needed cost only t0c. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED. Th Government Pay Railway Mail Clerk $800 to $1300, and Other Employee Up to $2500 Annually. TTncte Sam will hold examination throughout tho country for Hallway Mall Clerk. Cutom House) Clerks, Stenographers, Bookkeeper. Depart mental Clerks and other flovernment Position. Thousands of appointment will be made. Any man or woman over 18. In City or Country, can get Instruction and free Information by writing at once to the Bureau of In struction, IMS Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. Y. 1'ave "Arrive 3' I I o u i t.uu inn Mo" OHO 7.S2 7:in 7.00 7 52 a.oo 7 30 M 32 K ilt) 8 00 still 11 00 X .10 U 23 tuio 9 00 o3 10.00 DUO 10.23 10..10 moo ior2 ii oih 10.10 1123 M HO tl.OO 1 1.63 13.00 11.10 13.23 12.30 1300 13.R3 1.00 1210 1.33 1 10 1.00 1 A3 100 1.30 3 32 3 30 3.00 3 112 3.00 3 30 3 23 3.30 300 3.(3 4.00 3.10 4 33 4 30 4.00 4 53 6.00 4 30 B 33 6.30 6 00 6 63 ti.OO 6.30 22 6.30 000 tl.A3 7.00 8 30 7.23 7.30 7.00 7H3 600 7.30 8 33 8 .10 8 00 8 63 8 55 8 30 9 32 9.25 9 00 63 9.65 9.30 1000 10.63 10.55 11 00 11 63 U.6S 13.00 13 4tt 13 60 lCIIVII DIVISION and Oregon City. Arrive , Tio 0 20 0.60 730 8.00 830 900 9.30 1000 10.30 11.00 11.30 13.00 13.30 1.00 1.30 2.00 $.30 3.00 3J0 4.00 4.30 6.00 630 6 00 0.30 7.00 7.30 8.00 830 903 9 33 10 03 11.03 6.46 0.2(1 (I 67 7.37 807 837 9.07 9.37 10.07 1037 11.07 11.37 13.07 1337 1.07 1.03 3.07 8 37 307 3.37 4.07 4.37 6.07 8 37 07 637 7.07 7.37 807 8.37 907 9 37 10.07 1107 045 7.20 7.60 8.30 9.00 9.30 1000 10.30 11.00 11.30 II 69 13.30 1.00 1.30 3.0(1 8.30 3.00 3 30 4.00 4.30 6.00 6.30 000 030 700 730 8 00 8.30 90 930 10.00 ii'oo 11.69 11.55 11.67 13.60 M3.6S To Mllwauklo otiljr. Trains for Kalrvlew, Troutdale. Gretham, Boring. Eagle Creek, Etta cada and Caiadoro aud Intermediate points. 7: 15. 8:02. 9:05. xl0:06. 1:05. 3:05. X4.05. 6:06. x0:06. 7:06. 8:05. Ml:35. For Gretham. x Gretham, Falrrlew mtd Troutdale. NOTE: Cars leave Eatt Water and Mnrrlaon itreets 6 ml nut ft later than eheduled from First and Aider 8u. NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF U. $. A. Etabllhd 1868. Over half million In fore out of Oregon City. DEATH CLAIMS PAIO PROMPTLY. A. B. Comb, Mangr, Portland. WOODWARD A SMITH, Local Repreeentttlvee, Oregon City. E. P. Elliott & Son All kinds of REAL ESTATE FARM, CITY PROPERTY A SPECIALTY Andreten Bldg. Oregon City, Or. MEADOWBROOK. The memory of man runneth not back to the time when real estate moved as fast as It has In this part of the country In the last few weeks Quite a nimber of our young men attended the ball game at Molalla be tween the Mullno and Molalla teams. This part of the country was vis ited by the worst wind and hall storm for many years Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Holman returned to their home Sunday. Mrs. Holman has been visiting relutlves for the past few weeks. Miss Pi n well made a business t rip to the seat, of government Friday In the Interest of tho tax collector. Mr. Alien, of Portland, has let a contract for a commodious residence to be erectid on Center Btreet, the Daugherty block. Mr. Allen expects to go In the mercantile business. Mr. lien I'erry had a narrow escape recently while firing tho engine ut the planing mill. He let the sleam run up until the packing blew out of Painless Dentistry ' ''Ci.' Oot of town ptopto (' iivpi uiftir pi mm ' . .find l.pi.1.t.M(lrir fit.. MULINO. March went out very lamb like, but April came in with wind and rain. Saturday was a very stormy day but the rain seems to be over for the time being, and everyone Is rushing the faim work. Seeding is pretty well along and the grain is coming up nicely. It is reported that Mr. Wlngfield has bought the Nick Darnall place near Lioeral. Bert and Fred Wallace are both working for Mrs. Scharff. ' John Carlson, who has been board ing at Mrs. Churchill's, has gone to .1,1 r'.W--1 LayiltasW. '- ' Itlaaatsamj iaiiil in one ir n firftiaairy , Wa Will fits you food U gold Of crown lor porffllatu $3.50 Molar Crowni 5. 00 22k BrldiiTMlh 3.50 Gold Filling! 1.00 Eiumol Filling! 1.00 Silvor Fillings . OU Inliv FiltiflM 2.50 jGood Rubbf - lalftt O.UU Btit RH Rub- - Oft. W. A. Will, rmtmwtmltouuM w r"1" J n nui ttrititnii rwmia ramiaii tilr'tioti ,gg WORK GUARANTEED FOR 19 TEARS PftinlflM atxtravHInn roe wha plmm or lirlJs work ion cannot umt tmtutm pa!nlM work don arwbera. All work fully gunr itjonlftrorl. OonsulUtlnn VriMft, D!nia work Annm artajhera. Ant!. Mrdnitil.-troiipmnt. Hmt mttlhotia. Wise Dental Co. Ftuxn-o BciLonra INCORPORATED tHiniwiriFTr: PORTLAND, OREGON mm KQVM: A. U. ft I M. fti4rt, I to X. TANTALUM A NEW ELECTRIC LAMP taliatlaliaaaia MORE ECONOMICAL THAN any carbon filament lamp. CHEAPER t and MORE STURDY than the TUNGSTEN can be used in HEY SOCKET Portland Railway Light & Power Company 147 SEVENTH STREET