Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, April 01, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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Northern Clackamas
(Continued From Pag 4.)
We Guess
Yotif Taste
' Maybe you think you're
hard to please or hard to
That doesn't frighten us
because we have more than
enough of good things b
Wearing Apparell for Men
and Young Men to satisfy
the most fastidious.
You will find a suit here
to your liking a wide range
of choice, including the very
newest effects and the
amazing feature is the price
Exclusive Clothiers for Jlen
and Young Hen
6th and Main Sts.
Agents Holeproof Hosiery for
Men, Women and Children
Big Tract at Sandy Sold.
Charles and Julia E. Hunter have
sold a tract of land In the Sandy
country to Herman G. and Annie Mul
lenboft for $20,000. The deed for this
land was filed In the office of County
Recorder Ramsby Saturday.
OAK GROVE Continued j
Mr. and Mrs. John Miller spoilt j
Tuesday and Wednesday with their ;
son, George and family. I
Miss Lena Warmers, of Pittsburg.
Penn., arrlvod Friday and will visit
her sister, Mrs. Harry Menslnger this !
Summer. I
Chas. Utgham shipped a coop of fine
chickens to the Portland market on ;
Thursday. '
Mrs. Ed Kins, of Sellwood, was vis-1
Itlng friends Thursday.
Two cars of sand ami gravel have i
Just been unloaded for Capt. Gray's j
new home on the Uiver road.
Mrs. Rice is building a beautiful
new home on her property on the Riv. .
er road.
Miss Sherman is spending a few :
days with Miss Bee Sherk before tak
ing her departure for her home In
the Kast.
Mr. U. A. Jahns gave a lecture in
the M. K. church Sunday. March 27 j
at 10:45 A. M. Subject. "Why the Sa-1
loon Should Go." A large and atten-,
live audience hearjl the discourse. j
Mary and Anna Webber, uaugniers
of J. W. Webber, are home for their
Easter vacation. They return Tues
day to "Mt. Angel, where they are at
tending college.
Mrs. Dr. Walker was a city visitor
Miss Gertrude Skorg has Just recov
ered from an attack of la grippe.
Miss Marie Duffy, of Mt. Angel col
lege, Is spending the Easter holidays
with her mother, Jlrs. Reed.
Easter services were given by the
Sunday school in the M. E. church
March's". Address by the pastor. Rev.
James Moore; duet. Misses Rose and
Lillian Pfeniger; recitations and Eas
ter songs by the different classes. The
church was' tastefully decorated.
G. W. Riley, of Ivenho, (WoodstocV)
paid a visit to his brother. J. H. Riley
and wife on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vanordan. of
Oregon City, spent the day, Sunday,
with Mrs. Wm. Holt
Prof. Buttler visited his parents In
Independence during the Easter holi
davs. Charles Whyte. while cutting wood
had the misfortune to cut his foot.
Dr. McArthnr was called and he
dressed the wound. Mr. Whyte will
be laid up for a few days.
A fine bred trotter, belonging to
Clyde Coughfin, got tangled np in a
barb wire fence and was badly cut.
T. R. Worthlngton was called and took
twenty stitches. At Jast reports the
horse was Improving.
Miss Eva Duffy, of Gaston. Oregon,
is visiting her mother, Mrs. Reed, for
a few days.
Base Ball.
The Crystal Lake team had its
last practice game Easter Sunday.
April 3d they play a fast team from
Portland and will have a game every
Sunday all Summer.
The Oak Grove Juniors will play
lilt? .miwaunur lui vju .. ,
2d of April. !
The Oak Grove Senior team will
open the season with a Portland team j
April 3.
Mrs. Roy Gilbert returned home on
Saturday, after three weeks at the j
bedside of her mother, who is serious-!
ly ill at her ,home in Rickreal. Ore-1
Mr. and Mrs. Debtric entertained
their sisters. Mrs. Spaulding and hus
band, and Mrs. Ellis and two children
at luncheon Sunday in the Grove in
their yard.
Mrs. E. Fisher and Miss Helen
Fisher, of Portland, are spending a
few days with Mrs. Walter Terwll
liger and family, on Courtney avenue,
before their departure for San Fran
cisco, their future home.
Ed Oland Is unloading a car of lum
ber at the station. He expects to
build a fine home on his property
this Summer.
Hart and Kurth.
A simple but pretty wedding was
celebrated at 2 P. M. Sunday, March
27. at the home of the bride's sister.
Mrs. Wm. Miller, wnen Emma Kurth
was given In marriage to Joseph D.
Hart. Rev. C. A. Lewis read the ser
vice. The bride was gowned in white
organdy and carried a bouquet of
white carnations. After the ceremony
a dinner was given to 20 relatives of
the bride and groom. The parloTS
were decorated with daffodils, ferns
and Oregon grape. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. J. Kurth; Mr. and
Mrs. W. Kurth, of Tigardvllle; Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Kurth, of Portland; Mr.
and Mrs. John Hart, of Milwaukle;
Mr. Walker; Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hart;
Miss Edna, Hilda and Larina Kurth;
Wilbur Beedeman: Mr. and Mrs. O. E.
Wall and daughter; Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Miller, and Gladys Miller. The
presents were numerous and costly.
The happy couple left midst a shower
of rice on the car for their new home
at George, Oregon.
Agents for Buster Brown Shoos
Agents for Standard Patterns
Week But Extra
Specials for Booster
April 9
Shoe Specials
Children's Kid Blucher Oxfords:
Sizes 6 to S
Children's Patent Leather Strap Pumps:
Sites 4 to 8 SI III
Sizes 84 to 114 St 2.1
Sties 12 to 2 St 4S
Ladles' Kid Gibson Tie 1 18
Ladies" Kid Pumps St 2.1
Ladles' Patent Leather Pump 2 (X)
Men s Gun Metal Blucher Oxford $2 .10
Men's Patent Blucher Oxford S2 .10
Post Cards Oregon City views birthday, floral
and animals, each te
Ladies' fancy parasols In shades of green laven
der pinks and blues to match Summer Suits...
$1 7.1. SI .10 and St 2.1
SlzeB 84 to 114 St 10
Sixes 12 to 2 St 2.1
Specials fo? Booster
Day Only
All Calicos light and dark to be
sulci Booster Day only CP yd ,1c
Irrldeseetit glass assortment all 15
and :"c piece Booster Day only.. . t()o
:33c Bleached Tublo Dynusk, yd.. 2,1c
Heather blootu petticoats $1.38 reg
ularon sale all the week If IKSo
Saturday only 7.1c
ladies' 25c black lace hose. Booster
Day lSe
Ladles' Corset Covers lace Bnd em
broidery trimmed. Special for Boost
er Day 2.1e
Others more elaborately trimmed
iO. .10 and ;e
Good quality spread 72x81 I tic hen, on
Booster Day, special price. ,. .Jf 1.1
Hemmed napkins per dot .lo
tine Scotch Jute Rug Booster Day,
Special :Ho
Nlrkel Safety Pins Booster day, per
doj ;o
Ladle' Handkerchiefs Regular 15c;
Ijiee ami embroidered Booster lny.
Three for !
Indies' While Wash Belts, pearl
bucket I.lc
No. tSO Fancy Ribbon Booster Day.
Per yd K
Fine striped dimities.....
. l,c and t2c
Plain white and fancy lawns and dimities
2.1. 18. !." Ml 10x
rffYDNl cotton hose .!. j,,. m nu nr;
.l""oY I SPECIAL Ladies' seamless cotton hose, Jvftlte feet . . . 1 ,"c
Men's fancy half hose assorted colors, embroidered dots
and figures, four prs .10
Men's shirts light and medium colors, speclul price. .."Jc
Men's light weight blue denim overalls with bib, special
price ."$.lc
.Booster Day
Oregon City
on Saturday
April 9th
Window shades light
and dark green... 2.1e
Window shade
fringed ;,c
The Celebrated V. N. Corset with cork protected
r Inapt ld and front supporter
St 2.1. l8e. H3 7.1
N. II. Corset all with front und side supporter
and long hip high or low bus! 8
Hose Supporter front pad four heavy elastic
strap! 2.1
Knit Underwear
ladle' Knit drawer, knee length, lace trimmed,
per pair 2.1
Children' klilt drawer, klieo length, lace trim
med, per pair 1.1
l-adles' nml Children' sleevelet veal .
3e and (c
Best apron gingham. Ile or brown cheek, per
yard 7
I'tlllty dre gingham, per yd UK
Sheer linen lawn at! Inrlie whit etpeelally nice
fur ahlrt walat, per yd 0
Corner dentil and
Main Streets
Muslin Under
wear ladle' Muslin Drawer. !ee and em
broidery trltunieil
:....io. :w. ;.l ! 2J
Children Mulln 'rawer
20. 18 '! l.'te
lailles' Mil I Iti Gown
SI III !M. H.'l '"' 0
Saving Opportunities in
The Quality Bargain House
Dainty white petticoats, well made.
tipntlv finished, fine material, ah,
sneelal values at 98c, $1.10 and up
Best quality Ladies' tan hose, justj
the right shane jor-D"'6 --
Pair i
Fine Indies' silk lisle hose, high
gran I', every respect. Worth 7.r.c,
our price 50c
vrira ftincv naiterns in dresser
p arfs. The prettiest you ever saw.j
Each c
Children's, youths' and men's black
t'.-nnls shoes, heavy soles. Buy
now at 65c, 75c and 85c
A variety of corbet covors, hand-
scinit t.attc-ms. finest nuallty Kootls
Splendid values at
15c, 25c and up to 50c
Ijitest f.tnrv nat terns in ladies'
turn-down embroidered collare, all
neat and dressy. We have th-m
for 10 and 15c
Men's and boy's cloth hats; a fine
hntifh of tin m in the very latest
shapes and colors. Don't overlook
this; we cm please you. Only..
1 25c and 50c
jMen's liKht underwear; we have It
now in all sizes, well made and
strong, per garment 25c
Ladies' Tailored Stilts at tremen
dous reductions at J. Levitt's. Some
as low as $7,50.
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets assist nature In driving all
impurities out of the system. Insuring
a free and regular condition and re
storing the organs of the body to
health and strength. Sold by all dealers.
Mr. John Bissett has resigned his
position at the W. L. Habermon store
and returned to his home at Newberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Shanefleld are mov
ing Into the Lodge this week. They
formerly resided at Salem, and pur
chased acreage here and work has
commenced on their new house.
Mesdames Fred Terry, of Silver
Springs, and Justin Pease, of Rlsley,
were Lodge callers on Friday of last
Mrs. A. L. Steinmltts and Claudle,
of Portland, took luncheon with Mr.
Wm. Rose and family, on Friday.
Mrs. Ida West, of I'S Angeles, Cal.,
is visiting with the P. D. Newell fam
ily and before her return home will
visit some months In Portland,
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, of Port
land, have moved in their little home
at Covell.
Mrs. Fanny Smith, of Canby, Is vis
iting with her daughter, Mrs. J. P.
Strain, and callinn on Lodge friends.
Messrs. Oo. Morse, of the Ixidge,
ontl Dill of Portland, drove to North
Vamhlll on Wednesday. Mr. Dill ex
perts to reside there and Mr. Morse
will return in two weeks.
Miss Ollle Rose, who has been gov
erness to Baby Norman Angnlns for
some time took him to Portland on
Friday, where he goes to Join his
mother at Prosser, Washington,
A number from here attended the
Easter services at Portland and Ore
gon City churches In the morning. In
the afternoon Rev. Shupp, of Milwau
vIp nreached an Easter sermon at the
Grace Chapel, which was beautifully
decorated with ferns, flregon grape
and Easter flowers, and a number
were present at the afternoon service.
In the evening a few families enjoyed
the East'T programme given at the
M. K. church In Oregon City.
Miss Ruth Olson and Baby Olson,
are at the home of T. .1. Spoouer,
while their parents are traveling In
the East. Mr. and Mrs. Olson will
visit for some time with Mrs. Olson's
parents in Nebraska, and MIhb Bt.ryl
Olson It attending school in Seattle.
Mr. H. C. Tozier has taken the con
tract to build a very pretty bungalow
for Mrs. Abe Labouwich, at Rlsley.
. Mr. awl Mrs, H. H. Emmons enter
tained on Easter with a dinner at
their, home on the Willamette. The
house was beautifully decorated with
Easter lilies and tulips and the fol
lowing friends from Portland enjoyed
the beautiful Easter day at the above
home. Mr. and Mrs. pearley Jerold,
Mrs. A. T. Spencer, Mrs. Sella Del
Mar and Mrs. Harvey, Mesdames Har
vey and Del Mar being week end
1 guests at the Emmon's home.
Mr. A. Gilmore, of Murphy, Oregon,
visited several days last week with
Mr. and Mrs. W. U Haberman. Mr.
Gilmore returned to Grant Pass on
Mr. Arthur Caddy is Installing a
Grey's motor In the Kmmon's launch.
Mr. Ed Wathls, who has been Indis
posed for some weeks is again able to
be out.
I Hf rhiiii Qtiinni has built a new
fence along his property on Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Palnton gave a
family dinner on Easter 4n their new
home. Yellow, being the color scheme,
was used In the menu as well as the
table decorations. Covers were laid
for eleven. Mr. ('. P. Morse and wife
and Mr. Geo. Morse being the only
members of the family who were un
able to attend the gathering.
Mrs. Wm. !toss, of Vancouver.
Washington, Is pending a few days
at their cottage here.
Uoardtnan avenue has recently been
opened up ae.ro'-s the electric line and
looking east f fjin the county road,
making one of the prettiest streets
or avenues at :1ns place.
Misses Ellen Hart and Helen Paln
ton were Oregi.n City visitors on Wed
nesday. The Easter demand for violets was
so great a number of women were
employed at th" Hyron & Jensen nur
sery on Fridav and Saturday of last
week. A number have been employed
also at the It-' z greenhouse budding
Ihe carnations.
Master Newion Strain was an Ore
imn rttv victor this week, having
' some dental work done.
! Mr. Walter p.eckner spent Easter
i Sunday with his brotlyr In Salt Lake
I Citv,' i'tab.
I Mr. Fred Cadke, a well known
! pluntiier of Ofgon City, was a bnsl
; ness caller at this place on Monday.
Booster Daj ptices In all Dry Goods
' at Levitt's.
Easter Exercises, Sunday. April 3.
There was a sale of personal prop
erty at the farm of Henry Cans. Mr.
Churchill Is residing at said jilaco at
The Bell phone was moved from (J.
W. Prosser' postodlce to the New
8. U. Gorbett hns moved Into Mr.
Horstman's house, near the cement
The cement plant Is booming.
Mrs. RntlllT Is back from the hos
pital. Her baby wag quite 111 also.
Ed Hawke anil Charles Austin have
a fine, largo launch on the Willamette
but they have a good deal of trouble
learning to manage It.
' The Oswego club met at the home
of Mrs. J. Hlckner, Wednesday. Mrs.
Henlnger had charge of the program.
A very dainty Easter luncheon was
A Summer Normal School.
, will be conducted June 27 to August
5, at Oregon City.
Instruction will bo given In:
I. Subjects required In Examina
tions for both County and Stale Cer
lllltates. ' 2. Practical Mel boils of tcachlnr
J various brunches of study,
j 1. School Administration.
Special Addresses on Educational
' Topics will be given by prominent
i educators of the Slate.
For further Information, ndilrens
Supt. Schools, Oregon City, Ore.
Remember Mesca Is a guaranteed
cure for Rheumatism In any form. To
advertise we will sell the largo $1.00
bottle for 50c until further notice nt
Huntley Bros. Drug Store. Call for
a sample.
town with till new automobile one
day this week.
Mlsa orletia Krnns came down from
Salem Saturday evening to upend Kas
tr with her folka. Mr. and Mrs Geo.
A full new barrel of the famous Old
Joe Gideon whiskey and x cases of
Martinet imported brandy have ar
rived at the New Aurora Hotel bar
The best of Mt, Hood beer always on
lap. (
r- - i . .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bean the
Dr. M. C. Strickland has returned
from n short buslnes s trip In California.
Aurora and Northern Marion
I Reaching the Top
i in any calling of life, demands a vigor
I ous body am! a keen brain. Without
health there Is no success. But Elec
trie Bitters i-. Ihe greatest Health
Builder Ihe world has ever kuown. n
' compels perfect action of stomach,
i liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and
' enriches the blood, tones and Invlgor
,ales the whole system and enables
:yoil to stand the wear ami tear (it
dully work. "After months of
suffering from" Kidney Trouble,
writes W. M. Sherman, of Gushing,
Me., "three bottles of Electric. Bitters
made me feel lkei a new man." 50c.
at Jones Drug Co.
George Irvine, of Milwaukle, was
visiting here Tuesday.
The Methodist church will give their
1 Wm. Henderson, f Portland, wihi
i visiting among friends In the city on
) Tuesday.
I David Yoder was over from Needy
Tuesday. .
Geo. Zolglar, of Barlow, was trans
acting business 111 town on Monday.
Mrs. Henry Yergen was In town one
day this week.
Mrs. Otis Smith and children re
turned from Wenatchee, Wash, the
latter part of Ihe week, where they
bad been visiting with friends for
some time.
A very serious accident was nar
rowly averted Tuesday evening to the
South bound Shasta Limited. While
going at. full speed Just before reach
ing the Pudding River bridge, the rear
trucks of the tender left the rails,
tearing up the lies and track for
about .100 yards. After being delayed
for about, four hours, the train man
aged to proceed on Its way.
Remember the big baseball (lance
Saturday evening, April 2nd. Music
will be furnished by the Aurora brass
band's full orchestra, consisting of
7 pieces.
Mr. Deckenback, tho Hnlom brewery
man, was In. town op business Wed
nesday. The Aurora1 brass band went, over fo
Buttevllle to furnish music for the
booster meeting 'of the Trl County
Push Club. The music was greatly
appreciated by the large crowd which
was present. '
Mary Voght, an old pioneer of Au
rora, aged about HO' years, died Sat
urday, March 2flth, anil was laid to
rest Tuesday In the Aurora cemetery.
The Hulled Telepliono company at
Annua und Hubbard will Klvu Sunday
service commencing April :i; hours
from fl A. M. mil II 8 P. M. Olllcti
closes promptly at 8 P. M. except for
doctors' and emergency calls. This
additional service will bo greatly ap
preciated by the many patrons of the
Joe Hill hns reslgnd tho position
as receiver of .the Kllngor saloon, and
Mr. Slnipklnsof Donald, will conduct
tho pluce,
Mrs. P. Zlmmerlng returned from
Portland M'ndny evening, where she
had been visiting with frlenibl for a ,
fow days. I
A crowd of young peoplo went np
to Gervnls Monday evening to attend
a dance and report a fluo tlmo. '
Henry Hurst was up from Portland '
Sunday to visit with his mother, Mrs.i
J. D. Hurst. i
MIsb Hazel Glesy ciunn up from
Portland Saturday evening to spend
Easter wllh her parents. Dr. and Mrs. :
W, W. Glesy. I
Clarence Bchenrer will run ono of
tho big nulos for Frnnls Miller this
Slimmer. He has been out on soveral
trips this week. 1
Next Sunday the Aurora ball tenm
will cross bats with tho Hirbbard team
on , the HuUbard diamond. A good
gatne Is expected, as both teams are
evenly matched nnd are practicing
hard. Harry Balr, of Clinby, pnsscd thru
Is the great incent
ive oword sav
ing money
We pay
on savings accounts
We pay 4 per cent
on terfificofes of
of Deposit
Is our motto
Aurora, Oregon