Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1910)
6 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, Fix I DAY, APRIL 1, 1910. MEAT IB TF E & KA READ OUR LIST OF SPLENDID BARGAINS FOR TWO. DAYS ONLY Friday asid atardsiy, April Stk and 9th SALE J3.75 Malleable Beds, steel anglo Irons . '',) $3.00 Woven Wire Springs, supported with 17 eopiered stevl springs, t ('( $3.50 Cotton Top Mattress, full size ' ,"!) $13.00 Maple Extension Table, five-Inch fir lop S 7 $9.00 Set of six Hardwood Dining Chairs, cobbler sent, well con structed ,"S $3.50 Cobbler Seat Uocker, oak finish, very substantial and handsome 1 J)S $9.15 Full sire Dxesser, 1Sx20 mirror ." ); $$.65 Morris Chair, oak frame. Imitation leather cushions ( 7!) $1.25 Child's High Chair () $22.00 Red or Green Crushed Plush Hod Lounge 1 ); $14.00 Handsome Ramie Sofa Bed 1 1 J) I $$.00 Strong Frame Velour covered Couch ,", ; $38.00 Genuine Leather Couch, all steel constructed, handsome ; 7(5 Standard Steel Ranges, ISinch oven, only 5 In stock ) Elite Steel Ranges, IS inch own t W 4 lid No. 7 14-Inch oven, cast Iron Cook Stove ( 4-lid No. S 16-iuch oven, cast iron Cook Stove ) X) Single Barrel Shot Guns, breach loader ; 7.1 Barrel Churns. Oak, No. 0 '. 7 If You Are Going to Build We will make you a special low price on Doors, Windows and Shingles. LINOLEUM. CARPETS and MATTING will have some very encourging features and will look good to you after you hear the prices. i j -n.-. M JjJLJ I 1 tZT I I i r If yoa want to do some fencing we will go you one better daring Friday and Saturday of the Booster week I'arrol Churns, 0;ik. No. 1 , '. ; J'J Two-pound Nutter Mold, square () ; Western Knimlng Mill, weight 175 pounds. This Is a general purpose, machine, you can separate ryo from wheat, oats from wheat, and buckwheat. cluiit and cockle from wheat, will also clean alfalfa, timothy and i-K-v. r seed (,() Cast Stool' WVdgos. per pound () ii -o Warranted Hand Saws ( Seavey Improved MUre llox. made of Iron anil steel, can be used with ordinary saw, lijht and simple () Heavy Hickory JVavIo Handles, 5 feet long () ) 1 1-4 one-horse Wagon, had light usage, carry 1200 jHiundii ft 50 Oregon Oak Matbvk Handles () ) Oregon Oak D, R Ae Handles () () 54 Inch Brass Curtain Rods, Sliver or Gilt Knobs....'. 0 O.l l.ace Curtains, 3, yaids long, js-r pair () White lied Spread, full slxe .' () -jj lC-lnch Meat Platters, decorated () CARPETS AND RUGS The Price Cutter has been busy in our Carpet Department $28.00 Axntlnister Hugs. 9x12 feet -J ;) $25.00 Velvet Rugs, 9x12 feet -J ; $70.00 Kilmarnock Rug. size 12x15 1 7 $35.00 Kilmarnock Rug. slie 9x12 'Hi ()() $1S.OO Gw)d Brussels Hug, 9xlti I.'MJT $15.00 Pro Brussels Rug. 9x12 ,4 )( $1.00 Administer Carpet, per yard , 4) J) $1.75 Axmlnlster Carpet, per yard J 3 $1.25 All Wool Ingrain Carpet, per yard () n;l $0.85 All WcKl Insraln Curpet, per yard () fjj $0.75 All Wool Ingrain Carpet, cotton chain : ( ( $0.65 Wool Union Carpet 4) $0.45 Granite lugruln Carpet.. () ;; (These prices do not Include sewing or laying.) j mi . 1 1 f 1 si .'.; Looks Like Hard Wood-Costs Less Wears As Umg cracks or m-vicon where dtist can ncrumulnto, no inlays or limrtls to work mw, wanner and nioro clastic to the tread than hardwood rMi if i I '-'V . r v RIXDORFER Parkctt Floor Covering 1 1 1' t tMt S IN KOI.IM i. the lu'nt utnl most sanitary floor covcrinjr for lx-dnxmis, nurseries, dinin;r rooms, lihra ries, hillianl rooms, and nil wml rtxinio in the house. l:i rills, 7vS inches wid, in heautiful In l.ii l. natur;.l wood desitms; economical, practically "unwearotitalile." ra.--.icr to clean than carpets tr hardwood f.-ors-tho id -al ll.x r coverinir. To-' itively the greatest t!ii:v: 1 . pro duced fur hotels, cltih.s, hospiuj.i, every kind of bilaiildin w lu re hard wear would put anything else literally "out of business," Great saving ns well. Special Prices for Booster Sale CLACKAMAS . (Continued from page 4) i"HWRV KiT C.fIlTHCDj an(l recitations appropriate to the of Mrs. Creesy, as the anniversary of VfAllDl nvi) jUU I llLKll i occasion. The music rendered by the , her birth fell on that day. The J choir was highly appreciated by the i ladies met at the Cobb & Dillingham .'large congregations. The pastor, Rev. , store about 11 o'clock and went In a IE. C. Creesy, preached an able and j body to the parsonage, where they I appropriate sermon at the morning found Mrs. Creesy busily engaged in service. Three new members were, ! her household duties. Of course these 'taken Into the church at this service, were laid aside, and the women took I Is qukkit iiort4. I Very artistic were the decorations of ; possession of the house. A delicious I Sms Rtut t Ones, j the church edifice, the work of the repast, which had been provided by 11 deanses, sooth., ladies who are interested in the ; those who so successfully carried out 1 l"al and proteda ; church. the surprise was served, and the re- , " niseosea mem. malnder of the dav was srient In nnllt-. orane u tln8.,r" V"" na A Reliable Remedy CATARRH ; Ely's Cream Bain Commercial Club W.ll Meet. , am, gewjng ra"pg .way .Cold in thellel qinekly. K-.tore. Great preparations are being made j were Mrg j Graham Mrs. A. ZeC. e T.te uad SmelL Full by the citizens of Canby for the meet-Mrs Marv Hoiicham Mrs John New- 5,0 cts. t DrngKi'U or by mail. Li.1Ujd inu of the f-ommerrial Club which ' . -Mary Hoiignam . Mrs Jonn .New j Cream Balm for u natomlz.- 75 . ing 01 tne commercial tiuo, wnicn ton jIrs schaffer, Mrs. Mani erv e, vlv m u-.. Krt v v,v will be held on Friday even ng. Apri I Mr9 Mnler Mr3 j s Dlck jr tljNBrotoersooi arren btreet, fiuw lore. look after his other property Inter ests. Can by Boy Ahead in Contest. Orlando Romig. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Romig, who has the exclusive j agency of The Saturday Evening Post in this city, is leading in the Oregon list In his class of towns in the terri tory west of the Mississippi river, making the greatest increase In sales foT the month of March. This boy. who Is a rustler. Intends to do his Hon is extended to all who are inter , . . .1 . . V. nAnna. nnJ In 1,11 r. .. .1, 1 .,$ Iha 1 . r 1' i UannU AhHamm. D -. .. . . - A .. i from all appearances, the boy is com-icounty. An invitation is extended to ,.,, ,ha , , ! to Oregon City on Booster Dav, April ing out ahead. He is 11 years old the farmers also and their families '. ' " ' , I , , . 9. ie "stay witn it" i residing in the outlying districts to ,, ., :";,. come and get acquainted and have a ", "inZ l . T ,'m,r" ,, ,r T-t r- ii nu.t. ' '"g at ;;f, o clock. Miss AnderBon, win .h t,hip nH the ipH. ! although she had been In poor health ; by C. T. Bates, the grocer, and Lucka i , if o- 1, v j 1 fr some time, her death was mid-. Bros., the butchers. es of the city are to assist them and j and wM a terr,Ue Bhnck (() hpr Qlickpns m h(,nHj i rmu C3 auu l ir-inin. i lie Jill frill rill i -., njn mi l 1. at the City Hall, when an invita- j William Maple. Mrs.' Charles Romig! and Ib possessed of the "stay qualities.' . Easter Services at the Churches. The Easter exercises at the Christ- iun church on Sunday were largely ' attended .both morning and evening. jtThe niorning subject was "The Empty ' b TornW One new member was added .;to t roll at the morning service. Appropriate music was rendered by the choir, and the chu(rch was prettily decorated. The services at the Methodist Epis copal church were attended by large congregations, especially at the' even ing service, when many who wished to attend, were unable to find even . standing room. The children of the Sunday school gave an excellent Eas ter programme, consisting of songs people of Canby and the southern part of the county are planning to go Canby Market Report, The following quotations are given umcers win De elected, organiza-1 ,ook place on Mn,lay af 12 O.cork at uon coiupieiea ana me worKiugs oi ( the Norwesan Lmheran church, Rev. Eggs. 23c; butter, 65c. Lard, bulk, ISc. Bacon, ranch, ISc to 25c. Ham. 18 to 20c. D. C. LATOCRETTE President. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON the club be placed in working order. ! c. 0 -Rosing, officiating. The 'inter There are about 30 people residing ; mf.n, tnol. nIa. , fhp Ynr,lg here who have signified their Inten-, Lutheran CPrnetery. There were many! Flour, valley, $M0, hard, $1.70, blue- u UI ""'"'"S uicniurrio wi , friends of the deceased attending, and 1 stem, it. 3a. club, while others are heartily in fav-1 tne many beaiUlfll floral tributes were I Cheese, 23c. or of the organization, and will prob- j tok(,ns of tne hKh e8tecm n whlch Oranges !oz; lemons 23c. ably become members. ! Msg AndPrson was held. ! Shorts, $3C p-r ton, bran $30, wheat. mm. yreeiy is b Ken oy surprise. , Hannah Anderson was born In Nor- $10 per Im. Rolled barley. $32 per ton. O.ns, new, $::m.h0. Hay, olover til per ton, cheat $15. Hops, contract, 25 to 2CC. Crape root a pound. Cascara hart- lc a pound. Sugar $(1.2.'j ikt sack. Rice, fancy, "c to c. Butter fat f ' flnlon sets. Mo lb. Cabbage, 3r lb, Hogs, best porkers, As Wadnesday was the regular . .a ;, s 1S6I.' ,, , ! meeting day of the Ladles' Aid Society Amic.A wlth h;r- par(,'ntfl sh(. r( j of the Methodist church the members decided to meet the day previous, Tuesday, and assemble at the home F. J. METER, Cashier sided at South Dakota for three and one-half years, coming to Oregon In j the year 1S91, making her home at i Canby ever since. She was a woman i j who was loved by all who knew her. j j and had a host of friends who learned I j with the deepest regret of her death, I land who extend their sympathy to the, I family of the departed one. She is ' survive! bv a mother, five sisters. Aim-i lusta. Anna, Amanda, Minnie and Ida. ordinary, income, land three brothers, Henry. Oscar, and! v,'a. Mcft J'c; mutton, 7c to fin dllchea nrc being dug by Sam Erlck son. Ceo. CI I her I. son, councilman, went to I'ortland Tuesday to attend to city business. The members of the progressive Euchre club receiving tho highest number of progressions for the season and winning prices were Mrs. WurM, ladles' lone hand and progression; (lentlemen'a lone hand. V. Ii. Tull: progression. II. T. Melvln; consola tion prize. Joe King. Mrs. Sheppard went td Portland Wednesday to visit her sister, Miss M. S. Barlow. Mr. and Mrs. Hong were visiting relatives In Portland the fore part of the week. Nearly half of our primary room scholars are absent on account of measleB. Misses Alta and Gertie Evans spent Easter with their parents. The girls nro employed In Portland. Mrs. Wurfcl went to Portland Mon day. Tho Ladles- Aid met with Mrs. Johnson Wednesday. Mrs, Bernard Merg and Mls Cora Berg attended the funeral of Miss Anderson In Canby Monday. Mr. and Mrs. (ieo. Newton returned homo Wednesday from British Colum bia, where they have been visiting Mrs. Newtoifs son, J. W. Spaulillng. hood who participated In the Easter Plrnlc. report the tlmii of their lives. They left In carriages on lam Sunday morning and spent tho dny on the Molalla Itlver. Mrs. I). 1 lloylnii spent Raster Sun day wlih her sister, Mrs. Henderson, of Oregon city. Attorney Fred Melndl, and family, spent Sunday ut the farm of ljixelle and Hon. Frank Hendricks has sold his place to Eastern parties. We also under stand that he has resigned his posi tion as mall nirrlcr. New line of Men's ami Hoys' Suits the beat thill can be hail at J. U-v-Itt's. Suspension bridge corner. 12cfjl2Mo; CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Transacts a Gnral Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M Office Both Phones 22 Residence Phone Main 2C24 Pioneer Transfer Co. Established 18C5 Sucessor to C. N. Greenman FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT ASD RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rates Reasonable, Baggcge Stored 3 Days Free of Charge Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER I-nrd, 1 8c Wellies, l.'ie. Pork Sansaf.'. l2'4c Beef Porter house, 15c; round steak 12Vic; prims roast, 10c; boll Ing meal. he. t" :c; suet, 5c lb; pork chop, ISc. egetable and flower seeds at Bates. Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 per . ' 'J(0t A Splendid Ovefall IXttZmA h&UMEESGt. Continuou. tuf iM K A " A m, GRANT S CO. I Alvln. Her father, O. Anderson, met his death by an explosion three years j ago. I All Are Getting Auto Fever. I The automobile fever has certainly ; struck the town of Canby, for during the past week three new autos have been purchased by residents of this ny, ,..m. ...lie,, are r.imempm.,, k . y(,ar A th(. m,W8 flf the Colnty Wait, "w. H. rialr, Grant Whlie all ; have new autos. The latter hns n : two passenger machine, which will ar ' rive in a few days, while the former ; men have two-passenger Maxwells, ! Mr. Bair Is having a garage construct ! ed on his lot at the rear of his house. ' The roads at Canby and vicinity are j excellent for nutomobillng. and It Is probable that before ihe close of the : season Canby will have more autos . than any town of its size. Will Show Canby Horses. Among the horses that will be taken Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A TWILIGHT. We are all satisfied now. The weather Is due; our crops are In, and we are all going to attend the Boost er Day at Oregon City April 9th. Miss Nellie II. Itlchnrdson, of Ore gon City, spent the week end with the Fnnlk family. Mr. Colwell h sporting n new buggy with red wheels, M. J. Ijizelle hits received from the supervisor of census, nt Halem, his commission as enumerator for dist rict 22, of Oregon. David Fnncher, whllo coming from Canby last Sunday, had the misfor tune of having n runaway. Tho new buggy, which had been purchased n few days before, was a complete and total wreck. Many peop from this place attend ed Grange nt New Era on last Satur day, All report a good meeting, Mr. Fred Clilnn, of Central Point, wan calling on friends here Inst Tuesday. The young people of this neighbor Every Bottle Is Guaranteed Kvery bottle of Dr. Hell's I'lneTnr llnney Is guaranteed to Rive satisfac tion In all throat and bronchial troubles. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned ns administrator of the es tate of Jobanne Harms, dercaxed. has filed his tliml account as such admin istrator In the County Court of Clack amas County, Oregon, and the Court has fixed .Monday the 2d iluy of May, 1 rt 10. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M of said day as the time for settling the said estate, and for the hearing of objections thereto. Dated March 2.Mb, lftlO IIKNKY I). ilAllMS. Administrator of the estalo of Johnn ie' Harms, deceased. COKDON K. HAYES, Attorney for Estate. Notice to Credlton. Notice- Is hereby given that tho un dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the Htate of Ore gon for the County of Claeknmns ml mlnlstrntrlx of the entatn of Jui-kson Knelt, deceused. Alt persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to lux at the oftlce of IfHi-n A Hchuebel, Ore. gun Cliy. Oregon, property verified as by law required, within six imuitln from the date hereof. Dale of first publication, April 1, 1!I0. M. A. KNOTTrl. Administratrix of the eatate' of Jack son Kno'ts, deceased. cuen a HnirnniTT Attorneys for administratrix. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly aPKlnted by the County Court of the HtntH of Ore gon for (he County of Clackamas ex ecutor of th omalo of Chartcx II. It man, deceased. All persons having claims ngaliiKt said lale are hereby required to present them lo me nt the ineo of U'lten ft Sehtiebel, Oregon City, Oregon, properly verified as by law required, wlthin hIx mouths from tho data hereof. Dute of first publication, April I, 1010. HENRY HETTMAN. Executor of the estate of Charles Heltman, deceased. M'HICN ft 8CHUEIIEI,. Attorneys for Executor. C. J- HOOD MAX BOLLACK BUILDERS' SUPPLIES CO. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH,' FLOORING, CEILING, FINISH LUMBER, ETC., DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULD INGS, PLATE GLASS, ETC. Give Us a Call Bring Your Estimates-We will Save You Money Corner Main and 14 ih Streets OREGON CITY, OREGON Hm-lllc Main 1 12 Home U -Jhi I BARLOW. I Hair Tonic ' Prepared Shampoo 75c per Bottle 25c per Jar E. K. Ekern, and family, who have been resldentH of this place for the past five years, left Monday for their old home at J,ike Park, Minn. Their manv friends here are sorry to see them have, but wish them success, 1 The Only Guaranteed Cure for Diind- to Oregon City on Booster Day to j We are sntlWied they will soon be j ruff. Itching Scalp, Dry, Oily or Fulling' enter for prizes and that will appear i frozen out or driven out by thunder Hair. "Made In Oregon," If anything In the horse parade are Satin Uoyal ! storms and will he glad to return to on eurth and two colis belonging to Stonewall Oregon and dwell among the Webfeet. wll . .p vnMD uaip rpnu Vaughan, and the two trotiers belong- C. W., who exchanged East- VVIL1- "I'"1" TUUM IjKUW Ing to Andrew Koeher, the nacer, I ern property for Mr. Ekern's ranch. I This Tunic Will Do It If used hh ill- Blonde Royal, belonging to W. H. ' took possession Monday. Welcome, , reeled. If used in one way It will Jjicke, besides several others, which Mr. and Mr. Oathout. will be in charge of Lute B. Lindsey, The Cllee Club met with Albert the oldest horseman on the turf at : Ansre Thursday night. present, and his son, Sim Mndsev. (ieo. Ollbertson has orected a new .Mr. jjnosey and son are training 17 r building, which will ne used for a thoroughbreds on the Fair grounds at Canny, and It Is probable that, some of these hoTses taken by the Llndseys, Locke and Mr. Vaughan will carry butcher shop by E. Mob and Mr. Nel son. Fresh meat will be on hand at all times. i The city council has let the con- off some of the prizes. Many of the , tract for the water mains, and the perlor Liquid Shampoo. make the most harsh and stubborn hair soft, pliable and glosijy; unother will make oily hair crisp and (lossy. Instruction,! and good pay to demonstrators. Herbi Mfg. Co,, Mllwaukie, Ore. Send 2-cent stamp for Sample Sham poo Paste. Makes several ounces Bu- Dements Best FLOUR $1.80 PER SACK AT ALL GROCERS. Careful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street i