Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1910)
OREGON CITY lOTJSKI'JBE, ; W DAY, -1, 19)0. 5 J LARSEN St COMPANY Cor 10th A Main St. OREGON CITY, 0BEQ0N. Wholesale and Retail I GROCERIES f m m. i -v rv r. aim irn. ' T AINU I'KUUUU: I LAND PLASTER Hoy, Groin, field, flower and Oar den Seeds. 1 WE PAY CASH FOR COUNTRY PROCUCE ! t LOCAL BRIEPS Dr.v U Q. Ico, Dentist, Room 17 and II, Masonic IllttK. Attorney II. IC Croa U In Cotiilun, Oregon, on legal business. Ki County, Anr J. F. Ni'lnon, of Mulliio, was In Oregon City Hutiir diiy. N. It Uuitf returned frm Hun Fran. lt', Cnl., on Hundity evening, after n litiliiea trip of severul wnek. Mm. ('. Hihueliol, who underwent Mill Kli'ul olinrntliiii at the HI. Vincent's Htmpluil liint twli, lii Improving, Idilln Kuwti'll, formerly of Molnlla, lull now teller ((. tlm Hood Hlvxr Hunk, was In Oitinoii city Hntunlny. Tilt' MU' Florence mil) Mildred Whiik, of Canity, visited with llii'lr nut, Mm. T. V. Gary, nt WlllnniHIo on HuiKlny. Theodore OxiihhkI, who has been very III nt il hointi on Eighth and Vlilni!t(in utrmii, hn been taken to IIik lioiiiii In I'ortlniiit. Charles W. Nolilllt, of Needy, ar rived In Ori'Kon City Friday, wlmro he will spend a few tiuyi with hi ilnniili' ter, Mr. M. J. Morclninl. Kor moili'rntu priced trim iutt lint mil at Ml Cell (Inliliniltli n. K Kenneth Stanton, of the Willam ette I'ulp k l'ii"r Co.. left Thursday ... .. . . .J o ------------- Mother's Specific For Indigestion Was a cup of Hoi Water sipped before breakfast. This insipid remedy brightened her days, but now she secures the same bene fits from a cup of Pyramid Ceylon Tea Its delicate aroma; Is delicious. Try it. A 10c package makes 40 cups. H. Y. MILLER 3000 Pairs Sample Shoes NEW SPRING OOTWEAR THE PICK AND CREAM OE THE SHOE WORLD WRIGHT'S Posttvely NO BRANCH HOUSES in Portland Portland's Busiest Shoe Shop For Women $2 00 PAIR "NEVER PAY MORE THAN THESE PRICES" These Shoes Are Regular $3.50 and $6 Values Open Daily 3 A. M. fo 6 P. M. Open Saturday 5 A. M. to 10 P. M. WUKGHTS SAMPLE SHOE SHOP SIXTH PLOOR OREGONIAN BLDG. , ' Rooms 600-60 1 -602-603-6032 TAKE ELEVATOR fur Him Filiiii'lHco ( Im present at tint marriage, of III brother. Mm. J. (!. I'liililock, who linn been III for several wiii'lm nt linr hmnu In OlinlMtiMi", loft Monilny nlKlit for lhg IIkiioIi, WiihIi.,' wliorii bIiii will vlnll wlili hr mIhIit in liiw, Mrs, W. K; D"d- lllltll. .lunl slop In Jluiitlcy' Drug 8lor mill try Mo-ca, It In guiiriinloiid to cure nil blood polHon, Uirgn. $1.00 bottle: now for BOo. Tim I ' I-1 1) el ii 1 ' Association, w li It'll will hit hold III HiIh city April U, him ln'i'ii offered th ii (.'oiiiinoroliil Club rooiim for tlin mooting. Tim pro- giiiiiiiuu In In charge of Prof, Tooze. Mm. Juhii (lloii'ion mnl daughter, Mis Minnie, li-fl WiuilieHdiiy for Cnl Ifiirnln, where they will visit with frlmid. Ili'forii returning to Oregon tlmy will vlMlt In Chlco, Frosiio.eHnn Frani'laco mnl Ivm AiiK"e. Thnl clever pnrrhiiHii of a IiIk Htm of samp!" con I h for children hy J. 1'Vllt ill one-third Ion tliiin wliolo- mill', olTorilH tlm limit buy ever brought to Oregon Cliy, Priced for IIikiuht ny nt i.U mnl up In Mm. I). A, HlumioiiH, of MluniMii lis, Minn., In vIhIIIiik nt Ihn lionia of Imr liimliiiiiil't coiinIii, Knmk Moore, who ihiicIiiihimI tho A. W. Chi'lioy plum nt (iroi'ii I'ulnif Mr. Hlniinonii In In Konri'li of In-ill III unit oxpi'flH to flnil It In tho nplmitli cllmntu of Ore i lion. j We Kiuirniiii'ii Hulln'rliiiiil' KiikI" I Kyo Hnlv tn euro roinmoii mir yi In 24 to ,111 liniiiii. Thin i'nm HtrntiK". ' Inn it in imi'ki'il ny nitr giiHiiiiinti You run no rink und It only cokih zoc. WhIiIo Caulliilit will lMivt Din latter pltrt of llilN wik for Mfltulon, North )ukotn,'wliirn tin will j iiiployiil hy ihn Conlny I'ortur CoiiHtrurtlon Cninminr. Jnrk Cttiulclil, a lirolhi-r of Wnltlo CnuflKlil. In bIno employiM) liy lliU roinpnny, IiuvIhk boon ntntloii. ml nt Mnnilon for Dm punt four yinm. tint unit of thonn iH'nutlfiil IiiiIn at IiioiIitbKi prlri'i t Mini OoMnmltll'i. John IJiti'll, of Diiytnn, Or., In In ihn clly vlnltliiK hln ncphi-w. fihnrlff It. II. It'iillo. Mr. IJM..II, who In 72 yxnm of uk', rninni( tlin pliilim from town In I Hi: mnl thn-n yi'tirn lutir h rt'tiirnml lo hi town hoinii. Ilu ift"r witriU went lo Kminn ami wan thuru .12 yinrn. Unit July n cninu Imrk to Ori'Kon mid lovutMl In Yumhlll County. Cnpinln Jumi' I. Khnw, roiiiuiHiiilor of tlm ilitpiirtniiMil of On'Kou, tiriuul Army of tlm Ki'pulillr, ri'tiirnml Krl dny nftiTiioon from an oti'iidfil trip through WfHlorn mid Houilii-rn Oro Kim, whern h lnnMrti'd many (irnnd Army I'ontn. In ("vory town ho vImII 'il pnhllc nilliiKN "nrn Iii'M mnl nil-dri-iini' of tlin pntrlotlc rhararlor with Klvi'ti ly rnptuln Hhaw, who In thoroiiKlily niillnfli'd with thi nnrri'HN of the iiii-olliiKn. OREGON CITY For Men $2 50 paaR "NEVER PAY MORE THAN THESE PRICES" Boom Your Own Town. Bulneii will proiper Only when the peoplo Of the community Make a united effort. Your baiineii depend On other' proiperity. Unlet we work together Remit are diuppolnting, Only thoie prosper 'Who patron are proiperon. Nothing1 luceeed like lucceut Town thrive and floariih Only when they deerve to When their own people Neglect no opportunitiei. I SOCIETY Milton I'rlcc him chnrnn of a or In I (Iiiiich whli'h will bii Riven on 8utur dny i'Vi-iiIiik. April 2. In Armory Hull. Kiiriiii'r' orchentra will furnlnh tho hiiihIc for the aflnlr. County fiurwyor Bii'plu-n A. I). Hun- Kill1 u nmrrli'd In thin city Wi'dm-N-dny afternoon lo Mm. Mnry T. f'Wln, County JiiiIkm (Jriint II, Dlmlck, offl I'lllllliK. Mr. llllllKHto hllH heen a hach dor for nuuiy yearn, hut hai at Innt fallen a victim to tho wllce of Dun Cupid. ArrniiKeini'iitn nre rompleto for tho moiilhly Hiippi-r of ihe Men llrolher- hood In tho Klrnt ConKreKiitlonul rtiurrh next Tuemliiy vvenltiR. Speech- en will ho nindn liy J. II. Ackerman, mate iiM-rlnt'Hileii( of public Inntrtic Hon, mid II. Ia'o I'uRet. of Onk Crovp. The ranttlnm Club, of Olailntonc, will render vocal Belectlonn. Chnrlen A. Miller will kIvp a n'mllnn and munlc will he furnlHliiMl by tho I-on DenlJir- ie orchentra. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A STAFFORD. lCimter dny wna pli-nnuiu all day therefore wo know, according to all precedenl, wo are untitled to nix wocka of plcmtant weather, aud the local dealer will come short on their ogrn thin woolc. Joo .Senile In iliKKlnR imtatoen on Mr. Weddle'N placo, for throo-thlrdn of what ho IJniln, and I turning out quite a number every day, which ho hauls homo for ripiI and food, while tho ynuiiKor brother, lonlo. ban nearly all tho ground plouKhod and seeded, and tho two hoyn will now cultivate tho hopn, from whlrh thoy mado $1SU0 Innt your mid hopo to do an well this your. Adolph Dolkar has hln now house nearly painted. In plouKhlni; one of hln fields, MY. NiiHsham recently ran uiwin a rock five feet In dlnmoter almintt Imboddod In the Krounil. and an he nevor hnd hit It before tho logical conclusion Is that It numt linvo been a motoor. Itoadn are In oxcollent condition, and Silporvlaor SchaU haa the ncrap or at hnnd to niako aomo spot bettor. It In reported thnt Mr. Kellnr'a child ren are alck again, and out of nchool. Mark linker, tho expert nheon and goat shearer, sheared tlm Dolkar goats thin week. I. J. Ongo and little dnughter ar rived quite unexpectedly at tho old home on Monday for a few days visit and while thero the son ploughed a part of the garden and plnnted early potatoes. The son brought a turtle, which Is quite a curiosity to most of tho school children, as they are not found In this part of tho. country. Mr. and Mrs. Toombs visited at the finite placo over Sundny. Mm. Fred nnker la still at Cornel ius In nttendnnco upon her sick moth er. Mrs. Aden In quite 111 again. Tho voung people of this place are rehearsing for an entertnlnmont and banket social for April lfith. Fur bargains, see Levitt. Forced To Leave Home. , Every yenr a largo number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. Hut this Is costly and not always sure. There's a hot- tor way. Let Dr. King's Now Dis covery cure you at home. "It cure,c mo of lung trouble," writes W. R. Nel son, of Calamine, Ark., "when nil else failed and I gnlnod 47 pounds In weight. Its surely tho King of nil cough and lung cures." Thousands owe their lives and health to It. Its nosltlvoly guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, JUiOrlppo, Asthma, Croup all Throat and Lung troubles. 60c and $1.00. Trlul bottle free at Jonoa Drug Co. I TAKE THE HINT j You can get the best that money can buy If -ou buy of I our new atock of canned Table Frulta. They have the dellclv I ous, ripe flavor. t at HARRIS' GROCERY i preaon City. . J OREGON CITY CASH GROCERY Cor. 7th and Center Cheapest Place in Ore gon City to Buy Groceries COME IN INd'gET PRICES Field and Garden Sctdi at Wholesale i'ruei II. J. Bigger & Sons FISHING SEASON IS WIDE OPEN FRIDAY BEGINNING TODAY DISCIPLES OF PI8CATOR MAY RAMBLE IN THE 8THEAMS. Klnhitriuen who hnvn not secured li censes from tho County Clerk to fish in tho state will be Hnhlo to arrest when finhlng season opens, April 1. Following la a sumn nr of tho tlntilng law of tho state: IleginnlnK April 1 snd continuing until November I, may be taken with hook and line. Trout, salmon trout aud ban, however, may not be caught In any other way. It la un lawful lo catch trout es than six Inchon long and not mora than 75 may bo caught In a day. In Klamath Coun ty, howover. the limit In 25 trout In a day. or not more than 20 poundn. it Is unlawful to fish at "iKht, and unless trout are rained In raplidty, their sale In prohibited. In Itker County trout fishing doea not open at the same time as In the rent of the state, the season being cloned until July 1. 1n Link nlvor. Klamath County, the clos ed season extends to September 1. Finhlng with hook and line in tne Hogue River Is n-nnlnsablc at all time. The neanon In alwayn open for sal mon.froui and bans. The use of dy namite, gas or polhon Is forbidden by law. , Kneels! laws have been framed gov erning salmon flnh!nir. No salmon Iors than 12 Inches long may be taken, ana tho spear, gaff and foul hook may not i,e used North of Willamette Falls nt Oregon City no hatmon fishing In allowed from Mar.h 15 to -April 15 at noon. The season clones again June IS nd extends to November, bourn of the falls no salmon flRhlng Is per mitted at any time except wun noon and line. It Is ! unlawful io nsn within COO feet of a fish-way or nsn- ladder. Rav. If vou have got kidney or blad der trouble, call at Huntlev's Drug Store and got a large $1.00 bottle of Mes-ca for 50c. - Delegation ForAlbany Convention. Thomas F.'Rvnn. J. XT. Campbell. .loli W. Moffetr John F. Clark. Grant n. Dlmlck aud A. Shewmnn have been named as a delegation from tne Oregon Cltv Commercial Club to at lend the big open-river and freight rate convention to be held Bt Albany, Thursday. April 14. Othor members of tho Commercial Club mny attend nnd'delegatlonn are expected to go from every point In the Willamette Valley. The Mes-ca man will give free treat ment of his medicine at Huntley Bros. Drug Store until further notice and sell tho large $1."0 bottle for 50c until further notice. Kvery bottlo guaran teed. Call for a free sample. He's From Missouri; Vou Have to Show Him. Governor Folk Is from Missouri. He's regarded as a grotty good citizen himself. See what he says about a certain sort of citlMtn: "I do not I'tllav in the mail ord.r citizen. IT. IS BETTER THAT WE SHOULD HAVE A THOUSAND TOWNS THAN ONE LARGE CITY. If a placs Is flood enough for a man to maks his money in, It ctrtsinly should be good enough for him to sptnd hit money in. Th merchants 1,-ive a Just right to all th buiineas of tf?e town In which tho have their stores, and every good citizen will help them to get it." Did you ever see a FINE LARGE) FACT so almpiy stated? Vou csn't sow tMstl.-s nd tK. rttpliis. Ilyour'tnt JfJtL. Ferry's Sd you ycllV row exactly what J ' J X you expect tno JTT fjV ZflW study and JwA. wjy'Kjmr experience fAffv nuke them re- A S3k. WaT tiahle. For site r 10 W everywhere. Ferty'e ' V TT 1910 teed Annuel p V tree on request i. n. mar a ca. f DetreU, Hick. (' I is I If L 6 f r5 V I ' ' HOMER DAVENPORT, world famous Cartoonist, who lectured here last Wednesday under auspices of the Woman' Club. CITY TO CELEBRATE THE GLORIOUS FOURTH COMMERCIAL CLUB WILL PUSH MOVEMENT TO OBSERVE NATIONAL HOLIDAY. Celebration of the glorious Fourth (it July will he taken In hand this year by the Commercial Club of Ore gon City and the Board of Governors will take definite action at IU meet ing next Monday night. Committees will be appointed to take charge of the details of the affair and It la ten tatively planned to have the greatest Fourth of July celebration Oregon City haa ever seen. There has been no celebration here for three years, and the Roard of Governors of the Commercial Club believe It la high time for Oregon City to be up and doing and take a leading part in the celebration of the National holiday. Prompt relief In all cases of throat and lung trouble If you use Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. Pleasant to take, soothing and healing In effect Sold by all dealers. A Lot of Influence. Th following aiieidute well Illus trates the exulted position Sir Wilfrid Laurler oceupiea lu the minds of the teas educated French Canadians: Some years ago an Illiterate old Canadian came Into (Juebec from tbe country, where be met a friend whom he bad not aeen for years. In the course of conversation the old fellow buppened to mention tbe name of Queeu Victoria and was much astoulnhvd to learn that he waa dead. "Dead!" he echoed. "And who has tiikeu her place? When be was told that tbe Prince of Walea was now the ruler of the British em pire he exclaimed: "(lee! The prince must bave a lot of Influence with Sir Wilfrid to get a big Job like that!" London Tit-Bits. The 8. Q. Q. Beho'.J the sweet girl graduate! Her fare la wan and pale. Is It because ahe muat orate And feara that ahe may fall? Is It because she studies hard lier once bright eyes are dimmed? Ah. no! Bhe'a thinking of foulard And how It should be trimmed. Chicago Poat Mes-ca the great stomach remedy. Large 11.00 bottle for 50c at Huntley Bros. Drug Co. DERRY LODGE NO 154, LOYAL ORANGE INSTITUTION Meets evenings of last Saturday In month at Shannon's Hall. 9th and J. Q. Adams St., J. K. Morris, secretary, Wm. Shannon, W, M. DEUTSCHER VEREIN OF ORE- gon City meets second Saturday after noon in each month at Knapp's hall In Winter and in Schnoerr's Park, Willamette, in Summer. Gus Schnoerr, president; Rudolph Seller, secretary. FOR SALE 1 dairy wagon, 1 cream separator, 5 milk cans, 1 Jersey bull, registered, 2 years old. 1 buggy, 1 disk barrow, 1 side hill plow, 1 walk ing plow, 1 40-gallon kettle, 1 mow ing machine and rake. U'Ren Schuebel, Oregon City, Ore. WANTED Reliable person, lady pre ferred, to manage a light and profit able business In Oregon City and vicinity. Herbi Mfg. Co., Mllwau kie. Ore. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of t'tacK- Althea G. Cooper, Plaintiff, vs. Ben G. Cooper, Defendant To Ben G. Cooper, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you nre hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from and after tbe date of the first publication of this summons, to-wlt: on or before the 13th day of Mav. 1910. and If you fail so to answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof will take Judgment against you for a decree dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing be- twen you and the plaintiff ana ror such other and further relief as to the Court seems meet and Just. This summons Is published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, and said order was tuade and dated the 31st day of March, 1910, and the date of the first publication of this summons Is the 1st day of April. 1910, and the date of the last publication of this summons Is the 13th day of May, 1910. PAUL R. DEADY. Attorney for Plaintiff. Bid Wanted. 1 Bids will be received until April 15. 1910. by the undersigned for the excavating for the basement'of the building to be erected on lot 8, block 5, in this city; also for the construc tion of the concrete walls for said basement as per plans at the gtore Get all there Is to Sammer time with a KODAK PICTURE MAKING " The Kodak Way is simple and inexpensive. We show yotf FREE how to take pictures, develop them and print them WE DO DEVELOPINQ AND FINISHING PRICES REASONABLE Buf meister Oregon City Jewelers of Burmeister & Andresen. Bids may be made for either or both Jobs. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. H. C. STEVENS. WM. ANDRESEN. Oregon City, March 30, 1910. Notice of Sale of Real Estate. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned, guardian of the persons and estates of Harold Leonard John son and Evylin Johnson, minors, will sell at private sale for cash In band a one-seventh interest belonging to said minors In and to the following described property, to-wlt: Lot Eight, In Block Thirteen, Oregon City and Lota Three and Four In Block Four, South Oregon City, all in Clackamas County. Oregon. Said sale will be at the office of L. Stlpp. in the Masonic Building, Oregon City, Clackamas County. Oregon, and will be held on and .after May 1st. 1910, and bids for said property will be received at said office on said flate. WILLIS L. JOHNSON, Guardian aforesaid. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clack amas. Chester H. Bourne, Plaintiff, T8. Leora Bourne. Defendant. To Leora Bourne, above named de fendant: , In the name of the State of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit: on or before the 13th day of May, 1910, and if you fail so to an swer. the plaintiff for want thereof, will take Judgment against you for a decree dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing be tween you and the plaintiff and for such other and further relief as to the Court seems meet and just. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas, and said order was made and dated the 1st day of March, 1910. and the date of the first publication of this sum- mona Is the 1st day of April. 1910. and the date of the last publication . of I Come to Our Store Booster Day and inspect our line of Shoes in' the regular stock. These are not shoes bought for Booster Day sales but goods we regularly handle. "We extend to you a cordial greeting and will make you welcome at our store. Here are a few of our Walk-Over $3.50 Shoes for Men, something of real value Special $2.50 Shoe, plain toe or Extra Special $3.00 chrome calf for Men Ladies' $3.00 and $3.50 high shoes, a few pairs of each to close out Ladies' pat. leather ankle-strap Pumps Extra Special for Booster Day only Child's Oxfords, excellent quality, up to $ 1 .40, one pair only at this low price Ladies' Oxfords, excellent styles, best grades up to $1.75 Oregon City Shoe Store JUSTIN S. LAGESON, Prop. MAIN STREET ANYBODY CAN KODAK & Andresen Suspension Bridge Cor. this summons Is the 13th day of May, 1910. JOHN F. LOGAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the Matter of the Estate of B. T. Elon, Deceased. To 8ven Trulson: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear In the County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamas County, at the Court room thereof. In Oregon City, said county and state, on the 2nd of May, 1910. at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day and show cause. If any you have why an order should not be made di recting tbe sale of the following de scribed real estate, to-wlt: Lot 4, In Block C and Lot 4 In Block D of Clackamas Heights, Clackamas Coun ty. Oregon, belonging to -said estate. This sale Is for the purpose of paying debts of said estate and for distribu tion. By order of the Judge of the above entitled Court. GRANT B. DIMICK, Judge. Attest: F. W. GREENMAN. Clerk. Seal of County Court. t Summons, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Parthena Gay, Plaintiff, vs. J. F. Gay, Defendant To J. F. Gay, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 16th day of May. 1910, that being the last day prescribed la the order of publication of this summons, and It you fail to so appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief therein prayed to-wlt: A decree dissolving the mar riage contract now existing between you and the plaintiff. This summons Is published for six consecutive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper, by order of Hon. J. lT. Campbell, made on the 31st day of March, 1910, the first publica tion being on the first day of April, 1910. S. R. HARRINGTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. Booster Day Specials $2.68 $1.97 $2.27 $1.97 $1.85 Pri ices 77c 96c OPP. POSTOFFICE in. .u.ii.Miw.aii "TTirarar'lIi'v