Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 11, 1910, Page 8, Image 8

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There'is for those who come early to
this spendid array of
Spring and Summer
which are now being shown within
our store and in our window displays,
Come in and let us show you the
latest in
as a glance at this metropolitan line
of clothing will convince you that for
originality in style and patterns they
are in a class by themselves.
SI2.50 to $55.00
Agency for
Holeproof Guaranteed Hosiery
for Men, Women and Children
Clothiers for Men and Young Men
Pioneer Attorney Pa.ae. In 8t. Vin
cent' Hotpital, at Portland.
Irn .lotion, olio i'f tho piMinliiont )ilo
i inr nitonuyH of llio dtato, illod WVil
. nomlny nlBlit at ti:8 t Si. Vincent'
I Htwpltitl, nftor n fow tiny' lllnons of
! howl illsouso, s'il 5 y'ni.
' Jitt Joiio wns l'rii t Victory, Now
! York, mill wit Hi"' 'f JmlKo il
Mrs. Nntlmnlol .Ioiioh. Ho rooolvoil
1 his oiluoiitlou In Kootiontor, Now York,
having tiikon up dio study of litw, nml
! wiia itilmlttod to I ho lnr at llmt plaoo.
! Ho oiKiuiUod t'omptinyC, tilth Now
York Volmitoors. "il Horvoil nt onp
lulu lu tho Viiloii Army durliiK tlio
flvll War, mid (oiikIU for his country
until tho oml of tho war.
Ho inarrloil Matilda H. I.owls. of
Victory, Now York. who. with one
ilauKlttor. Mrs. II Wlokliam WlnihiMp,
of ivnvor, mirvlio, nml who woro with
Mm wlvon tho I'inl emtio. Ho wns
woll kfiown In IVrtliuul, whore ho
pnu-llooil law. nftor arriving In Oro
' son about 25 yojirs niso. Ho rosldoil
In that city tni it sovoriC yoar nito.
when ho rotlrtM from notrvo IiiikIiiohs
mill moved to Oroisoti City, roslilltiK
on his farm on tho Wost Slilo.
Grand Army Veteran Panes at Ago
of f6 Year.
Whllo In convoriatloii with a iioIkIi
I'or. noar his s:imlll, Just oast of K-tat-nila,
I'hllaiiilfr T. Pavls. nod tiii
yours. iliMppod iloiul at 4:30 1. M.
Thursday froiu hoart falluro. MY.
liavls was born In Madison County,
Indiana, In Man-h. IS4 Ho cmuo to
Iowa with his parent In isr.3. At
tho nso of 21, ho enlisted us a private
with Company P, I'Sth Iowa Infantry.
serviiiR In the Civil War from Septetn
her, ISiIS, until tho Kail of lStlS, when
he wns honorahly illschnrKod. Whllo
In Iowa, he married Mis Jennie
Hayes, when they moved to Oreison
and took up a homestead near Clack
nmus Station In (ho year ISO, since
which time they resided In or near
that place. He Is a inomhor of the
Ci. A. R. Post, of OroRon City, unit a
member of the 1 0. O. K.. of Clack
amas Station. Mr. Pnvta wa a pio
neer sawmill man. HI widow, two
sons and a daughter survive him. The
children are: Charles H. Pavls. of
Newport; Arthur C. Pavl. of Mllwau
klo, and Mrs. Hattle K. Webster, of
Kstuoada. Interment was at Scllwood.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters at the Ore
gon City Postofflce for the week end
ing March 4.
Women's List. Biddie, Mrs. I. M. j (21; Mearthv. Wni.; Mover, Joe'
Orcutt; Miller, Sylvia; Miller, Mrs. J. P,crpom clarence (!); Rowtdl, Mike;
K.; Soon, Mrs. J. H. , , , . . ,
' .... ' ... Schroeder, J. P.; Spencer, Kdwln (2);
Men's List. Bibee, G. W.; Damours !
Elmer; Fish, Frank R.; Jenkins, Roy, : Stlmsnn. E. E. J.; Truscotl. E. II.
Mulino Pioneer Patset At Age of 68
After Stroke of Paralyiii.
Jackson Knotts, one of the promi
nent and highly respected Oregon
ploneeis, pasntl away at his home
at Mulino Tuesday morning after a
brief Illness, having tx-en stricken
w ith paralysis on Sunday mornlnK.
Jackson Knotts served his country
three years duruii; the Civil War. be
Iiir a member of the Fortieth Iowa
Infantry. After tho close of the war
be started for the West leaving Iowa
In the year of lSiiT. He arrived In
I'mutllla county, having crossed the
plains by ox team. He remained In
I that county for two years, after w hich
ho came to Clackamas county, and
took up a claim at Mulino, where lie
has made his homo ever since. He
married Miss Martha Casslday, In
lVu. who was one of the party cros
sing the plains at the same time Mr.
Knott' train came. Ill parents pre
coded him hero, and were among the
old time settlor. Mr. Knotts was
known IhroiiKhout ClacknuiH comity,
mid was of a Jovial disposition, al
ways looking on the bright Midi) of
Deceased leave a widow and the
following children; Mrs. 1. 1'. Hum,
of Aitkin Mill; Mr. J. II. Coloinau.
of Orcutt. California; Mr. Charles
Nnsh, of Oregon City; Clarence Nash,
of linker City.
George Sclilewe, of Clarkei,
The funeral of the late tloorgo
Sclilewe, who died Wednesday at the
home of hi father, I'oior Sclilewe at
Clarkos, was held Friday afternoon at
that place, the remains being interred
lu the Clarke cemetery. Deceased
was 2 year of ago and wn a native
of North Dakota. He resided In
Clackaina county for several year.
Aurora and Northern Marion
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bear tho
Signature, of
Lieutenant Hidy May Become Head
of Company G.
Captain Kiauklln A. l.ooms, who
ha been In command of Company li.,
Third Infantry Oregon National lluard
of this city, bus tendered III resigna
tion, which ha been accepted by
Colonel MclHinncll. An order direct
lug First Ueuleunut W. It Uigus to
tuko charge of the company till fur
ther notice wn received at the com
pany headquarter. At the time tho
local military company w mustered
lu, Mr. LoouiIh resided In this city,
but he has since engaged in tnilucs
In Portland.
Just who will bo Captain IxkiiiiI'
successor as commander of the local
company, has not yet boon decided,
but In all probability It w ill bo Second
Lieutenant Cbnrle Hldy, as tho busi
ness affairs of Lieutenant lgu corn
pell him to travel In different section
of tho state, thus being away from the
city the major portion of the time.
Walter H. Fox Wanta Divorce.
Walter II Kox has sued Jennie V.
Fox for a decree of divorce. They
were married in Sacramento, Califor
nia. October It. !W:i. Fox chnrges his
wife with desertion. (leorgo C.
Hrownoll Is his attorney.
Oon't Break Down.
Severe strains on the vital organs,
like strains on machinery, cause
break-downs. You can't overtax
stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels or
nerves without serious danger to your
self. If you are weak or run-down, or
under strain of nay kind, take Elec
tric Hitters, the tbatchless tonic modi
rltie Mrs. J. E Van do Simile, of
Klrkland. III., writes: "That I did not
hrenk down, while enduring a most
severe strnln, for three months. Is due
wholly to Electric Hitters." I'sotliem
and enjoy health and strength. Sat
isfaction positively guaranteed. .Inc
at nil druggists.
Mis Ida Feller of Woodhurn, vis
lied a low day with Mr. and Mr.
Clarence Heliourer last week,
Henry Yorgen was In town Thurs
day, i-
Mr. Mccormick w-tu over from Don
ald lust Ki'lduy,
Jncoli Tauipinmi nud Colemnu
Murks wont to I'oitlmid Friday.
Mr. and Mr. John tlahlor and hoii,
w ore lu I'oi tluiiil a few day last week
Sam Miller ha sold hi spun of
Mr. Eugene Moshberger was a pa
seuger for Portland Thursday,
A few of the young sports went
hunting last Thursday,
David Voder and Hill lllttlck wore
In town Thursday.
Mr. Win. liynn nud daughter woro
In Aurora a few day thl week.
Frank Harret mid Charlie Critten
den of Hubbard, wore In Aurora last
Mis Anna Plat ha opened a mil
linery store In tho old shoe shop,
Anton Will has been out with III
in w unto Hlnce It ha Mopped mining.
Charley Wolfer hud a runaway last
Unllos of Maccabees entertained
"Sir Knight'' and famlllo. the party
consisting of card plvulug, dancing,
guessing contests, etc. Hob Whltworth
won 1st prise nud Charley Hookltis
took 2d prize. Mr. Hlley Schenrer did
some of hi striking stunts by danc
ing the "barn dance."
Mr. and Mrs. Kay Wolworlh were
up from Portland over Sunday.
Humor and Al Middaugh went to
Portland Saturday morning, returning
Sunday evening on the Into Irnlli.
Mr. J. P. llviin. who ha been laid
up with rheumatism for about four
months I slowly Improving.
U'ge nml Henry Snyder went down
to cc the airships Sunday.
August Kllnger of Hubbard, wn In
Aurora Monday.
Sam Miller of Needy, wa III Aurora
Mrs A. C. Schenrer who ha been
sick for the lust few week Is slowly
Ernest Killer In town one day
this week.
The sldownlk between Choppunlsh
and Huttevllle Is about half done.
Mrs. Reich entertained some of her
friends, the occasion being her 77th
blrthdav TIioh-i present were; Mr
Al Keller. Mrs. (fcdph Cane, Mr
Spence Mercer, Mrs Dolph Wllworih.
Mrs. Win. Pardv, Mr Andrew Jol
lies, Mr ftn, Ryan. Mr. I'en-v HP
ter and Mrs. I, Herh. Refreshment
were served.
Hen Will. Fred (ilesy. C.row-r Olesv, j
Al Mldduitgh, Homer Middling!!. Clnr j
once Schenrer, Churb-v Soheurer. t!eo j
Asklii, Russell, lllggliibolhom, Andv
Miller. Ceo. W. Miller and Anton Will i
. .j. .j. 4- .,. . -j -v j
-. I
.. of Polk County j
Motto - Eipinl rights, ecunl i
laws ainl eipial Justice to every j
ellUell. j
.. .1. .i. ... t. .. .i. .(. .. .J- -i- . .. 4 !
(Paid Ailvertlsemetit.) i
were In Portland lust week to tukn In
the Aviation Meet,
llracn Thompson nml Ida Miller
were lu Portland to sen tho Aviation
Mln Udlti rieul and Mis Cnrrlii
Middaugh went to Woodhurn Tuodny
The city election which wa hold M
Aurora Tuesday wa very close, the
mayor winning out by iwtrvote, Tim
eiiunelluien wore elected a follow;
A. II Will, tioo, Krau. Jack Hndler
mid A. K. Will.
A full new barrel of the fainnil Old
Joe (lldenii whiskey and lx cusea of
Martinet Imported brandy have ar
rived nt the New Aurora Hotel bar.
The best of Ml. H'kmI beer always cm
Is the great Incent
ive oward sav
ing money
We pay
on savings accounts
We py 4 per cent
. on Certificates of
of Deposit
is our motto
Aurora, Oregon
1 fl P ft IT
commence work transfotming the top story of out building into a Public Hall. At present this floor i
loaded down with merchandise, which has to be removed, and in order to do this quick we inaugurate
Sale uZTZ Ending March 16
imw I A
For 10 Days we include in this sale every article in our establishment at prices that will astound you
52.60 Iron Bed
$3.75 Malleable Bed?, steel angle irons.
$3.00 Woven "Wire Springs, supported with It coppered 1 DC
steel springs I.DD
$3.50 Cotton Top Mattress, full size
$20.00 Solid Oak Extension Table, five-inch solid oak j j jjJJ
$15.00 Maple Extension Table, five-inch fir leg 876
$5.50 Extension Tables 395
$9.00 Set of six Hardwood Dining Chairs, cobbler seat, C CO
well constructed J.uO
$3.50 Cobbler Seat Rocker, oak finish, very substantial
and handsome
$9.15 Full size Dresser; 18x20 mirror
$8.65 Morris Chair, oak frame, imitation leather cush
ions $1.25 Child's High Cliair
$22.00 Red or Green Crushed Plush Bed Lounge
$14.00 Handsome Ramie Sofa Bed
Single Barrel Shot Guns, breech loadei
Barrel Chums, Oak, No. 0
Barrel Churns, OakyXo. 1
Two-pound Butter Mold, square
Cocoa Door Mats, size 15x21
Adjustable eight-arm Clothes Rack
Golden Gate Cement in bbl. of 4 sacks, 10c charged for
each sack extra, money refunded if returned in good
order, per bbl
54 inch Brass Curtain Rods, Silver or Gilt Knobs
Lace Curtail, 21-. yards long, per pair.
White Bed Spreads, full size
Warranted 12d weight Silver Knives and Forks, per six
(Warranted 12(1 weight Silver Table Spoons, per six.
Warranted 12d weight Silver Tea Spoons, per six. .
10-inch Meat Hatters, decorated
$8.00 Strong Frame Velour covered Couch
$38.00 Genuine Leather Couch, all steel constructed, 01 1C
handsome 0 I U
$10.00 Go-Carts $6.57
Standard Steel Ranges, 18-inch oven, only 5 in stock. . . j jj
Elite Steel Ranges, 18-inch oven 24.92
4-lid No. 7 14-inch oven, cast iron Cook Stove p 25
4 lid No. 8 16-incli oven, cast iron Cook Stove M I ill
Western Fanning Mill, weight 175 pounds. This is a
general purpose machine, you can separate rye from
wheat, oats from wheat, and buckwheat, cheat and
cockle from wheat, will also clean alfalfa, timothy
and clover seed
11, oiic-hnrse Wagon, had light usage, carry 1200 pounds
Oregon Oak Mattock Handles Qq
Oregon Oak I. I. Axe Handles ")q
Carpets and Rugs &S&d
G-ft. cork-filled Linoleum, per square Yd., nt 49c
$28.00 Axminister Rugs, 9x12 feet $2L39
$25.00 Velvet Rugs, 9x12 feet 17.96
$70.00 Kilmarnock Rug, size 12x15 47.50
3").00 Kilmarnock Rug, size 9x12
Cast Steel Wedges, per pound.
$2.25 Warranted Hand Saws .
Seavey improved Mitre Box, made of iron and steel, can
be used with ordinary saw, light and simple
Heavy Hickory Peavic Handles, 5 feet long
$K8.00 Good Brussels Rug, 9xlG
$15.00 Pro Brussels jJug, 9x12
$1.50 Axminister Carpet, per yard
$1.75 A'xminister Carpet, per yard
$1.25 All Wool Ingrain Carpet, per yard. . . .
$0.85 All Wool Ingrain Carpet, per yard. . . .
$0.75 All Wool Ingrain Carpet, cotton chain.
$().G5 Wool Union Carpet
$0.45 Granite Ingrain Carpet '
(These prices do not include sewing or laying.)
Visit the Balcony, the Sec
ond floor and the basement
before you leave. There re
Bargains Galore in every
nook and corner.
STEEL RANGES can be bought
at this sale for less than ever be
fore in Oregon City. We have
them as high as $85.00 and as
cheap in price as - - - $18