Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 11, 1910, Page 6, Image 6

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    QUmOS CITY jaNTJSUWUSK, Fit I DAY, MAUUll .11, 15)10.
To illustrate the proposition we
are making to you: A first class
three prong pitch fork costs us
$4.20 ptr dozen. This is just 35c
each, we are out the freigkt
when we sell them on this special
occasion at each
35 Cents
Our regular price is 50 cents; some
dealers get 60 cents for this fork
All Winter pouring rains and impassible roads have hedged
our country places in. The purchase of actual household
To illustrate our proposition: We
have a largo assortment of excell
ent pictures, size 16x20 inches,
in ornamental sclid oak frames.
Thoy cost regularly $20.00 per
dozen, but we picked up a big lot
at $12.00 per dozen.
On this occasion our price for
picture, handsomely framed
needs lias been put off. On top of this comes the spring demands. As ;i business concern we have
also our side of the story. Without detailing it, however, let us propose a partnership. You need
the goods that have accumulated in our store-We need a little cash at the close of a long, lonesome
winter. During this partnership you are to have the Wholesale Cost Price on the Goods You Deed, and the
Matting makes & neat floor covering for
spring and summer seasons. We bought
a big lot before the new tariff rate went
went into effect.
Don't pay 30c per yard for the grade
of Matting we now offer at
per yard
Saving to Clackamas County's Thousands
Shall Be Showers of Gold in Abundcncc
Opposite '
W. Meffien & Co.'s
Tlie Ranges we sell will hold tiieir own in lasting
qualities and pood service with the best "malleable" on
the market. We will not fell a cheap alfair that will fall
to pieces within a year. Yoq can boy a range for a0. bnt
not from os. Un this sjx'cial occasioujonr
t40 "Semi-M.lllfRtilc " (small sitl
goes at
The beet cut wo ran make, bnt there is no guage on
the market its equal at less than f'jo.
unuv ior u. one
Paint Bargains
"ot enough of any one color to complete a big job. If
you can use a small quantity for an odd job this is yonr
chance. All offered iv high-grade mixed paint wholesale
House paint, gallon $1.25
White Lead, per pound ' .. 7 I -2c
French Zinc, per gallon $2.50
Barn and Bridge Faint, five gallons $5.50
You will find
what you
want in our
well selected
stock of
Iron Beds
They are al
ready marked
close 10 per
cenL is the
best we can
Heavy Linoleum (uot in
laid) per yard 55c
Inlaid Linoleum (fl.75
grade) per yard ... $1.15
Lace Curtains, all
kinds 1-4 off
We handle the "Oneida
Community" goods. Every
piece bears a ten year
guarantee (Rogers' is only
live years. ) Twice as good
as liogcrs' and costs leas.
This is one line on which
we are unable to offer a re
duction in price we pnt
the price down to the bot
tom to begin with.
Space will not allow
of a complete list of
everything we carry
in stock, but every
article in our store
lias undergone this
same vast reduction.
A call will convince
you of the genuine
nej of our assertion.
value) . .
value) .
Six -piece
1'itchers (.ttV
(All cent
Toilet SeU
(value $o,'-'i)
Stand and Library
Wo have always heat all
competition ou this lln.
We huv from the factory
anil secure the low water
freight rate. I'rioes for
high class tables range
from f.l to II.V Just now
w i are making the bed
rock price Just a little
above cost.
Rnieniber the dale,
March "tli a:i he
s on hand and rcccivt
X your share of the
Shower of Gold that
is sure to fall ou thti
' people of Clackamas
county if thi-y will
hut avail thcinstlvcs
of this opportunity.
Price 75c
6 for $1.50
Chiffoniers and Dressers
Our Dressers and Chiff
oniers are all substantially
made and elegantly fin
ished. V.'e offer them in
oak, birds eye maple or
mahogany. They cost a
little more than flinu-y
soft woods, hut are nil
everlasting satisfaction.
1C ji
Kverything in the crock,
cry line, Jardi triers, Vn.-es,
Glassware, Cut (ilas,
Cutlery, etc.
All mml articles used
about the house m, tJlir
tit:, 10c and 10c counters.
. .... a 1 . I
Four of these at $3.75
Our prices on Fancy Rockets will as
touish those who appreciate genuine
bargains. Now i your apportunity
uot slliti at cost but very close.
' ''"'
, ,: rr - A
Dining Tables
(it'll DIXIN'J TAIII.KS are all bant wood. W II six fool Kiteiunnti
Tables iMtiarn on this iireti.ion al $7 00. Tables I hat cost n $1. 7A morn at
$8.75. Dak Klli'liiion Tables, similar to cut cols us (1 AO tu Ml nod these
am tlin prices Me are inaking on them uow.
Enameled Ware
We have litnl "red tag" prices on our "Itex" (' u m 1 i,t v llnaini lwarit for some
time. This linn Is fai suerlor In " lloval" it makes frieiulH for our store wher
ever it goes.
'() cent wash basins, now 10c
1A cent I'lidiling Pans now 10c
!.' cent I'liddiiigl'aiiH now r lie
AO cent Cofluo I'o'H now 40c
AA cent Stew Kettles now .... 45c
1)0 cent I'referving Kelles now 65c
HO cent Tea Kettles now 65c
Go Carts
With approaching sunshine you
may need a On Cart or Haby
H"Kf?y- We are offering on this
special occasion one dozen scrvi
cablc Go Carts at, each
To the Buying Public
We do not offer something for nothing. Commencing March
5th we simply offer the best quality im merchandise for the
least money we will satisfy you of this in competition with
any Oregon City or Partland Store. Don't take anything
for granted-LET US SHOW YOU.
Complete Housefurnishers
pa my
Opposite the Court Hons