Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 11, 1910, Page 4, Image 4

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When You-Think
Of the pain which many women (xperirnce with Tr
month it makra the cntleneaa and kindnrsi alwayt taupe!.
ted with womanhood aerm to be almost miracle.
W hile in Jeneral no women rebels atainut what the re
gardi ai t natural necetnity there it no woman who would
not gladly he tree Irani this recurring period of pain.
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription meats
weak women atroni and tick women
well, and tires them freedom from pain.
1 It establishes regularity, subdues Intlam
matlon, heals ulceration and carta
male weakness.
Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce ky letter,
free. All correspondence Mrietly private end aacredlv
, confidential. Write without (ear and without fee to World'i Dispensary Med-
cal Association, R. V. I'ierce, .t. U., President, Buffalo, N. V.
I If you want a hook that telli all ahout woman's diseases, and how to cure
','tbem at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce to pay cost of mailing
only, and he will send you frtt copy of hit great thousand-page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in paper covert.
In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps.
Oregon City Enterprise
Publlhed Every Friday
Z. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher.
Entered at Oregon City, Or, Post
office as second-class matter.
Subscription Rates:
One Tear $1.50
Six. Months 75
Trial Subscription, Two Months .15
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name, if last payment Is
not credited, kindly notify us, and
the matter will receive our attention.
Advertising Rates on application.
No live business man will remain
content with the prints he made last
content with the profits he made last
tertnlne him to do better this year,
if It be at all possible. Other things
being equal the question of a larger
Mins Wrnii IVrlor, who has boon
vifltliii; with rolatlw In California
for the past the wooks. has tvturnod
to her luitiio In this city, having had
a most enjoyable time. Miss Porter
was glad to got liaok to Old Otvgoiv,
whore the mists are now enjoyed nnoo
again, In northern t'allfijrnla, she
stales, it Is very dry and dusty. Miss
Port or. who has been connected with
t tit Carlton & Kosonkraus store for
some time, and who was one of the
most popular clerks, has resigned her
position, to accept a similar one in
the new department store of I'ubb ,
Mrs. A. Smith, of lng Peach. Ore
gon, and son, Albert, arrived in t'anby
on Prtdaw where they will visit with
lor, Mrs, lleuderlee
Miss Orauln Zee, who has been vis
iting in Portland, has returned to run
by, The Onnby Hand will give another
one of lis enjoyable dances on Sat
urday evening, at the City Mall. The
music will lie nitnlslied by the band.
Mrs, Italy, of Manpiani, after visit
ing with her sous. John, Jerry and
Warren, returned to her home Sun
day, The ladles' Aid Society will give
a social In the Cltv Hall on March 1".
Announcement will be given later,
hut our inerchanls buy what, we bring
in and pay good prices for It. while
the groceries are as cheap its can bo
nougnt anywnere.
t'nnby him grocery stores, depart
ment mores, bank, three commission
houses, creamery, creuni station, can
not y building and power house under
construction, hardware Htore, two eim
feetlonaties, running Implement house
printing otllce, furniture store, meat
market, drug store, besides threo ho
tels, which are all doing a good bust
ttess. All who are interested In build
ing up our town turn out, and not alt
back and "knock." There Is nothing
Mrs. Smith's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Millinery Store.
Horace Patch, Wlltnor Sundsness
and Clarence Kollows went to l'ort- gained by It.
land on Saturday to see the airships. Judge Plntlck and Mr. Kby know
Haltle Mayer relumed to Portland what the Commercial Club has done
Sunday evening where she will re. 1 and Is now doing for Oregon City,
sumo her position with the Wonder and en Saturday afternoon these men
i will tell yon what the Commercial
or smaller return depends upon how
he conducts his business. Courtesy. , homot hls nephew and the Cratchit's
The miserly Scrooge was a master
ly creation. He took his meals in a
small melancholy tavern, not far from
the large old house in which he lived.
Nobody ever stopped him in the street
to inquire about his health, or wel
fare. No beggars implored him to
give them a cent: no children asked
him the time of day. and no man nor
woman ever inquired of Scrooge the
wav to a certain place. But what did
Scrooge care It was the very thing
he liked, for he was a squeezing,
wrenching, scraping, clutching, cove
tous old sinner, hard and sharp as
flint and solitary as an oyster.
It was wonderful how- Imperceptibly
his hard heart was torn and softened
bv the visit from the ghost of his old
partner, Marley, and by his Interviews
with the Ghost, of Christmas Past,
who showed him scenes of his child
hood and youth of Christmas Present
who gave him glimpses into the happy
W. H. Porter, for several weeks. . dcorgo Mocks and Otto Kruegor . Club can do for this part of the conn-
Mr. Stlmson has moved to Portland went to see the aviation meet on Sunvty.
bavins: rented his house here to 0. A. : day. t Mrs. Gurley Entertains Club.
Wilcox. Stanley Wang of Portland, spent i Mrs, Ola M. Hurley entertained the
J. C. Peterson, of the Washington 1 Sunday at his home In this city. Canity Whist Club on Saturday even
Creamery Company, of this city, has j Many Canby people took advantage ntg at her home, A most enjoyable
accepted a position 'in Portland. of the line weather on Sunday and i evening was spent In playing w hist.
John Mainwood. one of the promt- j viewed the work that Is being done the prizes being won by Miss Klnr
nent farmers residing near this city. 'on the electric power plant. j once Stoddard and 1-M Shull. Ri'friMilr-
went to Oregon City on Friday, where; Todd Walt visited his parents. Mr, monts wero served during the evening
he paid his taxes! and attended to ! and Mrs. 0. N. Watt and friends In by the hostess.
other business matters. ' Canby on Sunday. ! Present were Mr, anil Mrs. lrvln
The Kebekah Uvlge met en March I 11. C. liavenport and 0. Wills went V1teeler. Mr. and Mrs. William KMer,
1, and a very Interesting meeting was j to Portland Sunday evening, return-1 Mr. and Mrs, V. C. oil more. Mr tin.!
the result. 'There wen- several np-i Ing on the following day. J Mrs. Myers. Miss Marie Myers, Miss
plications balloted upon. I Mllo Ue left here on Sunday evvn-1 Florence Stoddard, Miss lira l'e, Miss
Mrs. William Cant well and daugh-1 log to look after Mi homestead In ; F.dna Hutchinson, Miss Mata Summer
ter. Malbelle. were In Oregon City and , Kasteru Oregon. field. 1-M Shull, Fred Until anil Wayne
patience, tact, discernment are all I nf Christmas Future who forecasted
necessary for enlargement of trade,
and a failure in either one of these
qualities will act adversely. But even
with all these good business qualities
other things are also needed if best
Scrooge's own horrible fate to die un
mourned and unregretted by a single
When he awoke and found it all a
dream, his eagerness to set right all
the wrongs he had done takes away
results are to be obtained. The piib-j ones Dr,atn J s unexpeciennessami
. . . . , . . ,.. contrast with his former self. From
lie has to be made acquainted with I rhrUtmM Carol. bv Dckelis. Regular
the class and variety of goods for sale j weekly theme, review in English, by
and this has to be done so persistently Ruby Francis, 1th grade.
and attractively that the public will '
not simply know but constantly rea- ""The students of the High school
llze the fact. When this Is accom- were addressed Wednesday morning
Dlished then a merchant may reason-! .v -vr. Komnson. me county supertn-
ably expect each year to show a sat
isfactory advance over the preceding
I tendent of schools of Multnomah
County. The first thing mentioned
was the possibilities and power in
every High school. Mr. Robinson cal
led attention to the large number of
students who are being prepared in
The external appearance of a city the High schools for their life work.
will reveal the character and tastes ana snowea many possimimes
thom arts In tha UltK a -Vi i-wil ami Vi -i -
of Its people Just as surely as the ex- nmph each student ln scnool ,3 Roln,
ternal and internal appearance of a U) do In the world. Each one has a
dwelling betrays the character and I future before him that is full of pos
tastes of the famllv that occupies it. I sibilitles and power and these will
, u . ." , , .,, ,. . . be enlarged greatlv bv a good educa-
A house whose exterior is dilapidated j)on "
and whose interior corresponds re- The reasons for having a good edit
fleets the thriftless and slovenly char- cation were classed generally under
acter of its inmates; while the familv , two heads. The first: to be able to
that Is neat, tasteful and thrifty dij f"ve our fellow citizens and our conn
' try better; second: to be able to grap-
plays those qualities in Its home. pe witn new conditions. The speaker
There is no question as to which fam- mentioned the aeroplane ascension
ily makes the most favorable Impres- which was soon to take place in Port-
lana ana snoweu mac conditions ime
this, that will be made as advanee-
sion upon the neighbors. So the
pride of home, a love for the beauti
ful, and a sense of refinement ought
to impel the citizens of every town to
make It attractive and a good example
for other towns to follow.
ment in the sciences and other
branches are made, must be accepted
by the people and they must be edu
cated to be able to do this. The chem
istry he said, will some time be prac
tically taught, and the girls will learn
how to put their chemistry into use
l in the kitchen.
Some children are dragged up. That personality should be cult I
ur. oro v,mn,M n and still nihor ' vated was another point. Mr. Robin-
are neglected to do as they please.
The first way Implies an unwise ann J aDi Bhould try to Improve them as
often brutal disregard of the feelings much as possible. They should learn
son said people should study then-
own characteristics and personality
and instincts of children; the last
means an Indifference which also
works ill to the child. The only true
way is to train a child in a wise and
helpful manner that both its child
hood and after life may be blessed and
how to make frientl3 and to keep
them: how to become popular; and
that they should observe carefully the
characteristics of their acquaintances
and friends and should try to culti
ate them in their own character.
And last that one should have
hal'h, and that prevention Is far bet-
a blessing. This means that the chii. t(,r th'an cure The comparison be-
should be taught the great virtues of
reverence and obedience, and to culti
vate the loftiest ideals. As the child
naturally looks first of all ond most
of all tor its parents it should find in
them the highest examples of the vir
tues they are seeking to inculcate in
their child.
The young man of clean character,
who has been well brought up and
educated, and who possesses true
courage is a thousand times more val
uable to society than the gilded youth
whose possessions are limited to the
wealth which foolishly indulgent par
ents have given or left him. In very
truth the blessing of good character
and wholesome training, even when
no money accompanies it, Is a far
richer asset than millions of money
In the hands of a degenerate youth
whose pockets bulge with wealth, but
whose life is nothing but emptiness.
tween the los-t of life In the Philippine
and Russian-Japanese wars, from pre
ventable diseases was a forcible illus
tration of this statement.
The Sophomore class was oreanized
last Friday. The following officers
were elected: Florence White, presi
dent; Gilbert Morris, vice-president;
Marion Money, secretary, and Eva
Alldredge. treasurer. A committee of
three was appointed by the president
to select colors for the class. This
was the last class to organize but we
must remember the rhyme that ends
with the line, "Last is best of all the
Edle Kirchens, a member of the
Sophomore class has quit school, and
will go to h'-r home In Logan, soon.
Dr. Bell's Anti-Pain.
A sudden attack of Cholera Morbus
Is dangerous. Keep Dr. Bell's Anti
Pain at hand, a dose relieves almost
Instantly. It also cures Diarrhoea,
Cramps, Flux and all Bowel Complaints.
You deposit whatever money you ishjn the bank and a
specimen of your signature is taken and filed. The bank
will furnish you with a Pass Book In which the amountof
your deposit will be entered, you will also be furnished
with a bookof blank checks, no charge being madefor
these books. Yourenowpj;eparedtossu acjiexkt
any time, or place, for the amountojjjsitopayHav;
ing the money in bank, and the signature to the check
corresponding with that on file, the amount will bepaid
to the person named therein, upon his signing his name
on the back of the check. The amount of the check is
then charged to your account, and the check is canceled
and filed away to be returned to you whnyourPasi Book
is written up. In this manner you have a complete record
of the transaction and a receipt for the money paid. You
will find the Check Account simple, convenient and a safe
guard I fo7your payments, TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED.
loadstone on Sunday visiting with j J. C. Culler, who has neen section liuriey.
relatives. foreman for the Southern Pacific Com- j Canby Real Estate Moves.
W. H. Pair and IV. II. A Pedtimn i pauv for the past two years has tv-1 The Canby Realty Company, coin-
went to Oregon Cltv on Friday, where signed his position and on. Monday posed of John F. Newton ami O. Y
they became members of the Order of : evening left for his homestead In , Hum Ik, Is now occupying William
Elks. IV. IVdman. who was attired ! ljike County. Oregon. Mr. Culler ex-1 Cantwell's old stand on First street.
In a "beautiful" gown of red calico, j poets to Join Mr. l'e and party at These men report that ninny Inqulr
and figured bonnet adorning his head. , Shanlko. - lies have and are still coming from
was one of the chief attractions in it is reponon ttiai n luung .uru eastern people, woo nn- rum inm-
the parade. Mr Pair was not so for-: Christian Association w ill soon be or- Ing coming West to tuaki their home
tunate as Mr. Pedtnan. and did not ; ganired In this city Such an orga , In the near future,
have to wear one of these latest Paris nidation would boa great benefit tn i So far this month this firm has
modes this cltv which would give many of ' made three sales, two of city prop-
Robert rtritt, of Salem was In Can- the voting men a place to enjoy tho.erty and the other farm land, while
bv on Wednesday evening, having evening. i others will probably be closed by the
come there to attend the meeting of Mrs. Herman Burgoyno of Portland. latter part of next week,
the Five Hundred Club. who was called here by the serious I The Canby Realty Company has
Miss CoTa Sandsness. of Aurora. Illness of her father, Captain James sold the F.lvlru Saltmarsh place to
was In Canby on Sunday, having come Evans, returned homo on Saturday August Kloppa, of Needy, who Is inov
here to visit with her father, J. J. afternoon. Mr. Evans' many friends , Ing his household goods hern thN
are pleased to know mat tie is Itn- ween. j. naerson nns cio'ti n urn
proving In health. 'Hh this linn for five acres belong-
E. C. Shull and daughter of LInnton. t Ing to 1). O. Hodges,
were In Canby on Sunday, visiting I Miss Ora Io has Ixnight the cot
friends and relatives. Mr. Shull has j tag and one lot owned by Mrs Car
purchased land from H. A. l,eo and rle Seaton. This Is on Second street.
Intends to move back to Canby. the price being S00.
Mrs R. S. Coo has returned home I J. U Combs, who rnme here about
from Portland, where she had been ; one year ago from SUvorton, nnd who
visiting with her son. R. S. Coo. Jr., i bought property, has trailed his Intnl.
and family where he has been residing, to a Mr.
Mrs J. A. Cobb and baby, who are I McKenn, of St. Johns. Mr. Combs
visiting with Mrs. Cobb's mother. Mrs. hl bought '.'rt acre tract of land
Crltner. at Roseburg. will arrive here . from Peter Miller.
in a few days to make their futurwl A. nnu Maggie t orn, nave o.u
h,)mt, I lots 73 nnd ST. Canby (lardens, to E.
H P. Skinner and family of New H. Mowre, the price being $175n.
Era, visited their parents. Mr. nnd B.fl Department Store Opens
Mrs. F. H Hilton Sunday. fanby can now Ismst of one of the
Mrs L T Patten went to Oregon I""1" """" complete department
rit,. n tvi,l,.v nn i.oslm.ss I stores in me county, tins ixmuk uio
Adds Ilcalliful Qualities
Eji 10 tnc food
Butter and Eggs
The only bnklnfl powder
made from Royal Grupc Cream
ol Tartar
No Alum No Lima Phosphates
A. J. Knight has gone to assist In
digging the people from under the
Albert Wright visited his parents
at St. Johns on Saturday and Sunday.
Claude Hampton of Portland, vis
ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Hampton on Sunday.
Mrs. Lucv Arnold of Portland, spent
Sunday in this city the guest of her
brother, James Evans.
Miss Ora Lee went to Portland on
a business trip on Thursday return
ing Friday evening.
John Sawyer was In Portland on
Sunday when he visited with his fam
ily. While at his home he met with
an accident while cutting wood. The
ax he was using slipped and badly
lacerated his hand, necessitating the
carrying of It in a bandage. He says
next time he will let George do It.
Mrs. Herbert Robblns left for Port
land Tuesday, where she will visit
friends, and from there will go to
Logan, where she will spend several
weeks with her parents, before leav
ing for Eugene.
H. M. Robblns and son, Herbert,
left Thursdny with their horses and
household goods for Eugene, where
they have leased 5 acrs. Some of
the finest horses on the coast are
owned by them, and these with sev
eral others have been taken to Eu
gene. Mr. Robblns and family have
resided In Canby for almost a year,
and have had their horses training
on the race track at the fair grounds.
Several of these were awarded prem
iums at the lat county fair. It is
much regretted that this family Is
leaving Canby, as they have made a
great many friends here during their
residence. Mrs. Robblns and daughter,
11. R. is, who has I n conducting;""'"; "f ''l' Iilllliighain located
Oil V. HI I 111 lO'lir Jl.-I IMOI. I 111' ,iM-n
a clothes' pressing and cleaning estab
lishment here will leave this week
with a surveying crew. This busi
ness will then be carried on by Mes
srs. Meeks & Raty, who will soon
move to the Arthur Knight building
now occupied by Mr. Ieo.
Work Progressing On Power Plant.
The work on the power plant Is pro
gressing rapidly.' Mr. Poppletnn, of
the Pacific Electrical Engineering
Company, of Portland, was In Canby
this week drawing up the plans nnd
specifications for the power plant nnd
to oversee the work. The excava
tions, which have lieen completed,
were In charge of Fred P. Hurst. Th"
building will b" one of the most un-
i Ing which took place on Friday even
'ing, was attended iy one of the larg
rest crowds ever asrtcmhh-d in Can
by. There were no articles sold on
that evening, and the visitors were
made to feel welcome by the new pro
prietors, who presented them With
oranges. It was planned to give away
souvenirs on this occasion, but as
these were In tlm snow blockade, did
not arrive. I'pou their arrival It Is
the Intention of the proprietors to
present tin-in on a Saturday evening.
Everyone was In gid humor, and
while the Canby band dlspersi-d music
during the evening from 7 to 'J o'clock
the people viewed th well selected
to-date power plants in the stat
will lie of reinforced concrete.
Will Organue commercial ciuo. i .,
rr i..i I it. . I .. .1 HI'
I O III IU 11,11 lll ll IM I M 1 lillMl, IIO
' stock of goods that have been pur
i chaseil for Canby and vicinity.
At the close of the musical program
proprietors presented the hand
"U in i ,.. ,1.11,... .,,., i ,,i llurln..
well known lioostef of the slate of . ,. , , i ,,' ,.,m
. ,, , . , , ,, .... , .. the evening Mr. Colih and Mr. pilling-
Miss Effle. left for their new home on 3n'' " '"v- ' K,r' K""
will II nere on --.uuiruay in assist in
the organization of a Commercial
Friday morning, and Miss Roselynn
has gone to Portland, where she will
remain with friends for two weeks be
fore going to Eugene.
Miss Helen Robinson, of St. Johns,
who has been attending the Canby
school, has returned to her home on
account of Illness.
Miss Marie Arntsen of Portland,
has returned to Canby, having been
called here by the Illness of her sis-
' ham made addresses. To say that the
band boys appreciated their gift does
' not expresa it.
I Mr- i-,,i.t, ).,,,... , On., l r'.n.l...
will be of-1 ,, ,
i.h.t in ,ii- riiiiiiniK iiii-iii' nn ui mmi'-
Club. The organization
-..... ..t n tV,., -O.. 1I-.II i..l la ..!!...!
: . , , . , , to i ' i ! burg, and also proprietor of a depart
for 1 o clock. Addresses will be made ,' ,,...n ...i.u . A ,.
ment store at Pendleton, while F. C
lillliugbaiii was In the grocery busi
ness for many years In New York.
by these men. Canby Is rapidly pom
I ing to the front as a city, and by such
... on:.....,......,,, ...... .,-,.. . . ., ;Th,,S(, ,,, h.lV(. pnbused pr, rty
wil give It more publicity and '" ,., ,, .'.,. ' ,',
o bring many people to this part of J;
thp county. We do not have to go
i to the cities to dispose of our produce
I lie Htore building recently erected
Is Six Hi feet with lull glass front to
feet wide. At the rear Is an elevated
shoe platform, where a full line of
shoes Is to be found. Five and ten
cent cuiiiiiers are uitractlng the young
folks, wlille everything from n wire
dish rag to a tailor-made suit can be
found in the other departments.
Letter List.
Following Ih n list of letters remain
ing at Canby, Oregon postonice for
month ended February 2S, 1910:
Mrs. Nelllo Johnson, ,f. p. Hutchin
son CJ), Mr. pert S. White. Cards;
Mr. H. Anderson, Messrs. Champion
& Pound. Miss Daisy Wnldruth, Mrs.
Jennie Tucker, Mr. Halph Jack CI).
M. L. KNIGHT, Acting P. M.
Mrs !' M. Thompson's unelo and
cousin from Illinois, are vlHltlitg with
Mrs. tieo. M ljuelle spent last
week III Portland, visiting with her
laughter, Mrs. Melmll.
Mrs. .1. Curtis M. vo,Uls Is some liu-
proved In health at this writing.
W. A. po.l.ls made a business trip
to Oregon City last Tuesday to pur
chase chairs for Twilight Halt.
Spraying and pruning the orchard.
Is the main Industry In this neighbor
hood nt present, good many tipple
trees lire helii.; planted hero this
Pert Mo Arthur has rented the pnvld
Fiincber place. Ho tupects to farm
on a large scale.
Mr Harvey and family hnvn rela
tives here from the Kant visiting with
We are looking forward to some
thing sM'clal at Literary tomorrow
Mr and Mrs. tbii. Sehrelner spent
Sunday with relatives in Portland.
Unfile Son have their water
tower In the air. It Is forty-olio feet
high iiImivc the foundation and re.
.(Hired sixteen men to raise It. The
tower being constructed of solid tim
bers, makes It one of the most sub
stnntlnl In the county.
W. A Podds and M J U'elle nt.
tended the county convention at Ore
gon City lust Tuesday as delegates
from Warner Grange of New Krn.
F. K. Illark has returned from Port
land whom he has been busily en
tage.l watrlilug the aeronautic exhibi
tion. He Is now planting fruit trees
Cbas Snooks went to Portland Inst
week to see the airship. Since re
turning he has been contentedly en
gaged lii breaking rm-k
Mr. Frank Hendricks, the mailman
milieu our way every other day. We
hope the roads may Improve noon no!
we may receive otio mull dally, j
Perhaps we may have a picked road!
In the near future Just think, only
me mile from the roiinty Sent.
John Andrews. Mrs. Frlsby Is a sis
ter to Mis. Smith and Mrs. Moore Is
Mrs. Smith's i-ouslli. Mrs. Hmltll Is
Mrs Andrew's mother, who Is living
w lib her this w Inter
II. T. Melvln nnd Win. H. Tail at
tended the County tliiingo Convention
In Oregon City Tuesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Newiuan, old iir.pialn
lances In WIhcoiikIii, of Mr Melvlu
nnd his slnti i s Mrs, Andrus and Mrs.
Seogglll, lire visiting them this week.
Mr and Mrs. Newman now reside In
Mist llesnle Shcppnr.t received II
telegram from her uncle, C, V, luir
low. to iwiine mid help thein out In
their double Mrs. Harlow Is In the
hospital, where she hud an operation
on her head Mrs. I law ley, sinter of
Mrs. Harlow Is there and has recently
gone to Mrs Harlow's from Ihe hoapl.
lal, where she bud all operation sim
ilar to Mrs. Harlow's and Mr. Harlow
la lately out of the hoaplliil with heiu
oiago no Hint be was III need of help.
Minn Sttcppard look the train for Oak
laud the Hume eychlllg Hint the en
Kiiitu arrived
Mrs. Hodly ninl son. Freddie, of
l'ort hind, were calling on frleiida Innt
The Uiiles' Aid met with .Mrs. Ek
ern Wednesday.
Miss Annie Slut tiger nnd best friend
ratnn up Sunday from Portland to
spend the day with her parent n.
Miss Nellie Johnson left for Glen
dale thin livening
Mlns Joyce Wlthey wan seen home
back riding Tuesday. Hut Wednesday
nh e wan not to be seen nt nil.
Medicines that nl.l nature are nl
ways tnont succennfiil. Cbniiiberlalna
Cough Itmneily nets on this plan It
loom-tin the cough, relievo the lungs,
opens the secretions nnd aids nature
In restoring the system In a healthy
iMHiitltli.il Sold by all dentera.
the cnnlulrnce trlt tr lim" and
I tudtnrn In rtm Vciti lo-.Ur
i would have been lnipotw ("l In
I tni tcr.li two k.m ol ycais
I o. Wi tuve nude a
I tcirnr ol iced
I (fuwui.
alwartdo 1
e lactlf what you
f ipect id thrm. I'ih aV 1
rvrrrwherr. riliri llMI
I list 11 I tee on miuctt.
D. M. FIRRY a, CO, Detralt, MMk I
Children Cry
. i
Mr lleiij. Tow ne. who had a stroke
of paralysis November I St li. died at
bin linine Monday luoriillig nt 2 o'
clock at the ago of 'it years. He
leaves a wife nnd olio brother, lienlden
many relatives and friends to mourn
Ills inns. Mrs. Towne luin tile svin-'
tint by of her many friends in her s,ul
bereavement. The futi'.ral services
were under tile aa)plees of the fid. I
Fellows lidge. Interment being In the
odd Fellow's ci-n.eli-ry. Mr. fill ill 111. '
tieplii-w nf Mr Towne, and wlf" and
.laughter, of I'm Hand, iittenite.l the.
Iiitu-riil. Mr. Catulln was with Mr.,
Tow no at the time nf his death.
Mr Hall and sister, of Portland, lit :
tended the funeral of their old friend,
Mr Towne. I
Mr. and Mrs Frlsby from McMln-
'" ' " " l Mil n street near sin A
Ohio, lire vMtlhg at the home of Mrs 0..J,......o
Watch Repairing
Carefully done means
the preservation of
your time piece. There
is a reason.
P. C. LATOUHETTE President
K. J. MEYER. Cashier
CAPITAL, !10.000.00.
Transacts a General Banking Bualneaa.
Opan from 9 A. M. to S P. M
Superior and Kentucky Disc Drills"
Also a full line of Plows, Haffows, Pota
to Planters, Cultivators, Etc., Etc.
. " "Remember the Place" "
Canby Market Report.
The following quotation uro Klven
by C. T. Ilntoit, the grocer, nnd Liickn
& Allen, butehera.
ChlckeiiH Old heiiH UVec I8r,
roriBterH, 12c, Hiirliig 17o.
Ekrh. 2.'!e; butter, (iSc.
Lnrd. bulk, 17o.
Ilnoon, ranch, 18c to 2.1c.
Iliun, 18 to 20c.
Klmir, valley, $1.-10, hard, $1.70, blue
Hteni, JI.r,0.
Cheese, 22c.
OrntiKeH .'idc d07.; lemons 2,ric.
Shorts, t'Mi per ton, brnn j:i0, wheat.,
$l.00T($l.nr, per liu.
Rtilletl barley, y,2 per ton.
Oats new '?,().
Hay, clover $14 per ton, cheat $l!i.
Mops, contract, 25 to 2r,r
Orape root lie a pound.
Cascnra bark 4c a pound.
StiKfir $li.2,'j per sack.
Rice, fancy, Be to oC.
Biiltor fat 40c.
Onion sets, 10c Hi.
' Squashes, 10c.
Cabbage, 3c III.
Apples, $t to $2 per box.
lions, best porkerH, 1 1 V4 ft 1 2r ;
ordinary, 'Jn to 10c.
Veal, 10'i to lie, mutton, 7 to 8c.
I-'ird, 18c.
Welnes, ir,c,
I'ork Sausage, 12'4n.
lieef I'orter house, 15c; round
steak 1 2 c ; prime roast, 10c; IkiII
Iiik meat (i to 8c; Htiet Be lb; pork
chop, IBc.
Vegetable and flower Bneds at nates.
Oregon City Knterprlso $1.B0 per
year. All the news of the. County.
Chumbftrlfiln'a Stomach and Liver
Tablets Invariably tiring relief to
women suffering from chronic consti
pation, headache, biliousness, dizzi
ness, sallownesg of the skin and dys
pepsia. Sold by all dealers.
Office Doth Phono 22
Residence I'hnno Mnln 2C24
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Established 18C5
Succsaor to C. N. Orcentnnn
Rates ReajKinalilo, Baggage Stored 3 Dnys Free of Chnrg
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
rr Whnl. Vr
kT Mlncla AppUmUim el
(Orman Wood PrMr.r.)
Non-DOlwinoua, tianll.ry Odor. C'll
np Id llthugraphml ran. only
ra't IM Tour iloal.r ! you a
worthlwa ImlUtUon.
(Isrb.lliHiunl Wood rrwonrlng Co.
1-orUuul, Or.
UllwaukM, Wit
N.w York, N. T.
Han jrrandaoo. C1.
Fisher, Thorscn 2 Co.
WholMal. Aa.nta.
Ixpt. 11, Portland
Wrll. for Ttl-
(our norj u5i3 rn