Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 11, 1910, Page 3, Image 3

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Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas t
(Too lulu fur liwt wih'Ii'm Ihmiii.)
Mary liiirfey wiik Ihiiiki from Mi.
Angel III VlHll Willi Iht mother over
H 1 1 1 1 1 1 u .
Tin' hIiIiikIk mill Iiiim m h ut down lit
M'imiii( fur ri'imliii.
Floyd HrulL mud III from Mm rmiuli
thin week.
Mm, V, II. ICd ii rdn wnit In (own
rullllIK III In wui'll.
('aidilcr lliiliilcmt went tn flcllwood
Wi'iliii'Hiliiy to Innli up miliio pl'iiMpec
tlvn lit w H.
Willed fur tin' iliitn of tlm wiioIiit
nf tlm Mllwiiiililn Ciiiiiiiii'ii'liil ('lull.
He mini in tm ii'i'n'iil mill Imvu u kk"1
I.lim up for i'i'iiiiiiii'iit 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri v
iim iiI of iiiii'iMH mill (lin town of Mil
wiiulilii in- you will Imvu tlm ureal
plcimurii of Hi'i'lnK piiiiipni ilvii buyem
hi mm iin up iiiul iin mi to (ink (Iruvu
III IllVI'ltt.
IjihI Hiiliniliiy kvi'IiIiik ilm Mnyor
nuil council mi't iiiul fiiniiiilati'il gen
rat pinna for liiiiriivi'iiiiuin of M il-
W II till In.
It. M. Kli'iti'iiN, i mi r Jovliil in It U tn it ti .
In IIiiiIIiik tlm iiiiiiU i in In. r illiiiiKri'i'-'
iiIiIm now liiyn hut Im hi III iimliiliiliiit
IllH plellHllllt M 1 1 1 1 1 Jllltt lllll HIIIIIU.
I. (iriillnn will Interviewed iifliT lilii
ri'turii froin (-iilirnnilit unit Minted (lint
no town. lingo Or miiiill, hIiiiwmI any
I'liiKli'KH wlilln limy tiled In run oil
it iimli liiinlM. Only wlii'ii the Inwn
huh Imiiili'il iiiit ii uliiiw hIkhii of prim
perlly. Wlmt irimiuiUy ine Mllwiiu
klo allow?
I'lmlili-r IIhIhIiiiI iilleiiili'il Ilm meet
lllll nf Ilm llonnl of Tmdn lit Hi'IIwihiiI
IiimI Miuuliiy I'ViiiliiK.
Ilnvlil CluHHlmr wiik III town Wed
limilny, .1, Kliipi'l wait II llHllll-HH CIllIlT lllHt
"VT ' ...In....
ill. If ll'HI IMilll null mm',
tlltllrwlrllllK llllnllll'rlH III town Tui'Hilliy. I
I'lilllp Ktri'lli mini" n Imilimia trip,
tu Ori'Knii City I on t Wi'dni-mliiy.
Jinlit liiiiitmilii'lii paid MllwnuKlii a.
Vn( limt Wl'lllUKllllV, llllll I'tpri'llrll'll
liliunxlf iih well plniimil wlih tlm proif '
rn" nf Ilm town Blliin IiIh lux Hull
Mnyor Htrnlli una lit (iri'Kiui City;
mi liunlimiiH liii Tliurinliiy. I
Mllwnukln pri'Ki'iila it peculiar Kit
tin 1 1 ti . Kvi'rylioily riinn to tin very
ninth lu fnvnr nf liuprovi-iitrulii wlii'ii
vim liilk to itii'in, lull when Ii rumen
rlKlil in ii to pulling yi.ur "liniitdi'r
to Ilm wlli-"l" illnl plIHll tlm t Ii In K
lilting Iln rn U "mulling iIuIiik " Thill
work U li ft to il few t'titorprlnluic fit
1 . . 1 1 1 h Hninn I'Vi'U ko to tlin extreme
i f ( Ii r. ii I f 1 1 1 1 1 n Imyi'iill If ynil iii-llnte
linpiuvi'lui'lilii. It I mighty I'liiniiriiK
I ii k to IU III n Inwu nf (hill kllul.
Commercial Club MeoU.
At ilm Cioiiiiii'ri lul dull ii( Friday
evening Ki'Vi-rill lllliM'l'HtlllK llH'nlliilH
with illmllnni'il, unit (-( llllll 1 1 1 '' hit"
Hppnliili il In mm lm council nUiut Im
pnivi'iiii'iit of Ktri'i'lii; to iiIIitiiI tlm
IIH'i'llllK rllll'i ,y 111,. STllrin llliiinl !
of Tnnli' fur ilm ptirponn of having J
tin' river i Ikiiiiii I iIi'i hti''iI mill n i
i mii mil ti'ii t.i ki'I Ilm diiln fur ii il I
In in it 1. 1 arrangi-mi-liU fur il kiihiKit.
Commute From Milwuukle Goee To
A I'oniiiill ti'i" I'unipniii'il nf W II.
tinmle. . ,M. Klili iiml I'. W. Illrk.
nmlrr f nun llin Mllwiinkln ('miiiiicrrliil
( lllll hIIi'IIiI'mI tin' mi'i'lllIK rnllril liy
ilm S'IIwihhI llonnl nf Tni'l" m "'"'
wlint rmilil In- iIiiiik liiwiinl H'i'iii Inc
n ili'i'pi'r rlvi-r rlmniml lii'viunl ilm
Mmllni'ii (tirni'l ItrlilKi'. Tlm miliji'ft
Hiiii thiirniiKlily iIIhimihiutI, iiiiiI nil
pri'niTil m'l'itiiiil niilliiinlnnlli'nlly In
fnvnr nf lhi iiiovn A romtiili t" rum.
puilril nf I jilminUi', Jnlli'H, I'll'kllll.
i hi ti k It nuil llnWimt hiik iippolnii'il
In KiTiiiii iltidt to prcM'tit lii I'litKrcHM
"I'tHiii- fni ill ri'iii'Hit iiml iiilviintiii'H
nliinltii il iy il i'p' iilii! ilm rlvrr im fur
up (in Oiwi'Kii.
MllKKln A. JllllllHIIII WITH lIllll'KlttKN to
Ilm III unit" 1 'uillil y Cniivi'lillim from
Ilm Mllwiiultli. (Iiiiiikii,
('him. I In vol y Iiiih ui'i'i'pti'il it piml
Hon Willi tlm rui r In ml .'ni Impnrt
iiii'lit. W'u wliili CTiiullii Hili'i'i'HH.
Mllwoukls Qring Mecti.
Tlm M 1 1 wnii li In (iriuiK" Imlil tlm ritf
ulur nliilil iimi'lliiK on Krlilny, wlilili
wiih wnii iiltiTuli'il. Two now iiiiiiu
Iiitn with liilllnli.il. ()u Hiiliiriluy hv
t'l'lll Of till.' lll"llll)'TH plllll a vlMlt to
ICvi'iiliiK filnr flriuiK. Tlnmo wlm
wont rnpiirt it kooiI tlmn.
Dnitri of Well Known Reildent.
Tlm fiilmrnl of I', T. Dnvlit, who
illi'il mulilniily ul ICiitiirinlii pint TlmrH.
iluy, huh Imld frmn tlm Kviinui'lliiil
rliiilrll mill huh Itlli'inli'il by n turn"
ii ii in Ix' r of frli'iiilH of Ilm ilnrciiHi'il.
Tlm iiill Imuri'iH with Dii'IiiIiith of
Dm (1, A. It. Tlm MJIwiiuklu CrmiKi'.
of willed Mr. Iluvltt wiih a limmlmr,
huh pri'Hi'tit ut iIiii rliiirrn In n hotly,
Tlm latino of Oilil I'VIIiiwh of (Murk
IIIHIIH llllll ('llltl'KI' of Hm RiTVll'd ul
tlm urn vii In CliifkituiiiH riTimii'iy.
Tlin Monti plnri'H with lii'iiutlful. Mm.
IiiivIh Ami Imr fiimlly luivn tlm h-m-luithy
of tlmlr many frli'iuln lu tlii.-lr
School Notei.
A ili'luiln wiih Imld In Mm. Ilurk'u
room liiNt Krl'luy on I In- iimH.lon,
"ll'Hiivi'il, Thitl trip liy Ixmt Ih mori'
plnnKiuil Hum n trip by rnll." Tlm
)iiiIk'h ri'inluri'il n ilnrlnlon lu favor
of Ilm iimrmiillvii. Tlm lllitll hi'IiihiI I
hiiiiIi'IiIh witk 1 ii v 1 1 ill to hour It
rujnyi'il tlm ilnlnitii I n 1 1 n 11 h -1 y .
An I ul iri-M Iih: inKriiiniim hum mn
by Ilm I'Hi'lllr! Avlntlon Co. to i-ntor
it I'onli'Ht In ilm fmitr fiitiirn,
Tlm ilormllory Imyn of llin Y. M. C,
A. of I'ortlunil Ip'IiI "opi'M Iioiiho " on
Mniuliiy ivnliiK. TIiIh Ih tlm flmt
I'Vi'iiliiK tlm yuiiiiK ini'it nf tlm ilorml
lory luivn liuil Ilm pli'iiniirn of cnlnr
liilnliiK tlmlr frli'iiilH ntiil tlioy rortnln
ly di'imrvn cn'illt for no ilnllnlilfiilly
I'liiiTtnlnltiK tlm in ii ii y IniiiilrmlK of
KimntH. Of tlin four lloorn wlili'h ftr
UHi'il ui) nk'i'ilii uiiurtmijiilH, ull wvro
(irt lt Ir-nlly ilnrnrutnil, ourh floor vlo.
I UK wltli Hut otlmr In ili-pornllvn nlill
liy. Hhort iiroKriiiniiii' worn Klvnn on
I'ui'li lloor In f'iriiiii 1 1 y nml nt 9:H0
pruKruiiiiii'i wiih ttlvnii nt llin Inrirn
iiuilllorliim. Dnliily rnfri'MimiTilH with
hitvi'i! nml ciii li KUCHt foil Hint Im Inn
piiNHi'd n very pli'iiHiint nml prolliiibli
I'vi'iiliiK, nml nil n rn lnml In priilHi'H
for tlm Krnnt work tint Y. M. ('. A. Ih
(IoIiik for I'nrlliiiul. Ttw Mcmhth
HponiiiTH of tlm li'ltf", Mr, Downline,
who fornmrly n'rililml nonr Imro nml
Mr. Nolii'l of Ori'non City worn nmotiK
tluiHii r'mi'lvliiK, m.'l their kui-hIii from
Hm IIki with MInno Hyin'iirHon
Wi'Hii'rfli'liI, Morii nml Ji'IiiiIiikh.
Tito MIhhch Mnrrn nnil Kntii Tmn
vlit wlilln fiiJnyliiK nn oiilliiK nt tlm
IiiIIit'h country homo nonr Mi'l'Irum,
rnlli'il nt tlin IhIki on Hutiinlny nml
worn nrrompnnli'd by joHlum Mmin
nml two of Ii I h lluli' rortluuil frl'TulH.
Mrn. If. r. To.lnr it ml ilunk'hter
Miirl" nttntnli'il tlm lintimtci irlvon nt
tint M. K. rliurcli In Ori'irnn, f'lty for
Pr. llnlmcH of Hnli'in, on Krlilny even-
nml i I"'
Mr. ViinoVrniPi'r of I'ortlunil. wiih
n biiMlimHH rnlNr nt tlm unicc on
iIitimI ut Hm Mother' nml Ti'iu tmr'H I Siitiinlny nml linn rtecldi'd to pint
('lull limt Krlduy. j pnnmrtv hero Into lot.
A dohnto will Im Imld Krlilny, Miirdi ' If- "lee of I'nrtltinil. won n TIko
III, between the puplU of the HIkIi ' vlnllor on frlilnv mid took lunclieon
Hi-liool niul KIkIiDi (irude, on tlm oui.-1 wh l- llonnl mini nml wife.
Itimilvi'il, Thill IntompiTlince Ih MomlmiieH W. I.. Ilnborninn, O, U
linn linnnfiil tliiiu wnr." Tlm Kliihlh I Ion nl mini nml. T. C. Ttlre worn Ore-
(iruilo iluiHO tlm iifMrmutlvn, nml the
lllull m bonl thorefiirn tiKk Ilm iii'kti
live. Tlm followhiK nr" Hie puplli
wlm will iloliiiio Hie ipii'Htlnn:
Aftlriiuitlve Cnrwln llurvey, loud
er; Murv Keller, llownrd Conpor.
Itnrlii'l lllrkeilieler, Kreil Keller, Klhle
Ni'KUllve Mi-mhIm Unit, louder, Mv
111" IkilifWT. (lllvlu JnliuiKiu, .lenH Ol
son, Miunlo llinldoii, Vndii llrlHtnw,
Kon en v vlHltnm on Frlilny.
Mr. Iliiiumotiil mid wife nf Tnrninn.
Windi , who Imvo been vIhIiIiir their
tiniK ht-r. MrH. WoHterfleld nml family
di'imrted the fore tmrt of the week
In Alluiiiv, where they will vlnlt for
n Hum with tln'lr mn.
Anions Mie riillern nt the It. ftoli
erU' home on Sunday were J. I'.
Htrmie, wife nml f inn liy, of MnimhoH
tor. own. ('. I'. Mopm, wife nnd win,
of I'orlliind, 8. V. Hrrlpturo nnd wife
und Mih. Krimk Print of OroKon city
mid imnlel Kim II I. nf r'linbv.
('. II Hunter nnd wlfu lenvo Oroirnn
Klriino, wife mid fiimlly, of City ThurHiluy ovoiilnu nf thin wm k
luwn, nrrlvod In DreKmi , fnr iB AukoIi h. where tlmv will re.
nf limt wei'k nml nre : H,,,
Af- Mr. W. U Klnley of thin plape. who
it i huh liiKIln ii trln IhriiiiL'h CiillC.nil-i
, wlih JiU fiimlly, h nerloun!y III nt n
! honpllul nt HIv. rNlile. Cnllforiilii. Mr.
i Klnley Iimh Ih oii lecturing for nonm
Hoi-kn lu Ciilifiirnlii. und exported to
'.i:o nn to Arlzotin to nliidy mid photo
! Kiuph tlm IiIcIh nf tlm tlosort for
j luiiKiilint mittorliil.
I .en .IoIiiihiiii, Him huh Hlrk fnr tlm
pul two wi'i'Kh, h lini'k In IiIh plum
III WlxHlllKer'M HtlllO
i: Vflyti. the llHle ilnnhler nf Mr
nnd .Mm A. II. Imwlltiu. h very III
ltli plii'iiimiiiln llr Townley Ih lit
tenilliiK Iter nnd eviTMliltiK Ih belnu
done to ri'llevi' her. We lutpo tn hear
of mi linprov I'limnt In Imr eonillllon
ThotunH T"iiln hn tlm franm nf IiIh
new hniiHo up und will ril'.ll II to
I'hllllp Slrelli. ,lr, hut necopled a
poidilnn with the Mlluuiikle Merinun.
tile Cninpunv. I'lill win a pupulitr
clerk ul the Hume Htnro liefnro ho
nn. Mil to littK 11. mil a cniiplo nf
veuri in;n
Mih. Htnllh, who n nt St. VIiii'oiiI'h
lli'Npllul It reported ImprnvluK, hut
will have to leiuitlll for It luonili
loiiKer. J
.Mayor I'hllllp Slrelli wont to Ore-1
p'li I'lly op In i si lit'iH MuiiiIiiv. I
Oliver lliidillii Iiiih ImiiKht four lotH .
( 'Il y on Krlilny
VlnlllllK nt tlm Krunk I'rult llnllie.
lor eallliiK mi nlil Inwn frlomtH
(IiIh place they wore fnvnruhly Im-pinmn-d
wlih tlm 1hIko nnd no doubt
will iiiuko Illln their Imiim, wllllu lie.
eldliiK mi il poriuaiieiit Ineutlnn.
MrH. Jnliu JoiinliiKH' prelly little
hnine huh tlm hi'iTio nf u prelly !iilh.
iTlui! when hIio elili'i llilliid Hie 1'ro
kK'hhIvo Club on ThiuHduy nfierniHiii.
A Inro number nf IiiiIIoh were pren-
nt and it dellKblfiil nf lirnnnll wan
John lllhBi It (if Newberi;. ll.lH nr-
I copied iMinltlull 111 W I,. Ilaber-
I iiiiii) h ueiierul iiiorchnnillHo Htnre
I Ilm l-nilKe.
i Ki ii nk lli'iiiduiau and hiiii nf llnml
ItlviT, who lllive been VlhltlllK liU
1 piui'iiiH, ri nulled hniim. While In thU
, liinlty lin y purehiiHeii n proity home
' llllll (WO IlllH III (illlllHtolie.
I II ('. I'aliiti'n him roiiiplotod II dill
, b d well fnr Mrn. M. Kriiumr nosr
ClaoHiimuH nml will bo bunlly ciiKiiKed
! Ill Hint lielKhlmi bond fnr Hnine (Imi',
bavliii; (liken ciiutineiH to drill it num
ber I here.
i Mih. I.uey Newell huh n Hck end
Client nl lite hniim nf Iht KmnilHon.
lu I'nrllauil, and nn Sunday attended
the bitvIioh at tlm M. K. church In
. (ir'nmi city.
j .MimlaineH C. U Sinlili and Venter
ll' ld and MIhh W'oHteilleld nml Har
old I'rult xvoio vlhltniH at the Behind
, Mr (iooiKo Mm' mid wife enter
tained to n luncheon on Tuoxdny
lionn iil tlmlr-pretty Imnm iienr Mej.
! driiin. The kuoih of honor wore Mr.
J. I'. St rii In and family of Iowa, Cov
I its were laid for fourteen nml n very
! pleiiHiuit afternoon huh panned.
"The Aviation Moot" In Portland nt
. truetcd ninny of our r'Kldent8 the Int
! tor purl of IiihI week nml the foro
i part nf HiIh week. While we do not
' I now nf any one at the IulKo who
ronteiiipliito.H huyl.iR nn nemplnno,
htlll ninny nre plniiuliiK on koIiik to
nee Ilninllton, who has been encased
Loti, Acreage nd Firmi
P. O. Don ?13
Milwaukee, Ore,
111 Mlnlhiii'ii II n,l 1. I.. l.,,ll.l ..
" ' "I" " " '" "
hoiiHo nn llin property HiIh HprlnK.
Mih. .InhiiHon, tlm well known real
t'Hlule denier of .Mllwuilkle, WtiH an j
Oreimii City vlaltor Tilemlny.
Otto Nenf. W. K. Tlirenher nnd Mih. I
nii.wAUKin. oki-doN
Careful of Your Property
One of hc secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 -525 Main Street
I ylglM!UL
A Splendid Overall
for every use.
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pockeli.
Felled seams.
In Sill II ill Dnlicv
Minulacturrri I
SllllllllKI OlilUlll
Mrn. J. . MiKire. of Arizona, moth
er nf MrH. I'atil Allfworth, will npom
tlm Hllllllner here.
' I Mr. nml Mrn. ('. J. Walileii, of Kort
Worth, TexuH, h it fnr tlmlr hnino lif
ter a visit nf three week with Dr.
nml Mi'k W. T. Frel.lu.
Mih, I'roelor, MIkh Keiieily, Miss
' Kniinii Kiirtn niul Mth. stein were
i I'nrllauil vlnltom Woilnesilay.
On tin. lsth of March tlm Initio of
j the luiprovi'uiont AHuirlallnii will glvo
I nn cliiertnliimont nml ralne fimilH for
'the fair lliln full which Oak Crove
cxpirlH to have, See bills later.
I.. K Ileiitley hiiH puin to Juniper
Flat, Wiihivi Cniinly, lnnk nftor his
Interent there.
Mrn. II. Iao Pncet nml Mri. Chris.
Hicham were I'ortliiiul visitors Krlilny.
Mrn. Illackohy was cnlleil to Silver
ton, Marlon County, on account nf tin
neniii nr nor niece, we extern! our
sympathy tn her In her lioronveinent
Mrs. William Miller nml ihuiKhter,
(ilailvH, spent Krlcjny In Pnrtlantl.
Hen. Joni'H has hiiIiI Mm place nil the
roiinty Mini north of C'lmrtney to n
Now York num. We ititl not learn
the inline, lull hope to know him
Mrs. II. F. Allen,' of OroKon Cltv
vIhIioiI Mrn. Alfreil Allen nt her home
lit Klnley il few ilayn lust week.
-MIsh .XI . M. Si'hnelllli'Ilier just ro-
tiirnoil from lloiitilulu ami will remain
with Mm. Alfreil Allen for the sum
nier. She wiih much ilellKliteil with
the IsIuiiiIh. hul prefers nlil Oregon.
It. F. Allen jins retiirneil tn his sum
nmr homo lit Hlsley's Station.
Mlsa Harriett llntian. of Ahenlepii
Wash., Ih Hpeinllni,' n fow weeks with
her friend, MIhh (Ihulys Weal, nt their
lionutlful home nt KIsley'H.
Mrn. Jnhn IaiioIi. mother of Mrs.
.1. M. Weal, has returned tn her homo
In Solhvond, after a weeks' visit nt
Hlsley's Station,
Mrs. S. R. Swlnoy nnd son, Harry
nf Sellwood, spent Sunday with Clyde
Swlnoy nnd family at their homo' on
the Itlsley Tract.
Tlm Unlles' Alt will meet nt Mrs.
Win. Miller's Thursday. Tea will he
served hy the Indies. All ladles
Mrs. rnyno, mother of Mrs. L,.
Arinstroni;, Is qnllo III. '
Church Notes.
Methodist church, services 7:3n
M. hy the Pastor, .liinies Monro. Sun.
day school 10 A. M., K. O. Allen, Sup
erintendent. Everyone welcome.
Family Social Given.
Tlm Family Social plven hy the hoys
of Miss Itose iMInlKer'K Riintiny school
class was a success. They raised the
amount suliscrllieil and n few dollars
over, which was kIvimi to the radios'
Aid. as they furnished the refresh
ments. The proKrnmiuo follows: Re
marks, MJss Rose IMlnlner: rhorus.
I the class: recltallon. Kstor Staats;
j soiifr, Isahelln McArtlnir; rocllntltm.
Miss Junes; chorus, the class; recita
tion, Kiln Utldoll.
I Meeting of Improvement Association,
j The Improvement -Association was
well attended Thursday evening. Hon.
Ceo. W. Stnpletoll, of Portland, was
the main speaker. Ills remarks were
on "Ilm Annexation of the Northern
Part of Clackamas County and Mult
nomah." It. l,ep l'nKet uinile n few
remaiks. JIlss Um Kennedy sans
II heniltlful selectlim entitled "Snilmr
is ComltiK." Pr. J. H. nml Mrs. Mo
Arthur rendered n vocal duet entitled
"The Scholar nnd Teacher."
Basket Ball Notes.
On March 2. the On It drove athletic
team defeated the (Hailstone team in
(Troon's Hall. The score was :!2 to
11. Theodore AVorllilnK'on minle the
liirirest score, Hi, just half the total
points made.
Cn the 4th of Mnroh the Oak Cirove
team defeated the Clackamas team
B2 to 14 In Oreon's Hall.
On March nth the junior team was
defeated by the Christian Urotlier's
IliislnoBs College, team in Oreen'R
Hall on Union Avo. and Clacknmiis
Mr. end Mrs. Hurt firecniinin wore
lookliiK for land around Mel drum on
Mr, nnd Mrs, Whlto urn Improving
their plno.o windorfully.
Mr. Miirnn wan plowing f()r Mr.
Wllllu TuoHiliiy.
Mr, JIurrlH received a fine. Jot of
hay TuoMdiiy,
Mr. and Mrs. Ererknon wont to
Mllwuilkle HiMiiluy and reported a
pleiiHiuit time.
Kvoryhody of MMnirri sci-mii hiin
lly oiiKHKi'd mukliiK K1"'1'"".
Mr. llootz wiih liiiny pliiuiliiK some
trees In Ills Inwn Monday ami Tuck.
Wllllo Miller culled on hln parents, i
Mr. und Mrs. L. Ii. Miller Holiday.
Mr. Hoho, of JelinliiKH lidi!0, litis ;
boon working for Mr. Urltti-n this I
Mr. and Mrs. Ernot Wnlker audi
MIhs Annie Gardner wont to nee the
(lying iiiiirhlnos Hominy. j
C. M. Welntz, Alec (Jill, MeHrs. I
Ilyron, Yoiuten and other young men
of this pliien hnvo orginilzid n "linch-l
I'lor's Cluh." It Is the Intention nf ;
HioHo young men who nre all well j
known und highly respected to enter i
inln the bachelor girls In ih near J
future, providing the young women j
will entertain them. Many entertain, i
ments are already Imlnir planned by 1
tlm Iliichelor's Cluh, which will be :
given during the coming summer, i
MIhh .Uiiid Moran, wlm works In'
the My store nt Oregon City, was
called home on Wednesday afternoon
on account of ber mother bolnu taken :
seriously III. j
Mr. lirltten, who Is ninylng In Port-1
hind during IiIh family's aluu-nro n
California, was in Mehinira mi Tiioh
dny looking after bis property inter
ens. !
Mrs. Clyde Plckard. nf Sellwood, j
vlxlted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 :
II. Miller. I
The Place for Your Home
A hill not too steep, not too flat, beautifully contoured, beauti
fully marked by nature's kindness this is the
of today. The future will bring only
added beauty, added attraction. -
will have all of the usual homesite attributes,
and it will have a great manV that will be
peculiarly and particularly its own.
Mould your home-site ideals after
Eastmoreland iUe rea!ities
Children Ory
The Government Pays Railway Mail
Clerks $800 to $1200, ind Other
Employees Up to 12S00
I'ticle Hum will hold examinations
throughout the country fnr Hallway
Mail Clerks, Custom House Clerks,
Monographers, Itookki mth, Depart
mental Clerks and oth"r (lovernment
Positions. Thousands of npimlntmentH
will be made. Any mini or woman
ver IS. In City or Country, can get
liiHtructlon and free Information hy
writing at once to tlm Hureau of In-
uruction, l'.r.S Hamlin Ilulldlng,
Hoihesler. N. V.
The Colds That Hang On.
Are readily cured by Dr. Hell's I'lne-
Tar lloney. It relieves the cold and
slops the cough. There Is only one
Carrie Seston to Ora l'o, lot 10
of block 2, Canity ; IS'M.
(i. I). Long to II. A. ami K. H. Ram-
heig. Hi acres of. section 31. townshlu
south, range 1 east; $1000.
S. W. and Alice (1. Weaver, J. U,
und Klvlo A. Calvert to Levi Roth.
lnnd in J. M. Iurvo I). U C, Clack-
iiiiius county; $iMoti.
August and raullne Knpiio to Gus-
taf and Dorlhen Andersen tn acres
of south half of northwest quarter of
section 21, township 5 south, niHK 1
inst; i.'.ioo.
Cliarles and Annette, Hall to Hub
bard Ilowmati, 15 acres of section 2,
township 2 east; l'.0.
C. II. and Minnie Clndlus to George
nnd Churlotte Hnrtung, block 110 In
Oak Grove; J275U.
N. C. and Joseihlne Chrlstensen to
Atulrew and Alverda Jensen. 122.K5
acres of section 7, township 3 south,
range 3 enst; $r,(Wo,
Sophie and Rudolph Jnnder to Jo
hnu and L0111I0 Maschek to Emilie
Hoeche, SO acres of section 23, town
ship 4 south, range 1 cast; $2.
Liidwlch and Martha Maschek to
Einllle Hoeche, SO acres of section 23,
township 4 south, range 1 east; $1.
Helnrlch and Julia Maschek to Enti
tle Hoeche, Ml acres of section 23,
township 4 south, range 1 past; $1.
Helnrlch nnd Julia Maschek to Mrs.
Kmlla Hoeche, So acres of section 23,
township 4 south, range 1 east; $1.
Kriedrlch and Caroline Voss to Emi
lia Hoeche, SO acres of section 23,
township 4 south, range 1 east; $1.
N'icls nnd Mary Mathesen to I'rsula
Melstor, lot 5 of Gil'son'g Subdivision
lo J. A. lgan Tract, sections 19. 30,
township 1 south, range 2 east; $".
i lllamette Kails Comnnnv to Mil
lard Hyatt nnd Jesslo Hvatt, lot 1 of
hlnck 12. Willamette rnlls: $175.
Until White to Hlaltio White, lot 7
of block 23. Canby; Jl.
II. W., W. F. and Kith. Cnrv to A. E.
sparks, lots 7 nnd S of block 15: $1.
Kstacada State Hank to Carl Linns.
lot 2 of block 9. Znhrlst Addition to
Estacadn; $100.
Lstaeuda state ll.ink to Fred Linns.
lots 4 and 5 of block 9, Zohrlst Addi
tion to Estacadn; $u0.
Edward and Laura n. Collins to
Ralph If. Stahl, 20 acres of section
1, township 2 south, ranees east:
H. M. Grant and Agnes Grant to
W. L. Johnston, southeast quarter of
section (1. township 3 south, range 5
east; $100.
Ci. A. and Maggie Cobb to M. S.
Cohh, Uils 9S, 101, Canby Garden;
M. G. and Hrliket Flynn to Mrs.
Harriet Dnvls, all of lot 1(1, block 20.
Windsor; $10.
Henrietta nnd Frederick Will to
Fred Monte, 83.3C in res of section 19,
township 4 south, range 1 vast; $0000.
is the home of the great Reed Institute.
$3,000,000 have been set aside for the
endowment of this world powerful educational institution.
Reed Institute will occupy 40
acres in the very center of
Eflstmorclsnd ots e ug1 n easv terms-
FactmftrDlanfl improvements are comprehensive. Streets
LaMlllUI CiailU wj 1 be from 28 to 48 feet wide from curb
to curb, hard surfaced cement curbs and 6 foot walks will be
installed. Bull Run water, gas and shade trees are a part of the
improvements to be installed over the entire tract.
All homes will be set back of a 25 foot building line. Re
strictions will be $3000 and $4000.
Board of Trade Building Portland, Oregon
Painless Dentistry
lii ' ' V;. ..
Out of town ixyele
;mii imvu iinir ,iHte
?iml liriilw-work tin.
)imIii-,1 In oiiu duy
lf nilr...iir.
; weiiill fa you I pood
;,22k itolj or porci-tjii
cronnler $3.50
V'Mol.r Cro.ni 5.00
iGolJdllinpi 1.00
Cn.m r.l:nti 1.00
Siar Filling
Inlav Fillitiji
Plato O.UU
iwui. ji "1 m
il fliti mutant m PMtmj Paintoii fxtr'lwn ,50
ruin U-w Kitrni-iion I r when nlatw or l-ruliw work
inoniiTiHl, (ViiMiittnltoii Kn-tt, Von innot tt"t l'lttif
iwttilfwwork ilntto hu whiTf. All work ftiU cntir
iiitrtil. MiHltTUIf- tru'tHHiinuuint. U,-t met k..i
Wise Dental Co
TtiiuiiiWtKii.sia. PORTLAND, OREGON
orrici nouns; i a. u. w i t. u. imm. to 1.
V. P. rturrows to P. S. McGuIre,
21. blnrk 10. Hyile Park; 10.
It. W. Cnry. V. F. and Ruth Cary
lo A. E. Sparks, CO acres of section
;i, townsliip 2 south, 4 east; also
lam! in section 21, townshlu 3 south.
ranee -I east; $1.
Karl aim Mrs. Heilwlg Schulz to
August Hansniann, 10 acres of see-
tiini 22, 2S. 2ti. 2", township 1 south,
rnn(;e 3 cast; $1250.
W. E. nml M. J. Kellope to I'lvsis
(irant KoIIokc, land lu Oregon City;
Ailolph Mittelstedt et nl. John W.
Luiler et al, to tleorge Zilliiiski. north
westerly half of lot "ll" Tract 59,
Willamette Tracts; $1200.
John K. and Wilinotta S. Jennings
lo J. AV. Uodgers and G. A. Rodgers,
lot D", First Addition to Jennings
bulge; $720
Pauline Essig to Ethel A. Cawthon.
25 acres of T. J. Vlckers D. L. C
township 3 south, range 1 east; $2000.
H. A. and Rosa A. Kruse to Clack
amas County, section is, township 3
south, range 1 cast: $1.
Willamette Falls Company to Lena
Werner, tract 57, Willamette & Tuala
tin Tracts; $270.
Frank and Eliza Strlckrntt to A. J.
Strirkratt, 21 acres of section 35.
township 1 south, range 2 east: $500.
John W . and Kate C. Thornton to
W. H. and Ellen Ada Lawrence, 2.50
acres of section 23, township 3 south,
range t west; $1000.
W. A. Cunningham to John Zobrist,
lot t! of block 35, First Addition to
Estncada; $1000.
E. H. and Emelia Burghanlt. to
Clackamas County, land in section 15,
township 2 south, range 3 east; $1.
Leila L. and Robert G. Hofer to
Harold G. Epton, 5 acres of Pinehurst;
Eliza nnd Henry Wilbern to John
M. Heuklo, land in Foster D. L. C,
section 31, township 2 south, range
1 east; $2S00.
Christian' A. and J. I. Sharpt to
F. A. Davis and Jennie E. Pavis, land
in section 32, township ti south, range
2 east; $1700.
A. Vester to Ward P. Swopp. lot
5 of Gordon Glen Home Tracts; $1000.
Oregon Swedish Colonization Com
pany to Goran Asplund. 40 acres of
seel ion S. township 5 south, range 3
east; $550.
Louis C. and Ella P. Tobias to
Adrian MeCulmaii, 40 acres of Stephen
Farrow IX L. C. Xo. 44, township li
south, range 1 east; $1200.
C. I. and Ida I. Calkins to E. V.
Allison. 11.(10 acres of section 4, town
ship 3 south, range I west; $12!0.
.Mary Thompson et nl to C. J. and
Sarah Elizabeth Nelson, lots 11, 12,
block 21, lot ti of block 30, Robertson;
M. JL Porkholder to Charles E.
Mitchell, 30 acres of section 3(1. town
ship 4 south, range 1 east; $750.
Adolph and Kate llatiss to Adam
Plement. 4.SU acres of section 33.
township 5 south, range 1 east; $150.
Florence H. and George P. Conklln
to Lottlu Gelon, lot 5 of block 1C4,
Oregon City;$l.
Elllo N. nnd Thomas Howell to Wad
hams & Company Incorporated, lots
11, 12, block 88. First Subdivision to
portion of Oak Grove: $1000.
J. L. and Sophia Combs to R. W.
.McKeon, 10 acres of section 34, town
ship 3 south, range 1 east; $3000.
Caroline Prenninger to J. H. Me
Arthur. lots 3. 5, 6, tract 72, and other
land In First Subdivision of portion
of Oak Grove; $5500.
James Nicholson and Sadie Nichol
son et al to A. V. Albright, 640.90
aores of D. L. C. of Sylvester G. and
Esther Nicholson D. L. C. sections
1, 2. 11,- 12, township 6 south, range
1 east: $1.
E. D. Albright and wife, land in
sections 1, 2. 11, 12, township 6 south,
range 1 east; $1.
M. A. Bleakney and A. T. Bleak
ney to A. W. Albright, C10.9C acres of
D. L. C. of Sylvester G. and Esther
Nicholson, sections 1, 2, 11, 12, town
ship 6 south, range 1 east; $1.
Jacob and .Martha J- Nicholson to
A. W. Albright, 640.96 acres of sec
tions 1, 2, 11. 12, township 6 south,
range 1 east; $1.
Isaac Farr and Annie L. Farr to
Frank and Annie Busch, lot 4 of block
135, Oregon City; $300.
Elmer T. Farr to Frank and Annie
Busch, lot 3 of block 135, Oregon City;
Estacada State Bank to Charles
Linn, lot 3 of block 2, Zobrist Addi
tion to Estacada; $125.
Charmorlow Company to John Ad-
kin, 20 acres of section 16. township '
south, rauge 5 east; $1S00.
John W. and Grace E. Loder to
Ida M. 'Wnrren, 3 acres of township
2 south, rauge 1 east; $10.
J. F. Goode to Oliver and Ella M.
Hadtlen, lots IS, 19. 20, 21. block 42,
Minthorn Addition to Portland: $10.
T. B. McDevitt. Jr., and Julian F.
McDevitt to David IL Lloyd, lot 16,
block 7. Miiwaukie Park; $135.
Freil and Mary A. Howitt to Robert
Purch, SO acres of section 14. town
ship 4 south, range 2 east; $1600.
Carl A. Rath to Nicholas Rath, 10
Bi rawr-niiTTr i t ih mm
acres of section 20, township 3 south,
lange 5 east; $250.
Mary E. Conyers to John W. Loder,
lots 12, 13, 14, block 5, South Oregon
City; $i.
Bernhard P. and Mary Friedrlch to
George P: and Rev. B. Case, 24 acres
of Harrison Wright D. L. C. town
ship 4 south, range 2 east; $1900.
Iva and Rosalie P. Clodfelter to
Frank Havnere, lot 14, Multnomah
Acres; $10.
Will E. and Ollie J. Purdy to Marion
Beamer. 484 acres of F. W. Geer's
D. L. C. section 30, 31, township 3
south, range 1 west; $10.
Julia and Joseph D. Rengrer and
Hattie J. Cottrell, land In section 25,
township 2 south, range 5 east; $3500.
Harry Ballard to Emma Yeakey)
lfs 9. 19. Windsor Addition; $1.
J. J. and Nellie Irene Hurlbert to
Iva T. Breman. land in section 27,
township 2 south, range 2 east: $1.
Ira T. and Elma H. Beeman to
Pacific Coast Trust & Investment
Company, 10 acres of section 27, town
ship 2 south, range 2 east; $10.
Annette Myres to Elennor Van Al
len. 30 acres of Ezra Fisher D. L. C,
township 2 south, range 2 east; $1.
Elva Poe to John Macho, acre3
of section 27. township J south, range
4 east: also 26.75 acres of section 22,
township 2 south, range 4 east; $1500.
M. Anton M. Poe and Edgar A. Poo
to John Macho. acres of section 27,
township 2 south, range 4 east ; $300()!
J. K. and Mary E. Gribble to Wade
H. Gribble, 40 acres of D. L. C. of
John B. Gribble No. 3S, sections 15,
16. 21, 22, township 2 south, range 1
east; $1.
Oregon Swedish Colonization Com
pany to Carl J. Johnson, 40 acres of
section 10, township 5 south, range 3
east; $500. .
Henry M. and Amelia L. Kuehl to
Katherine Rltterspacher, 3.50 ncres of
W. R. Cotton D. L. C. township 2
south, range 1 east; $2000.
Perry A. and Sablna F. Hunter, It
acres of section 31, township 1 south,
range 3 east: $500.
E. F. and Martha S. Riley to G. "V".
Rutter and Mary A. Rutter. lots ,18.
30, 40, block 71, Minthorn Addition
ta Portland; $75.
Land Titles Examined.
Abstracts of Title Made.
Office over Bank of Oregon Cltv.
Sure to Cive Satisfaction.
It clennxeN, soothes, heals and protects the
diKwd mi'iiiliniiie resulting- from CSiturrb
and driven away a Cold in the Head miicklv.
Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell.
Fjisy to nse. Contains no injurious drug
Applied into the notriIs and absorbed.
Largo Size, CO cents at Druggista or by
mnil. Liquid Cream Balm for use in
atondfcers, 75 centa.
ELY BROTHERS, 46 Warren St.. New York.
Treasurer's Notice.
I now have funtls to pay Road War
rail's endorsed prior to Oct. 14, 190S.
Interest ceases on such warrants on
date of tiiis notice.
J. C. PADDOCK, County Treas.
Varch 11, 1910.
Gladstone Christian Church.
Services Sunday, March 13th, as fol
lows: Bible School 10 A. M. Preach
ing at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Special
music in the evening. Morning theme,
"Accomplishments of a W'orshtiifu!
Faith." Evening subject, "What Earn
est Faith Will do For You." Friends '
are cordially invited to attend these
A. II. MULKEY, Pastor.