Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 11, 1910, Page 2, Image 2

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'oT" "
AVosoiaWc Prrpanftm IjAs
(Lie, llif Sumradis an.lU.Wts jf
Promotes Dii-sliiinflvrffu!
nes!.-inH l?csl fiint.iinsnei.'h(r
Opium.Mi)rphinf norMiacraL
;-,o; i!
Anwf,rl Remedy forfws!t3
Umi vivirSlncvvh.nta(TiKV3
Worms .Convulsions jcwns
IacSlnV SijMlOT
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
!oO- It
Beautiful weather In Stafford, and,
as usual, we forget it ever rained, and
the plowman goes merrily to the field
whistling "Oregon," My Oregon," and
keeping step to the music as he turns
the brown earth, but we don't place
mnrh itonpniltini'A nnon fair nmTnises
for when we get a few acres plowed
we sow the seed and say to ourselves,
"that much secure anyway."
We believe Alfred Thomas is a few
rods ahead this week.
We think we are peculiarly favored
on these gentle hills, in the fact that
as soon as the rain ceases falling we
can dodge out and plow till the next
shower, and if it is long continued we
can saw wood as another correspon
dent advised.
Jake Schattz is having a little cele
bration every day by the sounds of
bang! bang!" He is clearing off
quite a patch, and has well earned the
cognomen of "Hot Schots."
Mr. Moser had woTkmen at work
last week putting up wire fence all
around his yard and garden.
The sick are all better as far as
heard from and scholars are returning
to school.
The Misses Rosa Elligsen and
Matie Pamperine spent an afternoon
with Bee Gage last week.
Julia Weddle attended the party at
Herb Turner's and made a pleasant
call at Fred Elllgsen's. returning to
Mr. Byrajn's next day. Carl broke
the singletree of his buggy going to
the party.
Earnest Thomas and family moved
back to his father's to stay till it
seems safer to travel when they in
tend to return to Dakota. Quite a
number of,neighbors called upon them
Sunday evening to wish them God
It leaked out Saturday morning that
it was Mrs. Jack Elligsen's birthday,
so word was passed around and that
evening neighbors assembled and
gave her a genuine surprise party.
About 15 were present and about as
many children, and all had a very
enjoyable time. Lunch with coffee
wua'spn-pd and a feature of the occa
sion was lighted Christmas candles
placed on the cakes, and every guesi
was required to take out one and as
each one blew it out. made a wish
fnr mk FMIiesen. who is a general
favnritp Manv and various were the
wishes, but the sum and substance of
each one was health, long life and
A new family is to move into the
Barbara Moser house.
it io renortpd Will Jaster is to
marry, and the father and mother will
move out.
Big Peter's house burned last week,
cause supposed to be a defective flue.
Verv little was saved.
One of the old residents of Stafford
died peacefully a few days ago. We
refer to "Old Nig," a cat, who ha3
faithfullv caught mice on the Gage
place all his useful life. He was 18
years old and wag the pet kitten of
the youngest daughter for a number
of years. The daughter married and
left home fourteen years ago, but
whenever she returned he knew her
and would climb up her dress and
Coll and list your
farms wtfh us we
con sell them.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
sears tno y v.
Signature AW
Thirty Years
seat himself upon her shoulder, a
familiarity he did not attempt with
others. His black ears were scal
loped by his many fights, and he had
lost ail his teeth, but his claws were
as sharp as ever and until a few
weeks before he died he was as quick
to catch a mouse.
Charlie Tiedeman's two potatoes,
each a foot long, still hang above the
dining room table. "A thing of beauty
and a joy forever," and we expect to
be a self-invited guest In the near
future to help eat tobors right from
the parent vine, about the time that
frozen up and blizierdy Dakota and
Kansas get able to plant a few In
their gardens.
A man has bought a tract of land
above Mr. Thomas's (the old Larson
place) and sent out two men to do
some slashing.
There ii Only One Pine-Tar-Honey
That is Dr. Bell's. It is the original
and can be relied on in croup, coughs,
colds, and all lung and bronchial
troubles. Look for the bell on the
Willie Marshall, who is building a
new barn, fell from the building and
sprained his leg.
.Mrs. W. G. Kliensmith Is on tiie
sick list.
Ben Marshall left last week.
B. Sullvain butchered on Monday.
John Putz and Carl Strongreen as
sisted him.
Mr. Fisher, from Portland, came out
after his daughter, Mrs Grace Mar
shall, last Friday.
Alex Scherruble sawed wood for
Mr. Wettlaufer last week.
Mr. Bottemiller is plowing so he
can sow oats and wheat.
Alex Scherruble is going to saw
wootl for Mr. Larking this week.
Mr. Sullvain went to Portland on
business last week.
George Schiewe died last Wednes
day. The remains were burled in the
Clarkes cemetery on March 5.
John Marshall is working for Willie
Edd Grace sold hay to Mr. Bitner
last week.
John Putz, of Colton, spent Sunday
with Mr. Bottemiller.
Every farmer in busy plowing and
getting ready to sow grain.
It Saved His Leg.
"All thought I'd lose my leg,"
writes J. A. Swensen, of Watertown,
Wis. "Ten years of eczema, that 15
doctors could not cure, had at last
laid me up. Then Bucklen'B Arnica
Salve cured It, sound and well." In
fallible for Skin Eruptions, Eczema,
Salt Rheum, Bolls, Fever Sores, Burns
Scalds, Cuts, and Piles. 25c at all
Mrs. McCee and daughter, of Green
water, California, are visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Hazzard for the bene
fit of her health.
Mr. Otto Miller was visiting his
many friends around here last Sun
day. Mrs. Elsl Stark of Sellwood. was
visiting her sister, Mrs. A. J. Wilson"
last week.
Mrs. B. Hunter, of Jennings Lodge
a sister to Mrs. Bonner of this place,
left for Los Angeles, California, Wed
nesday, accompanied by her husband,
mother and father
Mrs. Derrick and family, of Court
ney, are visiting her sister, Mrs. B
January at. Polk and Division streets.
She is enroute to Springfield for her
The Pacific Telephone Co. have two
crews out restrlnging wires and at
tending to other necessary work after
the winter storms.
The Lash of a Fiend.
would have been about as welcome to
A. Cooper of Oswego, N. Y., as a mer
ciless lung-racking cough that defied
all remedies for years. "It waH most
troublesome at night, he writes,
"nothing helped me till I used Dr.
King's New Discovery which cured
me completely. I never cough at
night now." Millions know its match-
les merit for Btubborn colds, obsti
nate coughs, sore lungs, lagrippe, asr
thma, hemorrhage, croup, whooping
cough, or hayfever. It relieves quick
ly and never fails to satisfy. A trial
convinces. COc, $1.00. Trial bottle
free. It's positively guaranteed by all
fti-' Oso
U for Over
Hurrah for WilsouvUle, tho mall Is
now coming to our village twice a
day over tho Electric line, which Is
proof of tho liitlnoneo of our business
men nt headquarters.
Professor Graham of Port land, vis
ited bis sister. Mrs. Marlon Young
on Sunday and Monday.
Mrs. Howard has returned from her
trip to California, mid has boon visit
lug relatives and friends In our vil
lage for a few days. Mrs, Howard Is
still a stnunoh Orcgonian and snts
she became tired of tho Uuid of Sun
shine, and was glad to see a real good
Oregon rain.
Horn to tho wlfo of Harry .lost, on
Sunday, March OHi. n boy.
Miss Crockett of tho neighboring
village of Clackamas, has boon vis
iting her friend. Mrs. Norrls Young.
Coo. Jomison wont to Portland on
Saturday to resume his work at the
carpenter trade.
A large audlouoo greeted Capt.
Uranson on Monday evening to hour
bis lecture on 'Tho IVvIl and Ills
Tw ins."
Cora ltrobst wont to Portland on
Monday and Miss Elizabeth Is at homo
for a few days.
Our basketball boys wore not to
blanio for losing tho game on Satur
day evening. March .Mb. as there Is
not much science In being tall enough
to place the ball In the basket with
out having to throw It.
Norris Young. Walter Sooty, Ralph
Soely, Elmer Soely, V" Darby, Frank
Urobst. Harry Tompkins and others
wore noticed among visitors to the
Rose City on Saturday last. Wo hate
not inquired whether they all wont
down to see tho high ttyers or not. but
eHct they did, as Wilsonville people
generally take In all there is going.
, Eva Baker came homo on Saturday
to visit her parents and help out the
"Old Maid s Association'" in the Coral
Creek district.
Miss Gossnor returned from Port
land on Saturday, whore she had boon
spending a few days.
The fact that M. X. Crlssell on Fri
day. March 4. bought property in Port
land for which the consideration was
$22,300 shows that Wilsonville farmers
are able to make big deals on the
Alfred Baker has accepted a res
ponsible position as superintendent of
an Ice plant In Chohalls, Wash.
Rev. J. T. Abbott. Sunday School
Missionary of the Oregon Conference,
was In Wilsonville on Friday, March
1th. and organized a Methodist Sun
day school.
Messrs. Biggs. Cronan and E. See!v
are going to take up homesteads In
Ceutrnl Oregon.
John Angus Is moving to the Roth-
enberg farm, which he recently pur
chased. The Methodist denomination orga
nized on Sunday afternoon. March t',
with bright prospects for a substantial
church In Wilsonville. A church
building will soon be erected, and It
Is to be hoped that we will all feel
like helping to make this building one
that will be a credit to our growing
village. Rev. Exon will preach every
2d and 4th Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Young enter
talned In a delightful manner upon
Monday evening, March "th. In honor
of the' birthday of their eldest son,
Xorris. Games of various kinds were
played and enjoyed to the fullest ex
tent, after which Mrs. Joel Thornton
and Sherman Seely, accompanied by
Miss Mnbel Seely, favored the com
pany with some beautiful songs. Mrs.
Voting served a collation of good
things In the splendid style for whlrh
she is particularly famous. The fol
lowing Invited guests were present
upon this happy occasion: Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Seely, Mr. and Mrs. Joel
Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Say, Misses
Mabel Seely. Nell Murray, Mary Mur
ray. Crockett Graham. Sirs. Howard
and Messrs. Sherman Seely, F. Brobst
and G. Murray.
The First Congregational church of
Wilsonville, disbanded last week, and
by a unanimous vote of the members
disbanding, all the money donated for
building a church of that denomina
tion Is to be paid back to those who
so generously contributed the same.
At the school meeting held Friday
evening March 4th. In the schoolhouse
Mr. Henry Aden and Mr. Lowry were
elected to fill trustee vacancies. The
matter of a High school was discussed
and It was decided to call a nicotine
for Wednesday evening. March 9, and
have tho County Superintendent, Mr.
Gary, who takes a deep Interest In
everything educational, to give In
formation to the voters upon this very
Important subject. An account of the
meeting will be given in next weeks'
Issue of the "Enterprise." The Wil
sonville Correspondent Is still scream
ing that old High school yell:
Wilson vllle's tbe place for a good
High school,
They soon will prepare the carpenter's
The outlying districts are up to snuff.
They'll be on hand with tho genuine
So join in the chorus, and get in line,
A High school you know, would he
mighty fine,
No knockers appear at our village
To make the eighth grader feel sad
or sore,
So whoop up the chorus and make
her roar,
"A High school at Wilsonville ever
May try to assert its independence
and explode just to celebrate the
Glorious Fourth. If you would avoid
such trouble, let us keep all your
in good repair. Our work Is unsur
passed. P. C. GADKE
Tinning, Hot Air Furnace and
Hop Pipe. All Kinds of Job
bing and Spraying Material.
914 Main 8t. Phone 2654.
v .v
V : Y ii A rr nnnfVr
l r k Mil CMTC
vf 10NC COATS -3e8 -3!2
Ma; ) SUITS 3!3
A.J.Towitit Co. noTON.uA.
Again wo welcome the bountiful
spring with Us M.tislilno and (lowers.
Attorney Carl llaliorlnoh ntld wlfo,
of Tillamook, use visiting tho for
mer' parents.
Howard tietj of Portland, had the
misfortune of breaking both his
wrists, lie s stopping with his pnr
cuts at present.
Tho party g:en at Mr. and Mrs.
lloyoi's was onii'M'd h.v many of the
friends and noldiNors.
Mrs. Fred Miiiollionko spent a few
,lavs with her damhier liu Portland.
Mrs. Wm. Tlnmerstot of Tlllainook,
Is visiting her dattchter, Mm. T. llab
A family reunion was hold at tbe
home of Mr. G llaberlach's Sunday
Rev. Jones of Clackamas, christened
the two grand children, Gladys Hab-
erlach and Sylira Clarke. Ho also
took several photographs of tho fam
A !n,.Mlth Skin.
Black Heads, chaps, Pimples, Sores
ami all unhealthy conditions of .the
skin are unsightly and detract from
the hHks. Buy a box of Dr. Hell's
Antiseptic Sahe. a creamy, snow
white ointment, apply as directed and
your skin will be as clear as a imne s.
At all dealers In medicine.
Mr. Patrick" Welsh, the watch and
clock repairer is staying nt Gibsons,
The dance for the benefit of the
baseball team, Saturday night, wiw
attended by about fifty couple. Every,
bodv reports a good time.
Johnnie Wells has bought the Han
son place, south of Mnoksburg. He
expects to move mi In the fall.
Miss Luclle Gibson, who has been
staying with her sister In Portland,
for throe weeks, returned home Sat
urday. Mr. McAnulty took In the flying
machine show at Portland Saturday
and Sunday.
Miss Marie Bowers is back from a
weeks' visit In Portland.
Jess Hlpler sold his gray horse to
Mr. Knudtson.
Raleigh Bowers Is working In Port
land. Mrs. Mason anj her sister who have
been working fur tho Seramlln Mer
cantile Co.. left last week.
MY. and Mrs. Ray Black are now
working for Mr. Seramlln.
Bring your witones nnd clocks to
Patrick Welsh, the repair man, nt
A Man of Iron Nerve.
Indomitable will aiul tremendous
energy are never found where Stom
ach, Liver, Kidneys and lkiwels are
out of order. It you want these quali
ties and the success they bring, use
Dr. King's New Life Pills, the match
less regulators, for keen brain and
strong body. 25c at ull druggists.
Fine weather prevails aud we hope
It will continue, as It la good for the
The Bible reading class met last
Thursday at the home of Mrs. Monts.
Interest Is growing as well as tne
Our little Sunday school on the hill
is gaining ground, as there are new
workers coining to us every week.
Rev. Irwin Is making Improvements
on the Molley place. Since he pur
chased It, he has given the house a
thorough renovating. Including paint
ing on the Interior and repnpering.
He also moved the barn nearer tho
street, where he Is making prepara
tions to keep Jersey cows, which he
brought to town a few days ago.
Little Hurly Newman Is 111 with tho
chicken pm.
Granulated Eye Lid.
nn not n,.i.,l to be cauterized ot
srarlned by a physician. Sutherland's
Eagle Eye Salve Is guartinieen 10
cure them without pain. It Is harm
less and a sure cure ror graiiuiaieu
lids. 2",c tube at all dealers.
Property is changing hands and Im
provements still go 00 here.
M. D. llrii'O sold his property to
his sister, Mrs. Jackson and took his
children bark to Nebraska.
J. W. Owens sold his lots to J. P.
Allison, of Sherwood, who took pos
session last week.
Mr. Ow ns bought Mr. Welsh's cot
tage tin the hill near Pleasant avenue.
He is papering and painting the house
before moving Into It.
Mrs. Hall Is visiting In tho country
with her sister, Mrs. Carrlco. this
month for the benefit of her health.
John Darling, Jr., came home last
week and Is making garden these
fine days when the sun shines.
Mrs. Duvall, of Sellwood, was vis
iting friends here over Sunday.
Miss Hazel Francis spent last Sun
day at. Spr'ngwater visiting her sis
ter, who Is teaching school.
Wiley W. May sold hlB property on
tho corner of Duane street and Mo
lalla avenue to Henry Brand, tho mer
chant. Mr. Brand Is having the ntoro and
hall repaired and painted.
Mr. May wishes to sell his resi
dence property and go to Idaho.
Jim (,'iirrln has rented G. V. Glbb's
ranch for this year.
Dr. Grlffln and wife, of Mllwaukle,
accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Tay
lor, and nephew, W. Grlffln, were cal
ling on their old time friends and
schoolmates, W. D. Hamm, and fam
ily last Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Paul Nauman and Mrs. Call ff
were guests of Mrs. T. M. Darling
last Sunday,
Mrs. Welsh wag called to Eugene
last Sunday morning to the bedside
of his son, Oral, who has a serious
attack of measles.
Frank Btill well Is at home this week
with a felon on his finger, which Is
very painful. He had It lanced last
Preston Cooper lias gone to Idaho
to locate.
Will May has sold lilg property to
Frank Beard.
Mr. Hall and Mrs. West nro Improv
ing their property by pulling In a now
line fence. Mr, Hall la trimming up
the rose bushes nud will inulio other
Improvement on the premises.
Walter lit lltln has gone to Portland
to work,
Mrs, Faust has sold her chickens
ami expect to go to Eastern Oregon
next mouth.
Mr. Callvan I on tho sick llt thl
week nnd not tilde to go to his school
nt Maple Ijuio,
The Mountain View Booster Club
held IU regular mooting Tuesday
evening, There was it large attend
ance nnd a good many now mimes
wore added to the membership roll,
A motion was made that a committee
be appointed to buy property and build
it now hull for Hie society. It wiih
amended to secure a hall In which
to meet. Motion curried as amended.
The committee appointed was Mr.
Gorbett. A, Maulst nud Ml. S. O. Gil
lett. Mrs. Gorholt gave a recitation,
and it dlologuo was produced by Ada
lone ami I .Isle Cumin The program
committee stated that they could not
got up it programme on account of no
Gives Prompt Relief.
William II. Douglas, Jr., of Washing
ton, D. C. says: lake great pleasure
In Informing you I have used Dr. Hell s
Plne-Tar-llonoy.' and It gate me a'
most Instant relief.
It seems so good to have tbe wea
ther change, with the sun shining,
the brlgluc! It ha shone for over
a month but even though we have
had unpleasant weather for so long,
we, the people of Clackamas county, :
call always llnd something to do, '
whether It rains or the sun shines, j
With the good weather coming on,
many of the farmers of Mils product j
are to bo seen plowing, and getting'
the ground Into condition for the sow- 1
lug of the crops.
.. . , , , ,
1 he young Oregonlans are provided
here with good school facilities, such I
a building with two good room and 1
two teachers, ami having a nine j
months' term of school. Some of the
old settlers who attended Heboid In
fl..,t ...,,i.. .l.u I...... .,). 1......
able to attend thl length of time In
their lives.
J. F. Jaeger, of Motitavllla, Port-
land, who was here last Kutiuner pros- .
peeling for oil. ha relumed from
Woody. California, where ho hn been
spending the winter. Mr. Jaeger, who I
mis ueeu irjtiug iti it'ii.si. 11 large iruci t
of land here, was only successful In
getting 2.1 acres from Arthur Cliff.
Ho think that the present lea'e of
Mr. Vlerhiis has taken 111 hi testing
well. There has to be something done
In tho oil business In tiackniua
County. The Incorporation of an oil
company I a foregone conclusion
here whether fin Mr. Jaeger' site or
not. However, there is room for sev
eral oil wells. The more the better.
We hope that Oregon will be next to
California In the oil business Cali
fornia claims a billion dollar oil pro.
duct. Wouldn't Oregon he oily If we
wagon natr a union miliar acre in 1
oiii t incsamas roomy. '
The fruit tree are well piled with
fruit buds, ami It Is almost an assured
fact that we will have an unusual
plentiful supply of fruit here.
We have prepared the ground to
Net out Victoria gooseberry llp be.
tween showers, and set In the slips,
nnd planted some of Oregon goose
berry slip. Now, Mr. Editor, If you
live anil I live, we will out gooseber
ries together as si wm as these cut
tings bear fruit.
The Clear Creek annual meeting
III he held on March the 21st At
that lime there may be a h rooty time,
as at that time the sun crosses the
Portland Railway Light
& Power Company
tiiNv:r pom pi:toHV
Made front Oregon Cedar
Prima MtMlrmU
Wt alto r.k Puultrjr NMpiilna; (hi
I'rlr ll.l wnt an niu.al
WILLIAM HMO., Mm. Lama. Oai
lino at tin butler factory If at no
oilier place,
An Evangelist preached on the first
day of the week. It being the nixtll
day of the month u respectable and
leuee was 111 atloiidaiice. The evan
gelist always lias something lo any
to his hearers that Is Interesting,
The preacher of the gospel ought to
ho aide to letei est people at any place
whore It Is preached.
200,000 Tube.
Of Sutherland' Eagle Eye Salvo were
sold In t'.ms ami ""' """ word of
' ,,m,,tnt .'though every tube wits sol
under a positive guarantee. It Is good
for nothing but the eyes. Ask your
Most funnels are taking advantage
of I ho good weather by plowing or
sowing grain, which wl be late nt
' ,H ... ' ....
the best they call do
Mr. and Mr. Moser called on Mr.
land Mr. GrosHinlller Sunday.
I Mrs. II. Wallace spent a few dav
I w lib her daughter thl week.
I -IC. IV w na ...uiun
Iranvon Monday on business
I A surprise party wm given Will Dlx
in.li mi Wednesday liliilt III hole
r of ),, tilrtlidnv. Music and game
WI,r ,,, llr,,,r ,lf , vn,1 rier
,eIlelou refreshment were
,,,.,.,!, nxu n,H over all departed for
,., A1) ,tll) ,)reent report a fine
I mi Snger ha been plowing for
George Klrbyson.
Most all the housewives are getting
leady to nuike garden.
Our schoolteacher think It Jut
line bicycling between hero and Mil
w ankle.
Died George Schleve of conitiuup
Hon, and was burled Friday last In
the Clarke remoter?.
For Croup
Or. Hell's Pine T.tr Honey I the h.-M
known remedy Do mil eitn-rlment
,,, Km,i )r. e', pne-Tttr-
The weather hit cleared off and
plowing ami gardening I the order
of the dnv.
Mr. ami Mr. K. W. Wilson visited
th littler' parent over Sunday.
Ml Mabel Hodge hn accepted a
ixmltloit n cook In a iHiardlng bonne
In Oregon city.
Henry Koellermelor I helping his
brother, Im Koelermelcr grub stumps
this week.
Mr. and Mr. K. Iloekninn were Ore
gon City visitor Tuesday.
Sir. Zlmtnermnn, Mr. Wiken.
any carbon filament lamp.
than the
can be used in
Mr. IIoiIko anil Mr. Klaolo vlnlled
Mr. Peterson Thursday,
JllHOph llciiiort, Jr., I on I ho sliic
Hal till week.
Mabel IIoiIko vlnltcil Minnie l.a
I'loniiiie Thursday.
quite H n ii m I ii' i- of young folk of
Moiinlulti Itiitld intended it ilaiiio giv
en at Gimser, Katiirdiiy night.
MI'iH I'nlly Koiiei ineler vlnlled tier
lstor, Mis, E, llooliniaii Wednesday.
Mr. I jirlemtiio nud lllllo daughter,
Dorothy, lias gone to Poiiliuid In vis
it relatives of that place, for a week,
Relief In Two Minutes, Complete
Cur Soon.
Don't go on hawking youiolf sick
every morning; If cruel, It' harmful
and H'h iiliiioeesimry.
If after breathing llyotnel. Hie won-tier-worker,
you lire pot lid of vile
ciililliil, you cull have your money
No Htimtnell dosing - junt take the
little hard rubber pocket Inhaler I luu
come with each out lit. and pour Into
II It few drop of llyouiel. llreittlie It
according lo direction, In two min
ute It will relieve you of (hat nttirTcit
up feeling, l'o II It few liillllllo ev
ery day, and In n week yoti will be
entirely free front catarrh,
tlet an until! loday; It only font
$1 no; II VMutlt $10011 to iiny catarrh
sufferer. For sale by drugglm every
where and by Huntley iiiom, Co., who
guaiiiutoi. II lo cure calarrll, croup,
cough, I'ohls, koiii throat and broti
cbltlti. I An exliit dottle of llyniin'l
liquid If needed cost but f.tlc. Tho
lllllo bard rubber pocket Inhaler you
get with oiulll will last a lifetime.
. OF U. S. A.
EiUblnbed 1808.
Over lulf million In force
out of Oregon City.
.A. D, Combe. Manager,
Locil Representative,
Oregon City.
E. P. Elliott & Son
All kinds of
Andresen Oldg. Oregon City, Or.
" - aaaaw
- t
You can get tbe beet that
money can buy If you buy of
I our new stock of canned Table
t Fruit. They have the delict-
t ou. rip flavor. J
i Oregon City.