Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1910)
0 OMMON CATV UNTKIttMtlSK, KIM DAY, MAIiCII 4, 1910. LIIE INSURANCE CO. OF U. S. A. Eitabllihed 1808. Over half million In fare out of Oregon City. DEATH CLAIMS PAID PROMPTLY. A, D. Combe, Manager, Portland, WOOOWAnD A SMITH, Local Representative!, Ortgon City. .. . .. .. v . .. , 4. 4, roR governor n, r. nclson or Polk County Mullii ICipiul r 1 1: 1 1 1 11 . i'ijiiiiI In w m mill i'iiutl JiiHllrn in every rlllir.cll. w !' ' ,. 4. (I'lllll AllVI'I'lllll'llllilll.) Summon!, III llu Clteult (Vint nf llin Ktiiln nf Oregon for tin' hi ill y nf ('link- tllllllH .ii.ini w. liunkiii, riiiiinirr, , Vlt. Olive ICII.ulielh (IiinKIII, lcf Iiilil, To Olive lOIIuholh. (IiihIiIII .l-r.ll 1I1111I, above iiiiiiii'iI: In Ilin 111111111 nf tli Kluii' nf Uiegoii: lull lire hereby reunited in iiin'iir 11111I answer tliu riuiiiiliiliil ft mm again! ynii In tliu above entitled miiII, wlililii nix weeks from til" ility of Hi" HikI publication of llila nuiiiiiioiiH, nil. I If y 1 1 1 1 full In appi A'r itnil answer the pluintlff will apply In 1 In' Couit fur Ilin relief ili'iiiiiiuli'il In Ilin coiiiplnliit, In wit; fur n decree lun irf iIIhhiiIvIiik till" III II I l M Of Hilt I r I lll III - I'VlMllIK III'' I w .'ill llm 1 I it 1 1 1 1 1 fT lilul Dm ili'fi'iiiliint ; Mini fur Kuril iiUmrS'llit further relief 1111 lii Ilin Omit limy Ni'i'in Just lilul cipilliiblo. 1'IiIh hii 111 tin him In nerved upon you l.y by unlir of llm llmi (iriinl II. Iiliulrk, .Indue of llm County Court, mill mild order l dated the I'Mli iluy of I'eliiuui y. lulu, lilul M'' iiulren ynii In uppeur mill answer llm ruuipliiltil within nix weeks nfter tlm dale of tlm Hi'ivlrn of HiIh hiiiiiiiiiiiih illinil you. A 11. 1 llm iliim of I In' fli nt piililli iitloii thereof In Mulch 4, I'.liu, mill llm date of tlm unt pulillc n AH II 1.1, llUil. K. M. KIMCHUX'K. Ailonmy ft r Plaintiff Summon, III tlm Clri'iill Court of llm SUil" of (lii'Kuli, for Clurkituiun Couiily. jiiiu ciiiriiinK, I'liiiiiiirr. vs. A I.. Catching, Defendant. To A I.. Cutililng, tlm 11 1. on. numml Defendant: III Mm iuiiiiu of lii.' HI uli' of Oregon, oil urn Imri'liy required In uppour lilul niM'-r tlm i-ompliiiiit III. (I ugsiluHt oii In Hi" iiIhivh I'liilMi'il mill, on or before Moiiilny, llm I Nth iluy nf April I'.llll, Until illltn being morn Hum six week frmii lh" ilul" of llm 11 ml pub I u it i it in of ttiiH hiiiiiiiiiiiih, mill If ymi lull to uppeur nhl answer mild nun pliilnt, fur wnut thereof, tlm pluliuKT will apply to tlm rourl for llm relief pill) I'll for III uM complullll, to wit for II decree of IliU liolintilliln rourl f.Hi'H'r itlntolvlug tlm bonds (if li i it I r I n. uiiy now mul linrt'toforn existing I"' Iwi'i'ii plaintiff mul ilnfmiilmit, mut KiiiuiliiM until plaintiff tlm mm. u loily, mul roll! ml, of mid minor rlillil, V I r k 1 1 Cnli'hliiK, mul for mirh otlmr. furllmr ami different relief nu to I In Court in n y ni'i'in iini t iiinl equitable TIiIb Hiiiniiioiin I" iulillnlii'il hy onlnr of lion tl. II Iiliulrk, JmlKn of tlm County Court, which order was iiiiiiln mul entered mi tlm lit iluy of March, I'.ilu, mul Ilin Hum prescribed for puhllciil Ion In nil weekH, beginning Willi tlm Innun of F'rlilav, Mulch -(III, I'.ilu, mul colillliulliK i'lll ll week, there. nfi.'r to mul In t-t it tl l ii k F'lliluy, April 15. IliHi. MntfHIl & MeCUH. mul WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS. Attortmyii for I'liiliitltT. A New Organ Delivered to Any Rail $46 road Station or Huat Landing In Orreon ninmin "1 llura la n pli'turo uf onn uf tin) inunt liurfeitly flulnlioil iiikuiih now Mmiiufui'- turtiil. It la I ho l'nilfli' yi n, iniulo oinrliily for lOlltna I'hiiiii limine. Chulie of ffttiry wiilniit or ai'lwlml oak tiinoa. Klim, very Iiiiku linvultnl plittu mirror, pnrfontly flnlahuil; un uriiiiumnt lo any niHiialiiu. NuuiDrnua new mul vn Itiiitita Improve, meiila nro In thla iiimin, iniik ItiK It at uniti oiio of tlm un. I moat iluriilile iirKiina niniiufui.'turi)d In the I, li 1 1 Mliilun. Ilullt with apoi'lal roKiird lo Tiu'lflc Count iilhniKo. Iiealilur llm ri'Kiilur ri'i'il luim, thin liiatrunioiit nlaii liua ni'vniitl tuMuvna nf the riKulnr pipe offmt, to bo found In no othur iniiku. Great Special Offer To more thoroughly hit i otliifs thin orifiin we am iiuiklmr tnont in.-npiloiiul oniioeiHlona In our prlt oa mul lonnn mul will dnllviir a atiirtly I, run, I now. pt'i-. fort and fully Kuiuuiiti'i'il iukiiii, fii'lKht piild to any rnlli oiiil h t o I Inn or I. liuiilliilf In the l it t o nf tironoii for I 111 '','1 puyuii'tit of 18 down tin. I It it in,, nil,! The funi'liir HlylttH, ,r,c, utr on iiina torinn. Wrltii un loiluy, un'lliln offer le punltlvoly llinlli',1. POHTI.AM), OIUOtiON La r seal, Leadlna; and Muat Itrninotall.te Wealeru Urlilrra. Btoree M Seattle, Hpuknne. Tnroiim, Uolae, Walla Wiilla. Hun CrtiiuUii, UW. Adilrem Ni'iimnt HI urn, NATIONAL Jftli Notice of Flnul Settlement. Not It'" Ih hereby given HiiiI llm un iIuihIkiii'iI liilliillilHlriiliir uf llm I'Hlaln of Andrew HiiitIhoii, deci'liHod, Inn) llluil IiIm lliiul report of llm in I in I li I H t I'd Hon of mii Id I'liltili' mid Hint Mill Coin I linn ttx'd Hut utility, tlm Zil iluy of April, llilu, at llm luuir of inn o'clock A. M. mi iiulil iluy uh tliu Hum for Inllllng lilul lllllll Hi'llli'tnnlit of nu hi report iiinl for llm licitrltig nf liny nhjcf lions Hull tuny ,u made llmrnlu. luili'il Mn nil (Hi, I III 0, II, IC. CltOHH AiIiiiIiiImIiiiIiii' of llm nnlitlii of All ilri'W lliilrlniui, ili'i'i'iiniul. CKOHS HAMMOND, AHorimyM for tlm t.Mtiiln, Adtnlnlitratrlx't Notice! Nolli-n In In iliy kIvhii HiiiI llm tin dm nIkiii'iI Iiiih In. mi iiiltnlii IniiutiU of llm nnluli' of Knluiiil W tiilllllliH, ili'i'iimi'il. All pi'inuiiH In IIIK IMIlllllH HKIIIIIHt Hit I ll I'Mllllll III Immliy nolllliil lo prnni'iit tliu Hiium with propiir vourlmiM. duly vorllli'il Hi' ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 K In law, at tlm ultlrn nf !"o ('. Ill tiwiii'll, Ori'Kon Clly, Ori'Kuii Hhlii hIi inmilliH uf llm dutn of Hi of ll.lM iKillrn. I iiilr ,1 Miurh 1Hi, 111 I II. HAHAII tl. Ul.NDON A ) in I ii I I lit I tlx of tlm I'Htaln of Kolaml W. tiiimtlm, ili'i'i-iiMi'il, 1 1 1). C. IIIIOWNKLL Altoiimy for lulinliilHtratrlx, Notice to Creditor!. Notlrn In Imri'liy lilvnn lliat Hi 1 1 1 1 1 ' r 1 1: t h 1 1 Iiiih In i n appoliiti'il I tlm lion, f 'iiiiiii y Court of CInrkamiiH Couiity, Ori'Kuii I'Xi'fiilor of llm i' lulu of John A. Iluyili'ii. ili'ii'iiHi'il. All pi' t ki in m IiiivIiik rlulliiH HKiiliiHt tlm nulil mil nl" mii Immliy nnllHml mul n pill in prnni'iit tlm Hiiinit duly vrl II". I with pinpi-r yiiiirlmi'H to um for puyiiii'iil lit tlm oltlrn of (ionloii I1 lliiytH, rooiim ;i, 1 ami r Hti'vnioi Ilul hi llili, Ori'K'Ul City. Ori'Kon, within hIx iiiiiiiHih from llm ilul" hnmnf. luili'il Ki'luiuiry I '.HO. II J. I1 A KM KNTKIt KxiTiiinr of llm i:nl;itn uf John I lay di'ii, ili'i'i'imi'il, tiOlllioN K. IIAYKS, Attorney for IlitM". Summoni, In llm Clti'iill Court of llm Hint" of oii'Kon, for tlm County of Clark it 11 1 it H it. II Juniin, I'lulnlirr. vn llullln Jitiuin, lli fniiilaiil. To I (( tlx Jmiii'H, I , ( i lnlntll In llm luiiiii' uf llm Stain of Ori'Kon iui iin Imrrliy rmnilri'il lo iippnnr mid niinwrr llm roiuplaliit llli-'l Imrnln iiKulii"! you la tlm aliovu riilH l"il null in or lii'forn llm lull iluy nf April 1 1' I 'i, (hat tuliiK Hlx wni'kH nft'-r tlm lain of tlm Mini ! ti I li lit l hi of thin i it in ttx hi h mul If ymi fall lo nppnar tin, I uinwi-r thn complaint, Hm plain HIT will apply to tlm Court for the mllnf tlmri-lii pniynl for. lo-vtlt: for ll ilrrri'i' of illvorrn fornvnr iIIhhuIvIiik tlm In unlit of mull liniiny now I'XlntiliK In Iwi'i n pluliitllf ami ili'fniiiliiut aliovn iiiiiii", I Thin H il in tl it ill In plilillnhi'd for nix MiirrrHHlvi wi'i'lu !' ordiT of Mm llnliorul'ln Cniiil II. Iiliulrk, Jitil'' o: llm County Court of llm Cuuiily ClurkiimiiH. mul tstvi'ii In thn illim-nrr of tlm ll'iniuiihl" J. I'. Cnuiplii'll JiuIki' of thn Circuit Court of tlm Slum of Oifimn for tlm County of ClurkniniiH, lumln mul nllt'Tiil on tlm :'iith day of Ki'hruiiiy, 1'.l(). A K. COOI'ICIt. Attonmy liitln of I'.HO. Plllf of I'JIO. for I'liilntlfr. lli Ht iiittil li nt ii n Murcli 4th Iiinl piihllcatloii April Nth Summon!. Ill llm CIitiiII Cuurt of thn State of Ori'Kuii, for llm County of Clack u nut h Kimln Kiln KuIiIiihoii, 1 lit til 1 1 ft. VH. Krinik W. HtiMiiHiin, Dofi'tnliiut. To I'rank W. Itoliliimui, ahnvu nam ml di'fi'iiilant ; In llm liaiiin of the Stutn uf Ort'ltoll, you inn hrri'liy ri'ipilri'il to npH'iir and tinnwrr (I'll cuiiiplalnt lllnu iinalnnt ymi In llii ahiivii I'litltlnd court nnd cnunn on or linforo thn I'xplratlou of six wifkH from mul after I he ilutn of tlm llrnt puhlliiilliiii of UiIh nuliiuuuii In wit; on or lii'forn tlm lilth liny of April. 11110, mill If you fall ho to iinnwiT, tlm plulnllrf for wnut llmrt'of will In li" j ii 1 1 m ii if ii ' HKiiliiHt ymi for n ili'crnn dlhsolvliiK tlm IiiiiiiIh of iiiatrl tin my Imri'lofori' mid now nxlntlntr lm Iwni n you mul thn plaintiff and for mirh other mul further relief uh to the ('nut I Heelllu llli'l't' and JllHt. I'IiIh hiiiiiiiiiiiih In pulillnheil hy order of llm Hon. J. l Caniplinll, JuiIkp of tlm Circuit Court of tlm Stale of tin ou for tlm Couiily of Clacknnms, anil niihl onlnr wiim ii in i1- mul iluted the ITith day of Kehruary. I'.HO. nnd the dutn of the llrnt pulilli'iitlon of HiIh Hiiininoim Is tlm 4th day uf Murcli, I'.HU, and tlm date of the last putiHi-u- Hon of llilu Kiiniiiiiins Ih the ITilli day of April, mio. (ill.'I'NKIt SHWALL, Alloi'iieVH for I'hilnllrf. 509 Coiniimr- rial llliick, I'ortlatiil, OreKoli. Summone. In the Circuit Cuurt of Ilin Slate of Oregon for ('InckiiiiiuM County. Ida T. Ulchmoud, I'liiliiUIT, VH. Clnrencn M. Hli'hiuotiil. nefeiulillit. To Cliiretioo M. Klehinoiiil Iho aliovo liniimd ilefeiiiliuil: III tlm niiino nf llm Stnlo of Ore- Kim: ) on nro hereby required to ii- peiir mul niiHwi'r thn coiuplulnt Died i.KiiliiHt you In til In null on or he fore the Uili day uf April, 1010, nnd If you full to iippi'iir nnd nimwrr, for waul thereof, plaintiff will npply lo the court for Hid relief prayed for here in, namely: For u deereo dlsHolvliij? Iho IiiiiiiIh of matrimony oxInlhiK Iip Iweeu you and the ptiilntlff and Hitch relief iin tuny he mete with equity. 1 1 1 1 m HiiiiiinoiiH Ih ordered piihllKhed hy ,1. V. Cnmphi'll, JudRe of the nhove coiirl. hy order iiuulo Felirimry 23, HUH, directing niilillcallon thereof In the Oreumi Clly UnlerprlHe for Blx HiicceHHlve weekH, mul thn first pub lication thereof Ih February 25, 1910, mid the liiKt publication will bo April Sth, 1910. JAMICS OLHASON, Attorney for IMalnlllT. Summons. In the (Mrctilt Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Clucknnins County. Mny ilude, l'liiliitlrr, VH. Chnrli'H Ilode, Defendant. Tu CharleH Ilude, Iho above nnnied ili'fendiinl : In tho inline nf tho State of Oregon, you are hereby I'oiiiinaiuled lo ap pear in the nhnvo enlli led court nnd cmiHe on or btjfore the 25th day of Murcli, 1910, and answer the com plaint filed iiRiiliiHt you In snld court mul cuime, and for wutit of an nn Hwcr the plaintiff will apply to tho court for the relief deniuuiled In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of divorce iUhhoIvIiir tho bonds of mnt rlniony now etlstltn; between nlnln- lirf and ilnfi'iulmil, mul iiIIowIiik tlm 1 1 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 (T to ri'Miimi' Imr furmcr iuiiiiu of May Ht I li Ik III . 'I h I h hiiiiiiiiiiiih Ih piihll'ilinl by tinier of " nl j. II, Cllinplinll, Jil'lK" of t ll 0 iihnvij nulllli'il court, miulii ami enlrr id on tlm Kth day of February, 1910. Halo of llrnl piihlhiiiliin Ki'briiiity lllh, IIH0. JOHN II, ItVAN, Altiiriiey for t'lalntlrf. Summoni. In Dim f.'lrcult Court of the Hlnlii 'if (m K'ui, fur Hi" Couiily of Clmku mini. huh, If. FIIhoii, I'liilntlfr, VH Wllllaiu II. FIIhoii, Dnfi'iidnnl. To William II. FIIhoii, the above iiaiiu'il defi'iidiiiil : In tlm inline of tlm Hiuio of ()'i (!0:i, you lire Imn hy ruipilred In appeur mid iinnwiT llm coitipllilllt llh'il UKiilliHt ymi hT"l'i un nr bi forn tlm I'Mii iluy uf March, A, I). 1910, Hint ImlnK Ike hint dutn preHcrllieil In llm ordnr of piibllcailon of t li Ih hiii'Iiioiih upuu you, uiul If ynii fall to mi nppnar and aiiHWer Haiti t'oiupliilnt, lor want limn of plalnllff will I'lipiy to llm Court for tint relief prayml for In nald coiuplaliit, lo wlt: For II 'leeri'i! din MtilvliiK tlm IiiiiiiIh of Hint rluioliy now i'xIiIIiik bt'lwneii plult'ilfl and ilo ffii 'In m mul for Miirli nlli'T n'l'l fur llmr relief uh the Court may deem I'lpillablu, ThlH hiiiiiuioiim Ih iiiiliH tli'-'l by orl uf llm lloiinrahle J. U, ' 'aiuplu'll Jiidlt" f Hm above entl'!". ''ourt, nnd which onlnr mux made aii.l enteri'd on llm Ilrd day of Feliruiiry, Hi Id. The flrnt publlcutloii of thlH f u ill inmiH Ih Fi'lirndry 4, 1910, mul llm ant pllhllratloll thereof I" on Miirrli IS, 1910. T. II. Mi DL'VITT. Jit. Attorney for I'l.i'nilff. Summoni. In tlm Circuit Court of the Htuti On koii, for Cliirkainiin County. Kdwanl F. Hrhillt, I'lallitlff, VH. nf Ciiilmrlne Hrhull., Defnnilmit. To Catlieilue Kchullz, ubove liiilueil li fi'iiiliiut : In tlm iiiiiii)' of the Statu of Ore lion, you ure hereby rnulrcii to up ii'-iir ami uimwer tliu coiuplaliit 111 HKiiliiHt ymi In the ubove named milt, un or before the 19th uuy of March 1910, mild dale heliiK after thn explra Hon of nix weekx from the llrnt puh llcutloii of thin MiimmonH, ami If yen full to nppear und uiiHwer Muld com plaint, for want thereof the plulnllrf will apply lo the court for the mile li'inandi'd In the complaint, to-wlt Kit a decree iIIhhoI vlntf Hie linliils of iniiirliiiuny now exIntliiK between the plaintiff and ilefrinlnnl. ThlH mini iiiiiiih In piihllnhed by order of Hon Crant II. Iiliulrk. JudKO of tho Couti tv Court, which order wan made anil iitered on the 27th duy of January IHIU. and the time prescribed Tor lull. Heat loll thereof Ih hIi week be ulnnliiK with the Ihhuo of Friday, Jun unry 2Mb. 1910, und contlnuluK each week thereafter to mid IiicIiuIIiik the iHHiie of Frliluy, March lllh, 1910. i;f:o. c. iiiiowni:ll Attorney for I'lulntiff Summoni. In the Circuit Court of the Stuto uf OreKoli. for Cluckuiiuii County. Klliihrth Holm, I'lalutirr, VH. .Iiiiiiih llolin. Defetldmit. To Jatne Holm, ubove nmiud lo- fciiilmit: In the name of the State of Oregon von are hereiiy reiiuireu to upprur und niiHwer the coiuplulnt llleil against yuu in the ubove tunned milt la the (oiive entitled court, on or before the xnlriillon uf Hlx weekH from the flrnt milillciitlon of thlH HumnioiiH, mid If ymi fail lo upprur and uiiHwer said complaint, for want thereof, Iho plaln llff will apply to the court for the re lief uruyed for In her complaint, to. wit: F"or a iIIkhoIiiiIoii of iho murrl age contract now exisiiug neiween plaintiff mid defendant. TIiIh Hum mulls Ih published by order of Hon iiant II. Dlnilck, Judge of the County milt of Clurkuinus County. Oregon. which order was made and entered on January 1 St It. 1910. nnd the time princrlbi'd for publication thereof Is six weeks, commencing with tho Is sue of F'rldiiy, Jtimmry 21st, 1910. nnd rtintliiulng each week thereafter to mil Including FVIday, March 4th. 1910. tilCt). C. nilOWNFUJ Attorney for I'lulntiff. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Mary Tabrudnii, I'lulntiff, vs. Victor TnlHirdon, defendant. To Victor Tabordoti, defendant ahove mimed: In the mime of the state of Oregon, yuu are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you In the aliuve named suit in the above entitled court, on or before the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and It you fall to appear and answer aid complaint, for vant thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for Hie relief prayed for .In her coin plaint, to-wlt : F'nr ft dissolution of the marriage contract now existing be tween plaintiff ami defendant. This suniniiins li published by or- IT Of 1 loll, (lllllll Jl. DlllllCK, judge of the County Court, which order was made and entered on January 20th. 1910, und the time prescribed for publication thereof is six weeks, com mencing with the Issuo of Friday, eurh week thereafter to nnd includ ing Frliluy. March 4(1), 1910. lino. c. iikownf:lu Attorney for plaintiff. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Cluck- a in us. Agnes II. lilenniuin, I'lulntiff, vs. Oscar II. lllermanii, Defendant. To Oscar II. lllerninnn, Defendant: In the inline of the state of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint In tho nhove entitled cause on or be fore the 7th day of March 1910, nnd If you full to so nppear nnd answer, the plaintiff will npply to tho court for the relief prayed for lu the com plaint, namely for a decreo dissolv ing the bonds of nintrlmony hereto fore nnd now existing between the plaintiff nnd defendant. That tho plain tiff bo allowed to resume her maiden name, Annea D. llurch. This summons Ih published in the Oregon City ' KnterpriHo, a weekly newspaper, for six consecutive weeks, tho llrnt publication thereof to be nuido on the 21st day of Jnnunry, 1910. nils publication Is made bv order of tho Hon, J. u. Campbell, Judge of the nbovo entitled Court, made on the 15th duy of Jnnunry, 1910. E. E. MILLER. Attorney for tho plaint Iff, 4.10 Wor- clu'itor JbllMllig yei-Hnnd,, , pr'Y"Tl Summoni. In the Circuit Court of ,d Hlute t,f Oriwii for the (''tunty of t,''ui;ka- lllllH. j, fleoiKii H. Cusny, I'laliillff, p Vh. Il'irbani A. (,'uHey, H''f"iiilant, To Ihiihiirii A. Cm-'y, llm ahove i ii nn d tli'fi'iiilant: In Hut naiiie of llm Htule of OrKn, you ure hereby reuuln d to aiiiu ar and t iiHwi-r Hie coinplaliil of Hm plaintiff In the above entitled Hull within hIx wonkH from Hie day of the flrnt pub llfi'tloii (if thlH Hliliit'ioii'i, uiul If yuu full ho to appear nnd aiinwer the plaintiff will apply Hm Court for the rell' f demuiidi'il In Hie ciit'ipltunt, l'-w!t: For a decree illimolvln die liii'.rrniKu heretofore mid now exhiln I,, 'tween plaintiff Hlul defi'iidant and fi r Mich other and further and other relief uh Iho Court may Kraut Thin hiiiiiiiiiiiih Ih H'-rved uinui ymi by pule hi.-nl Kin. by virtue of an onb r nf the uli ive entitled Court, mail" and en!".'. I'd on the lllh day "f February, 1910, ami recpilr'H you t" appear mid tin awer the complaint wnnin mix we-iu from .(be date of firm publication, lo v It: on or before llm In! day of April, I !I0. Flrnt publicum, u February ISth, I '.HO. mathf:v.s h (JOKTZ, Attorin yn for I'l'ilutlff, I2-14 Henry UUlK, 1'orlhitid, Oregon. Notice of Appointment of Adminis tratrix. Notice In hereby Riven that the tin designed Iiuh been duly appointed by the County Court of tho State of Oregou for Clurkuinus County, Admin iHtratrlx of the eHtute of H. I". Wink, deceased. All perHiuin having claim ugiiliiHt Huld i-Htiite are hereby re quired to present the t.ame to mo prop, erly vrllled uh by law required in New F:ra, or at the office of my at torney, ThomaH Y. Ilyun, Masonic HulldliiK. Oregon Clly, Oregon, within nix months from tlm date hereof. Dated tli Im Hccoiid day of February, 1910. MILS. LIt.UK WINK, AdinlulHtrutrlx of the Folate of H. P. Wink. Deceased. THOS. F HYAN, Attorney for Administratrix. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Ih hereby given that we, the undersigned Executors of the Estate of F'lora E. Smith, deceased, have filed In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County our Una) urcoiilit an exertiturs of salt) es tate and t hut Huld Court hits set Mon day, March 2Mb. 191", at the huur of 10 o'clock of said iluy. as the time ami the County Court Koom In Ore gon City, V)regon, an the place for hearing objections to said account and the flnul Keltlennnt of. said es tate. Dated February 19, 1910. A. II. 1IAILEY, J f: AUKINS, T. 1(. TONGUE, Jr.. ICxecutors of the K-tate of F'lora F". Smith. Deceased. W. N. HAUItlCTT, Attorney for said Estate. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed ad ministrator, with the will annexed, of the estate of D. L. Wolverton, de- ased. All' person having claims ngiiltist the said estate, are hereby notllled to present the same properly vermeil to (be iiiiileriilgued ttt Uur residence In Gladstone, Clackamas County. Oregon, within six months from the date of tho first publication of this notice. F'lrst publication February 11, 1910. ANNA I FOKSHNEIt. Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of D. L. Wolverton deceased. Notice of FinaUSettlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un ilerslgned administrator of the estate of Jacob Muiulorff, deceased, has tiled In the County Cuurt of the state of Oregon for the County of Clackamas Ills llnul account us such administra tor of said estate, and Mondav, the 7th day of March, 1910, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., has bit'n fixed by said court as tho time for hearing of objections to said report ami the settlement thereof. JOHN MUNDOHFF Administrator of the Eslute of Jacob Muiulorff, deceased. Summoni. In Hie Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Clackamas County. 1 VAHNALU Plulutlff, vs. Kiniim I. Yurnall. Defendant. To F'mtnu I. Yarnull, tho above named defendan'.: In the nnnie of the Stnlo of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to nppear in the ubove em It led court nnd cause on or before tlm llth day of March, 1910. and answer Hie complaint filed against you in said court nnd cause, nnd for wnnt of an answer tho plaln llff will apply to the court for the re lief demuudt'il In tho coiuplulnt, to wlt: For n decree of divorce dissolv ing the bonds of matrimony now ex isting between plaintiff and defend ant. This summons is published by order of Hon. J. It. Campbell, judge of the ubovo entitled court, ninde and en tered on the 3rd day of F'ebruary, 1910. Date of first publication February 1th, 1910. JAY H. UPTON. Attorney for I'lulntiff. Summoni. in the Clcruit Court of Iho State of Oregon, for the County of Clackn nms. Mabel Manning, Plaintiff, vs. M. J. Manning. IVfeudnnt. To M. J. Mannliiir, tho above named defendant: In the name of tho State of Oregon, you ure hereby required to appear nnd uimwer the complaint tiled against you In the nhove entitled cause nud Court on or before the expiration of six weeks from tlio (lute of tho first publication of this summons, nnd If you fall to answer for wnnt thereof. the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded in said com lflalnt, to-wlt: l'or a decree of said court dissolving ttio bonds of matrl- mqtiy between yuu nnd tho plaintiff herein. This summons Is published by order of Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, made on the 21st day of January, A. D. 1010, In nnd by which order it is adjudge nnd ordered that this summons he published once a week for six consecutive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper published in the City of Oregon City, State of Oregon, the date uf the first publication of this notice Is the 28th day of January, 1910. the date of tho lust publication of the same is the llth day of March, 1910. GEO. J. CAMERON, Attorney for Plaintiff .Notice to Creditor. Notice Ih hereby given that the uiulertlgneil has been appointed by the Dun. Coility Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, administrator of the estate of Frleilrlch A. Melnlg, tie' reuse, , All persons having claims iigalmil Hie mild eHlatii ure hereby in. tilled and required to present the same to me for payment duly verified with proper vouchers, at the Handy I'oHtoflleo lu Clackamas County, Or goti within six month from the date Imreof. Dated February 2H 1910. ADDON 0. MEINIG, Administrator of the estate of F'rled rich A. Melnlg. deceased. CORDON F:. HAVES, AMorney for Instate. Notice of Administrator With Will An nexed. Notice Ih hereby given that the un ili rnlgned has been appointed admin istrator wllli the will annexed of the estate of Ijiwrence Uivlsh, deceased, hy the County Court of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, All persons having claims against said decedent, or his estate, are hereby notified to present tlmin, duty verified, with proper vouchers, to inn at my office In the Welnhard Iliilldlng In Oregon City, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication here of. Dated and date of first publication F'ebinary 25, 1910. HUGH 8. MOUNT, Administrator with the will annexed of the entuto of Lawrence Lavish, deceased. jos. f:. hedgf:3, Attorney fur Administrator. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. If. 11. Hlddell, Plaintiff, vs. ' ' J. Curse, Defendant. To J. S. Curse, the above named de dendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear und answer the complaint of I he plaintiff filed In the above entitled suit, on or before the llth day of April, 1910. and if you fall to appear and answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree quieting hiH title to the north east quarter of section 12 In town- hip 7 south of range 2 east W. M and further decreeing that you have no right title or Interest In or to paid premises, and for such other relief as may be equitable. This summons Is served on yon by publication in the Oregon City Enterprise, pursuant to an order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of said Circuit Court, made on the 23d day of F'ebruary, 1910, the date of the first publication hereof being the 2uth day of F'ebruary, 1910. , JAY H. UPTON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Summoni. In the Circuit Court of Oregou for Clackamas County. Eilzu J. Dalton, Plaintiff, vs. Michael II Dalton, Defendant. To Michael H. Dalton, the above lined defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you ure hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against ron liv this suit on or before Monday, the llth day of April, 1910. and If you full to appear aud answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, namely: For a de cree dissolving the bonds of marriage existing between you and the plain tiff and that she be decreed the sole owner of all real property inherited by her In the State of Oregon free from any claim or interest on your part nnd such other relief as may be equitable. This summons Is ordered published by J. U. Campbell, Judge of the ubove court, hy order made F'ebruary 23. 1910. directing publica tion thereof in the Oregon City En terprise for six successive weeks and the first publication thereof is Feb ruary 23, 110,9 and the last publica tion 'will be April Sth. 1910. JAMES GLEASON, Attorney for Pluintlff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Nella Compton, Plaintiff, vs. Charles B. Compton, Defeudaut. To Charles U. Compton, above nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint Died against you lu the above entitled court and cause on or before the expiration of six wovks from and after the date of the first publication of the summons, to wit: on or about the llth day of March. 1910, and if you fall so to answer, tho planum for want tnereor will take Judgment against you for a decree dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing be tween you nnd the plaintiff and for such other and further relief as to tho Court seems meet and just. This summons is published by order of the Hon, J. U. Campbell, judge of the Circuit Court of tho State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas, and lid order was made and dated the 20th day of January, 1910, and the date of tho first publication of this summons Is tho 2Sth duy of January, 1910, und the date of the last publi cation of this summons Is the llth day of March, 1910. S. T. JEFFREYS, Attorney for Plaintiff, 20S Fenton Bid., Portland, Oregon. Summoni. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the Couiily of Clacka mas. William H. Abemathy, Plaintiff. vs. Belle Abernnthy, Defendant. To Belle Abernnthy, above named defendant: lu tho name of the Stute of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint (lied against you in tho above entitled suit on or before the 12th day of March, 1910, that being six weeks after the date of the first publication of this sum mons; and if you fail to appear and answer said complaint the plnlntiff will apply to the Court for tho relief therein prayed for, to-wlt: A decree of divorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween pluintlff und defendant above mimed and for such other and fur ther relief ns to the Court may seem equitable und just. This summons Is published at least once a week for six consecutive weeks by order of Hon J. U. Campbell, Judge of above said Court, made on the 25th day of Jununry, 1910. McCANTS STEWART, Attorney for Pluintlff PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey E..Cron. William Hammond CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORNEYS AT LAW Itemoved to Uooms 12 and 13 Masonic Ilulbllng. Real Eitate Abitracti Main Street, Loam, Insurance. Oregon City, Ore. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN 8ummen. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for tho County of Clacka mas. Ina Chllcote, Plaintiff, vs. Charles E. Chllcote, Defendant. To Charles E. Chllcote, above nam ed defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the expiration of six weeks from and after the date of the first publication of this summons, to- wlt: on or about the llth day of March. 1910, and If you fall so to answer, the plaintiff for want thereof will lake Judgment against you for a decree dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing be tween you and the plaintiff and for Hiieh other and further relief as to the Court seems meet and Just. This summons is published by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Clackamas, and said order was made and dated the 2"th day of January, 1910, and the date of the first publication of this summons is Uie 2Sth day of January, 1910. and the date of tue last publi- cation of this summons Is the llth day of March. 1910. 8. T. JEFTUEYS. Attorney for Plaintiff, 208 Fenfon Bldg. Portland, Oregon. ,1,1a l tt,n 11.U Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Fred W. Brown, Plaintiff, vs. Alice Brown, Defendant. To Alice Brown, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on or before the Dlh day of March, A. D. 1910, that be ing the last date prescribed in the order for publication of this summons upon you, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defend ant and for such other and further re lief as the Court may deem equitable. This summons is published by order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, and which order was made and entered on the 19th day of January, 1910. The first publication of this stim- mnns ta tunnnrv 1 1011 nn.t tho tajt ' publication thereof Is on March 4, 1910. T. B. McDEVITT, JR., Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator's Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Ella Flnley. deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vou chers duly verified according to law, at the office of Cross & Flammond, Oregon City, Oregon, within six months of the date of the publica tion of this notice. Dated, F'ebruary 4th, 1910. E. G. CAUFIELD. Administrator. CROSS & HAMMOND, Attorneys for Administrator. C. A. TUCKER The Photographer. Photographs that Please. Good Work. Moderate Price. NEW ART GALLERY. 1003 Main St.. Fairclough Bldg TIME CARD. 0. W. P. Between Portland DIVISION and Oregon City. Leave Arrive Leave Arrive 53 j 35 u i I u St - I - ii d I I fie S Scj S j Z 0 o e e i o .w. t-13 S31- Ca; W O j O V o M ! 4.U0 5.2i 0.40 5.40 5.45 C.45 C.30 7.22 7.30 6.20 G.26 7.20 7.00 7.52 o.OO 0.50 6.57 7.50 7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 S.52 9.00 8.00 8.07 9.00 8.30 9.22 9.30 S.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 9.52 10.00 9.00 9.07 10.00 t 9.30 10.22 10.30 9.30 9.37 10.30 ho.OO 10.52 11.00 10.00 10.07 1U0 I 10.30 11.22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30 11.00 11.52 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.59 11.30 12.22 12.30 11.30 11.37 12.30 12.00 12.52 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00 12.30 1.22 1.30 12.30 12.37 1.30 1.00 1.52 2.00 1.00 1.07 2.00 1.30 2.22 2.30 1.30 1.03 2.30 2.00 2.52 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00 2.30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2 37 3.30 3.00 3.52 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00 3.30 4.22 4.30 3.30 3.37 4.30 4.00 4.52 5.00 4.00 4.07 5.00 4.30 6.22 5.30 4.30 4.37 5.30 5.00 5.52 6.00 5.00 5.07 COO 5.30 6.22 6.30 5.30 5.37 6.30 6.00 6.52 7.00 6.00 6.07 7.00 6.30 7.22 7.30 6.30 6.37 7.30 7.00 7.52 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00 7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 8.52 8.55 8.00 8.07 9 00 8.30 9.22 9.25 8.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 .52 9.55 9.03 9.07 10.00 9.30 9.33 9.37 10.00 10.52 10.55 10.03 10.07 11.00 11.00 11.52 11.55 11.03 11.07 11.59 12.00 12.46 12.50 11.55 "11.57 j 12.50 12.55 To Mllwaukie only. 1 Trains for Falrview, Troutdale. Boring, Eagle Creek, Esta Cazadero and Intermediate Gresham, cada and points. 7:15. x8:02. 9:05. 5:05. Xl0:05. xC:05. 1:0,-,. 7:05. 3:05. x4:05. 8:05. 11:35. For Gresham. x Gresham. Falrview and Troutdale. NOTE: Cars leave East Water and Morrison streets 5 minutes later than scheduled from First nnd Alder Fti WEINHARO BUILDING O. D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish 4, land titles examined, estates settled, general' law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. U'REN 4 8CHUEBEL Attorneys-at-Law Deuttcher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements. Ofllce In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. THOS. F. RYAN Attorney-at-Law Probate and Realty Law Prac tice Specialties. Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple a e-e-a - C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneyi-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice in First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. f e-aa . I a e a W. S. EDDY, V. S., M. D. V. Gradu ite of the Ontario Veteri nary College ol loronto, Canada, aod the McKillip School of Surgery of Chicago, has located a. Oregon City and established an office at The Fashion Stables, Seventh Street near Main. Both Telephones Farmers' 13a Mali 1311 I I aa a-a a- Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 510 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of maps, plats, abstract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. & F. B. RILEY, Attorneys & Counsellors at Law STRAIGHT & SALISBURY PLUMBING TINNING and GENERAL JOBBING. Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydrau ltc Rams a Specialty. Phone 2682. Oregon City, Qregon. IN ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK I4TCI At 10W IS Ulllll KOtllt yaw r'f-v.'f'r-T. vjjj-A?.vj;.;;V'.- Is"' ifo S The Aristocrat among the j U Whiskies of the Old School. ! M Without a Peer. ! 3 F'or sale by ! I E. MATTHIE.. 1M "I' . 1 J