Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 04, 1910, Image 4

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    UlUMtUlN Uill filMi'jUfiVLiM'i, 1'IUU.Vi, V J'i l U V A IV 1 -i VJiKf.
No Man is Stronger
Than His Stomach h
A atron man ia itronf all over. No man can he f
f 3
ati-onf who i aiiffcrinl from week stomach with ill
conarqucnt indigestion, or from ran other diseaae
of Ihe atomach and it associated ortfana, which im
pair deration and nutrition. For when the atomach
ia weak or dineased there ia a loat o( the nutrition
contained in food, which ia the aource of all physical
strenfth. When a man "doean'l (eel iuat right,"
when he doean't aleep well, haa an uncomfortable
feeling in the atomach after eating, ia languid, nervoua, irritable and despond
nt, he ia lining the nutrition needed to make strength. 4
Such a mam thould Die Dr. Pierce' a Golden Medical
Dlncorerr. It cores dlaeaaea of tha atomach and other
ertfans of dlteatlom and nutrition. It enrlchea the blood,
Invltorate the llrer, atrentthena the kidney, noarlthea
the neries, and ao GIVES HEALTH AD STRESGTH TO
You can't afford to accept itertt nostrum aa a auhatitute for thia non
alcoholic medicine or known cokmsition, not even though the urgent dealer
may thereby make a little bigger profit. Ingredienta printed on wrapper.
Oregon Gty Enterprise
Publ'thed Every Friday
E. E. BRODIE. Editor and Publlaher.
Entered at Oregon City. Or.. Post
office as second-class matter.
Subscription Rates:
One Year $150
Six Months 75
Trial Subscription, Two Months .55
Subscribers will find the date of ex
piration stamped on their papers fol
lowing their name. If last payment Is
not credited, kindly notify us. and
the matter will receive our attention.
Advertising Rates on application.
The Senate Committee on Irrigation
has according to advices from Wash
ington, completed the draft of a bill
providing for an Issue of certificates
of Indebtedness or bonds to the
amount of $30,000,000 for land recla
mation projects In the Far West, Pay
ment of these securities will be guar
anteed by the Government out of the
reclamation fund. The enterprising
and energetic statesmen of the West
have been eminently successful In se
curing government aid for irrigation
s projects and the reclaifing of arid
wastes Is popular with both political
parties. Upon the principle that what
ever makes for the good of one part
of the country makes for the good of
the entire country there should be no
sectional opposition to liberal appro
priations. But if the government Is to
continue to finance liberally irrigation
projeits in the Far West It should be
equally generous in providing for the
reclamation of vast areas of swamp
land In the East and South. These
lands once reclaimed would be most
valuable for agricultural purposes.
lathe programme have been enacted
and the party hits a firm platform
upon which to stand before the coun
try In the coming Consresslon.il elec
tions. at 1 li.ui
An Instance of the advance of real
ty values In Portland during the past
50 years was brought up this week
when the corner of Fifth and Morri
son streets sold for JtOo.OoO and an
additional $110,000 was paid for the
transfer of the leases. Peter W. Sov
erson, who sold the property, owned
It for 51 years. It was literally forc
ed upon him as apparently of little
value. He was then owed a week's
wages by the owner of the property,
who also borrowed Severson's shot
gun and lost It. The man who held
the lot offered the property In lieu
of the week's wages and the missing
weapon. Severson demurred, but fin
ally was forced to accept the lot to
cover the double debt.
The annual United Slates Inspection
and muster of Company d, Third Keg
Iment. Oregon National Hunrd, will
be h.-M In this city Friday, February
:;. and Captain King, commanding
Company tl. First Infantry, stationed
at Vancouver llarnicks, has been se
lected as Inspecting otllcer. The local
guardsmen will report In full march
ing order.
The regular drill of the Company
was held Monday night, and Lieuten
ant lyogus was In command. This
was followed by a meeting of the civil
organisation. The annual report of
the treasurer showed a satisfactory
balance In the bank for the new year.
The men will have new olive drab
uniforms, caps and overcoats for the
annual encampment which will be
held at American Uike. Wash., next
Handcuff Manipulator Returns
Oregon City.
In an address which Governor
Hughes of New York delivered dur
ing the recent conference of the gov-j
ernors in Washington he discussed the 1
relative responsibilities of the state
governments and the national govenr
ments. He agreed with President Taft
that there must be "team-work" be
tween state and national governments
to assure the accomplishment of desir
able results in government. He de
clared that national activities Inevitab
ly will widen but that the future pros
perity of the country must largely de
pend upon the efficiency of state gov
eroments. These annual consultations
he believes, should be conducive to
the bringing about of uniformity of
state laws and that In cases where
absolute uniformity may not be ex
pected canoes of friction may be avoid
ed by comity of action. He declared
that the "significance of this confer
ence lies In our recognition of the fact
that to make our system of govern
ment answer its intended purposes
we must encourage the development
of state comity without the loss of
state prerogative." Here, he, said, are
forty-six commonwealths dealing with
substantially the same problems of
government, and he argued that from
the Interchange of views should be
evolved not merely a nearer approach
to uniform legislation and a better
system of Interstate comity, but, with
respect to governmental machinery
there should be devised the best state
government possible.
Modern commercial activity Is em-
phasiied by the progressive spirit of
the Metlford Commercial Club. It
has a membership at present of 502
and when one realizes that there Is
an Initiation fee of $5.00 in addition
to the monthly dues, one gets a bet
ter appreciation of the reason why
oeoole hear so frequently of the
Rogue River city.
State-wide Interest Is shown in the
development congress to be held at
Eugene February 11 and 12. Common
wealth Day, the twenty-first anniver
sary of the admission of Oregon as a
state, will be celebrated on February
12. Questions of general interest,
such as the conservation of the state's
resources, extension of Irrigation,
country conditions, and educational
subjects will be taken up.
As on numerous former occasions
when Internal strife threatened to
temporarily disrupt the Republican
party some strong man has arisen
who was able to command pane. Thus
in what promised to be a disastrous
situation, when regulars and insur
gents were struggling with might and
main against each other, President Taft
appeared in the field of strife and pres
ented a treaty of peace which was
eagerly signed by the combatants.
From now on the internal struggles
will cease until the President's legis-
The Government Pays Railway Mail
Clerks $800 to $1,200, and Other
Employes up to $2,500
After an absence of three years.
F.dward C. Marshall, the well known
handcuff manipulator re! timed to Ore
gon City with a capable company of
vaudeville people for a ween s en
gagement nt the Klectric Theatre.
The young magician's work has set
the town agog and nightly many have
been turned away unable to gain ad
mittance to the playhouse so popular
has this company been. The most
talked of feature Is the "Flight of
Tattikka." an Improved trunk mys
tery that has been the source of much
argument about town as to the way
Anderson and Roberts scored heav
ily In a singing and talking act which
abounds with clean cut material. Tom
Martello Is a wilder as an Imperson
ator and Kddle Van keeps his aunt
ence fowling with his funny talk and
Starting Friday night Marshall will
present his famous handcuff act In
which he challanges any local officer
to produce a pair of cuffs he cannot
escape from. He will also escape
from an Insane straight jucket In full
view of the audience.
J. F. Robinson, of Clackamas.
J. F. Robinson died Sunday at Clack
amas Station, aged 59 years. He had
been 111 for some time. He Is sur
vived by a widow and one. son, A. M.
Robinson. The funeral was held at
11:30 o'clock Tuesday morning from
the Methodist Church at Clackamas.
and the interment was iu the Clack'
amas cemetery.
Uncle Sam will hold spring examin
ations throughout the country for
Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House
Clerks, Stenographers, Book-keepers,
Departmental Clerks and other Gov
ernment positions. Thousands of ap
pointments will be made. Any man or
woman over IS. in City or Country
can get Instruction and free Informa
tion by writing at once to the Bu
reau of Instruction, 15CS, Hamlin
Building, Rochester, N. Y.
For CEMENT see Oregon City Com
mission Company.
The Mecca for Winter Tourists
Its attractive seaside resorts, fam
ous medical springs, magnificent tour
ist hotels, picturesque scenery, de
lightful climate, and opportunity for
all kinds of outdoor pastimes, such as
hundreds of miles of outo drives
through orange groves and along
ocean beach boulevards, make this
favored region The World's Greatest
Winter Resort, reached via the
Shasta Route
and '
"Road of a Thousand Wonders"
Low round trip rates are in effect
from all points in the Northwest, with
long limit, stop-over privileges and
first-class accommodations.
Portland to LosAngeles and Return
With a final return limit of six months
and stop-overs in either direction.
First class, up-to-date trains, with the
latest equipment, unexcelled dining
car service, and everything that goes
to make the trip pleasant.
Attractive, interesting and Instructive
literature telling of the famous win
ter resorts of California can be had
on application to any O. R. & N. or
S. P. Agent,
or by writing to
WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
A check is an order on ua, signed by one of our customers,
to pay a certain amount of his money, either to himself
or someone else.
You issue your check as you need itjat anj time, at
any place.
' If you pay others by check, the personreceivingthe
check must sign his name on the back before we will pay
the money.
This signing the name on the back of the check is
Indisputable evidence that the person signing received
the money.
The check account therefore it perfect tafeguard
again st bavin g to pay bills or accounts twi ce. To be
safe employ the check account in all your business trana
What a Heap of Happiness it Would
Bring to Oregon City Homes.
Hard to do house work wliU an ach
ing; back.
Bring you hours of misery at leis
ure or at work.
If women only knew the cause that
backache pains come from sick kidneys.
'Twould save much needless woe.
noun's Kidney Pills cure sick kid
Many residents of this vicinity en
dorse them.
Mrs. R. M. Coon. 223 X. Main St.. Al
bany, Ore., says: "I used Doan's Kid
ney Pills three years ago and they
gave me great relief from backache
and other symptoms of kidney and
bladder trouble. The pain in my back
ceased and my condition Improved In
every respest. I am glad to recom
mend Doan's Kidney Pills."
For Sale by all dealers. Price .10
cents. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo N.
V.. sole agents for the United States.
Remember the name Doan's and
lake no other.
Delivered to Any Rail
road Station or Boat
Landing in Oregon
Agents for Buster Brown Shoes
Agents for Standard Patterns
We Shoe (he Whole
Family ami We Shoe
Them I'roperly
Forty five c' of 8hos for
Spring and Su"iner wear Just
arrived and rr.idy for Inspec
tion. We hat the largest and
most complete Ime ever before
When you can buy the beat and
know you will get satisfaction,
there's no r.uon for buying
an unknown or Inferior article.
Buster Brown Shoes
Children's Butter Brown Blue
Ribbon Shoea for Boys, for
Girls. The mot widely known
and most widely worn Shoes
for Boys and Girls In all the
world. They und the kicks
and cuffs that are Incident to
youth and health they hold
their shape (hey fit.
100 YARD DASH Rack. Br.Twr.r.N
TIMS - IX. sc rur
MORAL wrak. T row N
.Blue Ribron
i vwio.,17
I . N V lT M9mm 1. out D f 1 WIN J ..-jW - . 1 M
-j c - . tvi iu vn i xv'"
I I AL fl " I' if
MM1 U Matak
Bustf.r Brown
Blub RmpqN shoe3
Lfc 0 WAND
.ft AT THE
WtnlLO'a FA1H
' 1 r
ivrYKKnr ti nit ('mm t
White House
Shoes for
These Shoes are advartlaed and
Known wherever American
Shoe art worn, They mtel
every rsqulrement of a high
class shot for women. Correct
In atylt, inclusive In design,
neat and drtasy In tvery detail.
They tell In competition with
any shoea made anywhere.
Women's White IIoiimh kid bill-'
clier. pnleiii Up, 1115 nud
' JW
kid lihicher,
Woineu'a panna
Cilliun heel , . ,
98c SPECIAL 98c
tllrl's Iluster Urown Shoes In
kid a llRlit or heavy stile.
sizes 5 to S St 10
Slies to 1H... St ?."
Slr.es 12 to S? OO
Hoys' Huster Urown Shoes
Slies 8H ,t "4. .81 M
Sizes 12 to 1 .
Slies 124 10 54- -82 10
Children's box calf Shoes a tood servcnble Shoe n
a low price Slc S to S t
Sles 54 114 St :tO
Slues 12 to 2 81 00
Chlldren'u'Fine kid Shoes. Sizes 5 to 8 81 OO
Sizes 84 t' 114 SI
Sizes 12 to 2 SI
Infants' Shoes
We also have the lurKi-st line of Infant's Shoes and
Slippers that we have ever carried In both lans and
block from 2f.c to 8 1 OO
We have about 75 pairs of Children's and Women's Shoes-udd sites-
broken lliii's only u few pnlrs of a kind perhaps. Hicho wo are koIiik
10 close out ut itSc. There will he shoes that have sold nt
$t.:iS. Also Ijidles' Uiihlier heel. elastic side Jull.-tlo-nil to
K" lit
-- n
We have few dozen of Hoys' Iluster llrown tun clilf buckle
oxfords.' These were made to sell at $2 fit). We offer
them for two weeks, sizes 24 to 54. at
Women's Queen II. kid blueher,
patent leltlber fined, and pill
cut tip S- .'M
ladles' Kill llllllliel' Shoes, nt
$2.00 mid 81 75
. Oxfords and Pumps
Udlf nne kid Oxford with
patent llH. 2&0, 2.2.
$1.(11 and 81 IS
lollies' Onford III patent leath
er ,3.33. 3 50. $2.00
11 11.1 , 81 (3
llle' pstent leather I'uinp"
one strap binliui, leather
im.w si ro
ljdle' patent rump, one lrp
Iniiiiiti ribbon now. . 8 OO
Ivolles kid Tumps.
$1.7) and
one strap
81 '.M
Men's Shoes
Men's White House Shoe
tu fit a well ns wear
kid blueher 8bH' made
8.1 .V)
Men While House Cuii .Metal, blueher S.'l 50
Men 'lluinble 11" kid or kuii ineial S.'l OO
Men Im culf or fine kid the best Shoe mi the mar
ket fur Ihe price asked S'i 50
Men' heavy work Shoe In r black 8? 05
Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas
Services at St. John's Church.
1 KvenliiK service mid si-riiinii at St.
I). It-ed. who has I vl ! J:,hJl'."lChurfh..T,1,8",'i,,y1., Til".?
of Oremm City. All are cordially In
Jlore Is a pi. Jure of one of the must
perfectly finished orKan now miinufac
ture.J. It Is the Pacific 'uccn, made
especially for Ellera l'lano Mouse.
Choice of fancy walnut or aelecte.J oak
cases. Klne, very lanot beveled pluto
minor, periemy iinisneu; an ornament
to any mansion.
Numerous new and valuable Improve.
ineiiin are ctmoouiea in mis organ, mule
lnr It at once one of the bet ami most
durable oreans manufacture.! In ih
ft Cm led Hlates.
Hullt with special regard to f'ai.iflc
Coast climate.
! iiesldes tne regular reed tone, this
; Instrument also has several octave of
; the regular pipe effect, to be found In
i no other make.
i Great Special Offer
j To more thoroughly Introduce this
organ we are making most exceptional
! conceislona In our prices and terms ami
, w ill deliver a atrlctly brand new, per
I feet and fully guaranteed organ, freight
paid to any railroad stallon or boat
I landing In the state of Oregon for tin
; on payment of 18 down and II a month!
The fancier styles, $52. J.'.e. etc on
! same term. Write us today, as this
I offer is positively limited.
Laa-ajMt, Leaaiaa; mm4 Mast Hnpaaalble
Weslera Dealer.
8tera M Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma.
Bole, WaJla Wall San Franclaco, etc
Address Nearest Store.
Mrs. M
ItiiiK In California, has returned home..
A new society termed the "Tllllcum vll,,( t(, alt,,ll,
-li.K ' Ktiu lii nr.'.ml.i.il 111 llilu '
city by L. J. Ilennett, of New York.
The officers are U J. Dennett, presl-,
dent; C. I Johnson, treasurer; tins, j
Zimmerman, secretary., Seven new j
members were taken In Wednesday ,
night. There are 2fi members beloiiR
InS. I
F. A. WUte. brother of O. V. Wltle,
has arrived hero and will visit for,
some time. He has Just returned
from a trip to Germany and Is ac-1
comp.itiled by his dutiKhter, .Minnie
A dance will be Riven at the arm-;
ory on Saturday nlKht by Milton j
Price. Hid'' Roberts, of this city,!
has been ennned to play In the or-1
chest ra Mr. Price hnd chart!" of the
Cataract ball In Oregon City, which
proved such a success. Many of the
young people of this city are plan
nlntt to go to Oregon City Saturday
The long looked for oyster supper
was served by the Woodmen In the
W. O. W. hail Wednesday evening of i Merrill Scripture, of Oregon City,
last week. SpeechinaklliK was the has been assisting with the plaster
order of the i v. -nlng lifter the oysters Mug of the new home of P. I). New
had been panaken of. Among those j ell.
who talked mi the good of the order. Mr8 prank ' Soesbe and son, Ken
wen; Messr Walilberg, Wlsslnger. m,Ul of Oregon City, uccompiinled by
Thresher, I Ki-ver, Kerr, I'hman and ' n,.r Hisler, of Portland, were callers
Townley. , I at the liniiin of Mrs. Waller llecknor,
F. rilrkerni-l. r was an Oregon City Ion Friday,
business visitor Tuesday, when he 111-1 Mrs. Illuckwi-ll, of Oregon Clly, was j
ed the plat for his new addition to j n guest of Mrs. U Wilcox on Wed-:
Milwnuklo H"lL'hts. nesilay. j
The Mothers' and Teachers' Club Mrs. Dnppermun mid little diiiigh-
has compl-t. I arrangements for liir, of Portland, spent Saturday at
The services at the Grace Chape
I were well attended on Sunday, .lan
I nary :ilth. Hev. Shupp, of Mllwau
kle, spoke from Itiiiuiilis The
church service wll he held ut 2:IT
P. M. and the Sunday school will he
held Immediately Mowing All are
I most cordially Invited to attend any
. or all of these services.
C. P. .Morsv, recently purchased
! some river front property nt t)nk
j Mr. ami Mrs. I'. .longer mid sons,
'or l'oriluiiil, spent Sunday at their
cottage at this place,
j Mr. M.H'lure, of Portland, visited
Davl.l Clark, on Cedar Island, on
A number of our lnge people went
to Portland on Saturday evening and
tieuid Fied II. Smith, the Ititc rniitlonu!
V. M C. A. .worker, who tisik his au
dience around the globe In a very III
tercstlng lecture. Ills theme fur the
evening wiu "The most wonderful
thing In the world the power of
Christianity to change men's lives
from had to good " (In Sunday some
of our people visited at the While
Temple to hear Itev WbltroinliK
llmiigher give hi farewell sermon,
In the morning he uad for his sub
ject "A Worthy I.lfe," and III tbo
evening "Life's Ideals," mid at both
services the rhurrh was Illicit.
Miss Muble Morse 'heard Ciirreno,
one of the world s greatest pianists on
Wednesday of lust week In Portland
Mesdanies T. J. HponiHT ami '. I
SiuUh mid the Misses pronto Jen
nings anil Kthel . Hart attended the
farewell reception which was tender
ed to Dr. mid Mrs. Ilrougher on Fri
day evening of Ijisl week III Portlnilil.
Master Charlie lliilliird, who has
been enriilleil nt the Jennings IiIkd
Mr. Dent, who recently purchased H(.1(M1 thlH term, will leave Saturday
the Fred Terry home, Is having the . flir ,, 1(,m ,)f ,H ,mr,.,is, at Hill-
wiiii.4 iieuiiiiiiiiiy iiuieii.
n culler at Ihe Itoso home the flrt
of the week,
John Jiiuiliig and Cbarle Ited.
mond hnve remrned fmin the llol
Spring In Washington nfier a week'
Mr Kitberiimii. of Porlliuid I visit
ing hi sou, Mill Hiiberiiinu. of th
sev, Oregon.
Ilahy Norman AngoliiH, who Is un
der the cure of Miss Ollle Hose, was
visited by bis mint from Portland.
Mr. Onterholt, of Portlunil, was also
i Oak Knoll Place!
in entertainment on Monday even-
Ing, Felinuirv 7. A good programme
will be given.
Commercial Club Meets.
The Mllwatikle Commercial Club
met In the city liall Friday night.
Several Important matters were tak
en up for di, Mission. The failure of
the lighting company to Install new
street lamps was discussed.
A resolution waa passed suggest
Itiir to the -1 1 v council that the light
ing franchise be declared violated In j
the home of Mrs. H. C. Tozler.
Mr. Hull, of Oregon City, was
caler lit Ihe lyidge during lust week
case the company refuses to deliver ()f tho W(;(-k'
Miss llessin Koherls Is spending a
few days nt the home of her uncle
in Portland.
Iiingdon Hpooner was a visitor at
the Iidgc on Sunday, .spendliig the
day with bis parents, Mr. mid Mrs.
I T. .1. Spoon or.
Mrs. H, C. Tozler was mi Oregon
I City visitor on Friday of last week.
Mrs It. K. Hm lh. of Cnnbv. culled
tit ilin If t' loilntnti bottio Ihe tlrHt
lights accrirdlne to its provisions. A
committee was appointed to Investi
gate the cost and feasibility of gaso
line lighting plants.
A committed was appointed to In
vestigate, the. cost of street paving
and sewer building.
The piiblld'y committee was In
structed to prepare literature for tho
backs of the letterheads furnished by
the Portland Commercial Club.
Let Dowllng sell your property.
City Lots, Acreage and Farm
I Specialty.
P. O. Box 213
Milwaukee, Ore.
Mrs. T. C. Wen purchased the J. I!.
Kvans home on Saturday which Is on
the east side of l ho car line.. She Is
removing her household, goods this
week. Mr. Haverinmi, who recently
purchased Ibis stock of general mer
chandise of Mrs. T. C. Rice, took pos
session on the first of February, ami
will occupy tho rooms over the store.
A. Ia Clarke and family removed
in their new home In Hose City Park
on the first of February.
Ooorge Hotz, Sr., will begin a now
four-room cottago at hi niirHery near
Meldrum this week, and expects to
take up his residence there.
Tho many frlonds of Mr. and Mrs.
Pratt were pleased to hear that their
son, Harold ,was somewhat Improved,
but Is still under tho doctor's care.
The Ixlge people are hopeful for
his recovery.
At the last meeting of the Women's
Industrial Club, It was decided to
send for the Youth's Companion to be
placed In the reading room of th
Oregon City IJbrary Association. We
hope all the Lodge people will Rive
this reading room their hearty support.
Ten Acre Fruit and
Ideal conditions for
home building;. Easy
Payments. Only 7
miles from Salem,
the "Cherry City."
Wilson linywnll bus gone to his
father' farm ut Cliirkntuus, an. I tx
peels to return sihiII
Our neighbor luuhelor, Mr Kibe.
Is Improving til farm by slashing mid
Mr. Shearer nud Mr, John Ilennett
hauled a load of siiinl from Oregon
City for plush-ring Mr. linywnll'
new house, which will soon he coin,
Mrs, Oct, the tinner's wife, went to
Portland Wednesday.
Victor Wlcklniid and Gustavo Hub-cilai-h
hauled potatoes In I'lai i.iltlun
to nil a car for the lalter' brother
Itev Jones, of Cliickuiiiits, as ai-eii
In our locality Friday.
A number of Hi" fanners have I n
reselling telephone post for I I V 1
slium No. :'n mid Hi We hope to have
better service now,
Mr. Miiiiilhcnkn and Alum Hack. -It
expect to move to the bitter's house
In Gladstone soon.
Mr. Shearer mid family, spent an
enjoyable evening lit Ihn home of Mr.
AugilHtu lliiberllieh. Tin' evening wat
spent III riird playing, mid n number
of lino selections were played oil their
Victor phonograph.
Mrs. ICdiiiniiil spent Saturday mill
Sunday III Portland.
Do Not Endanger Life When an Ore
gon City Citizen Shows You
the Cure.
J. C. ZINSER, Owner ;
Salem, R 1, Ore.
Why will people continue to suffer
the agonies of kidney complaint, back
ache, urinary disorders, lameness,
huiidiirlies, languor, why allow them
selves to become chronic Invalids,
when a certain cunt Is offered them?
Dunn's Kidney Pills Is tho remedy
lo use. heruuno It give to tho kidney
the help they need to perform their
If you have jny, even one, of tho
symptoms of kidney discuses, cure
yourself now before illaboteH, dropsy,
or Ilrlghl's disease sols In. Head this
Oregon Clly testimony:
L. Noble, 711 Main Street, Oregon
City, Oregon, says; "Doan's Kidney
Pills hnvn benn used In my homo nud
I am glad lo say that they nrn a good
medicine for kidney trotibfo."
For salo by nil denier. Price RO
cents. FoHler-Mllblirn Co., Iluffiilo, N.
V., solo agent for the Unltod States.
Uoniiiinher tho ntuno Doan's and
tnko no oilier.
Office Doth Phone 22
Residence phone Main 2G24
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Established 186S Sucestnr to, C. N. Oroenman
Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER