Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 28, 1910, Image 8

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Rev. II. Flathmann is teaching i
class of nine conflrmands four days a
week .from 10 A. M. to S P. M.
P. Mento, who recently arrived from
Oklahoma, rented the farm Just sold
by U Ehlen and known as the Ruppel
N. Neatter bought the P. Zimmer
man ranch, near Aurora.
Rev. 1 A. Schmidt, from Oregon
City, wa the Ruest of Rev. H. Flath
niann Thursday.
Miss Anna Flathman left for Olytn
pla. Wash., Saturday, to take a course
of studies in the Lutheran Pacific
The Evangelical Lutheran Zlon
Congregation, of Macksburg, served
by Rev. H. Flathmann, from Aurora,
commenced work on their new church
last week.
A surprise party was given at Mr.
and Mrs. William Kraus" home last
Tuesday evening for Miss Sara Stew
art, who left for her home in Salem,
Wednesday. Those present were:
Mamie Hall, Amy Sconce, Flossie
Bowen, Anna GoeU, Sara Stewart,
Alice Kraus, Arthur Kraus, Ben Will,
Dewey Miller, Andy Miller, Geo. W.
Miller Freddy Giesy and Glenn Hurst.
A delightful time was had by all those
present. The evening was spent In
playing games. Refreshments were
served. Miss Stewart's many friends
In Aurora were sorry to see her leave.
A full new barrel of the famous Old
Joe Gideon whiskey and six cases of
Martinet Imported brandy have ar
rived at the New Aurora Hotel bar
The best of Mt, Hood beer always on
eami Wp SsJl Klalkimg Mat
We must close otit quick a quantity of very desirable goods at very radical reductions. There are some garments
and articles included in this sale carried over from last year and a very few that are two years old. All these
will be sold much below cost.
If you have a clothes want now is the time to fill. Just notice some of the real bargains we are offering:
Lot One All $12.50 to $13.00
Suits ami Overcoats
Lot Two All $18.00 to $20.00
Suits ami Ovorooats
Lot Three All $22.50 to $25
Suits ami Overcoats
$3.50 Dress or Work Shoes . . .
$4.00 Dress or "Work Shoes. . .
$5.00 Dress or "Work Shoes. . .
$7.00 high-top. or logger's Shoe:
$3.50 .Hoys' Shoos
$2.50 Hoys' Shoes
Roolof s Celebrated $1.00 Hats
llawe's Famous $3.00 Hats , . , .
Waldorf $2.50 Hats
$2.00 Hats
75e Hib Overalls
$2.50 Pants
$3.00 Pants
$3.50 Pauls
1.00 Pants
50o Undergarments
$1.50 Cooper's all wool ,
$1.75 Fine Cassimero 1 QC
Underwear .Jj
15c Sox, now per doen
50c Work Shirts J j
$1.00 Work or Dress Shirts ... Jjj
$1.50 Cluett Shirts "
25c Wool Sox, per pair
$3.50 All wool Jerseys
Is the great incent
ive oward sav
ing money
We pay
on savings accounts
We pay 4 per cent
on Certificates of
of Deposit
is our motto
Aurora, Oregon
PKKDE BK., Clothiers for Menond Young Men
Ed Hutchinson was in Oregon City
ou a business trip Friday.
Born. Thursday. January 20. to the
! wife of Warren Kendall, a daughter,
j Mother aud child are doing well.
! O. R. Mack was In Oregon City and
Portland on business the latter par'
I of the week. He was accompanied
! by his wife.
i Florence and Stanley Wang, of
I Portland, visited with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Wang, of this city Sat
urday and Sunday.
Miss Hattie Myers. Anna Krueger
and Miss Katherin Foster, of Port
land, attended the dancing party giv
en by the Canby Band on Saturday
The W. C. T. I". met at the home of
Mrs. O. R. Mack on Friday of last
week. After all business was trans
acted a delicious lunch was served by
Mrs. William Porter and Mrs. O. R
U Brown. Miss Porter is the pop- em Brooks, aged six years, among
ular lady clerk in the Carlton & I their numbers being ,-I Have Taken
Rosenkrans store, and deserves a j Quite a Fancy to You." Manager
much needed rest. She will resume j Brooks will put on two reels of the
ber position In that store upon her ro-j very latest moving pictures. The per
turn. j formance begins promptly at S o'clock.
Many of the young people of this i The admission Is 5 ceiils for adults
city are planning to attend the grand : and 13 cents for children
ball to be giveu by the Aurora Hand
at that place on Saturday, January
Mrs. M. P. Sailor, who was called
A very pretty wedding was solemnlt
ed on Wednesday, January 19. at 11
o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
over Sunday.
Roy Knight made
to Newberg on Saturday, looking af
ter interests.
Miss LJIIle Lurke, of Portland. ar
to Albany by the illness and death of t i Konschak. when their daughter.
her brotner, me late rroi. saunuers. . jnss iurtha. was united In marriage
has returned to her home in this i to Mr. Fred Stageman. The bride,
city. 1 Is a well known young ladv of Needy,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mitts were call- !lm nas nulnv friends In this city. The
ed to Sclo, Oregou. on Thursday, by ( marriage ceremony was performed
tne aeatn ot .Mrs. .tuna uioim-r. .nrs. ; uv n,.v. Merj. or .Macksburg. Alter
Calavan, who has been on Invalid for the ceremony a wedding dinner was
over a year. The many friend ot served. The young people were pres.
Mrs. Mitts deeply sympathize with mted with many handsome gifts. The
her in her sad bereavement j house was beautifully decorated for
George Myers visiieu nis oiu nome In,. occasion,
at Molalla on Sunday. I Present were Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
T n 1 J ..... i ...... unit K' i f .1 u-unF f (1 nil , ' : 1 .. . , I
i i. u. nmiiiinwu n,.u .. .. .w win nun lulling. 01 Aunim, .Mr. uiui
I Veedv on Snndav. where thev visited! tr r UnfTmiin n,l nmiiv Mr mil
Mrs. G. Konschak, Rev. and Mrs.
Mem and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. K.
Thlel and family, of Needy, Mr. and
Mrs. E. Hoffman and family, of Hub
bard, Ernest Hoffman, Jr., of Port
land. M. and Mrs. Bunke and son, Wil
liam, of Canby.
Canby Market Report.
The following quotations, are given
by C. T. Bares, the grocer:
Chickens Old hens 15 3c, roost
ers 10c, springs 15t4c.
j Eggs 33c. butter 65c.
I Uird, bu!k, 17c.
Hacon, ranch, ISc to 25c.
Ham, 19c.
Flour, valley, J1.-10, hard. l"o. blue
stem. $1.50.
Cheese. 22c.
Oranges 3"c doz: lemons 2'iC.
Shorts, $36 per ton, bran $30, wheat
95c to $1 per bushel.
Rolled barley. $:!9 per ton.
Oats new $30.
Hay, clover $14 per ton, cheat $15
Hops, contract, 25 to 20c.
where he wa working wna going to
start up Monday. Mrs. illtchman Is
still visiting her sister.
Miss Nesblth, of Portland, wa a
guest at the Wink home several daynj
last weeR.
Joe Solle went to Sllwrton one day
last week to buy a horse.
Clifford Hltolunnn swallowed a tin
whistle one day last week, causing
considerable uneasiness for a day
or two.
Rl bLLL. i ith the Ode brothers.
Mr. Newton made a business trip: Cnarles irfer, of Portland, visited
to Portland Wednesday. j in tnis clly tne first of the week.
The little daughter of Mr. Romig. G H Sobie left on Monday for
who has been ill is Improving. portland. and from that place he will
Mrs. D. Clark, of Roseburg. Is vis- embark on ,he steamer for California,
iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.iwhere ne wm visit for some time.
William Knight, of this city. I Mrs. H. p. wink and Miss A. Pescln-
Herbert and Louis Myers and Wal- gk of j,-ew Era were Q canby on
ter Krueger. of St- Johns, attended, xiiesdav. the guests of Mrs. Ola
the dance in this city on Saturday curley.
night, and remained with relatives' TheVe will be no services at the
i Methodist rharch on Sunday, as the
a business trip--,st, ReT r L. Creesv. will be
at Carus both morning and evening.
Lec.ure to be Given.
Jesse S. Hamilton, of Portland, will
rived here on Friday evening to vis- be jn tnlg cty 0n Friday evening. Feb
It with her brothers. Carl and William, ( niary 4, aD(j deliver a lecture at the
and friends. Methodist church, his subject to be
Victor Carothers, of Oregon City. 1 ..gx pays n the Saddle." The lee
was in Canby on Tuesday evening ture j3 claimed to be very instructive
visiting with friends. Mr. Carothers, 1 gnd interesting. The proceeds will
who has been connected with the Ore-j g0 towards the Methodist church,
gon City Enterprise office for some Builders' Hardware Arrives,
time, has resigned his position to ac-i tt was stated In last week's Courier
cept one in Portland. I that a car load of Implements had ar-, :raie root 3 a nound.
Miss verna roner ten on v eones-, rived fn ths cty for J. J. Sanasncss. r caiiCara bark ic a pound
Only $17.50
day evening for Fowler, Fresno Coun- wnCh proved to be builders' hardware,
ty. California, where she will visit ! na r. Sandsncss only bought the
o 1 for a month with her aunt, Mrs. T. hardware business from Andrew Koch-
er. the latter retaining the farming
1 Implements. Mr. Sandsness also re
ceived a line of sewing machines, and
his spor'ing goods will arrive soon.
A Correction.
It was announced In laBt week's
paper of the engagement of Miss Ivy
Hutchinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
E. W. Hutchinson, of this city, to
John Coffeen, of this city, was an er
ror on the part of the reporter, who
was misinformed, and was not author
ized by the young lady's parents.
Dance Is Big Success.
The dancing party given at the city
hall by the Canby Band on Saturday
night was a decided success. There
was a large attendance, almost too
large for the comfort of the dancers
What Canby needs Is a larger
where dances can be given, as the
present one is almost too small to ac-1
commodate the large crowds that at
tended the party on Saturday night, j
There were several people from Ore-,
gon City, Portland, Aurora, Barlow
Cannery Building Started.
The cannery building, which is be
ing erected near the Southern Pa
cific depot opposite Main Street, has
been started and already the founda
tion is constructed. Adolph Miller, Is
Sugar $5.90 to $'. .05 per sack.
Kice, fancy, 5c to c.
Butter fat 4ilc.
Hogs best blockers, 10 to 10 l-2c
ordinary 8c to 9c.
Veal 10 1-2 mutton 7c to 71-2.
Oregon City hnterprlse $1.50 per
The following were the pall bear
ers at the funeral of Charles Ogle:
Wllmer Sandsness, Walter Howe, Fred
Armstrong, Paul Holte, Manuel King,
Joe King.
For Infant and Children.
ha.i; The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of $utS-ffi&&&li
Mrs. Wink was shopping In Canby
Tuesday of this week.
Ed Hutchinson, of Canby, was seen
In New Era Tuesday with a boat on
his wagon going nonh, presumably In
search of the Peary-Cook North Pole
YOU can afford this Victor
You may have this sent to your home right now, and take your
time to pay for it. It will be paid for In a few months, and in the
meantime you'll be enjoying its fine entertainment all these long,
wet days and nights. Soon It will be all yours for years to come.
Just think! A Victor for $17.50 that plays exactly the same
records that a $250 Victor plays. You can hear through it all the
world'B most famous singers and musicians Just the music and
fun you love the best. It plays any size record, and its music is
loud, clear and life-like. It has the wonderful Victor mechanism,
sound-box and tapering arm. Beautiful amber-hued horn and mahogany-finished
You surely ought to own this Victor. What's $17. 50 for such a
fine musical Instrument!
Get it on easy ternr
Pay us $1 now and take the Victor home with you. Then once
a month pay us $2.50 till the $17.50 Is all paid. If any time during
the 6 months you say to ub, "I'm sorry I bought that Victor," we'll
take it back and call the deal off.
Come In tomorrow and ask to hear Sousa's Band, The U. S.
Marine Band, The Victor Minstrel, The Trinity Church Choir, The
Hayden Quartette, Harry Lauder or any other of the high priced
talent that performs for Victor owners.
Agents for Victors and Ediioni.
Misu Krnilv Kmihilr nnn rif the
superintending the work of construe-, Clackamas County tearhem, spent Sat
tion. and the plant wll be ready for ur(Iav ,, gun(tav , the oiitherii
operation when the early vegetables ; part of thc (,Uv
are ready for market. The building: Mrs.' C. I. Bates, of Can-
will cost about $6500.
Baby Lovern Will Sing Here.
Manager Brooks, of the Electric
Theatre, accompanied by his wife, was
in Canby the first of the week arrang
ing for the entertainment to be glvne
at the City Hall on Friday night, Jan
uary 28. The affair will be given
under the auspices of the Canby Band,
which will furnish the music during
the evening. There are many excell
ent features on the programme, among
them being De Karo, the man of mys
tery from Calcutta, India. This man's
powers are mervelous, and have puz
zled scientists, mediums and clair
voyants. De Karo lets any One In
the audience write a question on a slip
of paper and sign his name, and place
it In a sealed envelope, blindfolds him
self and then answers the question
correctly, and tells the name. This
man has his own company Including
Miss Verne Case, in Illustrated song;
Berry & King In their comedy act,
"When Reuben Comes to Town." Prof.
Hillman will give an exhibition of
scientific club swinging. Baby Lovern
Brooks will be heard' in Illustrated
song entitled "Wliy Don t They Play
With Me?" If you have not heard
this little child sing, you should not
miss this opportunity. There will be
a duet by Master Corbln Peters, age
7 years, of Portland, and Baby Lov-
by, attended Warner Grange Satur
day. On Saturday night a party was giv
en at the home of Mr. and Mrs. liur
goyne in honor of Mrs. Burgoyne and
Miss Ethel Rlcf's birthday. Games
were played and a luncheon was
served at "low twelve," and all de
parted, wishing the return of runny
happy birthdays to Mrs. B. and Miss
It. Among those present were Mr.
and Mrs. J. Burgoyne, Mr. and Mrs.!
J. Relf, Mr. and Mrs. E, Veteto, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Evans, Mr. and Mrs.
M. Hansen, of Portland; Misses
Clara Kyle, Amelia Stauber, Ethel
Relf, Sue Wlrfs, Nettle Burgoyne and
Lottie Relf; Messrs Nell Thompson,
Hobart Eastman, Jack Grant, Arch
Thompson, Dell McCormlck, Louis
Wlrfs, Joseph Sevclk, Jr., Chas. Ilradtl,
Clifford and Laveme Hltchman, Frank
Wlrfs, Allle, Harry and Earl Anthony,
Martin Stauber, Raymond Relf, Will
Burgoyne and Dr. L. Furguson.
Remember the basket social to
night at the W. C. T. U. hall, a good
programme Is being prepared.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hltchman, of
Scappoose, arrived on Friday, of last
week, and were the guests of the tat
ter's sister, Mrs. Elmer Veteto. Mr.
Hltchman received a telephone mes
Fever Sores.
Fever sores and old chronic sore
should not be healed uutlrely, but
should be kept In healthy condition.
This can be done by applying Chain,
berlaln's Salve. This salve has no su
perior for this purpose. It Is
most excellent for chapped hands,
sum nipples, burns, and disease of
the skin. For sale by Huntley Bros.
entry wus held lust Huturdny even
lug. The debute was very exellllig
mid Interesting.
C. M. Faulk conduct tlm pro
gramme at the next meeting and
Mr. I Kxl.l will eillt the paper.
Thos. Kelluiid Is hlaittltiK stump
on his farm.
WallacK Mi-Cord Is working a few
days for the Homo Teleplumo Com.
Stomach Trouble Cured.
If you have any trouble with your
stomach you should take Chiituber
lalu'g Htomut'h and IJver Tablets. Mr.
J. P. Klote, of Killnu, Mo. hiiyh: "I
also '"'" used a great ninny different iiinl.
Ii'lnea for stomiich trouble, but Duil
Chamberlain's Hioimu-h ' and IJver
Tablet more benetlrlul than any other
remedy I tver used."
Excitement I running high In tbl
neighborhood over the high price that
laud Is selling for. Orva Martin sold
his farm this week to Mr. Colwell. of
Portland. Mr. Martin will movfl to
Eastern Oregon next week and the
new owner will take possession at
once. This Is the flfih farm that has
been sold In this nelghlxirhood of
Thomas Kelland Is hauling potatoes 1
to New Era for James Hylton.
Mr. Mend ha opened hi blacksmith
shop and Is doing a good business.
Mr. and Mrs. Graves hnve been up
the valley looking over some farms,
which they are contemplating buying.
I). L lloylan Is clearing land on tue
Luzelle place.
Mr. Block, who purchased the Hoov
er place. Intends to engage extensively
In the horticultural business.
The Twilight school baso bull team
tins purchased a new base ball out
fit utiil expects to put out a challenge
for games In the spring.
A surprise party was given In honor
of Johnnie Grave this week. A
large crowd was In attendanro and all
experienced a most enjoyable time.
Do not forget that tomorrow M
literary night. Miss lunette Snook Is
chairman of the programme committee
and Mrs. Curtis Dodda is editor of the
Twilight Item did not appear Inst
week for the first time in six months.
This was duo to some nilsconiiectlou
of the mall service or some other un
known ruuse.
Adolph Joehnke Is dangerously III
with typhoid fever. He Is at present
In a Portland hospital. Dr. Mount Is
In attendance.
Ed Grave hn sold his place to Mr.
Harvey, of Kansas City. The lat
ter will take possession In about a
month. We regret very much to loose
Mr. Graves and family from our com
munity, as they have been the best
of neighbors.
Mr. Black, who recently purchased
the Hoovey plare, has settled down
to business on his new farm. He was
formerly proprietor of a nlno hundred
acre ranch In California.
George M. Ijizelle made a business
trip to Canby this week In the Inter
ests of the County Fair Association.
The annual meeting will be held the
first Saturday In February at Oregon
The Twilight delegation will go to
New Era In force tomorrow to attend
Warner Grange. The occasion being
the Installation of officers. The floor
work will be put on by the officers
of Evening Star Grange of Multnomah
An enthusiastic meeting of the llt-
For LAND PLASTER see Oregon
City Commission Company.
I it) YOU WANT TO HKI.U If you
want to Hell your buslues of nnr
kind, or If you wiuit to e your
properly, and will make the pile?
right, I would like lo hear from
you. Glvn description and price
Address J. K. Smith. M3 Chamber
of Commerce, I'ortlund, Oregon,
Kn City meet Mecoiul Hut onlay after
noon In each mouth at Kunpp' hall
lu Winter and In Hobnoerr Park,
Willamette. Ill Summer. Gu Soliiiiwrr.
provident; Itudolpb Heller, MiMTelnry.
liEUHV UHHiE NO l.'.t. U1YAI.
tilt ANtih' INSTITt TION .!
evenings of last Saturday In mouth
at Sbuniiou' Hall. 9th and J. Q
Adnms Ht., J. K Morrl. secretary,
Win, Shannon, W. M,
WAItlClltll'SE 20x10-near S. P. It
Depot for rent February lt See
-.":u "Hi si . oiegon ciiy. tf
"Any one ran get well hero." Admiral Evans
The finest equipped bath house In tlm world for the ri'inedlul u of
mineral waters Is located at Paso Kobles Hot Springs.
Hot Sulphur, Mud and 8ulphur Baths, Excellent Hotel Accommodation!.
Delightful Walks and Drives, Out of Door Sports.
DR. F. W. SAWYER, Manager.
Paso Roblea, Cal.
These famous Springs are reached via
The Shasta Route
"Road of a Thousand Wonders"
Southern PaciKc Company
Slop-over are allowed In either direction at tills noted resort on the
j Oak Knoll Place I
Ten Acre Fruit and
Ideal conditions for
home building. Easy
Payments. Only 7
miles from Salem,
the "Cherry City."
t J. C. ZINSER, Owner I
Salem, K 1, Ore.
sage Saturday that the logging camp eee
round trip rute I'ortlund to lis Angeles.
For Illustrated booklets telling of the wonderful cures effected, the
faniou $100,(111(1 but h house and other Interesting feature, call on or write
to any 8. p. or O. It. & N. Agent, or
General Passenger Agent,
The Naples of America
Sight of the famous old 8nta Barbara Mission, and home of tbo Potter
Hotel a palatial caravansary with all the convenience and attractions of
home life. K(uable climate, delightful surf bathing, horseback riding,
golfing, tennis, and many other attractions. Simla Barbara Is reached via
tho Coast Line of the
Southern Pacific Company
"Road of a Thousand Wonders"
Special Round Trip Rate 'of
Portland to Lot Angeles and Return
Allows stop-overs In either direction at this famous resort, a short distance
from Us Angeles. Interesting and Instructive literature, telling of Its
walks, drlvcH, points of Interest, climate, etc., can be obtained from any
0. IL & N. or S. P. Agent, or from
' General Passenger Agent
Portland, Oregon