Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 21, 1910, Image 6

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Looks Like Hard Wood-Costs
Less Wears As Long
Ko cracks or crevices where dust can
accumulate, no inlays or boards to work
loose, warmer and more elastic to the tread
than hardwood
Parkctt Floor Covering
is the best and most sanitary floor covering
for bedrooms, nurseries, dining rooms, libra
ries, billiard rooms, and all good 'rooms
in the house.
In rolls, 73 inches wide, in beautiful in
laid, natural wood designs; economical,
practically "unwearoutable." Easier to
clean than carpets or hardwood fours the
iibal floor covering.
Positively the greatest thing c. :r pro
duced for hotels, clubs, hospitals, spools
every kind of big building where hard wear
would put anything else literally "out of
business," Great savin? as well
(Continued from page 1.)
us, that they would give our wishes
their loyal support, and from that we
are able to learn since, they have done
so, and better communication upon
the river between Oregon City and
points upon the river both to the
North and South we trust will be the
result of their assistance.
In natters of railroads, electric
lines already built and nroiected we
have had some meetings and much I
investigation, with the result that we
believe that prospects are brighter
than ever before that our county will
soon have new lines constructed and
in operation, that will open up terri
tory now isolated and will do much to
make us the County of Oregon.
The committee on Transportation
has had many matters before It In
connection with accommodations for
passengers traveling upon the trains
passing through Oregon City and
largely through Its efforts was the
Southern Pacific Railroad Company
Induced to rescind their order refus
ing to stop their local train to Silver
ton at Oregon City. The question of
rates for passenger travel . upon the
electric cars between Oregon City and
Portland and Oregon City and the
stations between here and Portland
is now being considered and will In
the near future be taken up by a joint
Oregon City Commission Co.
Always in the Market for all Kinds of Farm Produce
Or Handles on Commission, With Liberal Advances
Feed Oats, Hay, Stock Salt, Etc.
Lime, Cement and Plaster.
See Us and Lets Talk It Over We Are New and Want to Get Acquainted.
T. F. ROURKE, Mgr.
committee of this Club, the City Coun
cil of Oregon City and the Oregon
City Improvement Club.
Largely through the earnest, con
scientious work of a committee of this
Club was brought about a reduction in
the Insurance Rating In this c'ty.which
will result In the saving to the mer
chants, business men and property
owners of many thousands of dollars
a year.
Many other matters of almost equal
Importance to these have been taken
up by our officers, some of which were
attended with successful results, and
many nwre are In the hands of com-
mittees, but with the details of which
I will not impose upon your patience '
at this time In reciting to you. '
Shortly after the organization of
the Club, the matter of publishing and !
presenting to the whole country the
many natural advantages of our city '
and county was taken up. and finding
an overwhelming sentiment that we i
should undertake this work, a Public-1
ity Committee was appointed to take j
charge of the work, and an advisory .
committee of subscribers to a public- j
Itv fund was selected and entered nt 1
on this work: as shown bv the report .
of the Secretary of that' Committee.
great success attended the efforts of '
the Committee and the largest Boost
er Fund known to Clackamas County
has been collected and the Committee
has worked diligently and well In
sendine out Information regarding our
resources and what we have to offer j
Feed, Oats, Rolled
to those who will come and take up
their homes with us. As much of this
Is missionary work, wo cannot for
some time realize the benefits and be
able to note the results of this work,
which Is being conducted so faithfully
and well by our committer.
From personal observation and the
sentiments 1 have heard expressed In
this community during the last few
months, It would seem to me that the
Commercial Club would be following
out the object of Its Institution If It
would foster and endemor to bring
about some of the following recom
mendations: Klrst. Work tlrst, last av.d all the
time for the Improvement by the
National government of the Willam
ette Kiver at the Clackamas Kaplds:
for ihe construction by the National
lloverntnout of a good and modern
system of IavKs on the Kast side of
the Willamette Kulls; and for the
proper recognition of Oregon City by
the National iiovernment by electing
a suitable building for our lVstolhYo
and other otllces of the V. S iiovern
ment, such as headquarters for hatch
ery officials, etc.
Second. Work with any person,
firm or corporation that will construct
maintain and operate systems of elec
tric or other transportation lines that
will open up the resources of the
I county.
I Third. Work for equitable ratings
upon the electric line between here
and Portland, so that said company
I will not discriminate against Oregon
City, but will give commutation rates,
between Oregon City and all stations,
upon the same terms as It grants them
from Portland to said stations.
Fourth. Work to create a fellow
ship between the people and mer
chants of Oregon City and our good
neighbors residing In this county to
the north of us and co-operate with
them not only In securing equitable
j rates upon the cars, but also to build
roads, and construct bridges across
the Clackamas Kiver. that will short
en the distance between them and
Oregon City to the minimum,
j Fifth. Take up with the Corpora-
lions and manufacturing establish
I moms the matter of our opposition to
the introduction into our midst of an
undestreable class of laborers, that
! have no desire to officiate with us and
I become enterprising citizens, who
j will not assist In the building of
! homes or the development of our
; country, and see if by co-operation
we cannot assist the corporations In
securing the services of good men and
citlens, who with pride in self, and
In city and love of country, will not
only give them faithful service, but
also assist in the building up of a com
: munity that will attract to ns the
' most intelligent and progressive class
of laborers.
Sixth. Each and every one do what
they can to enlarge our manufactur
ing Industries and bring to our midst
good citizens and new projects.
Seventh. To do what can be done
In the matter of promotion of public
sentiment In civic improvement, to
the end that we may have In the near
future a system of well Improved
streets, attru'ctlve parks and beautiful
Eighth. To foster and promote ev
erything that will tend to nsslst our
manufacturers, merchants and people
in the taking advantage of natural ad
vantages of our location. In the se
curing of lowest rates for freight
charges, transportation, etc., made
possible by
the Willamette River,
second only in Importance to the
great Columbia and which now at
Oregon City needs development by
the construction of public docks anil
streets leading to same, and which
should by all meuns be constructed
In the Immediate future.
In conclusion, I want to state that
in closing my term of office and turn-
Etc., Etc.
t illiT a" f i i
The ironu-tlcht cm protects
it against impuniifs nd deteri
oration never sold in bulk.
Your rroeer will crlml It
better if grimmi ai home not
too tine.
lug over Its duties to my successors,
I want to thank you for the honor you
conferred upon me a year ago, In
placing me In the position of presi
dent of this Club, and 1 also want to
thank my associates upon the Hoard
of Covernors for ihelr universal
courtesy and faithful support In nil
May this year be an Index of a far
greater and more prosperous year and
may the Incoming eihVers have as
faithful workers upon all committees,
as we have had the past one. and so
let us, with the most kindly feelings
lowards every other association and
Individual working for the good of
all, strive with tiiein. working hand
in hand, for the benefit of our fellow
cltlr.cn, our home cltv. our county and
our state, ever remembering under
all circumstances, tli.it while we may
disagree upon the course to pursue
and the method of doing things, yet
we. one and all, nr united upon the
principle of working and accomplish
ing something for the common good.
Following Is the yearly statement
or Treasurer M. P l.alourette.
Membership fees USTTiOO
Dues i'::s:
Profit of llanipiet In May, 1 . H 8 s
rtalunoo on Warrant No. 4.1 .M
Sale of Cards 2 00
Amount of Warrant No til
returned (for cigar case... 13 Oil
Sundries S 00
Rebate on light bills 43 00
Milliards and pool 2S2.!0
Dance December ::h. l'.'l: . 110.75
Due from Publicity Department
for bills paid 118.51
warrants: Pail during
Jan. 13th, Balance on
. 51S.lt)
How Disbursed.
Stamped envelopes
$ 41 SO
. 770.70
. 430 00
Furniture 1030 : 1
Milliard and
pool tallies
fii'i.i no
HC. 47
tied copy .
papers and cer-
Printing 101 S3
Record books 3 05
Games 7.70
Express and dray age 22.40
Literature M', 30
Kent of piano one year 23.no
Insurance on piano 8. no
Flags and grapes for Presi
dent Tuft . ,
Repairs, painting, carpenter
work, etc L1S.80
Fixtures und Club Rooms sup
idles ;7.43
Incidentals 10 03
Ilalunce on hand 518.10
Total M:i!'4.:!H
Children Cry
Grangers Endorse Direct Primary and
Initiative and Refrendum Acts.
Tin- I'omomi cniuKo that met nt
'larfiHil on W'-lin'Silay afti'rnooti was
utteinli-il ly many of the flraiiKiTs of
tin- county. Dtirlrijr the morning sen
sion 21 t;ratiK' r were Kivwi the fifth
ili-nree and an entertaining pro
gramme Klven j tho piiple of tiur
field. At noon a banquet watt mrv
ei to the visitor A committee com
posed of J. I) Chltwood, of Daman-ens-;
T. K. A. S-ilvrood, of .Mllwatlkie;
Mis. C. W. Swallow, A. .1. I'wIh,
Maple vine: I Jr. J. V. Thomas, of
Molalla: William (irisenthwalle, of
IP-aver Creek, an JudKO Thomas F.
Ryan, of this fir v, wrh named to con
fer with representatives of the Ore.
K"n City Comm. relal Club relative to
the reception ami entertainment of t In-
delegates to the
meets III this ( i
The endor.sen
and refrendum. .
oiijirHiilon to
features of I ,i.
Resolutions WIT
the Oregon le.
endeavor to se
a parcels po.ii
hank law, ihc-:e
the grange has ;
State flratme, which
y Thursday, May 12.
nt of the Initiative
;! direct primary and
assembly plan were
quarterly meeting,
llso adopted iirlnn
ition in congress to
e the enactment of
id a postal hhvIiiks
.elliK principles that
n worked for.
! Oak Knoll Place
Ten Acre Fruit and
Ideal conditions for
home building. Easy
Payments. Only 7
miles from Salem,
the "Cherry City."
J. C. ZINSER, Owner ;
Salem, R 1, Ore.
Yager Brings Suit Against
Former Husband.
Mrs. Lulu K Yager, of Ihe town of
Clinkes, has through her attorney, v.
A. Dlnvlck commenced proceedings In
the Circuit Court hero In which she
asks for the custody of her child for
the entire year as at present she Is
allowed by a recent ruling of the Hiime
court to have Ihe custody of her child
nine mouths of each year while her
former husband who was at that lime
granted it decree of divorce Is en
titled to the child for the remaining
three months. In the iirsi suit which
was also Instituted hy Hie present
plaint lit the defendant was granted
the divorce Instead of Mrs. Yager, who
had applied for It. Yager Is cited to
appear before the Court on (lu tenth
of (his month to show cause why this
decree should not be granted and It
Is stated that Yager, who lives in
Portland, will propably contest the
suit to the last.
Millions of Bottles
of Dr. Hell's Pine Tar Honey used an
nually Is good evidence tliat It Is n
good remedy for Ijuirlppe, coughs.
Colds, and all throat and bronchial
troubles. Umk for the Hell on the
Hot tie. Sold by Jones Drug Co.
Portland Ministers Will Preach At
Paul's Church.
Rev. T. F. Ilowen Is making nr
raiigeinents for a course of sermons
to be preached at St. Paul's Kplsco
pal chinch on Sunday evenings In
January mid February by a number
of Portland clergymen.
The llrst sermon will be preached
next Sunday evening by Ihe Rev
Henry Hussell Talbot, rector of St.
David's parish. On Sunday, January
SO, the Rev. Horace M. Ramsby, vicar
of the pro-cathedral of St. Stephen,
will be the preacher, and on February
111, the Rev John K Simpson, rector
of St. Mark's church. Other dates
will lie made with the clergymen and
the announcements made later. The
services will be at 5 o'clock.
Attorney Loder Will Have Modern
J. IV Homier has been awarded the
contract for the building of the new
home of John W. lxb'r. which Is to
be erected on the two lots on Ninth
and Cetlter streets. The structure
will be modern throughout with a full
cement basement tlxllil feet, and attic
There will be five Bleeping apart
lltents. reception hull, living room,
dining room, den and library, kitchen,
pantry and baih. with electric lights
One of the features of thlH modern
home will be the large venuula front
ing It As soon as the building Is
Mulshed, which will probably be III
the late spring. Mr. Ioder expects to
have the grounds beautified
A Medicine
That lives ten years must have merit.
Dr Hell'H pine-Tar Honey has been
sold for sixteen years, and sales have
Increased every year. So you run no
risk. Wo guarantee It. For stile by
Jones Drug Co,
.lnsie Surlier iitnl A. J. Surlier to
rrt llodes. hind In I'arknlace: STiin
William .Millard Knurr to 1 It
llmlley ct ill., northeast uiiarter of
southeast quarter of Hertlon f, town
ship :l soul h, ratiKo 5 east; (I.
John Mcdllllvruy to Frank and A.
Uine, t',11 acres of section :. township
:! south, range ,ri east; II.
W. II. C sell et ill to J. W. Lytic.
I acres of section 'JS, township 1 south
range 2 east ; $:i.'.ih).
Sophia and tleorge Myers 10 .lolui
W. Sheik, lots 7. H. 11. I. 11. U'. l:l.
II. of block I".. Mllwaukle Heights;
llladstiitie Heal Kstate Association
to Milton Triilllnger, in aires of )
I,. C. of Kendal (' Casein, township 2
south, range 2 Kast ; $ Him.
J. W. iitnl Lucy M. Iteed to J. .1.
Melll, 1 C,i) acres of section 2 1, town
ship 4 south, range I east; $i;.'.imi.
II. and Katie K. Clldnrr to II. T
biddings, lot ;:r, block 1',, Hyde park;
Artnelsla Sallnn I" Clyde C. Saililg.
!i acres of section It;, township !l
smith, range I east ; $1.
Artmlsla Sallng to l-Mmiind K. Hal
ing, i:!l .'l." acres of section III, town
ship .'I south, range I cast; f.
Paul Piaeger to O. A. Palmer. Ii'.o
acres of section Is, township I south,
range .1 east , jr.uu.
Smith l.iCroy to Millard K. Sarver,
y.i.'.M acres of it. I,. C. of Henry How
lee. towilHhlo ii south, range II east;
I Oregon Iron & Steel Company to
I Mrs. Kinellu sliar.i, lots 1, 2. block I'l.
i Oregon Iron H. Stec Company's Klrst
i Addition to Oswego; $ ILM).
.). II. and Amelia II. Mauley 10 An
drew Kocher, lot'l of block 12, Caiiliy;
.latiie and John M. Snyder to John H.
and Matilda Wetler, lot .'I of block
"A," Kerr ShlmMcrs Klrst Addition
to Mllwaukle; $.
Margaret Huberts to J. II. Itlack,
lots 1 to 1; Inclusive, and lots i and
In of block VI, Mliilhorn Itddllloti to
Portland; $1.
Jane Haley to J. Kebecca Duhrez,
In acres of section !l, township 4 south,
range :! east ; $100.
Carollnu M. Sliultz and Hubert
Scliultz to Km II and Selena Schlrff,
!iii !I2 acres of I). C. of Harrison and I
Uivlnii Wright, township I south,
range ' east ; $i;.",hn.
Krederlck and Maggie Krcdcrlcl In
.1. If. Itlack, lots III, 20, 2H. block
11. and lots I to li Inclusive; 1 and in
or block 12, .Mliilhorn Addition to
Portland; $0.
W. II. Phillips et ill., to J. K. Coode,
lots PI, :,(!, 21, 22, block la; lots II,
12, is, 1:1, an. 2i. ::. ;i7, ::s, :::i. in,
II, block 12 Mlutliorn Addition to Port.
I land; $20u.
I (iillierl. h. Hedges, administrator, lo
j James Ch-irles, undivided Mi Interest
In lots :!, I. I lock 12, Cladsione; $.
Albert (!. Hedges et al., to James
Charles, ,r,-(J Interest. In lots .'! and I
or block 12, flladatotii;; $22U.
N. A. and Mary Hanson, I acre or
W. K. Kan! ham I). U C, township !i
soiilli, range I west; $5.
C. I,', and Addle P. Harlow lo Char
les J. Ilradlt, 25. r,) acres of sections
I, fj, township 4 south, range 1 east;
tiecrge O. Yale and Jennie II. Yale
to Hebocca A. While, 1 acre jif Peter
M. Rlnearnon f). U C, township 2
south, range) 2 east; $K;(I0,
Samuel O. and Anna Hoover lo
Krnnklln K. and Margaret. A. Zlack,
&0 acres of sections 1, 12, township 3
south, range 1 east; 7200.
(. N.. and Ilettle K. Harker to O.
Weaver, lots 29, 30, block 44, Mlii
lhorn Addition; 425.
1 i 2 1 r rv
;Q '' 7r '"""rmr-
Al.roiKtl. J pku ,TNr
Pn mm Ic s I ) i 'V's Idtit t'ltrr t fij
DOSS ;il(l lictU'llllUllH IKIIlOT
()iiiiitt.Miiri!uuf ikii'MiiK'fal.
Pior N.vucdTir.
vw, .'.
Avr AW
iifeu JU
inh4 Jiiwr .
Anrrfcil IVmcily forCimsllf
lion. Sour Simn.R'h.lil.Miitw
iu'-hm mul Loss or Slut.
Facsimile Siii.iiurr of
jiuirantcef uiulr tl FoH
Eii Copy of Wrapper.
Security Suvli.gK Trust Company
to John W. and Kale C. Thornton, n
acres of section 2:1, towiiHhlp 3 south,
range 1 west; $10.
Ileujiiinlu Howard and Lucy Kiln
belli l'vy to John .1. Cole. 1 acre of
section 2."., township I soulli, range 1
cast, $10,
Joseph It und Klotcllii l Colt to
Mrs. Jessie lileiin, all of tract If. Oi
cliard Humes; IT.'.O.
Willamette Uind Company to l L
and Abbey A Clyde, nil of block I.
Cliickaiiias lllgfhbindH; It.'.O
Lewis i! Hudliin et al, to Hubert A
Miller, land In section 31, tuwnsl'lp I
south, range 3 east ; !.
T 1' Plrtle sad Maria Aniei Plitle
lo Robert A Hlller. I: II ncrci of m c
Hon III, township 1 south, ranni' 3
cast; 1
Jesse Hohsnll, triisli-e, to Clnili L
HiiKiir. acres of Stephen II. WnUer
H U C; $IMii.
Clark U and Virginia L. llargai to
Seth I. Hargur. purt of Stephen Wnllc
cr i I. C ; 111'"'
Kdwnrd P Carter tu Amo and Mary
J Wise. 1 ) acres of section lo town
ship !' south, rnnge 2 east; IM
K. W. M.dlli'ti lo Paul and Ain.i (!
Klllngs. land In sections 27. 30. 31
S V.u
township 2 south, range 2 cast
J. II. am) Delia IllcU.y to W. J.
I llrkey. Hi) acres of section 11. township
2 south, rnnge 4 east; 2on.
lieu Rnsenuil to John Perusso, 10
acres of section 2. township 2 south,
ratine 2 east; $:ilill(.
John and Kva Perasso to Albert H
Kerrero, laud In section 2. township 2
south, range 2 cast ; $tl. ;
Oeorge Oldrlghl to Mlla K Steele,
nortln'iist quarter of section 31 town -
.1,1.. . .,,ii . 1 1 1 , , , .. ..i. 11
(iottlleli Kcelcr and Uuin K t lo 1
(borge W. Mclltlde, laud In Mllwau j
kle; (I.
C. . SHIes ntul Ada Stiles to HI1.1 I
ileus Wheatoti ami Maty Wheatnn,
2 IT acres of sections 11, 3, 1 1, low lc hip
3 soul b, range 1 west ; $7uu.
I C. Clodfelti-r and Hosalle p. Clo -fi
lter to Viola MeCroKS.Mi, loH 2. 3,
Miilinomah Acres; $;!iiiio.
C. Sllllelii'l trustee lo Krncst Mill-
ler. In acres of section 2'1, town- hip I
south, range 2 ca! ; I nil
C. and Alice Keer to William Shlnd
In, lot 17. block "II". Kerr Shln ller
Addition t Mllwaukle:
William Shlnilb'r nnd Agues SM'i l
ler to C. Kerr, lots 22. 2!. 3o. block
"A", Kerr Slilluller's Addition lo
MllwauUle; $1, 1
Klchard (lorter and wife to I'l '
Van Dermeer, lots 7, H, block I, May
wood; (1.
L'"Jrf I
Mi I .
Why Not Consider
This Offer Now?
This is nn im ilatioti to every rcnilcr of this paper lo write, ns.ntonce,
I'or our tree trial ol'lcr no money ilown - !l tnontliM lo pay 110 interest
churned -we pay the lici;;ht ami
I'lioiio'raplt in your own dome.
ami includes New Kdison I'licsnln
t ion reproducer lo play ti 11ml ! ininiile recnnls; 1
Horn, also special Filler I lorn ; half dozen Kd.
Iierol ( I .minute) Records ami half dozen Hold M
Slandaid Keeords; nickel plated Crane, bnl.tln I'l
i:iili Oil, Oil Can and an Aiilomalic
menl. This ol'lcr is lair lo von and
Wft Wllflt nll fl Hlltiuf'ieil cilKtolmo-
for Kilcrs -oitr best advertisement. HondF?:J;,nf.,ron 8t
us the coupon cataloi'uii ami
tictiiars win cotiK! lo you bv rcliirn
Eilers Piano House
imiiiti.ami, oiii:i;i..
I.tirgest Western linnlcrs In All
Makns or 'lulkliiK Muchlnes
iLauorda, Pianos, Orici'na, Uto.
ForlnfiintH nnri CliHrVpn.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tko
Henry II Yost lo James Shir., tnu t
I'.l. Wlliiiiuelte Triicta; l
John V. Thomas ami Kllen Thorn i-.
to Marlon tiieen, lot I, block 1U. Knll
Vb w Addition lo (liegou City; S 1 .
John II Woriiiluhl lo H A I ."ii:,
hind In section 21. township 5 south,
range cast ; $.111.
John II Hurst el al , lo Jason C.
Kellown, Interest In laud III nis-IIoiis
I ami township I south, range
east; $1
Cillilhtotie Relll K.nllltn A S.ocbll loll
I'.lnlie Hoadmiiii, bus 1, 2, .1. 4.
block I'.l, llladstouc; $ I11.1.
Henry til) liens and Ksthcr lllthens
to William V Axliluirn, all of sou'h
half of James Waldrlp II U C. low 11
ship 3 south, nuiK" 3 east, fl
W 1 1 1 la til N mul Ida A " li tu r ti to A
K Sparks ami J W lte. il. l.'.no acres
of II I. C. of James Waldrlp and wife
i L (', towiinhlp 3 south, raiiKe 3
east; 9 1 no.
Lillian It ami K. It Case to Josle
Sin tier, land In I'm kplnce; .
J ti ami Nannie .Miuuisiwer lo
Mary Jane IMcken, lots K. il. section
II. iiinimhlp 2 south, range 2 cast,
Julia A. Mumpower and J I. Mum
power to Mary J. Iilcken, portion of
i "oracc linker I). I.. C , section H,
lownsmp souin, range 2 east; t
Land Title Eiamlned.
Ahttracti of Titlt Made.
Olllce over Hank of Oregon City
Cured of 1 Sever Attack of Bronchi-
tu by Chamberlain's Cough
On October Kith, last, my little
three year old daughter contracted a
severe cold which resulted III a had
case of bronchitis." says Mrs. W. (i
Olbson, Lexington, Kv. "She lost the
Kwer of speech completely and was
a very sick child, Kortiiuately wo
had a Isitllc of Chamberlain's Cough
Hemeily In the house II Hit gllvn II tu
hi'r acciinllng lo the printed direr,
lions, on tin. second day she was n
great deal better, and on the llfth day.
October 23d. she was entirely well of
her robl and bronchitis, which I nt
tribute to Ibis splendid mciliuttic. I
recommend Chamberlain's Cough
Heineily unreservedly as I have found
It the surest, safest and quickest cure
for colds, both for children and adults,
of any I have ever used." Kor sale
by Huntley llros. Co.
A Genuine
Cost to You
on IO Days'
k'ive leu days to try an Kills
Our Oull'il No. 12 cnsls $;il.'J(l
l'lioiio(,'t'apli with comhinn-
Brush altacli-
to us. hddinso
fl bnf.uliir I IIOUHIC,
full par- $ O n tlnmon: I'lonso
mail. T
nnd cutuliiKUns nnd
nirilml nrs of your
Eillaon Free Trial Offur.
U' tor Over
Thirty Years