Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 21, 1910, Image 5

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Cor 10th A Main 81.
Wholnniilii mill lU'tull
Groceries, Produce, Feed
We Pay tin Highest
Cash Price j
For nil Kind of
Country Produce !
Wo curry tlio largest stork of
KtioiU In on r 1 1 ii In Cliuitituiint
('minty, mill nru In iinnllloii In
Ilffl'r HH'C1 IlldllCt'llll'lltH In '
CASH buyers,
Dr. 1. 0. Ic, Ptmtlat.
KlHilIlK 17
ami IH, Masonic IIMk
J C : 1 1 1 I ( . Of 1HIIII1IKCIIH
win III
Oregon City Thursday.
William Cunt well, nf Cmiliy, wait In
Oregon Clly Hattirdiiy nil hiiiliioiui.
Mrs K Mul l Inctnii, nf (ilitdiitiuii',
w tin In III lit tier Iiiiiiik, lit Improving
Miss lliillli' Wllnnn hits returned
fioiu a V I n 1 1 with her mother, lit S'U-
.fm K. J Marshall, who linn I n
III lit ll'T llllllll' In Ctineiiiith, In llll
plot InK
John llumoyfio. n( New Km, was
In Oregon Cliy Mnuiluy e rnulii to
Albert Kiiiii lit ilaiiKeioimly III
th iiiriininiilit l lila liiinii' tin '1'i'lilh
mill .Miilil ntri'i-lit.
Mm A It ruddock, nf Canity, waa
In (iliiilnliitio. visiting Willi friends
mill relatives, Monday.
M S Khrot-ti, 1 hpul y Unlry anil
Food liinpi'i'lnr for llllit illnlrlrl was
III Hit- rlly IiihI week
I'Imht l'o, it well-known fanner,
of Clurkia, unit truiiiuictliig business
III Oii'Knii Clly Thursday.
John T. luilloy, it pitiinli t at
torney of I'oi tliiinl, n In Urt'iinn
Cliv on li'Kiil tut n i m-urt Monday.
II C. I 111 VXD IM It, a JcWI'lt'l' of ('III).
by. waa In Oregon Clly Moiulny at
IflhllllK In aoiim liiiHlnt-m affairs.
l.uli- l.lllilm-y, of Ciumy, was III this
illy Wcdnciulity on IiIm wity In I'ort
lutnl on a vlnlt with nlil time friends
I ' mni 1 1 lit Johnson, daughter of t -nlv
Aiaitor Johnson, In very III nt
)u-r Iioiiii' wllti an attack of loimllllls
While crov. nit lttl linlil Imiiil In pro
I'll llii mot U lii'itl for front teeth.
Tln-y art' handmade. Wo tnnko tlii'in.
I. L I'liki-lia. liciitlst,
(iriirite II tin-gory, a prominent
i mi a, 'I grower of Molnllit, nrcomiiaiilfd
liy lila wife, wit In I )rrKu Clly Fri
day Mra J II Itolilnaoii itiol Iwn anna,
Ki'iitifili ami I Mm, of I'ortlitiid, were
In (iri'itmi Cliy Monday vInIIiik ri'la
Uvea. Mra K I. Shaw was taken In Hit'
81. Vincent's (loailliil tm Hniiirday
t-vi-iilnc. whore a ln will receive iiiimII
nil Irt-aimi'lit.
"Cnini' again." Hit 1 it Mra. Ilrnwti.
"I ri-rtulnly will. If you promlne In
nerve mi' niioihi'r nip of Folger's
(Jolili'ii (iiiin Coffin'"
Mra Hitrvoy K. Cross, who lint
lift'ii vlallliiK wlili ri'litllvt'M horn unit
itl (iliiilainiiK. Inia ri'tiirm-il tn lu-r
lioini' nt Tin- Italics
Mlaa Josephine chiixp Im a nrrlvi'tl
In Oregon City from Ahi-nli-on. Wash
ington, for n month' vIhII with Iht
num. Mra It. I Wilnon.
A gold crown prnpurly fltii'il la Ihn
greatest tontti savor, A poorly fit
iftl oni may cause you thi inotliarha.
I,. I,. I'lrki'im. Dentist.
Fred Itnili 'iiKliit-i'r for tin' Cunliy
Ciunil t'ninpiiiiy, wiih In Oregon Clly
.-'.I'lirduy evening, ihn Kin-Hi of Hit
Miiniiilc bulge, of tlila plin-t'.
Mr. Ilriiilli'.v, nf Miirnhlli'lil, wlui Iiiin
t it vlillliii; Willi h Ik iIiiiikIiI'T, Mra
I lui ry I'uililork. of UliiilMlotit', t-fl on
S.iiunliiy iiIkIiI for lila lioini'.
.loai ph Illnrlili'V, fnri-iiiiin of Camp
4. nf Him WViii houai'r l.iunlii'r Coin
puny, la nt prt-n'iit a kiiohI of Mr.
mill Mia C. J I'lirltrr mi Konrti'i'tilli
Mra .IiiIIii .1 TliiKlf l'ft TliurHilny
for (liikliiinl, Callforiilii, u hi-ri' alio
will ri'iimlii fur a iimutli us I In' KUi'at
of Mia, ('. A. Warriui, forini'ily nf
lii'inKi' Si'liiitilln. nf Miii'ksliiirK, a
I il i nil In i'tl t ini'rrliunl nf (lull plan',
puatt'il llliotiitli lion' Momluy for Ihn
Itl'lull lllll'llwltl'l' tll'llll'I'H' AHHOI'lllllnll
nii'i't lit I N n t I ti ml .
Vim iin wi'li'iuiio In roiiaiilt iih aliinit
your ili'iitul work. Our ntlvlrn la
fri'C, Hint you lii't'il Hoi have iih tin tln
work miIi'uh you ihlri'. U 1 I'lrk
t'llt. - I-iit lt .
Mr. mill Mim. A, ,1. WIIhom luivn ro
liinii'il linini' fnnii Mnnti'Hiinii; Wnah.,
wht'ii' llicv ntlt'tnli'il Ihn fiiiii'rnl of
Mr. Wllaniia fiithnr, W. II. Wllmui,
who illi'il ul tlin rlpi' nlil iik' nf 71
.Iiihn. Mio out' . veil rnlil chllil of Mra.
.Inlin S. Coply, Ih linprovlnj;, nflnr u
hitIoiis lllni'HK. Mra. Coply it ml child
ion urn hero from Aliiakn, ninl urn
Kiit'HtM nf hoi' piui'iilH, Mr. nnd Mm.
K. HiirrliiKloii.
MrH..Mnillm riiirlll. of Siitoni, who
Iium hii'ii vIuIHiik with Iht purcnlu,
Mr. anil Mm. Wlllliini Itmii'li, lit Clml
Ktoiii', rcliirni'il to her lioino Wt'ilnrs
iluy, lui-ompniili'il liy her hIhIi'I'.WIIhh
HiiiicIi, who will vIhII for iiwlillc.
Mr. and Mra. II. T. Miirshnll nnd
Hon, Itiil li Uii'lnc. mill Mi'H. Welch, of
MoiiIiivIHh, iirriunpiinli'd by Or. V.
C. Ailmua, formerly nf HiIh clly, hut
now nf I'm llnnil, Hpcnl Siuiiln.v In I Ills
t-lt v ill the home of Mrs. K. ,1, Mar
Klnill. .1. A. Mi'iiko, itfli-r an nlmi'iiio nf
mori' Hum two ycai'H, Iiiih rctiirni'il to
Ori'Kou Clly mill will open u real ch-
You can get the beat that
money can buy If you buy of
I our new stock of canned Table I
Frulti, They have the dellcl- J
t ous, ripe flavor. I
i Oregon City. I
tutu nmiii In 1 tin Iliinli (if Ori'Kon
Clly liiillilliiK. Mr. Moulin wna III
thla liilaliinaH Imrn linforti mill la luv
(iiallili'il with Ihn coiidlllnna Mill
roiinilliiK, It. H. Coo, u iirouilni'iit fruit rulacr
of Cunliy, iKH'oinpiiiiliul by Mr. C li
lt rovn. nf (Iruya lliirhnr, WiihIi., waa
In Oifunu Clly TuoMiluy on tlndr wuy
to I'urllmiil. Mr, lIpKriivii la InokliiK
fur il Ini'iiiliin, mill will priihahly buy
IiiihI lit Cunliy, a a Im a ploiiacil with
Ihn WllluiiiKllii Valley.
If you wIhIi u crown, IiiIiIkd or act
of tcclh conic In anil linvii a tooth
lulli wllh iih. II will not coat you
uiiylliliiK liuleaa wn do thn work.
I.. I'lcki'iia, Di'iillnt.
Mra llnlln Cuviillni', iilccn of Mra.
Mury McCiirvnr, of thla rlty, la (Inn
Meromdy III ul her lioino III J'oitland,
wllh iuii'iiiiiiiiiIii. Mra. Cnviillnit la
well known In thla clly, IiiivIiik apent
her Klilliood duya Imrn, uinl la lln
iluiiKhler of Mra, Mary Hurley, one
of Hie plouoera of ihla county.
Ciiiiin in iiiui ami im ubout your
(''III. Our ml vim la free, anil our
I'll yi'iim' expi-rli'iii'n la of value tn
Jon. I,. I,. I'lcki'iia, DoiiIIhI.
Chuili'H I). Warren, a prominent
liiinlueaa liiim, of ChlriiKO, who Inia
lioi'ii vlallliiK Ida pareuta nt lila nlil
lioini' ul Sii liiKwuli-r, ami ufler a few
duyn' vlnll with lila aunt, Mra. It. I).
Wllanii, of Ihla city, left Tliurxilitv
IiIkIiI for ChlciiKu, Mr. Warren
nntli i-i many rliuiiK'' In thla clly
allien lila IiihI vlull here.
J. M. I .im reiii'o arrived from Hone,
bum Thurailuy nkht, vlallliiK wIHi
lila alalnr In liiw, Mra. Chnrlea ().
Miller. Mr. Uiwreiice wua on lila
way In H'-inl. Ma fuliim lioino. where
Im Iota Inrtte property Intereaia, lila
family IiiivIiik prcreilcil ti I in aeveral
weel.a iiko lie formerly reableil at
H'-inl uiilll four yenra UK", when he
wna appolntt'il receiver of I h" I'lilted
SI iili a Ijuut (ifTlcn nt UoaebiitK, where
lie tut n allien iiinde lila realileiire.
The Wciliioniluy AfterniMin llrlilKe
Chili una i itlertiiliii-il on Haluriluy nf
I in k,ii by Mlaa M injur le Ciinllelil at
tier liiinii' on KIkIiIIi nnd Muiiiihi
hlri'ila Hrliltie wua I In" principle fen.
turn of the iiftcrtionii, 'iiul followed by
rofrealiini'iita Mra. U K- Jonea anil
Mra, .1 II. Walker were awarded
The iii.triinKo of I'enrl I'ninceii
1 1 n( w i Ik li I . of I'ortlunil, to Wnrren
('.. Curllale. of Hfutlle. WiihIi., wna
n )-mi nl i-ii Thurailuy iiioriiliiK In thla
llty lit the llnptlat paraoluiKe, Iti'V.
A. (). Ilityworlh, ofllclulliih'. Mr. mid
Mra. llonlwilKht, puielita of the lirlil",
were lite only wlllieaaea to the cere
iiioiiy Mr and Mra. Curllnle will
inulie their home at Kenttle.
Aa n reault of it roiiteal run by
Mra C M. OKleahy'a Stiiiilny Hcliool
ilaaa of lite Klral llupllat Cliiinh,
half nf the rlnaa enve a very Inter
iilit(! priiKiiim followed by a aupper
mnl il urn lnl I line lual Krldity eveiilim
III the uaaeinbly room of the rlltlrch.
Mra Oiileaby Iiiih ,',H K'rln In her rluaa
mill their uiothera were lnvlt-i anil
it very pleliaitlll eveiilliK wua apent
by all
The lliichelor (ilrla were entertained
Snliinlny nliibt ut (he home of Mlaa
A linn Shannon, runla Ih-Iiik the feu
(urea of the evenllli;. mill followed by
rt-frealiinenla. The next nu'etlnn will
be liel.l at thn home of Mlaa Dollle
1'nilt nil Krbluy evenliiK, Jnnunry 21.
I'reai'lil Hnliirdny iiIkIiI were Mlaa
Kvn AppleKitie. Mlaa llollle Prntt, Mlaa
Alice Sliiinnon, Mlaa Juliet ('Illinium,
Mlaa Winnie llniiny, Mlaa Mary Klleu
The KnlKlua and lnllea of Secur
ity met Momluy nlKht In the Woodmen
of the World hull wllh State Oritali
ler CiiminlUKa pri'Mcnt. beahlea
KiHully liiriinul of nieuihi-ra. Appllra
ilona were received from neveral pur
Ilea III the city dealrliiK to beronte
umiluti'il with the nrKunl7.nl Ion. After
the ImaliieKa of the eveulliK wna ilia
IMiaeil of ll aoclnl I'Venlm; wna en
joyed In ilaiiclni; mnl iniiali. Hefreah
llieltta were aervi'd hv the Indlea.
Runt Money for Piano Fund by Ren
during Splendid Programme,
The elitei'tnlnuieiil nlven III the
(Minlatoiie hi-In h it lion in Sulurilur nlKht
by the X. U 4'luh for the benefit of
the pluuo fund, wna n decided miccea.
The excellent pronrnnmie nrrmiKt'il by
the couinilltee, waa the IichI Hint hns
ever heell presented before nil mid'
etice nl that plnce. The rt:i tiling of
Mlsa Mnllle (irt'nory, of I'orl lard were
iimoiiK the iiumhera preaented iliirliu;
(he eveiilm;, Mlaa (iieeorv ilelli;iileij
her henrera, mnl proved to be nn ar
IImi iih well us mi elnriitlonlnt. Kvery
ki'lectlnn wiih heiirtlly encored. Anions
the olheiH who took part Itl the pro
Kruninie, nnd whoae aelectloiiH were
pli'naliiK were the follnwlnit, Mlaa Mar
Ion Money, pluuo aolo; Mra. Itulph Mc
(Selchle, vocnl aoln; Mlaa Kdllu llof-i-lln,
piano Nolo; l.lnyil Itlches, vlullll
Holo; Miss llnrrlaoii, piano hiiIii. The
procei'ila of the refrealinienls amount.
cil to nhout $:'fi, na there wns no
churue for ailmlaaliin. KoIIowIiik the
proni'iiniliio pie mid coffee were aerv
oil by the liullea. Oak drove, .toimliiK
I'ilne, I'ortland unit Ori'Kiui Clly wero
The Mecca for Winter Tourists
IU nt tractive, bciihIiIo roaorta, fain
oiia ini'illcal apritiKa, niiiKiilllcent ton r
lnt hnlelH, pli'tiiri'Kqun Hcenery, iln
Huhtful cllmclc, mnl opportunity for
nil klmla of outdoor pustlmes, audi na
l iiinli'i'iln of inlii-a of onto drives
through oriuiKti urovea ami nloni;
oi-L'iin bench bouli'vurila, mnke this
fnvoreil ri'Klim The World's Greatest
Winter Resort, reached via the
Shasta Route
"Road of a Thousand Wonders"
liiiw round trip rntea are in effect
from nil points in thn Northwest, with
Ionic limit, atop-over privileges and
flrst-dnsM nccoinnioiliitloiia.
Portland to LosAngeles and Return
1 $55.00
With n flunl return limit of hIx niojitha
and Btnp-overs in either illrectlon.
Klral cluaa, iip-tn-ilato IrnltiH, with tho
latest equipment, uncxoellcil dlnlnif
car service, nnd everything tlmt goes
to tnnko tho trip pleasant.
Attractive, Intereatlng nnd Instructive
llteriituro tcllliiK "f the funious win.
tot resorts of Cnllfivrnla cnu ho had
on application to any O. H. & N. or
S. P. Agent,
or by writing to
WM. McMURRAY, Qen. Pass. Agent,
Portland, Oregon.
A. It. linker, of Hnlcm, wna In Can
by on Sunday. Mr. linker cume hern
In thn lulereal of tho Curlla huinhnr
Mlaa lliillli! Hutchinson Iiiin K"m
to I'ortlunil where aim Inia iircepted
it pimllliiii with thn Meb-r & Frank
I)r, mid Mra, I)ea lHplmiHan, left
fur I'orl Imid on Tin-ailuy Hfteniuou'R
train, relurnliiK Wedneailiiy uvenlliK-
Mra. Ituy IIoukIi mid buliy, of Hp
liaue, WiihIi,, who liavu linen vlaltlliK
with relatlvea In I'ortluud, will return
I'fihiy mid will spend the r-(it u I i ) -r
of the winter with her futher, liito
Mmlaey, In thla city. Mra. Chnrlea
Cowiiii, of Hentllii, Wnah, who has
nlan been vlallliiK with her futher
hero and ul l'cjrtlanil, left Krlduy for
her home.
Mlaa Vernn I'orter apent Wcdnea
day In Ori'Kon City IiiivIiik koii" there
on bualneaa.
M. H. Hhroi-li, of lliililiard. food In
spector, wna In Ciinby tint first nf the
week on huHlunsa, mid reKlstereil ut
the CottiiKO,'
Mlaa llluuche John went In I'orthind
Kuiiiriliiy, relurnliiK Kundiiy evenliiK-
I. . I), KwIiik. of f.yle, Wnsh., who
bus been visliliiK with r'-lullna mid
frletiila, returned to lila home Wed
lieHilay InnililllK.
John It. Newton went to Portland
Wednesday on a hiialneaa trip.
(ieoiKe 1 jti'lli- mnl son, Murahull,
of Ori-Kon Clly, were In Cunliy on
llnw it iI . lOri-li-a wns a I'tirt Jmid
visitor Hiitiilay.
Otto KruiK'-r and Arthur Knlxht
went In I'ortlunil Saturday nlKht, ru
tin iiIiik Kundiiy
II. C, Duveliporl, IC. A. Krtli'K'T,
Claud TiirK'-raon, (oy Knlnl't nnd
Itulph Cox Were Oregon City visitors
on Sunday.
I'mf. T. J. tjlll wns In ftrt-Kou City
S 1 1 ii i lit y.
J. A. (iruham reluini'd from Oswi-K"
Kundiiy, where he vlalted with friends
for ii week.
y. A. Hosenkrnna uud U. il. Carl
ton, of I'ortlunil, were In Ciiuhy Hun
day, mid hud dinner ut the ColtUKe.
j-'ruuk WitlKumott, of I'oriluud, wus
In Cunliy Sunday lookltiK lifter his
The ati-aiu ahovel crew, which bus
bet-ii working In the gravel pit of the
Southern I'liclHc company for the lust
two mouths, lias guiiu to I'ortlunil,
only two of the crew remaining here.
Work wua stopped on Siimliiy for an
Indefinite tlmo.
Mra. y, A. Rimcnkruns and two
children uccoinpiiiiled Mr. Hosenkruna
lo Cunhy one day Inst week, and
while In the city were guests of Mrs.
J. U'c Kckeraoii.
Mr. .and Mm. W. II. llulr went to
Portland Wi'diieailuy morning on a
pleasure trip,
Sum Cuato, who la nt present In
Sitli'lii, where lie has been for sev
eral weeks owing lo illness, will be
able to return to Cnnby shortly nnd
UKiiln tuke up his ilutlea nt the race
John Itinera, who Iiiih iIIhkisii of
his properly Interests at Hood River,
uud who bus purchased about 3n
acres In Candy, where he i-xpeela to
go Into Hi" apple culture on a lurgo
scu!i la wintering In California, being
acoiiipuiili-d y big family.
Andrew Koclier returned from
I'ortlunil Wednesday niorulng. where
he went Hie previous day on buslneaa.
Adam Knight wna an Oregon Clty
buatiiesa visitor Tuesday ami Wed
nesday. Death of Mrs. Sudor's Brother.
Mrs. M, I'. Knllor wna culled to Al
bany on Krlduy evening on account
of the Illness of her brother, the lute
Nl r. Saunders, aiiperluteudelil of Hie
city schools, whose dentil occurred
the IiIkIiI of her arrival. The death of
Mr. Saunders wns a terrible shock
to his sister as well na the wife and
other relutlves, nnd the friends here
deeply sympathize with them. Mr.
Saunders hnd been ill with pneumonia
for a week, and wus not thought dan.
gcroualy ill. It wus while he wua
conversing with his sister tlint he wa.t
stricken with heart failure. The fun
eral, which wna one of the largest
ever held In Albany, wus conducted
on Sunday, the lodges of which he
belonged nnd school children llll at.
lending In a body. The Interment
wus at Itosehiirg, and Mrs. Sailor ac
companied the remains to that city.
.Mr. Snllor went to Albany Saturday,
returning .Monday.
Miss linttle Spulak, of New Kra, Is
visiting wits .Mrs. Andrew Koclier.
W. W. Jesse, one of the prominent
farmers of Clnt'kntnus county, mid a
reildenfof Harlow, ns In Cunhy on
Momluy, having come lo attend tho
meeting of the Mutual Telephone
Mrs. A. P. ruddock was a Portland
visitor on .Monday. . and before her
return she visited Mr. I'nddock's par
ents, Mr. nnd .Mrs. J. C. 1'udtlock, at
Mrs. Wlllliini Knight. Mrs. S. T.
Fisher, Mrs. M. .1. U-e went to Mur
tpiuui Sunday, where they visited
Mrs. Knight's mother, Mrs llurchnril,
who Is very 111.
tleruld llulr, the little son of Mr.
ami Mrs. Ijiwronce Hair, wns pain
fully burned .Moodily, while playing
near the stove. The little fellow was
playing with a wheel burrow, and hnd
liis bund caught between the stove
nnd te handle, causing the hack of
the bund to come tn contact with the
red hot stove. It Is not probable thnt
liny serious results will follow.
Lute Llndxey, the noted horseman
of the state, went to Portland on
Weilnesdny morning, where he visited
with old friends, and stopped over nt
Oregon City.
Will Take Eighth Grade Examination.
The school of this city closed Wed
neailiiy afternoon for the remainder
of the week on account of some of tho
pupils taking Hie eighth grade exam
ination. Those who are to tuke tills
examination are Misses Marie Pig
gerness. Florence Miinson, tloldle
1 1 1 lit (in. Lillian Mitts, Itacliel Spencer,
Remsler Wilkinson, Reva Meeks,
Roland I'orter, Roland llevvett, Wayne
Hurley, One of the directors will
have charge of the examination.
Canby Bank 4 Trust Company Hold
The Cnnhy Hank & Trust Company
held Us annual meeting; Inst week,
the directors and olllcers were re
elected to serve for tho ensuing year.
Mrs. H. C. Gilmore Surprised.
Mrs. 11. C. (iilmoro was taken com.
pb'lely by surprise at her home on
Hut unlay night by a few of her
friends railing in a body. The even
ing wns spent in cards and games,
followed by refreshments. All report
having' mi enjoyable time.
Engagement Is Announced.
The engagement of Miss Ivy Hutch
inson, dnitghter of Mr. and Mrs. E.
W. Hutchinson, proprietors of the
City Hotel, and Mr. John Coffen, of
Kpokunii, Waal.,, la aiimiuuceil, the
date of lh() wedding Ima not yci been
aet. Th'J young people are well
known hero. Mr. Coffnen, who has
been III tho employ of Lut() Llndaey,
the horseman for the past year, la an
upright young man. Ills homo la at
Spokane, Wuah., but he Is making his
residence in thla clly during the win
ter, still being III the employ of Mr.
Services at Methodist Church.
Services Will b ludd In thn .Meiu
odlat church on Sunday morning and
evening lit the llill time, with Ilev.
Croeuy, pastor, presiding. The topic
for l he morning service will bo "Or
ganized ChrlHtlunlty." nnd for the ev
ening service, "Self Control.'' All
are Invited to these services,
Charles Ogle ia Burled Here.
Tim funerul of (.'hi'rles Ogle, who
died nt tint home of lila pnreiila, Mr,
mnl Mra. Ogle, of Hurlnw, wua held
on Tuesday, and the Interment was.
In the Zlon eemeteiy. The funerul
was attended by many from ilurlow,
us the deeenaed was well known at
that place nnd here. Iei:eaai-d lenvea
two brothers, John and Jumea, be
sides Ida parents uud it bout of friends
who lunurn his deallj.
Meeting of Stockholders of County
Fair Association,
Tim stickholders of the Cluckumu
County Fair Association will hold a
meeting at the court house In Ore
gon City on Bnturdiiy at i o'clock,
February G. at which lime the election
of directors will take pluce, uud
l heati will select the olllcers. If you
can't, go yourself, a'-nd your proxy.
IliiHlni-aa of imporluurc will he trans
acted. Reception Held by Christian Church,
A reception waa h'-ld on Monday
evening at the home of Mr. and Mra.
I'l-teraon by the nn uibera of the
Chrlatlnn Church to afford an oppor
tunity for the nielilb'Ti to become bet
tor acquainted. A veiy enjoyable
lime wus bad by nil. It was sug
gested by the Jead'-r. Mrs. Douglas,
thai each present should entertain
with u Bong, speech, story or pay a
forfeit, which suggestion was so well
responded to thul there were no for
feits. After an evening spent very
eiijoyubly a delicious lunch was
served by the Indies, after which all
shook bunds and said "goood night"
with smiles that said plainer than
words. "I am glad to liuve been here."
Present were: Mr. nnd Mrs. J'ct
ersoii, Mr. and Mrs. Swain,' Mr. and
Mrs. Mitts and son. Mr. nnd Mrs. R.
S. Cue, Mr. and Mrs. .sWwood and
children, Mr. and Mrs. O. ft. Mack and
son, Karl; Mr. and Mrs. lirewer, Mr.
Kurl, and Mesdninis Karl, Clark,
I'orter nnd children, Mrs. Hamilton,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas nnd children,
Mrs. Itlchlo and daughter, Mr. Dick-,
mini mid slsteh, Miss Km ma.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lee Entertain.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. l-e entertained
u few of their friends nt their home
on Wednesday evening In a very
charming manner. The evening was
spent Jn "500," the prizes being won
by Mra. W. II. Hair. Mrs. Adam
Knight, J. Lee Eckerson Bnd Roy
lce. During the evening dainty re
freshments were served.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Hates. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hair. Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Hradtl, Mr. and Mrs. J.
U-e Eckerson, Mr. and -Mrs. L D.
Walker. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Knight,
Miss Ora Lee anil Ralph U-e.
It has been deeded to organize a
card club, which lias been named the
Cunby "Five Hundred Club," and
will meet every two weeks. The
meeting which will be held on next
Wednesday evening, will be at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles T.
Mutual Telephone Company to Install
Switch Board.
The meeting of the Mutual Tele
phone Company waa held on Monday
at the home of Mrs.- C. C. Hutchin
son. Much business was transacted.
The telephone company Is In a pros
perous condition, and during the past
year many new phones have been
added, there now being 225 phones In
itialled. Mrs. Hutchinson, who has
been the faithful operator for the
company for the past four years, has
given entire sntlsmactlon, and her
etllrleiit services us an operator Is
highly commended by all of the pat
rons of the line.
A new switch board having n 10il
llne capacity will be Installed next
week. The switch-board will be for
two operators. A cable will he In
stalled so as to do away with the
mass of network nf wires, nnd a dis
tributing board on the outside of the
The Mutual Telephone Company
connects with the Home Tele
phone Company nnd as there were so
many patrons It was necessary to in
atull this Inrger switchboard. A com
mittee composed of J. I'. Cole, F.
Zollner, Joseph Hoffman, went to
Portlntu! lust week to select It.
Among thus unending the meeting;
were William Tire, representing Milk
Creek division; D. P. Parmenter, Har
low; Joseph Hoffman, New Era;
George Knylor, East Canby; F. Zoll
ner, Riverside; .1. P. Cole, Mucks
burg. W. W. Jesse, of Harlow, also
attended the meeting,
Band Will Give Dance.
Tho Cnnby Hand will give one of
Its popular dances at the city hull on
Saturday night. The band will fur
nish the music for tho dancing, and
promises lo be an enjoyable affair.
Tho orchestra w'.ll have about 20
pieces nil of the latest dance music
will ho played.
Roy Mondu Is Injured.
Hoy Mondu, an employe of tho
Southern Pncitlc, with his home in
this clly, had his foot painfully In
jured Wednesday morning, while load
ing gravel on a Hut car. The heavy
gate fell on his toe, badly crushing It.
Dr. Dedinan, the railroad company's
doctor, was summoned and dressed
tho Injuries. It will be several weeks
before Mondu will be able to use his
New Road to be Constructed.
The people living; south of this
city are making a new road, which
Is very much needed. Let the good
work go on. Yes. and why not help
It along a little. It Is hard to con
ceive of anyone so selfish and "dead"
to the Interests nf the public "as well
as to their own Interests to refuse
lo do little for CKid roads. Don't
say let George, John or Henry do it,
but help a little yourself. The time
la coming or has come when tho peo
ple nre going to iln something for the
man who does something for the peo
ple. Canby Enjoying Building Boom.
Cnnhy la steadily coming to the
front. Two store buildings are un
der construction, that of Arthur
Knight on Main street, which will be
occupied by Dr. DeLesplnasse, dent
ist, and Raty & Mock's barber shop
The building Is fust nearlng comple
tion. Cobb It Dillingham, of Hiilton,
Wnah,, are erecting a store building,
which Is to bo W,xW, feet, and will
be usi-d as a general merchandise
store. This building Is being erected
on "C" street. Mr. Cobb Is a brother
of (ieorge Cobb, of Portland, who re
cently purchased largo tract of
Tho Canby Canal Company, which
purchased the southeast corner of
Mrs. Knight's property on Second and
C streets, will erect for Us office a
structure of bungalow style. The
building will be J8x.'!2 feet, and one
of the fi-utures of this will be the
fireplace. Tho Interior will have
beiiin ceilings.
The cunnory building, which will
soon be under construction, will be
built opposite .Main Street near the
Southern Pacific railroad track. This
is to be built by the cannery com
pany. A report was current In this city
on Monduy morning, which caused no
little excitement, that largo factories
would be built below town on the
Willamette river. It la probable that j
when the water power and electric I
power Is brought here there will be !
other industries start In this thriv
ing little city. There Is no uho talk
ing hut there Is a great future for
8tomach Trouble Cured.
If you have any trouble with your
stomach you should take Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr.
J. P. Kioto, of Edlna, Mo., says: "I
have used a great many different med
icines for stomach trouble, but find
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets more beneficial than any other
remedy I ever used."
HARIXnV, Or., Jan.. 20. Charles
Ogle died at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ogle, January 17, at
12:30 A. M-, at the age of 33 years.
He was born near Silverton, Septem
ber 5, 1S7C, raised near Molalla, mov
ing to Harlow eight years ago.
The funeral services were held at
the house January 18, at 11 o'clock,
with Mrs. Georgia Cooley, who re
cently returned from Australia to
Portland, officiating. Interment in
Zlon cemetery. He leaves a mother,
father and two brothers, Jim and
John, besides many relatives and
friends to mourn his demise.
Charlie was a loving son, ever
thoughtful of his mother's feelings;
a kind friend to all, a sunny disposi
tion, a smiling countenance, with a
good word for every one, although he
had been a nufferer with heart trouble
for over 20 years. His many friends
are in deep sympathy for the be
reaved parent and brothers, who have
watched over him bo long.
The pallbearers were Wllruer Sunus-
ness. Walter Howe, Fred Armstrong,
Walter Herg.
Mr. and Mrs. John Warnock and
daughter and Mr. Clark Warnock and
sons, of Silverton, attended the fun
eral Tuesday. The Warnocks are
brothers of Mrs. Ogle.
George and Eugene Ogle, Mrs.
Thomas Ogle and son, of Molalla, and
Robert Ogle, of Portland, attended the
funeral. There were also many rela
tives present, whom the writer does
not know.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Remember the Basket Social at the
W. C. T. U hall on Friday night,
January 2Sth. Two contests are on
the program for the entertainment
of the crowd. One for the young and
one for the older people.
George Randall, Jr.. received by
boat from Saloni on Monday a thor
ough bred Poland China brood sow.
P. H. Mead, of Central Point moved
Into his new bungalow north of town
the first of the week.
Miss Untie Rief, of Woodburn spent
Sunday with her parents of this place.
Mr. Htirgoyne spent several days
last week visiting friends and rela
tives In Portland. Mr. Burgoyne is
enjoying a severe cold since his re
turn. "Cub" McArthur a pioneer wooly
dog of the early 90's turned up miss
ing one day last week and his where
abouts Is unknown. His master, D.
McArthur made a careful search and
Inquiry, but no trace of the departed
could be found. "Cub," as he was
culled had a record as he had been
run over by an automobile, knocked
off the track by a train and kicked
In the head by a horse, and locked
up In Warner Grange hall for nearly
two weeks without food or water
one time. Cub was a regular atten
dant nt Warner Grange for several
years during his early lire.
Miss Et a Kemp has accepted a ;
position at the Electric Hotel in Ore-j
gon City. j
Joe Sevcik was-on the sick list sev-.
oral days last week.
A new switch board will be Install-1
ed at our contral office at Canby in I
a few days. It has a capacity of 100
rrjinj preuiiriitlons simply devel.
op dry catarrh ; tiny dry up the secretions,
which adhere to the membrane and dorom
pam), causing a far more serious trouV-Ie
than the ordinary form of cutarrh. Avoid
all drying inhalants, fumns, smokes and
snuffs aud use thut which cleanses, soothes
and heals. Ely's Cremn Iliilm will master
catarrh or cold in the head easily and
pleasantly. All druggists sell the 50 cent
size. Ely Brothers, 5t Warren Street,
New York.
The Balm ia used without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irrituted and ungry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful iutlaiumaiio:;.
Ely's Cream liulm contains no cocaine,
mercury nor other harmful drugs.
guarantee the best results.
Stop in some day and let us find out for you exact
ly what the trouble is with your eyes. Examination
costs you nothing and it may save you a lot of trouble
later on.
Perhaps your glasses are a little out of shape, we
are always glad tostraighten them for you free of charge.
a-,;.. ,jrr-.v.'
is worse than no watch at all. "We repair the highest
grade watches with the same ease that we would a
cheaper watch.
There is no job that we are afraid to tackle. When
we repair your watch for you, we put it in perfect shape
We fix tired clocks so that they run again as good
as new.
We repair Rings, Pins, Chains, Eye Glasses and
such things and guarantee cur wcrk to give COMP
Leave your repairing in our hands and you will
get all that long experience and honesty can give.
Oregon City Jewelers Snspension Bridge Cer.
lines and two operators. There need
be no kick for the lack of equipment
at the Mutual Central for some time
to come.
Ernest Crltser Is working at Pulp
Mrs. D. McArthur left Tuesday for
Sonoma, California, having received
word that her daughter, Mrs. Isabelle
Newman w as sick.
Elmer Veteto was in Oregon City
Wednesday attending the hearing be
fore the State Railway Commission.
When You See the Bell
On the bottle you have our guarantee
tat you are getting the best cough
and cold remedy. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-
Honey has millions of satisfied users.
Sold by Jones Drug Co.
Card of Thank.
We wish to thank our many kind
friends for their assistance and sym
pathy during the recent illness and
death of our beloved wife and mother.
D. O. LEAVENS and Family.
He Never Got His Money
back. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve
cured his eyes and he did not want it.
Painless and harmless. 23c at Jones
Drug Co.
Coal For Sale.
Best, medium, Mendota coal, sacked
at $S per ton; by the Oregon City
Commission Co.
Do not delay, having your teeth at
tended to. You are paying twenty
five to fifty per cent Interest for ne
glect. That is not a good business
policy. L. L. Pickens, Dentist.
(Continued from page 1.)
Lard 5-lb tins. 95c(0,$1.00; 10-lb,
$1.90; bulk, 18c.
Soap Savon laundry, 5 to 7 bars,
Steaks, Chops etc.
Steaks best round, 12c lb; shoul
der 10c; sirloin, 13c; porter house 15c.
Pork chops 15c lb.
Mutton chops 12sC.
Lamb chops 15c.
Veal steaks 15c.
Sausage welnles 12c; pork, 10c;
Hverwurst 10c; blood 10c; hamburger
and headcheese 10c per lb.
Shoulder 10c; fresh side pork 15c
Office Both Phones 22
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Established 1865
Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
D. C. LATOURETTE President
' CAPITAL, $50,000.00.
Transacts a General Banking Buslnese. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M
Don't Strain
Your Eyes
If you arc troubled
with headaches or dull
pains around the eyes
. you had better consult
a skilled optician. We
will be glad to attend
to your case and can
Liver 5c lb.
Pickled pig's feet 12c lb.
Ham sausage 20c lb.
halibut. 12.
Chickens 16c lb.
Dressed Meats, Poultry and Fish.
Dressed meats best block hogs
(125 to 175 lbs. wt.) 10. veal 10
9; mutton, fancy, 9c; lamb, 10c lb.
Poultry Old hens, 12'.4c; springs,
12c; roosters, young, HHc; old, 8c;
ducks, 13c;
Dried fish Salmon, fancy 20clb;
Halibut 20c.
Pickled Salmon 10c12V4c lb.
Herring 10c lb.
Fresh steelhead salmon, 12c.
Eggs, Butter, and Country Produce.
Eggs 35c to 40c per doz.
Butter creamery 70 to 73c pe rroll;
best country, 40c to 60c.
Cascara bark, best' dried 3c to 4c;
slightly off color, 2c to 3c.
Oregon Grape root, 23c lb.
Hops, Wool, Hides, Etc.
Hides green cow 78c; steer 6
to 7c; calf 12c; salt lc more; best dry
20 to 21c.
Hops, 1908 crop, prime, 14c, 1909,
16 to 19c.
Wool 20cto 21c.
Mohair 24c 26c.
Stock, Live Weight.
Best steers $3.00 to : fair to
good, $4.00 to $4.50; s'rtctly good
cows, $4.00 to $4.25; fair to good, S3 75
to $4.00; calves, llghf. $3.25 to $5.50;
heavy, $4.00 to $4.75; spayed heifers,
$4.50 to $4.75; bulls, 2.75 to $3.50;
best wethers, $5.25 to $o.7o; fair to
good. $4.50 to $5.00; best lambs. $6.00
to $6.50; top hogs; $9.00 to $9.20;; fair
to good, $8.75 to $9.00.
Fuel, Oils, Lumber, Etc.
Coal Best Mendota sucked. $8.00
per ton.
Wood 1st growth fir, $4 cord; 2d
growth, $3.75 cord; hard, mixed, $5;
stove-wood, $2 load.
Oils Linseed, raw, In cases 95c per
gal.; In bbls. 88c. Boiled, cases, 95c;
bbls, 90c per gal. Castor, .machine,
50c gal. Best Separator, 75c per gal.
Gasoline, ,20c gal.
Kerosene pure, 30c gal; common
Lumber Al grade, rough, $20 per M.
Second, $15; common $11. Flooring,
$:'8; Ceiling, $22, Rustic, $28; Dlmin
sion stuff, $11 per M.
"For ten years I couldn't ride a
horse without being In torture from
piles." writes L. S. Napier, of Rugless,
Ky., "when all doctors and other rem
edies failed Buckien's Arnica Salve
cured me." Infallible for Piles, Burns,
Scalds, Boils, Fever-Sores, Eczema,
Salt Rheum, Corns. 25c. Guaranteed
by Jones Drug Co.
Residence Phone Main 2624
Sucessor to C. N. Greenman
P. J. MEYER, Cashier