Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 14, 1910, Image 8

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- -'
Tho City Water Company has Ro
cured a professional well driller for
tho well that will be drilled on SHImi
lor street, where the company expects
to Rot sufficient water.
Mm. S. J. McCann. mother of Mrs.
J. I. Johnson, who has been 111 for
several weeks. Is slowly improving.
W. K. Counsoll, who has been ill
for tho past week, is able to be out
C. U Cleaver lias purchased from
G. IT. Parker and wife lots 9 and 30
in block 44. Mlnthorn. There is a
modern cottage on tho land. The deal
was made by the Johnson Realty
V. H. Connsell has wild his homo
place near Wichita, and will build a
residence on his other property.
W. H. Scott, of Portland, member
of the firm of Scott & McDougall
contractors, was in Mllwankle on Sat
urday looking over the Strelb prop
erty. The place, one of ihe most de
sirable In this city, will be platted by
this company and sold In lots.
Dance to be Given.
All arrangements for the dancing
party to be given by Guy Henry on
January 15 have been completed. The
Prasn orchestra- of Portland, has
been engaged for tho ocaslon. Many!
are planning to attend from tell-
wood. Oak Grove and Oregon City.
There will be a late car for Portland,
leaving here at 11:30 o'clock.
Bank Stockholders Hold Meeting.
The stockholders of the First Stare
Bank of Milwaukie held a meeting
in the bank building last night The
board of directors, who are Philip
Strelb, N. B. Harvey, V. F. Lehman.
F. Blrkemeler and A. U. Bolstad, were
re-elected, and the officers will be
elected at a meeting to bo held by
the board. The present officers are
Philip Strelb. president; N. B. Har
vey, vice-president; A. L. Bolstad,
A report submitted by the presi
dent, yilliam Strelb, for the past 11
months, the time since the bank open
ed here for business, showing that in
terest accumulated both collected and j
uncollected exceeds laity, making a
fine showing on entering a prosperous
vear. A general banking business is
transacted under very conservative
methods easily warranting the steadv
ncrease of business that has marked
he past year. At the opening of the
lew year more than $70,000 of de-
osits rests in the vaults ot the splen-
lid new building recently erected and
ecupled by the institution. Mr. Bol-
;tad. the cashier, and business man
iger. Is a man of wide experience In
inanclal affairs, who by energy and
msh in addition to fair dealing, has
cquired more than a local reputation
is a solid business man. under di
ed supervision of the State of Ore-
:on, and with vaults, etc., protected
y special burglar-proof appliances.
here is perhaps no safer or better
iandled business concern In the
Those who have not purchased tags
or their dogs had better hurry, as
he poundmaster will get them. Many
wners have purchased the tags, and
hose not wearing same will be taken
o the pound.
ierbi Manufacturing Company .of this
The Herbl Manufacturing Company
f this city, Is preparing to place on
he market a new tonsorial prepara
ion. This will be placed under the
Ierbi trademark. The well known
Men Al-Kam Skin Kreme" will also
e placed on the retail market,
"hose who have used these prepara-
ions speak in the highest terms of
s qualities, and it is probable that
here will be a large sale for this.
Milwaukie Grange Will Lift Debt.
An effffort is being made by the
lembers of Milwaukie Grange to lift
le mortgage of $570 resting against
he Grange property in Milwaukie.
'he plan was evolved by the commlt-
e composed of A. Gertzen, Mrs. J.
Casto and W. E. Thresher. It cou-
ists ulmply of loans without Interest
nd without date by members of the
range in the sum of $3. The grange
ill give each member notes for the
mney that Is subscribed by him. The
ame of the member who Is to make
le loan Is written on a slip of paper
nd is numbered and placed on the
tasters desk, and when the name is
rawn the money is turned Into the
range fund for the payment of the
ebt. A. Gertzen, who Is one of the
lost active members in the Granee.
) out with a petition and has already
ecured about $200 for this cause. It
; hoped that all members of Mil
aukie Grange will attend the next
leeting, which will be on Friday. Jan-
ary 21, with a full determination of .
ssisung in lining me dent.
It was proposed at a previous meet-
ig to purchase a new piano to take I
Ihe place of the present instrument. 1
I commute was appointed and the !
ratter taken up. At the last meeting
He piano proposition was "side-
! racked." and the matter of lifting
he debt was taken up instead, upon
lotion of W. E. Thresher, the newly
giecieu lecturer, receiving the approv-
l or everyone present.
Meeting of City Council.
The regular meeting of the city
ouncll was held in the council cham
er on Tuesday evening. The meet
lg was called to order by Mayor
The minutes of the previous regular
nd special meetings were read and
pproved as read.
A petition from the Beaverton-Wills-urg
Rallroaw Company was read and
rdered placed on file.
The proposed ordinance No. 31 was
i : U Bad aD(1 ordered posted In the man-
1 n er prescribed by the charter.
j J he following resolution was read
uu uiau muiioii was passed uy the
City Lots, Acreage and Farms
a Specialty.
O. Box 213
Milwaukee, Ore.
FIVE PER CENT interest, NINE years' time with
privilege of paying at any time. Return paymnts month-
j j ly, quarterly, semi-annually or
310 Century Bldg. Denver, Colorado.
and Northwestern Clackamas
Council: Resolved, That the street
committee bo ami hereby Is authorised
and directed to arrange for tho lm-
provemont ot the Foster road from
Main sttvot, a distance southerly
700 foot more or less.
Tho following bills read and ordered
Milwaukie Prlntery $13.50
1'ortland Railway Ught & Pow-
or Company S3
Portland Railway, Ught & Tow
er Company S7.":l
( ja(.,n1 cst gnm Worksi,iK
I (.lRS) ' 2 3rt
j p c ' jiarlow. Sr. iniiiber ' ! ', 43
( ' '
I 5S.4S
Tho mayor's message to the coun
cil was road and applauded by meni-
l.era at fhe eonnell nn.l ,'tflTttn.a nres.
ent domonstralu,K ,at nt wlls ,
line with tho upbuilding of Mllwaukle.
One citizen present stating that the
message would bear printing in tho
dally papers of tho city of Portland.
Tho message was ordered placed on
On motion the bond of tho treasurer
was acepted by the council. On mo-
j tinn the meeting adjourned.
Following is Mayor Strolb's annual
! roivirr hi,-h io mw shnwln- inula
by the nresent administration-
Mayor Streib'i Annual Report
No City tax collected during 190S..
Ko poll tax collected during 1909.
Receipts, liquor licenses Il0ii.0o
Road money 1387.67
Hall rent 67.75
Curtain ads 110.00
Police court 45.05
Total I2S10.47
Money on hand Jan. 1, 1909... 403.50
Roads and Crosswalks $ 731.14
Ughts 521.41
City Hall fixtures. Ins., Im
provements, Election ex
penses, etc 735,11
Poll tax refund 27.00
Police court costs 30.35
Miscellaneous expenses.... 3S.90
Total I20S3.91
0n hand Jan , mo m(jM
, January 1. 1909. the present adraln-
'stration went into office pledged to
carI7 out the following platform:
1st. Abolishing the Poll Tax. At
the first meeting of the newly elected
council on January 12, 1909, the coun
ell voted to refrain from collecting
the poll tax for 1909. and the same
action should be taken this year.
2. More street lights. In this con
nection I can state the Portland Rail
way, Ught & Power Company, after
refusing for the last year and a half
to install more street lights unless
the town entered Into a 5 year' con-
tract on terms laid down bv the com
pany, has finally acepted the terms I
of the franchise and will in the course
of this month put np five additional
street lights.
3. Better streets and sidewalks.
Acording to the annual report the
town spent $731.14 on streets, thlsarv oth Rev. Shunn nrearhlne at
amount largely was expended in mak-l2:i5 P. M., which will be the church
Ing permanent fills and doing away j servlc(, nour and the sabbath School
with bridges also opening and grad- following. Mr. Fish, of Milwaukie,
ing new streets. A Bhare went to wno has been 8Ccessful with
putting in crosswalks and keeping the tne primary department In Sunday
streets In passable condition. A year:Scnoo, W0Tb p.,, a TPrv interesting
K" s nuggraien mat me esiao- talk at the close of the Sunday School,
lishlng of grades and streets be de-j Messrs EM Matthls and Carmlchnel
layed until the Southern Pacific rall-!wlll m0Te n a little cottage on Ed
road had built Its track through the I Roethe's farm on Tuesday and will
town. I think during the coming sum-i work for j,r Ro.the the coming vear.
mer this work ought to be undertaken j Mr Fre1 xyaldorf was a business
as the company will then have its j cauer at the Lodge on Monday,
line completed. Tne teachers training class and prav-
4. Encourage the opening of Newer meeting, which was held on Wed
streets. During the year several new nesdav. of last week, was one of the
streets have been opened and the most interesting held this winter,
council has materially helped In mak- Tney are conducted and led by Rev
ing them open to travel. Sidewalks ghupp. who Is a fine Bible student
and streets are necessary for the and great interest Is being manifest,
town's growth, and the property own- ed In these meetings. All are Invited
ers should give the council every as- whether teachers or not
slstance in this direction. ! Mr. Manson Rose Is assisting with
5. Annexing Additional Territory the drilling machine during Mr Pain.
to tne town. At tne election held De-
cember 6. Lewelllng Park was an-
nexed by popular vote and is now a
pin or .miwauKie. ;
6. Enforcement of the Stock Law.
me .uii muni, uc cuium--unt:n n.r
sirici aueuuun 10 nis amy in em-
pounding stray cattle and horses ,
found upon the streets of the town
wnicn meets witn me approval or ail
Clt!Zen. . , TV I
,. a u ,
l'a,a "L j . , . , "i"" I
have agreed to build a depot as sorm 1
as the new line Is completed. The ;
v,,a "J L" ,
council ana 1 nave no aouni mar tne (
tne town.
u'tiiui. win yiue a Kiai urueiiL to .
" w " " "V .'.Zl
:'w"r J' ".l
i0wer room of the town hall for a I
n,T" L 1'! bMJ?I ,t
hnHnnW JZ "",
1. - Zi'"" .L.
youth of our town can spend their
evenings. The benefit of having a ;
library and reading room will be ap-1
- - - " -
Q Tha flo t '
i. ' .1. .Li . ,
,,,. , .V u H .
won and Milwaukie after three ypars'
of litigation before the Railroad Com-1
mission ami courts, has been vM
torlous In this case. On December '
oiat iaRt the Snnremo r i,ht
-iLiivii. i
vF,i..WII .j..v.ni':u mat illciai me idge.
ruriiaim jtiiuway, ivigni & rower Ur.
was guilty of unjust discrimination
against Milwaukie .and that under
the circumstances the Court declared
that five cents with transfers to be
a Just and reasonable rate. The only
legal remedy left to the company Is
to petition for a rehearing which It
has already done, but I doubt very
much If the case is reopened, that the
annually, to suit borrower.
decision will on any material bo re
versed. School Notes.
Miss Grace Knickerbocker visited
Mrs. Shaw's, Mrs. Puck's and Miss
lfomcsley's rooms Thursday.
Clayton Coleman. Harry Rlppey and
IVIon Olds discontinued school at
Christmas. Clayton and Harry are
going to Holmes ltnslness College.
Clayton Coleman went to Raker
City the Thursday before Christmas,
ami returned the second of January.
The new library books have been
catalogued and are now In circula
tion. Orln Zimmerman entered tho fourth
grade. .
A program will he rendered at the
Mothers' Club meeting Friday after
noun. The attendance of all members
Is requested.
Mr. F. Riley, of Portland, donated
to the Milwaukie Public Ubrary six
teen volumes on scientific subjects,
flirty-two volumes of Utile Journeys
and Homes of Noted People, and sev
eral years' numbers of The Report
of the Oregon Historical Association.
The latest copies of the following
magazines are always found on the
shelves: Pacific Monthly, World's
Work. Outlook. Short Stories, Amerl
can Roy. Popular Mechanic. The
I Youth's Companion and the Popular
Electricity. There are also fifty vol
times from the State Ubrary that may
be borrowed on Monday and Fridays
Let Dowling sell your property.
Messrs and Mesdames H.
mons, W. E. Reckner; F. H.
H. Fm
and George Morse and Mr. Clarence
Beckner were among the lxdge peo
ple who heanl Mine Sewbrlch. one of
the world's greatest artists,
II. R. Smith, of Canby. stopped at
the Lodge on Sunday on his way to
Portland, where he went to accom
pany Mr. Hart and daughters, who
arrived there on Sunday from Straw
berry Point, Iowa. They are contem
plating making Oregon their home.
Messrs Germalne and Wilson, of
Portland, were callers at G. E. Morse's
on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Boardnian spent Sat
urday In Portland and heard Rev.
Bradman, of London, England, deliver
a very fine sermon.
Mrs. Beatrice Hunter and Miss Rita
Rhinerasan, of Portland, visited at
the C. B. Hunter home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. are etmtemplatlng
ret rning to Pasadena, California to
make that their future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Hampton and son.
Jack, spent the week end at their
cottage on the Willamette and their
many friends are pleased to know that
Mr. Hampton has recovered so rapid
ly from his Illness.
Miss Mable Morse, stenographer at
the Lowengart Millinery House, at
pnrtinn(i ,. ,innhip n attend
jher offlce work an(1 ls confined to her
; ome Wtn iiiness. pr. Sommer. of
Oregon City, is in attendance.
The services at the Chapel were
quite well attended on Sunday. Jan
ton's sickness, who at this writing
g doingnlcely.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Redmond were
Portland visitors on Mondav
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Newell,' of Port
land, spent Saturday with Gradnma
.Newell, of this place
Mr. Cook and daughter. Fay spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs
William Rose. Mr. Cook expects to
remove his family to tholr cottage
al lne Lvijre m the soring
-nr. u. v. MoTse. credit man of the
Portland Seed Co. was a business
caller at the Lodge during the week.
-rs. uarnnart, the mother of Mrs.
w. L. Flnley, has recovered from her
recent illness
1 L. Rnrkhpp. nf r!M.iatnA ...inj
nls .or?l.ner' Jom- l'l?
VIOUB 10 nls "manure to Vale, Ore-
. Ch,a.s .c ? granddaugh-
,an: "f -wberg. visit-
Z" ""' ' we during the week and
b.j lav'jraniv ininressf.il with
Lodge that she returned on Mondav
and purchased the pretty house of Mr
Tompson on the east side of the car
MT- Campbell spent Sunday
"n 1118 nome f"s at North Mt
Tabor. " m .u
mim Nellie ,., n .,., , ..
ed at the home of Mrs. Re lm ond , !
Ing last week and r,n o,,,i i!
I ' J . . an,.on Sunday her
i.iijifier, .-vjr. uoyd Rice was a -i
T. J. Snooner has carieM onmo
fine salmon and finds a ready market
for them at the Lodge.
We understand we are soon to have
a meat market, which will be pleas
ing news to all our Lodire neonle ami
something that has been needed for
wmie ume at tins place.
Snow again, about one inch deep
at 3 o'clock Monday.
Rom, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leigh,
a girl, December 29.
Rom, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stall
January ? a girl.
Fred Palmrpilst and Arthur Bald
win, of Gresham, were visitors at A
Newell's Sunday. Miss Janntt New'.
ell was home Sunday and will leave
for California the first of the week
to be absent two months.
Mr. Wing Is hauling lumber for C
R. Hunter's new house.
There Is to be a dance at Damascus
this month, a masquerade. The date
has not been learned.
The young folks have been enjoy
Ing themselves skating of late on all
the ponds near bv.
Fred Stoll is hauling lumber for
ihls new barn. Joe Deardorff Is also
I hauling lumber for a barn.
Some of the scholars have chicken-pox,
but are doing cicely
Supt. Tooito addressed the students
at Assembly, Wednesday, on the sub
ject of tho "Value of a lliKhor Kduoti.
turn." He treated tho uialier under the
heads of tho power gained by study,
civic olllcleitcy, tho courtesy which
should como as n ro suit of mental
training, and of the pecunl ny advan
tage II adonis. Tho Inner consider,
allow he treated for tho reason that
I: Is a very much discussed question.
He showed by statistics Ih.tt tho man
with a college training h;is a decided
advantage over tho man tn has not,
In ability to command g.Hd pay for
his work.
Mr. Anderson, tho new teacher In
(he high school has taken up Ms work
Ho has classes In English History, In
Ancient History and In Geometry and
i.llllan Ung has entered the nlueth
grade the past week.
Judge nimlck will address the high
school students on Wednesday morn
ing. Miss Clara Koerner Is substituting
for Miss Nlota Harding during her ab
sence, due to illness, and Miss Maude
Gallogly Is taking tho place of Miss
Elizabeth Gallogly. who is also III.
Mrs. Hull, of Gladstone, also substi
tuted one day last week.
Work In manual training Is being
taken up Inthe first two grades at
present. Tho exercises planned for
the present are sewing In animal and
vegetable forms, rutting, folding, and
pasting paper and cardboard forms,
nulla and paper weaving. This funda
mental work will bo extended Into the
third and fourth grades very soon.
Senator J. E. Hedges has furnished
the high school copies of the Journal
of tho Oregon State Senate and House
of Representatives, for. 1907. Thanks
for the same.
Ambrose Rrownell, Joohanna Asboc
and U'la Moreland have- returned to
school after an extended absence on
account of Illness.
New classes for beginners will be
formed at the opening of the second
term, Monday. January 31.
Reviews will begin next week and
the hnlf year examinations will be
bold from Tuesday afternoon to Tliurs
day Inclusive during the following
The physics class Is now working
In "Molecular Forces."
Gladys Raker, who has been very
III at her home In Willamette Is Im
proving. All hope for her speedy and
complete recovery and hope she may
re-enter school.
If you need some dental work. It
will pay you to call and see us and
get our prices before going elsewhere.
L L Pickens, Dentist.
Coal For Sale.
Rest, medium, Mendota coal, sacked
at $$ per ton; by the Oregon City
Commission Co.
He Never Got Hit. .Money
back. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve
cured his eyes and he did not want It.
Painless and harmless. !.'c at Jones
Drug Co.
gon City meets second Saturday after
noon In each month at Kaapp's hall
In Winter and In Schnoerr's Park.
Willamette, In Summer, tins Schnocrr,
president; Rudolph Seller, secretary.
evenings of last Saturday In month
at Shannon's Hall, 9th and J. Q
Adams St., J. K. Morris, secretary,
Wm. Shannon, W. M.
John Kaiser made a business trip
to Canby Saturday.
Churles and Fred Baker were vis-
A New Organ
Delivered to Any Rail
road Station or Boat
Landing in Oregon
Here la a iil.:turo of mm of tho iniml
perfctly flnihc(l origin now murmfuc
turd. It la the Pairlfb: Queen, made
especially for Kllcrn liano lloue.
Choice of fancy walnut or (elected oak
caned. I'lne, very laige Leveled plate
mirror, perfectly finished; an ornament
to any munition.
Numerous new and valuable Improve,
ments are embodied In Iiiih organ, mak
ing It at once one of the hest anil moBt
ilurahle organs manufactured In the
United Htaten.
liullt with special regard to Pacific
Coast climate.
lieshlCH trie regular red tone, thin
Instrument also has several octaves of
the regular pipe effect, to be found In
no other muke.
Great Special Offer
To more thoroughly Introduce this
organ we are making imiKt exceptional
concessions In our prices nd terms and
will deliver a strlclly hr.md new, per
fect and fully guarante,., rgan, freight
paid to any railroad station or hoat
landing In the state of Oregon for tie
on payment of H down and II a month!
The fancier styles, r,2, $:, etc., on
same terms. Write us toduy, as this
offer Is positively limited
Largest, Leading aad Moat lteapoualule
Western Dealers.
Stores M Seattle, Spokane. Tacoma.
Bol.a, Walla Walla, San Krancl.ico, etc.
Address Nearest Store.
Lot Ono-All .f 12.50 to $15.00
Suits niul Overcoats
Lot Two All $18.00 to $20.00 in
Suits and Overcoats Jj
Lot Three All $22.50 to $25 1 C QC
Suits and Overcoats lu.UJ
$3.50 Dress or Work Shoes J2 55
$4.00 Dress or Work Shoes ... J j 5
$5.00 Dress or Work Shoes. . . . J J)
$7.00 high-top, or logger's Shoes "J J
$3.50 Hoys' Shoes 2 55
$2.50 Hoys Shoes j Jj
Koelof 's Celebrated $4.00 Hats
Hawe's Famous $3.00 Hats 2 05
Waldorf $2.50 Hats ' ffi
$2.00 Hats Q5
Across the Street
from the Bank
of Oregon City
ItliiK thHr HlBtor, Mm. U KocIUt
niiMt'r, on Sunday.
.Mr. Klslo und Mr. IIhIki took a
load of grain to Sam Monlr' chop
per on Saturday.
A ninnlirr of frli'nil mid n'latlvi'S
took dlnniT with Mr. and Mrn. U
KoHlt'nneler on Sutnlay.
Dcward IIoiIku wont to C'anliy Mon
day. Joe EIhIo and Kri'd Zimmerman
hauli'd Htraw, on Monday for John
Turner, from the Slowo nlnrn.
Mrs. L. Kocllcrmi'liT and llltlo
daughter, Mary, BM-tit Wcilni'silay
with Mrn. llndRi!.
Krank Kelcnhofer, John I'nrker and
Howard HoiIko spent Tliumdny oven
In k at KIhoI'h.
Wo hear that otin of our neighbor ;
has iurehanod a now doR. Ho brought
It homo and Hhul It In tho granary;
It howled all night and next morning
hit) wife declared It to ho a round
Mth. Hodg and daughter, Anna,
vIMled Mnry Ilonnet and woro very
glad to find her up nnd around again.
Mr. MngnunHon and Hon, Otto, Bpent
a few rayn with his daughtor, Mr.
A young man of this placo lian boon
The Mecca for Winter Tourists
ItH attractive HoaHldo rcflortfl, fam
ous niodloal Hprlngs, niagnlfloont tour
ist hotels, ploturosuuo Hconory, tlo-
llghtful climate, and opportunity fori
all kinds of outdoor pastimes, such as
hundreds of miles of onto drives
through orange groves and along
ocean beach boulevards, muke ,thls
favored region Tho World' Greateat
Winter Reort, reached via tho
Shasta Route
"Road of a Thouaand Wonder"
Iw round trip rates aro In effect
from all points In the Northwest, with
long limit, stop-over privileges und
(lrHl-class accommodations.
Portland to LosAngele and Return
With a final return limit of six months
and stop-overs In either direction.
First class, up-to-date trains, with tho
latest equipment, unexcelled dining
car service, and everything that goea
to make the trip pleasant.
Attractive, .Interesting and Instructive
literature telling of the famous win
ter resorts of California can be had
on application to any O. R. & N. or
S. P. Agent,
or by writing to
WM. MeMURRAY, Gen. Paaa. Agent,
Portland, Oregon,
Values that speak for
themse I v e s . A g e ner a I
CEAN-UP of all Hie odds
and ends of t h is ma g n i -ficent
stock at a saving
of from 40 to 50 per cent.
Peruse som bar
gains we are
rneans money
75o l?ih Overalls
$2.50 Pants
$3.00 Pauls
$3.50 Pants
$1.00 Pants
50c riidergarnieiits
$1.50 Cooper's all wool ,
$1.75 Fine Cassimere
Underwear . (
15c Sox, now per dozen
50c Work Shirts
$1.00 Work
$1.50 Cluett Shirts
25c Wool Sox, per pair ....
$3.50 All wool Jerseys
Sixth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Ore.
making frequent vIhIIh Id Portland,
while another young man, of Purl In in t.
la noon In thlH neighborhood ipilto
often. Hot ween them the rond b
tweon hear and Willamette In pretty
well traveled. Wo hope III the near
fill uro they will have Homo of tho
hllU worn down.
Utile Kllell f'hrlHtensetl wan not
able to intend Heboid .Monday, on ac
count of a bad cold.
NoIhv Allen. Carl and Allre KIhoI
took dinner with (ho yiiung people at
llodge'H Sunday, and In tho iiftei".
noon another rrowd of young folk
eamo down and they Hpent a moHt on
Jipyahle tlmo playing gumcn and liont
MIhh Polly Koelli'nuoler vlHlled
Mr. I Koellermelor.
At this time of the year our rural
mall carriers are having the struggle
of their lives lo make the "rounds"
facing nil kinds of weather with cold
foot and benumbed fingers. Inasmuch
as "I'ncle Sum' Is doing all tills for
tho convenience of the rural people,
we should all strive to assist "him"
In his groat work by complying wllh
the following suggestions as set forth
In circular letter lo postmasters by
tho Fourth Assistant Postmaster
General, dated Dec. 10, 1009:
"From a recent count made by rural
carries In one of our counties In tho
Slalo of Now York of coins deposited
by patrons In their boxen for (ho pur-
11 w Kr
For Who I. Vmr
lr Hlngla AppllrMtlun of
(Oarnuo Wood Prnrr.)
Non-polmnoui, Sanitary thlor. Put
up In uinonrtimfta cum onu
Doi't lit your rtUr flva you u
CaJbollfiftum Wood frearrvlnf Ci.
I'oruiuui, ur.
MIlwaukM. Wli.
NW York, M. T.
Hao rraaclaoo. Cat.
FIshcr, Thorscn & Co.
WholenaK Affntfl.
Ipt. U, Port 1 und
Writ for Taatt-
foiitnixa U3i)bi
offering it
m your pocket
or Dress Shirts .
Window Displays
rluiHo of slump Hiipplles, It was found
lluil ouch rarrler In Ihe county was
collecting an average of 115 one cent
coins each week. This uverago ap
plied to all tho routes In operation
throughout (ho country would give the
enormous total of about mm. minium
one cent coins. Ah most of ttiono coins
aro deposited Iooho In Iioich, i Ii
desirable that you and the rural car
riers, In a tactful aud-polllo way, put
forth your best efforts lo Induce pa
Irons lo provide themselves wllh
slump Hiipplles In advance of their
needs, and lo equip their boxes with
suitable coin-holding rcccpliirloH. Il
should be explained to patrons that
tho picking of Iihiho ruins from boxes
not only results In needless hardship
and suffering to curriers In winter
weather, ilelayH the delivery and col
lection of the mulls, but frequently
resulis In net mil money loss to the
curriers, for If In collecting coins
from boxes, they drop thoin lulu Ihe
snow or on the ground without recov
ery, they are required to replace the
amount out of tholr own funds."
Now Just have a Utile 1 1 1 1 k wllh
your rural "I'nclo Sam" the next con
venient opportunity about arranging
to cut out much of this coin collect
ing from your mall box.
s Molalla Monday.