Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 14, 1910, Image 6

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Looks like Hard Wood-Costs
Less Wears As Long
No cracks or crevices where dust can
accumulate, no inlays or boards to work
loose, warmer and more elastic to the tread
than hardwood
Parkett Floor Covering
is the best and most sanitary floor covering
for bedrooms, nurseries, dinimr rooms, libra
ries, billiard rooms, and all pood rooms
in the house.
In rolls, 7S inches wide, in beautiful in
laid, natural wood desijrns; economical,
practically "unwearoutable." Easier to
clean than carpets or hardwood floors the
id?al floor covering.
Positively the greatest thins cv;r pro
duced for hotels, clubs, hospitals, schools
every kind of big building where hard wear
would put anything else literally "out of
business. " Great saving as welL
I has been rooontly published by the
management tolling tho story of the
Hot Springs In A most Intoresllng
maimer and giving complete Infortun
ium. Send for It, olthor to Win. Me
Murray, General Passenger Axont of
I ho O. K. N., Portland, Ore , or
lr. F. W. Sawyer, Manner, Fasli
KoMcs, Oil.
Wife of Former Baptist Patter Vic
tim of Paralyali.
Arthur UtiRg, of this city has been
advised of tho death of his mother,
Mrs. M. U Kugg. and wife of Kov.
; KttttR. formerly pastor of tho Uaptlst
! church of this city. Mrs. KiiKg. ac-
companlcd by hor husband, loft Now
I Westminister, It. O, last April, for
'a visit with tholr daughter, Mrs. Kdua
! Hubbard, at Columbus. Ohio, and It
was there that sho was taken 111, nti,l
not able to n't urn to tholr homo In
Nrlttlsh Columbia. Paralysis was the
Immediate cause of Mrs. Hugg's tloath.
Tho Interment was at Hamilton. Now
York, former homo of tho deceased.
Mrs. Hngg was born In tho state
of Now York, March 2. IS.'iS. and was
54 years of ago at the time of hor
death. Sho Is survived by her husband
and thno children: Herbert, of Now
Westminister. R 0.; Mrs. Rdtir Hub
bard, of Columbus, Ohio; Art'iur K.,
of this city.
Foremr Clackamas County Man Ha
Ml(jhty Aipiration.
N. .F, Nelson, resting near Salem,
formerly a resident In tho Hodlntid
district, Clackamas County, was In
thin city Friday and announced that
he was a candidate for governor from
Folk County. Mr. Nelson, who la a
llrnt believer In the pulley of Lincoln,
will run as a Lincoln IVmoornt,
lit the year of lSOti Nelson was In tho
race for stato somiter against J. K.
Hedges and lloorgo C. Hnnvuell.
Ezra Henton, of Mount Hood.
Ezra Henson, residing near Mount
Hood, died at his homo on December
30, 1!09, of heart failure. Deceased
was born In Richmond. Ross Coun
ty, Ohio, December 25, 1S32. Ke was
an Oregon pioneer, having come across
tho plains In 1Sr'.'. Ho served In the
Indian War of 1S55-56. and was mar
ried In Juno ISTiti, to Miss Mary Of
fleld, who died In tho year of 1SS9
Mr. Henson leaves throe children. C.
T. Henson and Mrs. Robert Teasuro.
of Mount Hood, and Mrs. M. K.
Craves, of Oregon City.
Charlet Hettman Will la Filed,
The will of diaries Hettman was
tiled Friday, tho value of the estate
being about $.riu00. To Ms wife, Ame
lia Hellmau, ho boiucathod the use
of all property for her solo use and
bottom so long as she lives, and after
her death this la lo become the prop
erty of his son, Henry Holt man; to
his son' William, he bequeathes $500;
to his son, John, $:'i,n. he having re
ceived an advance; to his son, Ed
ward. $500; to his son, Fred, $1, ho
having received an advance,
Henry Hettman Is named as executor.
Fever Ses.
Fever sores and old chronic sores
should not be healed entirely, but
should he kept In healthy condition.
This can bo done by applying Cham
berlain's Salve. This salve has nu an
perlor for this purpose. It Is also
most excellent for chapped hands,
sore nipples, burns, and diseases of
the skin. For sale bv Huntley Hro.
So Claima Science After Careful Study
of Mineral Spring and Natur
al Waters.
It is now established firmly in the
scientific mind that nature, through
her mineral springs and her bubbling
health waters, produces curative pow
ers which cure certain diseases more
surely than man can do.
Recent attention directed to Cali
fornia's most wonderful hot springs
at Paso Robes, by phenomenal cures
of disease, has shown the world that
this resort is doing most marvelous
work every day.
Science has done much to discov
er wherein lies the secret of natural
water cures, bnt has not as yet been
fully able to apply nature's chemis
try from the laboratories of men.
It is said that at Faso Robles, more
bo than at any other health resort,
the ideal medicinal, natural and
pleasing requisites for health are
Here is a perfect atmospheric con
dition, not too much moisture, though
it lies but 20 miles from the sea, no
hot, dry winds. The secret of the
perfect air is said to be a natural
valley surrounded by high mountain
ranges which permit only an equable
Mrs. Fred Brown Dies at Sellwood
Mrs. Fred W. Prown died In Sell
wood, after an Illness lasting five
weeks. Mrs. Brown and family form
erly lived In Oregon City, whore she
had a large circle of friends and ac-
tqitalntances. She is survived by her
highly steriliied air to settle Into husband and five children. Tho fun
Paso Robles, a combination of the P1 neld in the Methodist Epls.
salt sea air and the dry land atmos-. ra' cnurcn in fcenwooa at z i m.
Dhere. a rare health requisite. i ounaay.
The air condition, so perfect here,
Letter List.
List of Unclaimed letters at the
Oregon City Postofflce for tho week
ending January 14
Woman's List Brit ton. Mrs. John
light and pure. One does not tire . Comrade Molly; Field Mrs. A. C. ;
I IIMI I, . I . a--.'" . n UIIIMli r , v ni t
(2); McElfresh. Mrs. F. R.; Spauld
Ing. Carrie; Twining. Mrs. O. W.
Men's List Allen, Nels; Anderson,
I George: Bronson, C. P.: Colwell. N.
P - Hmnnr rtntn FV H 1 1 V, n n o Wrw
Women who had not enjoyed health Oroat Gwvllvnlf Mr.: tng. j.
for years seem, after a brief stay at A R George; Rause, Joseph:
these springs to be beyond even theR d 0 Waltei E. w
sllghtest evidence of former weak
Life 100.000 Years Ago.
Scientists have found In a cave In
Switzerland bones of men, who lived
100.000 years ago, when life was In
constant danger from wild beasts. To
day the danger, as shown by A. W.
Brown, of Alexander, Me., Is largely
from dread disease. "If It had not
Is lacking at most mineral water
retreats, such as Carlsbad, Baden
Baden and Kisslngen in Europe.
The waters at Paso Robles come
from the earth hot and cold. They
of them as one does at most resorts.
They have a most soothing effect on 1
the nerves, and In cases of dypepsla, .
Inmmnli narrmia hmaltdnorn nnrt
paralvsls bring almost instantaneous ' Jhn '!: Writer.
comfort and relief.
One meets scores of men who, be
ing of the sporting fraternity and suf
fering from abuse of system from
high living or alcoholic excess, come
here to be made well and strong
Children and the aged are seen
going about in the warm sun, for (been for Dr. King's New Discovery.
while by day the temperature Is
hot, no one is ever exhausted and sun
strokes never occur.
This spot Is California's gift to the
world, and science marvels at the
wonderful cures daily being made at
Paso Robles.
A small book, neatly illustrated,
which cured me, I could not have liv
ed." he writes, "suffering as I did
from a severe lung trouble and stub
born cough." To cure Sore Lungs,
Colds, obstinate Coughs, and prevent
Pneumonia. Its the best medicine on
earth. 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by
Jones Drug Co.. Trial bottle free.
Notice of Telephone Meeting.
Members of Heaver Creek Tele
phone Company are hereby notllled
that there will be a meeting of said
members at the Beaver Creek Hall
on February 14th at 10 o'clock A. M
for the purpose of Incorporating and
election of officers and such other
business that may come before the
meet lug.
C. E. SI'ENCE. Sec.
Children Cry
Coal for &ile.
Best medium, Metidota sacked coal
at $S per ton, OnKon City Commis
sion Company.
Sees Mother Grow Young.
"It would be hard to overstate the
wonderful change in my mother since
she began to use Electric Bitters,"
writes Mrs. V. L. Ollpatrlck. of Dan
forth, Me. "Although past "0 years
of age she seems really to be growing
young again. She suffered untold
misery (mm dyspepsia for 20 years.
At last she could neither eat. drink
nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and
all remedies failed till Electric Bit
ters worked Buch wonders for her
health." They Invigorate nil vital or
gans, cure Liver and Kidney troubles.
Induce sleep, Impart strength and ap
petite. Only 60c at Jones Drug Co.
Oregon City Commission Co.
Always in the Market for all Kinds of Farm Prodace
Or Handles on Commission, With Liberal Advances
Hay Geese j Wool Parsnips
Grain Eggs j Mohair I Onions
Potatoes Buttzt j Hops i; Pumpkins
Pears I u ! OF all kimds Etc., Etc.
Hogs l! ij
Quinces j yeaI Cabbage SEEDS
Turkeys j Mutton jj Tt"PS Vetch
Ducks j Hides I; Rutabagas j Timothy
Chickens ! Pelts I Carrots I Clover
I ! '
The Government Piyi Railway Mall
.Clerks JSOO to 11.200, and Other
Employes up to $2,500
t'ncle Sam will bold spring examin
ations throughout the country for
Railway Mall Clerks, Custom House
Clerks. Stenographers. Rook-kecpers,
Departmental Clerks and other (!ov
ernment positions. Thousands of ap
pointments will be made. Any man or
woman over IS. in City or Country
ran get Instruction and free Informa
tion by writing at once to the Hit
reau of Instruction, 1568, Hamlin
Building, Rochester, N. Y.
No One in Oregon City Who Has a
Bad Back Cin Ignore Thii
Double Proof.
Flour, Mill Feed, Oats, Rolled
Feed Oats, Hay, Stock Salt, Etc.
Lime, Cement and Plaster.
See Us and Lets Talk It Over We Are New and Want to Get Acquainted.
T. F. ROURKE, Mgr.
Does your bark over ache?
Have you suspected your kidneys?
Hackache Is kidney ache.
With it conies dizzy spells.
Sleepless nights, tired, dull (lays,
Distressing urinary disorders.
Cure the kidney to cure It all.
Doan's Kidney fills bring quick re
lief. firing thorough, lasting cures.
That's what Oregon City sufferers
Profit then by another's testimony.
I Twice-told and well confirmed.
Mrs. Lydla V. Craft. 2nd and Ells
worth Sts., Albany, Ore., Hays: "I
! suffered from a lame back and nt
times It was very hard for me to at
tend to my housework. I got but lit
tle rest at night and felt tired all
the time. Soon after I commenced
j taking Doan's KWney Pills, I noticed
; a grattrylng chntuje for the better and
1 1 continued ukIiii; this remedy until
I nty condition had Improved In every
I way. Doan's Kidney pills deserve my
: hearty endorsement." (Statement
given February ;, 1906.)
On Nov. I!ti9, Mrs. Craft was
Interviewed and nho said: ".My former
i endorsement of lioan's Kidney pills
still holds good. This remedy helped
mo in every way !ind I have been In
good health since using It."
for sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Koster-Mi.'biirn Co., Ruffalo, N.
y., sole agents for the United States.
Remember t)1(. name Doan's and
take no other.
I Oak Knoll Place I
Ten Acre Fruit and
Ideal conditions for
home building. Easy
Payments. Only 7
miles from Salem,
the "Cherry City."
J. C. ZINSER, Owner ;
Salem, R 1, Ore.
; :
C. A. and l,ela Hudson lo Delia and
Joseph J. Jildklns, ''d acres of see
tlun ;is, township t smith, iiuiro 4
east; fJOrio,
.1. A. (fowling et al to Amanda
Klnelmrt, lots n, tl, 7, S, 9, Sellwood
Addition to Mllwanhlo; St.
. Minnie and Oscar Nylauder lo Car
olina Hums, fo acres of section U,
township J south, i-ango 4 east; $iU)0
J. II. mill Tlllle Uiko to Carolina
Hrnns, so acres of section i:i. town
ship a south, range 4 east; $i!(l0.
Carolina Urmia to Merman I. Ilnms
southeast iitarter of southwest iiiar-
ter of section ill, township i south
ratiKK 4 east; It.
Mllle A. and Carolina Hi lilacs to
Mrs. Anna Knger, 20.S4 neres of sets
Hons 39, :I4, township 3 south, ratine
l ensi; i.
Ulcy K. and Allle M. K.eelh to
Hert and Itert Sentt, tract of land In
Thomas Forrester D. K C, township
2 range 1 east; llfl.fllW.
Alvln inilihard to Victor K. Huh
hard. (1.31 acres of section 2. town
ship 3 south, range 2 east; $'.'(10
1. II. Uatnsby et ill., to Cnnhy Can
HI Compnny, ,27 SO acres of section
11. township & south, range 8 east
Kdward A. Miller to Mrs. Annn K
Knuer, land In sections 33, 31, town
ship 3 south, range I east; II.
Mamie M. Knger and Charles Kit
ger to Mrs. Anna K. Knger, 20 S4 acres
of sections 33 34, towtiHhlp 3 south
range 1 east: It.
Otto H. and Augusta Miller to Mrs
Anna K. Knger, 20 S4 acres of sec
Hons 33. 34. township 3 south, range
1 east: II.
Ceorge II. Miller to Mrs. Anna K
Eager, 20 S4 acres of sections 33, 34
township 3 south, range 1 east; 1
William C. Miller and Mrs. Anna
K. Knger, 20.84 acres of sections 33
34. township 3 east; range 1 east; II
Oregon Swedish Colonisation Com
pany to Olof A. Forsgren, northwest
quarter of northeast quarter of sec-
tlni 5, township 5 south, range 3 east
Olaf A. Forsgren and llatllda Fors
gren to U'wls Pendleton, 23 acres of
section 5, township S south, range 3
east; I72r.
Leonard leader ami Martha lead
er, to Wallace a. Pentamnn. 77 acres
of section 11. township 4 south, range
i east; 12400.
Charles N. Walt et. a!., to Charles
K. harls, lot 93, Canny Gardens
I. lot).
F.astern Investment Company limit
ed to Al IJudsey, lots 4, B. block 1(1.
F-Ntnrada; II.
Urkln Hnll ami Nancy A. Hall to
Ollle Hell Holt. 8 acres of section
7. township 2 south, range 1 east
also strip of land in section 12. town
ship 2 south, range 1 west; 11275.
B. Austin 10 It Petiold. 100
acres of William Russell d. i c
township 4 south, range 3 east; 3.ooci.
Dora Asrhoff et al., to Adolf Asch
off. 40 acres of section IS, township
. soutn, range fi east; 1.
Casper and Kalle Junker to Her
man Rldilerbusch. lots 1. 2. 3, block
fi, Junkers Second Addition to Sandy:
W. II. and Uurn Hair to E. S.
Chaffer, 1(5 acres of section 22, town
ship 5 south, range 3 east: all of
640 acres section 111, township S south,
range 3 east; II.
John F. Hemenway to Harriet E.
Pope, northerly half of lots 7, block
4, Oregon City; also part of block
3, Oregon City: I0.
hstneada State Ilnnk lo W. A.
Rhodes, block 8. Zobrist Addition:
E. I. Palfrey to Zllla S. Palfrey.
lfiO acres of section 2, township 3
south, range 4 east; II.
. D. Hodges to C. A. Hodges. 44.
48 acres of section 30. township 2
south, range 3 east; II.
R. W. and Aninndn Porter to P. A.
ami Agatha U Alvln, lots 1, 2 3, 4.
C. 7, 8. 15; lots 1, 2. 3, 4. T,'. (1. 7.
S. block 53 and all of block 51. Can
emah; nlso land on Fifth Street,
Cnnemah: .'0o0. 1
Kstacada State Hank to Rosa A
Reagan, 11.55 acres of section 28,
township 3 south, range 4 east; rt93
Christ and IOiilse Reusser to fl. M.
Warnork, 3 acres of section 17, town
ship 3 south range 2 ensi ; IIC5.
Conrad nnd olenn I-nng to ,V. p.
Hansen. 21 acres of section IS, town
ship 5 south, rnngn 1 ensi; IN00.
Anna J. and U W. Relnhardt 10
Mrs. C. E. Myers et al., northeast
quarter of block 2, Silver Springs Ad
dition; $i;r,o.
Joseph M. Pedlgo to John linker.
'4 acre of Ezra Fisher D. U C. No.
44. township 2 south, range 2 east-120.
Marvin Hubbard, trusleo nnd Wal
ter Hubbard to Victor E. Hubhnnl.
Wind In section 2, township 2 south.
range z east; Jl.
Charles M. Anderson et nl., to Clarn
Cnrlson. 40 acres of section 17, town-
snip 2 south, range 4 east; 1.
Charles N. and Chnrlea K. and!
Agnes Walt to Mnry A. Wenger, pnrt
of lot 42, Canby f aniens; 350.
Isaac and Sarah Scott to William
R. Connor, 4 acres of I). I C. of
Tliomns If. Forrester nnd wlfo, town
shin 2 south, range 3 east; 11000.
C. M. and Allen Dllkey to fieorge
E. Thomas, lot 1 of block 41, First
Addition lo Oswego; 1.
Victor E. Hubbard and Marvin Hub
bard to Waller W. Hubbard, land In
section 2, township 2 south, rnngn 2
east; 1.
Walter W. Hubbard to Mnrvln Hub
hard, land In section 2, township 2
south, rsngo 2 east; l.
Robert and Sophie llitrkhnrt lo Hen
Rosenau, S ncres of section 2, town
shin 2 south, range 2 east; .
Henry W. Jewett lo Rebecca Dn
brez, 40 ncres of section 9, township
4 south, range 3 east; 1155.
John A. Mnn, II, F. Mnn et nl., to
A. C. Nowry, land In southeast quar
ter of section 34, lownHhln 3 south,
range 5 east ; nlsn south half of north-1
west quarter; lots 3, 4. section 2.1
township 4 south, range r. ensi; also'
north tmir or north half of southwest
quarter of section 2, township 4 south,
range 5 east; also north hair or north
west quarter of southeast quarter of
section ,1, township 4 south, range R
enst; II.
('. Churllon Snyder to A. C. Mowrey.
1C0 acres of section 34. township 3
south, range T, east; also norlhetiHt
quarter of southwest quarter of sec
tion 34, township 3 south, range 5
east; also right of way In section 34,
township 3 south range 5 east; 1.
C. T. Tooze to Peler K. Peters, .8(1
ncres of section 23. township 3 south,
range I west ; $200.
Isador and lyna Schlel to Peter K.
Peters, 3.1(1 ncreH of D. ,. C. nl
1 : Kltiil You Muvo Alwiiyn 15otty;1itt tuul whlrli lion W11
in use for ovr I$0 journ, 1m ltorito tlio lrimhiro of
xl - imil ling til, i, 11 iiimlo mult!1 IiIm tier
. -y-, mutul KiiporvlNlon nIik-o ita lnllwiey.
' n'-tci.' Allow no 0110 to.le. elvo voll III llii.
All Coiiiifei-IVIli, liiildilloiis mill ,5iisI-iis.i;omI"iiI' ImC
i:iei liiu ii(s"tli!il, trltlo villi liml ciiiliiiigcr tlio lieullli of
liil'iinOt uutl Children lApei'lonco n;;iilnst lOxiiclliiient.
Castorlu U a lutriiilesi mils(ltut for Castor OH, Tiiro
Korlc, Drops tuul Sootlilna1 NyriipN. U in I'leusjuit. It
coiitiilns noltlier Opliiui. iMoipliliio nor other Nnrcollo
niibsliinco. It Is Ili4 rtinmtit). It tlestroys Wortim
mill lilluyit iVvorlsliness. It ruroM llurrliuii mul V linl
' ('olio. It roliovoit Teotliliitf TfotihloM, ouron CoiiHllpntlou
mid riutiileiioy. It iiskIiuIIiUcm tho I'oihI, roiruluteM tho
Htoiuuch mul llowcls, uliliiir liouIMiy mul luituriil sloop.
Tho Chlhlroii'H I'nimooa-Tlio Motlur's l'rloiid.
Boars tho Si;raaturo of
The End You toe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
fMI 49tU MiMNf, tt Mutft f MIIT, HIW BITV.
Thomas llalley, township 3 south,
range 1 west; fX2.
Ia'M and Isador Schlel to Peter K.
Peters, part of Thomas llalley 1) U
township 3 south, ranii t west;
John W. and Kate C. Thcftton to
Joe J. Thornton, lot 9 of block "D".
WHsonvllle; $1.
II. 8. Itainsliy to Delhert and Carl V.
Ramshy, ISO acres of sections 2, 3,
to, i, township S south, rnngn 2 east;
W. M Applegale and llettln Apple-
gate to Isaac (iratlon, pnrt nf I). 1.
C. of Ixitt Whltromh, township 1
south, range 1 east; $12.5I0,
P. H.. C. V. II. S Riimshy to C. I.
(ilbson 41 acres of Charles Swcgel I),
U ('., township ,1 south, rangn 2 east;
K. U and Nora W. Harnett to ('.
AilU. lots 15. HI, bltx-k 2. Kstnrnda;
C. K Adlx and II V. Atlls to D. N
Mrldenstlne, lots 15, 10, block 2;
John Zolirlst to Adolph Sagrue, west
half of lot 3, Fraley's SuhdlvUlon,
containing .53 acres; $100.
Addle M. nnd F.ldon A. Kern to
Chnrlea Noraii, block 4S. First Addi
tion to Jennings Islge; il50.
T. W. and II. U Clark lo P. W.
Henderson, lots 1, 3. 3. 4. block I;
all of lots 3. 4. 9, 10, II, 12, block
Windsor Addition; 2,000.
J. II. Miller nnd Almlrn I. Miller
to C, N. Rnuklti, east half of south
east quarter and east half of south
west quarter of northeast quarter of
section 12. township 4 south, range
4 east; 1 1000.
C. N. ami Kva H. Rankin lo William
R. Stokes, et al., 4 11 acres of sec
tion 12, township 4 south, range 4
list; 1 ill it),
Arthur and Anna Schneider to Al
fred P. Schneider, 14 acre of sections
Is. iv. township B south, range 1 eatt;
Kiniiia (iocrgcua nnd Hugo fiocr-
gens to Jacob and Annie Kraft, K11
acres of section 2, township 4 south,
range 1 cast; l.
David l'wls and Fdleda iU-wls
Smirk, lots 13. 14, 15, 1(1, 17. 18, block
1 Hyde Park; $10.
S. D. ami Jennie r. Smalley to
fieorge W. eljitu, lot 23, Oregon
Homes; $10.
(ilndstonn RFenl Kstnte Association
to Uma Meeker nnd Frank Meeker,
tot 5, block 1!). (iladstolie; 1150.
M. Duerst nnd Uml.o Duerst to
Murl nnd Kthel, laud In Mllwaukle;
Mrs. VltgluU C. Dement and Umlsn
Di'iiient to James Wilkinson, lot t,
block Id. Oregon City; $1.
J. It. Winston nod Kinuin Winston
to Jaiiiea Wilkinson, lot 8, block 10.
Oregon City; $1.
Julian J. Winston, Mrs. ! nnd
Henry Cisikn to James Wllklnxon,
lot s. block 10, Oregon City; $1.
U l and Orn H. Porter to J. K.
Shavelnud, lots I, 2. 3, 4, S, 6. block
5, Windsor; $IKH(.
i W. 'A. (larner (o H. K Adams. 1 '
, acre of sections 31, 32, township 1
j south, riiligo 3 east; $150.
I'lllleil State to Joseph Willi, SO
acre of section ill, township 2 south,
range $ et; patent.
John W, Ixider nd-wlfe and C, V
Nnsh and wife to Kdward K. Iliwth',
lot 1, 2. 3. block 10, Willamette Falls;
Henry II. Yost to Ilertha N. Perry,
26 acre of Charles Walker . U C,
1 township 3 smith, range 3 east; I'-'HOO.
Charles N. Walt and W. Walt to
Jame Wilkinson, lot 7, block 111,
Oregon City; $1.
Land Title Emlnd.
Abstract of Till Mad.
Offle over Hank of Oregon City.
Children Cry
Curtd of i 8vr Attack of Bronchi,
ti by Chamberlain' Cough
On October IKth. last, my little
three year old daughter contracted a
severe cold which resulted In a bad
rase of bronchitis," says Mrs. W. ti.
(ilbson, Islington. Ky. "She lost the
power of speech completely and wns
a very sick child: Fortunately wo
had a Isittle of Chamberlain' Cough
Itetni'dy In the house unit gave It til
her according to the printed direc
tions.. 011 the serotul day she was a
great deal bettor, and on the 11 fill day,
October 23d, she was entirely well of
her cold mul bronchitis, which 1 at
tribute to this splendid medicine. I
rerotniiu lid Cliiiintierlnln's Cough
Remedy unreservedly n mve found
It the surest, safest ami quickest cure
for colds, both for children hud ndults.
of liny 1 have ever used." For sale
by Huntley llros. Co.
Children Cry
The -PHs
King t
Enter- U."v A j
A Genuine
Cost to You
on IO Days'
Why Not Consider
This Offer Now?
This is an invitation to every rentier of tliis paper to writo lis, atonco,
lor our free trial offer 110 money down I) months to pny -no interest
cnaigcu wo pay me ireigiit and give ten days to try nn Kdison
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