Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 14, 1910, Image 5

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Cop 10th A Main 8t.
Wholcmilo mid Hiititll
Groceries, Produce, Feed
W Py th HluMeat
Cash Price
For Nil Kind of
Country Produce
V furry llio liirftMt stock of
KdniU In our lino In Cliicknuiii
County, mill nrn In iimmIi lou in
offer Hpi'diil IihIiii'i'iiikiiIn In
CASH buyer.
I)r, l. O. luff, Dentist, IUmhiii 17
mid IX, Maminla IIIiIk.
F, A. Mil'' l"ft Wednesday 'votilng
for Ijitiriillde, Oregon, on buslncM,
mid will probably return lo IliU rlly
nil Kiiliilny,
Willi" crimim wild gold liitnd lo pro
ii'cl I hi' rM it Ik best for front teeth.
They itr liniiiliiiiuli'. We miilio them.
U I. 1'loken. Dciillst,
Misses I'elln mill llortlm OnlilHinllh
will soon li'iivn for Hun Francisco,
whore they will select their millinery
good for III" cniiiliiK Hi'Hitoii.
Mr. Wllllnm Newman mid Mile Kmi
Frank, returned Wednesday morning
frnui lliillovlllo, wlii'i-n limy liml lii'i'il
vlslilng dm fiii'tur'N pnri'iiiM, Mr. mnl
Mm Krnnk Hyde
Fred H Mill )Th house win rnlilu'd III"
ii(liir IiIkIiI Th" burglar wiw nil to
111 Job II" nlppi'il i rmi of Knl
wr'it Golden Gate Cn(T"i', which Iniul"
Kn'il pretty sore.
I'rlco llrotlicr have r"iuiili'i lln
Interior nf Ihc clothing store by tin v
IIIK hinnlsiiHin rhilhllig riilillii'tK (if
mik, IioIiIIiik nvi'r lino suit nf l lnlll
IliK, mnl lull rabluet
Mm. Ili'iijiiiiiln ItoKi'iiHli'ln, nf
KIiirk Height. Port In ml, wlio ha
been visiting w'HIi li"r mother. Mm.
Alfred Hniltli, of Fourteenth Htrect,
returned lo Imr home Friday.
You nrn oootnn lo rnlntnll IK nlinllt
your ili'iilnl work. Our advice In
fro", mid ynti need nut havii u do the
work union you desire. I U I'lck
en. I nt tnt .
George I'liHi-y, iiiptTluli'ilili'lit nf
llm Hit w If v I'ulp t Piipi-r Coiniwiny.
ri'liirni'd Vriliii'iiiy IiIkIiI from Kim
Krmii-lKcn, Cnllfnrni, whoro In lum
lii'i'il nn A pli'Uittirt' Irlp for III" mI
wo wi'i'ki.
MUi Mollln llnrlow linn gntm lo ('ill
Ifornla, wlnn nlio wmi miuiinniii'd tiy
llin nitIiiuii lllni'KK of tiir lirothrr,
CniHhm llnrlow, nf Oiiklmnl. From
Inii'Kl r'Miri Mr. llnrlow In Improv
ing Mm Mull, nf ClinUlimo, wnn Mnn
ilny iiIkIiI I'lni-lod n m'rniul nupi'r
niiiiifrnry for tlin (ircRiin City public
mliixiU Mm. Hull IiiukIiI fnr "v
ernl yi'iirn In tlio Kul mid linn Inn)
wliln oupcrli'iic".
If you wl'iti n rmwn, brbli!" or ot
nf li'i-lh cnm In Htid liuve a innllt
lulk with int. It will lint run I you
niiyitilnu tliili'nit wn do lli work. K
U I'lrkiMin. I)i'lll,
J K Swnfford. who linn bt'en iliin-
KmiiRly III for lb" pnnl nlii" woekn
nl bu homo nn KIkIiDi mid MmllHon
iri'i'lK, him rccoviTcil mi nn In b" nbl"
In In' down nl bin pine" of bunlni'nn
for n fw bourn nf i-nrh dny.
Cnrllnn II. Ilnrdlni;, who bnn Ix-i'n
wllh Ill" brbli!" roiiNlriirtlon "iikIiii'it
Iiik forr" on lb" I'nlK'd llullwnyn
iK'iir I'orllnnd. bun koii" to I In- nioun
lnllin mil from Kor"sl (irove In dlri'rl
it locnilnn purly for ibn nmni mini.
Tb" btilldliiK foriiii'rly ncrupli'd by
CrniN & lliinuiond nn n la mnl ronl
"Klaln oltlc" In now omipli'd by llnrn-luii-k
mnl J. V.. McAiiiilly iih n r"nl
"ninl" nlllc". ib" former n nn hiivlnx
taken nfflr" riHiiitH In lb" .Maminlr
Curl I'. Nelin'ii, who him hccii cmi
niTli'd wllh lb" Crnwii-Cnliiuibln
I'ulp Paper Cniiipiiny iih nblppliiK
elerk fnr ,lhe lunl two yearn, Iiiim ro-
Buy at
!" '"V new locotion to which I hove just moved the store
abounds with barnains wonderful and greot. An just netting
.oLfeL0.4dir!QI inducements to repay you for the slight incon
venience of buying JindeLLhese conjUjo Assortments large
and-Com plejefJley Women's and Children's
Apparel of all kinds-head to foot wearablessjejljis Dry
Oods, Furnishings, Laces, Trimmings, Notions. ShoesT Etc.. Etr
?lLa.tsyPC.f!D?jYjoy LPClcs.
mIkiu'iI IiIh iMinlllmi amr cx jiurU lo iin
KiiKd In Hi" brokerim tiiiftlitr-HM In
thin eiiy, Mr, Ni'hri'ii bus gunu t"
Hliophord'ii hot NprliiKH for n sojourn
of ID diiy.
Mliiiii'N liilllli Clieney, lies ninl
lli'lmi Imulioii, Kilim I'ui'k ninl liiini
AvImoii, riilurtiKil yesterday morning
from ('aiiby, wlmni limy wuru tin
Kiii'st of MIun I vii li llnriloii mi Mini
iliiy night. II wim (tin Inti'iilloii of
llio ynuiiK Indies to ri'liirn to their
lioiui'N In IIiIm city on tlm iiin even
lug, lull worn surprised wIkmi arrlv
ItiK "t Hi" depot lo ft ml Unit tlm Iriiln
hint loft lliein, ninl relative In thin
city were notified by lolnphonii, Tin1
)imiiik Imlli'H relumed to tlm (Inriton
liniini by "niiloiiiobllc," whore ttny ro
iiiiiIik'iI over night,
The Woinnn'M Club in"! 111 tlm rnolun
nf Dm Cniiiliierelul Club Wedlli'Hilny
aflerimnii. Minn Mary llnrlow, nf
Pnrlliinil, wbn Iiiih Iriiviiled thrnilKli
Mexico, wan to bnvn kIvii u lalk on
IbU nubjeet, but iiwIiik to lb nerl
iiiih 1 1 1 ! m h of her brnlhi'r, CmkhIiik
llnrlow. In Oaliliiud, Callforulit, where
, Him wan nuiiiuioiii'il, nbn wan unable
to b prenenl, Mm. C. If. Iy KBVO
I mi liiHlrucllv" talk on "Women In Civ
I In l.lf"," Afl"r lb" nriaiiKeinenlH nf
Ibe I'literlalntiieiil, which In being
Klvnll loilay, were ronipleled, refrenb
I ini'liln were nerved, Mm. I K. Jiinen,
I Mm. I,, A. Morrln, Mm. Kilward
1 Hchwnb, Mm. W. A. Hhewniiinn nud
I Minn Mnrjorl" Cautleld havlnn cbni:".
Therx wnn a Iiiik" iiltendittice, ninny
vlnliorn Ih'Iiiic prenenl.
Mm. II. T. Mcllnln enl"rlalned Ibe
iiieinliern nf llin Alnlm Club my I n few
frleiidn nl tier liuino at (iladHtnun
Tuenday iiflernnnii at brlilii". Mm.
I.lnwnnil I" Jonen ninl Mm Clviln a
', Huntley were nwnrded Ibe prlzen.
, Itefrenhuieiiln wero nerved.
J Mm. W. A. Jarobn enlerlalned the
I M. M. Pronrennlvn Club with n dmico
, lb" pant w"ek. Obi time daucen wern
I lndulK"d In whlcli rnrrli-il onit Imck to
, yotuhful dnyn. Tlm Kciilnl hntilen
nerved rnkn nud coffee mnl, taken all
loKelher ll wan a delightful iifTulr. Tlm
; net club meelliiK will b" lit llin home
it t M t' U I ..
I "i nun, i. nicniin'i, jiiuuiiry jit.
Th" llerlblek Club met nl the hnlmi
of. Mm. K. T. Avlnmi Krlday after-
1 iiimiii. Tbn club In nludvlin; Clrelir.
which wnn cniillnui-d wllh lh fob
Inwlnf HcndluK nf llm rharacler nf
(irelKMlm. W. A. Huntley; piano ne,
lerilonn, Ittnncrcnijii" Op. (1 No. 1 and
:i; Nutturno. Lyrical Pb'cen. Hama K.
Minor, Alleuro Mnilernio, Andante,
Minuet to, Finale, by Minn Unilne
Huntley. Minn Hnulley'ii mderlloim
.wer hlKbly eiiterlalultiK anil much
enjoyed by her llnlenern. Th" Hell
meelliiK will Ih. held Krldny, January
:i. nl the home of Mm. Chnr"n H
Tlm Dcrlhlck Club will Kv n con
perl In Orenoii City durlni! the Inllor
pari nf January and nrranconmiitn
nrn now tii'linr mad" for Ibe nffalr,
which will prnbably lake plncn In III"
Klntl CoiiKroKiitlniiiit Church. Tlm
pniKmnimn will be rendered by Mm.
Ilnne Ciitirncn Heed mid the Wilder
nunrtcttM. f Portland. n thin ntinr
telle are It N. Ilnckc uhtiry ami Clalrn
Itlchnrdn. llm latter a well-known ten.
or In Portland mimical rlrrlei and
a ntiiileni f Mm. Imogen Hardin
Urndle. Th" prtiKminmit and d"tnlled
plitim will be niiiioiiuci'd In a few dayi.
The mnrrlnm of Minn Carrie Jero
inlab. dauiibler nf Mr. and Mm. C.
II Jeremiah. In W. K. Ilennlon, of
Oakland, California, took plncn at
2::iU o'clock, hint Thiirndav after
noon nl the Cliff Hotel. ,,f which the
brble'n fill her In proprietor. The par
lor wan decorated with Kreenn. Uev.
S. A. I lay won h. panlor of the Klmt
llnpllnl Church, performed III" rerc
inony, which an followed bv a llclil
weddliiit liiiiphism. The Rro'oni In a
llremaii on the Southern Pacific Mr
and Mm. Ilernilou left Thnmdav for
i heir hnine In Oakland.
. MImh llelh Cooper, eldest dauiihler
of Mr. and Mm. ICImer If. Cnnper, nf
Ihln (;iy. waH tiiiirrlcd In Portland
lnl Suiiilay lo Umls Ilnrroii. The
ceremony !,,! place at I lie home nf
the l.rlde'n uncle. C. K. Cooper. Mr.
ami Mm. Ilarnm are npcndliiK a few
dnyn at Portland, ami will ko to noise
Idaho, and will locale near that cltv!
A gold crown properly fitted Is the
greaioHt tooth nnver. A poorly lit
led nil" may ennao ynu (ho toothache
I l. Pickens, Dentist. '
flue New Store
Do not delay having your teeth at
tended to, Yuil lira piiylnx twenty
five, to llfiy pr ei'iit Interest' for tie
Kli'i't, 'I'lnit In lint a good buslnnx
policy, I j. U l'lckon, jMiitlHi,
Conducted by
X W. DAKKOW, Ch.ihtm, N. YH
frtm VrmttntUnt New VnH HinU
They Arc Growing In Popularity
Every Year.
Soma Suggtntlonn In th Lln of Mik
ing Thi Fair Moil Profitnbl Th
Young Paopl Should 8 Olvan Spe
cial Conildaralion.
HpMclnl Corrnimnilf nca.J
Thcro la n crcnt nppnrliiully fnr null
ordliuitn KmiiKen lo do n kimkI work by
rreiillnn an lutercnt In KrniiK fnlm.
which ll ro hecoiuliiK iiiiim i'iplllnr eni'll
yenr-iint fnlm gut up by iminy dnyn
of plnniiliiu mid of bnrd work, but
fnlm nt n for a dny or an evenlnx
In a very Hlmpln inniiiier.
There bnve been IhiIIi benellt and
pleaniirn derived from ntudyliiK the
exblblln w'llrli were brought In mid
nrnuik'i'd nn Ibe iiii'iuliem crime to the
regular nieelliiif. A purl of n day npciit
In nrrniik'liii; the i-jlillilln nf ini-mM-m
IIvIiik iiean-Nl llm hall would of cmirnn
make It poNNlble lo have lliein ar
rniiKed more arllntliiilly, nud llio wo
niitn'n work cnmmlttix a wnuld lie Junt
the omit in have II In chnrKc. I-t each
member label bin eihlbltn wllh bin
inline mnl ibe mini" nf the variety of
the frultn, (Iowith. urn Inn mid veuetn
blen which lie eiblblln.
I in imt try lo Klve prlzen lo the older
nieiiibern, an It wnuld tnkn mm ti limn
mid Iruulile to Jndiic the eshlblln nnd
award no many prlr.cn, and milch valu
able (llnciinnlon ninoiiR the member
cnnceriiliiK Ibe different vnrleilen of
frultn and vecetublen and the bent
inetlindn nf crnwlm; lliein would, be
Innt. fnr no nne wnii!d know lo wlmin
the different l-ililblln ll.nik'. 1 If the
tinmen were left off nn Hint they inlcht
t Judged, but bi'k'ln rlirlit now to In
terest ynur cnince In offering flrnt and
nerond prlzen to Hie children for a few
thltii.-n to be crown by them thin yenr
and exhibited at grange fair next
Have a nie-bil cnminlltee npoltcd
lo name no me half dozen thing to be
grown by them, nucli an carrots. Iicetn.
poH-orn, iiiiiinh, niinllonem and nn
lem, mid to take charge nf Hie pur
chiming nf the premliimn, which need
not nei-cjrlty lie exiennlre In order
to plenne Ibe children. Let lliein have
A upecliil table for their exhibit, and
do all that you ran to make It Interest
ing for I hem, nnd you will lie doing
omethliiK townrd helping to keep 111
boy and girl un Hie farm. Kxhlbll
of fancy work and of old relic have
been made very lutcrinlltig In ninny
grange where they hnvc room to dis
play theui properly.
Franc' Woman Judg.
Mmc. Cleiueiico Junnelln, the drat
woman In France to Ih? Invested wltli
Judicial honors. In reuinrknblu lu her
way. She tie-gnu her enn-er a a couln
rlere, or dressmaker, and for the Inst
dozen years she ha lieeu unremitting
lu her effort to serve the tolling
masse oMvlilcli she In a member, lty
dint nf argument and icrsunslnti she
Hinvccili-d In organizing the dressmak
er Into n sytiilloitc, and 5 lie U sec
re In ry nf the noddy. Slip 1 at that
post every inorulilg with the regulnr
tty nf the dock. Her Jurisdiction on
the bell' i fs routined lu passing upon
tltlcstkiiis of wages of the laboring
cIiisn where the Inlsirer has been dis
missed without the customary week's
notice I'iiIokm the wage exceed (!0
ber decision I tliial.
Come in nnd aw us nbout your
teeth. Our ndvlce Is free, nnd our
20 year' experience Is of value to
you. 1 I,, plekens, Dentist.
Aurora and Northern Marion
AI'UOKA, Or., J.ui. 13 The clly
council of Aurora liml In special m. -
nlon Monday evening for the purpose
of discussing the problem of erect-1
lug a new lower ami tank lo supplant!
those already In ue, Keconb r Fry
and President Miller were appointed
as a committee to ascertain data nec
essary and report at the next regular
meeting, to be held the first Monday
In February. An ordinance will be
drawn mid suliml'ted at that time
covering the entire subject. IMds for
the contract will be asked, council
council reserving the right lo reject
any or all of thojic received, should
they prove unsatisfactory In any way.
As published Home Hino ago the ex
act size of the new structure has not
yel been determined, but the tower
will probably bo nlsmt SO foct In
height h supiMirting a tank with a capa
city of about 30,'IM) lo 4),000 gallons.
Sutllclent apparatus Is already on
hands lo furnish water to the lank.
The added security ninl advantage
gained by this new water system Is
well worth the) necessary outlay.
Real Estate Transfer.
The H. J. Kblen place of u acres.
two mile west of Aurora, was sold : ,,.rtnke anything there will be noth
this week through A. F. Will to E. ng left undone.
M. Welch, of Portland. (Jerge Miller received a letter
Twenty acre laying one mile west , Monday morning appraising Mm of
of Hubbard was aIo taken over by the death of Mrs. Fred Scbllttler, at
Mr. Welch. Mr. Will engineering the Eik Grove, California, January 8th,
deal. i of heart failure. Mrs. Schllttler, with
Phil Graves, who some time ago i her husband, left Wlnlock. Washing-
sold his property near Liberal has
purchnsed acres of an adjoining
farm for his future nnme.
Mis Anna Stewart, who for the wfe en route to Wlnlock, where ln
Inst two year Iih been employed ( termcnt took place In the family cem
In the Aurora Stale Hunk, has resign- etpry near their home, Tuesday. Mrs
ed her position Bnd will return to her I Schllttler Is a cousin of the Glesy
home In Salem this week. Miss Win
cbell. of Hood River, will replace
Mlsa Stewart here, who Ih very gen
erally liked by all who have come
Into contact with ber during the per
iod if her stay In this city.
A birthday party was given last
Frldny evening V the home of Ed
Yoder, In honor of Miss Mamie Hall.
A large crowd of young people were
present and after game and music
was enjoyed for some time refresh
ments were served to all present,
winding up the evening very pleasant.
George Kraus was a Salem visitor
this week. j of his real estate, consisting or nve
Glen Hurst was In Hubbard Tuea-, acres In Marlon County; also an un
day attending to some line repairs j divided Interest In 120 acres of land
for the Aurora Electric Co
Fay Carpenter attended the Can
by ball last Saturday night.
A large number of young people of
this place went to the dance at Can
by, given by the Band Hoys on the
nlneth of the month.
The Aurora luuid I to give another
of those delightful dances January
29. Don't forget the date, the 29th,
Instend of the 11th as first announc
ed. '
Gena Sletager and Nellie Johnson
were Canhy visitors last week.
Dave Stelnbniigh, of Hubbard, was
In Aurora Tuesday, attending to some
business nltalrs.
Miss Margaret Hlggenbothem, of
Aurora, was In Oregon City and Port -
land this week, on a pleasure trip
and also doing some shopping.
A crowd of eluht young folks were
lu Hubbard this week, going up on
one train nnd back on the next.
Frank Cnmpeau, of near this place
was In town Tuesday lo attend to
some shopping.
RurmpI Hlggcnhotham was In Ore-j
gon City last Saturday.
Misses Gertrude Glesy and Elsie
Heck attended the Canby danco.
Mike Ulosn, John Etzell. Wllllnm
Hniikey, nnd At Reynolds, of the
Mackshurg country were In
this week.
Joe Southerland was here Tuesday
looking after his pole shipments
George Scramlin, the enterprising
merchant of Mackshurg, hns been en
tertaining a guest this week from the
city of Portland.
Mrs. Mercer, of Donald, Is In Port
land this week.
Juke Morris, of near Aurora, held
an auction sale at his place Tuesday
to dispose of his personal efTects nnd
some farm machinery still on hands
after selling the fnrm some time ago.
He will move to Woodlmrn In the
near future nnd make that place his
The small child of Allle Welch's,
who has been so seriously 111 for some
time hns, under the efllclent care of
Dr. Ronny, Improved to such an ex
tent that ihpy expect to move It to
Portland soon. No more trouble of
this sort Is expected now, as the child
is rapidly convalescing.
Delbert and Gerald, the small child
ren of Mr. and Mrs. Gould, who re
cently cnnio here from Coriuelle City,
are now Improving from the typhoid
fever and will nsain be around soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gould are from Dufur
originally but sold their holdings there
and are now looking for a suitable
$$$$$ $
As you sell your hops, grain or other produce
place your money in a reliable
BANK. Pay each bill or account by CHECK
and avoid the danger of carrying large sums of
Put your spare cash to work night and day. We
pay 4 Per Cent interest on time deposits.
When remitting do so by our bank
For any accommodation call on the
location. Mrs. flould 1 a "Inter of
Mm. Ill wiilicitlium, of this place.
Mr. A. f). Yergen, of YergenKVllle,
Is In I'orllnnd Itiln week.
Frank Kraxbergor, the mall carrier,
la mi the nick Hat and during hi Ill
ness tils daughter Is attending to the
mall route,
Hmlth & Coi'licl recently disponed
of the rent of tbnlr 1'JO'J hop crop to
the Ann of Klnher, Wolf & Ndter,
who wmio time ago purchased the
largcnt part of tholr holdings.
Charles Crittenden, of Hubbard, was
In Aurora Tuesday looking up the real
1 estate situation.
James A. Miller, who la employed
,y t,e Southern Pacific Company at.
Han Francisco, la spending a few
week at the home of his parents,
Mr ,, MrH (;,, Miller, In Aurora.
On Saturday evening last, the Pyth
ian Sisters, of which Indue Jainea Is
a member, gave him a surprise party
that will long b remembered as one
of the most pleasant he ever experi
enced. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. Ceo.. Miller, James, Alvln, Ida,
(Jeorge, Jr., and Andrew Miller, Mr.
and Mr. II. A. Snyder and daugh
ter, Peachle Iygan and Mrs. Snyder,
Anton and Mrs. Will, Jonn and Mrs.
Will, Misses Lizzie and Clara Will.
Andy, Ernest and Emma Snyder,
Fred Will, Jr., and Mr. Will, Ixiu and
Mrs. Webert, (Jeorge and Walter Fry,
Dewy Miller and Mrs. O. Hlosser, Ar
thur Kraus. Orover (Jleny, Mlsse
Lilly and Netta Miller. Music, both
vocal and Instrumental, game, deli
cious cakes, etc., all assisted to make
the evening a most enjoyable one for
all. One may always know that when
ever the Aurora Pythian Sisters un
J ton, their home, about five weeks
j BK0' for the purpose of visiting a
daughter at Klk Grove. While there
Mrs. Scbllttler took sick ana died.
Mr. Schllttler passed through Aurora
! Monday morning with the body of his
family at Aurora, and visited here last
Church Note.
The Rev. Vincent delivered an able
and Instructive address to a very at
tentive audience here last Sunday and
will speak next Sunday at Donald.
Rev. Flathman preached last Sun
day afternoon here In the Lutheran
Henry Voght Will Recorded.
The will of Henry Voght, of Marion
County has been recorded here. To
. his sister and her heirs he leaves all
In Clackamas County, and an Interest
In block 5, Aurora. It Is his wish that
Jacob G. Miller Is named as executor
and In case of his death Henry A.
Sam Miller's Black Mare Doe Some
Tall Bucking, but Alan Stay.
Alan Cribble was the main attrac
tion of a Wild West Show on a Bmail
scale held on the streets of Aurora
Sunday. Sam Miller furnished the
j horse and gave a piece of money to
, stay with her until she did all the
I "Spiking" she wanted to. Some very
pretty riding ability was displayed
' and lo the people of ihese parts it
I was a treat Indeed. No difficulty was
! experienced In saddling the animal,
I but when the rider was up, there was
: certainly "something doing" for a few
minutes or until the beast was winded.
Alan stayed with his place, however,
and scratched her up the ribs In live-
ly fashion. Another was then fonnd,
which was supposed to be un-rldable.
j but did not have the ginger of the
A full new barrel of the famous 0!d
Joe Gideon whiskey and six cases of
Martinet Imported brandy have ar
rived at the New Aurora Hotel tiar
The best of Mt. Hood beer always on
Stomach Trouble Cured.
If you have any trouble with your
stomach you should take Chamber
lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr.
J. P. Klote, of Edina, Mo., says: "I
have used a great many different med
icines for stomach trouble, but find
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets more beneficial than any other
remedy I ever used."
Coal for Sale.
Best, medium, Slendota coal, sack
ed, at 8 per ton; by the Oregon
City Commission Co.
A Night Rider' Raid.
The worst night riders are calomel,
croton oil or aloes pills. They raid
your bed to rob you of rest. No so
with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They
never distress or Inconvenience, but
always cleanse the system, curing
i Colds, Headache, Constipation, Malar-
la. 25c at Jones Drlig Co.
Vetch and Oat Seed For Sale.
jy the Oregon City Commission Co.
mixed ready for seeding, also clean
Pearl Vetch.
$ $ $ $ $ $
$ $ $"
r "
J i'i f i&QM I I ''' ' j y- mm
For The EDISON Phonograph
Thay are the same size as the Standard
Edison Records, but they play twice as '
Long, and cost but half as much
again. The new Edison
Phonographs play
At very little cost we can equip your old Phonograph to play
both. Call or write us for price list of attachments.
We carry every machine and record made by the Edison and Vic
tor companies, including the New VICTOR Double Faced Record.
Let us send a machine and some records to your home for a few
days. It costs you nothing.
Burmeister & Andresen
Oregon City Jeweler
Committee Named to Look After En
tertainment of Delegate to
State Grange In May
at Oregon City.
Endorsement of the Initiative and
referendum, the direct primary and
opposition to the Assembly plan were
features of the quarterly meeting of
Clackamas County Pomona Grange at
Garfield Wednesday. Resolutions
were also adopted urging the Oregon
delegation in congress to endeavor to
secure the enactment of a parcels
post and a postal savings bank law,
these being principles that the grange
has long stood for.
J. D. Chitwood, T. R. A. Seilwood,
Mrs. C. W. Swallow. Dr. J. W. Thnm.
as. William Grisenihwaite, Thomas F.
Ryan and Mrs. A. J. Lewis were
named as a committee to confer with
representatives of the Oreeon Cltv
Commercial Club relative to the re
ception and entertainment of the del
egates to the State Grange, which
meets in Oregon City the second
Thursday In May.
Twemy-Beven Grangers were given
tne fifth degree at Pomona and an en
tertaining Droeramrne waa rendered
by the people of Garfield. The at
tendance was large and surprising for
this season of the year.
When You See the Bell
On the bottle you have our guarantee
t-at you are getting the best cough
and cold remedy. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-
Honey has millions of satisfied users.
Sold by Jones Drug Co.
Feed for Sale.
Bran, shorts, rolled feed, oats and
barley, flour, etc, at Oregon City Com
mission company.
Tortured On A Horse.
'For ten years I couldn't ride a
horse without being In torture from
piles," writes L. S. Napier, of Rugless,
Ky., "when all doctors and other rem
edies failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve
cured me." Iufalllble for Piles, Burns.
Scalds, Bolls, Fever-Sores, Eczema.
Salt Rheum, Corns. 25c. Guaranteed
by Jones Drug Co.
(Continued from page 1.)
Pickles sour. 10c ot: dills 10c nt:
sweets. 10c pint: green chill Derniers.
8c lb.
Rice fancy, 8c lb; ordinary 6c.
Sweet potatoes Ic lb.
Irish potatoes $1$1.25 per cwt.
Cheese 25c lb; cream brick, 25c.
Cured meats best countrv bacon
ISc: Eastern Breakfast, 25c.
Hams country, 17c; packing house
20c: fancy bacon 25c.
Office Both Phones 22
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Established 1865
Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free ot Charge
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
CAPITAL, $50,000.00.
Transact $nral Banking Bulne. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M
Suspension Bridge Corner
Cranberries 15c lb.
Grape California, 7 10c.
Celery ocU 10c per bunch.
Cauliflower per head 10c15c.
Sauer kraut 10c quart.
Lettuce 5c bunch.
Honey comb 15c 16.
Oranges 25 to 30c 'doz.
Lemons 30c doz.
Bananas 30c doz.
Cocanuts 10c each.
Grape fruit 10c or 6 for 40c.
Persimmons 30c. doz.
Apples fancy, 75c 11.50 per box.
crabs, 4c Ib
Figs 10c Ib.
Dates 12 c
Onions green, 5c bunch; pickling,
small 2c lb.
Garlic 15c lb.
Cabbage lc lb.
Squash Hubbard 2c lb.
Lard 5-lb tins, 95cQ1.00; 10-lb,
$1.90; bulk. 18c.
Soap Savon laundry, 5 to 7 bars,
Steak. Chops etc
Steaks best round, 12Hc Ib; shoul
der 10c; sirloin, 15c; porter house 15c.
Pork chops 15c lb.
Mutton chops 12 &c.
Lamb chops 15c.
Veal steaks 15c.
Sausage welnles 12c; pork, 10c;
Uverwurst 10c; blood 10c; hamburger
and headcheese 10c per tb.
Shoulder 10c; fresh side pork 15c
Liver 5c Ib.
Pickled pig's feet 12c lb.
Ham sausage 20c lb.
halibut. 124.
Chickens 16c Ib.
Dressed Meats, Poultry and Fish.
Dressed meats best block hoga
(125 to 175 lbs. wt.t veal mffl
9; mutton, fancy, 9c; Iamb, 10c lb.
Poultry Old hens. 12Ae: snrines.
124c; roosters, young, llc; old, 8c;
ducks, 13c;
Dried fish Salmon, fancv 20clh:
Halibut 20c.
Pickled Salmon 10cQ'12Hc lb.
Herring 10c lb.
Fresh steelhead salmon, 12c.
Eggs, Butter, and Country Produce.
Eggs 35c to 40c per doz.
Butter creamery 70 to 75c pe rroll;
best country, 40c to 50c.
Cascara bark, best dried 3c to 4c;
slightly off color, 2c to 3c.
Oregon Grape root, 23c lb.
Hops, Wool, Hide. Etc.
Hides green cow 7i,8c; steer 6
to 7c; calf 12c; salt lc more; best dry
20 to 21c.
Hops. 1908 crop, prime, 14c, 1909,
16 to 19c.
Wool 20cto 21c.
Mohair 24c26c.
Stock, Live Weight.
Best steers $5.00(ffiJ5.25 per cwt;
fair to good. $4.50J4.75; strictly
good cows. $4$4.25; fair, $3.50gl
$3.75; light calves, $5$5.50; heavy,
$4.000 $4.25: best wethers 14.sn(f5s-
fair to good, $4.00$4.25; good ewes.
i.vu'an.ou; lanms, ?(i0.00$.50; top
hogs, $9.00; fair to good, $8.60 $8.85.
Fuel, Oils, Lumber, Etc.
Coal Be6t Mendota sacked, $8.00
per ton.
Wood 1st growth fir, $4 cord; 2d
growth, $3.75 cord: hard, mixed, $5;
stove-wood, $2 load.
Oils Linseed, raw. in cases 95c nr
gal.; In bbls, 88c. Boiled, cases, 95c;
odis, sue per gal. castor, .machine,
&oc gai. Best separator, 75c per gal.
Gasoline, ,20c gal.
Kerosene pure, 30c gal; common
Lumber Al grade, rough, $20 per M.
Second, $15; common $11. Flooring,
$28; Colling. $22, Rustic. $28; Dlmln
sion stuff, $11 per M.
Residence Phone Main 2C24
Sucessor to C. N. Greenman
F. J. MEYER, Cashier