Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 14, 1910, Image 3

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    OltKdON CITY KNTJSItl'ltlSH, I'ltlDAY, .JANUAltY 14, 1010.
MIkm ICIiiln IIim'U iitul nutiiilit, of Au
rora, vIhIH'iI IIih former's nlitlr, Mri),
U'i lOcln'i nun, lliu lull or inrt of tli
week, unil nlimiiliMl tint 'iIiiiwIiik iiurly
Klvoli oil Hiltllidiiy I'Vi'lilliK liy (li
Cimliy lliind,
Mm. Hloimwnll ViuikIiiui and son,
t'huiiii I'lnili, went to Portland oh
Tui'Hiluy it ft iioi in 'h Irulu, ri'iiit'iiliiK
mi ihn I'vciilim trnlti.
Mm, J. H. I Melt Inn rwiin roittlntnl
In Iiit liiiimx wllli n severe rulil,
K. A. Hom'tilirnim iimdo a IniHlni'im
trip In Cimliy on WfliiKHiliiy., IuuIiIiik
llfler llm liilnri'HlH or tli Ntiirn, and
rIho or t ho Cmiliy imuk & Tnmt Om
Mm, Avery, of Hnl"in, was In Cimliy
vIhIIIiik with Iht HlMliirn, Mm. William
KiiIkIiI mnl Mm. H. T. Kl"lnr, IIiIh
wni'k. '
MT. ViiniliTttMi iniiiln a Inmlnnns trip
In Ori'Kim Clly on Wmlni'iiiliiy.
W. C. Clii'tiny, of Ori'ioHi City, wan
In IIiIn rlly on a tjimlin'nx trip on Tuna
ilny. OiHirK" nml Albert Knlnlit vliillcul
ri'luilvKM In ( 'mi by on Hiimliiy.
MIh Ivnh (loriloti Iiiim lii'iui III fur
(tin it week, Ht Iht homo.
Mm, ChhhIii Cvnim wont to I'lirllniiil
mi IiiihIiii'iiii WiMlnitmliiy iiiornlnir, mid
wlillo In Unit rlly vIhHimI Iht nIkIit,
Mm. K. I). KiTKiimiii,
Kriink IIiIkk. of I'cit llutid, vImIIim!
IiIn itliilcr. Mm. Tom llliuicliiiril, on
Htmiliiy, ,
Mm. Man In nml Mm, Porter vlnlt
ml wllli fili'iiilM on TiK'Miiny.
Ilnwiinl If. ICi'i'li'N iniiiln a liunliii'HH
Irlp In Ori'Kim Clly mi Monday even
ItiK, r'liirnliiK on Tiii'Kdiiy morn I iik'm
Irnlll, I n 1 1 M k lilH HliMi'iii'n MIhn Allifu
Kl'lllTMMII liiul clinrKii of hi Hcliool.
Mm. Wlllliiiii KrinKir returned In
Hiili'in on Momliiy iiIkIiI, whom nil" In
iiiiiIitkoIiik In'iiliiii'iit at Ihn Hiiiillnr
linn. .1. A.'CiiiIiiiiii li'ft on Tii"iiliiy morn.
ItiK for Ohwi'ko, where tin will vlnlt
wllli Mm, Johhii Murlln, nml will vlnlt
wllli Mr. nml Mm. (leoiuo Mlirlln lit
Mi'Mlnnvlllii, hi'furo rctililllllK ,n hla
lioimi hem.
'unity hcIiooI linn pu relumed h ni'w
fniilhiill from O. It. Mink, nml tli
lioyn Hiiy Unit It U a "ilumly," Thorn
nr iniiiiy of thn hoy HitiimllhK t tm
I'linhy IHkIi HcIiiiiiI who nrn pretty
Well pilHllMl (III lllll plliylllK Of f'Klt.
hull, unil much prnclli'ii will lm kIvcii
ul llm ri'ri'HH lionm nml lit noun io tlilx
II, C, Davenport, tlio Jeweler, was
umoiiK Hi' titiHliiHH inrii of IIiIh clly
who went to ('(irilunil on Momlity.
Omnr DIkkitiii'iiii wn furliinntu In
winning tint liiimlHomti plctiirn kIviti
hy A. D. 1'uililoi'k to I ho school child
lirlliKlllK to til 111 Ihn Kronlont liillnlir
of rovnm of wrltliiK tiililold, purrhiueil
nt IiIn ilrtmMlnriv
Mm, I T. lliitton wont to Purlin nil
on Wt'iliioHilny iiu'rnliiK's train, rv
tiirnliiK lliu Niiiiin ilny, '
.Iiiiiiok AiIIiIiin In nurturing with
a Hovorn nt tack of Krlp.
Mr. nml Mm. KIiimt V"tolo. of Now
Km, worn vIhIHiik with Oln M. (Inrloy
nml Mm. C. :. lliitohliiHiiii nn Huiidny,
Mr. unil Mm, Charles Hominy, of
llilhhiiril, Hpont Hiimliiy In thlH city
v I hI 1 1 hk wllh relative.
Mr. nml Mm. J. I). Illttor, of Noody,
worn In fun hy on Tiionilny.
Thomi IihvIiik iIokh, whomf lifelines
Iuivh not lioon piilil, hlid holtor Hooiirn
I tlioiii now, or thn don tniiHlor will be
nrior thorn. Thn (hmiki ih renuy ror
lliolr rocopllon. Mnny ownom hnvo
nlroiuly t n ken out llconnon fur tholn
roiiliioH, nml It In prolxtlila lluit.moNt
nil of Ihn iikh will ho wonrlm; collurn
wllli lliolr llronnn Iiik nttnrlioil.
I 1) Iluti'lilimon wont to I'urtliinil
on Momliiy, roliirnliiK on Tucniluy.
Minn llnttln HiitchliiNon loft for
Portland m Woilnonility, whom nho
will vlnlt with Iiit unit, nmt may do
chin to n-iniiln In Unit city.
John It. Nowlon nml family, of,
Twin Knlln iiinho, linvo nrrlvnd In I
Cnnhy, whom thoy will nmko tholr
tutiiro honm. Mr. Nowtmi rocoiitlyj
piirriiiiHoii inu jyiBiT nirin rnnii An
drow K'kiIht. Thn NowtonN nrn do.
IlKlitnil wllli OroKon, mid cupcclally
OoorKd lUndiill, if OroKon City,
nnd owner of a Inn?" farm nt Now
Km, wmh In Cnnliy on Timmluy, Mr,
Hit ri (In II In one of the prnmlmwt po
inlo mid hop minor of tho county,
nml wiin hnro Nollliift r comml
lon morclmnlN, ll li'm over 800
NIU'kN thlN your tO (llHpONH of, hut In
forllKTH yl'UTK llHN hlUl AH Mull UN
2000 nnckN of tho b'-Nt mnrkctiililn po
IntocN, lln In holdlnK liln hopn for
lilKhor prlcn tlinn the hnyom nrn nt
prcont piiylmc. In an Intorvlnw with
Mr, Hiiii'liill, lm HlaiiN tfmt fl will
roi'olvo 87 cent" for ''I" l'"pn lioforo
nolllnK. Hn him 47 balon In utoro.
J. II. Ilurnt, of Aurorit, niiinnKnr of
thn Kloclrlc Company, whh In tlimhy
on TuoKility In the Intnn.m. i,f tho Kl
oclrlc Company,
Mm, ,J. BaiMler, of Aurora, wan
nmoiiK thn Canhy vlnltorn uti Tuonilay,
K. A. KruoKor liaii J-mf u-rMvtn a
larun Hhlpmont of furtiliiiro, nlno a
find lot of tilcturoK Jut from tho Kant
nml now han tho liont annortniont of
pIciuroB unil furniture hit hrouxht
to Ciinby, Mr. Mnck, who occuploN
tho ndJoinltiK atom riMimn. han ro
nrrnmc'd thn nliow ca':on nml mMod
mnny now pontala to IiIk poHial card
dopart moot.
K, C. AHhlmiiKli. of l"iriluinl, was
In Canny on Monday ami Tuonilay,
MrN, Nollln Jolinnon an it rhlMron
arn vlnltlriK with Mlna I.I?o oIhoh.
C. K. l'rcalon, ropre' iiMnt( Iauk A
Company, of I'ortland, wim in thin
clly Monday,
MIhn Myrtle Bcnnol, MIm I. In Konln,
of I'ortlnnd, and Mian iiattle Irwin,
of Ilurlow, vlnllffd with Minn Ora I-e
on Huliinliiy and Sunday, having come
liorn In ationd the dancInK party on
Hatiinlay nlKlit.
William Cantwell Sell Realty Office.
William Cantwoll, who Jian bom In
tho real cnlato hunlnona for thn pant
2.1 montliN In thin clly, han illnpoK
iil of Ihn hiinlnoiiN, good will ami fix
turon of the biilldliiK, to thn Canhy
Canal Company. Mr. Cantwoll nxpocta
to Np'-ml notno I lino in making Improv
inonta on bin property, and will prob
ably later on go Into tho poultry html
iiokh. Ho hiiH already a fine lot of
Library Inttalled,
A library, which han been needed
In thin city for nome tlmo, has boon
liiHtiilli-d by Mrn. ,, T. Dattln In her
ntore. Many HwhX lxok by the bent
auttiom, IncliidliiK book for the
ttrowiiiipn an well an for children are
to he found In thin collect Ion. There
are about 100 In all. Thone taklnn
a hook from thin library the ankeil
to depoalt the prion of tho book, and
after It han been read, It In returned
and thn amount deponlted, except five
centHj In returned to the one getting
the book, thiin mnklnir It a very roan
unable price for the reader.
Revival Have Cled.
The revival meotlngn at the Shrln
tlan church for aeveral weokn, cba
ed on Sunday night, with an addition
of about ,10 membera to the church.
The moetlngn were largely attended,
tho aloroa having cloned at 7:30 while
they were being held. Many were
Who Woofs a Pknol
Well Sentfl One free !
A Great Warehouse Sale and Advertising Test combined. Pour
hundred of the finest new pianos to be delivered to so many
honies within three weeks.
No cash payment required a most extraordinary undertaking.
The greatest distribution of fine pianos ever witnessed.
We're facing a wrimu problem. Our immense new wbolesalc ntablUluncnt and
factory nt Fifteenth and 1'cttynrove street wiu to have been ready long before now
Incruant mint and unfavorable weather during all November held the building back.
The boiler and healing plant which ought to have been here a month ago are still
tied up in the freight congestion cauted by the recent railroad utrike. Our building
will not be ready for occupancy until the middle of February.
Piano intended for Pecrmber selling and that could have been used to mag
nificent advantage then, and which were drlnyed on account of railroad strikes,
mm' come rolling along. The bijj wholesale stx-k intended for our new estab
lishment is here. Our premise, sold by tn some time ago, should have been va
cated before January 1. We are expected to vacate upon two days' notice. Rail
road companies who have been very lenient now
insist upon the immediate unloading iff nil cars.
It is nn acute situation, requiring immrdiatr
and drastic action. We must and will find
home fur these pianos forthwith.
No sane man would undertake to sell them
within three weeks at regular retail price. It
could not be dune, It would be a ridiculous
waste of effort and money.
Only the most unprecedented reduction in
price will dispose of so large u number of pianos
quickly. Price must be made so low and terms
of ownrrship so attractive, that each and every
caller finds it to his or her advantage to take a
piano immediately. Hence this offer. We are
making inducements that are simply unprece
dented. The making of profit is simply out of
the question. We are going to make four hun
dred loyal and enthusiastic friends, however, and
we are going to try to secure some definite and
valuable statistics, nt the same time.
A modern piano business must be well ad
vertised. Not only must it offer the best in
musical instrument manufacture upon most ad
vantageous terms of purchase, but it must make
itself known. A piano, a good piano of Filers
Piano House, lasts a life time. A new buyer
must be found every hour of the day, and par
ticularly in this growing West is it necessary
for it business such as high-class piano selling to
keep itself constantly before the public.
In disposing of this wholesale stock wc see an opportunity to find out defi
nitely ns to which method of advertising is most effective, such as the use of
newspaper space, circulars, personal letters or weekly or periodical publications'.
For this reason wc publish an advertising test certificate. It calls for $.?0.00.
It is good for so much actual cash. It will be accepted by us as the first pay
ment for any piano in this sale. Select your piano now, present your certificate,
arrange for payment of balance ns best suits your convenience, and the piano is
yours. Hut even this is not all of the inducements we now have to offer. If you
choose to make a further payment when you
select your piano, wc pay n premium of $1 for
irm every dollar up to the amount of the certificate
sllf! t'l:,t 'ou '1lv ,,s ,lt l'le ,'n,c vou Sl''l'ct .V,)lir in
strument. We publish below the certificate a
bj'J schedule showing exactly what these certificates
will amount to.
Hear in mind that the. piano prices are rc-
"ItifaPlA If A VW' 1 (Ill(:ci1 t0 ,es t,,an wholesale.
8 W-!3UP I lf$fcf f t n,r m!,lJ th:lt ,u'Cl1 make no cash
ll t" fla ifrV'fM.RI M I i I.....-: :r.
i,i) mint min i t iittii ,tii iiuvi i Usui; list it lllll-
catc when you select your piano.
Hear in mind that the balance remaining
unpaid can be settled in monthly payments of
$12, $10, $8, yes, even $6.
Wjirtp Bolters
nn first pnyuicnt on a piano at Warehouse Sale Prices
If proacntoil on or before January 19, 1910.
Kntorprlnc. 353 Washington St., Portland, Ore.
HrliiK thin AdvcrtlnltiK Tost Certlflente with you golect any plntio In
our Btoek. Wo will necopt this cortlllento nn first payment on the piano
You niako your next payment one month Inter.
$2.00 FOR $1.00
Should you desire to pay nny cash, In addition to this certificate, we
will kIvo you a receipt for $2 for every dollar you pay up to $30.
Preisnt thin Certificate and get a receipt for $30.00
Present thla Certificate and pay $5 in cash and get a receipt for $40.00
Present this Certificate and pay $10 in cash and get a receipt fop. ..$50.00
Present this Certificate and pay $15 In cash and get a receipt for. . .$60.00
Present this Certificate and pay $20 In cash and get a receipt for. . .$70.00
Present this Certificate and pay $25 In cash and get a receipt for. . .$8o!oo
Present this Certificate and pay $30 in cash and get a receipt fop. . .$90.00
Several very choice brand new warranted makes of pianos will be sold during
this sale for $ .25 a week. Still others will go at $1.50 a week, or pay $5.00 or $6.00
monthly, if you prefer.
All instruments in this sale are plainly marked at reduced lowest cash cost. Those
buying on time" will secure the same rath prices, but will pay simple interest on defer
red payments. Hear in mind that these pianos are the latest, choicest, brand new, espe
cially selected instruments from the foremost greatest and most trustworthy American
piano makers. '
Fvery instrument in this sale is unconditionally Warranted in every respect.
In this sale is included even the Chiciering (except 1910 models "H," "W" and
"V"), and the now famous Kimball and the Hobart M. Cable; Philadelphia's fine
i piano, the Lester; the magnificent Hallet &
Davis; the Smith tc Barnes; our own make, the
Filers Orchestra and New York's most costly
and most superb art piano, the magnificent
Weber, together with dozens of well-known and
thoroughly desirable makes.
No more beautiful pianos have ever been
received in Portland, no greater assortment has
ever been shown at; any one time anywhere than
we present.
We want the least possible delay and we
want thereby to secure 400 additional enthu
siastic and loyal friends for Eilers Piano House.
For $I4S you will secure pianos which have
never been sold less than $215 heretofore. $167,
$172 and $198 will secure such grades as are
never to be obtained elsewhere for less than
$250 and $300.
Ask particularly to see some magnificent
$400 styles now $274, and the plainer cases,
same make, $255. $8 a month buys them,
while the less expensive styles go at $6 and
$5 a month.
Sale prices on. the very fanciest of $450 and
o00 styles are now $208, $307 and $32S.
Terms as best suits your convenience.
In this sale are included a lot of player
pianos that have come to us in part payment for
the genuine Pianola pianos. We want these
player pianos out of the way for we need the
room they occupy. We will sell a number of Knabe Angelus, Apollo pianos, Kings-"
bury Inside player pianos and others too numerous to mention, at less than one-half of
what other dealers ask for these same makes when new.
And bear in mind, we guarantee quality, and we guarantee price. We agree
distinctly to refund all money paid il purchase after delivery is not found exactly as
represented and in every way satisfactory.
Store open day and night until sale closes. We have no time to lose.
Again we repeat, no cash apyment is necessary; cut out the coupon, which will
be taken at its face value as the first payment
Remember, the sale is now in force. If you
have no piano, come at once. We have been able
in the past to present many a money -saving op
portunity to the piano buyer, never heretofore has
a combination" of circumstances made possible so
liberal a proposition as this is, and we are sure
such an opportunity will never be presented
again. Our experts are at the service of those who I
wish to order by mail. We make most careful
and painstaking selections and we ship instru
ments subject to examination and trial. All
money that may have been paid to bo refunded
if upon receipt of instrument it is not found in
every way satisfactory. Eilers Piano House re
tail" sales rooms, 353 Washington, at Park St.,
Portland, Oregon.
Always uniform our
best productsold In 1 lb.,
2 lb., 2J lb. and 5 lb. cans.
Your (rrocer will grind It
better if ground at home not
too fine.
emoraed In the waters of the Molalla
last week.
Services at M. E. Church.
Owing to the ahuence of the pan
tor at Cams, Rev. Creeay, there will
he no morning service at the Methc
dlat Episcopal Church, but the regu
lar evening service at 7:30 o'clock will
be held, the topic being, "Conscience."
All are invited to attend this service.
Officers of Rebekah Lodge Installed.
The officers of Kirk Rebekah Lodge.
No. 124, I. O. O. F., were Installed last
Tuesday evening. There was a large
attendance, and a supper was served
during the evening. A most enjoy
able time was had after the regular
business session was held.
The following offices were Instal
led: Noble Grand, Hessle Mack; aec
retary, Ida Knight; financial secre
tary, W. H. Lucke; treasurer, Cassle
Evans, R. S. N. O.. Grace Patch; L. 8.
N. G., Amanda Evans; warden, Laura
Shorlfl's office, are In love with your
mont beautiful calendar, "The Girl
and the Horse," and would appreci
ate your courtesy Indeed If you would
mall a few to our office. We like
horses, and love girls, and tho combi
nation Is too much for us.
Trusting to secure four or five, I
am, yours truly,
Deputy Sheriff.
The calendar Mr. Koeher Is dis
tributing to his patrons In entitled
"In Old Kentucky." and lko others
thnt. have been gotten out hero, Is a
handsome reproduction . of a cele
brated painting by Carl Knhlor.
Tho following are calendnra given
by other business men: "Devotion."
j ft. C. Davenport, the Jeweler, of this
I city; "At Close of Day," from a pnlnt-
lug by Edwin Lamasure, J. C. Pad
I dock, dnigirlHt; "Hunch of Violets,"
from painting hy Emlf Vernon, C. W.
Dainm, the photographer; 'Just A
Song," of Twilight," a beautiful pic
ture, the colors of which are rich
and life like, was gotten out for Wil
liam H. Lucke, one of the commission
merchants, and much regret there
were not enoiish of these to go
around. F. F. Hanna, one of the con
fectionery men of this city. Is also
distributing pretty calendars of two
styles, while J. J. gaiiilanesg found
that his supply of novel calendars,
ornamental plates, bearing the calen
dar and rosea, were far to short to
cover the demand. The Canhy Bank
t Trust Co., as usual. Is distributing
pretty calendars, "In the Shade of
the Old Apple Tree."
The Oregon City Enterprise will
handle a line of calendars for 1911,
some of the finest that have ever
been seen on the Pacific coast will be
among Its sample. A representative
from the Enterprise office will visit
this city shortly with these samples,
and those who have not already or
dered, would do well to wait until
that time, when they can select from
these samples.
Adolph Joehnke, of Astoria, was
home one day this week.
S. A. Hoover has aold hla place
and has moved hla family to Cali
fornia. The place was purchased by
Balr;" conductor, George Hoyt; Inside !r B'31. recently of California, also
uard, J. Sutherland; outside guard,
O. R. Mack.
Returns From California Trip.
Mrs. George Hoyt, who has been
visiting with relatives In San Fran
cisco and Loa Angeles, Cal., has re
turned to her home In this city, re
potting having had a most enjoyable
time. Other cities were visited by
Mrs. Hoyt before her return here.
Mr. Hoyt Bays that "baching Isn't
what It Is cracked up to be."
Successful Dancing Party Given. .
The dancing party given at the city
hall Saturday night by the Canby
band was a decided success. There
Mr. Black and family are now living
In Oregon City, but will move on the
place soon.
The Twilight Literary Society will
meet to-morrow night, January 15th.
A rousing meeting Is expected, as
the literary has not met since Christ
mas. Curtis Dodd is chairman of the
programme committee and George La
zelle will edit the "Record' so a
good time is assured.
Mrs. O. S. Martin Is visiting with
relatives at Clarkes.
George lazelle has returned from
Portland, where he was called as a
Wallace MeCord has recently pur
chased a gasoline wood sawing out-
was a large attendance, although the fit and Is doing a big business.
Invitation list was limited. The music Charlie Snooks has been spending
furnished by an orchestra composed a few days In Vancouver,
of members of the band, numbering; Mrs. Harlon Thompson was an Ore-
about 15, played the latest dancing se-
lections, and all report having had a
most enjoyable time. There were
several from Portland. Aurora, Bar
low and Macksburg attending. At 12
o'clock a lunch was served at M. P.
Sailor's Dancing was indulged in
until 2 o'clock A. M.
The band is arranging for another
dance to be given on Saturday night,
January 21, and it is probable that
nartlen will be given every two weeks
I. O. O. F. Install Officers.
At a regular meeting of the I. O.
gon City visitor one day last week.
Gus Wlnesett has been spending a
few days with friends in this neigh
borhood. Dr. Jenkins has opened a dentist
office in Oregon City along with Dr.
Marvin Fanlk Is attending the Twi
light High School.
A movement is on foot to organize
a Woman's Christian Temperance
union in tnis neighborhood.
The male population of Twilight
called on the County Court one day
last week. The object was to change
n. P on FHdav nleht the followlne I the road district so as to benefit the
officers were Installed for the ensu-1 PP'e In the south part of our neigh
ing term by District Deputy Grand : oornooa. After much argument Twi-
Master H. H. Eccles: J. L. Ecker-
son. past grand; O. R. Mack, noble
grand; Joseph E. Sutherland, vice
grand; H. H. Ecles, secretary: W. H.
Balr, treasurer; H. A. Dedman, R. S.
N. G.; John Zeek. L. S. N. G.: T. B.
light won the score.
Trembath Candidate for Chief.
Thomas Trembath, a member of
Columbia Hook & Ladder Company,
No. 1, will be the choice of hla corn-
Hamilton. R. S. V. O.: J. B. Wilson, l pany for tne posjtion of chlef of tne
L. S. V. G.; Ray Vlnyard. conductor: Oregon City fire department The
W. H. Lucke. Inside guardian; A. H., election will be held Monday March
Knight, outside guardian. 1 7. The nomination of Mr. Trembath
The spread that O. R. Mack and J. i wm probably be made at the next
Lee Eckerson placed before 1 their i meeting of the company No other
brothers would make any of the wives ! candidates have thus been annonnc
envlous. and it is probable that here-iei n,, preSent chief Is James Glea
after these men will have to assist ;son 0 tne Green Point Hose Com-
ineir wives in xne culinary uepan
ment of their homes, as it has already
reached their ears whal excellent
cooks they are.
Business Men Get Out Handsome Cal
endars. The handsome calendars that have
been gotten out and distributed by
Clackamas Property Attached.
James A. Cook, a resident of Clack
amas, Friday entered BUlt through his
attorney, O. D. Eby. against the North
Coast Engraving Company, of Bell
Ingham. W. A. Garrett, and-J. F. Mc-
several of the business men of this i Chesney, also of Bellingham. for $1500.
city are eagerly sought foe by not j on a promissory note. An attachment
only people of this citv. but even in' 011 realestate at Clackamas which is
Oregon City and In Portland, have owned by one of the defendants, has
requests come. Andrew Kocher re
ceived the following letter from Port
land a few days ago from the Sher
iff's office, t which goes to show that
it pays to 'advertise: ;
Portland. Ore.. 12-2V09,
Mr. Andrew Kocher;' Canby Ore.
Dear Sir:
We, some of the deputies of the
been made.
A Medicine
That lives ten years must have merit.
Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey has been
sold for sixteen years, and sales have
Increased every year. So you run no
risk. We guarantee It. For sale by
Jones Drug Co.
Careful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
- .
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 1121, Residence IS33 525 Main Street
A Splendid Overall
for every use.
Cut generous
ly full. Two
hip pocketa.
Felled seams.
Snfrncisa Catfmia