Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 14, 1910, Image 2

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-r i .a in.i it ' ,'
W. J. Van
I ' '
Mr. Brobst went to Portland Satur
Mr. Allison Baker was a Portland
visitor Saturday last.
-John But son went to Portland Fri
day, on business.
Mrs. Sumner has been visiting her
sister in Oregon City, and her daugh
ter, in Damascus, for a few days.
Mr. Boyse, of Corvallis, has gone
for his family, and will soon occupy
his new home In Apple Dale.
Mr. Kruse, who has been 111 with
typhoid fever. Is under the care of
Dr. Ireland, who reports this patient
as doing as well as can be expected.
Sir. and Mrs. France, of Portland,
having been visiting at the home of
their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bak
er, and Mr. and Mrs. Allison Baker,
for a few days.
- John Butson is still selling land,
despite the frosty weather, having
made a sale of 105 acres on Satur
day. Mrs. Peterson and her two child
ren, have been visiting their Baker
relatives for a short time.
Mrs. Henry Schwartzes mother was j
buried on Friday, in the German cem-!
etery at Stafford. The sympathy of
the community goes out to the be
reaved relatives.
. As we prophesied in last week's is- j
sue of the "Enterprise," the Wilson-j
vtlle Basket Ball team is being heard
from In lusty shouts of triumph. On 1
Thursday evening the team played
at Woodburn and our boys came off
victorious In a closely contested game
of 26 to 24 points In their favor. The j
following well-known members of the '
home team led our boys to victory: )
Charles Ridder and Mr. Darby, for-1
wards: Andy Hasselbrink, center;
George Stangle and Mr. Mai lory, !
guards. Our local team deserves es-;
pedal credit as the members organ- j
Ized only a short time ago, but Wil-
sonville boys are not destined to
take a place In the rear ranks. Try;
It again boys! Hurrah for our side!
The M. B. A. lodge held its instal-:
latlon service In the hail on Satur-
day evening, January 8th, at which j
time the following officers were in-;
stalled: H. L. Hasselbrink. president; j
A. Rothenburg, vice-president; Chas. ;
Wagner, secretary; Charles Biggs,!
treasurer; Henry Aden', chaplain; Dr.;
Ireland, lodge physician; Henry
Beckman, conductor; Frank Stangle, :
sentry. After the ceremony of in-1
stallation the members adjourned to j
the hotel where a sumptuous repast j
awaited them. About fifty members .
were in attendance, and the occasion
was one of the most delightful one ;
ever given by the lodge. I
Large posters are out announcing
a basketball and basket social at Wil-j
sonville, on Saturday evening, Janu-!
ary 15th, in the M. B. A. hall, at which j
time the home team will play the
Hubbard team. After the game a
basket social will be held, the pro
ceeds going for the benefit of the
Wllsonville basket ball team. Admis
sion the game Is free, but It Is to be
hoped that every mother, wife, Bister
or sweet heart, who Is Interested In
, good, clean sports, for young men,
will bring a basket or send a cake for
sale, or do something to help the boys
along, for they assuredly deserve the
encouragement of the whole com
munity. ELDORADO.
The farmers around here are all
anxiously waiting for good weather
to come so they can piow for spring
A. L. Jones took a herd of cattle to
Oregon City Monday.
. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Buclcner and
baby, Mr. and Mis. Ralph Howard
and baby and Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Painless Dentistry
' - .wr''-. J0tlt fI town prople
'' haw. thi-ir
f V ' Zbhi t-if"'w"f.ijt tin.
h'-d i n oio datf
. We will gut iw I jMt)
';, ;..22k gold or
4;croa (of $3.50
'f Moisr Crowm 5.00
, i Gold Filling 1.00
JjfLuim F.iiirgt 1.00
!: , ;jinl.yFiilinn 2.50
L j PIXel 5.00
K . -I1 P.
fll I l iimiinNiuilliiun D9T rilltl
n nm aiMum a nmrn Painleil EitrMion ,50
Palais" J-Utrviior trm wlieopiauw or bridge work
tioriurd. Oon.uJUtWi Flew, V'lO canoot ftt bitl
paltilrM work don anywliur... All work fullr auar-aJit-1.
Atodtoialf-trv ty.uiiuieat. iieat rnKboda.
Wise Dental Co.
Sines H0l'&: 1 A M. to I r. M. taaaan, a 1.
In Case of Accident
You thould hve a bottle of pure olJ
whiskey in the houc..
One you can rely upon.
That vou Know is ncht.
Such " one is C KL S NOBLE: for the
first time in 4f yean now sold direct to you.
botllrt, pacVrd in plain (MM
clurm Drtoaid to tn
railroad rxprra offic for
No danger of refilled bottles when you buy
from us.
No danger of some cheap worthless substi
tute being palmed oil on you.
We have been the distributers of this famous
brand, selling wholesale only, (or 44 years.
Pure old honest whiskey acd in wood.
Every bottle guaranteed.
EjuUoM lfo4 105-107 Sxood 5. PtW. Oraoa
Schuyvar Co, FwiUJ o.,
Howard spent Sunday with the Liter's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Howard.
John Helvy and Irene Smith made
a business trip to Oregon City Satur
Mr. Snodgrass has been hauling
wood during this cold weather.
Otis Morris from Shaffer's mill has
bought the Ward place.
Several from here are going to the
dance at Wilson's In I'nlon Hall Sat
urday night.
Mrs. Clyde Smith and baby spent
Monday with her sister In law, Mrs.
Norman Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jones are hav
ing friends from St. Johns visiting
with them.
Clyde Smith made a business trip
to Oregon City Monday.
Mr. Woodside, of Mulino, was haul
ing hay for Henry Setlzer last week.
Mr. ind Mrs. Spangler was in Ore
gon City, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J, Anderson was call
ed to their daughter's home Tuesday,
Mrs. Ernest Wallace,' on account of
the illness of their baby.
C. C. Smith has beea laid up with
a lame leg. caused from boils and
the baby of Mr. and Mrs. C. Smith
has been quite sick with a cold and
ear ache.
Several of the school children have
been laid up with a cold that they
haven't been able to attend school
this week.
Mr. Crawford is on the sick list
again this week.
There is a case of dlptheria in this
vicinity. It Is a child of Mrs. Smith's
on Roosevelt Street. Dr. Norrhi Is
in attendance.
Mr. Eriekson and Johnny are able
to be about again after their serious
illness of typhoid fever.
D. Brace's baby is quite ill with fev
er, and his house keeper, Mrs. Stuart,
has hod pneumonia, but Is able to
sit up again.
We are still having freezing weath
er. The ground Is covered with snow
and it Is cloudy.
Mr. StIIiwell is able to be out
again after his serious accident.
J. Mallat. of Mulino, was visiting
friends In this berg a few days last
L. H. Klrchem, of Logan, was the
euest of Mr. Hanson a few days last
Lou Pendleton has bought the prop
erty on Duane Street and a family
from near Meadowbrook has moved
Into the house,
Messrs C. B.. Hysom, Jr., and J.
Owens made a business trip to Sher
wood. Washington County Monad? and
returned Huesday.
Mrs. Jackson visited relatives at
E-;tacada and at Sprlngwater last
Messrs Walter Cane and George
Strong, of Kansas, who are visiting
Dan Glllett and family at Gladstone,
were visiting this vicinity Monday.
They expect to locate here.
Mr. Wourm3 and wife, of Moburley,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mautz
last Sunday.
John Darling writes from Califor
nia that they were In a runaway last
week while driving on the beach,
when Mrs. Darling got badly Injured.
The ladles of the mountain View
Sunday School are planning to make
a rag carpet for the church.
Mrs. Ratf-s. of Sellwood Is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Linn
this week.
Mrs. Shortage, who has been at
Marshfleld lately is coming home
this week.
Mr. Gerber has a brother here from
Manitoba, Canada, visiting him this
Came Near Choking to Death.
A little boy, the son of Chris. D.
Peterson, a well known resident of
the village of Jacksonville, Iowa, had
a sudden and violent attack of croup,
j Much thick stringy phlegm came un
; after giving Chamberlain's Cough
I Remedy. Mr. Peterson says: "I think
j he would have choked to death had
: we not given him this remedy." For
' sale by Huntley Bros. Co.
If this weather continues farmers
will soon be afield again.
Bert Rue and his sister. Clara, went
to Portland yesterday, where Rett It
att'-nrllng the Rehnke-Walker Puslness
college, and Miss Clara will visit
with relatives for a few days.
The hoes are about all fat In tMs
neighborhood, four of our neighbor
ing fanners had ..a hog killing time"
in the last two days.
Lat Sunday evening relntlves and
friends of our newly weds gathered
at the home of Mrs. A. J. Yoder to
welcome nor son. J. Wesley and bride
on their return from thotr honeymoon
trip. Thoiv wore nineteen of their
friends present and a imwt enjoy
able- evening was spent in conversa
tion. Instrumental music and Kinging.
The company departed at a late hour
with many congratulation and good
wishes for a long and happy mar
ried life.
It Is the writer's opinion that such
a welcome to a lady who has cast
her lot among us Is more in accord
with our Twentieth century clvlllra
Hon. than was the welcome given
them by some would be respectables,
on the following evening, when fin
nans, cow-bells, old saws, nnd dyna
mite were used to make the night .
hideous, the same being accompanied
by whoops and yells, that would hav
situ mod n band of wild iVmmanchos.
Unvls W. Williams. Jr., of llwaoo.
Wash., spent Sunday the guest of
Miss Mona King, on hU way to Se
attle to resume ms stumcs n me
l'nlversltv of Washington. Mr. w 111-1
lams was a graduate of the Portland,
Academy In 1!W and Is finishing a
four years course in engineering at the ,
l'nlversltv of Washington.
Miss U'lah Hiatt. of Portland, spent .
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. .1. w . man.
The Mt. Pleasant Civic Improve-
mont Club hold a very rsuccessful
meeting last Tuesday evening. Very I
encouraging reports were read by the i
different committees. The club has
made an excellent start for the new
year. "The Heart of a Hero" which
is to be given under the auspices of
the rlub will probably he given on
the 22nd of this month and promises
to be a decided success.
Mrs. A. K. King and Mrs. E. E.
Kellogg attended the funeral of Mrs.
Sarah Kelser at Needy last Sunday.
Mrs. Kelser died nt the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Andrew Brown nt 1203
East Taylor Street, Portland, last
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Williams, of
tlwaco. Wash., were visiting friends
here last Sunday.
Miss Marie Palmer, of Portland,
spent Sunday with her parents.
Mr. I. E. King, of Ihvaco. Wash..
Is home for an extended visit with
his family.
Mrs. R. H. Tabor has returned from
Hillsboro. where she spent the holi
days with her daughter, Mrs. U M.
Mrs. C. E. Myers has returned from
a visit with relatives in Salem.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Yancy. of Spo
kane. Wash., spent Tuesday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Tabor on their way
to California.
Charles Snook returned from Van
couver. Wash., Tuesday morning, after
a brief visit with his brother.
E. Verard Hlatt left Monday to re
sume his studies at the O. A. C.
Mrs. Arthur Warner entertained the
Pa-ha-Ie Bridge Club at her home last
Thursday afternoon. The next meet
ing of the club will be held nt Rose
Miss Metta Hlatt entertained the
Friday whist Club at her home Fri
day evening. Sixteen guests 'wm-e
present. Charles Holmes won the
prize. Dainty refreshments were
Julius Spease. George Hlgginboth-
am and Fred Wilcox has returned to
their school at Corvallis and Wm.
Stone to Salem.
Mr. and 'Mrs. D. H. Mosher and little
son, Kenneth have returned to their
home at Salem after speridlng the
holidays at Mrs. Mosher's parent.,
Hr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone.
Miss Lena Eager has gone to Port
land for a few days.
Mr Rlnehart. former pastor here
snent New Year's at A. O. Holllngs-
The boys here have been Indulg
ing in skating. The first time for
some of them.
D. R. Allen has been suffering from
a bad tooth ache. His face Is so
swollen he looks like any one but
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stone are here
and expect to spend some time with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stone.
The weather we are having of late
don't seem like the "old Oregon
W. S. Gorbett attended the tele
phone meeting at Molalla last Mon
day. C. Stromgreen was at the L'nlon
Mills with a load of wheat last week.
Alfred Berglund and Ernest VaHen,
who had been home spending their
vacation, have returned to Corvallis,
where they are attending school.
Some of Mr. and Mrs. Danlelson's
relatives were here visiting them laHt
Mark Hulbert, of El wood, was at
Colton on business one day last week.
Mr. Granlof and family are going
to leave for Washington this week.
Mr. Klnman, of Portland, was out
visiting at Mr. Willi's last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips were
visiting at the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Phillips, at Elwood last
L. S. Dlx purchased sorne hay from
W. S. Gorbett last week.
Alfred Wall left for Portland last
Several of the members of Division
14 attended the annual telephone
meeting at Beaver Creek last Mon
Mrs. H. Breeder, who had been vis
iting her sister, Mrs. J. Putz, at Col
ton, left for Portland Saturday, to
visit some relatives there.. She will
then go to Aberdeen, Washington, to
visit another sister, and then wllk
leaxe for her home In Canada.
Messrs. Bonncy, James and Hub
bard, were town visitors the first
of the week.
Dlx Brothers were busy butchering
one day last week.
Mrs. Gorbett, of Oregon City, was
out visiting friends and relatives last
you've yet
to learn the bodily
comfort it aives in
Mr the wettest weather
hARD fltfrV'Ct
4, 'VW'-
h x yv tv.
1 ML
V N h I
1 Y'
Mrs. Mullett, of Mulino. wn visit
ing her sister and hrothor-ln-lnw, Mr.
nnd Mrs. T. O. Plx.
T. O. Dlx was busy chopping grain
Inst Monday.
V. K. llotmoy is putting the flnlHh
Ing touches to the. Inside of tils res
Idenco, J. nnd H. Put: were nt Kstnonda
A pleasant parly was given nt the
Hooker home Saturday evening. Alt
present report a good time.
Port dimming' mill has stopped
work for a few days, owing to bad
We are- listening for wedding bolls
in our town, an.) wo believe not In
vain. t
Joe Thomas, .i Cnnhy, Is working
at Cumtnlng's null.
Rev. Marshai has gone to Suit
Francisco, whoi' his family will Join
his lit a short tune.
Samuel Wilson has sold his fnrin
ami will move to Portland.
V. Hohlnnder was In Oregon City
on business Saturday.
.loo Studemati, of Oregon City spent
Sunday with hi pnronts In this city.
Joe Injured his foot while working
Saturday, but II Is about recovered
Little Tonmiv Parry Is nblo to be
out again after an Illness of several
It. L. Holman Is hauling machinery
from Canby to be used In the pump
ing plant.
A. I 1-arklns Is fencing and other
wise Improving his property on Mu
lino avenue.
The sidewalks on south Main street
are sadly In need of repair.
Master Robbie Snodgrnss and sis
ters Inejt and Gladys, of Mulino at
tended Sunday school and visited
friends In town
Mr. Englo had a force of men nt
work on .Main street Monday.
It. H. Ball and Walter Gorbett was
In town Monday, looking over some
town lots.
J. W. Slnudlnger nnd family were
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Cnlahnu
M. J. Lee, of Canby, was In town
Tuesday. Mr. I.eo Informs us that
work will be resumed on the ranal
as soon as the weather will permit.
He also Informs us that meadowhrook
and Canby will have rallniad commu
nication by the Fourth of July.
Mr. DavlB was trying for several
days ti dam Woodcock Creek.
Sam Elmer has torn down his old
line fence and Is putting up wire
Mr. Fawvor Is clearing for Sum
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Srherruble oamo
back from Portland to butcher four
hogs and made a visit to their son,
W. II. Wcttlanfer went to town last
Otto Elmer left last Monday for high
Willie Marshall was working on
his place last week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Schlewee spent their
New Year with Mr. and Mrs. Ilaag.
Henry Kllensmlth went to town with
some hogs lasl week.
Mrs. O. Martin, of Twilght, was out
to visit her pan-nls, Mr. and Mrs.
Moxon. In Timber Grove
O.. Martin, of Twilght was nut Inst
Sunday and took his family home.
Rudolph Hnag nnd tho Grace boys
were out skating tho other Sunday
and broke through the Ice and they
went home with icecles on their
Mr. M&rqiiardt went to town on
Sam Elmer butchered a beef last
Hen Marshall was burning stumps.
Mr. Stout moved Into his new house.
Rev. Hepn preached in Clarkes Sun
day In fhe forenoon nnd Heaver
Creek In the afternoon.
John Marshall Is working for Sam
Elmer at present.
Mr. Wettlanfer has a sick horse. It
took sick the other day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilaag spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Scherruble.
Alex Scherruble bought a new set-
of hnrness the other week.
W. H. lioUemlller Is putting un
boards and barbed wire fence.
Mrs. Put;: and her sister, Lizzie
visited Mrs. Schlewee last week.
Ed H't'm;in and Mr. Fawvor or
dered some powder to blow some
stumps last week.
Eczema, Ringworm,
Tetter, charged hands or Hps, bolls,
sores and all skin diseases are quick
ly cured by 'he uso of Dr. Ilell'a An
tiseptic Salve. 25c a box at Jones
Drug Co. a creamy snow white oint
ment. MARQUAM.
Our sctni'il Is progressing nicely
under the supervision of Miss Hews
and Miss K.i e Ridings.
A large rrowd attended the turkey
and chicken dinner at Scott's Mills
New Year' Day.
Mrs. Henry Dale Is In a Portland
Jack Join s and wife went to Port
land one day last week.
Miss Ani,a Ntlson returned last
week to her school near Estacada.
The new l.oard of Telephone Direc
tors met tin- 8th. They were on the
streets for several hours looking Im
portant, (imslderlng the different
propositions offered them.
J. P. Ml" r U to go to Woodburn
this week lo undergo an operation.
Home of our boys who have been
with the '. M. Swift Railroad sur
veying parly came home for a few
days rest, to commence again Mon
day. They are now 5 miles north
of Marnua n.
The pulpp. of the M. E. Church of
Marqiiain is supplied by Rev. Slock-
well till i,ne Is appointed to the
What Can We 8ay
More than If you are not satisfied af
ter using Sutherland's Eagle Eye
Salve we will refund ymr money. 2!ic
fit Jones Drug Co.
Hotel de Scramlln was the scene
of a most brilliant reception last Sun
day night. The great building was
magnificently decoruted, and was one
blaze of lights, resounding with music.
A small but select company was pres
ent. The occasion for tho festivity
was a visit from Mlsa Mamie Ogden,
of Portland.
Skating is still good on Lake Krax
berger. Joe Gibson, whet Is working for
coughs KING OF CURES golds
taj 1m haj mj j iaj aiir Xa lwaI tmliiil Wmt tai Urn
I had the most debllltntlng cough a mortal wan ever afflicted with, and my friends expected that
when I left my bed it would aurcly be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my ctiae incurable,
but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. Klnu'a New Discovery cured me so completely that I am
all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAPUER, Grovertown, Ind.
Phil Tucker, on the other side of
Aurora, spent Sunday nt homo.
t'al Wolfer Is working nt Hall,
Miss Mabel Seward spent Sunday nt
liiarlle Keesling received A pleas
ant visit Sunday from Ills cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. Repass, nf Portland.
Miss Katherlne Wlsslnger Is suf
f ring from a severe cold.
A tragedy was narrowly averted on
Uiko Krasbcrger. Sunday afternoon,
when two of our most accomplished
lady skaters, Miss Mario Bowers and
Miss Sotibla Mcrti broke tlmniL-h Dm
Ice. Miss Moris remained near tho
surface nnd whs rescued without intuit
rnw-iM nam
Elvs Cream Balm
8ure to Civ Satisfaction.
It rlMruvw, annt hr, h"l and pnHerta th
diMaatnl tiiriiilirana rmultlng fmm (Sitnrrli
and driraa a war a Cold iu th lliwl quirk Ir.
Itoalorm the HrtioM of Taut and Hnii'fl.
Kaay to Un. C'ullUitia no Itljllri.'Ua drugs
Appliml into th nlril and abaorbad.
Lirga Hii, SO rent at Pru'gUta or by
mall. Liquid Crnuu Jlalm fur ujhi in
atinUiera, 7f) coiila.
EIT BROTHERS, 18 Wirr.n SI.. Niw York.
any carbon filament lamp.
than the
can be used in
Portland Railway Light
& Power Company
dlftU'ulty by Fred Mori and Ivld
Harms. Miss llowora wont to the
bottom, like a ntntio nud would btivo
boon drowned to n certainty, had
not Dlo Harms dived after her In the
most hcroli-o iiianuor and brought Iter
to shore. Neither of the girl fell
any ill envoi from tbolr Icy bnlh,
by Mr. Harms lost oho of his skniea.
deep where tho accident occurred.
Million of Bottle
of Mr. Hell's Pine Tnr Honey used an
nually Is good evidence that It ,1 a
giol remedy for l-iilirlpt1". rough.
Colds, and all throat and broiiiiilul
troubles. IHik for tho Hell on tho
ltottlo. Sold by Jones Drug Co, '
Although tho recent cold weather
ha boon pretty hard n fall grain
It U ald that It Is not greatly In
jured. I
Several have lost all or part of I
their potato crop by tho cold nnp
that hn Just pnsHed. Homo have
their pntntocN yet to dig. a they did'
not got It done Inst fall.
January came cold nnd bleak, o
It I hoped that It will end Jnnt the
Pupil propnro lo entertain v'our
music teacher nnd brldo a ho hnt
E. P. Elliott & Company
All kinds of
Stratton Uldic. Oregon City. Ore.
doomed "it necessary til become it
Mrs. J. II. L)iilnn returned homo
from King Valley lust Halurday,
where she wont to attend tho nick
hctt of her shier, who died January
Mb, Mr Vaniiictor bad boon a chrln
I Ian sliiro ISMi and will bo greatly
tnlssi'il In her community, n alio was
a great chinch worker. She leave
u hunband and seven children to
mourn tier departure, Three glrln
and two bo)' have already proceeded
her to tho great beyond
If yni hove catarrh, don't fool your
self Into the belief Hint I a hnrtnlo
At least one half of tho coukiiiiip
llon In Iho world can bo traced lo ca
tarrh. Hero am nmm of tho symptom of
ealunli: If you have any of thoin got
lid of them while thorn I yet time:
I your throat rawT
Jhl you lleeo often?
I your brenlb foul?
Aro your eyo watery?
Do you lake cold enally?
I your no stopped up?
I hi you bnvu to spit often?
o rmta fortu In your tmno?
Imi you blow your 1100 a great deal?
Aro you liming your etio of mol?
I too your tuoiiih la(o bad morn
ing? Do you hnvo (o clear your throat oil
Do you have a discharge from tho
Doc miirou drop In back of tho
Ilvoinel I guaranteed to euro ca
tarrh, ore throat, rough, cold croup
and broiichltl or motley back. Jut
broalho It In. Complctn 0111 tit, includ
ing bard rubber Inhaler. II 00. ICilra
bottle CO cent, leading draguM
oaorywhora sell llyomvl. ' Huntley
limn t'n. guarantee It.
Drop a postal for our froo book,
HiMith Kamou People. IIihiiIi' llyo
niol Co,, lluffalo, N. V, '
dc:il-Jn II.