OREGON CITY ENTE11PKISE,FIUI)AY, JANUARY 7, 1910. .tV'i - -.l A fcotiU of GENUINE' M -JMJ l. CYRUS NOBLE direct to ywi I J H u rf PW to th nr. ' J7' Nyv. H "VI fnm the hen known, strictly HoIculc house in the Northwest. r.tiblihrd in rVirtltnt tn 1 V4 4 fMH GfcJSUlNE CYRUS NOBUt $4.90. A purr oW honest whiskey bottled the distiller. Gutrmottd to tht L'nited iwiiw Government, nd to you, to contain DOthini xorptintf pure strihi wbtskey. Muy ot the rmilroAds use Cyrus INoWe almost exclusively So do the bi steamship companies. So docs nearly every 64 metropolitan boteL Because it's pure. Because it's aaed ia wood. Because it has thai solu delicate, palatable flavor of the ripened Arain, often aaeacioncd but rarely found. V. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. EtfiUuhrd 1864 105-107 Snood Stmt. PortUnA Carte Ctft At TNtt UNI AN Q IUW TO-OAT mhmmmbmmmmmmm Cm 0i i. W. J. Vu Schuyler A Co, Fwtka. 0r . EkWJ pW tod M.90 hr plam ad at GENUINE CYKUS NOBLE. i by carat. prapd, four quarts l O.A4. NEWS OP THE COUNTY STAFFORD. The cold weather still continues, mercury going down to IS degrees above on Sunday night We "are sorry to hear that Mrs. Leesman. of Willamette, formerly of Prog Pond, where she has many warm friends, and in Stafford also, has con tracted pneumonia. She has been ill for some time with the typhoid fe ver which has been so prevalent in Willamette, but we hope to hear of her complete recovery soon. Wm. Schatx and sons are making quite a clearing on the side hill, also Mr. Nussbaum and Adolph Delkax, and their log fires at night make one think of old times when we boys used to delight in roasting ears, and pop corn by just such fires. We hear that the fever still clings to Ernest Kruse, but hope to hear there is a turn for the better soon. Mrs. Athy, widow of Ben Athy, who was a pioneer in this part of the country, is having a serious siege with an attack of pneumonia. J. Q. Gage and family came to spend the holidays at the old home and one of his little boys, eight years old, was taken sick on Tuesday, and it was feared he had typhoid fever, but he is slowly recovering, and the fever seems to have left him Mr. Wlilstrand bought the T. H. Donaldson place near the Sampson sohoolhous mill moved tlu'rvoti some time In October. Charles Olson has sold his farm to a Mr. Rowland, from Wisconsin, who took possession last Wednesday. MT. Kowhoiiso brought a carload of horses and cows, and Implements with him from the Undgvr- State. The farm contains SO acres. Consid eration, Jlitl'O. EAST CLACKAMAS. Mrs. 0. Uaberlach and her two daughters called on Mrs. M. Shearer Monday. Her sick boy Is Improving. A phone meeting was held at the school house Tuesday night, for tne purpose of incorporating divisions 0. 2 and 3. Mr. Dnywalt, a new comer, Is hav ing a " room house built, which makes an Improvement to our community, M. Sherer was much surprised when his cousin from Illinois came tn fn a visit, as ho hatln t seen him tor over :i0 years. llv tho wav. we see that U. Halier- lach has named his farm "Zlg. Zag Farm." Mr. and Mrs tlort Wolgle, of IVrt land spent a few days with the latter s mother, Mrs. Mundhenke. Mrs. lUttenhouse, of Varkplace. and her daughter, of California, spent Friday with Katie Clark. A surprise watch party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John llennett was enjoyed by the old folks, as well the young, when the time was spent in dancing and card plnylng. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maberlach spent New Year's In Portland, with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Mills. MEADOW BROOK, The basketball boys are getting good practice In playing this pleasing game, by taking opposite sides, and win soon be prepared to do up all their opposing forces. Mr. Kruse. who resides near our village, has been quite ill with ty phoid fever, contracted while visiting in our neighboring town of Willam ette. The boarders at the WilsonviUe hotel are loud in their praises of the present management and were de lighted with the Christmas dinner served by Mr. and Mrs. Walters, on Christmas Day, Charles Rldder has been enjoying afternoon a pleasant vacation at Eagle Creek tor a rew days The local school opened on Monday as nsuai, after a vacation of one week. Doris Young and Raymond Seelv have returned to College at Corval- lls. Hog buyers hsve been numerous lately, but prices are soaring and our larmers are loath to part with their swine at present quotations Members of the M. B. A. Lodge are requested to be out in force on Sat urday eve., January 8th, as the of- MARQUAM. Cold weather still continues with east winds. The young people of Marquam met at the hall the evening of De cember 31st to watch the old year out and the new year In. They report having had a good time. Our school took on a change of instructors. Mr. Anderson, resigned, Miss Hughes, as principal, and Miss hate Riding, the primary grades. Guy C. .Larklns returned to his school at Dover Sunday. Miss Anna Asbo and Miss Bertha Miller returned to Oregon City, where they have been attending school. The Mutual Telephone Company's meeting was largely attended Mon day afternoon. Alfred Jack, more familiarly known as "Bud." was out with his family from Oregon City a few days last week, calling on relatives and friends, Jack Jones took Carl Anderson to Mount Angel Monday afternoon. It Is whispered around that there s to be a wedding in the near future. Miss Ruth Green and Nora Banh were callers on Echo Larklns Sunday MOUNTAIN ROAD. Freeilng weather continues and all the ponds are frozen over and skat ing parties are the order of the day. Mrs. August Koellermeier, of Ad vance, spent Friday with her daueh- ter-ln-law, Mrs. L. Koellermeier. J. Elsie and Fred Zimmerman made a trip to Portland last Monday wtm a load or furniture for Mr. Cof fee. John Kaiser, John Parker. Andv Hodge and Joe Elsie were Oregon fleers for the ensuing year will be In- ri,y visitor s Fridav stalled at that time. Supper will be . J.'l ven at John Park- Mr. Wisenberg-a children are .Icfc. j We all want to know what Andy has Vended I Md'.lfnmnm.ni? vomi. Yiari c.rw ; ..,. t,....ir..t jn. v. crowa attended and all pronounced it Louie Nemlc had a narrow escape ; done with those beautiful dolls he one day last week. He bad a new won at the raffle at Peter & Aden's watcn ior a unnstmas present, rne store. spring colt playfully turned and kick-1 Why don't you. give Charlie Rldder ed him. the blow landing square on , your-subscription for the Enterprise hVold vea his new watch. denUng it In and I for 1910? ,SL . ffc 7 ar stopping the works, and the a decided success.. Mr. Perlot fur. nlshed the music. At midnight a sumptuous supper was served of oys ters, cake and coffee. After danrlns- case could not be opened. He took it to a Jeweler, but we have not heard how badly it was crippled. However, all agree the watch saved the boy's life. Mr. Hartley, who was stricken with heart failure as he was helping a neighbor butcher hogs last Monday, had a great many old neighbors and friends from his old home in South Dakota, who were Bhocked by the supper was served by the popular host news of his sudden death, and all who were able attended the funeral at Tualatin and followed him to his last resting place. John Tledeman. who bad a severe cold last week, returned to his work at Mr. Gage's this week. At the present writing the days are beautiful, but pretty cool for Oregon, i and we enjoy tne cool weather about as mi,.!, bb Tava, anA Arlvrtno H nta i sent a portion of the North Pole down ef,r tAr ft. Ar1An V.- U-, 1 . I fcut J iciuiucu uuillC IU I ne wee Bill HI Carl Eisele and Warren McCormlck went to Portland Wednesday. jonn Kaiser Is hauling his hav from Mr. Peterson's place, which he pur chased at the sale a few weeks ago. A watcn party was given for the o d folks at the home of A. J. Hodge. The evening was enjoyably spent in play ing earns. At midnight a dainty re past was served of cake, coffee, sand wiches, nuts and candy. Ired Baker spent his vacation with his sisters. Mrs. E. Kruse and Mrs. U Koellermeier. Deward Hodge and Ora Eisele went to Canby on Friday afternoon. A. J. Hodge was the lucky man In getting the set of silver salad forks ting out furniture and household goods for the new homes in Apple uaie. Mr. Sumner's neat little bungalow on the corner. Is now completed, and the family has moved in. The masquerade ball, on New Year's eve., was largely attended, and was a very enjoyable occasion. A splendid and hostess at the hotel, and the boom- lng of cannon at twelve o'clock gave the Old Year a fond farewell and ush ered in the New Year with good wishes and loving greetings to all. CLACKAMAS. The merry peal of bells, the heavy on raffffle at Peters & Aden's, of Wll boom of cannon and lesser noises. wjnMiie. Another batch of new weather from headquarters this week. Miss ThelmA Rehson Is quite sick. Dr. Powell was called to see her Sun day afternoon and pronounced it stomach trouble. Mr. Allen and family, of Portland, are spending holidays visiting with Mr. Honacre and family. Mr. Allen Is writing tiro InMiiauc and was giv ing Mr. Schafer u few pointers. From late reports as to the Swift It. R., If the story must ho told. Mo lalla Is left out lit the cold. The MeadowhrooK S. S. reorganis ed Sunday. Mr James llecUert was chosen superintendent. II. S. Romsley ha Jut closed a deal with the Canby Canal Company, sell ing them a tract of land presumably to he used for depot grounds for the Cttiihy-Mcudowtiroek & Molalln Rail road. Charles Hall, laving sold his ranch, the llrook farm, luis moved his family to F.lyvlllo, where they will reside for the present. Mr. Dolman was tiansactlng busi ness with the W.vill'urn people Sat unlay. Our real estate men report nothing doing in their line for the last few-weeks. MACKSOURQ. Skating Is fine on Uike Kraxburger. Joe Glhson hus gone to work for run Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. (lowers entertained a jolly house-party New Year's day. Fred and Bert Wallace visited old friends In Macksburg Sunday. A number of voting bloods of Can by came to MacVstmrg Sunday night, attracted by the tin.- skating and the pretty girls. Come again boys. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace, visited the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ernest KIAr, Sunday. School started again last Monday In Mackshurg and Ume Elder. The Oak Grove district Is to have ono more week's vacation. Jess Hepler smut Sunday with his father. Miss Hulda Kratherber. who has been In Portland for several months, Is at home again. Wanted, bad. three doien pairs of ladles' skatea. A Jolly crowd watched the old year out and the new year In. under the hospitable roof of Mr. John Harms. Mrs. J. J. Gibson Is enjoying a vis- It from her mother. THE El DR. KING'S I W DBSCOVEIRY for COUGHS and COLDS AMD ALL THROAT and LUNGS DISEASES PRESENTS ptKWM - consuuPTion Two yean ago a ever cold settled on my luttgi and so completely prostrated ma ht I wai unablo to work and scarcely able to stand. 1 thtn waa advised to try Dr. Kln'a New Dlacovory. and alter using one botUo I went back tq work, at well a 1 over was." W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Teno. PRICE 60c AND $1.00 .X SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY XL JONES DRUG CO. TEACHER COMES FROM MARQUAM Will Takt Position In Faculty Local High School. of Dr. Boll's AntiMptic Salvs Is good for anything for which a salve Is Indicated Such as pimples, black heads, sores, chaps, ulcers, sunburn and all skin affections. 25c at Jones Drug Co. NEW YEAR'S EVE IN ADVANCE. A merry crowd of young folks gath ered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koellermeier In Advance. Fri day night, to watch the arrival of the New Year. The evening was pleas antly spent In music and games. At late hour dainty refreshments were served, and at midnight, celebrated the arrival of the New Year in antiro- prlate style, and In the wee small hours, the guests departed, wishing each other a bright and happy new year. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. August Koellermeier. Mr. and Mrs. William Koellermeier. Mr. and Mrs. Koellermelt'r, Fred Baker. Roy Thompson, Victor Thompson, Con stance Thompsua. Polly Koellermeier, Jlary Koellermeier, Iiuls Toedtef- meler, Henry Koellermeier, Peter Wilson. John Dickson and Walter Luke. Carl P. Anderson, for the last two years principal of the Marquam schools, has been elected to a posi tion as Instructor In the Oregon City high schools. Hn will arrive here witnm a day or two. Mr. Anderson Is well known anions the educators or t lackamas County. Tho position to which he has been elected was created last month to relieve the ex isting conditions In the hlsh school where there are three teachers. The tinmen of routine work upon City Superintendent Tooie has been so great that the Board of Directors con cluded to engage an additional high scnooi learner. BUILD MILES OF WALKS. i education before It was finished. ! I.011U Funk, Fred (lerlier, Mahala A. Mount PlMiant Improvtmsnt Club GUI. W. I', Klrehem, Mrs. Funk. V. V. Mks Flnt Rtcord. Wilson and other took part In thn The Mount Pleasant Civic Improve- discussion and all went of tho opln mem Club held Its first meeting of Ion that loo many studies are crowded the year Tuesday night, with a large on the rural common schools, immher nf people In attendance. The W. I. Klrehem was selected as (Ire Msrry Christmas for Mr. Pussy. The employes of the Hawlry Pulp & Paper Company presented the su perintendent, George E. Pusey. with a handsome roll-top desk, fixtures and chair, as a Christmas and New Year's gin, as a token of high esteem. Mr I'usey was taken completely by sur prise, ana 10 say that he appreciates the kindness and thoughtfulness of me men does not express IL Helping the School Census. Peter Bach, with his wlfo and 10 hlldren, have arrived In Oregon City to make their home. They have start- 1 housekeeping. They Come from Easton, Maryland, and Mr. Bach was attracted here through correspondence with the publicity department of the Oregon City Commercial Club, whoso ork Is bearing new fruit dally. A New Organ $46 Delivered to Any Rail, rood Station or Boot Landing in Oregon Nasal Catarrh quickly yisM. to tru eat by tho srooohls, aromotic Kly'i Orewn Balm. It is roroivod through tbt nostrils and clrooM ami heals tho whol surface oror which it diSur itaelf. Brag gists sell tht 50e. silt. Tost it sad vou are sore to eontiuut tho treottntnt till ro. litved. Announcement. To acoommoiUto thuoo who ar partial to Um nso of atomism ia applying liquid into tho nasal pMog fur catarrhal treu Um, th proprietor pronar Crown Bslm in liquid form, which will V known m Kir's liquid Cnm Balm. Priro Im-luding th spraying tub is 75 eenU. DmgginU or by mail. Tho liquid ton embodies th mod. leinal properties of th solid prntion. sidewalk committee reported a total of 4000 feet of sidewalk Just complet ed, and the Club authorlied thn com-1 mlttee to have a much more con structed. Throe miles of sidewalk has been laid during the last year Insurance agent In place of V. P. Wilson, resigned. A strong resolution was passed against the proposed assembly con vention and constitutions! conven tion a being promised by enemies THROAT MISERY. and the club expect to tmlld three of th Initiative and referendum and miles more during 1910. The cost of direct nrlmarles. suiewaiK construction last year was more than $700. The entertainment committee reported the recent enter tainment a flnanrlal success. The club will produce "The Heart of a Hero," a drama, 00 January 15, for the benoflt of the sidewalk fund. Rtad How a Boston Msn Got Rid of Chronic Throat Dlitat. Millions of Bottles of Dr. Bell's I'lne-Tar-lloney used an nually is good evidence that It I a good remedy fur tAtirlpp. roughs. had tried hundred of other thing luiiis, ami an tnroai am bronchi that nronle or dorlor would mmm "Hyonml did me a world of good when I had chronic laryngitis; In fact effected a cure after all the best spe cialist bad given up as a bad Job. I tried llyonnd the same as I troubles. !Kk for the Hell on the llottlo. Sold hy June Drug Co. HARDINQ GRANGE. The New Year's day meeting of Harding Grange was well attended. about 50 members being present. The new offlcer were Installed by Past Master O. D. Robblnt, assisted by Mrs. Fred Klrehem. The sister pro vided an ample supply of good things for the dinner and on two of the long dining tables to seat the assem bled Grangers. Mrs. Ij. L Klrehem. the lecturer. had provided a programme, mostly recitations and reading, by the little folks, and there was a discussion on mend. They all fallod except llvomel and thl effected a cure thst ha been lasting. All my trouble happened 13 years ago and I had ought to be ashamed not to have written you be fore. At first I waited to sen If the cure wa permanent or not. and when you realise that for five winters be fore used llyomel that I could not speak above a whisper and sometimes not all you can Judge why I walled with a good deal of anxiety for time to tell If I wa really cured or not." K. A. IJiotsey, US Houth Street, Bos ton, Ma.. April I. 1909. Breathe llyomel in through the In haler that come with a II 00 outfit, and this highly healing and amende vaporised air will pronip0yr"-" industrial education, which widened ami iu.rmiintlv oi,r rnr,h .r. out to cover nearly the whole field of I ordinary diseases of tho nosn and bronchial tube. It gives great relief to consumptive. Sold by leading Dealer everywhere and In Oregon City by Huntley Bros. Co. Jan 7 SI Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A TTANTA the advent of the New here to prove they found It. There seems to be many Doubting Thom ases in the world. Mrs. Mays and bod, Amos, and little grandson, spent New aeYr's with her mother, Mrs. Sharp, of Frog Pond. WILSONVILLE. Skating has been one of the recre ations of the holidays for the youth of this place. Miss Helena Johnson gave a party at her home, last Saturday evening, which was greatly enjoyed by the in vited guests. The Home and School Club will meet next Friday atfernoon at the school building. The Teachers In stitute will be held at Clackamas on January 18. and preparations for an enjoyable time are in progress, Clackamas Grange, No. 298, held When You See the Bell On the bottle you have our guarantee tat you are getting the best cough and cold remedy. Dr. Boll's Pine-Tar Honey has millions of satisfied users Sold by Jones Drug Co. REDLAND. On December 29 numerous Rose buds met at the beautiful home of Mrs. W. H. Bonney. the rooms nf wnlch were tastefully decorated with ferns, Oregon Grape and cedar. After Jesse Lawrence spent New Year's Day with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Bethune returned ' nn W'atnABiliv fmm tholr- vQnatrm I MIbs Ellen Brobst returned to Ore-.the regular all-dav meeting Saturday, ,he ."V" wer! &-'Mel "1 the par on City Saturday to resume her January 1. Election nf officers toot '?r tne rtoora of the lnlng roo mwere school duties at that place. ! place, Mrs. Emma Jones taking the Some young people from Newberg : position of Master of the Grange. The attended the masquerade ball on New I Grange property hag been turned over Year's eve. to C. F. Street, but the order will hold Elmer Jones has been spending ; its meetings there. some time In Sherwood, with his mother, who is quite 111. Rev. Snyder, of Beaverton, preach ed an excellent sermon at Hood View church on Sunday morning last. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham attend ed the funeral of Mrs. Graham's mother, Mrs. Mteek.t, of Sherwood, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Young and Mr. McFarlane, agent for Trojan powder, is In town. Those who have used this powder claim It to be a su perior article. It will not explode only as lighted from the fuse, and Is therefore safer to handle than the or- dlnary kind, thrown open. Games were Indulged In, ye old fashioned games, and games or tonay, tne special feature of the evening being music bv the Swart orcnestra. After a sumptuous repast the nartv oroge up toward the sma hours of the morning, heartily thanking the nosiess tor her kind hospitality. Stomach Trouble Cured. If you have any trouble with your nev. j. u. jones went 10 uregon stomach you should take Chamber- uuy 1 uesuay evening 10 auena tne Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. itfiuiar wrcuiiK OI LUB mrijuip J. p. KInte nf TT1 1 n n Vfn aavo. t ... ...10. nunn ,uunK at urar Dimueiuuuu, nave used a great many different mod- New Year's dinner In Portland at the j This "cold snap" takes off the wood Iclnes for stomach trouble, but find uuuih ui aits, itoss raoiaer. aim uuine wno mougni mey nau a nig Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Miss Mary Brobst, our youngest I wood pile, are Bcurrylng around with Tablets more beneficial than any other musical star, has resumed ber studies , cross-cut saws, hunting up stray logs, remedy I ever used " in ruruHria suit spenmng a pleasant vacation U her home In WilsonviUe. Painless Dentistry bn lv tFi.-tr pit- ......... 1,,, ..atwo. lh- j I" cue da; "j W ,, ett t gy-j '.' S&'i or po-c.'vn Mcn,i,. $3.50 IVYolir Cro, 5.00 ''22k6njtT.th 3.50 ;.- JCold F.l.tfi 1.00 ' 'Eurr,s Fi.Cnjt 1.00 Came Near Choking to Death. A little boy, the son of Chris. D. Peterson, a well known resident of the village of Jacksonville, Iowa, had a sudden and violent attack of croup. Much thick stringy phlegm came up after giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. Peterson says: "I think he would have choked to death had we not given him this remedy." For :-;aie by Huntley Bros. Co. JOHN .W. THOMA8, DENTI8T. Molalla Mondays.- SMYRNA. b'lver lYIiw .50 2.50 Misses Nellie and Maude and R. E. Yoder returned from the Schwartz- Kobbina wedding near Redland last Sunday. Last Wednesday evening a host of the friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Widstrand gathered at '. 'nljy Fillinrt r.n. a D. . e nn . r 'let U.UU Jrfc.t itt Bub- CL W. . UM, ratamimtaioi Ixr PUIh '.Oil work guaranteed for is years meir nome to welcome them to our minst. The evening waB snent w th Wise Dental Co. tm.v)a Boilbiso iNcoeoTo IiuiS'uu.lln. PORTLAND, OREGON omcs aouu: a. m. u 1 1. u. un. music and singing and faking care of the good thlngB that the neighbors brought in well-filled baskets. R. E. Yoder and Fred Eyeman furnished the Instrumental music and the Wid- strana daughters sang. SLICKERS wear well and they keep you dry while you are wearing tnem $300 EVERYWHERE GUMANTEFD WATERPROOF. CAAIOS ffi AJ.Towep Co Tower Canaoam Co. umttu. tommto. Cm IK Here la a pl.-turo of ono of thn mom perfectly flnlsned orKunii now munufnc lured. It Is the Pacific CJue..n. made especially for Ellers risno Ifoune. Choice of faiH-jr walnut or seli-clm ouk canes. Fine, very larne beveleil plate mirror, perfctly flnlahed; an ornament to any rnanMl'in. Numerous n-w and valuahla I mnrnv.. ments are en.lodled In this orsjan, mak ing It at onre one of the bent and moat flurable organi manufactured In tho Lnlle.l Htat. ' riullt with rpeclal regard to Pacific Coant cllmatn. ' fteslilea tun regular rend tone, this Inntrumiint ulo has nnvoral oi-iavea of the regular ,:,,o effect, to be found In ,.w vine, lour". Great Special Offer To more thorouirhlv lntroiiir- it.u organ we are making mont esi-niitliiiial 111 ' . 1 ' " ami ii-riiis and will deliver 11 ali rl 1, .. 1 feet and full-.- B-iii,riini,.,.,i ,.r... . tiald to any lallroml station i,r 1,1,1.1 andlng In tin- atate of (irm, r,.r t,.: on payment of dWn , , month The fan.-ler Mylea, ,-,2, .-, same terms. Write ua today, as t ti la offer la positively limited. PORTLAND, OltKOOV Lara-eat, Leading and Moat Iteaponalble wcaiera uraiera. Btore at Beattle. BoUa, Walla Wall. Ban Kranclco. etc' Address Nearest Store. A NEW ELECTRIC LAMP MORE ECONOMICAL THAN any carbon filament lamp. CHEAPER and MORE STURDY than the TUNGSTEN can be used in KEY SOCKET Portland Railway Light & Power Company 147 SEVENTH STREET