Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1910)
: 5 OREGON' CITY ENTEKPKiSE I Tha Entarprlt It th only Claokamaa County 4 Hat your aubocrlptlon ox- plrtd? Look at tht labal. You ahould not mlta any of our nowa numbtra. v Ntwtpisir that print! all of th nowt of thlo .growing County. FORTY FOURTH YEAR NO, 1. OREGON CITY, OltEOON, Kit I DAY, JANUARY 7, 1910. ESTABLISHED 186 STOCK YARDS FIRST REPORT ?,23tl,000 PAID OUT DY YARDS IN FIRST THREE MONTHS OF BUSINESS. POTATOES LOOKING UP Southern Paclflo Company Qranli Re duction of Rntaa Portland to ba Oraat Cantar for Llvaatock In duttry tha Coming Ytar. ItccolpU at Hi" rortlnnil I'nlon Hlock Vara allien Hoptenthor 15th. at which Hum liiulneiw waa coinmeiicn, hnvo Imeti 2:1.0211 cattle. 3:.(I0 almep, IHX'N hogs, ami fiilit horaoni Tint ri'iuly auiHirt Riven by t!m live atock miner anil hlr of thn I'ucinc Northwest to tho market CKlublliilioil at Portland la an ovldoiicn of Hi" tat 11 Ity anil ime of auch an Itintltutloii a thn I'ortluiiit I'llliili Hlock VunlH. K tnlillnheil along open and competitive linen, thla healthy ynuiiK market will runtlinm to grow until It will take Ita plaen among thn big live atock rentera of thn I'nlied 8(ntea. The aelecllon of Portland a a live atock market renter waa mud" utter dim consider ation iy men whoae sums lu the in- nt ImliiHtry la a result of a life tlmn III the tiintluciia H in) thn people of llm Nortuweat am to lie congratulated that they have nt hand a place where tin y can II ml nt all lluiea n reudy snlo for the animal producta of their farina mid rnnrlii'ii. Thn niproxlinut vnlim of the 1,490 cam of live atock received I lire On, HI", k Yarda l"'an liualnemi has been $J.Mfi.inin nml there havn linen aevernl feiuurea worthy of liotn lu the short life of the market. One of theitu ha tmen the uniform MkIi value of gni cattle which hnvn hrotiKht price that hnit ieen hlKher than miirketa Kant. I'l'Mlnlld ban l"d the I'lilli'il Klutea In the mailer of Midi price for hog i and the almep market haa maintained a Mrh range. The aale of ChrlHtmua cuttle on liecenilier Mtti attracted a Kri-ni many visitor and thn prlcea oh lulimd for the premium rattle were ''iHiuial. The rnllroada have Rnmii-d u apeclal reduction of "5 per rent fur feeder cattle pnrchnnod nt the i'uttland I'nlon Hlock Yarda to h" fed and returned to thla market. Thla anpllea where thn regular ratn to t'.Ml ami over nml extenda to a ti mnce of 4.'.n milea. Thla la an lm (Htfiant roimlderallon. t.lvnntock ahlp pera from H. I. 8. polnta enn route vln I'ortland limteml of via Vancou ver aa herotoforn. Many fllelda of HilittiMa In illlTerent liurtn of the county urn found to ho froeu to nuch an extent aa to make-1 them mint for any kind of tine. Mar ket coudltloua are mora favoruldo now than nt any prtivloiia time thin non noli. While Ori-Kuli llurluinka lire ntlll quoted rather low with the market not very HtmiiK, huyern are offerlnK niinind lo for Carueta nml 7.'n- to Kite for Karly Hoan, Colorndo ahlppern aeem to liuvn tho liinlde track In thn Southern market center and atuff from that Mate mriieiy controia price with only a few cara of fancy Ori'Konn tlndlnir nn nutlet. Texan and Southern Callfor nln will draw on thla valley for tho uiiial amount of need pulntoea. Buyers After Hay. lH-nl deulera nr nmkltiK aonm ef run to nriiiK in from tlm Rrowera hauda nonie few Iota of cholco liny Clover and mixed hny, cheat and clover aeem to he nil that can he hud In the valley and that lu limited iinun til lea. OwIiik to tho fact that tho bent Kuntcrn Orciton Alfalfa enn he retailed hero for $20. tlm valley atuff rnnitot ho expected to niako nny mn' terltil ndvanro of thn prenent (junta tlunn. Poultry and Eaat. Continued cold weather during the hint month him caused tho okk aupply to nteudlly decrenno until tho Innt few weekn practically no fri'Hh are In tho market. Poultry on tlm other hand In liniklnir up nml ahlpmenta re cently hnvo boon fully up to tho nor mal for thin time of tlm your. Tho market In chnructerlied by n continu ed Amnion. OREGON CITY MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Wholennle huyliiK prlcea. Oregon City Commlnnlon Co. (irnln Wlient. $1.(10 tin: tint a 29 it f.' per ton; barley per ton; vetch need, 4n Ih; clover neid, prime red. 10c; nlnllin, fancy, i:i. liny bent clover (M per ton; client fit; timothy $17: tcniln hay J HI; al falfa, hi'IIIuk nt 122 per ton. Strnw funcy brlnlit. r..00. Soiling. flacka burlap, new 7ic; aocondn, fic. Twlno beat, IRn skein. Kmpty oil hnrrela (f $1.00. Bnuer Kraut $15 hnrrol, Mill feed llnin $29.00 mr ton; nhorln, country, $:I5.00; cltv, $.'11.00; mlildlliiKH, $111.00; rolled hurley $:il.00, chop $22.0(1; alfalfa nmnl $25; cracked corn $:ix.50. (Irnna aeod Timothy fl(ff7n lb. Ken tucky blucKrann 20c; orchard HlfflHo; red clover 15(frl.ric; ulnlko, 15c; Khr llnh Hy Ki'i'Hg 10c. Klour hoMt volley, $(l.f0 bbl; hard wheat , $7.25 hid; bent uruhnm; $7.00. Vegetablea and Frulta. Kronh H'rultH HuyliiK. Applea funcy rlpo, 75c$1.00 per box; crnhn, 4c 11). Pours Winter, 35p0irOo box. Prunen Itullun; Host dried 50 to f.O count, nt 3c per pound; Potlto, fancy, lVJc. Pumpklnn n0c00o cwt. Bnck veKotubloH, carrots, turnlpa, etc., fiOc. CnlilinRo $1.00. Potntooa, boat fancy OOffffiSe per cwt ordinary 40c; scod 15o bit; Early Rose 65 70c. (Continued on Pago 6.) THREE DISTRICTS 4 WILL BECREATED COUNTY COURT fO CURTAIL ROAO SUPERVISORS' TERRI TORY IN SOME PLACES. Thorn will b HO road district In Clnckniiiim County beforn February next, fur Hi" Ciniiiry Court will In all probability order tho UHluhllHlimnut of lliri'n new district cli i r I ii K III" Jim unry li'rm of roiirt. Olio of thoso new illHlrlcta will llii between Hnnily inn) ClHTryvlll", Inking a part of tho ter ritory of I ho Hnnily, Chorryvllln'nnd Hovitr districts. Tint Garfield district bImivii Kutiicuilii In believed to liu too IniK" mill will 1 1 cut In two nml a now illittrlrl will ho rroutcd 111 tho HiiiiiiyHliln country, between (iaiku mini iiiul , Dnmnncu. ThV changes will moan that there will lm three new romt Muprvlnora. 'I'll" appoint uii'iitit will not In' announced uuill next wurk. Tim County court met LWodnemlny nml had several acorn of mime uiiii'T conmuoruiion nut renen cd no decision. It Ih lioi likely that any very liiiMirtnnt cliiiiiK''H will lm mini", except for caiiNu. MUCH MONEY FOR 8CH00L8. Thouianda Will B Raited Thla Year For Education. Many thousand of dollar will he rnlu'd In (liickmiina County thla yenr for educational purpoNe. n XI achool dlMtrlrlH have ninde aperlnl tax lev. lea, the large! Ih'Iiik that of Oak drove, with 25 ml I In. Tim money do. rived from thla nource in addition to tin' funila npportloued from tin1 county and Ntnto with a Rvnorul tax and the Intercut upon the Irreitncllde hcIiihiI fund. The law provide that all dlHtrlrta having nil annual Income of 1hh than f'l'in niunt make a aeidnl tnx levy to bring their Inconm up to that amount, ami In ense of their fall, lire to provide a tnx levy, then ihe county court will net. AccnrdliiKly. It will he nereannry for the county court to mnke in levlea ua in dlntrlcta with an Income of os than $:W0 have failed to make (ax levlea. The mailer la a nmnll one and will mnke no appreciate Inrrcnan In the tnxe In themt 10 dlHtrlrta. JOHN GREEN MADE A FALL GUY BY MAYOR STREET COMMISSIONER HAS C000 LUCK FOR HIS LOYAL SUPPORT. NO Mayor Cnrll Wcdncnduy rlchi uindi whnt' In in.pulnrly known n .1 "fall Kiiy out of John (Ireeu, who liua lieen nireet commlnHioucr ever ndict the Mnyor wan flrnt elected to hH prenent IiIkIi ihihHIoii. All nk'tis 'I'llnted to the reupiMilntment of Mr. c,.-een, who hnn heeu a faithful wot!;'r In the iHtctor'n melon patch, but bin Honor Hldeti'iiped nil polltlcnl rn'en nnd nnnouuci'd tlm nppolntmont of Chnrlcn llubcock an Mr. (Jreen'a auccenaor. Thin In flreen'a reward for the hard work he pulled off In nupinirt ( f tlm Vnyor'n election for n third erm, nnd Di Cnrll'n unexpected action ban cc ri'Kloued much aurprlnn nnd no littlo comment, nhout tlm city ' Tin" other nppolntmcntg wero; City eiiKlneer. Henry Meldnitn; city proneculor, Uvy Stlpp; chief of po lice, Churlea 1C. Uurnn; nlrht police m ti, K. U Shnw nnd Hetirv Cooko. City Itecorder Olinlck wnn reelected by the council without npponlllon. CITY INDEBTEDNESS IS A TRIFLE LOWER ANNUAL REPORT OF RECORDER DIMICK SHOWS CONDITION OF FINANCES. The warant Indebtedness of Ore- gnu City Is $:!0,7i;o 05. nn shown by the ii mi mil report of City Itecorder Dlmlck, which wnn submitted to the council Wednesday night. Tho total bonded Indebtedness Is $l'!),295,t'4. Tho amount of thn outstanding road wnr rnnln Is $17,655.55, In the cetneterv fund $1227.68, In tho Water Street Improvement fund $10. The nmount of warrants outstanding In tho gener al fund Is a trill" loss than last yenr. In I !'u7 tho amount of warrants out standing was $24,950.62, and tho fol lowing year It leaped to $31,751. I-Jist year tlm amount was $30,780.10. Dur ing tlmiast year-there wan expended from the permanent street improve ment fund $5X75.34. In tho road fund the total nniounls of the warrants drawn was $5672.70. Special Election February 21, Thorn will bo a apeclal municipal election February 21 for tho purpose of voting on tho chuiier amendments which affects tho miinimr of Improve ment of slreots. Tho council last night decided to hold a special moot ing January 10 to go Into tho matter and will afterwards hnvo public meet ings In order to educate tho voters on tlm scope and meaning of tho amendments. Not -Impressed With Southern Oregon. Judgo Thomas F. Rynn. president of the Commercial Club, has returned from n trip to Jacksonville, whore he went to officiate nt tho ftinornl of Judgo Day, a past 'grand master of tho Indopendent Order of Odd Fel lows. Judgo Ilynn waa not Impressed with tho Southern Oregon country. He stntes the weather Is more severe there than In this section of the state. Judge Ryan also says that the growth of thla locality Is more marked than In any other, part of Oregon. STORES WILL CLOSE EARLY BUSINESS MEN AGREE TO SHUT FRONT DOORS AFTER SIX O'CLOCK. ALL LINES SATISFIED Saturday and Pay Nlghta Excepted Merchanta of Oregon City Take Step In Right . Direction. All of tho principal IniMlneaa lioua- ea of tho city will clout) their doom nt i o'clock I'. M., commencliiK January HI next. Tim early cIohIiik hour will apply ntrlctly, except on Huturdny nlKhta and whnt la known ua "pay, iukik". I lie wiiiumeiie ruip s ru per Company und tlm CrownColiim lila I'uln I'nper Compnny pay their employcit on thn 8th and 23d dnya of each month nml thn Ilnwley pulp & I'm per Compnny pay duya aro tho lot li nnd 2.'tli. It Ih the expectation of tlm huMlnenn men to try to Induce Mr. i lluwlcy to advance Mn dnto of pay- duva i)o ua to conform with the other id 1 1 In. Many of tlm bent known inerchnuta I of the rlly (tot their hendn toKidher Krldny iiflerniKin at the Commercial i inn rooniH anil tiiHctiHiu'd me attuu- lln. It mi I ly reachliiK un nKreement. Wllllnin AudreHeii, Frank Hunch and l'wellen Adauin were nppolnted a cominlltiii to hear any romplnlnta that nilKlit he n-Kliitered from time to time. It wnn apparently tho concennua of opinion that thn luiHlnena man ahould lie t'uiilili'd to nrruiiM" hla affnlra ao an to HHnd nomo of hin evenlnKH with hla family. CITIZENS WANT CARLINE. 8andy and Firwood Willing to Build Grade and Supply Tien. ' The Bandy Commercial Club nnd Klrwood I'UKh Club are maklUR un ef fort to Induce the I'ortlund Hallway. l.lKht ti Power Company to build a brunch from Ita Kniucnila llnu from HorliiK to theno Hilntn. Iletween llor Iuk and Bandy tb ilUlutice la nix iiillen and to Klrwimd la eUlit mllen. KlrwtHid renldeiita aro wIIIIhk to fur trtnh all the lien nnd Krndn thn right of way between llorhiK and Kiriod If tho company will provide and lay Ihe nteel, and the Sandy renldenta will help. i It Is urced that nn Sandy nnd Fir wmid nre dentlned to become centers In a ureal fmltKrowluK country In Urn near future It will pay tho com pany a liiindHoum revenue from tho ntart. Sandy ban a population of !I50 and tho Sandy Valley 1b being aettlcd lapldly. Klrwood. Just beyond, on tho Mount Hood road, In In the midst of the prospective fruit district, where inoo acres have recently been sold to fruit men. StiiRes nre now operated between llorltiK untl Sandy and In the vacation season ciiunot handle the traffic. OLD BOREAS WORKS WITH A CHISEL AND JANUARY GETS ITS NAME FROM JANUS, WHO CLAIMS TO HAVE REACHED THE NORTH POLE AS EARLY AS' 23 B. C. (Copyrighted 1909 by C. H. KU'th.) For January. John, John, the plper'a son. Stole n pig and away ho run. Hut where he had the time before Ileen hotly followed through the door And down the Btreet with chles of "Thief!" And In tho windup come to grief. Ho was amazed this time to hoar Them say, "There goes a financier!" At which the Sheriff by tho way Applauded where another dny He hud put after him, and men Who had with exclamations then Dashed after him. an angry crowd. Made way for him, and smiled nnd bowed With nil the homage rendered pelf, Till John Just had to pinch himself Ho reached tho cnlalMniso at lust. And when tho Jailer's daughter cast A dozen roses In his path And nsked him for his photograph, And nil tho thieves begun to shout Appeals to him to got them out, Suspicion hud become so strong That John knew there was something wrong. And so there wns. ns they with mirth Kxplalned to him: The njg was worth Two-bits a pound, and stealing it Was not mere thieving, hut a bit Of high finance, for which thero Is No H'!iulty. The pig was his, And not Ihe butcher's, like tho time When pork was aelllhg ut a dime. January gets lis name from Jnmis Ilifrons, n famous Roman explorer. Two-faced Janus, as bo Is known, claimed to have reached tho North Pole us early as 23 B. C, but ho could not Copenhagen with the wisdom of that leurned city, and they put tho don mark on him. March wus nt thnt time tho begin ning of thn year. The month wns named for the great war god of the Romans, bub Noma said that Inas much aa liars were first at the pole and everywhere else they might us well be first In the valondnr, too, and January was made tho first jnonth. Subsequently Caesar Increased the number of days In It from 29 to 31. Ho was to retire from the lmperator shlp the last of the month, and want ed to squeeze Ave pay days Into It. . , ; ; " V.."i ' "J: J, Philip J. Blnnott, who wus PfMilnted to Wmtt Polnr Mili tary Acndomy by 1'iiln-d Htat.-a Senator G-orK B- Charnlirliiln, left thla morning liy n;e:imer for Bun Franclnco where he will underKO tho entrance ex nmlnatlon. LEVY SAME AS BEFORE COUNTY COURT NOT EXPECTED TO ALTER FIGURES OF LAST YEAR. PLACED AT 14 MILLS Ownera of Oregon City Property Will Have 8 Mill City and 6", Mill School Tax to Pay In Addition. It la altogether likely that the tax levy for Clacknmaa County will bo 'fixed nt 14 mills, which l exactly the sumo aa lunl your. Tho County Court will not make any deflnluv statement at thla tlmn. and will not make the order for tho levy until today, but It In understood thnt no ehnngo will be made, from lnat vsnr'a figures. The result will p tha,, taxes will be about the auine. ao fur an the county tux Ih concerned, as the valuation la about $22,Ooo.nno. not materially dif fering from lnat year. In places where special taxes have been levied, i however, taxes will he nffocted to the, extent of the spoclnl tnx. Oak Grove, i for Instance, will have a levy of M mills for county and 25 mills for schools. Oregon City will have a special levy of mills for schools und 8 mills for city, making a total levy In this city of 28 mills. The levy Innt yenr was uportloued as fol lows; Stnt", o mills; school. 3 mills; county, 2 mills; road, 3 mills; bridges, 2 mills; county Indebtedness, 2 mills. The water wagon will resume ' With Carrie Nation Chanfflng And megaphones announcing room For anybody touting. The happy group will tool along With prohibition potter And now and then hit up a song Of loyalty to water. The wary publican, about to be re duced to squalor, will set a glass and bottle out and blow upon his caller. The which display nnd dulcet sound will set old ballads ringing, and on the second time around not many will be singing. At which the publican will send A wireless Tom nnd Jerry With earthenware hit end to end ' And whistle on a cherry. And when the cur comes round again Someone, the truth confiding To Carrie gently, will explain That no ono else is riding. The wolf will wear a groove around the poor man's habitation, and even prunes will go to twice their present valuation. The thrifty populace will sift tho ashes for 1.8 fuel, nnd the plutocrat will wear a piece of bacon for a Jewel. Tho wind will smite the house with its refrigerated drizzle, and Dorens will work around the windows with a chisel. The plumber will run In and out at 50 cents a minute, and the moving van will come around with seven bailiffs In It. It Is a cheerful time of year, there Is no doubt about It, aud Winter's such a hit with us wo could not do without It. The shaggy calf bucked In the stark with straw around his plumbing would bawl his heart out If he thought the gentle Spring were coming. He'd hnto to see the grass grow green and hear the birdies warble, or greet the passing tumblebug back pednllng his marble. Ho wouldn't give a whoop outdoors to gnmbol on the clover and dunce the raz-pa-taz until exhaustion bowls him over. He loves the way his ribs stick out and rattle in the blizzard, and dotes upon the piece of Ice he's using for a gizzard. The tempest and the paucity of sustenance delight him, and he dearly loves to wonder where the Arctic next will bite him. ::lJ DAIRIES ARE NOT PERFECT DEPUTY 8HR0CK MAKES CLOSE INSPECTION OF LOCAL CONDITIONS. MAKES REPORT PUBLIC Flnde Only Few Vlolationa of Pure Food Law and Moat of Theae Are Due to a Miaunder atanding. M. S. Bhrock, of Hubbard, deputy stale dairy commissioner for thla dis trict, has made an Inspection of the eight dairies that sell milk In Oregon City and on Tueaday morning he made an official announcement of the tests. Ho iiBes a score card, allowing 100 polnta aa a perfect dairy, 40 points of which goes on equipment and 60 points on method. In the latter class la embraced the real .test of the dairy, as cleanliness Is Included In the meth ods per centage. The following tab ular score waa given out by Mr. Shrock: Dairy Equip- Meth- Total ment, ods. Score U Hartke 17.5 28.3 45.8 J M. Warnock...l8.2 20.3 28 5 D. O. Leavens. ...11.5 21.6 33.1 Gun Engelbrecht..l5.0 13.9 28.9 Nuac parr 14.5 20.5 33.0 Chris Nuegll 21.2 31.7 52.9 Fred Herzlg 21.3 29.1 50.4 Star Dairy 19.6 25.4 45.0 Mr. Shrock will work In Clackamas County for some time to come and will make a thorough Investigation of the dairy and food conditions here. He found only a few violations of the pure food law, and these were largely due to a misunderstanding of the law. Some of the dealers were not aware that customers must be Informed If an article eontalna any adulteration, whether the dealer Is questioned or not. Adulterated producta may be sold. If they are correctly labeled. A majority of the dairymen of Ore gon City are anxious to Improve, ac cording to the statement male 4y Mr. Shrock. The Inspection Is new to them. Mr. Shrock stated that It was contended by some dairymen that the rich man's dairy had first call on per centage as far as equipment Is con cerned, hut the Inspector stated that bert McArthur's dnlry near New Bra had a percentage of 64 per cent, with an Investment of only $300. Sixty per cent, is regarded as good. Pomona Grange at Garfield. The quarterly meeting of Clacka mas County Pomona Grange will be held at Garfield. Wednesday, January 12. People from Oregon City and Portland and other points along the main line of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company wishing to attend Pomona Grange are requested to take the Cazadero car that leaves Portland at 7 A. M. They will be met at Kstacada by members of the grange and taken to Garfield. The sign of the zodiac for January will be Hulley's comet, which Is now bearing down upon us at the rate of about 1200 miles a minute. The com ing of this comet has been awaited with a great deal of satisfaction by people who believe that Providence cares for Its own. It is a very strange and terrifying sight, and upon former occasions It has frightened the wick ed out of their boots. Halleylulliah, which Is the first repentant exclama tion of a sinner, originated in this way, and there Is tremendous curios ity to see if people like Mr. Rockefel ler, Mr. Morgan and Hellandam Can non will sny halleylulliah when they see It. Halley's comet waa last vis ible In 1S35. which was known as the year of repentance. All the tmsts voluntarily busted themselves that year, people who had been grasping gave great sums of money back, and everybody was enthusiastic about the golden rule. . The comet Is a kind of star with a nebulous beard. It Is going to be a great factor In our lives for a while. It has no regular orbit, but Is a kind of providential pollce-man-at-large. Wherever there Is an inclination up on the part of a few Inhabitants of a planet to mnke the rest of the inhab itants get off, the comet bobs up and makes a demonstration such as we shall see here for a few mouths. This generally puts the fear that ought to be In everybody's heart there or thereabouts. In May, which ends the fiscal year of the Standard Oil Co., the United States Steel Corporation and some others, the comet will ap proach as close as 5,000,000 miles. The National Geographic Society will meet on the 20th and decide what reparation shall be made to Peary. It Is thought that the agreement will bff tot make Cook write his confession, compel everybody who was for Cook to buy a copy of the book and give Peary the proceeds. Then February will return X'pon Its merry round And the groundhog will emerge to tell What's doing underground. OFFICE OF CLERK HAS RECORD YEAR FIGURES JUST COMPILED 8H0W HEAVY INCREASE OVER . YEAR PREVIOU8. The office of County Clerk Green man haa done a record business dur ing the last year, aa shown by figures Just complied. The receipts In feea for the year were $5728.42, as against $4738.40 for 1908. There were 37C marriage licenses Issued lnat year and 3(i2 divorce suits Instituted. The number of cases filed In the Circuit Court was 546. Nineteen people were committed to the Insane asylum and 49 aliens declared their Intention of becoming citizens of the United States. There were 886 bunting li censes and 631 fishing licenses Issued during the year. Civic Improvement Entertainment. Thk committee on Civic Improve ment of the Woman's Club, has ar ranged for an entertainment to be held next Thursday afternoon and ev ening. The affarr will be a moving picture show with Illustrated songs and the proceeds will be used to beautify the parks and for other need ed lmprovementa about the city. REUNION OF ALUMNI. High School Graduates Hold Semi Annual Meeting. The Oregon City High School Alum ni held Its semi-annual meeting In Knapp's Hall Saturday night. The af fair was an enjoyable one, and was In charge of Miss Ona Renner and Miss Mary Scott. These young ladies are deserving of great cretllt for the ex cellent programme given for the eve ning's entertainment. The hall was decorated with college pennants and Oregon grape. Miss Scott, who is vice-president of the Alumni, presid ed over the meeting. The following programme was given during the eve ning: Vocal duet. Miss Ona Ren ner and Miss Edna Kinney; instru mental solo, Miss Morietta Hickman; address, "What the High School Needs." City Superintendent Tooze; vocal solo. Miss Cis Barclay Pratt; instrumental duet Miss Morietta Hick, man and Leo Burdon; "What They are Doing at the Schools," A. O. Freel; address, O. D. Eby. MOVEMENT STARTED TO GET LOW FARE BETTEP PASSENGEB RATE FROM OREGON CITY TO PORTLAND WILL BE ASKED. Co-jncilmeu Knnpp, Betzel and Mlchels were Wednesday night ap pointed a special committee to co operate with the Commercial Club In attempting to secure a low fare be tween Portland and Oregon City on the Portland Railway. Light & Power Company's line. The Commercial Club so far as known, has so far taken no action In relation to the matter, but the action of the council puts the Is sue up to the Club. There Is a pre vailing belief that Oregon City should have a lower fare to Portland In view of the recent action of the Supreme Court In reducing the fare to PoTtland from Oak Grove and Milwaukie. RURAL TELEPHONE STOCKHOLDERS MEET L-IRECTORS ARE INCREASED TO 9, AND CHARGES ARE RAISED ALL AROUND. GRESHAM, Or.. Jan. 5. At their annual meeting, the stockholders of the Multnomah and Clackamas Coun ty Mutual Telephone Company voted to Increase the number of directors from five to nine. In order that each neighborhood through which the line extends might have a representative. C. R. Keller, whose term expired this year, was re-elected for another five years; A. B. Conrad was elected for four years; Charles Cleveland for three years; W. H. Snashall for two years, and C. F. Ruegg for one year. Beginning the first of this year the rent was raised from $5 to $10 per year for stockholders and from $1 to $1.25 per month for non-stockholders. This increase was made In order to defray the expense of buying the pnones, and will probably be neces sary only for a year or possibly two years. The central office has been moved Into the new Howitt building, and arrangements are being made to have a night operator, whose hours will be from 10 P. M. to 5 A. M.. and during these honrs a charge of 10 cents for each call will be made to stockholders and 25 cents to non stockholders. A warm discussion was hnit at the meeting in regard to con necting with the Home Telephone Company through Damascus, which resulted In a vote to draft resolutions to send to the State Legislature ask ing that the Pacific States and Home Telephones be forced to affiliate. COLONEL HOFER TALKS. Salem Editor la Main Attraction at Supper of Brotherhood. Colonel Ernest Hofer, editor of the Daily Capitol Journal, of Salem, was the main attraction Tuesday night at the monthly supper of the Men's Brotherhood of the First Congrega tional Church. The Colonel made one of his famous speeches, alluding par ticularly to Immigration. Governor Benson was slated to attend the sup per, but he wired that owing to a pres sure of official business, he would be unable to come. The Oregon City quartette rendered vocal selections at the affair and Harold Swafford gave whistling solos. MAYOR SAYS LESS LIQUOR DR. CARLL TELLS COUNCIL THAT OREGON CITY HAS TOO MANY SALOONS. ANNUAL MESSAGE READ Executive Calls Attention of Council to Uaelessneaa of New Sixteenth Street 8'ding. Mayor Carll Wednesday night sub mitted his annual message to the council. The document contains rather a sensational recommendation relative to the regulation of the liquor traffic and touches such pertinent subjects as the general financial con ditions, fire and water, police depart ment, afreets and public property, street Improvements, parka and pub lic squares.- The mayor calls atten tion to the uselessnes of the recent ly completed siding of the Southern Pacific Company at Sixteenth street, and recommends to the conncll the purchase of a rock crusher. He be lieves the grade of tfhe Seventh street hill should be reduced and thinks that the hill section of the city can well exist without a apeclal officer at nights. The full text of the mayor's annual message follows: - In compliance with the provisions of the City Charter I have the honor to submit to your attention, the fol lowing: Financial Conditions. During the past year we have more than kept even aside from hold over claims from previous administrations which have been settled. The City expenses have run under tue receipts, and of these hold over claims, be tween Three and Four Thousand Dol lars has been paid besides. The Road Fund, during the past year, has run a little behind, but with perhaps closer attention during the coming year, thla may be remedied. Fire and Water. The Oregon City Volunteer Fire Department is In better condition for service, than for several years past, during the past year a small hand chemical has been added to the equip ment, together with five hundred feet of hose. The quarters of the Green Point Hose Company has been en larged and I wish to commend the attention given the department by the Chief of the Fire Department in bis endeavors to keep the equipment In good shape. I wish to again call the attention of the council to ihe fact that the Green Point Hose Company is very much In need of a suitable hose cart, and the same condition per tains to the Ely Hose Company, to gether with necessary repairs to the Hose House No. 5, and a sign over the door of the same. The water system Is rapidly Hear ing completion and it Is now possible to supply water to outlaying districts for domestic and fire purposes where it has been sorely needed. I am sat isfied the Water Commissioners are willing and anxious to extend mains for such purposes, and I take the lib erty of suggesting to the Councllmen of the various wards to look into this matter in their various localities and be prepared to make requests, for same wherever necessary. Police Department. The Police Department will probab ly need the same amount for mainten ance the coming year as in the past; there has been some call for an. addi tional officer on the hill, but I think the peaceable condition there, hardly warrants the extra expense. Oregon City Is to be congratulated on Its freedom from violation of the law. The criminal record of the town is less than that of any Bimllar local ity In the United States, which not only speaks well for the community, but also for the efficiency of Its of ficers. Streets and Public Property. I wish to urge upon the Committee on Streets and Public Property the necessity, during the coming year,' of maintaining the same watchful care of streets and highways as they have in the past, and trust the pres ent administration will maintain as high a standard of efficiency and econ omy a prevailed last year, and I wish to call your attention to the urgent necessity of Improving the street from Ely to the city cemetery. It Is a matter requiring your Immedi ate attention. Street Improvements. Under this heading I take the lib erty of speaking In a general way of several matters which I think are of vital Importance to the whole city. Oregon City is geographically so sit mted that it Is necessary to make It attractive to home seekers and this can only be brought about by having a liberal policy on street Improve ments, lighting and a good supply of pure water. The tendency to fight, object to and oppose any and all expenditures for improvements, Is very deplorable, and the extravagant expenditure of pub lic funds thereby increasing the city debt. Is to be deplored, but we should, every year, improve one or mora streets. I hope the council will see the advantage to be had from Buch improvements and to work In unison and harmony for the public good along this lino. The matter of reducing the grade at th? head of Seventh Street by cut ting down the crest of the hill. Is wel! worth your consideration. I believe It would be a good thing to do. Another matter requiring Immedi ate attention, Is a proper approach to the now completed siding of tbe Southern Pacific Company, . at SW teenth Street. This siding Is almout useless In its present condition. There has been some talk of the saw mill building an approach from Main (Continued on page 4.) i