Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 31, 1909, Image 8

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A. T. Ratten, of the White Salmon
country. Wash., who has boon visit
ing with hla mother, Mrs. 1 T. Bat
ten, of this city, left Saturday for
Oregon City, aeompanled by his moth
er, and spent Christmas with the lat
tcr'a daughter, Mrs. J. L. Waldron
and fnmlly. A dinner was enjoyed on
Sunday at the Waldron home.
Krank Weed, who has a homestead
In Lake County, Is visiting with his
friends In this city.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Bonney, of Hub
bard, spent Christmas In this city,
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. H.
Miss Mildred Wang loft for Oregon
City Tuesday, where she wll visit with
her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Oary, at Willam
ette for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kauptsch and
family returned from Portland Sun
day evening, after spending Christ
mas in Portland.
W, L. Wells, a prominent young
business man of Oregon City, was In
Canby on Christmas, the guest of the
Gordon home. Harry and Lionel Gor
don, of Oregon City, also spent Christ
mas at their home here.
Mrs. Sim Llndsey Is visiting with
relatives in Salem, having gone there
to spend Christmas with her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant White spent
Saturday In Portland, and before re
turning here on Sunday, visited with
the latter's parents. Judge and Mrs.
Haynes, at Oswegxj.
Prof. T. J. Gill is spending his va
cation with friends in Portland.
Mrs. George Knight is visiting in
Portland this week.
Dr. Dedman spent Saturday and
Sunday with relatives at Clackamas.
Miss Anna Krenger, of Portland,
arrived home on Friday evening, and
will spend a few days with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Krueger.
Miss Hattie Myers, accompanied by
Miss Fay VieThere, of Portland, spent
Christmas with the former's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. George Myers.
Many of the young people attend
ed the dance given at Hubbard on
Christmas night, and report having
had a most enjoyable time. The tf
falr was a masque ball, and many
handsome costumes were in evidence.
Miss Wanda Hill, who resides near
Canby, was awarded one of the priz
es for the handsomest costume, she
representing a flower girl. Many of
the young folks are plannta; to at
tend the party at Aurora on New
Year's eve, when another dancing par
ty will be given.
Lee Eckerson and family spent
Christmas with Mrs. Eckersuu's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Beck, of Aurora
Herbert and Louis Myers, of Port
land, spent Sunday with relatives in
this city.
Mrs. Sim Lindsey Is visiting with
relatives in Salem, having gone there
to spend Christmas with her mother.
Miss Inez Holmes is home visiting
her mother, Mrs. Ritchner.
Walter Krueger left Sunday for
Portland, where he has accepted a
Mr. and Mrs. William Cantwell and
daughter, Mabel, went to Gladstone
Saturday, where they spent Christ
mas with Mr. and Mrs. William Dann.
Mr. and Mrs. Calivan, of McMinn
vllle, have been spending the holi
days with friends in this city and at
Henry Hougham, Herbert Rogers,
of Portland, Melvin Hougham, of
New Era, and Koy Boss, of Molalln,
were the guests at the home of Mrs.
Mary Hougham on Christmas. MW
Boss, who Is teaching sohixil at Mo
lalla, will spend his holidays here.
Miss Hattie Hutchinson. Miss Kdna
Hutchinson and Miss Mabel Tackel
son, went to Aurora on Tuesday ev
ening, returning to this city on the
late train.
Miss Hattie Marts, of Portland,
spent Sunday In this city, the guest
of her sister, Mrs. George Myers.
Mrs. O. M. Gurley and son. Wayne,
are visiting with friends In Wood
burn. Herbert Armstrong, who has been
visiting with relatives In Oregon City,
has returned to Canby, and Is visiting
with his aunt. Mrs. C. C. Hutchin
son. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Paddock. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Paddock, Misses
Laura and Jessie Paddock, of Glad
stone, spent Christmas in this city,
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Paddock.
A delicious dinner was served by Mrs.
Paddock, and the decorations of the
table were unique. Mr. Paddock's
mother returned to her home Mon
day. A. J. Wright, assistant book-keeper
of the bank, spent Christmas at
his home In St. Johns.
Howard H. Eccles spent Christmas
In Portland visiting with friends.
William Lucke went to Portland on
Saturday morning, spending Christ
mas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Lucke.
Mrs. R. S. Coe has gone to Port
land, where she Is spending the holi
days with her son. R. S. Coo, Jr., and
family. Mr. Coe will go down Fri
day evening, wher he will spend
New Year's day with his family.
Emil Gordon went to Portland on
Saturday, where he spent Christmas
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker, formerly of
this city, who recently moved to Wil
lamette, have sold their property at
that place and have moved to Glad
stone. They will probably buy land
at that place.
Family Reunion Held.
Mr. and Mrs. George Martin and
two children and .Mrs. L. L Nicklln.
who spent Christmas here as guests
of the families of J. A. Graham. O.
R. Mack and Mrs. Margaret Mack,
left Sunday morning for their homes
in McMlnnville. On Christmas day
a dinner was served at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Mack, and a tree
tilled with many presents, was one of
the features at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Graham. There were 14 mem
bers of the family present.
Family Reunion Held.
An unusual family reunion was held
at Gladstone on Christinas Day at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dann, in
honor of Grandma Heise, mother of
Mrs. Dann, when four generations
were represented. One of the fea
tures of the day was the sumptuous
repast served, the table fairly groan
ing under the load of good things,
which Grandma Heise had taught her
daughters to prepare so appetizing in
her younger days. The day was spent
in a most enjoyable manner in vocal
and instrumental music. At a late
hour the guests departed, having
spent a day, which will not soon be
Grandma Heise, who has attained
the ripe old age of 86 years, is still
! In excellent health. She w as born
in lioarneut county, ra., January r.i,
1S24, her maiden name being Miss
Schnars. She was united in marri
age to John Heise August S.I, 1S44.
and resided In Clearlleld until IV
cetnber St!, 1SS6, when they moved
to Kansas, Mr. I lets dying in that
(State. Mm. Heise came to Oregon
.January 15, 190S, making her home
with her daughter and husband. Mr
land Mrs, William Dann. She has
visited In Canby with her daughter.
and as made many friends while
I Those attending the reunion on
'Christmas were: Grandma Heise, and
three daughters. Mrs. W. M. Etters.
Mrs. Uzile Dann and Mrs. Annie
Cantwell aeompanled by their hus
bands; Mrs. Maggie Cross, of Oregon
Cltv; Mrs. W. A. Cross, of Sllverton;
I Mrs. Mubelle tambcri, of Rainier,
grandchildren of Mrs. Heise, the two
latter being aeompanled by their hus
bands. Misses ltortha and Ella Cross,
great grandchildren of Mrs. Heise,
and Orvah and Johnnie Dann, grand
sons. Christmas Tree at M. E. Church.
The Christmas tree exercises at the
M. E. Church on Friday oveulug were
witnessed by a large gathering of
both young and old, and many hand
some presents were received. The
tree was fairly laden with gifts, can-
dies and popcorn, which delighted the
i young. Santa Clans was present and
Iditributed the gifts, after the musical
land literary programme.
! The following excellent programme
'was given: Music, choir: address,
i Rev. Creesy; recitation, "Welcome,"
j Donald Zee: recitation, "Utile Girl."
I Aggie Smith; recitation. "That's
! Christmas," Corrin Wilkinson; recita
tion. Leonard Buhman: song. "Knelt
!abye," ten little children: "The
'Christmas Acrostic." nine little girls;
.recitation, Hutchinson; song. Helen
'itobison; "Ten lays After Christ
mas." ten children; recitation, Lee
children; recitation. Arthur Dlckmau;
recitation. Gldo Hickman; recitation.
Creacy Zee; closing address, Clara
Stores Close Early.
The business houses of this city
will close at 7:30 until January S on
aeount of the revival meeting that
are being held In the Christian church
byRev. Arthur Swain, assisted by
Evangelist Roy L, Dunn. The meet
ings are being well attended. It Is
the Intention of several of the mer
chants of this city to continue dos
ing at this hmrr niter the Sth, as very
little business Is transacted after that
hour, and gives the employes an op
portunity to rest for the following
day's work. The stores in most of the
town close at 6:30, and those who
wish to do shopping before this hour
could easily do so If they wished.
Mr. and Mrs. Paddock Entertain.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Paddock enter
tained a few of their friends at their
home In a delightful manner on Mon
day evening, whist and music being
the features of the evening. In whist
Mrs. Cassle Evans was awarded the
ladies' first prize. C. I'rfer gentle
man's first prize. Mrs. Louis Mlsz and
Dr. Dedman were awarded consolation
prizes. During the evening a lunch
eon was served.
The guests were: Mr. and Mrs.
Grant White. Mr. and Mrs. IxmiIs
Misz. Mr. and Mrs. C. I'rfer, Mrs.
I Oak Knoll Place!
Ten Acre Fruit and
Ideal conditions for
home building. Easy
Payments. Only V
miles from Salem,
the "Cherry Crty."
i J. C. Z1NSER, Owner :
; Salem, R 1, Ore.
Cassle Evans. Miss lllanche Jobe, Dr.
H. A. Dedman and George Scheer.
Band Will Give Dane.
Invitations have been Issued by the
Canby Hand for a dancing party to
bo given at the city hall on Satur
day evening. January S, 1910. The
music will be furnished by the band,
Invitations to be presented at the
diwr. This promises to be one of the
social events of the season In this
Mr. and Mrs. l-awrenco Mauti, of
Maple ljine. spent Xinas with her
folks.-Mr. and Mrs. MeCord.
Mrs. Tucker, of Aurora. Is visiting
with her mother. Mrs. Ed. Graves.
A record breaking crowd attended
the Xmas tree at Twilight hall. The
seating rapacity of the hall was
crowded which gi's to indicate that
the attendance was upwards of one
hundred. The programme was very
entertaining anil many present were
on the tree. The occasion was pro
nounced by nil a divided success.
At the home of D. L Iloylan. a
Christmas dinner was enjoyed by the
many relatives of the fnmlly. Among
those present were Mr. Hoym's
mother, his brothers, Ernest and Koy
and Mrs. Boylan's sister, Mrs. Hen
derson. ,
The Hylton family assembled for
Xmas festivities at the home of Mr.
anl Mrs. James Hylton.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ijielle spent
Xmas In Portland with Mrs. I). 1,.
Clouse, a sister of Mrs. Luelle.
The neighbor's will gather at the
hall tonight to enjoy a New Year's
watch party. Games of all kinds will
be the main amusement. Coffee and
sandwiches wll be served. All those
who have been In attendance at the
Ilterarles are expected to be present.
Mr. and Mrs. George Schreluer
spent Xmas with relatives In Port
land. Charles Snooks, of Corvallls, and
Arthur Snooks, of Vancouver, spent
Xmas day with their parents, of thin
The Xmas. tree programme was as
follows: Opening address. W.. A.
Dodd; song, Mrs. Tom Martin; reci
tation, Ijethn Crltser; song, by little
girls in chimin of Alice lloyland;
recitation, Miss Richardson; recita
tion, Elslo Swlck; dialogue, by child
ren In charge of Marvin Faulk; rec
itation, lYnii Scheer; tableaux Hock
of Ages ncoiupnnlcd by Twilight
Quartette; recitation, Mrs. Dodd; rec
itation, Marvin Faulk; farce, coached
by M J. (.luetic, Including Mis, Tump
son, Iloylan, Hoover and Faulk and
MIhhii lloyland and SuookH.
Miss MclXmnld, of Woodliiiru, In
vlslilng with the IHidd fnmlly.
A great deal of cord wood will be
cut lu the neighborhood this year,
John Faulk has contracted a Job of
cutting to Hylton Sou. A Hoover
will have cut several hundred cords,
and George ljuellc Is advertising for
wood choppers.
Services were held lu the church
Saturday by Rev. Rosing, of Canby.
of the I'nlted Lutheran church, and
on Sunday by Key. A. O. White, of
Sllverton, of the Synod Lutheran
.A basket social was given In Col
umbia hall Monday night by the Busy
Bee sewing society. A neat sum was
renlined and the young people enjoyed
the evening by playing games. A
number of young people from Aurora
and Canby were present.
Mr. and Mrs. O. ti. Tull. Mrs. Shop
pard and Will Tull spent Christmas
with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Miller In
Oregon City.
Eddie Hang spent Christmas with
his imrcnta in Portland.
Misses Annie Sletagor and Ully
Lumlccn, of Portland, were visiting
Miss Sletagera parents over Sun
day. Miss Annie Erlcksou Is home from
The friends of S. B. Berg and fam
ily, of Montana, who have been vis
iting them for two weeks, left Tues
day evening for Riverside, Cal.
The old friends of Lyiuau Skinner,
of New Era. but who formerly lived
In this place, are grleveil to hear the
sad news of bis death.
Miss Uiitra Ekern. who Is attend
ing school In Oregon City, is home
on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Wurfel nint daughter.
Irene, spent Christmas with relatives
111 Sellwood.
An entertainment and tree wore
held In the hull by the school. Friday
evening, ve wtstt to thank the leurh.
ers for their work and to congratu
late them on the splendid order main
tained throughout tho evening. Fol
lowing Is (he programme:
Song, Glee Club; recitation, Guy
Ogle; recitation, Edward Dregnle;
song, " Ine You all the Time."
Marlon F.vuns and Elmer Irwin; dia
logue. This Will U, Katrlna Johnson
and Agues Berg; recitation, Florence
Wlddows; song. Dear IJttle Stranger,
several little girls; recitation. 1'nlinti
Wrolsind; recitation. Hoy' Fulton;
song, "School Days." Marlon Evans
and Elmer Irvln; dialogue. The l'o
dunk Lyceum; clarinet nolo, Mr. Aus-l
ve; recitation. Uivlna Widdows: j
Christmas Exercise, primer class;
song, Come tind Spend Christmas with J
Me, by six girls; recitation, Uanii :
I'armeiiter; song. "Sweet and Iiw."
primary room; recitation, Gladys Mm-; I
recitation, Claretieo Uinsverk; violin
solo, Lillian Kydd: dialogue, "Sure
Cure for peddlers." I J 1 1 Inn Kydd. Mar
Ion Evans nml Mlitoit Ekern; song,
"Some liny When Dreams Come True"
Nora Ekern, Darlua Widdows, Ijiura
Ilrudvlg; recitation, Snuford Wrol- '
Htad; Christinas Welcome, school.
Old Folks' Livers
nrrd in nci'liml'iilrriiiir tin to keen tin in (tout beiim
roniliixitrd. hilimii and iteiicrallv run down, At the him
tluir, the Unlive mint nut be iu violent ti to iliock ill iyitc in
and cauie linking and ikkncii.
s V-F. J.l IN S. jt-m - f
li the Idral irritinnit lor old folks liven-never f.u'U to art, yet
nrrr hiH-ki. A Ion c l) wr ai I ai4live. lien mr i ""-
tiivdinn, ihriiniiillim. bilnniinrM any ami all intumra oi
liver, itomaiil ami nowrii. I une an in r mum i-
nn;lit you'll (rrl better in the niurning.
Get a 25c Box
Mrs. Klmsey, of McClny, Is visit
lug her daughter, Mrs. W. 8. Tull.
Mrs. Wood Jesse went to Jefferson
Tuesday to visit her grandmother.
Mr, and Mrs. Culvlu, of McMlnn
ville; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jesse ami
Fred Jesse, of Portland, and Mr. ami
Mrs. Wood Jesse and family of 1-cw-Istou,
Idaho, visited Mr. and Mrs. V.
W. Jesse over Chi 1st mas and Sunday.
Edtuoud Dickson, of Portland, visit
ed bis parents over Xiniia.
There will be u dance here Saturday
night. Garrett's orchestra will fur
iiUh the music.
Wood Johnson and wife were visit
ing the families of Ed Ogle and Jan.
Ogle the first of the week. ,
Charlie Ogle, who has been routined
to his bed for some time Is seen oil
the street again.
Mr. ami Mrs. W. C. Clark, of Can
by. took Christum dinner with Mrs.
.Margaret Kydd and family.
IJttle Ulllan Kydd I receiving vio
lin Instructions from Mr. Clark and
Is learning fast. Ulllan will be a
violinist some day.
Mr. Dunlin Is luld up with a car
butirle on his knee.
II. W. Kuuplsch, innnnger of the
Corvallls Creamery Company, broke
down with hi automobile Xmas eve,
at the top of the hill north of town,
ami hail tit- finish his Journey to
I'ortliuid by rail.
Mlm Mary llarbtir, of Oregon City,
and Herbert llarbur. of Portland,
spent the holiday with their sister,
Mrs. Elmer Veteto, of this place.
V. W. Jesse, of Barlow, unit sou.
Wisiilford. of I.ewlstoii. Idaho, were
calling on old time friend here Mm
day ufterniHUi.
Mr. Ilurgo.wio is laid up, mused by
running an old rusty fork Iti'o his
II. O. eVteto, of Cotton, spent Sun
lay hIkM with bis brother. E. F.
Veteto ami family.
Coal For 'a.
Kent, medium, Meiidota roul, sacked
at S per ton; by the Oregon City
Commission Co.
George lllgglnbothem, Fred Wllem
ami Julius SH'iise, are home from
school at Corvallls.
It la feared tunny farmers will loan
a big per ceulngo of their late pota
toes by the continued front.
Frank Howard returned ti) hi home
III Woodhurn Wednesday after visit,
lug Mr. Kerr and other friend there.
Fir Grove aehool did not have a
week' vacation between Xmas and
New Year on account of (be Kill
grade wishing to Inke the examina
tion In Jiuiuaiy.
J. Hernial la bark from Washington
to spend New Year's.
Mr. I'olehu and sous, Otto and
Frank, are home from Washington,
win-re they are engaged lu tho saw
mill buslnes.
It I reported that wedding hell
will six'ii ring In Itedland again.
The Xmii entertainment at M. IC.
Church wa a gren't ucreM and the
children were all luippy with fine
The Kvergni'tl .Sunday ibiMd hnd
it tree Monilay night. The children
1 lit their part very well, ns nli did
Santa Clan.
Mr. and Mr. A. ('. Ilolllngsworth
spent Xma at Eslnrada, guest of
Mr mid Mr. A. Ifc'iuiny.
FOR SALE-A National Cash teKls-;
ter, as good a new, on reasonable
term. Enquire of J 1'Vltt, cloth-j
ler. next door to Harding Drug
A Thrilling Reicut.
How llert It. I'iin, of Cheny, Wnh ,
wu saved from a frightful death I
a story to thrill the world. "A hard
cold." be write, "brought on a des
perate lung trouble that baffled an
expert doctor here. Then I paid I0
to fir. n visit to n lung speelallst lu
Spokane, ho did not help m. Then
I went In California, but without heii
ent. At hint used Dr. King New
Discovery, which completely cured
iu and now I am a well a ever"
Fur Lung Trouble, flroiirhltl. Cold.
I'lMighs, Asthma. Croup and Whisip
lug Cough It' supreme r.uc ninl fl.
Trial bottle free, (iuiinmt by Jolie
Drug Co.
A temper under control I an Invalu-! Sell Very reasonable. Ore-
able asset to
handling cow.
a man employed iii I g0Q Qty Machine Works.
A Record Breaking Slashing of Prices throughout the entire stock of broken lot merchandise, A general
clean-up of the stock, costs ignored, quality humbled by the vast reduction designed to hasten exodus
Don't fail to be on hand and take advantage of the galasy of bargains we are offering. Here are a few of them:
Broken Lots in Shoes
$3.50 Dross or Work Shoes $2 55
H00 Dress or Work Shoes JJjj)
$5.00 Dress or Work Shoes J g Jj
$7.00 high-top, or logger's Shoes 515
$3.50 Boys' Shoes
$2,50 Boys' Shoes
20 per cent reduction on all broken lots of W,
L. Douglas Shoes.
Broken Lots in Hats
Roelof's Celebrated $4.00 Hats
Hawe's Famous $3.00 Hats
Waldorf $2.50 Hats
$2.00 Hats
Broken Lots in Suits and Overcoats
For Men and Young M en
Lot One All $12.50 to $15.00 Suits and Overcoats. . .
Lot Two All $18.00 to $20.00 Suits and Overcoats. .
Lot Three All $22.50 to $25.00 Suits and Overcoats.
Broken Lots in Pants
75c Bib Overalls ,
$2.50 Pants
$3.00 Pants ,
$3.50 Pants
$1.00 Pants
Broken Lots in Furnishings
)0c Undergarments C
$1.50 Cooper's all wool Underwear
$1.75 Fine Cassiniere Underwear .
15c Sox, now per dozen
50c Work Shirts
$1.00 Work or Dress Shirts
$1.50 Cluett Shirts
25c Wool Sox, per pair . . .
$3.50 All wool Jerseys.
We are offering values worthy of your consideration so come in we are anxious to Show them to You
Across the Street
from The Bank
of Oregon City
Sixth and Main Streets
Oregon City, Oregon
Look at Our
Window Displays