Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 31, 1909, Image 7

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31. ifnn
I & . . . 1 I 1 . ...
' .
it n much iii'iinr it lid clou nor not
lo wipe dairy titxiiMlln with it cloth
no miilliir Imw whll n II limy tin, f
Ihn cIkuiihIiik wiilur In plentiful ami
hiil. Ihn vessels dry nuit'li mnra health
fully wlllitml wlpliiu,
Miiku up your inliiil Unit yuu will nut
l"l Ilic nil vm K"l stunted (Ilia winter
Keep I hum kwwIiihT. Tlic.y will lio
better cowit, mill hutinr uowa uru
wlmt wn are nil wurliliiK fur,
III Health li Mart Expnlv
Any Cur.
TIiIn country In now DIM wllh put)
pin who iiilmulii niTDm i hn cuiitliii'iit
In nil dli (Ml Ioiih DKukliiK thut which
Kohl riinnot tiny, Nluii toiitliN of thcin
urn miffi'ilng from u tlirunl niwl Iuiik
Iroiihln or ohruiilo cntarrh result Iiik
mini iicRlctiit coIiIh, Mild NpcnilliiK
forhiiii'it vnlnly trying lo rnKiilu lHt
health. Cmilil every miffi-mr hut uiul
tun piint nml cur" t lint 111 Ht lit'Kli'eled
colli, nil thin Nurrow,' pnlu, niulcly
nml i'ii'iiii could liiivn Imu'Ii avoided.
t'hniulii'rliiln n CiiiikIi Hi'tnmly In film
iiiih inr im curcN or rniiiH, niul rim
ii I h ii y h hn dcpi'iiilnd upon, I'bii II nml
Ihn inure ni'I'Iiiiih dlnciiHCN limy lie
uvolcliii. Kor wil hy Huntley Hion.
All Mmw, ntullm, etc., lined for lit
ter III the xhcop hiini nIiiiiiIiI lie run
Ihioiiith it culler to IncrciiHit Hie pow
er of lilimirptliin.
A KihI rill'li (or fi'i'llllllt Nlieep Cllll
l liuulii hy Itlmnst liny NeliNllilu fur III-
or AImiiiI nil Unit In i iteil In R
NUpimrt for tint hiiy ho Hint It nIiiiII
not full to the itriiiiiul Mini he wanted
mill iiIho ho liiiiuly for the sheep lo
Ket III.
For Ecjem. Tetter and Salt Rheum,
The InteiiNit ItchliiK chnrnelerlHlIc
of tin-mi nlluieiilN In liluiiiHt luiitiiutly
nllnyeil hy 'tin rul..-rlu I n Halve. Mirny
never" en Ken Imve heeii cured hy It
Kit mile hy lliiulloy HroN. Co.
Guardian' Sale.
Not leu In herchy kIvii, Hint Hie un-
uerMuniMl, ( ; i in rill M it of the Mutant of
Kmlly IiuiiKherty, nil limuim rermui
pumiiiim to un tinier or the county
I ourl of ClitfltiimnN County, O.-eKuii
mucin nml entered of record the 271
tluy of llert'iiiher, A. I, lllll'J, will of
fer ftir mil" al prlvntit niile lo Ihn IiIkIi
t'Ml hhhler, on nml nfter Jnuunry I'lMli
IS I (I. Rl 10 o'clock. A. ,M . nt Ihn of
fli-" uf C. II. iyn, Attorney, 8 V
corner or Mil and Main Hi., Orenon
t Hy. Ori'Kon, on the leruiN et forth
nil the rlKlil. llile, mid Inierntt of ih
wild Kmlly DmiKlierty, lielnn u dowe:
iulereiit in and in (ho following' ties-
crihi'il real property, lo-wll:
l iiuiineiicliiK lit the Hiiiith Vet
t orner uf thn liotintlon Ijuul Claim
of Frank I In IC. Hubbard mirl wife. In
Tp. 5 N, It 2 K. of Hit. Wlllnii e
Merldlitn, CI in-kit inn County, Ore
M"ll; tinmen North ir.il rutin: Ihence
KnNi I'm riitlN; thent'ti Houlh li'.u rods
Ilieilt'C Wt'Nl 19(1 nn to the place of
hi'KlnnliiK. roiilnlnlitR !io ncri'N more
Or ll'NN.
nn Ihn following- teriiin ut wtln
rnnh In hnnd; or part cii. nml i
mortk'iiKe, not lo exceed half of ihn
value, on thn html mm with intercHt
at nIi per cent per iiuniitu, paynhlti
annually, duo on or hefurn (wo yearn
Imteil IhlN 3lNt tiny of Deceniher,
a. i. r.iot.
A. V. DAV1H.
titinrdlnn iin aforesaid,
III" ZHtli day of llecuniher, 11109, I will ceuiher, 11I0!, mid (ho Hint publication
Nell ii . private niiIo thn iiniUvldetl Onti. In Ihn 4lh day of Kehruitry, 1010,
! tw is I uunru in num. i i iiuiruir it tint ni,i ,.m r-.. i. - il.. . . . m . .
Hie coiiniv iwi , .r o . . . " "i iii wnceiiiiiiir, tnu norm nair "i mo or inn
urn t uutiiy (.ourl of tin Hint it of ii i In u-i, i, r,i.,i. o iu ...a. .... ... I u...... .... .. .,
(Iriiunii t... ii... i ,... . i- wi,.,ii.-n nun niiuiiiwvNi, qnitrii'r inn j-i; or tno
iinn X ' ' " """""""" i"lllHhuI oncn a NorthoaHt funrtr (NB 1-4), and thn
In Ihn M,.ii..- .. it . ii .. . i;..iin.i,;.i,,,i nriinHN in inn mortiiwHNt qiuirinr inn j-i) or 'no
... .... i,.', , mil 1 1 llliril IllllRII 1 11 III I I Iriltfllll I' lu ir.,i ,..,.... .. .... ..... I t, .
Jiillit llnlil .... ' """"I"1"", wei'Niy norineaNi qiuirwir nrj or unction
I IIIIWHIIIIIier tl IDI Hllllll III rifi.ii.11 flit 'CI. rlv.l.A fl't In T.tunl.l ri,. ti
Nolloti In heri.hv i vim tl...i l. I.. ..- ? ' ' " '"""""'K " "
II, ...(. ,., , "" nii niiiiiiin nun muni in, oi limine hyh iii; rj. or Wlllllin
I,, ,i , T, ' . " K"",","". '7 or "r"K""' Mt.rl.llan, Nltuat1 In ClnckarnaN
inn lloiioruh n (Iran II lilmli-lr ti.,. ,h,i.. n... ...i ....i n........ ... ... r . ... .
linti i.r ii 1 iiiiioioniioii oi t.ouiiiy, niaio or urenon, ih wild to
" ' ' iiiiueu t ouri, on iiiiin NiiiuuioUN n t in 24l.li ttiv ut lm. BittlNfv II, unm.
I iiin NinnnioiiN in Norvon upon you
hy puhllcatlon tmtrmit In the Oregon
ully KntorprlNO, a nwNpnpc;r of K"n
oral circulation, publlMliod In Clack
amnN County, OrcRon, purNiiiint to an
order of tho Monorahlo Oratit I). Dim
Il k, County JiiiIko of tho mild Cluck-
onuiN County, which order In made and
diilod thn 1th day of llecemhcr, 190'J,
and pri'Kcrlhi-N that IIiIh KimmionH ho
puhllHhed ouc.n a week for nIx wi-ekN.
1'ho dati) of flrHt pulillcailon la De
ceinhvr 24th, 1909.
AttornuyN for l'lnlntlff.
Chamber of Commerce HIiIk., I'ort
land, Oregon.
I.IKIIUl llllereHt. Hllhleel In (lie ilnui.r
iniereHi. of ,ucy H i . widow of
rii'iieiiCK oil . i ecellHed In mid lu ¬
ll!" ioiiowIIik HONCi'lhed premlNeN, to.
Attorney for l'lnlntlff.
I'ltrt of the J,on i), K C. No, M and
Hint of !lm H I,' l i ,,r u.... i..
"i ii'-i.. u,i, III
- H., II. 1 IC. Of Hill W M ylli.f.l...l
III I IIICKIIIIIIIN ClllllilV. (Irelflili ilim.
i rineii ll H roiliiWN. tii.wll '
IICKUimilK III a llollll In llm I'mul.
llll IIIIH N. !l (liiKreiiN (II lllllllllen W.
ii iiiiniiiN ruin I lit, H. I'.'. corner of
"ion nee. ,. ; (hence N. HU ilenreea 50
llllllllieN V. 9. 72 chill IIN on mil, I l,.u.
niiip linn; ihence N. S7 doKrooN VV.
(..'( cmilllN; thelicil N. lill ileereim K
HI fill cIiiiIiin: Ihi'ucii H. a7 ,l,.L-r,.,. li-
i.imi cnmiiN (o (he Houlh line of ..,1,1
nun f,i,; Hiei Koiilli 4.17 cIiiiIiin h
.in piitei. or iieKiiiiiiiiK, conlnlnliiif lo
itcreN, morn or eHN.
I lilt Hllle (o in Hindu on ,,r iiflnr
liinuiiry 29. 1!H0, mid ,I,In will he rn-
"ivei III the olllen of irileti ui.n.
mi ill DieKoil City, Oieiton. Ternn
T milt', emih.
In Ihn County Court of tho Hlnto of
Oregon, for tho County of Clucka-
In thn matter of thn cnIiiIo of Joium J,
K il il rr ret a ri, deceuned. '
ro Itnchel Kmiffuimi, Dmilel Knuff
mini, I,ydla Hhrock, KllzitheHi Mant,
(Jnrtrudii Jiinn, Hamuel l)eer, Jem
ima Heller MiiBt, lleojniiiln Heller,
Jacoh Heller, John Heller, Kilto
Heller, Delllnli Heller, Mary Holler,
Imvld K. llellor, Dellla Miller, luich-
i'l Heer, JuliiiN V. Kniirfinau, Hehecca
lleel,, Hiiiiiuol J. K a il fT in ii ii . Jucph
N. Kniiffinnn and Tenu Krmner,
helrN mid (IovInooh of Joihin J. Knuff
mun, deceuned, nml all olliern un
In the nnmn of the Hint" of Oregon
ion aim each of you am hereby r-
uulrci! mid cited to he and appeur In
I lio nhovn imtllled Court at Hid Jan
uary tenn thereof, to wn, on Tuesday,
inn Zuih nay of Jaiiiutry. A. I).
iimdlnn of ihe KMtatu of Julia Held, I . nt the hour of II o'clock A. M
In (ho Circuit Court of Ihn Stain of
Ori-Kiui, for Chu-kninaN County.
IMItli C. NorrU, l'lnlnilrT.
John M. NorrlN, IVfcinlnut.
To John M. Norrlit, tho hIkivo nanind
In thn name of thn 8tuto of Oregon
i oil urn lien-hy rnqulrnd lo appear
mid anHwnr thn compliilut llleil agnliiNt
you In HiIn Ntilt, un or before thn filth
it ay of February, HHtl, and If you fall
to uppeitr and miawnr. for want there
of thn plulnilrr will apply to Ihn Court
for tlm relief prayed for In thn com-
plnlnt, nitmely: Fur a decree iIInhoIv-
lug the homlN of luntrlmony i-xlmlng
beiween you and Ihn philudrf and Hint
Nhe he rcNliircd her nuildeli limnn mid
for wtch other relief un may hn meet
with unity.
'I'll I h NiimmoiiN In puhllHhed by order
of lirnnt II. Uluilck, Couniy Jiulgn of
ihn Couniy Court of CluckninuN Ciiun
ty, Willi' of Oregon, on thn 29th dny
of Iiect'inber, llioil, nml miuln hy him
In the iiliHi-iu-e of the Judge of (ho
Circuit Court of Oregon, for Clnckn
iiiiin Couniy niul the MrMt puhllciitloii
of thin hii in nn n n In the Hint tl ay of
In Hilar, liiiiii, nml tut' Iiihi publica
tion In (he 11th dnv of Februiuv, 1910.
it minor.
Retortlon to Entry of Lndi In Na
tional Forctt.
.Milieu In hereby it veil Unit llm
IIWIilH lleHcrlbed below imilirnrliiic
42 B ItcreN, wllhlu thn Oregon Nation.
I Fori-Ht. Oregon, will hn Htiblect to
iteitlenii'iit nml entry under tint tiro-
minilN or Hi" ioiiion em awn of Hie
'nlli-d KlateN and the act of Juun II,
.'in, .11 Hllit.. 233 . at t in Hnllei
tutoH Hind olllen at I'ort land, Or
on, on February 21. 1910. Anv net
'r who wu nctuully and In irood
iillh clitliiilng any of hiiIiI IiuiiIn for
ngrlculturnl puriNmeN prior lo .In mi
ury 1, I9U0, and Iiiin not nhandoned
mnn, Iiiin prefereuco right to mnko
a lioiueNlead enlry for Hut InndN actu
ally occupied. Hiild lamlN worn llNInd
upon tho uppllcutloiiH of Hut piTNoiiN
llieiuioneii iitiiow, win havn a prefer
ence rigni nii
of nny aiirli
of Mild day, mid to then and them
Hhow cmiHo, If any l Intro be, why an
order of mile kIioiiM not be grunted
for Hi" Hllle of thn following doHcrlbud
mill property, lo-wll :
lieginnlng in tho NortheaHt corner
of the lionutlon IjiimI Cliiliu of Wrn.
J. Drown In TowiiHhlp 4 Houlh, Hmign
I Kiihi of llm W'lllurnctto Meridian In
Clnckiimiut County. Oregon, tho Niunn
iiIho being thn NortheiiNt corner of
Korllon 21 In mild TowiihIiIp and
Itmign; thence West iilnlig tho North
Inn of mild Claim 80 roda; theucR
South 200 rodn; Hiciicb Kant 80 rmls
to thn KiihI Unit of Hiild Claim; thence
North along the KiihI lino of aald
claim 200 roda to thn place of be
ginning, containing loo acres, morn
or loss, an prnyt-d for In thn petition
of Iiunli'l Kuurfmun, Ham Kuuffman,
Joiiun V. Knuffmun. and II. H. Ieetz,
in trie circuit court or th State of
Oregon for Clickamat County.
In tho matter of tho application of
UilllN Koch to rcglnter the, title to
tho Northwest quarter (1-4) of Sec
tion Twenty-Hlx (20) and thn North-
ciiNt (inarter (1-4) of the Koutheaat
(piarter (1-4) of Hectlon Twenly.
seven; and tho Bouth half of the
NortheiiHt quarter (1-4) of Hectlon
Tweiity-Neven, all In Township two
12), Hon Hi of Range five (.1) Kast of
the Willamette Meridian, containing
Two Hundred Eighty 28'i) acn-H
more or less In the County of Clacka
mas, Htate of Oregon,
August Koch, Defendant.
To tlm above named defendant and
to whomosever it may concern:
In the name of the Btate of Oregon:
Take notice that on the r.ith day of
November, 1909, an application was
filed by suld IxiulB Koch In the Clr-
der of tho Honorable J. i Campbell,
Judgo of tho above entitled Court, and
which order was made and entered
on tho (1th day of December, 1909.
Tho first publication of this sum
mon Is December 10, 1909, and the
Inst publication thereof la rm Janu
ary 21st, 1910.
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Herbert II. Freeman, Plaintiff,
Hattlo A. Freeman. Defendant.
To Hattlo A. Freeman. Defendant
!n the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In tho above entitled suit on or
before the 7th day of January 1910,
mat lining the last day prescribed in
the order of publication of this aum-
mons, and If you fall to m appear an
answer said complaint the plalntl
will apply to the Court for the relle
therein prayed, to-wit; A decree dl
solving the marrlaga contract now ex
isting between you and tho plaintiff.
Thin summons is published in the
Oregon City Enterprise, newspaper,
for six consecutive weeks by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
said Circuit Court made on the 20th
day of November 1909, the first pub
lication on the 2Gth day of November
Attorney for Pllantlff,
Harvey E. Croia,
attorn eys-at-law
William Hammond
Real Estate Abatractt
Loan, Insurance.
Main 8tret,
Oregon City, Or.
In the Circuit Court of the Stato of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Martha A. Hastings, Plaintiff,
Richard St Hastings, Defendant.
To Richard M. Hastings, defendant
above named:
Inthe name of the state of Oregon
cult Court of the Btute of Oregon for you are hereby required to appear and
Clackamas County for Initial regis- answer the complaint filed agalnat
executors of the estate of Jonas J.
hlcet In Ihu nrliip pluM Kuulliiinii, filed therefor In tills Court
setiler. nrn.-iil..,! ,,,. " "'' day f December, A. I).
Hottier or applicant In qunlllled to
ninkn Itomcstcnd entry mid Ihn prefer
euco right In eierclHed prior to Feb
ruary 21. 1910, on which date llm
hunts will hn subject lo settlement
and entry by any ounllllntt nnrson.
i in inmiN arn as follows: The 8V4
of HW 14 of HU 1-4 of RE 1-4 if
Sec, 27 and tho NlofNWl-4 of NIC',;
or.Mi'n nml Hi" HK' of NW 1-4 of NIC
14 and the SIC 14 of NW 14 of NE
1-4 of NE 14. Sec. 34. T. 5 8.. R 0 E..
W M , 12 5 acres, IIhIwiI upon thn an-
pllcatlnu of J. J. Davis, of ENtncmlii.
uregon; UhI 0H9. Tlm NE 14 of
Hoc 12. T. 4 H.. II. 5 K . application
if Henry E. lloen, rare of J. W.
iiriipcr. Bherlock Hulldlng, Portland,
Oregon; Unt 0170. Tlm H of SW
14 of HW 14. thn NW 14 of SW 14
of HW 14, Hoc. 20. thn NW 14 of
NW 14. Kt'C 29. T. 2 8., R. 7 E.. 70
acres, apiillcntlnli of Oeorgn Pickett.
No. 793 Alblna Avenue, Portland, Ore
gon; Unt 6 219.
ConinilNNloiier of the tienernl 1-aud
Approved Novt'inber 22, 1909.
First ANSlHtmit Secretary of tho In
Final Nolle.
WitucHN the Honorable
(ill A NT It. DIMICK.
Couniy Judgo, of the State of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas, tills
23d dny of December. 1909.
(Heal of County Court.)
Atlt'Nt: F. W. OREENM AN,
County Clerk.
Hy W. U Mulvey. Deputy.
CROSS & HAMMOND. Attorneys for
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un-
ilerHlgned administrator of tho estate
of James A. Hunnagen, deceased, has
died his final account herein with the
County Clerk of Clackamas County,
Oregon, nnd the County Judge hai set
Monday the 3rd day of January, 1910,
nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at
tho County Court room of said Coun
ty and Stato as tho time and piece
account and for the final aettlement
of aald estate
. Administrator.
C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE, and
O. D. EliY. Attorney for Administra
Administratrix Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given thai tho an-
trntlon of title to the land above des
Now unless you appear nn or before
the 24th day of January, 1910, and
show catiBo why such application
should not bo granted the same will
he taken as confessed and decree will
ho entered according to the prayer
In the application and you will be
forever barred from disputing the
CARTER & DL'FL'R, Attorneys for
Published In the Oregon City Enter
prise, December 24th, 19"9.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County
John T. Leonard. Plaintiff,
Lucy G. Leonard, Defendant.
To Lucy G. Leonard, the above
named defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon.
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you herein on or before the 25th day
of January, 1910, aald date being af
ter the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons
and if you rail so to apear and an
swer, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In his
complaint, lo-wlt: for the dissolution
of the bonds of matrimony existing
between yourself and the plaintiff and
for such further relief as to the Court
mny seem Just In the premises
you in tne aoove entitled suit on or
before the 1st day of January, 1910,
said date being after the expiration
of six weeks from the first publica
tion or this summons, and If you fall
to appear and answer said complaint,
for want thereof the plaintiff wll! ap
ply for the relief prayed for in the
complaint, to-wit; For a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and defen
i nis summons is published by or
der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
the above named court, which order
was made and entered on the 16th
day of November, 1909, and the time
prescribed for publication thereof
Is six weeks, beginning with the
Issue of Friday, November 19th. 1909
and continuing. each week thereafter
to and Including Friday, December
31st. 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice Ih hereby given Hint tho un- derslgned has been apnnlnte.l Admin-
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
H. B. Ewbank, Plaintiff.
Julia F. Ewbank. Defendant.
ro Julia F. Ewbank, defendant In
the above entitled suit:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are nereny required to appear
ana answer the complaint of plaintiff
niea against you In the above entitled
suit within six weeks from the date
of the first nnhllcatlnn nf this sum
Thla summons Is published by order m0ns, to-wit: six weeks after the 3rd
day of December, 1909, and if you fail
so lo appear and answer, for want
thereof, the nlnlntlff wilt nnnlv tn tho
and entered on the 6th day of Decern- court for the relief demanded in said
of ihe Hon. J. TJ. Campbell, Judge
of the Circuit C&urt of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County, made
unrHignod admlnlHtriilrlx of the cnlnln
of Reuben (iouclier, deceased, has fil
ed tier filial account In Bald estiite In
the county court of the stain of Ore
gon for Cliickninns County, and that
the Judgti of wild court tins apolnt
en ttniuruiiy. inn Z2ii tiny of Jajiuarv.
1910, at 1 o'clock P. M. for henrliiK
ibJertloiiN to snld account and for
Hcttlltig mild omatc,.
AUinliilHtriitrlx of thn estate of Rnu-
ben ( lonelier. doeoUHed.
inr ohiiui'.
isiratrix or tho Es:ate of Idia Cam-
nhnn, deceased.
All persons having claims agnlnst
wild estate aro hereby notified to pre
sent the Kiime with proper vouchers
duly verified according to law at the
office of J. F. Clnrk. at Oregon City,
within Hix ituitn lis of the date of the
publication of this notice.
Dnted December Kith., 1909.
Attorney for AdmlutlRtrntrlx,
urn rircult Court of the State of
Oregon, fur Clnckiimns County.
hilsy Maude Mulllns, Plaintiff,
hiimiiH (J. Mulllns, Defendant.
To Thomns (1, Mulllns. the above
humeri defi'iidnnt;
In the nuiiin of tho Slate of Ore-
on, yuu are hereby renulred to- an.
hour Ittlll llllflu-er th.t miii.iilul.tt nl.i.t
Attorney for I'lntutlfT. , UKu,iMt you Inthe above entitled cause
on or imrore the 4th dny of February,
1910, and If you fall so to nppenr and
answer for want thereof the pliilntlff
will apply to tho court for the relief
prayed for In her said complaint, to
wit: Fur n decree of the court dissolving
thn bonds of matrimony now existing
neiwnen plaintiff nnd defendant, nnd
Notice of Final Settlement,
Notice In hereby given thnt the nn
ilerHlgneil, ndiiilnlHtriitrlx of the es
late of ,1, Churlns Moore, deceased,
Iiiih filed her tin a I account of suld oh
lute, In thn County Court for Cluck
H mil h County, St at it of Oregon. The
said court Iiiih appointed the II 1st day
of Jntiiiiiry, 1910, ut HI o'clock A. M
for hearing objections to suld report,
Any person having object Inn to suld
report imiHt f 1 to Hit1 Hiitut' with wild
court on or before wild unto.
Dated December 31, 1909.
AdinlnlHli'ulrlx of suld Kstntiv
The Mecca for Winter Tourists
Its nitiuctlvn nciihIiIo roHorts, fnm
otia medlcnl springs, magnificent tour
ist hotelH, picturesque Hcenery, do
llghtfui cllmulo, nnd opportunity for
all kinds nf outdoor piiHtlmes, such as
hundreds of miles of onto drives
through oruiiKO groves nnd along
ocean bench Ixiiilovarris! mako this
favored region The World' Greatest
Winter Resort, reached vltt the
Shasta Route
"Road Of a Thousand Wonder"
Low round trip rates are In effect
from all points In tho Northwest, with
long limit, stop-over privileges nnd
first-cliiHs accommodations.
Portland to LoiAngele and Return
With a (Inn! return limit of six months
and Btop-ovora In either direction.
First cluss, up-todnto truing, wllh the
Intast equipment, unexcelled dlnlnj
enr service, nnd everything thnt goes
to make tho trip pleasant.
Attractive, Intoreatlng and Instructive
literature tolling; of the famous win
ter resorts of California can bo had
on application to any O. It. & N. or
S. P. Agont,
or by writing to
WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pas. Agent,
Portland, Oregon. i
Administratrix's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given thnt the un
lerslgned hnB been appointed ndmln-
iHtrntrlx of the Estate of Join Urock,
dt censed.
All poi-Hons having claims ugilnit
nn Id estato ro heioby not ified to pre
sent the same with proper voucher
duly verified according to law nt the
onice of J. F. Clark, nt Oregor City,
Oregon, within six months of Clio dnt
of the publication of this notic.
Dated December Kith.. 1900.
Attorney for Administratrix.
mr i no care, custody and control of
uieir minor child. Thelma Mulllns
and for such oilier nnd further relief
ns in inn court may stmm equitable.
iiiin numinous m published bv or
der of the Hon. .1. IT. Campbell. Judge
of the Circuit Court of tho State of
uregon lor tho Fifth Judicial District
and entered on tho 23d dny of Decern
bnr 19U9, In which order It Is direct
ed that this summons bo published
once a week for six cimsecut Ivo weeks
in the Oregon City Enterprise,
weeitty newspaper published nt Ore
gon Ully, ClackamiiB County, Oregon
i no nine or the first nub cntlon of
mis summons is December 24th. 1909
nnd the last publication is February
Attorney for Plaintiff.
in tho Circuit Court of the Stnto of
uregon. for Clucknmaa Countv.
Clara l'olkoy, Plaintiff,
n. A. Pelkey. Defendant.
To 11. A. Polkey. the above named ile-
in the name of tho Stato of Ore-
Ron. you nro hereby required to ap
pear ami nnswor tho complaint filed
agnliiBt you In tho nbove entitled
cause on or before the 4th dnv or
''(nmry, 1910, and If you fall to nn-
petir iiihi answer ror wnnt thereof, the
piaiiitirr win apply to the court for
the relief prayed for In her snld com-
pintnt, to-wit:
For a decree Of tho court dissolv
ing1 the bonds of matrimony now ex
isting between plaintiff and defend
ant and for the care, custody and con
trol or Clarence Polkey nnd Clnlr Pel
key, minor children of nlnlntlff and
defendant and for costs and disburse
ments of this suit and for such other
and further relief as mny seem eqult-ablo.
This summons Is published by order
the Honorable J. IT. Camnbeli.
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
Stato of Oregon, for the Fifth Judicial
Executor's Notice.
Notlco Ih hereby given thnt the un
dersigned has been duly appolnted- by
me county Court of the State of Ore
gon, for tho County of Clackamas, ex
ecutor of the Last Will and Testament
of Fred Rnkol, deceased.
All persons having claims against
the estate of tho suld decensed, are
hereby required to present the same
to me, properly verified, as by law re
quired, at my place of business on the
West Side, or ut the oflleo of my attor
ney, Thos. F. Ryan, in the Masonic
Hulldlng, Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months from date hereof.
Dnted this 2nd day of December,
Executor of the Ijist Will and Testa
ment of Fred Rakel, deceased.
THOS. F. RYAN, Attorney for Execu
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon, for Clnckiimns County.
J. M. Frelllnger, Plnlmlff,
. vs.
V. J. Flnnngun, Defendant.
To p. J. Flanagan, the nbove named
In the name of tho Stale of Oregon
ion are hereby required to appear
and answer the compliilut filed ngalnst
you In tho above entitled action with
in six weeks from the 24th dnv of
December, 1909, that is to soy, on or
beforo the 4th day of February, 1910,
that being the last day of the time
prescribed in tho order for the publi
cation of this summons, and If you
fall to answer the complaint, the plain
tiff will tnke Judgment against you
for the sum of Threo Hundred ($300)
Dollars, with Interest thereon from
the second day of August, 1909. nt the
rule of 10 per cent per annum: for
the sum of Seventy-five ($75) Dollars
attorney's fee; for the further sum of
Two Hundred Sixteen and 50-100
($216.50) Dollnrs, with Interest there
on from the 30th dny of November.
1909, at 6 per cent per annum, nnd
for the costs and disbursements of
this action; and that the real property
of tho defendant attached In said
cause, to-wit: the Enst half (Ett) of
the Northwest Quarter (NW 1-4)
ber. 1909.
First publication, December lOthi
1909; last publication January" 21st,
1910. W. H. STRONG.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
William Semcnsa. Plaintiff,
Tyler Woodward, Trustee; the Unit
ed Slates National Bank of Port
land, Oregon, a corporation; James
Newlands and Isabella A. New
lnnds, his wife. Defendants.
To Tyler Woodward, Trustee; the
I'nlied Stntos National Bank of
Portland, Oregon, a corporation;
James Newlands and Isabella A.
Newlands, his wife, the defendants
above named.
In the Name of the State of Oregon:
ion are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint In the
above entitled suit filed against yon
within six weeks from the date of
the first publication of this summons,
and If you fall so to appear and an
swer, for wnnt thereof the plaintiff
complamt, to-wlt:
That the bonds of matrimony now
existing between plaintiff and defend
ant be dissolved, on the grounds of
desertion and abandonment of plain
tiff by defendant for more than one
year, for the costs and disbursements
herein, and such other and further
relief as to the court may seem eouit-
This summons is served upon you
pursuant to an order made and en
tered In said suit on the 29th day
of November, 1909, by the Hon. J. TJ.
Campbell, presiding Judge of. the
above entitled court, which said order
requires you to appear and answer
the complaint in said suit within six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication Dec. 3, 1909
Date of last publication, Jan. 14. 1910,
first publication of this summons, and
If you fall to appear and answer said
complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff
will apply to tho Court for the relief
prayed for in her complaint on file
herein, to-wlt; for a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony now ex
isting between plaintiff and defendant
and that she may be divorced from
defendant; and that plaintiff be al
lowed to resume her former name,
that of Ella Neuens; and for such
other and further relief as to the
Court may seem equitable and Just.
This summons la nubllsbed bv or.
der of Honorable J. U. Camobell.
Judge of tne Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas County, made
and entered on the 19th day of Nov
ember, 1909.
The date of the first nubllcatlon
of this summons la November 26, 1909,
and that the date of the laat publi
cation thereof is January 7, 1910, and
tae lime ordered for the publication
of this summons la six weeks from
and after November 20, 1909.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The Photographer,
Photograph that Please.
Good Work. Moderate Prlc.
1003 Main 8t.. Fair-slough Bldg.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned' as administratrix of the
estate of Gottlieb Esslg, deceased, has
filed her final report as such admin
istratrix with the Hon. County Court
or Clackamas County, Oregon, . and
the Court has set the 31st day of De
cemoer, 19U9, at the hour of ten
o'clock A. M., as the time for bearing
saia nnai report.
Any and all persons havintr objec
tions to said report are hereby noti
fied to appear and make the same
known to the Court on said date above
Dated November 27th, 1509.
Administratrix of the Estate of Gott
lieb Eslg, deceased.
GORDON E. HAYES. Attorney for
O. 0. EBY
Money loaned, abstract furnish
4, land title examined, estate
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Deuttcher Advokat
Will practice In all courts, make
collections and settlements.
Office in Enterprise Building,
Oregon City, Oregon.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the es
tate of Robert G. Ailred, deceased.
has fi filed her final account in said
estate in the County Court of the
State of Oregon for the County of
Clackamas, and that the Judge of said
Court has apointed December 31st.
1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M
for the hearing of said final account,
and objections to the same, if any
mere be. and for settling the same.
(Formerly Nettie Ailred).
Administratrix of the estate of Rob
ert G, Ailred, deceased.
CROSS & HAMMOND, Attorneys for
O. W. P.
Between Portland
and Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
Clara Chute, Plaintiff,
win appty to the court ror the relief Nellie Winn, Joseph Winn, her hus
band; Aaron Hook, husband of
demands In said complaint, as follows,
to-wlt: For a decree requiring the
said Tyler Woodward, Trustee, to ex
ecute a sufficient release and satis
faction of said mortgage, and that
In default of Its execution by him
within ten days after the date of this
decree, that the said decree shall It
self be nnd operate as a satisfaction
and cancellation of record of said
mortgage In Clackamas County; and
that the plaintiff have Judgment
agnlnst the defendants, James New
lands and Isabella A. Newlands, for
his costs and disbursements In this
suit, and for such other and further
relief as may be proper and to which
plaintiff may be entitled.
this summons Is served upon you
pursuant to nn order made and enter
ed in snld suit on the 7th day of De
cember, 1909, by the Honorable J. TJ.
Campbell, judge of the above entitled
court, which snld order requires you
to npenr and answer the complaint
filed In snld suit within six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons.
Date of first publication, December
10, 1909.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
j-roy Crumb. Plaintiff,
Kate Crumb, Defendant.
To Kate Crumb, the nbove named
In the name of tho State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
penr and answer the complaint filed
against you herein on or before the
21st day of January, A. D.. 1910, that
being the lust date prescribed In the
order for publication of this summons
upon you, and If yon fail to so appear
and answer said complaint, for want
thereof plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in
said complaint, to-wlt: For a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
defendant and for such other and fur
ther relief as the Court may deem
This summons is published by or-
Ellza A. Hook, deceased, and Alice
Morter, daughter of said Eliza A,
Hook, deceased; W'lliam Chute,
Chas. T. Chute and Latona Chute,
his wife, Defendants,
To each of the above named de
fendants: v
In the name of the State of Oregon
iou and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer plaintiff'
complaint now on file in the above
entitled court and cause on or before
December 31. 1909, and if you or any
of you fail to so appear and answer
said complaint, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree that the defendants or
either of them have no right, title
or interest in and to Lots Numbered
One (1), Two, (2), Seven (7), and
Eight (8) of Block One Hundred Sev
enty-three (173) of Oregon City, Ore
gon, or any part thereof, and for a
further decree decreeing that plaintiff
Is the absolute owner in fee simple of
said described real property and ev
ery part thereof and that all claims
of said defendants or either of them
in and to said property shall be for
ever barred.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled court, and which or
der was made and entered November
16th, 1909. and thnt the first publica
tion of said summons as provided for
in said order shall be November 19th,
1909, and the last publication of said
summons Bhall be December 31. 1909.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clack
amas. Ella Storer, Plaintiff,
J. A. Storer, Defendant.
To J. A. Storer, the above named
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of plain
tiff filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before Friday, the
7th day of January, 1910, said date be
ing six weeks after the date of the
Leave Arrive Leave Arrive
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6.30 7.22 7.30 6.20 1 6.26 7.20
7.00 7.52 3.00 o50 6.57 7.50
7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30
8.00 8.52 9.00 8.00 8.07 9.00
8.30 9.22 9.30 8.30 8.37 9.30
9.00 9.52 10.00 9.00 9.07 10.00
9.30 10.22 10.30 9.30 9.37 10.30
10.00 10.52 11.00 10.00 10.07 11.00
10.30 11.22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30
11.00 11.52 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.59
11.30 12.22 12.30 11.30 11.37 12.30
12.00 12.52 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00
12.30 1.22 1.30 12.30 12.37 1.30
1.00 1.52 2.00 1.00 1.07 2.00
1.30 2.22 2.30 1.30 1.03 2.30
2.00 2.52 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00
2.30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2.37 3.30
3.00 3.52 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00
3.30 4.22 4.30 3.30 3.37 4.30
4.00 4.52 5.00 4.00 4.07 5.00
4.30 5.22 5.30 4.30 4.37 5.30
5.00 5.52 6.00 5.00 5.07 6.00
5.30 6.22 6.30 5.30 5.37 6.30
6.00 6.52 7.00 6.00 6.07 7.00
6.30 7.22 7.30 6.30 6.37 7.30
7.00 7.52 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00
7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30
8.00 8.52 8.55 8.00 8.07 9 00
8.30 9.22 9.25 8.30 8.37 9.30
9.00 9.52 9.55 9.03 9.07 10.00
9.30 9.33 9.37
10.00 10.53 10.55 10.03 10.07 11.00
11.00 11.52 11.55 11.03 11.07 11.59
12.00 12.46 12.50 11.55 11.57
12.50 M2.55
Probate and Realty Law Prac
tice Specialties
Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple
C. D. & D. C.
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
W. S. EDDY, V, S M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri-
nary College ut loroato, Canada,
and the McKillio School uf i
J Surgery of Chicago, baa located
mcgoD v.uy ana established aa I
office at The Fashion Stable,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephone.
Farmer' 13a Mail
Clackamas County
610 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment of maps, plat,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
E. F. & F. B. RILEY,
Attorney & Couniellors at Law
Wind Mills, Pump aad Hydra- J
lie Rama a Specialty.
Phone 2682.
Oregon City,
E. P. Elliott & Company
All kinds of
To Milwaukie only.
Trains for Fairview. Troutdale.
Gresham, Boring. Eagle Creek. Edta-
cada and Cazadero and Intermediate
7:15. x8:02. 9:05. xl0:05. 1:05.
3:05. x4:05. 5:05. i6:05. 7:05.
3:05. 11:35.
For Gresham.
Gresham. Fairview and Troutdale.
NOTE: Cars leave East Water and
Morrison streets 5 minutes later than
scheduled from First and Alder St
ins at ii at lasTEia aoisti
Stratton Bldg. Oregon City. Ore.
-II vmnr
B Whiskey is a good friend I
8 but a poor master. Used B
B In moderation it cheer, in- I
B spires and strengthen men. fl
H For sociability use HARPER I
! Sold by I
ii mm ubmwwwh jii M ipM