Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 31, 1909, Image 3

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5c Tooth Ticks 2c
75c Rcrf Iron & Wine 3Sc
50c Slicnrs or Scissors 25c
All Bargain prices quoted
in our ads are subject to
stoclt supply.
Opens January 3rd
On liondoy morning Jonuory 3rd Our Annuol Cleoronce Soles will open up In eom
t original tost will tu I buMltile figure when It comes to making prices. Ours Is o big store with on Immenselv big
stock ond before Invoicing time we try to cut our stock d
line here of the bargains we will give you durjng the month of Jonuory-buMhey ore here Drugs, Stationary, t ut Gloss,
China, Pictures, Leather Goods, Un
75c Stnniliird Library Hooks 50c
Thn K In tl if txHiltn yim waul In your lllrnry
- tint thu now fiction Unit you ri'iicl mid
throw side hut ntniiiliird lnKiki Hint yoti
rt-ml and reread nml want to keep.
40c Library Bound Books 25c
Standard work (if (lotion, travel, adventure.,
history, vie,. iMioks liy Dickons. Thackeray,
Cooper, Hugo and other i'iiiully fiiminiH mi
tliorM. Imiiiiil In heavy red rlnth, wild gilt
tops. 1 ' mi niutl linrKulun nt 25c
75c Boys' Books Reduced to 50c
CopyrlKht stories (if travel, history mill nd
vi'iiliiro y ('untlomuti, ('apt. llniirlilll, Win
field. Alger. Tln right klnil nf books for
your tiny nml girls.
Toilet Water
This Ih Jimt n flyer until stock I" cloned (int.
Fine Writing Paper 1-3 Less
All our F.utou, ('rune ft Pike Co.. film Sta
tionery In llnlliliiy limes nt 33 13 per rent.
ilUi-iiiinl oft iimrki'il price Till l ('bunco
tu gel tin" fitful writing paper Inuito t
big HuiliiK liny u nil months' supply.
Ilfir boxes of pupor mid envelopes for... 23c
t'J- limes of pupor nml envelopes for... 30c
"fr lime ronliiliiliiK 2 l''' 'f lIH'r. . .&0c
II 25 Ikucb containing 3 sires of paper.. Mc
Here lit II in' niodlfutod nit I on n k"m1 as
Km higher priced only inndo of shorter
Mior. When thin supply I Kno H1
not lie nli!" to supply innru nt thin price.
1 lb Linen Fabric Writing Paper '2."c
A IiIkIi grade, paper often sold nt 40c a
pound. Envelopes lo mutcli Hc pkK.
10c Crepe Tissue Paper 07c
20c Decorated Crepe l.'lc
All Post Card Albums Reduced
Now Ih thu 1 1 in to buy thut Post Curd Al
lium that thn clilldren want.
35c Pod Card Albumt now 25o
45c and 50c Post Card Albumt now. ,33c
60c and 75c Poat Card Albumt now. .48c
11.00 Pott Card Albumt now 75c
Kiiml reiluctloim mi higher prlrod Albums.
Haviland China 1-4 to 1-3 Less
Tltln Include everything left of our Huvl
liitid line, lH well in oilier Imported rliliin.
liln of liilile ware In this lot IK well us
decorntlve pieces. Only once a yelir Un
you tut vu audi chluu biirgulns olTered you.
Japanese China for. 19c
Cups mid Saucers, Plutos, Vases, Nosegays,
Pitchers, etc. They uro tilK viilueM nt our
regular price 35c ut Vic It's like (Hiding
them. ' i
$1.50 Umbrellas reduced to $1.08
Fine wimiI nml "Ilk cover on best Paragon
fritiuea Willi plain wood handles. Both
sixes for men and women at Vumo price.
A genuine uinlirella burguln.
$2.50 Umbrellas reduced to $1.95
The very hem wearing I'lnlirella made.
811k mid wool inlxturii having appearance of
all llk. l'lnlil bundles.
25c Rexall Playing Cards 15c
We Kunranlee thcMo tho best 25c card on
the market.
Framed Pictures Reduced 1-3 to 1-2
Kvery picture In our Mock l reduced.
Price run from 12c to 7.60. There are
some here that you want for your home.
15c Mann's Health Soap 10c
All our large stock of aoap will go In at cut
prlrea with the exception of a few contract
brand auch a Cutleura. Till we Hell all
thu time anyway at 20c the cake.
Box Soap
Tli In Include dure of the popular klndx
for which you pay 10c per cake regularly.
A lot of WoBteiiliolm. Ilrnndt & I'lpe Razors,
all high grade, guaranteed and sold all over
the country for Jl.SO to $2.50 each.
Razor Strops
We have a big line of high grade, razor
Hlrop ranging In price from 25c to 2.50.
W are making a cut of from 25 to 50 per
cent, on Oil line.
These Shear come in four Blzes and art?
high grade.
Hand Brushes
ThcH are the kind aold in many store in
I'ortland for two blta each.
Bristle Goods 20 to 50 per cent. Off
We ul way h have a complete a atock of
bruHhc ax Ih carried In the atate. When
we offer you a aavlng of thl kind It la
worth while taking advantage of.
A flnd-claa alarm clock, guaranteed by
u an well aa by the manufacturer.
Mirrors 1," to 25 per cent. Off
We have auch a big line of Mirrors Hand,
Wall and Triplicate tnat we cannot Hpecl
fy here, but they all go in our January Sale
while they lat.
25c Combs, Celluloid and Rubber, 18c
IU-hIiIch the 25c line our whole Block of high
grade comb are reduced from 15 per cent
to 35 per cent.
Talcum Powder
A good Talcum Powder for 7 cents.
It now.
We are clolng out our slock of Cemeniico,
get It while It lasts at less than half price.
Tooth Paste
A Can of Rexall Talcum )
,,oclACake of Blemish Soapj-)C
To Introduce these delightful toilet prep
arations more thoroughly, we ofTer both for
the price of one.
The Christmas entertainment given
by tho tchool lorember 22, was very
good and enjoyed by all present. The
i programme was as follow:
Hong, "With Heart so Mght," by
the school; recitation, Mary's letter
to Hanta, Mary Palfrey; recitation,
Hanta and Ills Reindeer, Carl Ilerg;
recitation, In Hcthlehem, Mrs. R. H.
ifllDHon; dialogue. The Troubles of a
I Schoolteacher, Mlsa Mlna IhikIiis
'and eight pupils; recitation, Hanta
(Maus end the Mouse, (ilenn Douglas;
duet, "While O'er Their Klocks,"
j Misses Muriel uud Mary Crouch;
! recitation, A Real Santa Clans, Wat
! son Kills; an exercise, The Seasons,
! by four little girls; song, "Ring Ye
j Hells," by the school; recitation, The
: Dutchman's Telephone, Ernest Hoff
imelster; recitation, Dolly, Isn't Christ-
mas Jolly? Myrtle Hoffmelster; dia
logue, True Courage, Miss Meda Mur
phy and Krnest Holfmelater; song,
"The Dearest Day of all the Year,"
by the school; recitation, Santa Claus
t'p-to-Date Trip, Lena Cahill; dia
logue, "The Doctor's Visit." by three
little folks; vocal solo, "Come Unto
Me," Miss Mary Crouch; recitation,
Christmas and the Children, Virgil
l Douglass; recitation, A Christmas
Wish, Mildred Douglass; reading,
Mrs. R. B. Gibson; song, "Brightest
of All Is Christmas," by the school;
recitation, Mighty Near It, by Grace
Cahill; reading. Miss Muriel Crouch;
recitation. Jolly Santa, Perry Mur
phy; dialogue, One Good Turn De
nerves Another, Sherd Jones, Carl
Douglass, Russell Jones and Lewis
III vers; song. Santa Claus Is Coming
Soon, four little girls; club swinging,
Miss Mary Crouch; giving out the
candy and peanuts.
Miss Mary Crouch, of Portland, at-
tended the Christmas entertainment
given at the schoolhouse Wednesday
I M. V. Thomas, of Sandy, and Dick
; Gibson traded horses one day last
I week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howlett and Mr.
! and Mrs. Ray Woodle were enter
' talned at dinner Christmas by Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Murphy.
j Mrs. Bertha Douglass visited with
. Mrs. Katie Douglass 8unday.
Mr. and Mrs. Berg spent Christmas
j evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoff-
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Woodle, Claud
j and Nettie Woodle called on Mr. and
j Mrs. R. B. Gibson Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Palfrey and Mrs.
Rolph were Estacada visitors on
i R. B. Gibson made a trip to Barton
,on Monday.
I Mr. and Mrs. Hal. Gibson called on
j Hal's father, James Gibson, Sunday
Out of the Ginger Jar.
If you want to borrow trouble go
to a money lender.
The farm Is a sort of a clock which
reflects the time of year.
The corn was simply shocked by
the cutting manner of ihe farmer,
It Ih better to be an honest man
in one lunguago than a liar In five.
Truth crushed to earth will rise
again, but It Isn't that way with an
The horse has no need of money,
for he Is never without fore quarters.
If people only snld what they
thought, there wouldn't be so much
Dont' forget that when It comes to
raising things the yeast cake Is not
a bad second.
The soap-bubble Is a very pretty
thing til) it bursts; and that Is true
of all our bubbles.
One does not need n perfect know
ledge of grammer to Bpeak good and
true words all the time.
'Tom went West to make his for
tune. Did he make a hit?" "Yes,
be Is hitting stones with a Bledge on
a new turnpike."
Health boards cry
You must die.
You carry germs
L'pon your feet,
And drop them in
The things we eat;
Deposit microbes
On our plates.
And scatter them
On shiny pates.
Hurtful atoms
You dispose
Upon Wopsy
Popsy's nose.
There's reason why
You must die.
Many a young man has become en
gaged without knowing exactly how It
happened. And yet they tell us that
women do not understand diplomacy.
Aurora and Northern Marion
Jacob SihwRilcr, who for over half
a life time has niude Aurora his lionie,
died Sunday, ut his place one mile
west of town, at the advanced age
of KM years. In 1N;5, In company with
the others of Die old lletlicl colony,
he first came to Oregon, since which
time he mid his four brother and "li
ter m now surviving ruve made this
their home. Mr. Soliu mlir was u
1 1 it it of more than average Integrity,
respected mid loved by his many
friends and aciiuiiliitiinres. Never
having 1 n married ho leave.) no
family other than his two sisters and
two brut tiers.
Interment took place at tli Auro
ra cemetery, Tuesday afternoon.
Time Is no lespector of persons ainl
even that staunch and Hturdy little
band of settlers, who fought so suc
cessfully all thu hardships and pells
of n new land have felt the chill wind
ouo by one until only u few rouiulii
lo tell of deeds performed in (lays
long since departed. Wo owe lliem
our deepest gratltuilo and lospec:,
Mrs. Jacob Morris.
The body of Mrs. Julio Morris, who
died Krlilay lifter a long Illness, was
bulled In the Aurora cemetery Sun
day, with appropriate ceremony. Mrs.
MorrlN leaves n husband anil tlvo
children to mourn her departure. The
family came to Oregon about four
yeai-H ago from Missouri and havo
made Aurora their home during tlilsj SANTA CLAUS IN AURORA.
time. Mrs. Morris contracted typhoid
fever several weeks ago and In spite chrittmas Fittingly Celebrated By
of the best medical attendance grad- Suitable Exercltei,
uiilly grew worse mull death claimed
her. .Many friends sympathize with
,i.e i....v...l ..i... in the loss of a i!ood rldiiy evening tho Lutheran church
wife and mother.
Christmas Watermelon.
A watermelon Is on exhibition at
the Aurora Hunk. It was grown by
Forest Mills, who lives near Aurora
nnd Is of a variety that ripens con
siderably Inter than the ordinary
melon. Mr. Mills placed tills one , n1(, K(,H fr(Jm Krlt Kr11K,- to
a bin of oats where It stayed until 11 f,,i-orit..a
under tho supervision of the Rev.
Flatham, held very pretty and ap
propriate exercises celebrating the
birth of tho Savior. The little folks
did themselves credit In rendering a
splendid programme for the enter
tainment of those present. A beau
tiful tree was set up In one end of
the room and hung with decorations
Sunday evening tho
Phnreh n4nlsteil liv Die Christian
Wedding Belli Ring. Endeavor and the Sunday School, held
Miss Hannah KrnuB and Peter what to the little folks wns a veritable
Hunt, both well known Aurora young I carnival of Joy. Many handsome pros
folks, were married Inst week Injontu were distributed to those pres
I'ortlnnd nnd are now In Annua i'ti-etit mid nil enjoyed the splendid px
Joylng their honeymoon. They con-1 erclses by the young people. Reclta
teiuplale liuiKing In Soiitliern Oregon I tlons anil music followed a Hhort,
mid expect to soon leave for their I hut pithy address by the Rev. Vln-
futiiro home.
cent, who is an able speaker and has
tin exlriynely clear understanding of
the many great problems presented
by the llllilo. Rev. Vincent halls
from liervnls and preaches hero twice
In the month beside at Hubbard nnd
nt Yergenvtlbi. In tho past he has
Masquerade at Hubbard.
The grand Masquerade ball hold nt
Hubbard last Saturday night dVew
qulto a few of tho young people from
this section who wero fairlv success
ful In capturing tho prlr.es offered. boon favored with only n light turn
L I. Snyder got tho gold cuff links out In splto of tho fact that but few
given for the first prize to the gentle-1 men of his ability have ever favored
men. Ho posed as Sunny Jim. Mr. I Aurora by ministering to their spirlt
Mldduugh. costumed ns n tramp, took I ""1 wants.
second iirl.o and Mrs. Mehan. of U might bo well to mention that no
Woodliiiin. got the first lady's prize, i Instances have yet conio to light
Cauliy nnd Oregon City were repn
setited at tho gut boring by u' number
of the boys being present.
A full new bnrrol of the famous Old
Joe Gideon whiskey and six enses of
Martinet Imported brandy have ar
rived nt tho Now Aurora Hotel bur.
Tho best of Mt. Hood boor always on
$ff tn tfi tffi
n .p .ft N Jfc Jfr tA A
As you sell your hops, grain or other produce
place your money in a reliable
BANK. Pay each bill or account by CHECK
and avoid the danger of carrying large sums of
Put your spare cash to work night and day. We
pay 4 Per Cent Interest on time deposits.
When remitting do so by our bank
For any accommodation call on the
S $ $
$ $ $ T
whore "llollsnlklo" has Interfered
with old "Santa"; this Christmas, ul
tuoiigh srveral small boys were in
some four of the old mini with his
ci b.
both under the weather this week,
but neither is seriously ill.
Miss Huzel Giesy is hoti.fl ftom
school in Portland, for tr.e holiday
A basket social In Hnrlow proved
an attraction, Monday -venlng, O
quite a few of the Aurorr young folks,
lten Will, Russell Hlggeabothiitn',
and N. Fields and about six girls lor
company, made the trip
The White boy9 from Canby, are
again in Aurora, getting out poles fur
Mrs. L. Webert is In Portland this
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eckorson, of Can
by were In Aurora during Xmas.
Hen Will is no more with the S.
Hints for Stock Owners.
Never feed corn alone to hogs. It
is false economy.
Carelessness in handling pigs is a
bad habit to acquire.
Even on cold days hogs should have
plenty of good fresh air.
The Idea that anything is good
enough for a pig is a mistaken one.
Some corn-stalks may be fed to the
porkers every day. They are sweet
and do the hogs good.
Some farmers sell their corn shelled
and others dispose of It in the ear,
but western farmers find it most pro
fitable to sell it in the hog.
Women Who Are Envied.
TKaeo attractive nnmnn uhn OTA
P. Co. and the Miller boys have re- ,ove, ,n f form aud , r are
.iimuil tlt.tit u.frl id fnrnioHv . .......
the envy of many, who might te like
slimed their work as formerly.
Mrs. Dr. Atchlnson, of Doris. Cal.,
is here now as the guest of W. W.
Miss Lily Irvln, who Is attending
school at Corvallls, Is home for the
Coal for Sale.
Pest medium, Mendota sacked coal
nt $S per ton, Oregon City Commis
sion Company.
them. A weak, sickly woman will be
nervous and irritable. Constipation
or Kidney poisons show In pimples,
blotches, skin, eruptions and a wretch
ed complexion. For all such, Electric
Bitters work wonders, purify the blood
and give strong nerves, bright eyes,
pure breath, smooth velvety skin,
lovely complexion. Many charming
women owe their health and beslty
to them. 50c at Jones Drug Co.
Aurora Locals.
Glen Hurst was In Canby over Sun
day. A. II. Glesy was In Portland Monday
transacting business.
Tho little 17 months 'old child of
Allio Welch Is III with typhoid fever.
Dr. Henuy Glesy, who Is in attendance
mid the nurse say this Is tho first In-1
stance in their knowledge of n child
'so young contracting this dread (lis
'ense. Prospects for Its recovery arc!
not great. I
. Mrs. Flora Heck, who bus been ;
staying in Portland for some time, is j
now homo for the holidays. ,
George Miller Is preparing to nali;
i take over the duties of tho depot
j agent. Ho will resunio work on ihe 1
iJlrst of the your. j
Mrs. llondrleks nnd her two sons,
'of Salem, wero in Aurora during
! Xmas.
Mr. and Mrs. D. II. Snyder, of Port
j hind, were In Aurora Inst week, celo
I biutltig Xmas.
I .Mrs. Earley Grilible, of Portland,
:and Mrs. W. W. Glesy were visitors
! here lust week.
1 John Hurst wns In Canby this
I Prof. Marsh, of the Pacific Univer
sity, wns In Aurora during Christmas,
nlso Miss Agnes Marsh Is home from
school for tho holidays. Sho Is at
tending collogo nt Forest GrovQ. Prof.
Marsh is, it Is said, the only man In
Oregon now drawing a Carnegie pen
sion as an educator.
Dr. Martin Glesy nnd S. Glesy are
King 1P
of Vns'-' ,;
Enter- - m )
tainers igpW
ilk f
A Genuine
Cost to You
on lO Days'
Why Not Consider
This Offer Now?
This is nn invitation to every render of this paper to write us, at once,
for our free I rial offer no money down i) months to pay no interest
charged we pay the troiixht and pve ton days to try an LdisoDy
rliotioi:i;ipli in your own home. Uur Uutfit ro. 12 costs $J4.joy
and includes New Kdison Fireside riionogrnpli with combiua- v
i. .. ,...1 n i i ..... i. r i &
ii i lvi li i. .!.' j l:
Horn, also sjii'i'iai r mer-iuii -ii ; nan uoeu c.uison Am-Sv
oerol ( i iiiiiiuli'l lU'i'ords ami halt dozen Uola Moulded,
Standard Koonnls; tiiekol-platod Crane, bottle Phono-
ph Oil, Oil Can ami an Automatic Rrush attach-
grapil (ill, (Ml vhu tutu tin vilioniiiiic itiu.iu aiuii;u-.y FTT.ER8
tiient. I Ins oiler is fair to you and to us, becausec piani
we want you a satisfied customer a booster house.
for Kili-rs our best advertisement. Send y Porthf KS?.11
us the coupon catalogue and full pur- '& o n tlemen: Please
ticuhus will come to you by return mail. x T .To" y"?
f.- Edison ree xnai uom.
Eilers Piano House
Largest Western Dealers in All
Milken or -raining nmcninn
ii.ecorJs, rtanon, Ursam. Etc
Name .
AVe are having lots of freezing
weather, which does not agree with
the moss-back.
Dover Is on the upward climb. The
surveyors have been laying out land
In five and ten acre tracts to be sold
for fruit land. Now please just
watch Dover grow.
A. Miller Is slowly recovering from
typhoid fever.
The Christmas programme was cer
tainly a success and enjoyed by all
A great amount of credit Is due the
teacher and children. The church
was nicely decorated with evergreens
and old Santa Claus, of course, came
in due time.
Augustine Miller has been quite 111
for the past two weeks.
Guy C. Larklns is away spending
the holidays at home.
We are having dry, freezing weath
er here. The cold weather is hard on
stock and feed is scarce.
I. M. Park was In Oregon City Fri
day on business, and had a very nice
time at the Golf Links, waiting for
the Estacada car. The folks had
about all they could do to keep from
freezing. A lady, her husband and
two small children were there suf
fering with cold. It looks as if the
travel demands a waiting room.
The Roley and Horner Lumber Co,
is logging today, giving the mill
We are sorry to hear of Edgar
Horner having to stop work on ac
count of his eyes. We hope he will
speedily recover from his affliction.
Two young men from England came
to Oregon lately, a brother of Tom
Watson and a nephew.
E. Lacy got a badly bruised finger
while hauling road plank, dropping a
plank on his finger.
The new Dodge road to the Horner
and Roley saw mill Is nearly complet
There Is some talk of building a
hall' In Dodge. We do not wish to
see it stop at talk, we would rather
see things done than hear them talk
ed about.
J. F. Dibble has just taken to him
self a bride. Miss Pearl Davis, of
Walton, Oregon, and will visit with
friends at Dodge and Elwood soon.
There were a few Socialists and
Republicans working the new road
Monday and they had a violent discus
sion but luckily no blood was spilled.
The Mother Voices.
God gave to men the love of song,
And voices that In twilight long
Lull weary human hearts to rest,
By daytime's care and toil oppressed.
He gave to some the wondrous voice
That bids men weep or men rejoice;
He took sweet singers from the skies
And bid them in a mortal guise.
Ad these He gave In tenderness
To sing to us, our lives to bless;
But of all voices, near and far.
The mother voices sweetest arj.
They sing their simple songs each
O'er all the world where fades the
From mother-bird's song o'er Its nest
To human mother's song of rest.
No master's skill or singer's are
Can rival e'er a mother's heart;
For love that is of His on high.
Slugs through a mothers' lullaby.
Feed for Sale.
Bran, shorts, rolled feed, oats and
barley, flour, etc, at Oregon City Com
mission Company.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank our friends and
neighbors aud especially the Willam
ette Paper boys for their kidd sym
pathy and floral offerings In our late
aud Family.
Rodlund Estate Worth $7,000.
The estate of the late Meria Rod
lund has been admitted to probate,
and Olaf Rodlund was appointed ad
ministrator by County Judge Dlnilck.
The value of the property is $7,0U0.
Gordon E. Hayes is attorney for the
Stone Building to be Dwelling.
The stone building owned by
James Chase on Sixth street near
Center, is being remodeled, and will
be made into a beautiful and modern
home. The house, which will have
ten rooms Including bath, will be
up-to-date throughout. The contract
for remodeling was given to B. F.
Baker. The residence, when complet
ed, will he occupied by Gilbert L.
Hedges and family.
LOST Between Oregon City and
Clarkes. black silk watch fob, or
namented with gold buckle and
heart. Return to Wm. Clark, Ore
gon City, R. D. 4. Reward.
WANTED Brood sows; Berkshire or
Chester White, one year or over;
also 40 or 50 shoats, 3 or 4 months
old. Address Frank Haberlach,
Clackamas, Oregon.
FOR SALE Now ready Fox Ter
rier Pups. J; J. Davis, Oregon City,
R. F. D. No. 1. l'hone Farmers 255.
Womanly Wisdom.
The young wife: "This rabbit (sob)
I've been plucking it (sob) all the af
ternoon ,and it isn't half done yet."
Grind up the meat that Is left over,
stir it up with potatoes and make
croquettes for supper. Nice as can
Some girls would be successful in
obtaining a husband if they would re
move the hatpin before setting their
Never wash flannels In water in
which cotton clothing has been wash
ed, as there is lint always left In the
water that "fulls" the flannel. '
When making boys' pants, If moth
ers will put In a large piece of 'the
same material in the knees between
the lining and the outside, it will be
there ready when needed.
It isnf safe to buy eye-glasses of
peddler3. If your eyes need glasses,
go to a reputable oculist or optician
in some-near-by town or city. Econ
omy is false wisdom when It comes
to eye troubles.
Books, music and good lights may
not increase the corn crop, but they
wonderfully increase the heart crop;
and that is worth a good deal more
when It comes to keeping the boys
and girls on the farm.
If your oven does not bake, don't
get mad about it and think that the
stove is a nuisance. Just clean out
theHop and bottom of the stove. You
will be surprised at the amount of
soot you will get and how much bet
ter the stove will bake.
It Is heavy work to carry up a full
scuttle of coal, but if a grape basket
is kept at the head of the cellar stairs.
and if each time a trip is made to the
cellar it is filled aud brought up, the
scuttle may be kept supplied. .Even
the children can help do this.
A week filled with selfishness and
a Sabbath stuffed full of religious ex
ercises will make a good Pharisee, but
a poor Christian. There are many
persons who think Sunday is a sponge
with which to wipe out the sins of
the week.
It is natural for children to like
candy; and good candy is wholesome
for them, taken at the proper time,
which Is not between meals. A good
plan Is to serve it for desert several
times a week; a few pieces are
enough' for each child. Used in this
way It Is not extravagant, as it saves
the making of other deserts.
There are too many people who are
like my new teakettle. You can pile
fire under it, and polish it all you
please, but it won't sing; all it will
do Is to grunt a little, and If you take
the lid off, it v.-lll scald the hand. Isn't
that a picure of grumpy, surly people,
who dout' appreclato kindness? Give
me the old iron kettle that can slug,
and the old Jolly people who can sing,
Trouble Makers Ousted.
When a sufterer fion stn-nah
trouble takes Dr. Klnn'cS Is'e v L.Ve
Pills he's mighty glad to ,c Mb Dys
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