e 9 i I e 9 9 9 i e ! ! ! OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 110!. WAR MwM pi rr nnn p a J rrf,nTf7f'. I ' SPEQAL ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. H. L. Price is go longer connected with the firm of Price Bros. A. A, PRICE, who assumes the exclusive management, has been connected with the firm for the past eleven years and takes great pleasure in announcing to the good people of Clackamas County that he will continue to conduct this reputable business on the same liberal and legitimate basis as in the past and will exercise every effort to give you the best merchandise at the lowest possible prices. KcWk Stan k Co. Rocboarr. H Y R Record Breaking Slashing of Prices throughout the entire stock of all broken lot merchandise. A general clean-up of the stock, costs ignored, qual ity humbled by the vast reduction designed to hasten exodus OP ALL ODDS AND ENDS. ISale 0 pens Moi T 11 IV 1 11 II loiay, fh It'T dill. 39 1910 Don't fail to fee on hand and take advantage of the galaxy of bargains we are offering. KRK ARE A FEW OF THEM Broken Lots in Shoes $2.55 3.15 $3.50 Dress or Work Shoes $4.00 Dress or Work Shoes $5.00 Dress or Work Shoes $7.00 high-top, or logger's Shoes 515 $3.50 Boys' Shoes 255 $2.50 Boys' Shoes Jj 20 per cent reduction on all broken lots of W. L. Don das Shoes. Broken Lots in Hats Roelofs Celebrated $4.00 Hats ITawe's Famous $3.00 Hats Waldorf $2.50 Hats $2.00 Hats $2.30 1.65 1.05 Broken Lots in Suits and Overcoats For Men and Young Men Lot One All $12.50 to $15.00 Suits and Oven-oats JJjj Lot Two All $18.00 to $20.00 Suits and Overcoats ' 2 40 Lot Three All $22.50 to $25.00 Suits and Overcoats 5 85 Broken Lots in Pants 75c Bib Overalls $2.50 Pants $3.00 Pants $3.50 Pants $1.00 Pants $.50 1.55 1.95 2.35 2.85 BIO INDUCTIONS IX TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BACS Broken Lots in Furnishings 50c Underganncnls $1.50 Cooper's all wool Underwear $1.75 Fine Cassiinerc Underwear 15c Sox, now per dozen 50c Work Shirts : $1.00 Work or Dress Shirts $1.50 Chiett Shirts -r 25! Wool Sox, per pair $ .35 .15 .35 .50 .35 .75 110 .15 GREAT REDUCTIONS IN BROKEN LOTS OF WORK AND DRESS EL ANN EL SHIRTS. $3.50 All wool Jerseys. 1.95 25 PER CENT. REDUCTION ON THE CEL EBRATED EOWNES CLOVES. We are offering values worthy of your consideration so come in we are anxious to Show them to You Across the Street it om The Bank of Oregon City IPBUK3E o Sixth and Main Streets Oregon City, Oregon Look at Out Window Displays