Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 24, 1909, Image 7

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    , r -
Rtitoretlort lo Entry of Land In Na
iionai Foreit.
Nollno l hereby given tlmt th
liuicl di'Mcrlbi'iI linlow, iMiihmrliiK
u n acre, within I he Oregon Nation
HI rOfKMt, Oregon, will III) ubjeet Ut
iMiiiniioiii mill i.nlry under tint pro-
Timmm or inn fiiniMimd law of tin
United Hlnte mid tliu act of Jiiiut 11
1UIXI (.'14 Hint., 'Mil), at thn Unltml
Htnln liiml officii at I'ort IiiiiiI. Ore.
nun, on February 21, 1010, Any mil
tier who win uctunlly nil il In good
ful Hi i laliiiliiK any of fluid IiiiiiIn fur
aitrlrullurnl nirMHnn prior lo Jnnti
nry I, I'joil, ami Iiiin not alinuilontiil
nine, Iiuh preference rlxlit to mnk
a hiniiKNtniiil entry for tint liinila nrtii
ally i iiplm!, Hiilil IiiiiiIn went lint oil
upon tliu nppllcittlona of Din numon
liiotilloiinil below, who havn H prefer
ence rlnht aiiblnct to the prior rlifh
of any miii'Ii guttler, provided auch
wilier or applicant U iiiullflnil to
miikii hoiiiimteiul entry and the prefer-
mii'ii rlKlit In I'xnrrlm'il prior to Feb
ruury ill, linn, on which diiin tint
IiiiiiIn win tin miliji't't to Huttiuniiint
and I'litry by any itialinii purum
Thn htnilM arn a followit: Tint H
of HW I t of H1C 14 of HI! 14 l
Hit, 27 ami thn NttfNWM nfNK'4
of KY. mid Ihti HICi of NV H of Nl'
14 uinl tint KIC 14 of NW 14 of NIC
14 of KK I 4, H"c. II I. T. II H., )V fl K
V. M , 12C acre, llHti'd upon tint ap
plication of J. J. Iliivla, of 1'nliiriiilu
Oregon; IJm flllll. Tln NIC 14 of
Hit. 12, T. 4 H , It. 6 10, appllrat Ion
of Henry K. lloim, rare of J, W
Draper, Hherlock llilllillliK. Portland
Oregon; IJnt 0 170. Tim H1 of HW
14 of HW 1-4, thn NW 1-4 of HW 14
of HW 14. Hne. 2", tint NW 14 of
NW 14. Hce. 29, T. 2 H.. It. 7 IC, 70
acres, apilli'iitlnu of (ieorK'1 I'likntl.
No. VX Allilna Avenue, l'oi lluiul. Oro-
mill; IJnt U2ID.
('ouiiiilHHonir of thn Cmnriil Ijind
Apprnvi'd November 22, 19WI.
,r'lmt A hI Ht it ii t Hi'rrt'tary of tint In
Nolict for Ltvy of Special Road Tax.
Notice la hereby given that wn. thn
uiiili'mlKniMl taxpayer, In Itinul lilittrlrt
No. 8, ClHckiimiiH ( ounty, Oregon,
hereby Klvn notice to thn tiupnyt'r
or mild Komi DlHlrli't No. 8. that
llinrn will tin a meeting of thn tin
payer of anld dlnlrlrt In thu grtutiil
hoimii at t'linrryvllln, Ort'Kon, on the
twi'iity Rovnath day of Dt'ct'iiiher, lUuII.
at two o'i'lork I. M . to votn an ad
dltlotinl tin for road purponnH, a pro
vided hy an act of thn leglnlaturo In
1). W. iHitiKlaa. J H. Mayhra.
J T. Frill. Jr. J It. Maronay.
Frank Hlrvola. William Wannlnin.
W. (). HKh. (iourgn I). Coopnr.
K. W. Hoad. John T. Krlll. Jr.
W. Konlinnrknr J A. Wall.
T. Y. Mc-Calm. John IliirlmU.
W. I. MoCabn. W. K Wnlrh.
I J. Warn. J. T. Mi lntyrn.
t'harh-a A. KltiK C, V. HiirrU.
Hmiry lli'dnnatnln.
In the Circuit Court of tht Stat of
Ortgon for Clackamai County.
In tin' lunttnr of thn application of
litila Koch to rt'KliT tha tltln to
(hit Northwnat ijuarlnr (14) of Knc
lion Twcntyalj (2r, and thn North
nan! iiinrtiT (1-4) of thn Koiitlicaat
(juartcr (141 of Hnrtlon Twenty
anvnn; and thn Hotith half of tint
Northenut quurtcr (1-41 of Kcctlon
Twenty m-vnii, nil In Townnhlp two
121, Hiiiilh of Itanitn flvn (5) Knt of
thn Wlllnninttn Mnrldlan, conilnltiK
Two lliindmd Klchly (2K0I acre
morn or Inm In tint County of Clarka
mnii. Htatn of Ort'Kon,
AiiKtnit Koch, lh'ftindant.
To llm alKtvn named tlcfetidiint and
to whoftinanvrr It may ronmrn:
In i tin natno of thn Ktnte of (Ireniin:
Takn notlctt (hat on thn Ulili day of
Novt'iulier, I9U9, an appllrailnn waa
nit'd hy mild tnila Koch In thn (Mr
cult I'ourt of thn Blatn of Oregon for
(MackamiiH County for Initial ri'Kla
triitlon of tltln to thu hind ahovn ilea.
Now inilriti you appear on or before
the 24th day of January. 1910, and
allow ruiiNit why audi application
Hhotild not bo k ninl eil the mune will
hn (iilteii an confcitHcd and decren will
hn fiilereil nccordlnu to thn prayer
In the application and you will lm
forever burred from dlHpuMtiK hn
Y. W. (iUKlCN.M AN,
CAItTKH & Dl'Kril. Attorneya for
rubliHheil III the Oregon City Kilter-prim-,
December 24th. 1909.
amaa ('ounty, Ornxon, iiuraunnt to an
l.u .......... 1. 1 ' . t a.i
iiniiir oi inn iitiiiiiruiMi) virnni it. imn
Icli, CiMUily JiiiIkii of th wild Clack
amaa County, which order la madn and
iluleil thn IHtli iluy of lii'ciimhiir, lOiil)
and prnacrllma that tlila aiimiuoua ha
puhllahi'd olicn a week for His werka
Tim datn of llrat publlcnllon lt
comber 24th, lunu.
Attornnya for I'lulntlff.
Chamhnr of (,'oiiimercn HUlK,, I'ort
laud, OmKon,
Notlca for Levy of Bpaclal Road Tax
Notlcn la hereby kIviiii that wn, thn
uniliiralKimd tu payura, rnprimentliiK
ten per cunt, of thn tax payura In
Itoiul Dlatrli't No. 41, Clackamaa
Coiinly, Oregon, hereby kWh notlcn
tint tin payor of Hiild Hoail Illatrlct
No, 41, that thttrn will bit a meeiliiK of
thn tax payura of aald Dlatrlct In thn
achool honan, No. 83. at Dover, on
the tweney ai'ventli (27) duy of I)"-
ceinher, 1909, at nun o'clock I'. M
lo votn an aililllhiniil tax for road pur
poaea aa provided by an act of thn
IcKlnliitiirit In 19119.
(Ino. A. Wolf. 0. A. Keith.
Alnxander llnwa. 0. It. Woodlu.
II. If. Udell. A. J. Morrlaou.
W, 1'. Hubert.
Notlct for Ltvy of Special Road Tax.
Notlcn la liernhy iclvnn tint wn, thn
uiiduralKtied tux pnynrx rnpmaentlnK
ten per cent, of thn lax payer In
Itoad Dlatrlct No. 34, Clackamaa Cuiin
ty, OrcKon, ulvn notlcn to tint tax pay-
era of aald Itoad Dlatrlct No. 34. that
them will lm a iin'ctliiR of thu tux
payer of aald Dlatrlrl In Weat Orif
Run City Hrhool Honan In Hchool Dla
trlct No. 34, at Weat Ori'Kon City, on
thn 2Slh iluy of Decemlwr, 19i, at
2:30 o'clock I'. M , tn votn an addition
al lax for mad purpniieH, aa provided
by an art of thn Icxluliiturn III 1909
F. M. Tarrlah. V. Ilaiiaon,
K. J'arker. W. Kord.
I'reaton Hcramlek.W. P. (irlbbln.
riia. Shield. A. K. Kord.
M. Mcrarland. J. Bauer.
C, H. dray. A. J. Ilodirn.
W. (iray. C.utar Hchnorr.
D. C. Ilownll. W. H. Hchultx.
II. T. Ilorton. John Wagley.
II. W. ICIIIolt. Itiy Croat.
J. I. Wlnkln. J. m, Turnnr.
('. T. Illackbiini. 0. HnttRit.
I. Ilaldirrf. M. I'erlot.
Y. Clark. J. Adnmoaky.
l I'orter. C. Kelenhofer.
'ha. Haiti. W. Knyanr.
Nnla Chrlatntuen. Kred llaknr.
A. I). Ilownra. II. Ilaman.
I. T. Hhlpley. II. K. Wnrnnr.
Jamea Downey. p. k. Hhlpltiy.
J. W, ArmatroiiR. 0. 0. (!rave.
K. P. retll. Edward Oroa.
II. M. I'lnchartl.
Notice for Levy of Special Road Tax,
Notlcn Ik hereby Rlvitn that wn, (ha
underalKtii'd tax payor, reprniientlnit
en per cent, of tho tax paynra In
Itoad Dlatrlct No. 40, Clackamaa Coun
ty, Orruiin, hnrehy Klve notlcn to tho
ax paynra of aald Itoad Dlatrlct No.
4. that thorn will hn a meeting of the
tax payer of aald Dlatrlct In arhool
man In Dlatrlct No. 94, at Darton,
Oregon, (3 ml lea naat of atatlon) on
ho 29th day of Dncemhor, 1909, at
ono o'clock P. M.. to voto an additional
tax for road purpoaca, a provided by
n act of l ho li'Klalaturo In 1909.
O. II. IJIJa. f'b. llartlnmay.
A. r'onihora;. J. M. Andnraon.
Charle Koraberg. (thnrmon U You.
P. M. HolaL AuKUat Ciuatafaoii
K. Danlelaon. J. W. Andoraon.
II. Itenrlkaeii. H. W. Ilanaon.
C. Young. Carl J. Hanson.
M. Zoric. H. T. (Jlbaon.
Goo. Kpperaon. Chas. O. IJnd.
Iliilldlim, Oregnn City, Oregon, within
alx month frnin datn hnrnof.
Dated title 2nd day of December,
Rxncutor of thn Mat Will and Teata-
nient of Kred Hakiil, decnaand.
TIIOH. K. ItVAV, Attoriiny for Exncii
In thn Circuit Court of thn gtato of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
John T, Ieoniirrt, I'lulntlff,
Lucy O. Ionard, Defendant,
To Lucy (1. Leonard, tho above
nnmnd dnfnndant:
In the nanin of the Hlutn of Oregon
you are hnrehy required to apimar
and anawnr thn comiilnlnt filed agalnat
you hnmln on or beforo tho 2Mb day
of Jiinuary, 1910, aald datn being af
ter tho ttxplratlon of alx week from
thn flrat publication of tbla aummnn
and If you fall ao to apear and an
wer, thn plaintiff will apply to thn
Court for tho relief prayed for In hla
complaint, towlt: for tho dlaaolutlon
of thn bond of matrimony nxlatlng
between youraelf and thn plaintiff and
for auch further relief a to tho Court
may mem Juat In thn promlnc.
Thl Hiimmona la publlnhed hy order
of thn Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judgo
of thn Circuit Court of the Hints of
Oregon, for Clackamu County, mado
and entnrnd on tho 0th day of Decern
her, 1909.
Klrat publication, December 10th,
19H9; laat publication January 21 Mt
1910. W. H. HTHON'f!,
Attorney for I'lulntlff.
Final Nolle.
Notice la hereby given that tint un
ileralKiied iittin IntHt rittrtx of thn ealiitn
of Kenbon .(ioiicher, deccaaeil, ha III
nil her filial arroupt In aald est ill e In
I ho county court of thn atntn of Ore.
Kon for ClackninUH County, and that
the .Indue of nil Id court ha Hxilnt
nil Huturdiiy, the 22d day of January
1910, at 1 o'clock P. M. for hearing
objectlona to anld account and for
nettling aald oatnte..
AdnilplHlnitrlx of the cKtnto of lieu
ben (loucher. decenaed.
C.KOIKilC C. IlllOWNHI.L, Attorney
for cHtatn.
Notice for Levy of Special Road Tax.
Notlcn I hereby given that wo, thn
underalgned tax payor representing
ten per rent, of tho tax payora In
Hoad Dlatrlct No. 3, Clarkatna Coun
ty. Oregon, bomby give notlcn to tho
tax payer of aubl Itoad Dlatrlrt No.
3, that thertt will he a meeting of thn
tax payora of aald District In A. I.
Hall' halt, at Damaacua, Oregon, on
the 27th day of December. 1909, at
o'clock P. M., to voto an additional
tax for road purimaea, a provided by
an act of tho leglHliiture In 1909.
U II. Young. John Iy.
Curl Wolfliagen. 'oh Chllrntl.
In the Circuit Court of tho Htatn of
Oregon, for thu County of Clacka-inn.
William Hemenaa, I'lulntlff,
Tyler Woodward, Truatee; the I'nlt
ed Htntea National Hank of Port
land. Oregon, a corporation; Jamea
Newlaud and iHiibella A. N
liinda, hi wife, Defendant.
To Tyler Woodward. Truateo; the
( lilted Htateji National llnnk of
Portland, Oregon, a corporation;
Jamea Newlanda and laabella A.
Newland. hi wlfo, tho defendant
ahovn named.
In tho Namo of the Htatn of Oregon
inti aro hereby required to appear
and anawer the complaint In tho
abovo entitled milt filed agalnat you
within alx weeka from tho date of
thn flrat publication of thl aummon,
and If you fall ao to appear and an
awer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
demand In aald complaint, a follow,
to-wlt: For a decree requiring tho
uld Tyler Woodward. Truateo, to ex
ecute a HiifTlrli'iil relenai and aatia
fnctlon of aald mortgage, and that
In default of It execution by him
within ten day after the date of (hla
decree, that tho mid decree ahall It-
ef he and operate a a aatlafactlon
and cancellation of record of aald
mortgage In Clackamaa County; and
that tho plaintiff have Judgment
agalnat thn defendant. Jamea New-
nnda and laabella A. Newlanda, for
hla coat and (llnbiiraementa In thl
ault, and for auch other and further
relief a may bo proper and to which
plaintiff may he entitled.
Thl aummon la aerved upon you
purauant to an oTdor made and enter
ed In aald ault on the 7th day of Do
comber, 1909. by the Honorable J. IT.
Campbell. Judge of thn above entitled
court, which aald order requires you
to apear and anawer the complaint
tiled In aald itult within six weeka
from the date of tho first publication
of thla aummon.
Date of flrat publication. December
10, 1909.
Attorney for I'lulntlff.
Hold and Maryflmlth, and all pereon Court for the relief craved for in w
inmreama in uia oiaie, appear he- complaint, to-wlt: for tne dlaaolutlon
fore thl court on Monday, the 27th of thn honrfa or mntri ,.,.,.. ..i.m..
aay in iwcnmimr, iv, at in o ciock tintwoen youraelf and the plaintiff and
a. at., in anow cauan, u any mey can, lor aucn further relief ai to the Court
wny ucn aaie anouio wn n ornerno. may annm Juat In the premlae.
It la ordered that thl order be nub- Thla aummon I nubllahed hv ordnr
llahed In the Oregon City Kntorprlae, of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge
weekly nowpupr in Clackamaa of the Circuit Court of the Htate of
county, Oregon, tor tnree aucceaaive uregin for Clackamaa County, made
lun beforo the 27th day of Decern- and entered on the 8th day of Nov-
tier, imv. umner, law.
CHANT II. DIMICK. Klrat publication, November 12th.
Judge. 1909; laat publication. December 24th.
union, uncemtmr l, ivou, i iu.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of I
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
John Kianlkovakl, Plaintiff,
Anna Karflkovkl, Defendant.
To Anna Kanlkovakl, defendant In
thn abovo entitled ault:
In tho namo of tho State of Ore-
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamai.
II. B. Ewbank, Plaintiff,
gon ,you are hereby required to ap- Julia F. Ewbank, Defendant.
pear and anawer the complaint of To Julia K. Ewbank. defendant In
plaintiff filed agalnat you In the above the above entitled ault:
entitled cauae, wltliln alx weeki from In the name of the State of Oregon.
(hn dale of the flrat publication of you are hereby required to appear
(hi aummona, and If you fall ao to and anawer the complaint of plaintiff
appear and anawor, for want thereof, filed agalnat you In the above entitled
the plulntlff will opply to the court ult within alx week from the date
for tho relief demanded In aald com- of the flrat publication of thl aum-
plalnt, to-wlt: That tho liond of mat- morn, to-wlt: alx week after the 3rd
rlrnony between plaintiff and defend- day of December, 1909, and If you fall
ant bo disKolved, and annulled and for so to appear and anawer, for want
uch other and further relief aa to thereof, tho plaintiff will apply to the
tho Court may loom Juat and eqult- court for the relief demanded In aald
able. complaint, to-wlt:
Thla aummon la lerved upon you That the bonda of matrimony now
purauant to an order made and en- existing between plaintiff and defend-
tered In auld ault on the 11th day of ant be dlaaolved, on the ground of
November, 1909, by the Honorable J. desertion and abandonment of plaln
II. Campbell, Judgo of the above tiff by defendant for more than one
named Court, which ald order re- year, for tho coata and disbursement
quire you to appear and anawer the herein, and auch other and further
complaint In aald ault within alx relief a to the court may eem eqult-
week of the date of the first publl- able.
cation of thl aummona. Thl aummon Is aerved upon yon
JOSEPH WOERNDLE. pursuant to an order made and en-
Attorney for Plaintiff, tered In aald lull on the 29th day
Dato of first publication Nov. 12, 1909 of November, 1909, by the Hon. J. U.
Date of last publication, Dec. 24, 1909 Campbell, presiding Judge of the
above entitled court, which aald order
Summons. require you to appear and anawer
Harvey C. Croee. William Hammond
Real Estate Abetracti
Loan, Insurance.
Main Street,
Oregon City, Ore.
flrat publication of thl summon, and
If you fall to appear and answer aald
complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff
win appiy w the Court for the relief
prayed for In her complaint on file
herein, to-wlt: for a decree dissolv
ing the bonds of matrimony now ex.
lating between plaintiff and defendant
and that she may be divorced from
defendant; and tnat plaintiff be al
lowed to resume her former name,
that of Ella Neuens; and for such
other and further relief as to the
Court may seem equitable and Just.
This summons Is published by or
der of Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge of tne Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Clackamas County, made
ana entered on the 19th day of Nov
ember, 1909.
The date of the first publication
of this summons Is November 26, 1909,
and that the date of the lost publi
cation thereof Is January 7, 1910, and
the time ordered for the publication
of this summons Is six weeks from
and after November 26, 1909.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
The Photographer,
Photographs that Pleaee.
Good Work. Moderate Pric.
1003 Main St.. Falrclough Bldg.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned aa administratrix of the
estate of Gottlieb Esslg. deceased, has
filed her final report as such admin
istratrix with the Hon. County Court
or tiackamos County, Oregon, and
In the Circuit Court of the State of the complaint In said suit within six
Oregon, for Clackamas County. weeks from the date of the flrat pub-
Martha A. Hastings, Plaintiff, llcatlon of this summona
Richard M Hastings, Defendant. Attorneys for Plaintiff, i the Court h e th 11.1 n
To Richard M. Hastings, defendant Date of first publication Dec. 3, 1909. cember at the ,,,.. t .
above named: Date of last publication, Jan. 14. 1910. o'clock' v ' an tho tim , vD,,i-
tnthe name of the state of Oregon .aid anni mnnrt
you are hereby required to appear and Citation. Anjr and a prg0ng naviDR objec-
.uiiiui u.cu osuui to e is e j. Kawten. Marv Ktta nsner. t ons to nam ronort in hh nti.
you In the above entitled suit on or n,.e Daugherty. and Carrie Belle fled to aorjear and mako thn ame
beforo the 1st day of January, 1910, Dauehertv and to all nersons In- known tn the Court fin aalrl Anta ohnra
saio. uaie neing aner me expiration terested in the estate of Em y ment oned.
of alx weeks from the first publico- Daugherty, an Insane person. Dated November 27th. 1909.
non or mis summons, ana ir you law vou and each of vou are hereby pacuvr pssip.
to appear and answer said complaint, cited by the County Court of Clacka- Administratrix of the Estate of Gott-
ior warn mereor ine piaintm win ap- mas County, Oregon, to appear In aald lleb Eslg, deceased
piy tor me renei prayea tor in tneiCountv Court on or before 10 o'clock GORDON E. HAYES Attnmev for
uoiuijiauii, io-wii: rur n uecree ant-1 a. M. of December Z4th, 1909, 10 now ' Estate.
solving tne bond of matrimony now cause. If any you have, why the petl-
oxtstiug between plaintiff and defen- tlon of A. V. Davis, the duly appoint- Notice of Final Settlement
uam. ed. ana ned and actlnz Kiecutor or v.i i 1 , .i... ... . ..
, i nuiac is ucicut Kivtru mat tne un-
Thla ttmmnnn la mililluha Kv .1 - I . .u n , 1 .. r. I .. I . '
- . vj u. - iin F.MHL.- III HttlU .IU11T UAUKUtllT. riOM vnaJ a A n In oIm n 4U
A 1,.... t IT O t..ll t..J . . . .. .. . - . - -.'B"-U .uunu.JUI.llU VI IUf CO-
Uj-r .-i nun. j. u. vaiuimrii. juusc ui praying tor autnonty to sen me now- tote of Robert G Allred. deceased
the above named court which order er Interest of the Estate of said Emily bas flfied her final account in said
was made and entered on the ICth Daugherty In and to certain real prop- egtate In the County Court of the
day of November. 1909. and the time erty In Clackamas County. Oregon. state of Oregon for the County of
prescribed for publication thereof ,UOU!d not be granted, aa prayed for clackamaa, and that the Judge of said
a six weeks, beginning with the In said petition, which land Is descrlb- Caurt has gpolnted December 31st.
Isaue of Friday, November 19th. 1909 ed as follows, to-wlt: kmq tho hn,.. m ...ii, i m
and continuing each eek thereafter Commencing at the South West cor- for the hearing of eald final account.'
,, . Vono u""' tier ui me ijiiaiion Laa ciaim oi Bna objections to the same, If any
3lst, 1909. , Franklin E. Hubbard, and wife. In T. there be. and for settling the same.
GEO. C. BROWNELL. 5 S.. R. 2 E. of the Willamette Merl- (Signed) NETTIE VOGEU
O. D. E B Y !
Attomey-at-Lav J
Money loaned, abstract furnish-
4, land titles examined, estate
af I ln VARAM.1 I- V. I 4
i Over Bank of Oregon City.
I Attorneys-at-Law
Deutacher Advokat ?
Will practice In all courts, make
collections and settlements.
i Office In Enterprise Building, I
Oregon City, Oregon.
J. C. Elliott.
S. J. White.
H. E. Iivelnco.
Henry Trogo.
Mich Hemrlth.
J. A. Merrlman.
Hugh iJiy.
Mrs. E. Chltwood.
Thiy. Schmidt.
M. Heller.
Win. Stevenson
W. It. Dnlliis.
A. 1.. Hall.
Jin tho Circuit Court of tho Statu of
Oregon, for Clnckunma County.
J. M. Krelllngir. Plaintiff,
P. J. Klnnngiiti, Dt'fendnnt.
To P. J. KliiniiKiin, tho abovo niuned
In tho imnio of tho Stnlo of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear
and nimwer tho cotuplnliit II led ngalnHt
you In the aliiivo entitled nctlon with
In wlx weeks from tho 24th day of
December, 1900, that Is to any, on or
before tho 41 h dny of February, 1910,
that being the IiihI dny of tho time
prescribed In the order for the publl
cation of thin mininintiH, and f you
full to nnswor tho complaint, thn plain
tiff will tnko Judgment ngnlnst yon
for tho Hum of Three Hundred ($300)
JlollnrH, with Intercut thereon from
thn Hi'cnnd day of August, 1909, nt the
rnto of 10 per cent per milium; for
tho sum of Seventy-five ($7R) Dollars
nttorney'g feo; for tho further sum of
Two Hundred Sixteen tnd fili-100
($216.5(1) Dollars, with Interest there
on from tho 30th day of November,
1909, at 6 iter cent per annum, nnd
for tho costs and iUHbursements of
thin nctlon; and that tho real property
of tho dofendniit nttnehod In anld
cnuse, to-wlt: the East hnlf (EH) of
thn Northwest qtinrter (NW 1-4);
the North hnlf (N) of tho of the
Southwest qunrtor (SW 1-4) of the
NorthenHt qunrtor (NE 1-4), and the
Northwest quarter (NW 1-4) of tho
Northeast qunrtor (NE 1-4) of Section
Thirty-two (32) In Township Ono (1)
S. of Range flvn (B) E. of Willam
ette Meridian, sltimted In Clnckamns
County, State of Oregon, bo sold to
sntinfy the same.
Thli summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof In the Oregon
City Enterprise, a nowspnper of gen
eral circulation, published In Clack-
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
deralgiied administrator of tho es'nte
of James A. Hnnnngen, decenaed, has
tiled his Dnnl account herein with the
County Clerk of Clnckamns County,
Oregon, anil the County Judgo hn set
Monday the 3rd day of January, 1910,
nt tho hour of 10 o clock A. M., at
tho County Court room of said Conn
ty and Stato as tho tlmfl nnd plnro
account and for tho final st'ttlemen
of said estato.
C. D. 6 D. C. LATOURETTE. nnd
O. D. EI1Y, Attorneys for Admlnls!ro
Administratrix's Notice to Creditors
Notice Is hereby given that tim un
ilerHlgned bna been appolnte.1 Adimn
Ixtrntrlx of tho Ea'nto of I'dla Cnrn
ahnn, decenaed.
All persons hnvlng claims ngnlnst
said "statu aro hereby notified to pro'
sent tho samo with proper vouchers
duly vorilled according tn Inw at tho
otneo of J, F. Clark, at Oregon City,
within six months of tho date of tho
publication of this notice.
Datod Decombor Kith., 1909.
Attorney for Administratrix.
Administratrix's Notice to Creditors,
Notlco Is neroby given that tho un
dersigned has been appointed admin
istratrix of tho Estnto of John Urock,
All persons hnvlng claims ugihnt
an Id estate nro hnioby notified to pre
sent tho samo wllh proper vouchers
duly verified according tn Inw nt the
olllco of J. F. Clark, nt Orogor- City
Oregon, within six months of ihe date
of tho publication of this notlco.
Dated December 16th., 1909.
Attorney for Administratrix.
Executor's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned hns been duly appointed by
tho County Court of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Clackamas, ex
ecutor of tho Last Will and Testament
of Fred Rakol, deceased.
AH persons having clnlms against
the estate of the mid deceased, are
hereby required to presont the same
to mo. proporly verified, as by law re
quired, at my place of business on the'
WcBt Sldo, or at the office of my attor
ney, Thos. F. Ryan, In tho Masonic
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for tho County of Clarka
Leroy Crumb. Plaintiff,
Knto Crumb. Defendant.
To Kate Crumb, the abovo named
In tho nnmo of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint filed
ngnlnst you herein on or before th
2Ut day of January,, A. P.. 1910, that
oeiiig ine iiihi (inio proscribed in tn
order for publication of this summons
upon you. and if you fail to so appear
nnd nnswor anld complaint, for want
thereof plulntlff will npply to tho
Court for tho relief prayed for In
said complaint, to-wlt: For a decree
dissolving tho bonds of matrimony
now existing between plnlntlff and
defendnnt nnd for such otffer and fur
ther relief na the Court may deem
This summons Is published by or
dor or tiio Honorable J. V. Campbell,
Judgo of tho above entitled Court, and
which order was mado nnd entered
on tho 6th dny of December, 1909.
Tho llrst publication of this sum
mons la December 10, 1909, and the
last publication thereof Is on Jnnu
nry 21st, 1910.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit Court of tho Stale of
Oregon for Clacknmns County.
Herbert II. Freeman, Plaintiff,
Hattlo A. Freomnn, Defendant
To Hat tin A. Freomnn, Defendant.
!n tho namo of tho Stnto of Oregon
you nro hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed ngnlnst
you in tho abovo entitled suit on or
beforo the 7th day of January 1910
that being tho last day prescribed In
tho order of publication of this sum.
Hums, and If you fail to so appear and
answer said complaint tho plaintiff
will npply to tho Court for the relief
therein prayed, to-wlt: A decree dis
solving tho iimrrlago contract now ex-
Htlng between you and the plaintiff.
J tils summons Is published In the
Oregon City Enterprise, newsnnner.
for six consocutlvo jvecks by order of
ion. j. Li. Campbell. Judge of tho
snld Circuit Court mndo on the 20th
day of November 1909, the first pub
lication on the L'Bth day of November
Attorney for Pllnntlff.
In the County Court of tho Stnte of
Oregon for the County of Clncka
mns. In tho matter of the Guardianship
of Julia Held, a minor.
Now nt this time this cause coming
on to be hoard on the petition of
Charles Rebstock, guardian of the
estate of Julia Held, a mlnoT. and It
ppenrlng to the court from snld pe
tition that It would be to tne best Inter
est of said minor that the undivided
one-eighth Interest, subject to the dow-
r Interest of Lucy Held, widow of
redorlck Held, deceased, be sold at
private salo:
It Is therefore otdorcd that the next
of kin of snld ward, to-wlt: Lucy Held.
Sarah Held, Georgo Held, Albert Held,
L,yuia spaay, Emma Held, Christian
dian. Clackamas county, Oregon; ivormeriv Lottie Atirorii
thpneo Vnrfh 1P rods thpnea Fnat I . A ii. i . . i . . n . .
fiummnna 1 ' " rtUnJUlI.Hl tlLI I U I UC VHlttlt! VI IIUC-
aummone. 90 thence South 160 rods: ort r. aa
In the Circuit Court of the State of thence West 190 rods to the place of CROSS "& HAMMOND, Attorneys for
vs.i-R..u ,Ui mo vuuui m LmLno- Deginning, containing iu acres or Administratrix.
land more or less.
A. r. Will, Plaintiff, Dated this 2Cth day of November,
vs A. D. 1909. F. W. C.REEN'MAN
Thomas Fannascy, Defendant. clerk of County Court.
10 inomaB fannascy, tne aborin (Seal of Countv Court.)
named aeienaaut:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled Court and
cause on or before the 24th day of
December. 1909, and If you fall so to
A w d mvicirtki
By B. A. SLEIGHT, ' ' .....
D?PUty CLWcn ronmna inq urcyun v'y.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
.in" 7 8?ld.f mp ",nt the County, Oregon, administrator of the
plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled Court for the relief prayed for
in said complaint, to-wlt:
estate of John Olson, deceased. All
persons having claims against the
said estate are hereby notified and
r.h1 dfiC,ire0! (f.f1) SSUlt dccrele- required to present the same duly
Ing that said plaintiff Is the owner In
fee simple of lot numbered 16, In
block numbered 28, in the Oregon
Iron & Stool Company's First Addition
to Oswego. Chicknmns County, Ore
gon, and every part thereof, and a fur
ther decree decreeing that said de-
verifled with proper vouphere at the
office of Gordon E. Hayes, rooms 3,
4 and 5 Stevens Building, Oregon
City, Oregon, within six months from
the date hereof.
Dated November 16th. 1909.
Attorney for Estate.
fendant has no right, title or interest .,.,.,, . .CL ui,.',r"
1,1 tn ant I -,, . . . , I U II11UIO 11 dlKI VI IUV COiaiQ UL JUUU
... ... uvmuuru IMV11II9C9, HI 111, J...J
any part thereof, nnd such other and P.nrHnn V Hn-..'
fi.nhn. rniir . oi.i r . Gordon b. Haes,
wt .villi 3 vmu 1 UIOJ
si'pm equitable.
a id oiiuiiiiuiia in uiiuiiniirii uj UllKT C
Of Hon. .1. IT. Camnholl. Tnrlfro of ..Id oum.i.ui...
Court, and which order was made and In the Circuit Court of the State of
entered on the 19th day of October t-regun, IOr me (.ounty oi uiacaa-
A. D.. 1909. and the time nroscrlhoH nms-
for publication thereof Is six weeks clara Chute, Plaintiff.
continuing each week thereafter to N'ellle Winn, Joseph Winn, her hus-
nnd Including Friday, December 24th,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clackamas.
Anna M. Turner, Plaintiff,
W. Bert Turner, Defendant.
To W. Bert Turner, Defendant:
band; Aaron Hook, husband of
Eliza A. Hook, deceased, and Alice
Morter, daughter of said Eliza A.
Hook, deceased; William Chute,
Chas. T. Chute and La ton a Chute,
his wife. Defendants. I
To each of the above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer plaintiff'
complaint now on file In the above
entitled court and cause on or before
Leave Arrive Leave Arrive
u . . u
Q C c O n
w-Sl O C C c 2 jj
u9 (X O V tO u
o 5 3 6 2
! 4.00 5.27 1 5.40 5.401 5.45 6.45
6.30 7.22 7.30 6.201 6.26 7.20
7.00 7.52 3.00 6.50 6.57 7.50
7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30
8.00 8.52 9.00 8.00 8.07 9.00
8.30 9.22 9.30 8.30 8.37 9.30
9.00 9.52 10.00 9.00 9.07 10.00
9.30 10.22 10.30 9.30 9.37 10.30
10.00 10.52 11.00 10.00 10.07 11.00
10.30 11.22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30
11.00 11.52 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.59
11.30 12.22 12.30 11.30 11.37 12.30
12.00 12.52 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00
12.30 1.22 1.30 12.30 12.37 1.30
1.00 1.52 2.00 1.00 1.07 2.00
1.30 2.22 2.30 1.30 1.03 2.30
2.00 2.52 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00
2.30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2.37 3.30
3.00 3.52 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00
3.30 4.22 4.30 3.30 3.37 4.30
4.00 4.52 5.00 4.00 4.07 5.00
4.30 5.22 6.30 4.30 4.37 6.30
5.00 5.52 6.00 5.00 5.07 6.00
5.30 6.22 6.30 5.30 6.37 6.30
6.00 6.52 7.00 6.00 6.07 7.00
6.30 7.22 7.30 6.30 6.37 7.30
7.00 7.52 8.00 7.00 7.07 8.00
7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30
8.00 8.52 8.65 8.00 8.07 9 00
8.30 9.22 9.25 8.30 8.37 9.30
9.00 9.62 9.55 9.03 9.07 10.00
t 9,30 9.33 9 37
10.00 10.53 10.55 10.03 10.07 11.00
11.00 11.52 11.55 11.03 11.07 11.59
12.00 12.46 12.50 11.55 11.57
12.50 "12.55
I Attorney-at-Law
Probate and Realty Law Prao-
t tlce Specialties. ?
Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Tempi
I Attorneys-at-Law
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Speclalde. Of- I
flea la First National Bank
I Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
! W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. j
Graduite of the Ontario Veterl-
t nary College ut 1 oroa to, Canada,
I and the McKillip School of I
J Surgery of Chicago, bas located
at Oregoo City and established aa
office at The Fashion Stables,
I Seventh Street near Main. ?
Both Telephones. f
Farmer' 133 Mali 131 1
Clackamas County J
Fall equipment of maps, plat,
510 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamaa County i
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
" reneciea. 1
m E. F. 4 F. B. RILEY. f
f I Attorneys & Counsellors at Law
Wind Mill. Pumps and Hydrsy
lie Rama a Specialty.
Phone 26S2.
Oregon City,
E. P. Elliott & Company
To MUwaukie only.
Trains for Fairvlew,
Ron, you are hereby required to ap- f 'ou 'a11 t0 BO appear and answer
pear and anBwer to the complaint 88111 compinini, tor want mereoi tne
filed against you In the above en- Plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled suit on or before the 24th dnv titled court for the relief prayed for
of December, 1909, and If you fail 1 her complaint, to-wlt:
to answer. Dlnintlff will tnke a de- For a decree that the defendants or
rrm . nralnut vnn (urovor ,i i coni,.!,. r. either of them have no rieht. title
tho bonds of' matrimony heretofore or Interest In and to Lots Numbered Gresham, Boring, Eagle Creek, Eta-
and now existing between the plain- J"e tn. t wo. (2). seven (7), ana "u taiauero uuu miermeaiace
tiff and you, and for such other ond Eignt (Si or mock one Hundred sev- P"".
further relief in the nremlses aa the enty-three (173) of Oregon City, Ore- 7'-l. xS:02. 9:05. xl0:05. 1:05.
Court may deem lust and eaultable as Ron, or any part thereof, and for a 3:05. x4:05. 5:05. i6:05. 7:05
nrnved for In the potnnlalnt nied hore. further decree decreeing that Dlalntlff 8:05. 11:3s.
In. is the absolute owner In fee simple of For Gresham.
Service of this summons Is mnde said described real property and ev- x Gresham. Fairvlew and Troutdale.
ifbon you by publication tn pursuance ery Dnrt thereof and that all claims NOTE: Cars leave East Water and
of nn order of tho Honorable J. U. f said defendants or either of them Morrison streets 5 minutes later than
Cnmpbell, Judge of the Circuit Court and to said property shall be for- scheduled from First and Alder Sts.
All kinds of
Stratton Bldg. Oregon City. Ore.
the Fifth Judicial District, made
November 11. 1909, directing such
publication In the Oregon Clt$ Enter
prise, once a week for six successive
weeks, the first publication being
November 12, 1909. nnd the last the
4th day of December, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Cathorlno Fhtpps, Plaintiff,
Albert J. Thlppa, Defendant.
To Albert P. Phlpps, the above nam
ed defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you herein on or before the 24th day
of December, 1909, said date being af
ter the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons.
and If you fall so to appear and ana-
er, the plaintiff will apply to the
ever barred.
This summons is published by order
of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled court, and which or
der was made and entered November
lGth, 1909, and that the first publica
tion of said summons as provided for
in Bald order Bhall be November 19th,
1909, and the last publication of said
summons shall be December 31, 1909.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon for the County of Clack
amas. Ella Storer, Plaintiff,
J. A. Storer, Defendont.
To J. A. Storer, the above named
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint of plain
tiff filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before Friday, the
7th day of January, 1910, said date be
ing six weeks after the date of the
iiiti u uv t ami mm
I It IIW A ..
mil s kmm
ljiS&.:' , j
I Whiskey la a good friend I
II but a poor master. Used H
B in moderation it cheers, in- I
9 spire and strengthen men. I
M For sociability use HARPER I
ISold by S