Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1909)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, .DECEMBER 21, IMS). CANBY AND SOUTHERN CLACKAMAS CANBY. Successful Dine Given. J. J. Sandsncsa went to Portland The dancing party given Saturday on a bualnesa trip on Mond.iv. and n,Kht b" chPt wllls- Howard while In that city mot an old Mend 1 8,,d Carl Pwrlnit. at the city hall, from his home town In Minnesota, I dlded nieces, and all those who has come to Oregon to make his ttendlnK report having had a most home. brlnglnR with him his famllv enjoyable time. The excellent music, and has purchased a place at Rose- which was furnished by the l.arrett burg. He Is well pleased with Ore- j orchestra, was one of the mam draw gon. stating that when he left Mlnne- j Mrds- Tn,,r wer ,"!"1" ft,n,0"t sota It was 15 degrees below lero. I n,s ,he wa,1U' th J'"108 O. R. Mack went to Portland on i oI?"J V't, m 'U'k M Tuesday to purchase more Christmas ! Nl'm HnU)ton and Hay Hough were tnod I awarded the prlie for the most The merchants of this ritv have I u i done a good business this year with their holiday trade. The stores have been filled with Christmas shoppers during the week and the weather has been Ideal for those living near the city to come to Canby to shop. Charles Romlg and family have ar- wlll be another dance given by these young meu In the near future. Basket Social. There will be a basket social at Columbia Hall In Barlow on Monday evening, December IT. given by the rived In Canby, their new home, and Young People's Society of the Luth to say that they are delighted with ! eran Svnod, of that place. The ladles the climate does not express It. Mr. Romlg comes here from Twin Falls, Idaho, and is occupying the Bates residence, formerly the Kalbtlelsch place. Sam Casto, who recently left for his home in Salem, on account of lliness, Is Improving, and expects to return as soon as he sufficiently re covers. chil led by Mrs. Martin's mother, Mrs. Nlcklin. wtll arrive In this city dur ing the week, and will spend Christ mas with Mrs. Martin and other rela tives. Jesse Martin and family, of Oswego, wil also spend Christmas with Mr. Martin's mother. A family reunion will be enjoyed. G are to take the baskets and the men money to purchase them. I. 0. O. F. Visit Woodburn. The I. O. O. P. went to Woodburn on Saturday night to Initiate a class of six beside one from this city, mak ing seven In alt who entered the i mysteries of the order. On Tuesday to can Mr. 'and Mrs. George Martin and I "lKh.t the ubonlln.te lodge went Ulldren. of McMinnville. acomnan-i 80veral c .. w it.. .i..,- i dmates initiated. Death of Postmaster Deyoe. James Fowler, postmaster of this city for the past eleven years, died at "the family home on Saturday morn ing after a long Illness of Hright's disease. Mr. Deyoe, who had been A. Cobb, of Portland, has pur- j lu poor health for several years, vis- chased a 200-aere tract of land In i Ited many resorts, thinking It would Canby Gardens from the Canby Canal benefit his health, and only the past Company. month he was arranging to take a Mrs. 0. R. Mack and children went ; trip to the Southern States, hoping to Woodburn Saturday night, and 1 that the warmer climate would agree visited until Sunday evening with j with him. Everything possible was Mrs. J. Moshberger. They accom- did bv his family for him. but in panied Mr. Mack, who attended the initiation of the I. O. O. F. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bair went to vain, and death ended his sufferings at an early hour Saturday morning. Mr. Deyoe was born in Saratoga Woodburn on Saturday evening where , County. New York, near the famous the former attended the I. O. O. F. ; Saratoga Springs. May 11, 1S41. He Initiation. They were the guests of lived at that place until eight years Mr. and Mrs. Scott, returning to i of age, when he left with his parents, Canoy on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Deyoe. for Mr. and Mrs. A. Knutson. of Sil- Springport. Michigan. In 1SC1 he en venon. spent Sunday In this ycity. i listed in the Sixth Michigan Infantry, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. X. Digger-! Company I, Heavy Artillery, serving ness. i his country In active service for four Jake Schmitt left Tuesday for East-' years, after which he returned to ern Oregon, where he has acepted a Michigan, and engaged In farming. In positien. 1S70 he married Miss Augusta Mc- Elroy Bates went to Oregon City ' Neill, and to them a son was born, on business on Tuesday afternoon's , while on a visit to New YoTk, Mrs. train. j Deyoe died in 1ST5. In 1S77 he mar- E, H. Carlton was In Canby on ried Miss Mary N. Graham, at Par- a business trip Tuesday. ma. Jackson County, Michigan. They Dr. H. A. Dedman went to Clack amas Tuesday afternoon, where he visited with relatives. Tnomas Johnson was a Tuesday visitor In Oregon City. Mrs. Cassie Evans went to Port land Friday morning on business, re turning home on fie evening train. Will Gilmore, who has been for the past year at Lyle, Wash., has return ed to Canby, and has accepted a po sition in Gordon Brothers' store. W, H. Gordon, who recently moved his family to this city, has gone to Tillamook, Oregon, where he has ac cepted a position with a newspaper. Before coming to this city Mr. Gor don was in the newspaper business for many years. Mrs. George Zeek, of Hubbard, at tended the funeral of the late J. F. Deyoe on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. VanGundy went to Linton Sunday to visit with the lat ter's parents. Mr. VanGundy return ed to this city, and his wife will re main at Linnton until after the holi days. Miss Rena Barbur, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. 0. M. Gurly. left Tuesday for New Era. where she will make a brief visit with her sis ter, Mrs. Elmer Veteto, and from there she will proceed to Oregon City to spend Christmas with friends and relatives. John Mundorf will leave this week for California, where he has purchas ed a tract of land. Mr. Mundorf has shipped his household goods, and will be folowed later by his wife, who is at present visiting in Seattle. Guy Schmeer, of Oakland, Cal., is here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schmeer. Mrs. Lee and Mrs. Bradtl were Portland visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. F. Scott, of the Hot Spring, visited her sister in Oregon, tins week. Mr. Urfer and family expect to move to Portland, having sold their place for $18,750. Calvin Kocher went to Oregon City and Portland on business Wednesday. Judge C. N. Wait went to Oregon City on business. Wednesday. Mrs. M. C. Mace, of Portland, was in this city on Monday, visiting with her brother, John Mundorf, and Mrs. C. C. Hutchinson. Mrs. Frank Patch and daughter, Miss Grace, and Mrs. C. L Bates, went to Portland on Friday to do some holiday shopping. J. L. Combs, who recently came here from Silverton, is so delighted with Canby, he has purchased another piece of land. He bought the Miller place for $4u00. This farm consists of 20 acres, most of it being under cultivation. Roy Sleight, formerly of this place, hut now a civil engineer in the Des chutes country, came up from Ore gon City Monday morning and vis ited the Sleight farm, returning Wed nesday. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin, of Portland, who have been in this city visiting at the Deyoe home, having come to attend the fum-ral of Mr. Deyoe, re turned home Thurs'lay afternoon. Born. Born, Monday, December 20, at 1 o'clock, to Rev. and Mrs. Creesy, of this city, a son. Born, December 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Nels Oathes, a daughter. Christmas Services. The Christmas exercises to be held in the Methodist church on Friday ev ening, December 24, will no doubt draw crowds of people to witness the Christmas exercises that have been nrenared by the teachers of the Sun day school. The programme will con sist of recitations and miihlc, followed by the distribution of the gifts from a prettily decorated tree. There will also be Christmas exercises at the Swedish church, which is being ap propriately decorated for the occasion. lived for three years at that place, when they moved to North Dakota, where they resided for 13 years, when they came west to Oregon, settling at Canby. To Mr. and Mrs. Deyoe a daughter was born, who is now Mrs. Andrew Knight, of this city, who has been looking after her father's busi ness in the postoffice during the past years of his illness. Claude Deyoe. son of his first wife, whose home Is In the state of Washington, was here during his father's last Illness. De ceased was the youngest of eight children, all of whom have passed away. Daniel B., the last surviving brother, died a year ago in Eugene. Mr. Deyoe was a prominent .Uuson. having been a member of the order for the past 30 years, and was also a member of the G. A. R. These two organizations having attended the funeral services which were held at the family home on Monday morning at 10 o clock. The services at the house were In charge of Rev. Creesy. pastor of the M. E. Church, and the services at the grave were conducter by the G. A. R. The pall bearers were old time friends of the deceased. The funeral was largely attended., and many beautiful offerings were In ev idence, the token of high esteem he was held by his comrades and friends. The interment was In the Zlon cemetery, many of the friends following the remains to the cemetery to pay their last respects. Mr. Deyoe was well known in this section of the county, and his death Is not only a great loss to his family, but also to the community. The friends of Mrs. Deyoe and family sym pathize with them' In their bereavement. Loss Not as Great as Reported. The loss to the Canby Canal Com pany by the recent high waters is not as great as was first reported. The managers have found that their loss Is only $440.70. The work Is be ing pushed along at a rapid rate, and it will not be long before Canby will have a power house of its own. Canby Farm Brings Big Money. Eighty acres of land near Canby was sold last week for $18,000 to a Portland man. The place was known as the Cliff Farm and was the prop erty of C. .L'rfer, who, less than two years ago, paid only $9,000 Tor tne place. It is a beautiful piece of property and faces the Willamette River, situated about three miles from Canby, the nearest railroad station. Poultry Meeting. The Clackamas and Marion County Poultry and Pet Stock Association held Its meeting In the city hall, Mon day. December 13, and adopted con stitution and by-laws. Another meeting will be held on Monday, December 20, In the city hall, at which time a premium list will be partially ready and soon completed thereafter and printed. All exhibitors may compete for the general premiums, but only members of the Association for specials. So send in your names with 50 cents for membership and compete for every thing. Mr. Plank will canvass Woodburn; George Speight, Hubbard, and R. S. C'oe and Charles Roth, Canby. Woodburn wants the show this yeir so it was decided that which ever place puts up the best inducement" in the way of cash and premiums will get the show for this year. Now who wins the race? It was also decided at this meeting that all premiums placed by the do nators, shall be placed by the execu tive committee. The score card system of judging will be used. JNO. ROBINS, Secy. D. C. LATOURETTE President F. J. MEYER, Caablei THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, 50,000.00. Transact a ft.neral Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M RUSHING CANAL WORK. New Headgatet Art Higher and are Now Being Installed. Another large force of men has been added to the payroll of tho Canby Canal Company and will be used to again put their canals In good working order as Boon as pos sible. A large donkey engine has also been added to the equipment In order to expedite the work. The new head gates are now being Installed, which are raised higher than the old ones were. Work hiu also been renunied on the- power house of the M"olalla Electric Company, which will be rushed to completion. WARNER GRANGE. Warner Grange met at New Kra last Saturday and enjoyed a very suc cessful and Interesting meeting, with a good attendance. Th morning session was used In Initiating several candidates lu the first and second degrees. In the afternoon the lecturer's hour was enjoyed. Including an address by Thos. F. Ryan, of Oregon City. The election of officers for the en suing year was as follows: Master. W. A. Dodd; overseer. MWr. Ola Gurley: chaplain. Mrs. C. Dodd: lec turer, M. J. Laxelle; steward, Frank Spulak; secretary, D. McArthur: treasured. George Randal: assistants, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Uuelle; court. Em ma Hylton. Miss Hoffman, Amelia Spulnk: gate keeper, R. S. Coe. At the next meeting a largo class will be Initiated with the assistance of some of the officers of Evening Star Grange, of Multnomah County, with State Lecturer Johnson as master. TWILIGHT. Everyone exuberant over coming of Christmas. Mrs Mevers of Sweet Home. Is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. C. E. Swlck. v D. B. Martin, one of our old and resneeted neighbors, was calling on friends here one day last week. George Uuelle spent Sunday In Portland with friends. Marvin Faulk Is clearing n tract of land on the south side of his farm. Wnllace Mi-ford made a business trip to Portland, one day this week. Arinlnh Joehnke who Is mirser on one of the Columbia River boats, was home for a short visit one day this week. Mrs Marlon Tomoson has been ill for the past week, but is rapidly Im proving. The Inrirest crowd of the season at- tnded the social at Twilight Hall on List Saturday even lit. Coffee ana cake were sold by the ladles and the proceeds will be used to purchase new- lamps for tne nan. a orxMt mnnv from here attended Orange at New Era Saturday. Mr. W. A. Dodd. of this place, was elected master, and M. J. Lazelle was cnosen lecturer. Everyone will attend the Christmas tree at the hall tonight. A good pro gramme will be rendered and Santa Claus is scheduled to arrive from the North Pole. No doubt this will be one of Twilight's most Successful trees as the same Is in charge of the Literary Society, nnrt McArthur is working with his capson for W. A. Dodd & Co. Mrs. Holland attended Grange at New Era Saturday. Ed Graves has platted his fam and will proceed to sell ten acre tracts. ACKNOWLEDGE IT. Oregon Has to Bow to the Inevitable Scores of Citizens Prove It. iftor rpsrllne the nubile statement of this representative citizen of Ore gon City given below, you musi come tr. thia xnnrlnsli.Ti : A rented v which cured years ago, which has kept the kidneys in good health since, can be relied upon to perfom the same work In other cases. Read this: William McLartv. 1521 Washington Street, Oregon City, Ore., says: "The public statement I gave In praise of Doan s Kidney Pills In January, 19ol. still holds good. I have had no re turn of kidney complaint. I was af flicted with backache and pains through my loins and I could not sleep n-nii aa nn nnsition I assumed was comfortable. My strength and energy left me and I was miseranie wnen rvian-!! Klrinpv Pills were brought to my attention. Deciding to try them, I procured a box at Huntley uros. riniir ro. and hv the time I had taken the contents, I felt so much better In every way tnat I did not consider it nnrossarv tn continue their UBC. I have been convinced that Doan's Kid ney Pills are a reliable kidney medi cine." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Iluffab, New York, sole agents for the L'nlted States. ' Remember the name Doan's and take no other. FIRWOOD. A special meeting for the purpose of organizing a farmers' telephone company will be held In Flrwood hall, Thursday, January fi, at 8 P. M. All who are interested in the telephone question are requested to be present. At the meeting held last Saturday ev ening, fhe telephone question was dis cussed. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company sent a represen tative from Portland, who was able to give all necessary Information. The meeting was well attended and a lively Interest manifested. The debate caused considerable laughter last Saturday evening. The question being, "Resolved, That, the world has derived more pleasure from laughing than eating." Negative won. 'ainless Dentistry i r " h ; Jrt , yLo f 004 or "wn PPlO : ' c . l'' ' 'Hun hv tliwlr K ' vsy " - dnn Ijfi'lieiiwcjrk ttn. 4 s.; .liint-n in one OHJ i Vfr iTZl' :A.J22k toU or p-vulifc fii-..-". .''f . -f'JIMw Cimi O.UU fiUmtl Fillinji 1.00 Fillinn .50 " Jlnlty Fillinn 2.50 Plat-. 5. CO DR.W.A.KiiE.rnnniTUsM.uui .vv n Mitt ininmn m rimm Psini ExtrMtort , 0 Q WORK GUARANTEED FOR IS YEARS PId1?m t ri wti'm blalm r bn-fgi work It oflfcriMl. (kjDMJlt&tl'tn Kre. Vno ran not unt itfltttw Mini work rioiif snywlinrn. All work fully ruir anU-l. Mo'Jen.W'-r'tr.GfHiuIpoioiit. it'wt inthoj4. Wise Dental Co, Iiiiui,iWii.Bit. PORTLAND, OREGON orrics bouu: a. m. m s i.u. swuri, u, u 0 Coffee The kind that makes the break fastreal Coffee throuEh and through- always the tame. Your prooer will grind It better if ground at. hom not too tine. REAL ESTATE Humbolt P. IJnn to A. K. lllggs. lot 13. Plnehurst. $3500. lleorge S. and Cora 11. Smith to A. K. Hlggs. 40 acres of sections 9 and lt. township 4 south, range 1 east; 1 10.000. Samuel Mueller and Klsle Mueller to W. O. and Nellie McLaren. SO acres of esction 'JO, township 3 south, range 5 east; 1. S. S. Dallas and wife to Abraham M. Sunderland, 20 acres of section 10, township 2 south, range 3. east; $1500. Sadie K. Moody to William K. Moody, land In Subdivision of Oak drove; $3500. A. Venter to M. W. and Aletha llep perly, lots 8, 9, 13. 14.. llordon tllen Homes IVep Creek Junction; $:':'00.- H. II. Hepler and Susan Hepler to George Walch, 10 acres of section 23, township 4 south, range 1 east; $500. Oregon Iron & Steel Company to Charles S. Fegles. 8.53 acres of Tua latin Meadows; $597.10. I L. and Ora Porter to A. K. HlgKS, 5 acres of Plnehurst; $;!500. William H. and Amy S. Moody to Sarah V. tileun, land In Oak tirove; $050. Charles and Ida Uicke to John A. K. Alstad and John Kid. 40 ncres of section 31, township 3 south, range 2 east; $900. Sadie K. Moody to William ' If. Moody, east 50 feet of lot 2. First Subdivision of Oak drove; $3500. Arnilnda Doughty to II. F. Mulkey. tracts of land 80 and 83, Oak drove; $570. J. W. Reed and wife to Clackama-t River Timber Company, nrth half of northeast quarter and north-half of northwest quarter and north half of nnrthwest quarter of section 22, TIS. R5E; $2000. William II. and Nettle limes to Rob ert Metralf, 120 acres of section 9. T4S, 113 K.; $8000. Anna J. .Reingardt and L W. Rein hardt to Everett Pollock, lot 2 bloclj 1, Silver Spray Addition; $550. Roy Surfus and wife to J. O. Ilancke. lot 7 of block 7. Canenia; $500. John A. Johnson anil wife to Chnrles D. Slocum, land In First Addition to Jennings Lodge; $1. John A. Johnson and Anna Johnson to Ella Kennedy, lot 7, First Addition to Jennings Lodge; $1. Alfred and Clara Schneider to M. Robblns, 80 ncres of section 18. 19, TrS, R1E; $5fi.:t5. Arthur Schneider to M. Robblns, 7 8 acres of section 18, 19, T5S, R1E; $13. John M. Cummlngs et nl to John M. Davis, 40 acres of section 23, town ship 2 south, range 2 east; $1. J. II. Sutherland to Claud Italy, lots 9, 10. 11, 12 block 3, Weed's Addition to Canby; $4M0. Anna M. Knight to M. J. Lee trus tee, lots 7 and 8, block 2. Canby; $2. 000. Anna M. nnd S. T. Derlng to Dertha Fraley, 100 acres of D. L. C. of James Brown, T3S. IWK; $10. Calvin I, nnd Louise M. Morse to G. D. and Elizabeth Hoardman, lots G4, 65, Jennings Lodge; $10. William W. Porter to C. Charlton and .1. F. Snyder, 80 acres of section 30, T3S. R5E: $1. Joel B. and Minnie liowmnn to C. Charlton and Jos. F. Snyder, 40 acres of section 32, T3S, R5E; $000. Mary M. Chnrman to Anlbel Peters, block 4, Clackamas Heights; $250. Oramel R. andIIessle E. Mack to Frank It. aPtch, land In section 4, T4S, R1E; $10. John W. and Grace E. Iider to M. 11. Clark, lot 5, block 93, Oregon City; $1. Georgia P. Meldrum and John W Meldnun to Lillian L. Wegner, lots 4 and 5 of block 11, Meldrum; $100. George and Hannah Miller to Ezra and Minnie E. Stewart, southwest quarter of southwest quarter of sec tion 17, township 3 south, range 3 eiint; $10. Rozalla E. and G. S. Ilass to M. If. Clark, lot 2 and part of lot 7 of block 40, Oregon City; $1. Mary Egglman to Christian Muralt land In section 15, township 3 south, range 2 east; $1. Olof Oss and Calla Oss to Christian MHiralt, 15 acres In Andrew Hood unit wife u. 1 C, township 3 south, range S east; $1325. Hrnnch F. Hurlesa tu Joseph V. Maries, tract of land In nMtthlnN Swegle 1). U C, No, 45, township 5 south, range 2 east; $1. Kdlth Heaidoiir to Wllllum Albert Denrdorff, lot 3 of section 3(1, town ship I south, range 2 eunl; $1. Mabel IVardoiff to William Albert IVnrdoiff, all of lot 3, section 3(1, township l south, range 2 east; $1. George V. and Alice M. Kly to Mary A. Itauch, lot (t of block 20, Fulls View Addition to Oregon City; $1000. Wadhams A Company, Inc., to J. K. Walker, nil of block "I" Clacka iiihh Heights; $1. K. O. and Maria 8. Caufleld to Clara lluckleln, all of lot "It." lluena Vista Addition to Oregon City; $200. Christian Kly and K. A. Kly to Mary A. Ranch, lota 3 and 3. of block 148, Oregon City; $1000.. Kllen and K. II. Grant to John W. lnler, IS acres of D. U C. of Feu dal C. Caasou and wife, township 3 south, range 2 east; $005. C. II. Dye. trustee, nnd Kva K Dye to Wlllnm ("orbit and Annie Corhlt, laud In section 4, township 4 south, range 1 east; $703. Dora L. Cheek (o Anna C. Rrlke. lot 24 and lots 32. 30, block 40 and lots 1 to 9 Inclusive; lots 23 lo 40 Inclusive of block 95, Mlnthorn Addi tion; $10. C. II. Dye, trustee and Kva I Dye, to Molalla Power Company, .97 ncres Clackninas County; $1. Henry A. Knight, lxuilsn Grant nnd W. M. Grant to Ksther Knight. 5 49 acres, Canby: $1. Henry A. Knight and Ksther Knight to Umlsa Grant, land In Canby; $1. Ksther Knight nnd Uiulsa Grant, and W. M. Grant to Henry Knight. 10 99 nrres. Canby; $1. Michael Moehnke ami Catherine Moehnke to William nnd Ada Moehnke lots 17. IS. Subdivision of block IS. Holmes Addition to Oregon City; $1. Mary K. Thomas nnd C. II. P. Thomas to Roland R. Tnomas. east half of south half of the northwest quarter of section 19, township 6 south, raiiKo 3 east; $1. Mary K. Thomas and C. H. It Thomas to Hnttle A. Thomas. 40 ncres of section 19. township 5 south, riinge 2 east; $1. Charles W. nnd Alice Risley to II. T. Hudson, all of tract ti. Concord: $2150. William M. Smith nnd Sarah A. Smith to Uuilrt Pendleton. 1 ncre of section 5, township 3 south, range 2 east; $1. M. Durst nnd Umlsa Durst lo C. K. ltnllard, land In Mllwnukle; $300. Anna Relnbardt nnd U W. Rein hardt to Mrs. Minnie Terry, lot 4 of block 1, Silver Spring Addition; $1. 300. R. A. Junken and wife to R. W. Frederick, all of tract 04, Willamette Tracts; $500. K J. Daw nnd O. A. Cheney, tract of land In Willamette Tracts; $1. R. I llolman. administrator, lo ti. A. Cheney, land In Willamette Trncts; $50t. O. A. Cheney to William H. Apple gate, land In Willamette Tracts; $000. Oscar Striker 10 Frank N. and Del linn Pratt. 40 ncres of section 1, Tp. 4 south, range 1 enst; $975. P. II. and Jessie V. Marley to Geo. V. Turner, 2 nrres of section 23. tp. 2 south, range 5 east; $1. Ada C. and W. M. Moehnke to C. W. and Emma ltngby, lot 8 of block 3, Greenpolnt. Oregon City; $s"0. Anna S. nnd Frank M. Warren to E. M. Howell nnd wife, 1200 acres of Central Addition to Oregon City; $907.25. unoua A. anil i . it. inmm i" m-iiry i C. Thompson, lot 9 of block 4i, Ore gon City: $1000. Alma Z. Junken to R. A. Junken, lot "D" of tract CI, Willamette Traits -$1. mi Looks Like Hard Wood -Costs Less Wears As I;on No cnuika or crevices whoro dust can accumulate, no inhiya or iHiunls to work, warmer nnj nioro elastic to this tread than hardwood RIXDORFER Parkctt Floor Covering III' tO.Ml S IN MOU.-Sl is tho best nnd most sanitary lltnir coverinif for bedrooms, nurseries, diniiu; morns, libra ries, billiard rooms, and a!l ijikhI rooms in tho house. In mils, 73 inches wide, in beautiful in laid, natural wood designs; economical, practically "unwearoutable." Kasier to clean t!i:in carin-tJ or hardwood floors-- tho id Nil lloer covering. Positively tho greatest thin:: . r pro duced fur hotels, clubs, hospitals, m'iiooIs every kind of big building" where hard wear would put anything elso literally "out of business." drcnt Fining as well. FRANK BUSCH OREGON CITY, OREGON Kill 2.1 Adolf and Doril Asrbof to Henry AscliolT, 40 acres of Hectlou IS, tp. 2 south, range 0 east; $1. Adolf AscliolT et ill., to Dorn As chuff et a , tu Dura AscbofT, 4n ncres of section IS, tp. 2 south, range ti K, $1. Mettn II. Kvntm to Sariili K. Hath away, let 14, First lo Ji tllllgs bulge; $525. John W. Thornton lo Thornton, land lu section ship 3 "until, ruiige I west; Henry A. Knight to A 1 50 acres of section . u south, riinge 1 eimt; $150. C. M. nnd Ada Z Sylles lo K. Kdily. 900 ncres of section 2. 3. K mill II, township 3 south, range 1 K; $:looo. John W. and Grace tauter to Fred Woiirins. 4 29 acres of Andrew Hood ). i. ('., township 3 south, rnugi' 2 east; also -03 23 ncres of Robert ('nil Held 1. I. ('., township 3 south, range 2 east; $1500. I. and Clnrn ut'ttn to Hilda Peter son, laud In Kra Fisher I). I,. (', tp. 2 south, range 2 cast; $950. T. J. and Marlon S. Gnry lo J. Lincoln GiHidwIn, tract X, flrt ndd. to Willamette Fulls Acreage Tracts; all of tract W. first ndd. tu Wlllnm cite Fall Acreage Trncts; all Hint portion of tract marked V, first ndd. to Wlllnmettu Fnlla Acreage Traits; $2050. II. If. ami Amnnda J. Tucker to Fredlnn G. nnd Kntln J. Ilacon, H'j of trnct K. Wllllinctle Falls Acreage Tracts; $1400. O W. ami Frunces M. Sturgin to llertha M. Slurges. land lu Cnnby; $1. Henry nnd Adolph Anchoff lo Otto Aachoff, 40 Hires of Section IS. tp. 3 south, range 11 east; It. Mabel W. nnd K. A. Wright to ' iger Newhnll, 5 ncres, section I, tp. , 'th, rmigu 1 east; $3on. K i-d K. nnd Utde V. Ilerreii to i iV iiliott. Mi's ncres of John V D C. No. 37; $1500. . mi M. Wsinnrd to Hut- I ' lot No. 13, Finn- A. Peterson, - & S III ml ,!lh' e; $335 CLACKA.I" ' ' IT A TRUST JY. Land Tu.i" txamlnad. Abatracta . Tltla Mada. Office over Hank of Oregon City. JOHN F CI.ARK. Mgr. Could Not Da Better. No one hnn ever made a nnlve, oint ment, lotion or balm to compare with lluckleu'a Arnica Halve. It (he one perfect healer of Cut. Corn. Purlin, Urol"'', Hori'H. HcnliU, Holla. Dlcera, Kccemn, Hull Rheum. For aore eyea, Cold Sorea. Chapped Hand If u preiiie. Infallible for Pile. Only 25c at Jonea Drug Co. ("e I Oak Knoll Place j Ten Acre Fruit and GARDEN TRACTS Ideal conditions for home building. Easy Payments. Only 7 miles from Salem, the "Cherry City." : J. C. ZINSER, Owner ; Salem, R 1, Ore. MEW MISSION IIOU SE HOME PHONE 90 PACIFIC MAINIOI Oregon City Commission Co. Always in the Market for all Kinds of Farm Produce BUYS AND SELLS FOR CASH Of Handles on Commission, With' Liberal Advances Hay ! Geese Wool Parsnips Grain Eggs Mohair Onions Potatoes Butter Hops Pumpkins AppIes MEATS VEGETABLES sashes Pears ' T OF ALL KINDS i Etc., Etc. Hogs Quinces VcaI Cabbage SEEDS Turkeys Mutton Turnips Vetch Ducks Hides Rutabagas Timothy Chickens Pelts Carrots Clover WE HAVE IN STOCK FOR SALE Flour, Mill Feed, Oats, Rolled Feed Oats, Hay, Stock Salt, Etc. Lime, Cement and Plaster. ANYTHING NOT IN STOCK WE WILL GET FOR YOU. COME IN See Us and Lets Talk It Over We Are New and Want to Get Acquainted. T. F. ROURKE, Mgr. ELEVENTH and MAIN STS. OREGON CITY, OREN