Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 24, 1909)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, l!H)i), fa We hereby oflfer $1000 to anyone proving by chemi J cal analysis or otherwise that GYRUS NOBLE con tains anything excepting pure straight aged whiskies. It is distilled in an old-fashioned still and contains all those secondary products of distillation which the U. S. Agricultural Department and the U. S. Internal Revenue Department rule must be present to entitle . the distillation to be called whiskey. Alcohol docs not contain these constituents. Neither docs cheap so called straight w hiskey made tin a continuous or many chambered still. Money talks.v CYRUS NOBLE-aT pure-old-honcst w hiskey ? aged in wood. n i i n 4 fc. 4 quart bottles of GENUINE CYRUS nUBLL direct to you, all charge pud 1 .1 . 1 I re- 10 uiv dww rauroaa express ouica. $4. 90 V. J.i VAN SCHUYVER & CO. EmbUtA 1864 105-107 Stcood Strc. PoitUA Ow, CUT AT THIS LINC AND MAIL TO-OAY W. J. Va Schurvw A Co NnW. OnpA EjkWI p)tw tod $4.90 for wlndi plrut md mt O ooct by upre. pttpui. four )urt Genuine Cjtm NobU. r dw Skm. I r' i. I I The chase was not so fast hi on the former ocaslon. owing to the thick ness of the brush. They saw It nt two different times, hut wishing to rupture It alive they did not shoot. In crossing the lane fences tt Jumped over one side and struck the fence on the opposite side, knocking down fifteen pnnncls of fence, tt spenrs to be an animal of great strength, as they can see where It has torn the bark from logs and rolled them over In search of food. There appears to he two of them and the one last seen It seems, from accounts, must lie much larger than the first one. The track of the last one measured 27 Inches In length. STAFFORD. NEWS OP THE COUNTY CLACKAMAS- A surprise party was given Wed nesday night, December 15. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Rauch. Everyone enjoyed themselves by play ing games, after which lunch was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. F. Talben, Mr. Wood, Miss Hamuson, Victor Wlcklund. Helena Johnson, Mae Johnson, Cora Wold, Frank Loster. Jack Young. Ray Lan dis, Albert Moore, Gus Haberlach, Marie Wold, Opal Langenburg. Ar thur Street,- V eatrice and Vivian Rauch. Mr. and Mrs. H.- Peckover visited their daughter, Mrs. Rauch. Miss Ellen and Ruth Rauch and Beulah Davenport spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rauch last week. There will be a big dance in Clack amas, January 1, 1910. CLARKES. MUL1NO. The people of this burg are greatly encouraged over the prospect of a railroad, sometime, as the surveyors have reached this place. Of course every one is guessing where the final survey will be located, but no one seems to really know much about It. Real estate is changing hands. El mer Erickson has bought the property of Fred Woodsides and Walter Wal dorf and one acre of Ed Ball. Mrs. George Crook has been visit ing relatives near St. Helens for a few days. The young people are kept busy practicing for the entertainment at the M. E. Church Christmas eve. Miss May Erickson is spending a few days with relatives at this place. Mr. Wallace and son are busy cut ting and hauling saw logs to Trulling er's mill. They can get their lumber cheaper that way. They expect to cut about 25.000 feet W.. Bohlander is packing shingles for the Mulino Shingle Mill Co. W. H. Wettlaufer was butchering hogs Monday, and Mr. Bottemiller assisted him. A special tax meeting was held last ; Saturday and voted 5 mills for road improvements. W. G. Klejnsmlth took a load of hay to town Saturday and brought back a load of sand for his new house. The Timber Grove school is going to have a vacation over Christmas. I Sam Elmer was in town Wednes day to get 300 pounds of clover seed i and buy something for Xmas. I Mr. Bottemiller was in town Wed- nesday to get his clover seed and barbed wire for fencing. I Sam Elmer dug his potatoes last week. Alex Scherruble was In town last Wednesday. Mr. Buckner, from town, was out last Sunday to Colton and got some beef cattle. Elmer Klttnsmith went to Clacka mas Heights last Saturday and look' ed around for a horse. Mr. Scrlbner finished laying rails last week, on the road. ; Alex Scherruble is logging on the clearing for .Mr. Elmer. Miss Lizzie Olsen went home to Canby. TEAZEL CREEK. Winter seems to be here and Jack Frost makes the Oregonlans keep near the fire. Services were held last week by Rev. Baldwin. A horse steped on the foot of Rev. Quinn, causing a very painful wound. Mrs. Mary King, who has been stopping at her sister's, Mrs. J. H. Quinn, was called away last week to King'B Valley, to the bedside of an other sister, Mrs. N, E. Vanmeter, who is very low with Brlght's disease. Her many friends were made glad to see Mrs. Joe Simons out to church last Sunday, as she has been kept at home by sickness for so long. May her improvement continue. Coal For Sale. Best, medium, Mendota coal, sacked , at $8 per ton; by the Oregon City Commission Co. CALIFORNIA The Mecca for Winter Tourists its attractive seaside resorts, fam ous medical sprlng3, magnificent tour ist hotels, picturesque scenery, de lightful climate, and opportunity for all klnd of outdoor pastimes, such as hundreds of miles of outo drives through orange groves and along ocean beach boulevards, make this favored region The World's Greatest Winter Resort, reached via the Shasta Route and "Road of a Thousand Wonders" SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY Low round trip rates are ln effect from all points in the Northwest, with long limit, stop-over privileges and first-class accommodations. Portland to LosAngeles and Return $55.00 With a final return limit of nix months and stop-overs in either direction. First class, up-to-date trains, with the latest equipment, unexcelled dining car service, and everything that goes to make the trip pleasant. Attractive, interesting and Instructive literature telling of the famous win ter resorts of California can be had on application to any O. R. & N. or S. P. Agent, or by writing to WM. McMURRAY, Gen. Pass. Agent, Portland, Oregon. MACKSBURG. Joe Gibson and Jess Hepler traded horses last week. Both boys seem satisfied. It is reported that Phil Graves has sold his ranch. Charles Xebo and wife spent sev eral days In Portland last week. Miss Mabel Seward, who Is teach ing school at Liberal, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. George Scramiin visited Portland last week, and returned with a fine line of Christmas goods. Herman Harms and Mr. Baldwin visited Oregon City Saturday. Mrs. Euelmann, Mackburgs new primary teacher, began work last Tuesday. Miss Lela Smith, stumbled while feeding her chickens last Saturday and sprained her ankle. Miss Katherine Wenlnger is keep ing books for the Scramiin Mercantile Company. Warren Baty hauled sixty-five sacks of potatoes at one load, one day last week. Trouble Makers Ousted. When a sufferer from stomach trouble takes Dr. King's New Life Pills he's mighty glad to see his Dys pepsia and Indigestion fly, but more, he s tickled over his new, fine appe- tlte, strong nerves, healthy vigor, all because stomach, liver and kidneys now work right. 25c at Jones Drug Co. MEAOOWBROOK. Mr. Lamb has a contract to log for Mr. Schafer. He expects to begin work at once. The new mill on upper Woodcock creek In Happy Hollow, started with a full force Monday morning. Quite a number of our young folks called on Mr. and Mrs. Holman Sun day evening. Miss Mable Chlndgren closed a very successful term of school Fri day. The Success Literary and Ly ceum had a very interesting program. Miss Chlndgren will take up the work as principal again after a short vacation for the holidays. Mr. Carpenter, of Ness County, Kansas, who has been stopping in town for the last few months, pur chased a very fine organ last week. Press Bonney made a business trip to the Catnip Corner, Thursday. He took great, interest in noting the Im provements as he passed through our berg. Mr. Orem and Mr. Huslam have the tower and engine room for Mr. Holman's pumping plant about com pleted. The Molalla correspondent that discovered the water running up hill in the Canby Canal flume, Is think ing of going East to get a perpendicu lar view of the morning rain bow. We have Just learned that Mr. Rhoads has sold his farm. He bad a fine place fronting on North Main street. We regret very much to see him leave our town. Some of our nimrods organized themselves Into a hunting party to capture the animal that Is creating so much excitement here. In the af ternoon of the second day they struck Its trail near Olsen's on Cedar Creek. We are glad to he able to record no rnln In Stafford for the past week, but mercury went a little below front ing every night so that potato dig gors waited till afternoon to let the top of the ground soften tip a little. The potatoes aro turning out fair ly well, a few got touched with the frost, hut the majority is of excellent Quality. Quito a number of the Grange mem bers from this neighborhood went over, Saturday to see a class of seven take the first and second decrees In tne Tualatin lirnnge, cvoinmonly called Frog lVnd Grange. They ro port a good time, and an Impressive ceremony. It was also the election for the ensuing year. All passed off without friction and they voted to request Mr. C. Partland. of Oswego Grange to install their officers on the last Saturday In January, and have a dance in the evening. It Is reported that Io tarson, a hov brought up till a year or two ago in Stafford, but at present a resident of Willamette was very III with ty phoid fever. We hear there are a good many cases of the dread disease In Willamette caused by the high wa ter and the Impurities of the town overflowed Into the pumping station. e also hear that Mr. Leosman's fam ily is afflicted. They moved from Frog Pond this fall and have bought one of the stores at that place. Mark gave the school-ma ams a very unique birthday present. Now the querv Is: "which one?" None but Mark woutd have thought. of It. REDLANO. Christmas tree at the. M. R. church this Friday evening. A fine program win be given and n tine lime for ev orybody. William Stone and wife will have a family reunion nt their home this Christmas. Fine weather now, hut not all the farmers got their ptatoes dug before the ground froie. All the saw mills around here and at Clear Crook are furnishing plank for the had places In the road at about hall price and tho teamsters and some of the farmers will haul them there free of charge. Every body will bo glad when the road Is fixed as It Is very rough In places and when the frost is out almost Impass able. Mr. Kerr expects friends from Sa lom to spend Christmas. CLACKAMAS. COLTON. A merry Christmas to everybody. Melvln Hult. who has been away attending school Is at home spend lng Christmas with his parents. Mr. Peterson was visiting with Mr. Granloft last Sunday. W. E. Bonney hauled a load of fur niture from Oregon City for Mr. Eng strum last Thursday. Mrs. Mullean is stopping with Mrs. J. A. Stromgreen at present Born, to Mr. .and Mrs. John rhllllps. a son, last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stromgreen were In town on business last week. J. Engstmm. who had been away working at the logging camp at Skap- poose, has returned to his home and Is now busy completing his bouse W. .S. Gorbett purchased potatoes from C. Stromgreen and hauled them last week. Charlie Freeman, of Elwood. was at Colton on business last week. I. O. Dlx sold a calf to Mr. Ballen. of Elwood. J. A. Stromgreen was busy butcher ine last week. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rown, who had been visiting at the latter's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, at El wood, returned to their home last Sun day. There will be a Christmas tree at the Swedish church Christmas night. E. Lindstrum was at Oregon City last Wednesday. Mr. Danleison. our merchant, was In town to get a load of Christmas sup plies. Saturday. Hult Bros, bought a sawmill edger from I. O. Dlx. C. Stromgreen was busy dinging potatoes the latter part of last week. Ida Erickson, who had been stay ing out of school on account of broken arm, started again last week. Women Who Are Envied. Those attractive women who are lovely ln face, form and temper are the envy of many, who might be like them. A weak, sickly woman will be nervous and irritable. Constipation or Kidney poisons show In pimples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch ed complexion. For all such. Electric Bitters work wonders, purify the blood and give strong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth velvety Bkln, lovely complexion. Many charming women owe their health and beauty to them. 50c at Jones Drug Co. MOUNTAIN VIEW. It is now dry, clear, cold weather The thermometer registered 20 de grees Wednesday morning. There Is typhoid fever all around. Mr. Erick son and Johnny have the fever. Grandma Walden went to Wlllam ette Sunday to visit her granddaugh ter, who has the typhoid fever. Frank Beard had the misfortune to hurt his hand last week while work ing in the paper mill. Mrs. Mann's sister, from Washing ton was visiting her last -week. C. B. Hyson, Jr., has moved Into Mr. Bradley's house near Mr. Welch's. C. B. Hyson, Sr., will move Into his house after It Is moved to Warren and Hood street. Mrs. C. B. Hyson's parents have moved Into the Hickman cottage. Mr. Sinclair was transacting busi ness ln this berg Monday. He return ed home from his visit in Kansas and reports cold weather there. Mrs. Thall NelBon was calling on friends In this vicinity Sunday. Mr. Bierson has bought Mr. J. N. Harrington's cottage. Mrs. Tlllle Schmll, of Oak Grove, visited Mrs. Erickson and family last Monday evening. Christmas exercises will be held at the Mountain View church Sat urday evening. The Mountain View Hose Company has a sign on its hall now, but it says Elyvllle, instead of Mountain View. THE CLEANEST gg THE MOST IKE LIGHTEST COMFORTABLE SLICKER Q1IU cheapest in the end because it :est mi wears lonqes Towbw Camaoiam WAzxpffoar A-JTOWE Co. torm. USA M Co unrrro T',iwo Camam. The prevailing East winds aro not agreeable to Oregonliins. Fanners are busy harvest lng Into potatoes. Some complaint la made that spuds are rotting In the ground. The continuation of First street West of the railroad through the Chapman property. noc:sltiuos the removal of the com ago now occupied by Mr. Holland. It Is reported that such a fhango Is contemplated. The front part of the old school house Is slowly wending Its way to a permanent location on Thornton Strlte's lot west of town. II. Moore and crew of helpers, aro the moving force. Ralph Chandler, of California. Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Chandler. Two other suns with their families, and two daughters, Mrs. Hlalno Jackson and Cora Chand ler, will Join In a family re-unlon on Christmas day, at the homo in Clack amas. Otis Welch and family will spon I Christmas with friends and relatives In Portland. W". U. Reynolds and wife, Mrs. Frank Reynolds and children, will spend their Chrlstmns with Mr. Will Reynolds, In Portland. The two churches of this place, will hold Christmas services In each house of worship, on Friday evening, December 24. Christmas' Kve. The Congregational church will havo a public Christmas tree. All who so desire, are Invited to put presents thereon. A musical and llmrary programme will be rendered, begin ning at 7:30 o'clock. STONE. This cold sunshine makes one feel frisky when getting out In the early mornings. And the way the teams are drifting past on the way to mar ket shows conclusively that the amount of stuff produced In this sec tion Is far from small. Mrs. Susan Gubbetts has regained her health so much that she and fam ily will soon move to the Ikinney Fish Hatchery, where Mr. Gubbetts Is now employed. Evangelist M. Wood preached here to a large audience last Sunday. NEW SCHOOL AT MAPLE LANE. Present Building Is Inadequate For Pupils Attending. A meeting of the people of Maple Lane was held at the schoolhouse at that place Saturday afternoon to dis cuss the mutrr of erecting a now school building, as the present school building is entirely too small to ac commodate the large number of child ren In that district, there being f,8 pupils ranging from the first to eighth grade. It was decided to build another one room building on the Molalla road, and another teacher employed. This will be used ln connection with the present building, which Is charge of Prof. Calam. and It Is the Intention of this school district to erect a large building at some future time, which will be In the center of the district and will be convenient to all of tho children attending. FOR 1 1 ni wm Al IMHA FOR COUGHS itUNta Ul UUKtd GOLDS THE WONDER WORKER THROAT I DR. KING'S I LUNGS I FOR COUGHS A IMP COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough mortal was ever afflicted with, and my frtendi expected that when I left raj bed it would surely be for my rave. Our doctor pronounced my case Incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. KIiir's New Discovery cured me to completely that I am all sound and well. MRS. EVA UNCAl'JILR, Grovertown, Ind. Price 60c ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY JONES DRUG CO. LETTERS TO SANTA CLAUS. Little People Tell St. Nicholas Their Holiday wants. Oregon City, Ore.. Doc. 18. 1909. lHnr Santa Chum: I will drop you a few lines to tot you know what 1 want for Christinas. "Well, want a leather doll buggy that's down to llusch't store, and then a doll which you get with a book of stamps. Well I think this will bo all for today, tiood byo. Ho sure and remember. From Ll'CY III'DOVICII. (lot Division St. Oregon City. Oregon. IVar Santa (iaus: Please bring mo a doll and a buggy. From your friend 11KLKN Sl'llllKK. Oregon City, Or., Doc. 13, 19.)H. Pear Santa: I am going to write to you and tell you what I want tills Christmas. I always smile when dear old Decem ber conies. I want a big doll all dressed, and a Christmas tree, with lots of presents on It, and a map of tho world, and a game, and nuts and candy. Do not forget. I will have to close. Yours truly, CiKAl'K SIU'O.X. I wish you a happy Now Year and a merry Christinas. Newport In Winter. Newport Is an Ideal Winter resort. and the low rates now In effort from all 8. P. and C. K. poluts with tho Improved train service now establish ed places It within a few hours ride from tha Valloy, arriving there at C P. M. In time for dinner. Excellent hotel accommodations at reasonable ratmi. For further particulars call on any C. k B., or S. P. agent, or wrlta to WM. McMl'HItAY. General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. 1 1-20 Time to be Thinking of That Winter Trip South VIA THE Southern Pacific Company The Road of a Thousand Wonders ON THE SHASTA LIMITED, 27 hour train toSanPranclsco CALIFORNIA EXPRESS and Son Francisco Express These trains offer to the traveling public a most comfortable way to trav el, with their luxurious equipment, high class service; nutKtildrotit sconory nn route, climatic conditions and all tlio leading features that go to make winter travel eany and pleasant from OREGON to CALIFORNIA Drawlngroom sleeping cars. Compartment observation cars, dining ram, tourist cars, up-to-date in overy respect, carry one to the Old Missions. Paso Itoblos, Del Norte, Hunts llarbara, tho Orangn Droves ud other In teresting scenes In tho Land of Hunshlno and Flowers. Round Trip Rate from Portland $55.00 to l't Angeles and return. Corresponding low rates from til other S P. points. Tickets good for stopover In either direction, with flaal rotura limit six months from date of sain. Intornsttng and descriptive literature on all sections of California ran bohad on, application to any Southern Pacific Agent, or WM. McMURRAY, General Pauenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters at the Ore gon City Postofflco for the week end lng December 17: Woman's list Bell, Mrs. A. E. Brltton, Mrs. John E.; Hurgess, Mary- Carlson, Mrs. A. F.; Faith, Mrs. Ellen; Hall, Mrs. Ida; Hastings. Mrs. llelU;; Malani, Mrs.; Pierce, Jennie; Stevens Altha; Thomas, Josle; White, Mrs Emily. Men's list Bowers, Harry; Harris Wm. B.; Hess. S. II.; Howard, Oddes Jones, E. C; Jones, Jesse; Kordlcn Mitchell; Stark, It.; White, lm; Whltton, J. O.; Whlttcn, O. C. TRUTH ABOUT CATARRH. Sensible Methods Will Cure it. Hunt ley Bros. Co. Guarantees Hyo mei to Cure Catarrh. Catarrh can never be cured by tak lng medicines Into the stomach nor by sprays, atomizers or douches. Intelligent physicians have long ago discarded such Ideas and not one of them would be worth consideration were It not for the fact that unscrupu Iouh persons prey upon the Ignorance of the people In regard to new dis coveries. Catarrh Is caused by germs and Just as long as these germs thrive In the folds, crevices, nooks and corners of the mucous membrane that line the nose, throat and chest, JUHt so long will you havo catarrh. There Is only one way to cure ca tarrh, and that Is to kill the germs. There Is only one remedy that will kill the germs when It gets where the Lgernm are, and that Is Hyomel. Hyome Is made chiefly from Aus tralian Eucalyptus and Kucalpytol combined with other germ killing an tiseptics. Just breathe It In through the hard rubber Inhaler that comes with each outfit and relief Ih lmmedl ate. Used regularly for a few weeks Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o me) will cure chronic catarrh. Complete out fit $1.00 at Huntley Bros. Co., and leading druggists everywhere. Dec. 10-24 I TAKE THE HINT I You can get the best that money can buy If you buy of our new stock of canned Table J Fruits. They have the delicl- ous, ripe flavor. ) at t HARRIS' GROCERY. Oregon City. TAFJTALW&I A NEW ELECTRIC LAMP MORE ECONOMICAL THAN any carbon filament lamp. CHEAPER and MORE STURDY than the TUNGSTEN can be used in KEY SOCKET Portland Railway Light & Power Company 147 SEVENTH STREET