Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 17, 1909, Image 8

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ll,1R?LlLc Sian Two Doors South of Postofficc, main street Oregon City, OJ
'"- ' - - - -... . ... ...... , II
yfd o rYr Hundreds of Gift Ar
Only Seven More Days
of the Big Discount Sale
The amazing discount sale my Third Animal Profit-Sharing Event
continues but for seven more days. Only this short time in which to
take advantage of the greatest selling wnt ever held In Oregon City.
On account of the purchase of the Rosenstein Store, I must move Janu
ary 1st, so before that time must close out my large stock of Men's
Wear. Take advantage by buying now, for never again will you have
such a tremendous buying opportunity.
tides at Big Reductions
Christum only n few day off-only, seven more big buying day - and
I am ready for the gift seeker with n mom Hum complete stock of
articles Tor men suitable for gifts. Mo not worry about what to give
"him," for an Inspection of my slock will II it it Jiist the needed article lit
a mighty small cost. On account of my removal January 1st, everything
must go, lieueo you will llml everything In this lino In my big. clean
Hlock at tremendously low discount price. Cuiim tomorrow.
1 -w- a
e ESainole O'coats
Sensational Sale
Boys' Suits
The great sale of my Boys' Suits continues with unabatinir Interest an.t fr,-., th
maae me past weeks, Oregon City people certainly appreciate the wonderful vw ir.,r.,.i ti,
inciuuea siuray buns tor Doys in. tho Knickerbocker styles, at prices away less thau usual. Take
advantage of the enormous reductions for this week-give the boy one of these dandy Suits we
are oner.ng tor uiis wees as a Corlstnias Gift-he will appreciate It and -twill be a mlirhtv econon.t
cal and sensible gift as well.
Boys' Knickerbocker
Suits worth to $3.50
at this sale
Boys' Knickerbocker
Suits worth to 3.00
at this sale
Boys' Knickerbocker
Sultb. worth to JS.00
at this sale
Boys' Knickerbocker
Suits worth to JS.OO
at this sale
Buy Xmas Gifts Here-Many
Gifts for Men at Big Cuts
A man will always appreciate a useful gift moro than anything else something to wear and here
are some mighty reductions for this sale on little things for gifts that every man will surely want
r-somethlng that will remind him of the giver's generosity for months to come.
Silk Handkerchiefs, fancy
embroidered borders. A al-
ues up to $1.00
go at this sale
for only
Fancy Silk Mufflers make
handsome gift
worth up to $2.00
go for only .
Men's fancy Slippers in leath
er and felt. Good useful
gift. Values to
$2.50 at this sale
a ""
A. -I .
. b$of ' v II 1
ttliiiAiti hot Br"?: V- V.'(dS3jB'
fitt Clothes fl.ktr i jff
6iltire lid Key Trlt v-'i Sii
Sale Drummers'
Sample Line
A clothing manufacturer offered me a great lot of Hample overcoats, nuiity different styles and
colors. Including the popular, stylish Overcoat with military collar. An these coats were made
up for samples, you ran ace that they are extraordinarily well mad", and represent the cream of the
manufacturer' output, The entire lot goes on sale tomorrow, to go without regard to value
A (hey were purchased at a tremendous reduction, I am able to offer Ihem to you It III rl' I. A It
Values In these flue Values In these nne Values In these fine Hoys' le, Mil, c.d-
Overcoats to $IS U0, Overcoats to $22.50. Overcoats to $25.00, lars. values to $S 50
K al K t go nt go at
$11.85 $14.85 $18.85 $5.85
AH Men's Suits Reduced Lower
Than Ever for My Wonderful Sale
All my Men's Suits must go within the next few days, so have reduced them still farther apply
ing the prlce kulfe as It was never used before, l must move January 1st. and before then A I.I.
OK MY MUX'S 8CIT8 Ml'ST GO. Itcmcmher, tnv slock comprises the stylish Schloss Itros.
Clothes and Society Brand Clothes all at marvelous reduction.
Men's Suit Values
$20.00. Go at
this sale fur
up to i
Men's and Young Men' Suit
value up to $15,
during this ""I" Q 95
go for J)0.
Men's and Young Men's Suit
values up to $12 50
go for at this
for ....
Estacada and Eastern Clackamas
At a well attended meeting of rep
resentative citizens of the eastern
action of Clackamas County, held in
the Grange Hall at Garfield Saturday,
preliminary work for the organizing
of a fruitgowers' union met with un
qualified success. Temporary of
ficers were elected as follows: E. L.
Wonacott, chairman:' A. O. Whitcomb,
secretary. A committee of five, com
prising Philip Standish, S. E. Woos
ter, W. P. Snuffln, A. D. Schmidt and
E. Closner, were appointed to pre
pare the constitution and by-laws for
the organization. These are to be in
readiness at the next meeting to be
held at Estacada on Friday next at
1 o'clock P. M. The name to be given
the association will be .decided upon
later. Much enthusiasm was mani
fested and the movement appears to
have the full support of everyone in
terestd In the upbuilding and develop
ment of the fruit Industry In the vicin
ity of Estacada.
Dr. and Mrs. H. V. Adix entertained
about 40 guests at their home Fridav
evening. The game 500 was played.
Mrs. J. W. Reed and Miss Agnes
Beach assisted at luncheon. The
Autumn leaves tastefully arranged
with the light of a bright firelde shin
ing upon the madded much to the
preitiness of te event.
James Allison, blacksmith at Sandy,
while repairing- the roof of his house,
slipped and fell 18 feet, breaking or
dislocating one hip and sustaining in
ternal injuries. It was thought that
his injuries would prove fatal, but it
is now believed that he will recover
but may sustain the loss of one limb.
D. C. Loomls, of Portland, with a
party of men conntected with the
Xorthern Idaho & Montana Power
Company. wPre In Boring Friday look
ing for water power. These gentlemen
have been In Lake County, Oregon,
and now intend to find water power
In this neighborhood if possible. They
Intend to look over the Clackamas
River as well as tne Sandy River for
power sites.
Rev. Guy Phelps, who has been con
ducting revival meetings in the M. E.
Church at Boring, is meeting with
success and will contluue the meet
ings for possibly two weeks longer.
Nearly all the lumber and tie mills
in this section, which have been shut
i)wn since the commencement of
the bad weather, have started again
and expect to run steadily from now
on. ,
Ray Keith, employed by the S. P.
H. Lumber Company, had his hand
severely cut by a saw and went to
a Portland hospital for medical attention.
For Christmas
A Pair of Shoes or Slippers
is a practical gift. You can
purchase a shoe order and the
recipient can come in and he
fitted after Christmas.
PRICES FROM 50c to $5.00
We have been having heavy winds,
rain and snow here for the last two
monthn. The snow Is gone now, but
the rain Is still here.
Potato digging Isn't done yet.
Some will have early potatoes In the
spring, as digging will not be finished
until spring.
G. Keller lost a fine colt last week
and has another horse sick now.
Joe Keller and wife were visitors
last week at his brother, George's,
in Dodge.
The heavy storms drove the deer
down to the settlements, with the
help of -the wolves, the hound drove
they back. Those that did not break
their necks to get In the barrels, out
of the hounds' way. There Is such
a thing as being "hounded to death."
The high water nearly took W. H.
Rradley's bath house away on Clear
Creek, as some one pulled the steeple
to the pad lock out and let the door
open. J. M. Pack saved It by nail
ing up the door and fastening Its
The Mrs. Miller that lives on I)r.
Water's place has been quite Blck
for some time.
Hlrch Roberts called at the homo of
Rev. Exon one evening last week.
Our school is almost to a close,
with a splendid enrollment this year,
have moved In and taken possession
of tho same.
I Warner (irango will meet tomorrow.
The regular meeting time comes on : protection. Nover
Christmas day. so the meeting Is call- i only a joke.
cd a week earlier. A llvo meeting Is I oihers lire trvlng to attract the
expected, as the election of officer ,,w,.,.t attention of the young ladl-
Our r 'tit snow and cold spell has
encouraged n few of our young men
to growing rhln whlHkers, for wlutiT
mind Willie, Its
Is an Important feature.
uttver llalley, who recently com
The snow Is gone and refreshing , p,.t,.d his dwelling 011 his property
rains have come to this place once
Christmas will soon bo here and
on Evergreen Ave., Is now ocupylng
the same.
Kll Parker, recently sold two of his
...ir ,iruKramme is almost reauy. Lome fine milk cows to Lazello & Son, for
out and see Santa Claus on Tuesday , a neat sum.
evening, December 21, at the Dover
G. R. U'oodle has been working
our roads the last few days.
Rev. Abbott, district superintendent
of the Sunday Schools, will preach
at Dover Sunday, .December 19.
toward names, or George, was a
W-o-l-f hunting near Dover Sunday.
Augustine Miller, who has been
working down near the Columbia, has
returned home again.
Mrs. Alexander Hews Is on t,hc sick
list at this date.
Our telephones are not giving good
service at present. We have to walk
too far to get news transferred,
by showing ' (hem beautiful apples.
Xever in In ! C. and U, this Is only
a Joke. Home more.
The subject for debate lust Friday
evening was: "Resolved Unit Pro
hibition should be adopted," In which
the Judges derided two In one In
favor of the Alllrnuitlve. Since this
lu t.lr., ti.lv n .leu n,nlnl ft... I..
for Twilight Literary Society to meet I ,,. ,. ' ' .Iir ' ' ' '
to them by voting In favor of prnhlli
A special meeting has been called I
a (;immI time was enjoyed hy
ry III with a stroke
Women Who Are Envied.
Those attractive women who are
lovely In face, form and temper are
the envy of many, who might be like
them. A weak, sickly woman will be
nervous and Irritable. Constipation
or Kidney poisons show In pimples,
blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch-
sides from swinging out in the ctir-'d complexion. For all mic.li, Electric
cent- Hitters work wonders, purify the blood
Oregon City Shoe Store
JUSTIN S. LAGESON, Sole Proprietor
Main Street - - Opposite Postofficc
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Palfrey, accom
panied by their son, Ernest, made a
trip to Portland last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Howlett. went
to Estacada on Friday last and spent
a couple of days with their daughter.
Mrs. J. p. Woodle.
Mrs. R. IJ. Gibson and Miss Crouch
called on Mts. Walter Douglac Sunday
afternoon and spent the evening at
tne nome of Wesley Douglass.
Mr. Ellis and family have recently
moved Into our neighborhood from
Sellwood, and are living at the Eagle
Creek Falls.
Tracy Clester and his sister, Bes
sie, called on Blna Douglass Sunday
A very pleasant evening Is promised
us at the Christmas entertainment to
be given at the Douglass schoolhouse
December 23. All are cordially Invit
ed. Mr. and Mrs. Will Howlett, of Port
land, are visiting relatives of this
neighborhood. It Is the intention of
Mr. and Mrs. Howlett to move to Esta
cada In the near future to reside.
and give strong nerves, bright eyes,
pure breath, smooth velvety skin,
lovely complexion. Many charming
women owe their health and beauty
to them. . GOc at Jones Drug Co.
tomorrow night. The object Is to nt
tend to snmo business matters, listen
to a short programme nnd enjoy n
good social time. Coffee nnd cake will
be served by the ladles. All are wel
come. M. O. Ijizelle has returned from
Portland nnd reports a very Instruc
tive meeting of the Oregon State
Dairymen's Association.
Miss Rlchnrdson, our new teacher,
has completed her first week of
school In this district and Is well
pleased with her school.
Mrs. Arlle Hoover Is on the sick
list this week.
It If ill. even though some of them like
their "limit llcer."
Wood. Jesse ami family, of Lewlslon
Idaho, are visiting his parents, Mr.
laud Mrs. W. W. Jesse.
j Our teacher. Miss Wlthey nnd Miss
Dunn, are making It very pleasant
for the children this winter. They
have formed a glee club and meet at
Tull's Hotel once a week III the eve
ning. Tuesday night they gave the
children a party, at the hotel. Re
freshments were served. All of the
older brothers and sisters were Invlt-
Coal for Sale.
Best medium, Mendota sacked coal
at 8 per ton, Oregon City Commis
sion Company.
Trouble Makers Ousted.
When a sufferer from stomach
trouble takes Dr. King' New Life
Pills he's mighty glad to see his Dys
pepsia and Indigestion fly, hut more,
he's tickled over his new, fine appe
tite, strong nerves, healthy vigor, all
because stomach, liver and kidneys
now work right 25c at Jones Drug
Everyone Is working to make a
success of our Christmas tree In
Xfflllght hall on Christmas eve.
Mrs. Greeble.of Conemot, spent Sun
day with her mother, Mrs. J. W. Mc
Cord. W. R. Snooks Is much Improved
In health. He has been quite ill.
Mr. Longren and family, who re
cently purchased the Wlnesltt place.
We are constantly
having calls for
small farms from
JO to 60 acres with
Improvements. "
Miss Emma Volpp, who used to live
here, has been visiting old time
Carl Klsle and Dewurd Hodge made
a dying trip to Canby Saturday even
ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. U Koellermeler nnd
little daughter spent Sunday with his
nnrents, of Advance.
Quito an excitement prevailed In this
neighborhood when tho mall carrier's
horses became frightened near the
school house and ran away. They ran
about a mllo down rhe. road, when they
ran Into a ditch and came to a stop.
We are all glad to hear that tho mall
carrier nor his horses wero not hurt.
Most of the damage done was tho top
of tho rig torn off.
Mrs. Minnie La Flemm", who Is
working In Portland, Is spending a
short vacation with her parents, of
this place.
Ernest Tloekmnn was an Oregon City
visitor Thursday.
Mabel, Anna and Reward Hodge
spent Thursday evening with the young
folks at Elsie's.
Otto Mngnussen, of Cnnby, has been
visiting his sister, Mrs. Peterson.
A crowd of young folks from Moun
tain Road attended the spelling match
at. Frog Pond InHt Friday evening.
They reported a fine time and some
very good spelling was done.
Mr. Allen, who Is working In Port
land, was visiting friends and rela
tives of this plnce Sunday.
August Koellermeler, who has been
laid up with a sprained knee Is able
to be about again.
There has been some grnln sown
nnd gome hasn't. In fact It has been
so rainy we can hardly get an oppor
tunity between showers to visit neigh
bors to really know what our brother
farmers have accomplished. One thing
sure, gome are accomplishing enough
In the line of reading hooks and pap
ers, and If we have such a continuous
wet winter, many cane bottom chairs i
will need repairing by Spring.
eil ami
Mr. Towue Is v
of paralysis.
Charlie Ogle has been confined to
his bed for some time with heart
Mrs Wurfel Is still In Portland
taking treatments for her heart ami
the rheumatism.
Fred Jesse has returned to Port
land after helping his father on the
ranch, for the past six months
Elmer Irvln Is (pilte III with a
severe cold.
Mr. and Mrs. Slmklns moved to
Donald Monday.
K. Moe has moved his family Into
the house vacated by Mr. Slmklns.
The following were elected officers
of the 2llh Century Grange: W. H.
Til!!, master; Daisy Ogle, overseer;
Uesslo Sheppard, lecturer; W. W.
Jesse, steward; W. II. Tull assistant.
Mrs. Andriis, chaplain; H. T. Molvln,
treasurer; L, I Irwin, secretny;
Mrs, Peterson, (Into keeper; Mrs.
Sheppard, Ares; Mts. Andrews, Po
mona; Mrs, Jesse, Flora; I'omoina
Andrews, lady assistant; llaltlo Ir
win, organist.
Mrs. Mack and daughter, Vera, of
Rellwood, were visiting I lie former's
daughter, Mrs. Ed Dempster of Fourth
and Washington Ht recti, on Sunday.
The Store
Toys for the young ones
Gifts for the elders
Oar store is the real bat gain
emporium lot Christmas
Corner Main and Tenth Streets