OUWiON CITY KNTKUL'WSK, FIJI DAY, DKCEMUKIS ?,, VM). mini mans. in in" i u-.-uii ('unit (,f tM, Hliil.i of imi'Ciiii, riir Iiii-Iuiiiiiin Cnnnly, '"' KjiuiivHiti, I'luiiiiirr, VM, A ti mi KiiiiIIiiivmIiI, lixforiiliuil. n Anna Kiiiilliuvniil, ili-rmiiliiiit In HI" HIMIVll tllll!ll Mil 1 1 In llm iiitinii (if llin Hindi of Ore Kii ,yu mi. Iior.'by i.iulril to u,,. l'nr nun itiuiw.-r llio cotn pin In t of liliilndif iiKiilnnl yoii In tlm nliitve ni ii iii cm mi.', wliiiln nix awek from 111.' (lllll. or Hill lllHt Ullll'toll Of thin Nniiiiiinni, mill If yn full no Id nppt-iir itiiM nimw.tr, for wind thereof. llio liliilnllrr will apply in dm cm hi it or inn ri'lii'f ili.niiinili.d In iiiil Pim. Iilnlnl, tn wit : Thiit llm IioikIh of mm- rliiioiiy lii.w..i.n iiliiltillrf mill ilnf I mil In. illnnulviMl, mill miliulli'il anil for kih-ii oihi. r mill rut-f tir relief uh in Hi" ('unit limy m.m hint mill einilt itl.li.. Thin Niiliilniiim In nerved upon yon inn nii in in mi order iiiihIk and mi li'O'il In mil. I mill on iillt mi! liny of iMiviMtwor, 1:11111. ,y llm lonoi ul.l.i J. I'. 'uinlnll, .Indue of llm nbovo iimni'il Court, wlitcli mild order re- iinln-B you in iti'lu iir nml itimwcr the C.llll.llllllt III Mil lit Hlllt within nix wet-lm of llm iliii.. (,f hi Unit piilill- cittluii of thin miu int. JOHF.I'II WOKUNDIjH, Atlorni'y for I'lnlnllff. Iiati. of IIimI inililli'iilloii Nov. 12, 1!HI9 linn- of Imit publication, (ii.r. 21, J tlf 11 Summons. In Hie Circuit Court of llm Hint" of "n'Koii, for CIm.'Iuiiiiiik Connly, Murllui A. lliinllnun, I'liilntirf, Vrl. Illrlmrd V. IIhhMiikk, Defendant. 'I'll III. lllll l ,M lllinllllKH, di-fi'llllllllt llliuyi. Illllll.'.l; IiiIIik num.. of tin. Hiniit tlf Oi'i.Kiin ymi urn lurby ri'iiilrii to upiH-nr nml minwor llm complaint lll.( mjnliiMt you in Hi.. nIkiv" i-i.iltl.-d milt on or p.-f..r ili ut iny nf jiinuitry, HUD, Mill iliii.. I.i.ihk (iftrr tlm expiration of nix froni llu fimt piilillnt- lliili of thin HtiiniiiixiN, nil. I f ymi fall to appear nml niinwitr mini rouiiliiliit, f.r hunt itu.ti.of ihi. pin I tit 1 fT will tip ply fur tin. relief imi.i fur In (lit. rmiiphtliit, in wit; ,-r ,i . hoIHiik Hi" l.oii.U of iiiritrlinuny now lmiiH l..'t.-.n (iliilutlfr itn.l il.r... .Imil I Miiiiin.iiiN h iulilihi'. liy nr4 u-r or Hun. J ('uiiiih.'ll, JiiiIk" of Hi" ill... u. tmni.'.l cmirt, whlrli order m iiiiul" itn.l "iili'inl on (In. ill iluv of Nov. inli. .r. I ami, mi. I (hi. tlm,. .i.-...rll.r, r,ir imlilli'iillnii thercf It U .-et-t, h.'KllllllhK wlih l...i.. of Friday, November r.ith, I'.iu'j mi, I roiMliMiliiK i-:ui wi."k Hi"r"iifi"r tu iin.l In. ImliiiK Friday, iH ci'inlu r ::..i, i:i'.'.i. (ii:o. c. iiuovni:i,u Adurti") r.ir rinintirr Summons. In Hi" Clrrnlt Court of Ihi. Hint" of Dci-uou fur th" County of Cliukii unit A F. Will, I'lnlnllff. Summom. In th" Clicull Court of Hut Hint" of Oh-kuii, fur llm County of Clitclui. til II M. ii. ii. Kwiniiiii, pii.im.iir, V". .Iiilln Kwlmnk, Di'fi'iiilunl. 'I'd Jnllii F. Kwluink, (lufi'iiilniit In tin. iilmvo I'lillll.'il hiiII: In llm iiiiiun of thu Hint" of Ori'Kun, yun urn liwoliy rmiulretl In appi-iir nml iiiwwer tlm coinpliilnt of plululirr IIimI HKitltiHt you In Hm above enlllli.d hiiIi within nix wi."kH rnuii Hut ilnl, i County Court on or before 10 o'clock Uteri en H. 1 d'-irreo V. 5.40 nliH. to n A. M. of liecoiiibnr 2llh, 1909, to dhow Ktake; th'-nco B. SO 100 cha: thence ciiiim", If miy you have, why tlm pot I- H. r,S ii'Kn."if B. 1.22 rim; tlicnco N Hon of A. V. InivIh, tlm duly niipolnt-ll l"Kr.,o K. C.CK cIih to the N. llm, "il, iiinllli.i nml iictluK Kxcculor of of n tract of liind mild ly K.ra Kliili" llm BhIiiIii of mild Binlly liiiiiKhurty, Iniul wlfii to OoorK't Ali'Tiu'thy; Ihciici prnyliiK for uulhiirlly to M"ll Hm (low. N. HI 1-4 dcKrwt W. l.RB elm. to tlm cr Inliuimt of tlm KHtntit of Hnld Binlly plncit of licclnnlnK, contuliiltiK ono iwiiKimriy in mill to fortam run! prop- acre, morn or Iohh. orly in CliicknmiiM. County, Ori'iton, IN TKHTIMONY WIIKUKOF. 1. V. Hiiould not lie Kinnlcd, iih prnyed for W. (iri'Mimnn, (,'lcrk ht the county in kiii ii pi.tiiion, which inn, I ix dmicrili-lcouri urorcxuiu, imvo iicrcuiito H"t. mv "il iih followH, lo wlt: hand and nlllx'-d the ncnl of mild court ( oininwielim nt llm HimiMi WckI cor- IIiIh 9 iluy of NovomlUfr, 1!I0. (Heal) r. w. hki:i:nman, ('oiinty Clerk liy II. A, HLBIfJHT, Deputy, of tlm tlrnt iiulillcalloti of thin hiiiii- I of Hm lionatlon Ijuul Claim of iiioiih, to wit: hIx wiu'lm after llm .'JmI i' ruiiKiiti v.. itiiiiiuiril, nml wire, in T day of Deciuiihei', tllnsi, and If you full 1 H. 2 IC, of llm Wlllnmuitn Mnrl- Hit tu appear nml niiHwer. for want (linn, ciaciimiiaii county, oretou llii.ri.iif. llm iihilmirr will nnnlv lo llm thi'iicn North I .,0 rodH: tlmticn Bunt court for tlm rnllef ieniiiii(l"il In hulil IU0 rodH; Ihi'iicn HouHi 10 rodH; Summom, coiniiliilnl, to wll: Ihi'iicn Went lllll rodH lo the place of In the Circuit Court of the Hlalo of Hint thu IioikIh of matrimony now lieKliinliiK, conlalnliiB nil) acren of (Jregun, In and for Cluckamug Coun- oflHllnir lietwemi tilaliitlff and defend, mud more or I". ty, mil he iIIhhoIvhiI, ihi Hi" lirounilii of Dated tliltt 20tli day of November, Nona U Ilunnlcutt, I'lalntlff, ili'Herllon mid ahmidoiiineul of plain- A. I). Wi, V. W. (iKKBNMAN, HIT by defenilant for morn than on . Clerk of County Court. year, for Hut nmlH and illiiliuiHeiiieiitH (Heal of County Court. ) herein, anil miicIi other liiul further relief hh to (lie court limy hui'iii enult- alii... I'liln niiintniiiin In nerved upon you t n i in unlit to mi order tun. I" and en tered In Haiti Hull on tlm 2!H day of November, 1 IKill, by the Hon, J. 11. Cuuiiln,ll, priiHlilliiK JuiIk" of Hm liy II. A. HUCIflHT, Deputy. Ulyttneti I. Ilunnlcutt, IMewlunt. To UlytiHeH I. Huiinlciitl, defemiant uhovo named: In the name of the Btato of Ore- Koii, you are hereby notified that plaint Iff herein Iiiih filed I lU 1 1(111 Of tlllH Hit III 11)1)11 H. COOVBIIT HTAI'I.KTON, Attnrni.yii for rialntlff. 'MioinuH KiintiiiM.y, Itefittiliiut, To Tlioiiini Kiuinmiry, llio abuvv imiii.,1 (lifemlunt : In Hi" iiaiii" of th" Slain of Ori'Kon, you ar" hereby ri.nlri d to appear nml miHiver tin- romplaliK filed ncaliiHt you In the abov" euililril Court and rum." on or befnre lb" 2 Ith iluy ef December, IIiuO, and If you full 'ho to npii. nr mul miwer mild rompliilnt llio plnliuirr will apply lo tlm nliove en titled Court for the rllef prayed for In ti.ild coniplalnt, low It: For a decron of ml, I Court derree liiK Unit mild plaintiff the owner In f" dimple (f lot nmuhereil IC. In block liumhered :s, In the Dreuun Iron & steel Coititiiuiy'H Flrnt Aildlllun to OHweR.t, CJackmnati Ci.iinty. Ore lion, mid every pari thereof, and a fur ther decree decreeiui; Hint Hnld (!" feiiilanl bun no rlKlil. title or lutereit In ur to unld ilencrlbed preiitlacH, or any part thereof, and mirh other mid further relief n to mild Court may Hei'tn l'(lltalll". TIiIh hii iiiiii.mii U publlHlieil by order or Hon. J. II, Campbi.ll. JiiiIku of mild Court, and which order wan mud" nml entered on til" l'.lth day of October. A. D. r.i.m, ami the Hum prem-rlbed fur publication thereof In hIx wpekn coimtienrlnK November 12. l!in!l, and roiitlniilnir euch week Ihereafter to and liii liullni; Frlduy, December 21th, ii" DIMICK DIMICK. AttorneyH for I'lnlntlff. Bummom. In the Circuit Court of thu Stuto of Ori'Kim, for Hie Ciiuttty of Clncka- lllllM. Anna M. Turner, Flnlntlff, VR. W. Ilert Turner, Defenilant. To V. Ilert Turner. Defendant: In the tunic of tlm State of Ore gon, you Are hereby required to ap pear mid nimwcr to the complaint tiled iiKiiliiHt you In the above en titled Hull on or before the 21tli (lay of December, 1 ;il. mid If you fall lo answer, plaintiff will take a de cree UKiiliiHt you, forever iIInhoIvIiik Hie IhukIh of miitrlmony heretofore and How exlHtliiK between the plain II fT mid you, and fin' Mich other and further relief In the prenilHes an the Court may deem Jimt and eiiullnble iih prayed fur In the complaint (lied hero in Service of IIiIh kiuiuiiou Ih liinde upon you by iulillcutlon In purHiiancn of an order of the Honorable .1. IT. Campbell, .Indue of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial District, made November 11, 1 1t (l !. dlrecllnu mich publication In Ihd OreKon Clly Knter I i'Ihc. once n week for hIx Huccestilvo w.'cliH, tlm first publication belm; November 12, I !10!1, and tlm hint the 2 (Hi day of December, 190!). J. T. nr.us. Attorney fur I'lnlnllff. Summon. In tho Circuit Court of (ho Rtato of complaint aualimt you In the abovo en OreKon for Clackutnitfi County. titled court, and you are hereby ro- wuu in. joiiim, riuimiii, quire.! in appear mid atiHwer Bald v. coiiiitlalnt on or by tho last dav of above entitled cnnrt, which mild Wder lcmider , Jonen, Defendant. Die time ttpeciflcd by tho order of tenulri.H you lo appear and niiHwer To U'linder II. Joiich, above named publication thereof, to-wlt: December tho complaint In mil. I Hull within hIx defendant: 24th, 1909, weoliH from the dale of the flrnl nub- In the name, of tlm Htato of Oroiioii, I You are further notified that If vou you are imreiiy reipiireu to appear and fall to appear und mmwer the com- niiHwer tho complBlnt llled at-aliiHt plaint, the nlulntlff will cuuko your de you Hi llm altovo entitled wilt on or fault to be entered anil will annlv 'to I ini.'i of llrHi t.ul. Item Inn lien -I niii'i before the 4th day of December. 1909. the court abovo mentioned for the Date of hiHt nubllriitlon, Jan. Ill 1J10. ",,1 dlltl Ml'K ttft,,r lho expiration relief prayed for, that in to uay for . . wi bi ww'-kii i nun win tirHt puittica. a nucreo rorever aiHHoiving tho txtndu Noiica ror Levy or SpacUl Road Tax. "on or mm mimmniiH, and If you full of matrimony that now exln(8 between Nolle" U berehv ulvett that we n, K appear and atiHWor mild complaint, plaintiff and defendant and for a iiiulcrHlKiied tax payer repreneniliti; ",r w""1 n'ereoi mo pianmrr wui at- runner decree uiiowiiik the said plain ten per rent of llm taxpayerH In Uoud l" 1,10 c0,lrt t"r "l0 relief prayed tiff lo annumo her iniilden name, Nona DlHlrlct No. I'U. ClackaintiH Coutitv. ",r r compimni io-wii: ror a u KltiK. OreKon, ber(.by itlve n., licit toi'.ie tax u,'cr"0 "iviiik me Donds or matrl- Tho day of the flmt publication of payer of mild lloiul Iilntrl' t No :u ""w l,1""llB heiween plaintiff UnmmotiH la November 12th, 1909. and that there will Im a incolltiK of ih" "n(1 defendant. tho hint publication thereof In Decem- Int imveiH of iil,l iiiHtrtet In ii. intH Bumui(in Ih pulillHhea by order ber 24th. 19u, and that said sum School IIouh", Nu. Ill, at lllKulimd (ir'l,,t Dltnlck, JuiIkc of rtioiiH hIuiII bo publlnhed on Friday of on Hie elKbl th (18) day of rVi'riii- 1,10 '"""T court ror ClarkumUH ench week for a period of nix conaec- bur. 1 '.Mill, at one o'clock I' M . to .,,),. 1 oumy, urcKon, wmcn order wan ullvo weeks between mild dates. an additional tax fur road purtoneH, ani "'tiered on tho Kith day of This summons Ih puhllHhcd by or- iih iiruvideil by an act of llm .'(;IhIii.' Dctober, A. D., IH9, und tho lime der of J. C. Campbell, Circuit Judpe turn In IIW'J, nml which m t liner alia ,", Bl:r,u,u ",r pm'i'cauon inerwr is or urenon for Clackamas County, said provide an follows, lo wil: B'x '"'"". "emiiiitiiK wun mo mnue order having been rnadu this 10th duy (The tu.iu.v...-. or ., r.,.,,1 ,iiutri,.t "i r riuiiy, ucioui-r ;;nii, 1UU9. anil or November. 1903. In any County of HiIh Htale mny vote eolitliiiilnit each week thereafter to IXJTCS U LANCIJ5Y ii... i .... o.u,,,k uni iniiuo oi rriuay, Attorney for rlalntltl December aril. ejus. CX). C. IIKOWNEIX. Notice of Final Settlement, Attorney for I'lalntlff. Notice Is hereby Riven that tho un- (lerM L'lWfl It It KnU-lell l'vr,ni,l,,r ,.f Notice to Creditors. , lllHt wilt' ri'il testament of Heeco Miuce ih hereby Kiven Hint the tin- Dmicherty. deceased l.an filed hl fin demlKiied have been duly appointed al report in tho aforesaid Court, as iiHslKiiees of tlm OreKon City Lumber such Kxecutor. and the Court has set payers of said road district. kIvIiik the .MuiiufacliirlnK Company. All per- Monday. December 13lh, 1909. nt 10 ...., ii..,. .... ii . " niiiu illinium lire o ClOCK, A. SL, Ul 1110 COUtlty COUTl hereby tiotllled to arraiiKe for Hettle- rooms In said Countv. for the hearlne of iteccmber. mid ut the time of said "h; u" l,"rH""!' bavliiK L.f objections, If any there be. to said for the settle- Kstate. Any per- ctlons to said re- notltled tn file the date same In tho said Court nn or !i,.f.,r irnteii tins U'lh day of .November, said date an it , I t i ( I , , 1 1 ti I tax for phi, I pin io.-k, providliiK nt leant Id per rent, of tin taxpayer of said dliitrlet shall Klve no' Ice hy pontine llotlceH In three pub lie places In said road dUtrlct, and one In courthouse, nml publish one no lice three weeks In one weekly news paper of K"iienil circulation, slmied by at lea-it 10 per cent, of the tax- roller prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt; For a dissolution of tho mar rlnxo contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published by order of Hon. J, V. Campbell, Judno of the uhovo mimed court, which order wus made and entered on October 20th, 1909, and tho tlmo prescrlb.id for pub lication thereof Is six weeks, com mencing with tho Issue of Friday, October 29th, 1909, and continuing each week thereafter to and Includ ing Frldny, December 10th, 1909. GKOKiiK C. IHIOWNBIX, Attorney for I'lalntlff, PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey E. Cross. William Hammond CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORNEYS-ATLAW Real Estate Abstracts Loans, Insurance. 8ummons. In tho Circuit Court of the Stato of Oregon for ClackHmas County. Carrlo E. Cook, i'lalntlff, TS Oorgo W. Cook, Defendant. To George W. Cook, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you aro hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you herein on or before the 10th day of December, 1909, said date Being af ter the expiration of six weeks from tho first publication of this summons, and If you fall so to appear and ans wer, the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief prayed for In h complaint, to-wlt: for the dissolution of the bonds of matrimony existing between yourself and the plaintiff and for such further relief as to the Court may seem Just in the premises. This summons Is published by on! of the Hon. Grant II. Dlmick, Judg of the County Court of the Stato of Oregon for Clackamas OAinty, made and entered on the 22nd day of Oc tober, 1909. hirst publication, October 29th, 1909; last publication, December 10th, 1909. JOHN DITCHBURN. Attorney for Plaintiff. i.i i ii'rriiiu.-r, nun ui in" lime or sain . , , . ,7 . --j meeting It shall be organ!..-.! by the Hl "" 1 H"1'1 "T ,,"'r"1,y r,'"or'' aDl1 election of s rhnlrmnii ui cre.i.ry. !;,,l1"1;,l '.'I "r"R'T ' "' ,1,,ly v,'r- ''"- ,,f M K .....I nt such meeting they may. ,v u '''' "l,l"r,"!";'- ' "r"K" "ns having object! majority vol" of such taxpayers levy (.' ,hr"" ",""1", ,r,)m ,hl" n,,r. nre "prp''y mi. ii n.i.iiiiouiu nit as tit.-y may d.-.-in ii.IvIhiiI.I" to Improve the rondH of stild dlhtrlct, nml If a tax be levied, It sbnll be the duty of mild chulriiiiin and sec relary to certify to the county clerk or such county, prior to January Ibi th" levy so miide hy the taxpayers of said district, und that the county clerk shall compute nml extend said levy on the assessment roll for that yenr th" siiui" as other taxes are extended mid It sbnll be the duty of the tux colector lo proceed to collect Hit Id taxes In money the same m any other Inxes roHei'tcd ,y him. and turn the Hume over to th" enmity treasurer In the Hani" lunniier and at the suum tlm. ho pays over other linen collected by lilm, nod shall be credited and kept by tho tr.-nni.rer to the account of tin- road district making such levy.) K. Lltiditrom, (I. A. Cottberg. J. O. Dlx. .1 A. Stromgiven. K. Ilerglillld. V. Axene, l!io9. JOHN J. COOKK, J. V. MOFFATT, Assignees nforesuld Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that tho un dersigned has brli appointed by the Hon. County Court of Dated, at Oregon City, Oregon, this 12th day of October, A. D., 1909. R. II. SAWTELL Executor as aforesuld C. If. DYE, Attorney. F. Mujileld. A. Durst. D. A. Miller. T. J. Welrtx. J. C. I'arrlsh. F. T. Shul". W. II. W'ettlntifer. Curl Stnungreen. Fred Ileruror. II. Sullivan. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un Clackamas derslgned. executor of the estate of i oumy, tin-gun. administrator of the christian Muralt, deceased, has filed estate of John Olson, deceased. All In the County Court of Clackamas persons having claims against the Count r. State of Oreenn his final ac sa.u esiaie are Hereby untitled and count as such executor of said es- required t present the same duly into, and that .Monday, the Cth day of verified with proper vouchers at the December. 1909 at the hour of 10 omre or t.ordoli I-.. Hayes, rixims 3, o'clock A. M.. has been fixed bv said 4 and 5 Stevens Ilulldlng, Oregon Court as the time for hearlne of oh. . ii), .iregon, witiiin six months from Jectlons to said report and the set the date hereof. tlement thereof. Dated November ICtli, 1909. FRFD JOS1 ALtil hT OLSON, Executor of tho estate of Christlnn Administrator of the Kstuto of John Olson, deceased. Cordon K. Hayes, Attorney for Estate. Muralt, deceased. U'REN & SCHUEnEU Attorneys for Executor. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned Executrix of the Inst will of llerthn E. Tscharnlg. deceased. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Muudo Patterson, Plaintiff, vs. John Patterson, Defendant. To John Patterson, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Ore- Notice for Levy of Special Road Tax. , N ", lK ti'T"'')' Kiven that we, Ht0 of c'larkamas Countv, Oregon,' (he undersigned, representing ten has llled her filial report as such Ex- ..-r .-em. oi .no mx puyers in uomi ecutrlx. and the said Countv Court District No. ClackaniiiH County. ,,1M Hel M.mdnv lieeen.lu.r -nh a Oregon, hereby give notice to the tax ) VM0. nt 10 o'clock. A. M.. of 'said pa.rs or said lloiul District No. .10 day. in lho County Court Rooms of Bn. you nre hereby required to ap- ....... i.i.-i.- mo oe n 111. ti ink oi mo said Countv for lie hwirnir of nl,l near nml answer the ivinin n nt fl ort tux payers of said District in Grange nm, report and for tho settlement of against you In the above entitled suit nan ... uswcmi, uregon. on mo li.m sal.l Estate. Any persons having any on or before the 17th day of Decern nu) or nee tier. I -Jim, in 7:. HI o clock objections to said Dual report nro ber, 1909. that being six weeks after I. M to veto an additional tax for herehv nolllleil lo nni.enr or llio tlm the date of the first nnhllrnllon nf ...... ,n.n.-.. prinuteii ny nu nn 8nnio In said Court on or before said this summons; and If you fall to ar- of the legislature in 19119. and which date. pear and answer said comnlalnL the Dated this 19th day of November, plaintiff will apply to the Court for A. 1)., 1909. tho relief therein prayed for. to-wlt: Jl'LIA TSCIIAUNIG IIARTKE. A decree of divorce dissolving the Executrix as aforesaid, bonds of matrimony now existing be- -.. . tween this plaintiff and defendant Citation. above named and for Riieh nlhor anH art Inter alia provides as follows, to-wit. (Tho tax payers of any road dis trict In any County of this State mny vote un additional tux for road pur pose providing nt least 10 per cent. Attorney for Defendant Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for Cbicknmas County. Cntheiino Phlpps, Plaintiff, vs Albert J. PlilppH. Defenilant. To Albert P. PhlppH, the nbovo nam ed (lefi-ililaiit; In tlm niinio of tho Stale of Oregon, you nro hereby required lo appear and answer the complaint llled against you herein on or before lho 2-ltb day of Ileceniber, 11109, said dale being lif ter the explrailon of hIx weeks from the (I rut publication of this summons, and If ymi fall to nppenr nnd nns-wor.- tlm plaintiff will npply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: for tho dissolution of the bunds of matrimony existing between yourself nnd tho plaintiff mid for such further relief as to tho Court may seem just In tho premises. This summons Is published by order of the Hon. ,1. U. Campbell, Judgo of the Circuit Court of tho Stnte of Oregon for Clackamas County, inado nnd entered oil tho 8th day of Nov ember, 1909. First publication, November 12th, 1909; lust publication, December 24th, 1909. SENECA FOUTS, ALEX sweek; Attorneys for Plaintiff. of Hie tux payers of suld road dls- 1" the County Court of tho State of further relief as to the Court may trlet shall give notice ,y posting Oregon, for tho County of Clucka- seem enultnble and Just. This sum- ' ' i" "no" public places in said mas. n.on lo n.ti.lUheH for .1 road dlHtrlct, and one In courthouse, In tho Matter of the' Estato of Honor WOeks by order of Hon. J. U. Canip- ...-.."ii ..uu ....Leu uiieo nrcnw ......no ,.iii,t, li.iuuvu, bell, Judge of said Court made on 111 .tli.i .......til.. ............. . fl.A a. ......... ..f t....... 11 ..... ,.. ...... nvvni.i ,..-i. ,ii ivr oi Kener... nn- .,.iiu i ii.u oii.i" l utoiii hp -lilt h rinv nf n,.tol,,.r l.lrta riiruii.uoii, HtgiHui ny m least iu per io r.uwuru ii. iiuiock, v. i . Willi- j, -j. ELLIS rem. or me taxpayers or stud road iock, jano .iinrss ismitn, mourns district, giving the lime, pluco and Whltlock, The American Home Mis object of said meeting, which shall slonury Society of New York, tho Sun- Guardian's Sale. ii" iii'iii in mo moniii or December, day scnooi and I'ublisiiing society or 'oflr U herehv irlven ti.nt nro.. nnd at the tliuotf said meeting It New York, the Cougreg.it lonul Church Unt to an order made In the Comity shall be orgnnlzed by the election of of Oregon City, Rutherford Whltlock, Court for Multnomah Countv Oreenn a chairman und secretary, ntul at such Grace Whltlock und Thomas Murks on lime 4th iiiq the im,lrliriio,i ' meeting they may, by a majority vole Smith, you nro hereby cited to np-krdlan of the person and estate of .-I nn. .1 . u.in.j ,-m, levy Burn iii.ii 1 1 ii 111- pra. u.-iuie ii.u 1101101111110 urmii u. Didhei'tu Stunrt a minor will on nnd nl lax as they may deem advisable Dltnlck, Judge of tho nbovo entitled after Mondav the tenth day of De- to Improvo the roads of said district, court, on Monday, December 27. 1909, cembei-, 1909 " proceed to sell at prl- nud If a tax bo levied, It shall be the at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause why Vato sale, uiid continue to sell until duty of suld chairman und secretary an order should not be grunted to t,0 same Is sold, at room No 510 to certify to tho county clerk of such sell the following described property. riiami..i c',,,', ti.,t.r ,.. , . . , , , . . ,, . . . - v ,-IU,., IT..IOH.V, prior ui .i.iiiiinry isi, Ue levy oeiouguig io stun esdue. to-wlt: ,,f Third St.ivk Streetq Pnrth.nd so made by tho taxpayers of suld dls- Commencing at a point 13 chains S. Oregon, all of the right title nnd in ttict, und that tho county clerk shall Sti degrees from a point which Is 29.55 terest of said minor In and to the fob ...I.,,.,,,., ...... .-mi- iii H...U t.-vy on me cu. . i m-giee w. irom mo IN. w. lowing described real property situate " .".." .... r.M.e.H i,. lA t,. io. M cinckamns County. State of Ore- ?. . . V ""'"'"""." .' ' - is- t me Willamette Kon; An undivided one-fourth In- ii niii.ii in, uu, inn. v oi urn iax coiieci- .Meriuinu, uregon, running mence .. t(,r,-.t i ...,t t,. l ot min.wo.1 or to proceed to collect suld taxes 1 degree E. 9. 20 chs; thence 84 1-4 -n. et,.ini,. -ir, sn acre, itn.,i in In money the sumo us any other taxes degrees W. along the N. line of n Section thirty-six (3), in Township Summont. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Mary Young, Plaintiff, vs Peter C. Young, Defendant. To Peter C. Young, Defendant In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint filed, against you In the above entitled suit on or before tho 3rd day of December, 1909, and If you fall to answer, plain tiff will take a decree against you, forever dissolving the bonds of matri mony heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and you, and for such other and further relief in the premises as the Court may deem Just and equitable as prayed for in the complaint filed herein. Service of this summons Is made upon you by publication In pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the Fifth Judicial District, made October 20th, 1909, directing such publication In the Oregon City Enter prise, once a week for six successive week, the first publication being October 22nd. 1909, and the last the 3rd day of December, 1909. J. T. ELLIS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Clara Chute, Plaintiff, vs. Nellie Winn, Joseph Winn, her hus band; Aaron Hook, husband of Eliza A. Hook, deceased, and Alice Morter, daughter of said Eliza A, Hook, deceased; William Chute, Chas. T. Chute and Latona Chute, his wife. Defendants, To each of the above named de fendants: In the name of the State of Oregon You and each of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint now on file in the above entitled court and cause on or before December 31. 1909, and if you or any of you fall to so appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above en titled court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: r or a decree that the defendants or either of them have no rlgh. title or Interest In and to Lots Numbered One (1), Two, (2). Seven (7). and Eight (8) of Block One Hundred Sev enty-three (173) of Oregon City, Ore gon, or any part thereof, and for a further decree decreeing that plaintiff Is the absolute owner in fee simple of 9ald described real property and ev ery part thereof and that all claims of said defendants or either of them In and to said property shall be for ever barred. This summons is published by order of Hon. J. u. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, and which or der was made and entered November 10th, 1909, and that the first publica tion of said summons as provided for in said order shall be November 19th, 1909. and the last publication of said summons shall be December 31, 1909. DIMICK & DIMICK. Attorneys for Plaintiff, Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is herehv given that the un derslgned administratrix of the es- i ate of Lucy Rosemnn, deceased, has filed in the County Court of Clacka mas County, State of Oregon, her final account as such administratrix of said estate. And that Saturday, the ISth day of December, 1909, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., has been fixed by said Court for the hearing of objections. If any. to said final ac count, and the settlement thereof. MALINDA CAROTHERS. Administratrix of the Estate of Lucy uoseman. deceased. CROSS & HAMMOND, Attorneys for administratrix. are collected, and turn the sumo over tract of lutid sold hy Ezra Fisher nml two () South of Range ono (1) East to the counly treasurer In the same wife to George Abernethv 6.43 chs: Lr ti.avvm....,..ti.. ioH.ii,... . t,o niumi.T nnd ut tho same time ho pnys thenoo S. 1 degree W. 5.75 chs; thence 0f said snlo are total purchase price to over other taxes collected by hl.n, mid S. 55 degrees E. 2.3G chs; thence S. be paid in cash, or one half the con- ...... ,, B"i.i ui' io'ii ...me- c. i.ua ens; mence s. slderatlon price in cash and tho bnl treasurer to tho account of the road milking Hiich levy.) E. L. Davidson William Dyer C. II. ElHton 1). 10. Long Thomas Fox John O'llrlen Joseph Illckner Henry Guns W. S. Ilallliniin 0. W. Prossor A. Waldorf Joseph Woell Hugh linker W. J. Youmans A. S. Cllnefetter John nickner J. S. Martin A. J. Rosslter C. R. JohliHon C. N. Haines C. W. Chllds I M. Davidson .T. H. Cox T. P. Cook O. F. Illalr J. O, Tlodman J. George Naglo ' ens; uiciice s. !.u degrees ts. m hnnn in ...u. n.. dm n.nn rUri i, u l" '" i"" in-ginning, con- mortgage covering the premises. mining i.uj ucres, also tno following NETTIE H. STUART uescriueu tract or lun.l, to-wlt: Guardian of Dell.erta Stuart, a minor. vi.iiiiii.-iiiioiK .n. ti poiui b. 8U ae- e. p & p n. Riley. Attorneys, giei-s r, iu.es ens. trom a point which Dated nnd first published November . .ii. ens. o. i uugieo w. irom tne sth ion1) c. w.-corner or luzra risner s 1). L, C. No. 44, In T. 2 S. R. 2 E. of the Summons. Willamette Meridian, Oregon, running n the Circuit Court of the State of thenco N. 86 degrees W. along the S. Oivcnn for Clnckamna Countv lino of a trnct of land sold to George Eva Johnson, Plaintiff, Abernethy by said Ezra Flshor nnd vs wife 1.55 chs; thence N. 1 degree W. William Johnson, Defendant. 2.35 chs; thence 8. 78V4 degrees E. To William Johnson, above named 1.60 chs; thonce S. 2.24 chs. to the nlnPA Oi hpirllltltncv wmnltiln I . ... il. . uuanon. tenths acres. t,..K . To Elslo J. Sawmll. Mary Etta Fisher. Also the following described nrem. KnH 1 T,i 'm n, , n, filed a 'X,. . , . PTT ,"' o c"mmfndl,R at a po,nt 5' 65 chs- alve entitled court, on or before the w rtJ . h f Km"v S. 84 1-4 degrees E. from a point expiration of six weeks from the first Dunghor y, an liisaiie person. which is 20 chs. S. 1 degree W. from publication of this summons, and if You and euch of you are hereby the N. W. corner nf Fra ciaw. r. ..o ... j .,.... .u cited by the County Court of Clacka- L. C. No. 44. In T. 2 8. R. 2 of Uomnlaint fo7want therf the DwS! ! mus county, uregon, to appear in said I tho Willamette Meridian. Oreeon:ltlir will annlv to the Court for the Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clack amas. Ella Storer, Plaintiff, vs. J. A. Storer, Defendant. To J. A. Storer, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you nre hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plain tiff filed against you tn the above entitled suit on or before Friday, the 7th day of January. 1910, suld date be ing six weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to appear and answer said complaint, for want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her complaint on file herein, to-wlt: for a decree dissolv ing the bonds of mntrhnonv now ex isting between plaintiff and defendant and that she may be divorced from defendant; and that plaintiff be al lowed to resume her former name, that of Ella Neuens: and for such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable and just. This summons is published bv or der of Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State Main Street, Oregon City, Ore. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD BUILDING "f Oregon for Clackamas County, made and entered on the 19th day of Nov ember, 1909. The date of the first publication of this summons Is November 20, 1909, and that the date of the last publi cation thereof Is January 7. 1910, and the time ordered for the publication of this summons Is six weeks from and after November 20, 19U9. DIMICK & tilMTCK, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Exectrix't Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned ban been appointed execu trix of the estate of Martin Van Donge, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby noti fied to present the same with proper vouchers, duly verified according to law, at the office of George C. Urow nell, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months of the date of the publica tion of this notice. Dated, November 12th, 1909. JLUtY VAN DONGE, Executrix. George C. Drownell, Attorney for Executrix. C. A. TUCKER The Photographer, Photographs that Please. Good Work. Moderate Price. NEW ART GALLERY. 1003 Main 8t. fairelough Bldg, O. D. I Aiiorney-ai-LJW EBY J Money loaned, abstracts furnish- 4, land titles examined, estates a MtttlA vananl law lialna t Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned as administratrix of the estate of Gottlieb Esslg, deceased, has filed her final report as such admin istratrix with the Hon. County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, and the Court has set the 31st day of De cember, 1909. at the hour at ten o'clock A. M., as the time for hearing saio. nnai report. Any and all persons havluir ohlec- tlons to said report are hereby noti fied to appear and make the same known to the Court on said date above mentioned. Dated November 27th. 1909. PAULINE ESSIG. Administratrix of the Estate of Gott- lleb Esig, deceased. GORDON E. HAYES. Attorney for fcsiate. Over Bank of Oregon Clt. U n c N & 8CHUEBEL Attorneyt-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice In all court, make collections and lettlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. TH08. F. RYAN I Attorney-at-Law ? I t Probate and Realty Law Prac- I tlce Specialties. ' Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the es tate of Robert G. Allred, deceased, has fifiled her final account In said estate In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the. County of Clackamas, and that the Judge of said Court has apointed December 3lBt, 1909. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. for the hearing of said final account. and objections to the same, if any there be, and for settling the same. (Signed) NETTIE VOGEL, (Formerly Nettie Allred). Administratrix of the estate of Rob ert G, Allred. deceased. CROSS & HAMMOND, Attorneys for Administratrix. TIME CARD. O. W. P. DIVISION Between Portland and Oregon City. Leave Arrive Leave Arrive 3 v ! CO. f - 03 U v u 2 0) o2 u j- rj -82 c 2 c S t S, s St o a. c e s o - H I o 5 3 o fcS ! 4.00 5.27 5.40 5.401 5.45 6.45 6.30 7.22 7.30 6.201 6.2S 7.20 7.00 7.52 3.00 6.50 6.57 7.50 -7.30 8.22 8.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 8.52 9.00 8.00 8.07 9.00 8.30 9.22 9.30 8.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 9.52 10.00 9.00 9.07 10.00 9.30 10.22 10.30 9.30 9.37 10.30 10.00 10.52 11.00 10.00 10.07 11.00 10.30 11.22 11.30 10.30 10.37 11.30 11.00 11.52 12.00 11.00 11.07 11.59 11.30 12.22 12.30 11.30 11.37 12.30 12.00 12.52 1.00 12.00 12.07 1.00 12.30 1.22 1.30 12.30 12.37 1.30 1.00 1.62 2.00 1.00 1.07 2.00 1.30 2.22 2.30 1.30 1.03 2.30 2.00 2.52 3.00 2.00 2.07 3.00 2.30 3.22 3.30 2.30 2.37 3.30 3.00 3.52 4.00 3.00 3.07 4.00 3.30 4.22 4.30 3.30 3.37 4.30 4.00 4.52 5.00 4.00 4.07 5.00 4.30 5.22 6.30 4.30 4.37 5.30 5.00 5.52 6.00 5.00 5.07 6.00 5.30 6.22 6.30 5.30 5.37 6.30 6.00 6.52 7.00 6.00 6.07 7.00 6.30 7.22 7.30 6.30 6.37 7.30 7.00 7.52 8.00 7.00 7.07 -8.00 7.30 8.22 S.30 7.30 7.37 8.30 8.00 8.52 8.55 8.00 S.07 9 00 8.30 9.22 9.25 8.30 8.37 9.30 9.00 5.52 9.55 9.03 9.07 10.00 9.30 9.33 9.37 10.00 10.52 10.55 10.03 10.07 11.00 11.00 11.52 11.55 11.03 11.07 11.59 12.00 12.46 12.50 11.55 11.57 .... (l 12.50 12.55 C. D. D. C. LATOURETTE i Attorneyt-at-Law J Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of- I flee in First National Bank " Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. J i W. S. EDDY, V, 5., M. D. V. T Graduste of the Ontario Veteri- J nary College of Toronto, Canada, I and the McKillip School of I Surgery of Chicago, baa located J at Oregon City and established aa office at The Fashion Sublet, Seventh Street near Main. ? Both Telephones Farmers' 131 Mail 1311 1 Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 510 Chamber of 'Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of maps, plats, nuaimc. uwiia auu lux runs. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, 4 Attorneys & Councilors at Law ? SlKAlbnT Sc MLUBURY PLUMBING TINNINQ and GENERAL JOBBING, I Wind Mills, Pumps sad HySra i lie Rams a Specialty. Phons 2682. Oregon City, Oregon. L P. Elliott & Company All kinds of To Milwaukle only.- Trains for Fairview. Troutdale. Gresham. Boring, Eagle Creek, Esta cada and Cazadero and intermediate points. 7:15. xS:02. 9:05. xl0:05. 1:05. 05. x4 : 05. 5:05. x6:05. 7 : 05. :05. 11:35. For Gresham. Gresham, Fairview and Troutdale. NOTE: Cars leave East Water and Morrison streets 5 minutes later than scheduled from Flrnr nnd Al.loi era I REAL ESTATE FARM, CITY PROPERTY A SPECIALTY Stratton Bldg. Oregon City. Ore. (N ONE OR MANY CONORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN .THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH GRADE WORK mi at ti it Minn aoim 1 iHicPfvr 1 flu J5sSrf P'Pi4'.-: r i i I I i B Grandpa has traveled and) I Ii D ' ne know that the one whis- fi II R key wnlcn vou find "very- B j where la HARPER. Supply 1 ) yourself with this World's fl H famous whiskey from R j E. MATTHIE3.