Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 03, 1909, Image 8

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I Mr. mul Mrs. Kauplsoh returned
I Tuesday morning from a trip tti Ore-
Edward AshliaiiKh. the popular rep-' gon City, whore ihoy havo been pack
resontatiw of the Harridan Sons' j ng tlu'lr household goods that will he
Confectioner Company, of Portland, brought here.
was In Canby on business In connec
tion with the company on Tuesday.
Andrew Kocher, the Implement ileal
Citizens Nominate Ticket.
The citizens met In the city hall on
Tuesday to nominate the ticket, known
or. was In IMrtland on business aionM (hp clu,ons- tll.kot, Tho following
day. and says that the way the wind nominated: Mayor. Dr. H.
blew In that city "wasn t slow. cun-jA -ivdnian- treasurer. I U. Walker;
by Isnt tho only windy city In the , c;umMlm,,n w jr. n:1lr, O. U. Mack,
state. j H. Knight and II. V. Kvans. The
R C. Davenport, the jeweler, went , (1,ocU,m wlll ,ak0 ,,;,00 n the Hist
to Portland on Monday, where he pur-1 Mo)ulilj. ,n December. Or. ltadmnn.
chased some of his goods for the hoi-; H "tlatn0(i (or maor. is well known
iday trade, among them being some l ,n lis ,rt of the' county, and his
handsome rings, brooches and watch- j fril,Ill)s 1)(irtl ar0 00nndent of his eloe
cs. ,n He bas nlwavs taken an Interest
rhillp J. Sinnott, of Oregon City, j jn thp cv.s wpfare. and Is a good
was in Canby on Sunday visiting with nm for th0 pliU.,, The men who are
friends. He also visited at Heaver j am0ll (or ceV,cllmen aro all well
Creek. .'known In this city.
. C. Davenport and Carl Uioke, of, e,,i,u.M.r. u.u. Mi-ctinn
Portland, went to Aurora on Thanks- Stockholder, Have Meeting,
giving night, where they attended the The stockholders of the cannery
dance and report having had a most met at the cl'y hall on Tuesday after
en livable time I lsst wook at 2:30 0 clock' "ml
M l Lee went to Portland on busi-1 much enthusiasm was shown by the
ne'ss Tuesdav morning, returning on men attending. 1 he mooting-vas ca 1
iiTI vVninc train "d orJor pv Thomas J. Davidson.
Mrs. R S. Coe. who has been on I who has been in this city for several
an extended visit In the East, and who months working in the interests of
has tT W ng with her son. Rob- company. There were many In
er. r Coe aid fimilv in Portland., fUicntl.il citizens present, about .VI
and are visHing in this city for ajrirm;lt aml lm,sll!llli whil() j.
few dajg . , s.lt.!Vade. who has also covered the tor-
Chet Will went o rortlaml o Nit sumnmding Canby In the In-
nrday. returned on nd-l .. i,,s s f the new enterprise, was
Harry Sherwood, teacher o : he , tfmvanrx secretary. W. H.
Beaver Creek schoo . w as in Caul , - , T
visiting with his mends during j rt:h;.wn Wn.miue to ehce
Thanksgiving vacation. j l(m( ti) ovorsoo tht, uistruc-
Lyman Skinner of New Era is, M f ,
very ill with typhoid fever, and Dr. machinery.
Dodman. of this city, .s attending h m mallw 0f three imposed of
Mrs. James Evans left on Tue!a J ynnf Kraxberger. of Au-
afternoons tram for Portland . !; n,ra am, j s.indslu.SSi W;ls appoin,.
she will spend a few days with her (Q lllccrlK,rate, The name that
daughter.. Mrs. Emma Bnrgoyn v, and company was
during her absence. Captain &an
wil. try his hand at the bachelor ; art. ThTVe building wiil be under way In
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Zoek spe , t bun-1 , co lloUH,
day with their son, John Zeek, at , an(J f0f ,h0 comine OMon-
Hubbard. ' Adolph Miller, who will be the super-
E. W. Hutchinson lost a valuable , imolulon, of construction, arrived iu
horse this week. A veterinary sur- Canhv pn Momlav eyK,nins from ohoa.
geon was sent for and did all In ms c0 bt(np a prpsontative D( the Has-
power to alleviate the suffering of the l(nc3 Imhlsriai companv, of that city.
animal, but in vain. t Mr; Minor and his familv visited the
Alvin Woodcock, who has been em- Wost ,h summor hav)nc c,,,,,, fllr
ployed on the steam shovel in this ,he punx,0 of a,endiiig the A. Y. P.
city, left Monday evening for Oregon E!,,osltion am, .en? 'so impwSsed
City, where he has accepted a P1'" witn ,he West that Mr. Miller purchas-
tion. . : ed a 100 acre tract of land four miles
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Henry arrived fn)m EllC(,n(?, p;lvinR j13,ooo for same.
in Canby on Tuesday from the East. Hjs (amj, wju arrjve att,r
and are guests at me nome oi .nr.
and Mrs. B. Skees.
Mr. Davidson and Mr. Wade have
hoin ..ntirint In th..lr pffnrf in se.
Harry Gordon, of Oregon City, spent cur, his pant f()r Canl)V Th(1J.e
Sunday in this city with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. 'William J. Cordon.
Mrs. H. M. Lee has returned from
Hubbard, where she has been visiting
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.
Miss Rena Barbur. who has been
visiting with her aunt. Mrs. Olla Gur
ley, has gone to Portland, where she
will visit with her sister. Miss Bar
bur has been here for the benefit of
her health, and has been improved
since staying here.
Miss Mildred Wang, who is attend
ing the Mounr Angel Academy, and
the Miss Lillian and Florence Wang,
of Portland, spent Thanksgiving holi
days in this city with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. C. Wang.
Miss Laura Avison, of Oregon City,
after a several days' visit with Miss
Ivah Gordon in this city, returned to
her home on Sunday evening's train.
Captain and Mrs. Sanborn, of Port
land, spent Tuesday in this city the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bobbins. Cap
tain Sanborn and wife have been vis
iting with friends near this city for
several days, and 'have had a most
delightful time.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Yohann, and
son. of Macksburg, were in Canby on
business Tuesday.
Mrs. Jennie Eccles, who has been
visiting with her mother, Mrs. White,
has returned to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt were Port
land visitors the latter part of the
Mr. and Mrs. M J. Lee spent sev
eral days in Portland last week.
George Shields, who came from Cal
ifornia to Oregon for the benefit of
his health, has been taken to Port
land for treatment, and is in the San
itarium in that city. Mrs. Shields
and Miss Ora Lee went to Portland on
Sunday, where they visited him. and
Mrs. Shields will remain for several
days in that city. Mr. Shields has
been in poor health for some time.
Howard Eccles was in Portland last
week visiting with friends.
Chester Wills was one of Port
land's visitors the latter part of the
Arthur Knight and Otto Krueger
went to Portland on Thanksgiving and
report having a most delightful time.
Walter B. Moore, of Portland, was
in Canby on Thanksgiving the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. I-e. Mr. and
Mrs. Lee had as their guests at a fam
ilv dinner on that day, Mr. and Mrs.
William Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
are manv vegetables and fruit raised
in this part of the county, and by
establishing the cannery here if these
are not disposed of at the stores, w ill
find a ready sale at the former. Many
people of Barlow, Macksburg. Needy.
New Era and other parts of the coun
ty, were represented at the meeting
held here.
C. W. Damm Decides to Remain Here.
C. W. Damm, who contemplated dis
posing of his gallery In this city, has
decided to remain here, and will soon
receive a new photo outfit, which will
be up-to-date. Mr. Damm has dispos
ed of his postal cards and w ill give his
entire attention to his photo work.
The studio has been in charge of D.
M. Ehy, of Salem, for several months.
Mr. Eby is at present visiting with
relatives near Macksburng.
W. C. T. U. Meets.
The Women's Christian Temperance
t'nion met at the home of Mrs. O. R.
Mack last Friday, which proved to
be a most profitable meeting. Refresh
ments were served and many members
of the organization attended. The
next meeting will be at the home of
Mrs. William Knight.
Services at the M. E. Church.
There will be no morning services
at the M. E. Church, on account of
the absence of the pastor, Rev. Creesy.
who will hold services at the Cams
church. The evening services Will be
held at the usual hour, 7:30 o'clock.
Band Holds Meeting.
The Canby Band held Its regular
meeting in the hall on Monday even
ing. Dr. Delespinasse.i who has been
leader of the organization for several
months, and who has proved to be a
most efficient one, sent in his resig
nation. Dr. Delesplnasse, who Is the
dentist of this city, finds his business
has grown, which necessitates him to
devote more of his time to t.hls. It
is much regretted by the members that
he finds that he will not be able to
have charge of the band. It Is prob
able that another leader will be se
cured. The band has improved since the
services of Dr. Delespinasse have been
secured. A gift of $:j0 was presented
to the band at this meeting, which
was greatly appreciated by the mem
bers. Real Estate Transfers are made.
Several real estate transfers were
made In this city during the pant
wenk. The Christ Kraft place consist
ing of 40 acres has been sold to Will
iam Brandes for $7,000, which was
Bradtl, Mr. Moore, Miss Josie Knight 1 1175 per acre. This is considered a
and Arthur Knight. j eood place and the land lies near the
Mrs. (',. B. Weaver and daughter, -river.
Miss Lulu whry have been visiting! The Rydrr.an place here has been
with relatives at their old home at so!l1 through M. .1. Lee to J. C. Kauo
Spokane Wash., have returned to Can- i"'. wh" '1H hav charge of the
by and are visiting with the former's creamery here. Mr. Kauplsch is well
daughter Mrs. C. L. Creesv. Thev known throughout the county. He is
will remain it: this citv until 'after the the father of the pasturlzed milk in
holidays. dustry on the coast, which he agitated
r. u Mo.,1, ..l H ir.l.i..J ... v'-.nn m.,. ... nniii.u
the postal cards and albums of C. W.
Damm, has moved the goods to his
store, and has renovated h.& store
ate of Dartmouth College, and was a
college Instructor In several colleges.
More Horsepower Is Added to Plant.
The Canby Canal Company will be
forced to Install motv horsepower In
their plant, its there Is to bo more
demand for tho power than was ar
ranged for, and It 1ms been decided
by the management to have a 400
horsepower plant installed Instead of
the loo-horsepower. On account of the
high water, which did a great deal of
damage, but not to the headgates. It
will not be In operation until a later
The plant will ho in direct connec
tion for the water wheels to the gen
erator, as tho latter Is of slow speed.
The loss to the company was about
$1,000, by tho banks below the bead
gates washing away by the overilow
of the Molalla river. The construc
tion work has stood the Hoods, and
as soon as the waters recede, the work
will be pushed rapidly along.
Misses Wang Surprised.
The Misses Lillian. Florence and
Mildred Wang, who have been spend
ing their vacation with their parents,
were taken by surprise at their home
last week. The evening was enjoynhly
spent In games and vocal and Instru
mental music until a late hour. Re
freshments won1 served.
Present were Miss Marie Dlgger
ness. Miss Hattle Hutchinson, Miss
Rubv Toedtermeler. Miss Florence
Wang, Miss Ulllan Wang. Miss Helen
Graham. Miss Nellie Tampion. Miss
Alma Erlckosn. Miss Alma Knight,
Messrs Otto Krueger, Fred Hampton,
Stanley Wang. H. O. Davenport, Roy
Knight and Harry Sherwood.
Ladies Aid to Give Bazaar.
The Ladies" Aid Society of the M.
E. Church are preparing their priv
gramme for the bazaar, which will be
given at the city hall on December S.
All kinds of fancy articles will be on
sale, and the Canby Band has kindly
offered to furnish the music for the
evening, which is sure to be one of
the- main drawing cards.
I. O. O. F. Elect Officers.
The I. O. O. F. I.Hlgo held n very
interesting meeting In the Knight hall
on Friday evening, and the following
officers were elected: O. K. Mack.
Noble Grand: Joseph Sutherland. Yice
Gralid: Howard Eccles, secretary; W.
H. Hair, treasurer. During the past
year many new members have been
taken In to this order, and the meet
ings are always of Interest.
Artisans Have Thanksgiving Meeting.
One of the most enjoyable gather
ings of the Artisans was held in the
Knight hall on Thursday evening,
which was in the form of a Thanks
giving meeting. After the regular
routine of business, the remainder of
the evening was devoted to a social
time. There was a large attendance,
and all report of having had a most
enpoyable time.
Ladies' Aid Gives Successful Bazaar.
One of the most successful affairs
ever given by the Ladies' Aid Society
of the Scandinavian Lutheran church,
was the bazaar given at the city hall
on Friday evening. The affair was a
novel ine, and the many articles were
auctioned off. N. Dlegerness acting
as auctioneer. Mr. Dlcgerness proved
to be most successful in this art. The
amount r.etteil by the ladies was $S0.
All kinds of fancy articles consisting
of cushions, quilts, table linens and
all kinds of fancy articles, which were
mailt' by the ladies during the year,
brought good prices. Refreshments
were served to those desiring same.
Market Report.
Canby prices are as follows:
Butter, fresh ranch. (Joe to 73c.
Eggs 1 5c doz. '
Cheese best cream, 20c.
Lemons, 20c doz.
Oranges, 2.1c doz.
. Bananas, 30c doz.
Cranberries 12UC quart.
Cabbage, lc lb.
Honey comb 15c; strained 23c per
Bacon, 20c.
Beans, small white, 8c Ih
four m tor 2dc
Bulk lard 17c.
Hams, country 17c.
Packing House, 18c.
Dressed meats wholesale buying,
block hogs, fancy, 9'4c; ordinary 8c;
veal, fancy, 9'4c; ordinary 7fi8c.
Chickens old hens, 13c; young roos
ters 13c: turkeys, 21c.
Hay best clover $lfl; timothy $17;
cheat $12.
Vetch seed, 4c.
Clover seed Red, lO'fcc.
Alslke 13c for fancy.
Hops best fancy, 24c, prime 22c,
and poor to ordinary, 20c.
Potatoes 30c cwt; Bweets 3c 11).
Peppers 2 lbs 25c.
Saner Kraut 10c qt.
Tomatoes lc.
Squash lc.
Pumpkins lc.
Apples 30c and $1.00 box.
Onions $1.23 cwt.
Bran, 90c sack. ,
Rolled Barley $1.23 sack.
Choi) $1.35 sack.
Sugar $5.95 sack.
Rice fancy 10c; common 7c.
Flour Valley $1.35 to $1.40 sack;
hard wheat (lour, $1.50 sack.
Grape root, 3c. ,
Cascara fancy, 4c.
Oregon City Enterprise In good
demand at $1.50.
has been in the creamery industry for
many years, and is thoroughly post
ed on the nroeess of butter making.
More , .... ...
building, arranging his line of jewelry ' "' , , , , ;. , 1 7 ' .
.valuable irlan in this community.
The Bates place near the German
church has been rented by Mr. Rotnlg,
of Twin Falls, Idaho, who will arrive
her" wi'h his family the rirt of the
and cards in a cnnspiclous piace mak
ing it a very attractive store build
ing. Mr. Mack is receiving new goods
for his hoilday trpde.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kocher had
as their guests at a Thanksgiving
With him will come several
dinner, Mr. aim .-virs. i.aivin nocner fan,nBi wfl nilv(, decided to make
and daughter, Arline. This Is Arline's tll,.ir home in cl.lr.kamas County, and
Inst Thanksgiving, and the grandpar-, ,.no wiu Illlrr),aw an,j m.ar thla ritv.
ents were as proud of the youngster , The fam!Ii,!8 wllo wlM come h,.r are
as its parents. , al Ijr0,n,(.r,t Presbyterians, and as
Kenneth, the little son of Mr. and j there is no church here of that de
Mrs. O. R. Mack, who was first taken nomination, it is probable that they
down with pneumonia, and afterwards will affiliate with the churches of
with malaria! fever, has recovered. : this city. Mr. Romig Is a gradu-
We regret to learn that Mrs. Crit
st will not teach our school longer
than December 10. Her terra expires
at that time and she will not renew
the contract. As yet It has not been
decided who wil teach next term as
there have been several applications
A new sidewalk Is being construct
ed on Evergreen Avenue. The peo
ple of this section are to be commend
ed for their enterprise.
We must stay at home or walk on
the sidewalk, for the road between
Snooks and Tellfords Is Impassable
for a team. This Is great for the
main road out of Oregon City. It will
probably never happen again.
A great meeting was enjoyed at
Twilight Literary last Saturday even
ing. The programme was the best
yet, and Miss Graves and Mrs. lioj'lan
should receive credit for their work.
The many musical numbers were en
Joyed by all and Deb Boylan certainly
starred as an orator on the stage.
The next meeting Is a week from to
morrow. Visitors welcome.
Marvin Faulk has been breaking
horses of late.
Adolph .loehnke Ih purser on a
steamboat running between Portland
and Astoria.
Many people from here will attend
Warner Orange at. New Era on Sat
urday. New members are being initi
ated at each meeting. '
Ell Parker has been on the sick list,
but. is Improving.
Lazelle and son have had a crew
of men in the woods getting out tim
bers for a high water tower to be
used tor Irrigating, etc.
The C C Store
Tenth and Main
NN'Hv--4 I- t J
The Christmas goods ate
here again and only a
short month remains in which
to make your selections. The
wise ones will buy early if pos
sible and avoid the rush of the
Holiday season.
Purchases made now may be
left here and called for at any
time you choose.
The 'dolls and doll heads this season are exceptionally
fine. Wo bought them early to avoid paying advanc
ed priees so we can offer them at remarkably low prices.
Small china dol's each lc
Small chiua and bisque dolls each , 5c
10 inch china limb dolls each 5c
13 inch chiua limb dolls each 10c
10 inch china limb dolls each 20c
Nicely dressed dolls with bisque heads 13c
Kid body bisque head dolls 30 and 25c
Largest Kid body and dressed dolls 48C-75-83-
$1.13 and 2.25.
Onfl of the nicest Christmas remeinberance is a good
book. They are inexpensive if bought of us
Tho popular Algers book we are selling at 23c
Dainty gift books including world famous hymns-alnu
selections from many of our great poets 15c
A great variety of childrens picture and story books
in paper cloth and linen from lc to 25c
.Men's fancy dress suspenders for Christmas gifts
25-35 and 50c
Hemstitched and fancy drawn linen doyleyn, tray
cloths, beaureau scarfs and lunch cloths, nice pillow
tops, laundry bags, stand covers, couclrcovcrs, towels,
table cloths and napkins all make fine Christmas pre
sents and are reasonable in price at this store.
All purelineu bleached table damask at 65-70-
$1.00 and $1.25 per yard.
Cotton damask at 25c per yd.
Half linen damask at 45c per yd.
Damask cloths ready for use $2.50-2.25-1.75-
1.68.-1.50 and 1.13.
A large line of Ccnteineri Kid gloves in many differ
ent shades. A very satisfactory glove iu every parti
cular $1.13 and 1.48.
Buy a glove order for your mother or sister.
We bave the usual assortment of toys and games as
well as many new numbers
Card games 10 and 5c
Hoard games 10 to 25c
Checker Hoards 5, 10 and 25c
Toys of all kinds tin, iron and wood 5c to $1.25
Drums according ot sic 35c to $1.25
Heiiureaus and dressers for the little girls 13-
30 and 35c.
Doll carriages, go-carts, beds, cradles and chairs to
please, the little ones. All tit low prices.
We have u large lino of fancy decorated China dishes
of all kinds for the holidays.
Cups and saucers 7-10-15-18 and 25c
Fancy decorated plates 5 to 75c
Decorated salad bowls 23c to $1.00
Decorated berry sets 65c to $ 1 .00
Chocolate Puts special table sets, salt and pepers, all
at very low prices.
We have a special line of pictures for this season as
sorted panel and oblong, scenery and landscape sub
jeets -under glass. (5x1(5 in. 20c. 8xlS in. 35c.
Double faced smyrua rug.
pattern. Special
2'.)x.r3 inches in nice floral
Thos. Kollond lias returned from an
(xti'tidiil hniititii; trip in tho Count
An enjoyable omihlon whh exper
ienced at the homo of Mr. lind Mrn.
John Olds, of, thin plaon, on Satur
day evenliiK. The occaHlon wuh In
honor of Mr. Olds' Movent y-flfth Idrth
day. Many wen: In attendance anil
about twenty-five of the number were
children and (jrand chllilren of Mr.
Oldn. The house wan beautifully dec
orated arid with much music and mer
riment the party lasted to a late hour.
The many friends and relatives wish
ed Mr. Olds many more happy birth
days and wended their way homeward.
For Eczema, Tetter and Salt Rheum.
The Intense Itching characteristic
of these ailments is almost instantly
allayed by Chamberlain's Halve. Many
severe cases have been cured by it.
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.
fleore Hchrelner made a business
trip to Portland one. day this week.
The Scheer and Hweek families en
joyed Thanksgiving dinner with I). L.
ISoylan and family.
Mrs. Wlnesett haH Bold her place
and has purchased properly In Sell-
You can get the bert that
money can buy If you buy of
our new stock of canned Table
Fruits. They have the delicl-
ous, ripe flavor.
Oregon City-
wood and will move to their new home
next week.
Miss mclianlson, who him been se.
ertcil teacher to (III the vacancy cans
ed by the resignation of Mrs. Win.
Critser, will begin her work next
(leorue Uizello nml Wm. llurknor
are haiillm; lumber this week to plank
the road south from T'dford's. It Ih
time that Homelhlm? was done, for the
road was nearly Impassable.
Curtis Dodd, of Portland, has signed
an agreement to meet some of the
members of the Twilight Literary So
ciety in debate on next Saturday eve
ning. The subject for discussion Ih
ronrornlriK the power of tho Coventor
of Oregon and Is a most Interest ln
one. A l?ood proKramme and an en
joyable evening Is anticipated for to
morrow evening.
Dermic Hylton is wnrkliiK on the
Wllholt. place for his brother, .lames
Wallace McCord Is breaking horses
this winter. He Is considered an ex
pert In this line.
The main talk now Is as to who wlll
be the next mad supervisor and the
possibilities of having our road k raveled.
Trouble Makers Ousted. ,
When a sufferer from stomach
trouble takes Dr. KIuk'-i New Life
I'llls he's mighty Klad lo see his Dys
pepsia and Indigestion fly, hut more,
he's tickled over his new. line appe
tite, strong nerves, healthy vigor, all
because stomach, liver and kidneys
now work right. 2.1" at .lones Drug
A Thrilling Rescue.
How Ilert. It. Ivan, of Cheny, Wash.,
was saved from a frightful death Is
a story to thrill the world. "A hard
cold," he writes, "brought on a des
perate lung trouble that baffled an
expert doctor here. Then I paid $10
to $in a visit to a lung specialist. In
Spokane, who did not help me. Then
I went to California, hut without ben
efit. At last I used Dr. King's New
Discovery, which completely cured
me and now I am as well as ever."
For Lung Trouble, Ilronchltls, Colds,
Coughs, Asthma, Croup and Whooi
Ing Cough It's supreme. 50c and $1.
Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by .lones
Drug Co.
The water system of The Dalles
pays well. II brings an Income of
$21,000 nt nn expense of a HUM
over $2,000 a year. II has loaned
money from Hb surplus fund to tho
city to help build a city hall. Hut
for the Inability of the city to real
ize the advisement value of free
water It could furnish Its supplies
without, any spocnll charge and place
the necessary expenses III the gener
al tax levy. The Idle lot would then
bear Us Just share.
Tho city of Corvallls has raised Its
assessments from $S'.i;i,I.Kil last year
to $I,SI!).S22. The Increase Is mostly
on vacant lots. Any city thin Is lien
elltleii by a vacant lot please bold up
Its hand.
How One Doctor Successfully Treats
"In treating pneumonia," says Dr.
W. J. Sinllh, of Sanders, Ala., "the
only remedy I use for the lungs Is
Chaiiihorlalu'H Cough Itcmody. While,
of course, I would treat other symp
toms with different medicines, I havo
used this remedy many times In my
medical practice- and have yet failed
to llnd a case where It has not con
trolled the trouble. 1 have used It
myself, as has also my wife fur coughs
and colds repeatedly, and I most will
ingly nnd cheerfully recommend It
as superior to any oilier cough rem
edy to my knowledge." For sale by
Huntley IlYoa. Co. '
are Hurting You
So many people have had such a hard time trying to eat a good
Thanksgiving dinner with poor teeth that we are going to olfor them
special rates for the month of December only. Come early or you
wlll not be able to get your name on the book, and wlll have the same
uncomfortable time for your Merry Christmas.