Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 03, 1909, Image 3

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Tho Dig Salo Goes Merrily On Look for tho Place With tho Dluo SignTwo Doors South of Postofficc
Save on Men's Shoes
Enormous savings nil every hand K !( lint
eyes iin they glance through our Shoe I lupin t
lueiil, where I In iiiiihI iniiiuliig hiilgiilli mi
l)'llli, worthy Footwear mv tn In' (iiiiihI,
All of my regular !1,iii Hlioi'tt go iliir (TO AO
liiK HiIh lik nuIi. for pj.yO
All nf my regular $imi Men's 8hoeHo If"
liu id lids mili fur, pair i Di)(l)
All of my regular $:! Ml Shoe fur Mi-haa OA
go ut II. In low price yZ.O
All of my ri'Kulur :ioii Shoes tin iiljn no
this huIk fur uiily. iilr tyL,Ld
All nf my regular IJ.liu Men's Hhoc(f I AO
go ut I liU mill' fur, pull J)l,yO
The hearty reception, from the date of the opening, given my Third Great Annual Profit
Sharing Sale It more than a verification of the fact that I'm offering more wonderful
valuee and lower prices than this city haa aeen In years. Every day my buaineas hai
bounded to double and more, owing to the phenomenal bargains and sensational price
cutting that prevails In my high-class Men's Apparel Store. Every patron who has
attended this enormous price slashing event left with the sumptuous satisfaction of
knowing that they had procured the best merchandise at lowest prices they had seen
for years; with the additional Impression that every quotation and reduction WAS
REAL, enactly as advertised. Do not fall to attend this monster bargain effect; your
dollars will do double duty at this peerless, competition-defying, colossal sale, for my
entire $25,000 stock goes at merciless reductions.
High Cuts-Boys' Shoes
Here's Just a few of tho mammoth price re
ductions in evidence throughout our Shoo
Stock, of which these great ofTerltigs on high
cuts and boys' shoes are but the least.
Men's regular $5.00 High Cuts, a greattfo ftQ
sale reduction, the pair 5J.yO
Hoys' High Cuts, regular $3.50 and $tfO AO
valueH at this sale for t yyO
Hoys' regular $2.00 Shoes go at this I JO
low price, pair 9 l4)
Hoys' regular $2.75 and $11.00 Shoes) JO
go at this sale for only jZ.Z3
Hoys' regular $250 Shoes go for this
low price, per pair 9 I s
Marvelous Suit Reductions I Stunning Overcoat Cuts
The niilrrfiil response given the sensational offers on
my Hull Murk ileiiiniiHlniii-K mure fnri'llily than words the
iiiiiiii mcit )i reiluriliins to he had, uf which the following Is
but II few.
The slock lin-liiitrs garments of th lelimleil "Hoelely
Hrninr' lis well us the popular "rlrhluMs llros. & Co. Clothes."
Garments of real style Inillvliliiiilliy,- perfection of tailoring
anil fabrics making them jm-.-iIi-xh. ttiiiHIni: one of (he monl
select lot of glllllieills ill big reduction I'Ver Offered. Al
J le vin's, two door soiHh of I1, O. lnk for the blue Klgn.
i All my Mi ll's Hulls, garment Hint I've been selling nt prices!
j ranging to $ 1 J T.O. guniietiU 1 tint olhers Hi ll tor
i nn much lis $15 1)11. All go ill this big I'ciliir-
Hun mile at Ibis low pi Ire
All in)' Men's Hults Hint have
heretofore been milil by me j
I nt price riitiglng to $15 no .
; (llhers sell 'em fur II miirh i
ns lis no To go ilui lng
I this seiisii
i tloiuil mle for
I only . . .
All my stills t lint I've bi-en
si-lllug for l.'.YW) go nt this
sale al this great reilui-l km.
Values that others sell for
to go iiuiing ! - -
$11.45 -a -'$19.85
All my nulls that I've been All Hulls that I've been sell-
selling for $'.'l)ll. Illl'ltlillllg
tin- popubrr brninls men
iloneil ulsive. values sold
elsewhere for
$22 r.'l iiihl up.
This sale only
lug nt prices up to $:lil nnili
more go nt this mammoihj
reduction. Your choice of
Vllllien mini ivinn mill. 111111 unm r 'l :
$15.39 sS $24.98
Note the Enormous Reductions For This Sale
Men's 5c
lldkfs., 3c
Men's regular Sc
Handkerchiefs go
during Mils sale
for only, while
Ihey last, each
(they're white)
Men's 10c
lldkfs., 4c
Men's llanilk'rchfs
values I hill sell
regularly for Mc
curb. Al this
great sale lit this
low" price, en c
Men's 12!c
lldkfs., 7c
Hegulnr 12tc val
ues In Men's
llanilker chiefs
go al this enor
mous price cut
ting event at this
Ninnll price... 7c
Y it W . :
. i
li i
! .:r,v -fe - iiS?
A i.
'.:' av
1 t
unu h.
, Pine Clothes Miters
Biltlmsre and (lewtdri
Ilunilreds of sales have been given In this city In past
years, but never before have such generous reductions been
In evidence on uncle high-grade, stylish Overcoats.
Time and time again we are complimented by pleased pat
rons nn the merits of the bargains offered and the wonderfully
low figures at which they are priced. Need more be said,
when these fine Overcoat reductions fairly scream for them
selves, ami when every purchaser Is so enthusiastic? Save
NOW. Remember the place, the one with the blue sign.
! All Overcoats that I hnve been selling right along for as'
I high as $12.;i'i go nt this wonderful reduction
event nt this surprising reduction price. While
they last at this great sale
! All Overcoats that Tve been ' All Overcoats in this lot, styl-l
selling at prices ranging to
$1500, values that others
sell nt tu $lK-00, to go nt
my great annual sale al this
sensational re
duction for
Ish garments that I've been:
selling regularly fur $20.00, j
values others want $22.50
nt this won
event for only
Overcoats that I have been
Belling all season for $22.50,
garments others ask $25 for.
All In this lot go at this
startling low-
price. During
this great sale
Overcoats that others ask $30 1
for. garments that I've been1
selling for $25.0 J. All In!
this great lot go at thlsj
great sale at,
this very low-
4 r nP Q
il I II. I H
Y VlUV ; B
Wonderful Price Cuts During This Sale
Men's 12lc
Socks at 7c
Men's regular 124c
lrVisiery goes at
this stunning re
duction during
my big annual
sale event. Your
choice, pair. . . c
Men's 25c
Socks 17c
Men's Wool or Cot
ton Socks, Hos
' lery that I sell
ordinarly for 25c
the pair, at this
sale c
Men's 35c
Hose at 21c
Men's 35c Hosiery !
a lot of best j
heavy wool socks j
goes at this
sale at this as- j
founding reduc- j
tlon, the pr..21c I
Aurora and Northern Marion
Amly Olson was a CHiiliy visitor
Tilesiluy, sell ling up II few of IiIh lie
counts, piepiiintory lo leaving for the
tipper country.
tiieii Hurst and Kay Carpenter were
vlslilng lu Ciinby Hiiuilny afternoon.
Miss Hazel tllesy was In Portland
this week on a visit.
The Woman's Club met In regular
hi'SnIoii Wednesday evening ami curri
ed out a literary progianimu.
The pupils of the nliieth giado of
the public school here Journeyed to
liiibbiird Monday night to an ediicn
tloiuil rally.
Dave Shepherd and Wnltor Howe,
of Harlow, are In Aurora this week,
doing some learning for Toll and
Soiilherliind, who aiv loading a few
cars of poles ami timbers to be shli
ped Kast.
Charlie Scheurer has returned
from lllllslioro, where he was vlslilng
his parents and Is now working for
the Aurora Kleclrle Compiiny.
tieoign Houtherlaiiil, of Needy, was
in A in ('i n Tuesday.
The small son of Mrs. Kvn Smith,
who lives near lluttevllle, Is reported
as being very 111.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jaines Evnns, of Can
by, spent. Sunday with Mr. ami Mrs.
A new cross walk has been put In
by the city on tho crossing of Lib
erty street and between the old Voght
Iioiihc nnd I lie phono central station.
As you sell your hops, grain or other produce
place your money in a reliable
BANK. Pay each bill or account by CHECK
and avoid the danger of carrying large sums of
Put your spare cash to work night and day. We
pay 4 Per Cent Interest on time deposits.
When remitting do so by our bank
For any accommodation call on the
l ft
0 10 0 i0 10
$ $ 5 $
This was a much needed Improvement
and without much trouble the city
council could find other places on
the streets wnere walks could bo laid
or graveled.
John .lessen, of Hubbard, who died
Sunday, was burled Monday at that
II. A. Snyder, of Aurora, was In
lliililiard this week.
Miss Sarah Stewart was In Salem
Thanksgiving day, eating turkey with
her parents.
The Midduugh place was sold re
cently. A distemper is taking many of the
Aurora dogs to the happy hunting
grounds now days and several more
are expected to hop the twig oon.
State School Superintendent Acker
limn and County Superintendent
Smith visited the Aurora schools this
week, commending Prof. Phillip and
Miss Hall very hlghly.for the splendid
progress being niiule,
Charlie Crittenden, of Hubbard, was
In Aurora between trnlns Tuesday.
(eorge Miller Is now nt his old
home In Hethel, after visiting Chicago,
St. Iuls nnd other places of Interest
He will be homo about about the Inst
of December.
Miss Mabe Krause Is spending a
couplo of weeks In Portland.
Auctioneer's Movements Hindered.
The sale of Messrs Mill and Hos
teller was nn assured success, well
patronized by people from all parts
of the, county. Everything offered was
disposed of nt fair figures. Mr. Hill
states it his Intention to hold another
before the holidays, all hough the
aiithorl. es here hampered his move
ments to no' inconsiderable degree',
forcing him to purchase) a license for
Mr. llostetler before crying tho sale.
Mr. Hill has a license for the city of
Aurora nnd Hostutlor possesses coun
ty papers.
It is stated here that several near
by towns havo offered Inducements to
Mr. Hill to hold hlB sales there as
inercnnnts generally recognize the val
ue of such things from a business
stand point. Instead of hampering
the movements, the city authorities
should offer special Inducements to
any legitimate business enterprise
furthering tne interests of the town,
Shih Miller has associated himself
with Messrs Hill and Hosteller and
will in the future aid' the business
Women's Bazaar.
1 . e women of the Christian En
deavor Society will hold a bazaar next
Saturuay in Aurora, the money raised
to bo devoted to the Christian work
and tho benefit of the church. It Is
announced that an exceptionally good
variety of things suitable for Christ
mas presents will be offered by the
ladies. All are cordially Invited to
examine the things ami select some
tliltiK for Christ ma.
Tho sale begins promptly nt 10 '
o clock A. M. and w ll' not close until
ti o'clock 1'. XI.
Big Dance and Good Music.
The dance last Wednesday evening
proved to be a big success and was
well attended. A large crowd of young
people from Cnnliy were prOsent.
Over 90 numbers were sold by the
hoys. Garrett's full orchestra, who
gave the dance, furnished the music,
using; 12 Instruments.
New Local Train.
A new local train has been Installed
by the Southern Pacltlc, between Sll
verton and Portland. Sunday was
the fjrst trip and as it reaches Port
land much earlier In the morning,
leaving; on the return trip about ti
o'clock In the evening, a full day In
the city can now be enjoyed by Auro
raltes and sfill get home In time to
feed tho pigs or water the stock.
R leu Carol hers was in Aurora Tues
day looking over the city. Glen has
cut up and divided Into ten acres
tracts the SO acres of his lying near
toponisn, on the Electric Una and
now has them for sale. According
to actual worth and markptlne- facil.
Itles, land is perhaps cheaper In the
lluttevllle district than anywhere else
in the valley.
Real Estate Transfer.
The Chris Kraft place near Canby.
laying on tne Willamette river was
sold this week to Mr TtrniiiW nil
through A. K. Will, of Aurora. The
in acres brought $700u, or at the rate
of $175 per acre.
The place of Henry Hatcher, near
Hubbard was bought this week by I.
D. Pike, of Clackamas, who paid $5500
fcr 41 acres. A. P. Will engineered
the deal.
Wind and Water Does Damage.
Considerable damaire is renoitivi
from different parts of the surround
ing country, not only by the recent
high water, but by the hard blow last
Monday. The telephone company has
several men out on trouble calls this
week, trying to repair the damage
to the lines.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters at the
Oregon City Postofflce for the week
ending November 2ti.
Woman's list Fischer, Mrs. H. E;
Hamilton, Mrs. Martha: Rock. Mrs. S.
H; Rogers, Mrs. B; Stiles, Mrs. An
to.net te.
Men's list Chapman, Roy L. (2);
Dawson, Carl; Davidson, Clyde;
IVschane, Arthur: Everts. Don C;
Henton, L. H; Newell, Arthur (2);
Newell, Luther (2); Smith, William;
Sundquist, E; Wren, T. A.
Commercial Club Smoker.
The Hoard of Governors of the Ore
gon City Commercial Club at Its meet
ing Monday night made preliminary
enables me to buy the best Millinery at lowest prices.
All late styles and patterns. You get the benefit
when you patronize I
plans for a smoker to bo held Wednes
day evening, IX'sember 8tn at the club
rooms. Each member will be asked
to Invito one friend.
A full now barrel of the famous Old
Joe Gideon whiskey and six cases of
Martinet Imported brandy bavo ar
rived at the New Aurora Hotel bar.
The best of Ml. Hood beer always on
The Corvallis College Stands High In
Estimation of People Here.
The Oregon Agricultural College at
Corvallis Is generally recognized as
one of the best schools of Its kind In
the West, and that It Is held In high
esteem by Clackamas County people
Is shown by the following long list
of young people from this section,
who are In attendance at the college.
KegnlaM (. Witie, Mllwaukle; Ilasll
Wltzlg, Parkplace; Dorrl Shelby
Young, Mllwaukle; Roy Ware Als
paugh, Harton; Wilbur DeWit Anu
rews, Oregon City; Prank William
Astmann. Oregon City; James Edwin
Hannlsti-r, Parkplace; Alfred lierg
lund, Collon; j, Roy Itrelthaupt.
Clackamas; Pred Itrelthaupt Clacka
mas; Chester Allan Dickey, Molalla;
Fred Conrad Eyman, Aurora; Otto
Herman Elmer. Mullno; Nellie Edl
Elliott, Damascus; Joe Allen Ganong,
Oregon City; Willamette W. Harris,
Oregon City; Georgn p. Hielnbothom,
Oregon City; Melvln Rutherford Hoff,
New Era: Chan. Dorsey Houser, Mll
waukle; Myrtle Lay, Molalla; Sadie
Lay, Molalla; Marlon Arthur Nlcker
son. Oregon City; Bernhard Olsen, Mll
waukle; John I. Roberts, Dover;
Julius Specs, Oregon City; Henry
Sannes. Canby; Harry August Schoth.
Oregon City; William Alvln Sellwood,
Mllwaukle; William Everett Taylor,
Oregon City; Emma Vlck., Molalla;
,.mog Vallen, Elwood; Fred Harley
Wilcox, Oregon City; Gerald Wilcox,
S ringwater.
Oregon City People Will Have Chanel
to Buy Lots Cheap,
It will be of Interest to people who
are following the development of
Centrnl Oregon to know that the firm
of Mrljilne & Alexander have located
at 501! Main Street and are bringing
to the attention of the public tho
town site of Hlllman. illllman Is sit
uated In practically the center of Ore
gon In the heart of the Deschutes
Valley and will be tho Junction of the
Hill and Harrlman lines. Construc
tion work Is now within three mlleti
of Hlllman and with a force of liooi)
men, working night and day It la
thought that the roads will be in oper
ation within nine month Flilwir Mr
McUIno of Mr. Alexander will be
pleased to answer all Inquires pre
talnlng to Hlllman and Its surround
ings. Lour are now being disposed of
for a short period ranging from $10 to
$100. For the benefit oJ those not
able to call during the day tho office
will be kept open until 10:30 P. M.
Contest For New Members Arouses
Much Enthusiasm.
The Woodmen of the World has
elected the following officers: Past
Consul, C. B. Wilson; consul, G. I
Snidow; advisor lieutenant, E. F.
Mass; clerk, E. H. Cooper, one year;
banker, M. E. Dunn; escort, T. B.
Hayhurst; manager, I. D. Taylor, one
and one-half years; watchman, H. E.
Werner; sentry. H. Saunders; musi
cian. H. M. Shaw.
There Is a contest on for member
ship, and the members are showlne
rfciuch enthusiasm. The officers and
team of the local order will visit Mll
waukle lodge December 15, when the
contest closes at that place, and will
put on the floor work.
Winter Courses,, January 4th to Feb
ruary 18th, 1910.
Practical work, lectures and demon
est rations will be given In such vital
subjects as General Farming, Fruit
Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying,
Poultry-keeping, the Business Side of
Farming, Forestry, Carpentry, Black
smithing, Mechanical Drawing, Cook
ing. Sewing, Dressmaking, Home Man
agement, etc.
All regular courses begin January 4
and end February 11. Farmers" week
February 14th to 18th.
A cordial Invitation Is extended to
all Interested.
Good accommodations may be se
cured at reasonable rates. No age
limit above 16 years. No entrance
requirements. Prominent lecturers
have been secured for special topics.
The Instructional force of the Coll
ege numbers 100. Excellent equip
ment. A special feature is the Farmers'
Week, which comes this years Feb
ruary 14th to ISth. Lectures, discus
sions, and a general reunion.
For further Information address
Register, Oregon Agricultural College,
Corvallis, Oregon.
Paul Stutzke Objects to Wife's Friends
and Gets Divorce.
Treasurer's Notice.
I now have funds to pay Road War
rants, endorsed prior to August 10,
190S. Interest ceases on such warrants
on date of this notice.
County Treasurer.
December 3. 1909.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. In the matter of the Guardianship
of Julia Held, a minor.
Now at this time this cause coming
on to be heard on the petition of
Charles Rebstock, guardian of the
estate of Julia Held, a minor, and It
appearing to the court from said pe
tition that It would be to tne best Inter
est of said minor that the undivided
one-eighth Interest, subject to the dow
er interest of Lucy Held, widow of
Frederick Held, deceased, be sold at
private sale:
It Is therefore OTdered that the next
of kin of said ward, to-wit: Lucy Held.
Sarah Held. George Held, Albert Held.
Lydia Spady. Emma Held, Christian
Held and Mary Smith, and all persons
Interested in said estate, appear be
fore this court on Monday, the- 27th
day of December. 1909. at 10 o'clock
A. M., to show cause. If any they can,
why such sale should not be ordered.
It is ordered that this order be pub
lished In the Oregon City Enterprise,
a weekly newspaper In Clackamas
County, Oregon, for three successive
issues before the 27th day of Decem
ber, 1909.
Dated, December 1, 1909.
A gold bracelet which his wife re
ceived as a Christmas present in 1907
led Paul Stutzke, of Oregon City, to
suspect that his wife had friends with
whom he was himself not acquainted.
Although she assured him that the
bracelet was a gift from one of her
friends, named Mrs. Becker, the latter
told Stutzke that this was until re.
Stutzke then discovered that his wife
was on very friendly terms with an
Oregon City saloonkeeper named Gris
son. She alsi received picture postal
cards from Grisson, t.he cards repre
senting loving couples In various af
feclonate attitudes. The more Stutzke
looked into the matter the more de
termined he became that a divorce was
the only solution of his matrimonial
troubles, and this he w-ag granted Fri
day. Portland Telegram.
Clackamas Institute Postponed.
The local Institute of the county
teachers that was to have been held
at Clackamas Station on Saturday,
December 18, has been postponed, be
cause of the approaching holiday vaca
tion. It is likely that the institute will
take place In January.
Women Who Are Envied.
Those attractive women who are
lovely In face, form and temper are
the envy of many, who might be like
them. A weak, sickly woman will be
nervous and irritable. Constipation
or Kidney poisons show In pimples,
blotches, skin eruptions and a wretch
ed complexion. For all such. Electric
Bitters work wonders, purify the blood
and give strong nerves, bright eyes,
pure breath, smooth velvety skin,
lovely complexion. Many charming
women owe their health and beauty
to them. 50c at Jones Drug Co.
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters at the Ore
gon City Postoffice for the week end
ing December 3.
Woman's list Oella Smith.
Men's list Brown, F. F; DeGurrln,
V; Dobson, Leon (2); Grover, M. C;
Hoffman, Konrad: Maskintosh, R. D;
May. Charley: Oliver, Geo.; Redfleld,
J. J: Stelnhllbes, E. D: Watklns,
Floyd; Wallen, Bryant; Wright,
Ill Health Is More Expensive Than
Any Cure.
This country Is now filled with peo
ple who migrate across the continent
In all directions seeking that which
gold cannot buy. Nine-tenths of them
are suffering from a throat and lung
trouble or chronic catarrh resulting
from neglected colds, and spending
fortunes vainly trying to regain lost
health. Could every sufferer but undo
tne past and cure that first neglected
cold, all this sorrow, pain, anxiety
and expense could have been avoided.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is fam
ous for its cures of colds, and can
always be depended upon. Use it and
the more serious diseases may be
avoided. For sale by Huntley Bros.
Inform ati oa
For Those Who Will Take the Trouble to Read
You will be benefitted by calling on us if
you are looking for Holiday Presents. We
have a fine stock of Toys, our own importation.
In Silverware we carry the celebrated
"World Brand." Our stock of Furniture, Lin
oleum, Carpets, Rocking Chairs, cover a floor
space of 20,000 sqare feet with plenty of light
in every corner. Our prices on cook and heat
ing Stoves and steel Ranges will stand compar
ison with any mail order house, quality
considered. We call your attention in par
ticular to our Rug and Carpet department,
and invite your inspection.
F?ank Btisch