Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 19, 1909, Image 7

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Enjoyable Social Hour Follow! Meet
I n u of Falli Encanipmont
Fulls Kiirniuiiiiiiiul, I. (), (), V,, tui'l
'I'llt'Milny lilglit III III" I. (). O. K, hull,
mill after iIih mini'liiNliiu of tho busl
Ill's hi-hhIi tit iiiiii of llm Minnf enjoy,
iililn kiiIIiki'Iiiki In llm hlnlory of llm
llll'ltl I'llrillllpllinllt WHS 1 1 1 I , Ollll'I'IM
with i'Iim'ImiI mill llii'ii llm ItiilinluiliH
(k llm limitilmi'it of lli nriiniiiini'iil
liy Hiii'iirlmi ami Invaded ilm lodge
loom, 'I'lHilliniuiiii ii'Tri'MhiMi'litK witii
provided hy llm women iiml llm fnl
lowing enti'ilulnlng prugriiinmi' wiih
I'lium hiiIo, MIhh MiiIm'I Vnlliiuiir;
viiciil biiIii, MIhh Ortrudn r-'nlrrlnugh;
rending, Mm, Ji'Hiii'llii Hi'nll; rei-lln-Hun,
Mil. , (', Painfull; ritrllallon,
Mm T. IC Heard. Tin' supper Ulnl
iriiKi'iiiiini wiih followed liy it Mortal
hour. Tim Kiicaiiipiimnt Tuesday
lilxlil I'li'iTi'il llm following officers:
IC. V. Hroll, t'lilcr piilrliuib; II. M.
Hliuw. blgh priest; I,. II. Foniitor, sen
lor warden; II J. IIoiIhou, junior war
ilea; Tliouuia F. Ityan, treasurer; II.
W. Tri'iulialli, arrlbo.
Ai Many an Oregon City Reader
Knowa Too Wall.
Win. n tlm klilneyi a r (i Hick,
Nuliil" Ii'IIh yon ahoiit It.
Tin' urine la luityro'a cnleuilur.
In r t " 1 1 ti t or too rriiiimnt iiclliin;
Any iirliiiiry trouble tella of kidney
Honu'a Kidney I'llla rum all kid
lii'y IIIh.
A. J. Wood, of LT.il Collage HI., Hil
li'iu, (ire, y: "Klilni'y ami blml
iliT triiiililii Iji'canin mi !uil wllli nm
nlioiit two niontlia iik that I wu
oIiIIki'iI lo do ainuellilug to i-unii the
aiifierliig. Tim trouble iMillmrml inu
moat In tlm morning (or two or three
hours nflur I uroHii. Tint too fre
quent action of tlm kidney serretlotia
wan ttlno very nmioyliiK and tiirihurPM
aliiK I hail known pixiplit who had
received tlm heat of reniillH from
Uuui'e Klilimy i'llla ami I tlnnlly pro
cured a Imx. Ileforo 1 had lined one
Ixu I wiih completely fiet from every
symptom of tlm trouble. The kldiieya
were strengthened anil my general
In-ill Ih liernui" heller. 1 ran hardly
eiprena III worda llio good opinion I
have of I man's Kidney I'llla."
I'loniy mom proof like tlila from
Oregon fill reople. Call al 1 tout
ley lima', drug atoro and nnk what
il.elr cuitoiuera reimrt
For aalx hy all dealer. I'rlc-o (0
ruilH. Foster Mllburu Co.. Htiffnlu,
Nw York, aoln agent for tlm United
Ileinemlier tho nnme Donn'a and
take mi oilier.
Ill the Circuit Court of til" Htilttj of
Oregon, for CliickamiiH Cotinly.
Joliu Kniiilhnvakl, l'liilniirr,
Anna Kanlkovakl, Defendant.
To Anna Kniilkovakl, di'feudaut In
(lie above elllllled Hlllt :
III 111" name of tlm Slate of Ore
gon ,vihi are hereby required lo up
pear und nnawer the coniilulut of
plaintiff tl lei) ngnlual you In the above
elllllled raiiHe, within six weekN from
the ilule of the tint! publlcnllon of
riilH HiimmoiiH, and If you fall ho to
appear and nnawer, fur want thereof,
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded In snld com
plaint, to It : That tlm Imnda of unit
rltnoiiy between plaintiff and defend
ant lie itUHolred, and annulled and for
such other and further relief n" to
the Court may eem JiimI and rqult
utile. Thla summon I nerved upon yon
pursuant to an order ininle and en
tered In on Id unit en the llth day of
November. 1909, by Hie Honorable .1 (
I'. Campbell. Judge of the bImivv
named Court, which aald order re-
iiulren voit to appear and nnawer tin1
complaint In nalil suit within nil
weeka of the Hat" of llm rt pilbll
cation of this siiiniuoti
Attorney for Plaintiff.
I Mite of first publlcnllon Nov. 12. li9
liaie of lant publication, Dec '.'I, I'.iilfl
In the Circuit Court of the State of
(ill-nun, for Clackainaa County.
.Martha A. lluxtluttH, Plaintiff,
Hlchanl ,f. HaallllKX, Defendant.
To Richard M. IIiihiIiiki, defendant
above named:
Inlhe'iiaiiie of the atate of OteKon
you are hereby required to appear and
aimuer the complaint tiled iiKalti.tt
you In the above entitled jult on or
befon- the Ul day of Jarttinry. 1910,
aald dale beliiK nfter the expiration
of alx wi-i'kH from the llrt puhllcn
tlou of HiIn HUiuiuona, and If you fall
to appear and nnawer aald complaint,
for want thereof tlm plaintiff will ap
ply for the relief prayed for Iti the
complaint, to wit: For n decree- ilia
hoIvIiik the IiiiuiIh of matrimony now
exIatliiK between plaintiff and defen
dant. Thla Hummona ia published hy or
der of Hon. .1. V. Campbell, .IiiiIk" of
the ubove named court, which order
wax made and entered on tlm ltith
day of November, 11109, and Um time
preacrlbed for puhllrallon thereof
In alx weeka, Ih'kIiiiiIiik with the
iHHiie of Friday, November 19th, 1909
and contlnuliiK each week thereafter
to and IncludliiR- Friday, Decmuber
:: l Ht. i tio9.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tho State, of
OrcKon for tho County of Clucka
hiiih. A. K. Will, Plaintiff, "
. va
Thomaa FantiBHcy, Defendant. '
To ThomiiH FunniiHcy, tho nbovo
named defendanl:
In tho name of tho Statu of Oregon,
you are Imroby rcqulrod to nppenr
nnd nnawer tho complaint filed nuahiHt
you In tho nbovo entitled Court nnd
rutiKo on or before tho 24th dny of
December, 1909, nnd If you fall no to
nppenr nnd nnnwer aald complaint tho
plaintiff will apply to tho nbovo en
titled Court for tho' relief prayed for
In aald complaint, to-wtt:
For n decroo of aald Court docroo
Iiik that aald plaintiff In tho owner In
feo Hlmplii of lot numbered 16, In
block nunihorod 28, In tho Oregon
Iron & Steel Company'n KirHt Addition
to Ohwoko, CliickamiiH County, Ore
Km, nnd every pnrt thereof, and a fur
ther decree docroeluK tlint said do
fondant ruin no right, lit lo or Intoroat
In or to Haid described premlaos, or
uny part thnroof, und nuch other and
further relief an to said Court may
seem cqultnblo.
ThlB summons Is published by order
of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of nnld
Court, and which order wan made, and
entored on the 19th dny of October,
A. D., 1909, and tho time prescribed
for publication thoreof In six weeks
commencing November 12, 1909, and
continuing each week thorenftor to
and IlicludliiK Krlilay, IliM-t'iiilii-r 24 bit,
I Will.
Attorneya fur Plaintiff,
In ihn Circuit Court or tlm Hlnln or
Oregon, for Hi" (,'oiiiity of C'lucktt-
Alum M. Tinner, Plaintiff,
W. Hurt Tiiincr, Dorendanl.
To W. Hurt Turner, Defwiilunl :
In tlm iiiiuin of tlm Htnln or Om
ifoti, you uro hereby rcijulrcd to up
pear and aiiHwar to tin complaint
llli-d axaltiHt you In llm above en
tilled ault on or lfuru tlm Mill day
of D iinbi-r, llioii, and If you fall
to iiiiHwnr, plaintiff will takn n dn.
cren iikiiIiihI you, forever iIIhndI vlriK
inn In i lulu of matrimony Imretofor"
and now exlMllhK betwnen tlm plain
tiff mid you, und for audi other und
further relief In tlm prciulHcll an tho
Court may deem juat and iullulilii mm
prayed for In tlm complaint filed here
Hurvlcn of thla aiinimoiiH la iiiiule
upon you hy publication In purauuncn
of an order of the llonornliln J. U,
Camphell, Judne of llm Circuit (Nmrt
of llm Fifth Judicial Dlalrlct, mini"
November II, lll'lll, dlriictluK hiicIi
iiilbllcnlloti In the OreKini CHy Kuter
prlitc, once a week for alx Hiicceaalvn
weeka, the flrat publication beltiK
November 12, I'JDO, ami the hut tho
24 1 It day of Dec her, 1009.
J. T. KI.MS,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court of tho Hint" of
OreKini for Clackatiiiia County.
Catherine. I'lilppa, Plulnlirf,
Albert J. I'lilppa, IX'fendnnt.
To Albert P, I'lilppa, the above nam
In Ihn name of the Hlntfl of On-non
you are hereby reiiulrnd U) uppeur
and nnawer the complaint filed auliiHt
you herein on or hefnrn tho 2tlh dny
or December, W9, aald dale being; af
ter Ihn expiration of alx wneka from
the llrnt publication of thla Miimuiona.
and If you fall an lo appear ami nna
wer, llm plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In her
complaint, towlt: for the dlanoliitlon
of the houda of matrimony i-iIhIIiik
ln-twci-n yoiiraelf and Ihn plaintiff and
for audi further relief na to tlm Court
may aeum juat In the premlaea.
Thla aiimmona la imhllHhed hy order
of the Hon. J. V. Camphell, JuiIk
of the Circuit Court of tho Blatn of
ori-Kon for Clnckamna County, made
and enteri-d on tlm 8th duy of Nov
enilier. l!)(i.
Flrat puhllrallon, November 12th,
I'.n'Ii; hint piiblli'iiilnii, December 2tth,
Allorueyn for I'lalntlff.
In tlm Circuit Court of tho Statu of
Oregon for Clackamns County.
l-clu M. Joiioh, Plaintiff,
loamlcr II. Jouea, Defendant.
To lenndcr II. Jouea, aliove mimed
In tlm name of tho Htnln of Oregon,
you nre hereby required to appear nnd
nnawer llio complaint tiled ngaluat
you In tho nlxive entitled ault on or
before tlm 4th day of December. 1909,
aald date being nfter the expiration
of Mx weeka from tlm tlrnt publica
tion of thla summons, nnd If you fall
to appear nnd nnawer aald complaint,
for want (hereof (ho plaintiff will ap
ply to (ho court for the relief prayed
for In her complaint to-wlt: For a
decree illaaolvlng the bonds of matri
mony now exlatlug between plaintiff
and defendant.
Thla aummoua la piibllnhcd by order
of lion. (Irani It. Dlmlck. JuiIko of
the County Court for Clnckamna
County. Oregon, which order was
made nnd entered on tho ISth day of
October, A. I).. 1909, nnd tho time
prescribed for publication thereof Is
alx weeks, beginning with the Ihkuo
of Friday, October 22nd, 1909. nnd
continuing ench week thereafter to
and Including the Issue of Friday,
December 3rd, 1909.
(ilCO. C. IlltOWNKLU
'Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Slate of
Oregon, 'fur tho County of Ciackn-
Ileatrlco Creuler Ptejer, Plaintiff,
Ioiils Stojcr, Defendant.
To Units Slejer, defendant:
In tho mime of tho State of Oregon,
you nro hereby required to nppear und
answer tho complaint Hied against
you herein on or before (ho dth day
of December, 1909, auld date being
six weeks from tho first publlcnllon of
summons herein und If you fall so
to appear nnd nnawer, tho plaintiff
will apply to tho Court for tho relief
demanded In tho complaint herein, to
wlt: For a decroo forever dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween you and tho plaintiff herein
upon tho ground of desertion, nnd that
plaintiff rosumo her former natiio of
Boat rice (iron lor, nnd for Ruch other
nnd further relief as to tho Court mny
seem equitable. This summons Is
served upon yon by publication for
six consecutive nnd successive weeks
In the Oregon City Knterprlso, by
order of tho Honorable. J. u. Campbell,
Judgo of tho almve entitled Court,
Date of flrat publication, October 15.
Attornoy for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of tho Stuto of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. , .
Agnes M. Bulger, Plaintiff,
Wilbur P. Hulgor, Defendant.
To snld Wilbur F. Uulgor, tho nhove
named defendant:
In the nnmo of tho Stnto of Oregon,
you nre horeby required to nppenr and
nnswor tho complaint filed ngaluat you
lu the nbovo. entitled court and cause,
on or before tho 27th dny of Novem
ber, 1909, and If you full so to appear
and .answer, tho plaintiff will apply to
the Court for tho rollef prayed for In
tho complaint, to-wlt:
For a docroo dissolving tho bonds
of matrimony existing between your
self and snld plaintiff, that Alio mny
legnlly resume hor maiden name of
Agnos M. Iloyd, and that alio
have, Judgment against you for hor
costs' and disbursements.
This summons la published pursu
ant to Qn ordor of Honorable. J. IT.
Cumpboll, Judge of the above entitled
Court, made and entored October 9,
1909, directing publlcnllon of summons
to be made lu the Oregon City En
terprise, a weekly newspaper pub
lished In Oregon City In said County
and Stuto, at least once a week for
six sucosBtve weeks prior to said 27th
day of November, 1909, which is tho
date fixed in said order, on or be
fore which you must appear and an
swer or be In default.
Tho datn of tho first publlcnllon of
thla summona la October in, 1!0II.
Attorneya for Plaintiff
In tho Circuit Court of tho Btnlo of
Oregon, for tho County of Clucka-
J. Dntilid Webster, Plaintiff,
Lillian May Webster, Defendant,
To Mlllan May WobHter, above
named defendant:
In tho niiiiio of llio Hialn of Oregon,
you am hereby required to appear and
answer tho complaint filed ogaluat
you In the nhove entitled suit on or
In-fore (ho 4th dny of December, 1909,
that being six weeks nfter the (Into of
tho flrat publication of this iimmons;
nnd If you fall tu appear nnd nnswor
snld complaint, tho plaintiff will apply
to tho Court for tho relief prnyod
for therein, to-wlt;
A decree of divorce illaaolvlng the
bonds of matrimony now existing bo
twoeii this plaintiff anil defendant
above niuneil und for such other and
further relief aa the Court may deem
equitable and just. Thla summons la
pulillshed for six consecutive woks
by order of Hon, J. II. Campbell,
Judge of aald Court, made on tho 14th
duy of October, 1909.
Attornoy for Plnlntlff,
In tho County Court of tho Hlato of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
In tho Mutter of (ho Estate of Honor
Murks. Whltlock, deceased.
Tho pooplo of tho Htule of Oregon
to Kdward II. Whltlock, W. T. WhIU
lock, Jano Murks Huillli, Thomaa
Whltlock, Tho American Homo Mis
sionary Society of Now York, tho Sun
day School und Publishing Society of
New York, tho Congregational Church
of Oregon City, Hutherford Whltlock
(iraco Whltlock und Thomas Murks
Smith, you uro hereby cited to p-
pi-nr before tho Honorable Grant U.
Dlmlck, Judge of tho above entitled
court, on Monday, December 27, 1909
at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause why
an order should not bo granted to
sell tho following described property.
belonging to said estate, to-wlt:
Commencing at a point 13 chains S
HQ degreea from a point which la 29.55
chs. 8. 1 degree W. from the N. W,
corner of Kzrn Fisher's D. I C. No
44. In T. 2 8. It. 2 K. of tho Willamette
Meridian, Oregon, running thence N.
1 degree IC. 9. 20 die; Ihunce 84 14
degrees W. along tho N. line of a
true) of laud sold by I-.ra Fisher and
wife to (iitorgo Abernethy C.4:i cha;
thence 8. 1 degree W. 6.75 chs; thence
8. 55 degrees B. 2.:I6 chs; thence S.
7K4 degrees K. 2.05 chs; thence 8
2 24 cha; thenco 8. 80 degrees K. 1.87
chs. to tho place of beginning, con
mining 4 03 ucres, iiIho the following
di-Hcrlbed tract of land, to-wlt:
Commencing at u point S. SG do.
grees K. I0r, chs. from u point which
Is ;0 chs. S. I degree W. from tho
N. W. corner of Kzra Flaher'B D. I
C. No. 4i. In T. 2 8. It. 2 K. of the
Willamette .M'-rldltin, Oregon, running
l hence N. 8ii degrees W. along the S
Hue of n tract of land sold to (icorge
Abernethy by said Kzra Klsher and
wife l.is chs; thence .V 1 (legreo W
2..'I5 chs; thenco 8. 784 degrees K.
LGO chs; thence 8. 2.24 chs. to the
place of beginning, containing four
tenths ucres.
Also the following described prom
Ises, to-wlt:
Commencing at a point 5. C5 chs.
8. 84 1-4 degrees K. from a point
which Is 20 chs. S. 1 degree W. from
tho N.- W. comer of Kr.ra Fisher's D.
I.. C. No. 44, In T. 2 8. It. 2 E. of
the Willamette Meridian, Oregon;
thence 8. 1 degree W. "5.40 chs. lo a
stake; (hence K. 80 100 chs; (bonce
S. 58 degrees E. 1.22 chs; thenco N.
I degree E. 5.(15 chs. (o the N. lino
of a tract of land sold by Ezra Fisher
nnd wife (o Ueorge Abernethy; (hence
N. 84 1-4 degrees W. 1.8ti chs. lo (he
place of beginning, containing one
aero, more or less.
W. Creennuin, Clerk of the county
rourt aforesaid, have hereunto set my
baud und a Mixed tho seal of said court
this 9 day of November. 1909.
Count v Clerk
liy H. A. SLEIGHT,
Notice to Creditor!.
Notice Is hereby given that tho un
del-signed have been duly nppoliKed
nsslgnees of (he Oregon City Lumber
& .Manufacturing Company. All per
sons Indebted (o said Company ure
hereby untitled lo arrange for settle
ment with, und nil persons hnving
claims against snld estate are hereby
notified lo present the same duly verl-
tlod to the undersigned, nt Oregon
City, within three months from this
Dated this 12th dny of "November,
Assignees nforosnld.
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the un
dersigned has been appointed by the
I Ion. County Court of Clncknmas
County, Oregon, administrator of the
estnto of John Olson, deceased. All
persons having claims against the
said estate are hereby notified and
required to present the Biuno duly
verified with proper vouchers nt the
olllco of Cordon E. Hayes, rooms ;!,
4 nnd 5 Stevens Uullding, Oregon
City, Oregon, within six months from
tho dnto hereof.
Dated November lfith. 1909.
Administrator of the Estate of John
Olson, deceased.
Gordon E. Hayes,
Attorney for Estate.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned Executrix of the last will
of liertha E. Tsfharnlg, deceased,
late of Clackamas County, Oregon;
has filed her final report ns such Ex
ecutrix, nnd the snld County Court
Has set Monday, December 20th, A.
D.. 1909, lit 10 o'clock, A. M.. of said
day, In the County Court Rooms of
said County for the hearing of sulci
llnnl roKrt nnd for tho settlement of
said Estate. Any persons having any
objections to sulci llnnl report nre
hereby notified to appear, or file the
same in snld Court on or before said
Dated this 19th dny of November.
A. D., 1909.
Executrix ns aforesaid.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Myrtla M. Harper, Plaintiff,
Wlnflold Harper, Defendant.
To the said Wlnflold Harper, de
fondant: In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
agulnat you In the above entitled suit
on or before tho 2!)lh day of Novem
ber 1909, and if you fall to an up
pear or answer, the plnlntlff will apply
lo tho Court for the relief prayed for
In the complaint, to-wlt: for a de
cree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between yourself
and the plaintiff on the grounds of do
sort Ion.
This summons la published pur
suant to an order of Hon. J. V.
Cumpboll, Judge of the ubove Court
made and entorod October 11, 1909,
directing the publication to bo made
lu tho Oregon City Enterprise, pub
lished at Oregon City, Oregon, for
at least once a week for alx succca
slve weeks prior to auld 29th dny of
November 1909. Tho dale of the first
publlcnllon of thla luminous la Oc
tober 10th 1909.
n. err kon.
Attorneys for I'lalntlff.
In tho Circuit Court of the Stuto of
Oregon, In and for Ciuckumui Coun
Nuna U Hunnlcutt, Plaintiff,
Ulysses I. Hunnlcutt, Defendant.
To Ulysses I. Hunnlcutt, defendant
above named;
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby notified thut
plaintiff Herein lias uied a
complaint against you In the above en
titled court, and you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer said
complaint on or by the last day of
tho time specified by the order of
publication thereof, to-wlt: December
24th, 1909.
You are further notified that If you
full to appear and answer the com
plaint, the plaintiff will cause your de
fault to bo entered and will apply to
the court above mentioned for the
rollef prayed for, that Is to say for
a decree forever dissolving the bonds
of matrimony that now exists between
plaintiff and defendant and for a
further decree allowing the aald plain
tiff to assume her maiden name, Neua
U King.
The duy of the flrat publication of
aummons Is November 12th, 1909, and
the lust publication thereof Is Decem
ber 24th, 1909, and that said sum
mona ahull be published on Friday of
each week for a period of alx consec
utive weeka between said dates.
This aummons Is published by or
der of J. U. Campbell, Circuit Judge
of Oregon for Clackamas County, said
order having been made (his 10th day
of November, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned. R. H. Sawtell, Executor of
the lust will and testament of Reece
Duugherty, deceased, has filed his fin
al reort in the aforesaid Court, as
such Executor, and the Court has set
Monday, December 13th, 1909, at 10
oclock, A. XI., at the County Court
rooms in said County, for the hearing
of objections, If any there be, to said
flnul report, and for the settle
ment of said Estate. Any per
sons having objections to eald re
port, are hereby notified to file the
sumo In the said Court, on or before
said date.
Dated, at Oregon City, Oregon, this
12th day of October, A. D.. 1909.
Executor as aforesaid
C. H. DYE, Attorney.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, exocutor of the estate of
Christian Murait. deceased, has filed
In the County Court of Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, his final ac
count as such executor of said es
tato. and thnt Monday, the 6th dny of
December, 1909. at the hour of 10
o'clock A. M., has been fixed by sold
Court as the time for hearing of ob
jections to said report and the set
tlement thereof.
Executor of the estnte of Christian
Murait, deceased.
Attorneys for Exocutor.
In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of
Oregon, for the County of Clncka-
Maude Patterson, Plnlntlff,
John Patterson. Defendant.
To John Patterson, nhove named
In the nnme of the Slate of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to np
penr und answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 17th day of Decem
ber, 1909. that being six weeks after
(he date of the first publication of
this summons; and If you fail to nr
pear nnd nnswer snld complaint, the
plnlntlff will apply to the Court for
the relief therein prayed for, to-wlt:
A decree of divorce dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween this plaintiff and defendant
above named and for such other and
further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable-and Just. This sum
mons Is published for six consecutive
weeks by order of Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of snld Court, made on
the 30th day of October, 1909.
Attorney for Defendant.
Guardian's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that, pursu
ant to an order made in the County
Court for Multnomah County, Oregon,
on June 4th, 1909, the undersigned, as
guardian of the person and estate of
Delberta Stuart, a minor, will, on and
after Monday, the tenth day of De
cember, 1909. proceed to sell at pri
vate Bale, and continue to sell, until
the Bnme Is sold, at room No. 510
Chamber of Commerce llldg., corner
of Third & Slark Streets. Portland,
Oregon, nil of the right, tide and in
terest of said minor in nnd to the fol
lowing described real property situate
in Clucknmas County, State of Ore
gon; An undivided one-fourth in
terest In nnd to Lot numbered two
(2), containing 35.80 acres, situated In
Section thirty-six (36), in Township
two (2). South of Range one (1) East
of the Willamette Meridian; the terms
of snld sale nre total purchnso price to
be pnld lu cash, or one half the con
sideration price In cash and the bal
ance in one or two yenrs secured by
mortgage covering the premises.
Guardian of Delberta Stuart, a minor.
E. F. & F. D. Riley, Attorneys.
Dated and first published November
5th. 1909.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Clacka
mas. ?imma Dyson, Plaintiff,
Charles Dyson, Defendant.
To Charles Dyson.-the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appnr
und answer the complaint filed against
you In the above entitled Court and
cause on or before the 25th lay of
November, 1909, nnd If you fall ao
to nppear or answer the plaintiff will
apply to Court thereof for the relief
prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt:
for a decree of divorce on the grounda
of deanrtlon, and that plaintiff be al
lowed to resume her maiden nnme of
ltowen, and for such other relief
as to tho Court may aeem Just.
Thla summona la published not less
than nix consecutive weeks, by order
of tho Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of
tho Circuit Court of the above county
and state, dated 5th day of Octo
ber, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 235 Worcester
building, Portland, Oregon.
Date of first publication, October
S, 1909.
Data of last publication, November
19, 1909.
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Mury A. Love, Plaintiff,
Warren Love, Defendant.
To Warren Love, above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above entitled suit on or be
fore the 2d day of December, 1909,
that being six weeki after tba date of
the first publication of this summona;
and if you fail to appear and answer
said complaint, the plaintiff wilt ap
ply to the Court for the relief therein
prayed for, to-wlt:
A decree of divorce dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween this plaintiff and defendant
above named and for such other and
further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable and Just. This sum
mons is published for six consecutive
weeks by order of Hon. J. U. Camp
bell, Judge of said Court, made on
the 12th day of October, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Minnie Fryou, Plaintiff,
Eugene Fryou, Defendant
To Eugene Fryou, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer to the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 26th day of Novem
ber, 1909, and If you fall to answer,
plaintiff will take a decree against
you, forever dissolving the bonds of
matrimony heretofore and now exist
ing between the plaintiff and you, and
for such other and further relief In
the premises as the Court may deem
Just and equitable as prayed for In
the complaint filed herein.
Service of this summons Is made
upon you by publication in pursuance
of an order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court
of the Fifth Judicial District, made
October 13th, 1909. directing such
publication In the Oregon City Enter
prise, once a week for six successive
weeks, the first publication being
October 15th, 1909, and the last the
26th day of November. 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Summons. -
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon fur the County of Clack
amas. Maud M. Grove, Plaintiff,
Jenn A. Grove. Defendant.
To Jean A. Grove the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby notified to
appear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled
court and cause on or before six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, which is
first published on the 8th day of Octo
ber. 1909, and the day on or before
which you are required to appear
and nnswer is the 19 day of Novem
ber, 1909, for want thereof the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in the complaint.
to-wlt: for a decree dissolving tho
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant ond for
such other and further relief as to the
Court may seem equitable and Just.
This summons is published by order
of G. B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County
Made and entered on the 6th of Oc
tober, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication 8th October, 1909.
Last publication 19 November, 1909.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Louise F. Dyer, Plaintiff,
Richard J. Dyer, Defendant.
To Richard J. Dyer the above nam
ed defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon you are hereby notified to ap
pear and answer the complaint -filed
against you in the above entitled
court and cause on or before six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, which Is
first published on the 8th day of Octo
ber, 1909. and the day on or before
which you are required to appear
a the 19th day of November, 1909,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the Court for the relief prayed
for in the complaint, to-wlt: for a de
cree dissolving the bonds of matri
mony now existing between plaintiff
and defendant and for such other and
further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable and Just.
This summons Is published by order
of G. B. Dlmlck, Judge of the County
Made and entered on the 6th of
October, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First publication 8th October, 1909.
Last publication 19 November, 1909.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County. .
Eva Johnson, Plaintiff,
William Johnson, Defendant.
To William Johnson, above named
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and auswer the complaint filed against
you in the above named suit In the
above entitled court, on or before the
expiration of six weeks from the first
publication of this summons, and if
you fail to appear and answer tsald
complaint, for want thereof the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for in her complaint,
to-wlt: For a dissolution of the marriage-
contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
Harvey E. Cross. William Hammond
Real Eitate Abetracts
Loans, Insurance.
Office in Caufield Bldg., Main and Eitj t Sts
Phone Pacific States 12.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. J. (J. Campbell, Judge of the
above named court, which order was
made and entered on October 20th,
1909, and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof is six weeks, com
mencing with the issue of Friday,
October 29th, 1909, and continuing
each week thereafter to and includ
ing Friday, December 10th, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Carrie E. Cook, Plaintiff,
George W. Cook. Defendant
To George W. Cook, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you herein on or before the 10th day
of December, 1909, said date being af
ter the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fail so to appear and ans
wer, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for in her
complaint, to-wlt: for the dissolution
of the bonds of -matrimony existing
between yourself and the plaintiff and
for such further relief as to the Court
may seem Just in the premises.
This summons Is published by order
of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, made
and entered on the 22nd day of Oc
tober. 1909.
First publication, October 29th,
1909; last publication, December 10th,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Exectrix's Notice to Creditors.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned ha3 been appointed execu
trix of the estate of Martin Van Donge,
deceased. All persons having claims
against said estate are hereby noti
fied to present the same with proper
vouchers, duly verified according to
law, at the office of George C. Brow
nell, at Oregon City, Oregon, within
six months of the date of the publica
tion of this notice.
Dated, November 12th, 1909.
George C. 'Brownell,
Attorney for Executrix.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Mary Young, Plaintiff,
Peter C. Young, Defendant.
To Peter C. Young, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer to the complaint filed,
against you in the above entitled suit
on or before the 3rd day of December,
1909, and if you fail to answer, plain
tiff will take a decree against you,
forever dissolving the bonds of matri
mony heretofore and now existing be
tween the plaintiff and you, and for
such other and further relief in the
premises as the Court may deem just
and equitable as prayed for in the
complaint filed herein.
Service of this summons is made
upon you by publication in pursuance
of an order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court
of the Fifth Judicial District, made
October 20th, 1909, directing such
publication in the Oregon City Enter
prise, once a week for six successive
week, the first publication being
October 22nd, 1909, and the last the
3rd day of December. 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas has fixed
November 22, 1909, at ten o'clock
A. M. in the County Court Room at
Oregon City, Oregon as the time and
place for hearing objections, if any,
to the final account filed therein in
the matter of the estate of Ole Han
son, deceased, and for final settle
ment ot said estate.
Administrator de bonis non of the
Estate of Ole Hanson, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas, fixed
November 22, 1909, at ten o'clock
in the County' Court Room at Oregon
City, Oregon as the time and place
for hearing objections, if any, to the
final account filed therein In the mat
ter of the estate of Frank E. Casto,
deceased, and for final settlement of
said estate.
Administratrix of the Estate of Frank
E. Casto, deceased.
lATIt It IIW at lllTlli KOIIIt
Main Street,
Oregon City, Ore,
Phone Home Bill
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the
underslgled Administratrix of the
Estate of John Cottee, deceased, has
filed In the County Court for Clacka
mas County, State of Oregon, her
final account as such Administratrix
of said Estate, and that Monday the
22nd day of November, at the hour ot
10:30 A. M. baa been fixed by said
Court as the time for hearing ob
jections to said report and a settle
ment thereof.
Administratrix of the Estate ot John
Cottee, Deceased.
Dated October 16th, 1909.
TH09. F. RYAN, Attorney for Admin-
Money loaned, abstract furnish-
4, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business. ,
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Deirticher Advokat
Will practice in all courts, make
collections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building, I
Oregon City, Oregon.
Probate and Realty Law Prao- I
tlce Specialties.
Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of- I
fice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. J
W. S. EDDY, V, 5., M. D.V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College ot Toronto, Canada,
and the McKUlip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located
at Oregon City and established an
office at The Fashion Stables,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones.
Farmers' 13a Man ijii
Clackamas County
510 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment of. maps, plats,
abstract hooks and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamas County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys A Counsellors at Law
ttf (
Wind Mills, Pumps and Hy fro
lic Rams a Specialty.
Oregon City, Oregon.
Grandpa has traveled and
he knows that the one whis
key which you find every
where is HARPER. Supply
yourself with this World's
famous whiskey from .
mm 1
3 t - ti... ,V.