Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
OKKOOX CITY KNTKKl'KISK, FRIDAY, XOVKMUKU l!. l!0!. In Case of Accident You should have bottle of pure whiskey in (he house. One youcan rely upon. Thai you know i right. Such one is CVRL'S NOBLE; for the first time in 44 years now soM direct to you. working on Mr. Smith's house, Ml anil liroko his arm. Ralph Traeoy returned homo from his mountain hunt mill was heavy laden with venison. Isiganltos, got Ralph to give a few points. llorhy Fonts has returned from his fruit farm nt l,yU Wash., anil Is much pleased with that country uml It can't Ih boat for fruit. Mrs. I .army has returned after hav ing a long visit with relatives. D. Fouls wants to keep his hogs shut up or somo of us follows may havo an extra hog to salt down. Hilly O'Connor has returond homo at last, after a trip of prospecting, hut says his tlnd don't pay, as there Is too much quicksilver In tho ore. STAFFORD. quart boMla. packed ia pUia cam all ckari prepaid to tka 1 naaraat tailroad txprt otf'tem for 90 No danger of refilled bottles when you buy I irom us. No daruter of some cheap worthless substi tute being palmed off on you. We have been the distributers ol this famous brand. scNinC wholesale onlv. lor 44 vcars. Pure old honest whiskey agcii in wood. every bottle, guaranteed. W. J. VAN SCHUYVER fit CO. -OBTILLLKJ ACfNTS EokUitd 164 I0S-I07 SJ Si. PilA On CUT AT THtl l4 AM MMA VAT W. J. Van SckuTW A Co, NnW On CINVJ1NC CYRUS NOOK. NEWS OF THE COUNTY SYMRNA. Very little fall grain sown to this vicinity as yet. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Kauffman and their daughter. Hazel, of Greeley. Col., stopped off here for a visit with old acquaintances last Tuesday. The Kauffman's left home last Septem ber for a tour of the Pacific Coast, having stopped at different points In Washington, including the Seattle Fair. They left on Saturday for Eugene, and expect to spend the win ter in California. Misses Lottie and Nan Schwartz came up from Oregon City last Sat urday for a week's visit with relatives here. Mis? Rebekah Yoder. of Greenburg, a station on the Portland-Salem Elec tric line, came over today to visit in the neighborhood for a few days. The loders hare sold their place in Sell- wood and have bought an acreage tract near the car line and expect to be suburbanites from this on. On Sunday the 14th the church here was turned over to our Norwe gian Bretheren of the Lutheran church to hold confirmation services, when nine young people were admitted into the folds of the church. The services were conducted in the Scan dinavian language, and although the writer was unable to, understand any part thereof, yet we are always glad to see young people take the stand that those did last Sunday. The house was well filled with an atten tive audience. Otto Geothe, Jeo Gottwald and Ed Hinderlie. who have been an a fishing trip to Ketchican Island, returned last Saturday. They had been gone all Summer. meetings at the XL E. Church. Thev began last Sunday evening and will continue through next week. A cor dial invitation is extended to all. CLARKES. Alex Scherruble sold some cattle the other day. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wettlabaufer were in town last week on Friday. While Mrs. Lindau was drying ap ples one evening a short time ago the dryer caught fire and burned. Miss Margaret Weisman came home "last week. Will Mclntyre was in Clarkes last week. Albert Durst has bought a horse from Mr. Sheppard. Mr. Buel also bought a horse from Mr. Sheppard. Joe Wallace was married last Wed- nesday. Will Hettman moved up Into the hills the other day. Will Grace and wife were out on a visit to Mrs. RIngo and Tom Grace's last week. Mr. Haag was in town last week on Tuesday. Mr. Vallen, of Elwood, was In Port land last week and came back on Fri day. He remained at Clarkes over night at the home of Mr. Bottemlller. It snowed on Saturday morning about 2 or 3 Inches. The snow broke some of the fruit trees down for Mr. Bottemiller and It froze pretty hard, too, for this early in November. November Weather. 1st (Monday) rain; 2nd, heavy rain; Jra. rain; 4th. rain; 5th, fair; 6th. fair; Tth. A. M.. fair, heavy rain In the evening; 8th, heavy rain; 9th A. M.. rain, p M. fair; 10th. rain and sunshine, alternately, a beautiful rain bow appearing In the afternoon; 11th, a beautiful morning, bracing air, be coming cloudy in the afternoon, with light rain; 12th cloudy with light rain; 12th. rain followed by a heavy fall of snow. The weather so far this month has been truly Oregonian Much rain with a couple of wind storms and occasional bright sunshine. No dam age has been done to crops or build iDgs. Average temperature, about 40. MACKSBURG. Jess Hepler has moved his furni ture into Joe Gibson's house. Mr. Brown, who bought the Blorsky place, has moved Into the new home. Mr. Blorsky is living on the ranch he bought from Henry Kummer. Charles Gilbright shot old Billy. Saturday, and Bill Bowers put an old horse of his out of its pain. Mr. Baldwin and Raleigh Bowers visited in Mulino Sunday. LOGAN. REDLAND. The longed for frost has come, and altogether a little heavier than need ed still as soon as the ground dries suffilcient farmers will begin digging their late potatoes. Ck-ar Creek Creamery will pay 39 cents for butter fat for the month of October. Rev. A- May is holding revival A. J. Johnston is getting along well since his recent severe injuries, be ing able to get around with a crutch. Tellefson Bros, are going to farm on a large scale in Wasco Coun ty ami have purchased a traction engine to plow with. Their place Is near the two railroad lines that are being built through the Deschutes canyon. One of the Paxton Bros., formerly of this place and later of Madras. has bought a place in a Southern Oregon Coast County. The Upper Logan school district has levied a one mill tax for school purposes and the Lower district held a meeting on the 14th to levy an additional tax to pay for the school honse improvement, as the original two-mill tax was not sufficient. The foot activity of the young folks is increasing with the cold weather. A dance on the 27th by the base ball club and another by the W. O. W. on Christmas. The Stone correspondent of the Courier need not be alarmed about the creamery, when one quits another commences and there will always be enough to keep the churn going. " Mrs. S. I. Wilson has returned from her visit to Wasco County and brought her brother's little daughter with her. ELDORADO, A. U Pones was moving 11. Solttlr's stuff ednosday. John Uolvey and his best girl spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, F. Woodsldo, of Mulino. Mr. French has been very 111. but Is on tho road to recovery. Hanoi, tho little daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. R. Uullard, is very 111, hav ing symptoms of typhoid fever. Mr. Wallace, of Uboral, who was very 111, is much Improved. Curtis Holvey was hauling a Until of oats Friday for Mr. Irish and re turned with a nice load of apples for his people. Clarence Mallatt was calling on l". Smith Saturday, looking for a man to help him cut shingle bolts and wanted Sid Smith. Mrs. Mary Daniels was visiting her sister, Mrs. Kate Voucher, Thursday C. Spangler made a living trip to our little town Tuesday. The cold weather came a little too soon, as some did not have their po tatoes dug and apples picked. Charles Daniels was a caller nt C. E. Smith's Sunday. BEAVER CREEK. The farmers have had to stop work ing on account of the froien condi tion of the ground. A pleasant party was given at the home of Guilllam Thomas Wednesday evening. George Hollman, who has been 111 for some time, is much better. Sarah Parry spent Monday evening at the home of Miss Rlodwen Thomas. About twenty friends gathered at the home of Tommy Evans Sunday Tommy had his leg cut off by a train In Oswego some time ago, hut is now- getting along nicely. Several young people qf Heaver Creek attended the debating society which was organized In Cams Friday evening. V. llohlander was In Oregon City on business Saturday. The surveyors for the Oregon City & Scotts Mills railroad are at work near the Maple Lane bridge. MOUNTAIN ROAD. CLEAR CREEK. Mr. Orenilder and son have rebuilt the splash dam on Clear Creek and they have all the logs that they can saw for weeks and can get logs now any time by letting on the water. The Morris Transfer Comdany, of Portland, has been three days taking the big donkey to pieces so they could load it on trucks, and all hands and eight large horses started for Port land yesterday. Andrew Johnson, of Logan, while WAGONS BUGGIES AUTOMOBILES Cost no more than others Don't buy until you investigate Let us send you our catalogue Ask us about the 1910 automobiles You won't regret It, Automobile Salesroom Wagons & Buggies Chapmaa S Alder Stmts PORTLAND 330 East Morrison Street PORTLAND Rain, rain, go away, the farmers don't want to play, but want to plow. Miss Mary Ilurnert and Alice Elsie spent Sunday afternoon with their friend. Miss Anna Hodge. Mrs. Alfred Kocher, of Washougal. Wash., is spending a few days here with her mother, Mrs. Louise Chrls tensen. Miss Esther Magrusen was the guest of Maggie Zimmerman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Gross went to Portland Saturday to see the 'atlet's mother, Mrs. Frederich. who is ill at the St Vincent hospital. Mrs. Clnrus Peters spent Suudoy with her mother, Mrs. Bookman, of this place. Fred Raker and Melvln Young, of Willamette, were In this neighbor hood Sunday. They did some fine shooting at their hats, and a-i a re sult Melvln went home bareheiid'M. John Sager drove down to Zimmer man's Saturday, hunting some calves that had strayed from home. John Kaiser went to Canby Tues day on business. Little Lily Settje Is on the sick li,st this week, but Is getting better at present. Miss Maggie Zimmerman left for Portland Sunday, where she expects to spend the winter. There was a butcher In this vicin ity Thursday, looking for cattle. Carl Eisle and Denard Hodge spent Thursday evening across the river at the Ken Knight home. H. Peppar and wife, of Portland, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Settje for couple of days this week. Tho tlrst general killing frost of the season occurred Saturday, and Sunday night was some degrees cold er, killing the potato tops, so rami ers think their potatoes will he ready to dig as soon as tho ground is dry enough. Jake Sohatj Is getting better, but is still quite weak, but was able to eat dinner with tho family last Sun day. A missionary minister from Port laud preached lo a crowded house on Sunday forenoon, after which ho bap tized 12 recent converts In a coiuenled tank built for the occasion In front of tho parsonage. A real estate man was traveling through the country last week. We have not heard of any one listing laud wilh him, all hough he seemed to have prices on a number of places. Tho clouds rolled away Thursday and the teachers were surprised by a lot of visitors, the llrst of tho sea son, eight of them and the baby. The Misses Grace seem to be get ting along nicely with the school. Pupils seem altentive and studious They teach t o and including the ninth grade. A number went from Stafford and canto from other places to hear the talks upon educational topics, by Prof. Alderman, of the Oregon I'nl verslty. Prof. T. J. Gary, County Superintendent, nnd the Superintend ent of Multnomah County, and a gen tleman from Mississippi, who was demonstrating a new way of taking tho water from fruits and vegetables then when one wanted to use them, cover with water and In a few mo ments the fruit or vegetable would he ready for use with the flavor un impaired. The Professors' talks touched chiefly upon County High Schools, advancing the Idea that children ought not to be turned out with but a smatherlng of an educa tion at tho Sth grade or be compelled to leave home and mother's cure and father's counsel. Just at the critical age between 14 and 20. when both were needed worst. If they advanced any farther In their studies. , A denomination, calling them selves "The Church of God," hold ser vices In one room of the school house twice a month. A meeting was held Sunday evening with a very good at tendance. When the speaker was nearly through six boys got up. two and two, and slamped out. Soon they began to scuffle In the ante-room then to stamp their feet, then went to the windows and knocked upon them, finally threw something heavy upon the floor, then rang the bell. About this time Mr. C. Tledeman went out when the disturbance ceased. Ho Is one of the directors, and we believe It Is the duty of the officers of the district to see that the law In regard to disturbing a meeting should be en forced. The names of the six who left the room are withheld for the present, as we hnve not seen Mr. Tledeman to ascertain If any. or all of them were about when he went out. , , John Tledeman Is stopping nt Mi- Gage's. Mi-. Gage thinks n meteor fell quite near Stafford one night last week. He says ho happened to be awake some time after the clock struck 2. when suddenly his room became ns light as day for n little space, then nil was dark again. , j4HsWWsMIbMMIHs OF THROAT AND LUNG ED1ES BE. KMQ'S MEW F0R COUGHS AND COLDS CURES "THR0AT" LUNG DISEASES SAVCD HCR SON'S LIFE My too Rei was taken down year go with lung trouble. Wi doctored somo months without Improvement. Then I began giving Or. King's Now Dlscovory, and I soon noticed change (or tho better. I kept this treatment up for few weeks and now niy son ts perfectly w.ll and work, mry d.y. MRS 8AMP. RIPPEE Ayt, Mo. BOo AND $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY I JONES DRUG CO. hotel, a credit to any town: city hall. and M. E. Church. Mrs. Mary .Maruuam left for East ern Oregon to visit relatives last week. F. J. Ridings Is. building a new ad dition to his store. Tho "Hardtlme" social held nt the M. E, Hall was a great success. The proceeds went for the digging of a well on the school grounds. Miss Lula Daniels, who'hirit been visiting relatives at Mariuain, re turned to Portland Wednesday. Several of the boys attended Mho shooting match at Monitor Sunday. There will be a Thanksgiving sup per held In the ,M. E. Hall, Wednes day, November 21. Sandy Thief 8ervlng Time. Sheriff lleatlo, who bus been ex hausting every means available to locate II. 1 Spcueer, wanted on n charge of larceny from store In Sandy, has received word hU man Is at Kelly's llutte serving a term of ;itii days. Imposed for Mealing a bi cycle in Portland. FOR SALE Good brick. $5 0rt per thousand. Inquire brick mill. Third nnd Water Streets. Oregon City Rig reduction In Goldsmith. Millinery. Miss MEADOW BROOK. MOUNTAIN VIEW. There Is still quit a lot of sickness in this vicinity. J. P. Rholl is In bed this week with a severe cold. Mrs. Hickman Is in Portland this week visiting sick folks. Miss May Erlckson is getting" along nicely and will be up soon with prop er care. Grandma Clark Is much better, but Grandma Malloy Is poorly again. Mr. Hysom built a new chicken house last Wednesday. Grandma Hysom Is quite poorly with asthma. Miss Winnie Jackson Is on the sick list again. W. Clark Is at home with a sore hand. Mrs. Ingram, of Molalla avenue, moved up to Washington this week so there Is an empty house In this burg. Lon Baker nd family, of Cams, have moved Into, town and live on Molalla avenue, and Roosevelt street. George Sagar, who spent the sum mer In Alaska, was In this vicinity last week. Mrs. Vada King, of Portland, was visiting her mother, Mrs. Faust, last week. Grandma Ware, who fell and hurt herself a few weeks ago, Is able to be out again. Quite a cold wave struck our com munity this week. The thermometer registered 22 degrees, but It is rain ing again now. Sirs. Mabel Sager, who went to visit here parents in Southern Ore gon last month, returned home Mon day. Her father Is about well again. Mrs. Ella Darling spent a few days last week viHitlng at Mt. Tabor. Charlie Glllett, of Ilelvedere, Kans., arrived here Sunday. Mrs. May Falrclough will spend Sat urday and Sunday In Sprlngwater, visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Norah Carrlco and daughter are in town again this week. 8mashes All Records. As an all-round laxative tonic and health-builder no other pills can com pare with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They tone and regulate stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood, and strengthen the nerves; cures constipa tion, Dyspepsia, Blllousnes, Jaundice, Headache, Chills and Malaria. Try them. 25 cents at Jones Drue Co. Snow began falling Saturday morn ing, reaching a depth of three Inches. Of course sleighing and snow balling was then In order. Some of our folks attended Grange at Mulino Saturday and report a good lime and a good dinner. Mr. Davis and family were visiting with J. W. Stuudlnger and family. Mr. Trulllnger was looking (over his ranch on Milk Creek Sunday and talking up some extensive Improve, ments. Mr. Ilonaker and wife made a busi ness trip to the hub Friday. Mr. Callahan and wife spent Sun day on the Brook farm. Mr. Holman and wife and son were visiting friends in the south pnrt ofr town Sunday. The work on the new saw mill on south Main street Is progressing very fast, considering the weather. There is considerable machinery on the ground. We are reliably or otherwise In formed that the Canal Company will soon begin work again on their canal. George Williams has been taking advantage of the high water1 to run logs on Milk Creek. C. L. Staudlnger and family called on Mr. Kay and family Sunday. Mr. Holllngsworth is hauling ma chinery for Mr. Schaffer's ndll this week. Prompt Payment of Claim. Oregon City. Ore., Nov. .1 W A. R. Combs, Manag."-, National Ufo Insurance Company, Port laud, Oregon. Dear Sir: I am pleased to acknow ledge receipt of check In the sum of tl.oouoi) in full settlement of the Insurance on tho life of my son. irgll E. Welsh, lately deceased. The proofs of death were mailed to your home olllce on October 15 and check In full nettle. ment was delivered to in' oil Nov ember 3rd. Your extreme prompfiie-ii Is Mil ci rely appreciated, especially so In view of the fact that death ocrurre,! s i HHin after the Issuance of the pol-l-y With many thanks for thi rourle.ius accorded me it this man, I a:n. Sincerity Yours. MRS. FRANCIS WEIill. JOHN W. THOMA9, DENTIST. Molalla Mondays. A Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for reveral year for diarrhoea. I con sider It tho best remedy I hnve ever tried for that trouble. I bought a bottle of It a few days ago from our druggist, Mr. It. It. Urook. I shall ever be glad to speak a word III Its praise when I have the opportunity." Rev. J 1), Kuitpp. Pastor M. 1C. Church, Mile Grove, 'a. Hold by Huntley llros. Co. School Report. Following Is the report of (iatkes school. District, No. for the two niniiihs ending November 12. 'Mi: Number of pupils cnrolloil the llrst mouth, fit; average dally attendance, ij; tardiness, 7. Those who were neither absent nor tardy during the tlrst month are lilauche I-o. Walter uiiil Florence Kliinsmll li, Wesley and llennie l,ln, Inn, LUilo Marshall, Eliz abeth Sugar, Clarence Westfull, Hanoi Talliuan, Karl Cnrrlco, Alvn and Iternlce Gard, Claud lliittetnlller, llennie Elmer. Arthur Henton, Ijiura Gard nnd Clyde Itliigu. Number enrolled Hie second Iniinlh, 59; average dally ntleiulauce, t:i; ilays taught. 17; tardiness, . Those who were neither absent nor tardy during Hie seciuid motilh are lr. and Wll fre, Marshall, Eva and lllaneho l'it. May Fnwver, Walter and Florence Klelusmllh, Edwin nnd Claud (lotto miller, Wesley nnd llennie I.IiuIiiii. Marlon and Clarence Wenlfall, Hanoi Tall inn n. Alvn and lleruli-n (iard, lloumlti Elmer. Uiura Gnrd. Alfred and Rupert Maiiiuaiill. Visitors pros, out were Miss llerry, of VVoodliurn, Misses Gertie nnd Uliillo Hbubel, Raymond (ilnthor, Henry Masslnger and Charley (irossiiilller. We respect fully Invite the parents to visit tho school, also, at any convenient lime, but particularly on Friday afternoon, when we have Hand of Merry meet, lug. or Debate. ROIIKRT GINTHICR. 1 Teacher. MONEY BACK. Huntley Bros, Co. Sells a Remedy for Catarrh on that Liberal Baeie. Breathe llyoinel over the germ rid den membrane, and It will kill Hie genus, nnd cure catarrh. There Is no other way you must get where the genua are before you can destroy I hem. And when catarrh genus have dis appeared, other things will happen: there will be no more hawking, not even lu the morning; that offensive breath will disappear; there will be no more obnoiilous murium, or cough. Ing. or snuer.lng, or husklnesa of the voice, or dutifully lu breathing Alt these disagreeable accessories of the demon catarrh will disappear, and ns they go the glow of health will re turn, ami all the strength and energy that was formerly used In minimi lug the Inroads of ratnrrli. will bring back your vllallty and nmhlltou, will make n new, healthy, happy being of you lu a few weeks. Huntley llros. Co. sells you A com plete llyoinel out fit for l no. This Includes a flno Inhaler. bottle of llyoinel (pronounced Hlgh-ome), and Instructions for uho. Extra bottle in rents. And bear lu mind, money back If Hyouiel doesn't cure. Nov & 19 0ses4 COLTON. We are having quite a spell of cold weather after tho rain. About two Inches of snow fell Saturday. Wll Dlx, of Shibel, was home vis Itlng his mother, Mrs. Dlx, at Colton, last Sunday. Mr. Westburg and wife left for Ore gon City Saturday and returned Mon day. II. S. Dlx has been busy chopping grain for several of the neighbors. Mr. Johnson and Mr. Erlckson were working on the road last week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Carr, a son, last. Wednesday. Hult. Brothers started work with three donkey engines last week. Jake Schiewe, of Clarkes, was a vis itor at Colton Sunday. Mrs. II. Broeder, of Canada, Is visit ing at her bister's, M;rs. I'ulz, of Col ton. C. Stormgreen was butchering hogs one day last week. A man from Portland was out buy ing cattle around the neighborhood. Arniiett Bros, hauled two loads of shingles to Highland for Mr. Martin last week. REDLAND. Word has been received here that Mrs. Mosher'g youngest son, Charlie, had died Saturday night. Ills death was unexpected. Ho was sick with typhoid fever, but was thought to be getting along nicely. Death was caused by heart trouble. Mrs. Mosher and family have the sympathy of all her old neighbors and friends. Harry Gray returned from Idaho last week, where he had been with a party of surveyors. TAKTTALWM A NEW ELECTRIC LAMP MORE ECONOMICAL THAN any carbon filament lamp. CHEAPER and MORE STURDY than the TUNGSTEN can be used in HEY SOCKET MARQUAM. The town of Marquam Is situated In the southeast part of Clackamas County and consists of two stores, one blacksmith shop and a nice, large Portland Railway Light & Power Company 147 SEVENTH STREET