Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1909)
OREGON : CITY MNTERWUSKl KlUOAY, ' NOVKMHKU 12, 1900. Patriotism T1m tonuch it a Urfer fsetor in " life, liberty nd the pur uit ol htppinms " than moat people ire aware. Patriotism can withstand hun(er but not dysrwpii. The confirmed dya peptio "il it tor treason, atrataitcma and apoils." The man who Hoe to the front for his country with weak stomach will be a weak soldier and a fault finder, A aouad stomach makes tor food citizenship as well as for health and happiness. Diseases of the stomach end other orfans ot digestion end nutrition are promptly end permanently cured hy the use ol DlS PIERCE'S GOLDElt MEDICAL DISCOVERT, it build up e pcJr aeaet aaef aolld jnasce. The dealer who offers substitute tor the " Discovery " only seeking to make the little more profit realized on the sale of less meritorious preparations. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adriser is sent frti on receipt of stamps to pay expense of meilinf tnh. bead 21 one-cent stamps for the paper covered hook, or 31 stamps for the cloth bound. Address World's Dispensary Medical Association, R, V. Tierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday E. E. BRODIE. Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon City, Or, Post office u second-class matter. Subscription Rates: One Tear 1 60 Six Months "5 Trial Subscription. Two Months .15 Subscribers will find the date of ex piration stamped on their papers fol lowing their name. If last payment is not credited, kindly notify us. and the matter will receive our attention. Advertising Rates on application. ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES. Under the banner of the Oregon Development League, the state has never taken a more decided forward movement In community publicity than now. With the various cities thoroughly aroused and actively at work to advance their interests, the outlook is very bright. Never ha there been a stronger advertising pulse throughout the state. There is a determination to set forth to the world the manifold advantages Ore gon has to offer to the homeseeker. During the past week, under the di rection of the Oregon Development League, remarkable meetings have been held In various parts of the state. Tremendous interest has been shown everywhere. Lebanon raised a publicity fund of $2500 at an enthusiastic meeting. The people of the city are united in the determination to exploit the resources of that section and are doing splen did work. Corvallis has just organized a wo man's auxiliary that will make Itself felt In many ways in furthering the . efforts of the local commercial club in advertising Corvallis. A warm wel come is given newcomers. Sllverton people, at a meeting dur ing the past week, raised a fund of over J2000 that will be still further Increased. A strong commercial club has been organized with over 40 mem bers and It is promised this number will be raised to 100 soon. Sclo and Jefferson are in line for their share of publicity, having each raised $600 for development work in their section. All are alive to the state league. . Laidlaw is active. The develop ment league of that place is on tha alert to advertise that part of Oregon and it is going ahead as never before. Glendale, at a meeting Friday, show ed a splendid get-together spirit and the people of that place are thorough ly wide awake and enterprising. All the money spent for advertis ing Portland during the past eighteen months totals $200,000. That amount represents $12,000 less than the actual advance on one 50x100 fott lot in Portland at the corner of Sixth and Washington streets. That, lot was bought tor $ltW.tk0 two years ago. Mr. Wilcox, the owner, now refuses $;!T3.000 for it. The people of the west should de mand nothing short of $100,000,000 to be kept In a revolving fund for the reclamation of arid and swamp lands. The price of a hulk of old scrap iron for that is all a Dreadnaught will be in ten years Is more than the re clamation service is given for the whole United States. In XewYork and SatiKTanciseo men will soon be again gnawing the crusts of charity in bread lines. A little charity properly and Intelligently ap plied "would put these men on the lands of Oregon and make useful cit izens of them. AN INTERRUPTED COURTSHIP. Comedy Drama By Local Talent f Shively's November 24. "An Interrupted Courtship" Is the title of a comedy that will be present ed by the pupils of the Oregon City High School at the Shlve'.y Theatre Wednesday evening. November 24. The voung people are being trained by Mrs. Theodore W. Clark. The piay is In three acts, and many amus ing Incidents are found. Following Is the cast : Arthur Gray hurst, a clergyman. Alec Bowen; Jer rold Brlce, his friend. Waldo Cau fleld: Jonas Dixon, leader of the choir. Byron Moore; Jacob Snyder, a theatrical manager. John Mulkey; Reuben Stubbins, whose duties are arduous, Frank Clark: Alice Gray hurst, Arthur's sister. Miss May Smith: Olivia Vaughn, an actress, Miss Eva Alldredge; Mrs. Wllkins. who favors a rummage sale. Miss Pearl Frances; Amarllla Jones, who has a beau. Miss Flo Hewitt: Matilda Tripleit, who sings alto. Miss Erna Petzold; Miss Brackett, organist. Miss Edna Holman. Delegate H. L. Fitzgerald reported to the Central Labor Council last Fri day evening as one of the committee to investigate the Portland Commons, that he had found it to be a clean and honest run place. "It looks like one of the best places I ever saw. The beds are clean and I would not mind sleeping in any one of them myself. The objects are to give the man who is down and out a chance, and God knows he needs somebody to give him a glad hand. This Insti tution has the street preacher and somemore pretentious charities skin ned to death." Receives Shock From Wire. The sister-in-law of George C. Brown, of Oregon City, residing In Sellwood was very severely shocked Friday upon taking hold of the elec tric light globe to turn on the light. The Insulation was defective and left the bare wire exposed, which she was unfortunate enough to touch. Mrs. Brown was thrown to the ground and was taken into the house unconscious. After some time she regained her nor mal condition and was none the worse for her narrow escape. ' Milwaukee and Northwestern Clackamas S MIUWAUKIE. In Mr. and Mis. Otto Wltte wore Portland on business Friday. A. O. Peterson was In Portland on Friday on a business trip. Mrs. M. U Roberts, who has been visiting with friends In Salem, has returned to her home In this city. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phillips, of Hay Center, Oregon, and Mr. and MVa. C. Uiwrence, of Camas, Wash., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Phillips. W. H. Kdwards and son. Kdlson, of North Yamhill, was visiting In Mllwaukle the latter part of the week. J. A. Keck, of this city, was a busi ness visitor In Oregon City on Wed nesday. Percy and Islle Harlow have tak en quarters tor tno winter i ineir ..-1 t a .. noilsoooni, wnirn is inniie imu wi nlshed wry comfortably. The Mllwaukle Hand, under the Daughter-in-law MILWAUKIE'S MAYOR SUED HIS SON'S WIFE ASKS FOR $JO,000 FOR LOST AFFECTION OF HUSBAND. WAS TREATED COLDLY of Mr, and Mrs. Philip Strcib Mikes Very Sensational Charges In Court. leadership of W. E. Thresher, held Its , weekly practice In the band hall on j Tuesday evening. Good progress Is : sure to be made under the now leader. I Dr. Townlev performed a surgical ! operation on Mrs. W. E. Thresher at her home this week. Mrs. Thresher has been 111 for several venrs. and! t'hlllp Stroll.. Mayor of Mllwaukle. her many friends hope for her speedy j Clackamas County, and his wife are reeoverv. ,"' '""" " " Mrs Karpsteln had the misfortune ' 1 hem by their daughter-in-law, Venule on' Wednesday morning to fall and j C. Strelb. charging tliom with having cut her hand, so Hint It was necessary I alienated the affections of Philip to call In nr. Townlev. who took, sev- Strelh. Jr.. from the plaintiff, for which eral stitches, and the patient Is recov ering. Mllwaukle, like other towns at present. Is the wettest on ttie gione, but we are only waiting patiently for the appearance of the great comet In $;0.000 damages are demanded Mrs. Philip Strelh, Jr.. declares that Mayor Strelb and his wife are the owners of property In Clnckunuis County and In other portions of the state to the value of $100,000, and that January, thinking that this might for mat and oilier reasons tney con- have some effect In the weatner. u. iut uu'mwiira me wum -u.i,-. Wlsslnger has commenced to think j of Mllwaukle. On account, the plain that the Webfoot weather Is here for tiff says, of Mayor and Mrs. Slrelb's some time and has received this prominent social and political posl week a large stock of umbrellas, rub- turns they are of an Imperious and ber goods Including boots, hats. ! overbearing disposition, and that coats, all which are necessaries tori ever m-e me mm mine m men Oregon "Mists." they have resented her being his wife Miss Eva Duffv. who returned some ne i-icim. ih'm mm mi-j .i, .. frnm Mount Anirel. where ! consider her as the social. Intellect- she had been attending school, on ac-jual and moral inferior of their son. count of Illness. Is Improving, but will Mrs. Strelb, the plaintiff, says that not resume her studies for some time. ever since her marriage Mayor Strelb Miss Alice Curnett has accepted aianu nis wne nave ireaieu ner in a position with the Meier & Frank Co., j cold, distant and everbearing manlier. of Portland. a,ul refused to visit her or ncKtiow- Miss Ada Albert, teacher tn tne;ieuge ner as meir uiiiignier-iiimw. nubile school. Is suffering with a se-ibhe further alleges that they con'ln- vere cold, having contracted it at ually harass, annoy and humiliate the teachers' institute. a success. The paper has contained all of (ho happening of Mllwaukle and has proved a good advertising medium. Mrs. T. V, Sullivan Is Improving after her sim-Ioiih Illness, Meeting of Commercial Club, The Commercial Club will hold lis regular meeting on Friday evening. Everyone should come and take an Interest In the town, Woodmen Will Give Masque Ball. Great preparations niv being iiuule for the grand masuiiii hall to be given by Ash Camp No, 339, Woodmen of the World, at the city hall on Thanks giving Eve.. Wednesday, November 24. The general admission will be $1, extra ladles will be free, A good orchestra will furnish, the music for the dancing, and an oyster supper will be nerved free. Prlnes for the best sustained rharncter. most comi cal and prettiest costumes will be given. Otto Wltte. proprietor of the Crystal Ijike Park, who had planned to lilve n masquerade on the same night, has kindly consented to post pone the affair to a later date, on ac count of (he one to be given by the Woodmen. M Howling sell your property. JENNINGS LODGE. A petition Is being circulated for a live cent car fare from the Lodge to Oregon City, which If granted would help this place. Our straight fare to Portland Is 20 rents and 10 cents to Oregon City, making a dis crimination of 5 cents against our station. Mcldriim. which Is only u few blocks away has the same raie to Portland and a 6 cent fare to Ore gon City and for this reason most of our people buy their Portland ticket hook reading from Meldrum, and In going to Oregon City. !!i per cent, of our people walk to Meldrum and gel off there on their return as they feel that this 5 cent for a few blocks Is unjust ninl because of these condi tions our people are caused much Inconvenience and we feel Justified In getting up the petition for the S cent rate. Wo are platting our acre age into lots and mime of us are doing nil we can to boost our locality and Increase our impulatlon and we realize that a five rent fare to Ore gon City would make It practical for Oregon City people as a number of employes of the various mills could afford to buy lots and reside here and Miss Albert ner in me presence or ner ninoaiiii. , . . ,.,.., . ..,.,,. f mir .,,,,. I was uname to teacn ner room on u -m-u mrnu. nu.i -iKm.i i ,,rtv and would rapidly Increase our . . . . . I l....... i ...,.,.,,., u n. nil, II v a i, rt n i, ..I Tuesuav, ami ner room us in iuhik- m , .,,..., ... ; population of Mrs.' Shaw, principal. j and Insulting her on occasions too I ' Mrs. Louise Townley was a Port-, numerous and subtle to be desclht I, !,,?r,,, Jt t h VMliit on Tut-'i.Tiiv' land visitor on Sunday. While In that, Mrs. Strelb. Jr.. declares tnat her j ""V 1 rMl- " h city she called at the home of Mr. husband's parents have driven her ,.. ! ft , rL""1 oii andMYs. D. W. Wells, whose baby has , of their family and alienated the uf- ! a Wll'' , n ti.' .1. .! been quite 111. but Is at present lm-' foct.ons of her husband. Philip. I ' ' ' - ' ' '' ; I VV I...11 anil tT I nil VMII 11 l.,! I t t - P ' - er proving. Rev. N. Shupp was among tne ron land visitors on Wednesday and Mrs. Philip Strelh was burled In Mllwunkle on the 9th of August, the PhlllD J. Slnnott. the live represen-i plaintiff detfnres that Mayor and Mrs. tatlve of the Oregon City Courier, was ; streit) wickedly, wrongfully and mal ln Milwaukle on a business trip Wed-, Iclously with covert taunts and sneers And about sevuiteen dollars was , cleared, which will be used to pur chase song books for the Sunday School ! Mr. and Mrs. Allen llrown have I In thn nrfwi.m., uf frl.iiKlu iiml ruin Rennchler. teacher of ' lives attending the funeral, refused ! sold their pretty little home on the Willamette to Mr. and Mrs. Pierce guest of Miss Ada Albert In this city, , to the funeral In the same carriage i left Sundav afternoon to resume tier with her husband. duties .after a week's vacation. Mlssi Since the trouble at the funeral! City. SUPPER OF MEN'S CLUB. Thousands of new settlers have come to Oregon and Washington dur ing the period that the low one-way colonists rates were in etfect and are now building permanent homes here. On the O. R. & N. lines alone, 7164 bomeseekers came to the Northwest between September 15 and October 15. This is a very satisfactory in crease over the travel of this kind during a similar period of last Fall, and shows that the tide of Immigra tion Is steadily growing stronger to this favored section of the country. Thousands of farmers in Oregon will not read literature on subjects they have already formed conclusions up on. There is so much to read on sub jects' they wish to know about that cjuestlons already settled In their in dividual minds receive scant atten tion, especially if the evident object of the literature is to take the op posite side. To such men only per sonal appeals are possible, and even then tact and patience 13 necessary. T. S. McDaniel, of Portland. Talks on the Brotherhood Idea. The monthly supper of the Men's Club of the Congregational Church Wednesday night carried with It some Interesting features and the af fair was one of the best held by the organization. There was a large num ber of men in attendance and the chief speaker was Colonel T. S. Mc Daniel, of Portland, who talked on "The Brotherhood Idea," giving spe cial attention to the problems of the hour. Rev. E. S. Bollinger, pastor of the Highland Congregational Church, Portland, and Rev. S. A. Hayworth, pastor of the First Baptist Church, of Oregon City, were the special guests of the club and both made short talks. Other speeches were made by Judge Thomas F. Ryan. County School Su perintendent T. J. Gary. City School Superintendent F. J. S. Tooze and George M. Lazelle, president of the Clackamas County Fair Association. Two pleasing vocal numbers were rendered by Charles A- Miller, and In strumental music was furnished by the West Oregon City orchestra. The club suppers will be held hereafter on the first Tuesday In each month. Judge E. C. Bronaugh will probably be the main speaker of the December assembly. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters at the Oregon City postofflce for the week ending November 12: Women's list Dement. Mrs. Emma; Dement, Helen; Peterson, Mrs. An na, E:; Shultz. Mrs. Martha; Wartz, Mrs. Mary. Men's" list Davidson, Ed.; Elliott, W. S.: Fleming, Harry; Folger, Geo. (2); King, Geo.; Laskowsky, August (2 and package); Robinson, Charley; Walters, John. Carry No Money On Yovt Person It is not necessary, beside it is unsafe and dangerous. Deposit your money in this bank subject to check, then when you wish to pay any person, write out a check for the amount. This method of paying bills is more con venient than employing the cash. No need to make change. You can pay by check wherever you are, at home, in the store or out in the country. The check accoont commends itself to every person for its convenience alone, to say nothing about the safety it affords. Why not make cse of the check system? There is absolutely no cost to you. Come in and talk to us about it. The Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY, OREGON nesday. .UISS r-Osie uenKCIlier, leacm-i ui ; ue uiit-miuiK mv imn-iui. ,,. ... ... ii.,t. .u. .-0IJ ...l.l K. V..,o fh . ll.,... .I,l. .I,..,,l,.ln.l,.f I.. 1-1,1.. -'IC Iimwil Will K" K. .-i,.. ....... uic mufui , .. . I ."..-..... n hnslnes trln wh -h wl keen him East for some months and Mrs j Brown and Master Allen ami Miss ... .i.ii ...iii .1....1..1 i.. a r..... .li,,- r,, Renschler ras been attending the , Mrs. Strelbnvs that the defendants , ,,, t , ru,ir,irn!n, ;,.,,. teachers' Institute held In Oregon have at all, times refused to allow i ' iu , t ,'.,i,w : to communicate with her husband ? . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Strelb. Jr., j hy telephone, and have refused to I , , ... ... .... .,.. have taken up their residence at the ; inform their son that she was calling ; . ' , r.lve part ' In club home of the latter s mother, at Mln-: for him, nnd have repeatedly Informed ' .' . ,, ,'. ,' M,,U, r thorn. Mr. Strelb has been working her that she had no home or station) , appeared before the on his father's place for several weeks 1 In their family and that her preseuee j ",0 . JennTngT'lX and Ore on assisting h m with his grape crop was nei her desired nor would be , a nf w,h .lir. aim 1 III' nil' I iiu.'T in... i,-l Illll It'll niiiiiu lli'-ll ll"lll,-. the Lechler fiats. The concluding chapter In the story Born to Mr. and Mrs. Tlmms. of (f the parents' alleged plan to alien Portland, a daughter. ! ate their son's affections occurred be- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wallace, of Ash- tween August 9 and October 1!. says land, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. j the younger Mrs. Strelb, nnd she ex H. A. Smith, and Mrs. Weber. plains that while she and her hus- H. T. McGlnnls, foreman of the band were living happily together construction of the Beaverton-Wllls- her husband's parents deliberately set burg railroad at Island, met with a out to degrade and Injure her In her painful accident this week, which will husband's eyes, with the Intention of necessitate laying him ofT for a few . depriving her of bis affection and coin days. His back was injured, and med-. panlonslilp. They enticed their son. leal treatment was given him at once, so she savs, to desert her nnd to Dr. Townley is attending him, and the refuse absolutely to sec her either at Injured man will be able to be up (he homo of his parents or elsewhere, and around In a few days. - She says that they have also neglect- In the window of the News office ed to provide her with any home and are several sprigs of raspberries that ; all their actions have caused her to are attracting a ereat deal of att en-i suffer irrcat distress. tion. They are of delicious flavor; Mr. and Mrs. Philip Strelb, Jr., were I (.y ana were raisea on me piace oi .n rs. i married at Vancouver, wasn., June Bonfigt. What state can beat that i ifi, ir07, and hnve since lived at var ripe raspberries In the month of No-lions places In Washington and Ore vember. gon, but more recently at Mllwau- T. R. A. Sellwood Is having his'ip, where the alleged alienation was granary In Qulncy Addition remodeled , effected. Into a store building, and It Is report-! ed that It will be occupied by J. C 1 JC" BAKING POWDER Absolutely Puro Makes the finest, most dell clous biscuit, cake and pastry; conveys to lood the most hcallhlul ol fruit properties X. Uthel and Fern, went to Portland last Saturday. William (Inrdiier and ICrmut Walker went on a pleasure trip to Port laud last Monday nnd report a plea sant time. Mrs. Powers was milking several calls around Meldrum this week. Mrs, Krlckson has been very poorly for the last week, but la Improving at time of this writing. Meldrum Station Is unite a resort for tramps. Mrs. Casell and the Misses Kranc. of Portland, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Gardner, of the Kirs, last Sunday afternoon. IJulto a few of the men from Mel drum went to Gladstone to attend a meeting that was held In the school house for the purHis of Incorporat ing Meldrum with Gladstone. The Meldnim people opposed the plan. Mr. Hynin and Gonlaon have quite a supply of violets on hand now. NOW UP TO GLADSTONE PEOPLE NEXT MONOAY WILL HAVE CHANCE TO 8AV YES OR NO TO INCORPORATION. HARMONY. The llaimony church has changed Its time of services to; Sunday school at 3 P. M ; preaching. 3 P. M ; to take effect In two or three weeks ns the series of luetlugs has been changed to begin on next Sunday evening. The church has also, on reiiiest, released Rev. I. Stoeker, who has been coming from North Portland, ami ni-repied Kev. M. Iluverllng, of Portland Mem orial church, who will conduct the meetings. The Harmony Improvement Society will give an entertainment at Thanks giving time. The Women's Missionary Society! was entertained al the homo of Mrs.! K llaymnn Tuesday of last week. ' Mr. Kekles has taken a hniiiesteud ! claim In Uiko County. Mr. Itosenaii Is having a house1 hiilll on his laud here. , BOUNDARIES ARE FIXED Acrjyt Wtst of Eltctric Rallwsy Tract Not to b( Included In Ibt Proposad Municipality. EAST JENNINGS LODGE. rending nnd always delighted her bearers very much. Their many frlens will wish that Master Allen mav gain rapidly In health, while In the sunny South amid the orange groves at the borne of their aunt In UisAngeles, A number of acres have rbanged hands since our last Hems went to press, J. A Snesbe having purchased the home of Mrs. A. J. Hire on Pearl street and Mrs. Rice has purchased the A. U Clark store and nlso the dwelling house of Mr. and Mrs. Clark. Mr. Clyde f'lark will be In charge of the store during the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pratt have sold their home to J. 8. Roberts, of Portland, linn rash being the pur chasing price. Mr. nnd Mrs. Prall are thinking of locaUng In Oregon The ladles of Knst Jennings lnlge met at the home of Mrs J. II. Kvaus Tuesday, November i. for the purpose of organizing a social club and 111 members were enrolled. The follow ing officers were uppotnted: Mrs. 1. II. Kvans, president: Mrs. II. Simulil Ing, vice president ; Mis. M. Shaver, secretary; Mrs. W Jacobs, treasurer The new club will be known as the M. M Social Club of Kant Jennings 1nlge STANLEY AND WICHITA. Ril-lns. who will carry a stock of ! gave as his subject, Taxation. eooris. The work of renovating the! Those who had braved the stormy The National Really Company lias sold nearly all of Its lots lit the .1. J. Morris subdivision and reports that n number of houses will be built. Henry Tozler has gone to Kugene where he expects to remain till the first of the year. I While Mrs. Hurley, of Hlsley, was) going to the home of her daughter Miss Ktliel Gibson visited with her aunt, In Rose City Park, several days last week. Mrs. Avery visited with friends In Portland, Sunday. Mrs. Joy. who Is tearhlng school at Mnlullii. was home Saturday and Sun day. I Mrs. Terry, of Gresham. vlslteit! with her brother, Robert Gibson, Sun-j day. Mrs. R New-come, of Portland, vis-1 lied with her sister, Mrs. George' Kingsbury, and mother. .Mrs. Miller, j Wednesday. The Harmony Improvement Asso- f.lrilli,n ttn.u.. I lm l'l..l.l i i I "- in.. ,, tviitiit niiiiiiu with a drum, which the pupils apprec iate very much. Mrs. Gilbert, of Klrland The biMitiiliirles of the town of Glad liouii, which may l lurorHirated, wilt embrace nil of the Cnsnii claim and the South half of the Itluearsoii claim Kant of the County mad Only that portion of Melilrum Included In the Klnoamnit claim will go Into the boundaries. The acreage of Judge Thomas K. Ryan. Mrs. Anna ti. Haves, Mr Iteatilliiu. Peter Itlnearson and l A. Read will not be embraced In the boundaries. This was determined Ittnt Monday night at a meeting of the Gladstone liuprovi-nicut AsHorlatlon, and will protiahlv settle the biuiiiilnry ijuea Hon. The peoplo of lilndsiiiue will hold a meeting next Monday night and will take n straw ballot to learn the real feeling of the residents of that town of the Itirorisiratlon matter. If a majority believes that the town should be Incorporated under the present charter, as now drafted, the toopo Will 111" a pot II 1 1 II with the county court asking fur permission to conduct an elect Inn. with Mrs. J. H. Gibson Thursduy and Friday of last Week. Mrs. Webb entertained friends from Portland Sunday. The O. W. P A- Hy Co. Is making a crossing at Wichita Station. They bad given the right away Home time ago. Imt making no nil. which rend ered It Impassable. f E. P. Elliott & Company All kinds of REAL ESTATE FARM, CITY PROPERTY A SPECIALTY visited 5tratton lildif. Oregon City. Ore. ? . .. . . - r. iv,f i,....i ., UM, u,,l,. rreii ierr, on i nursuay alter- miming is in cnarge oi k,. u. .ihuiiui. . ..j..j..i .... . .. , . , . ,.,-,, ,, . i Victor Verrett, of Island, Is on the Dlmlck was well posted on the sub-; -? fZilZT sick list. , ,. , i happened along took her to her home T T McKlnnev who has been suf- Miss Bonfigt Entertains. , . , , . . , , ' .vitriiiiuej, " " , with his horse nnd carriage and at fering from an injury to his eye by. Miss Lillian Bonugt. teacher of the t h,H wrtn rKt,iK very comror- broken glass at the car shop. Is re-timber Grove school, was the hosw1 t.Mft covering, and no bad effects to 'I 'Jivss of a small house party nt heri ' M n)(1 Mn) R,.,nln W(,r port. eyesight will result. home on Wednesday evening of last ; jaj( vHtl)nt' Monday The many friends of H. A. Smith, ! week. A very enjoyable evening was! f, Tr,',HPOtt agisting Mr one of the prominent old soldiers of spnt and one of the features of the' ,,nm wth Mf( wp (rI, lU(' j this city, will be pleased to hear that evening was the delicious refresh-; , ,,,. f()p ,,.,. he Is recovering from his recent il.- ments served by the hostess. Miss ( funt.llrf,on ftt GlndHtone ne?,8' x, ,t Ili'-nn hpen attendbig the teanh-j Mrli. A,'j. UPP haH rp,rn((l from Mr. and Mrs. Snyder and Mm i.i ers institute In Oregon City. t k . vs(( t ,, uv(.r Louise Townley went to Portland on construction Work Suspended. ! . , ,,, fpn, hr nn evening and attended the construction work near the 1 ,','',, Dr. llouser, Strelb and other places, Mr Bm s)nB S(,r )rn f east of town has practlca ly been bur-, 0 r t Suml nft,.nion pended for awhile owing to the heavy nt l(1 fc am, fc ruui. oii'iuiii uic ......... .... - Tf nliortu Monday meeting of Martha Washington As aembly, when several of their friends were Initiated into the mysteries of the order. Mr. VanSchoick ,who has been mak ing his home In this city, has dis posed of his property interests and will take his family away soon. New Organist in Evangelical 'Jh-irch. Miss Mamie Mullan. who has in eii Should the rain cease for ...... 1 A l.A row nays tie groin... , .: ,. . fl ,fh ()f C(ln, w r((mn and the laborers push he work along. nt m T f()r R wh)n 0. New Members Go Into Grange rnvilt for Mr Pllmon-B new house. Among the new rubbers that have! lieen tanen inio iiiuw,iunir iiiuhh returned from a trip to Yaqulnn liny and a week's visit nt Newport. Th"y report, a wet. but delightful time nnd be the coming const resort. They also found some very choice agates nnd hnve left n number wllh Mr. Thomns to bo polished nnd set. Miss Helen T'nlnton bns returned nre Mr and Mrs. H. C. Hanson, Mr. the organist In the Evangelical church j j!( st;i l Mr ann Mrs. filedhlll. Dur- for some time, has resigned the n(, t1lR paHt ypar many new members tlon, and her vacancy will bo tilled by 1 havG t)P(n den Into the organlza Professor Streyfeller. It Is regretted ' tn ,mtll It has made Mllwaukle that Miss Mullan finds that It is irn- i f;ran;f. second to the largest In the possible to carry on her choir work j COiinty. nn., IJf.r flttllflll Ufirl Il It 1 1 . .... ,,,111 U . I1..I.II.L.J IZn greatly appreciated by the mom-1 w r mr of the Mil- i l"" """"'l'" " wTk . bora of the church. Professor Strey- j Dally News has decided to feller has been prominent In the mus-1 p1rjHh a seml-wcokly Instead, the leal circles In Portland for several ! pap,.r to (l p,lHhed on Wednesdays years, and Is considered to be also an ! an,j Raturdiiys. Mr. Thresher has excellent Instructor. The choir In )0,,n a,)y assisted by A. E. Keck, of the Evangelical church Is giving en-1 Mllwaukle. Roth of these men have tire satisfaction, and the members are j Workf.i hard to make the dally paper very enthusiastic In their good worlt. ! Rev. Shupp, the pastor, Is now serv ing bis second year, i.nd Is meeiln with much success in bringing new r'"rnbers into the church. Minthorn Flower Club Meets. The Minthorn Flower Club met. at the home of Miss Olson on Thursday evening of lant week. This being an p, o. Box 213 open meeting there was quite a large I number of members and friends of the club attending. A musical and literary programme was rendered. Judge Dimick Talks on "Taxation." Owing to the Inclemency of the weather, the meeting of the Mllwau kle Grange was not as well attended as had been wished. Judge G. I!. Ulmlck had been Invited to talk, and THE JOHNSON REALTY CO. City Lots, Acreage and Farms a Specialty. Milwaukee, Ore. W. E. THRESHER LAWYER niLWAUKIE, -OREGON Miss Harriet Cousins and a few davs also at. the home of her uncle, C. P. Morse, In Portland. Mrs. Wilcox was n. Portland shop per on Thursday of this week. Mrs. Will II. Hart and daughters Ethel and Kern visited In Portland on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. TVinrdmnn transacted business In Portland on Monday. George Morse left Tuesday for n trip to Lincoln County. He will visit at Nashville nnd nlso spend s dny at Corvallis a guest of Mr. liutlor, a former Iowa friend. MELDRUM. L. R. Miller went to Sellwood last week tn visit, his daughter, Mrs. Clyde Plckerd. Mrs. George Yale took In thn matinee last Saturday afternoon. George Gardner went to Clackamas lust Sundny. Mrs. Hart and her two daughters. Society Brand IT is reasonable to believe that we would not constantly dwell upon the merit of Society Brand Clothes if our experience had not taught us to thoroughly respect the wonderful value one obtains when he buys a garment of this well known make. In quality they have no equal. The best of materials throughout is one of their strong character istics. When it comes to the question oi style, we have never seen garments from any other maker which possess these artistic lines and which so strongly appeal to the voung man, who demands every feature of fashion. We would like to show you a few of the new Fall Suits and Overcoats and let you try on your size, whether you want to buy or not. PRICED $15. TO $30.00 MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY PRICED $15.00 TO $30.00