Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1909)
OUFJON CITY KNTKUI'RISrc, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 3000. WhenYourHead Aches tlmi't take illume. (Villi y,mr )lrllrt ,y ,,illB wild lirinLiche currs. Ji'i rmiu-.l U stomach ur Inactive liver. wW&ftemedti will settle the stomach and make your liver art with out violence but cllectivcly. It will remove the iauko and cure (lie headache. FOR BALI9 It V JUNHH DKUO COMPANY. MRS. ANNIE LEEBON, Of COLTON Was Sufferer prom Inflammatory Rheumatism far 27 Years. Drop Era and see us about that land GLADSTONE a specialty. SCHOOLEY & CADELL 606 MAIN ST. OREGON CITY, ORE. ' Omen Until Phone 21 Kcsldonco I'liune Main 2C24 Pioneer Transfer Co. Kntatillahod 18GB Sucounr to C. N. Groenman FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rates Reasonable, Unigaso Btored S Dnyn Free of Chan Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER Mr,' Annlit Ioohoii, wife of Alex under l'fMon, of Colton, who died at fit in 1 1 y lioinii October 20, wan ) 1 1 r l'i on tlm following Thursday. The llltol'molll WHM ON I III' llOIII" pllll'0, whom dim Iiiih ri'Hlili'il for tlm iiiihI throe years. Tlm funeral service worn conducted hy Mrn. Allen Clark Several beautiful selections wore tn iliTi'il hy a choir of Urn Colton church Ml'M. liOOSOII WHM iHiril III I'l'lolS- borough, Cniiadu, January 19, I h i 7 mid wild Mi" daughter of Mr. and Mrn Phillip Jackson. Him wuh married In Ht;:i In IIuhIIiikn, t'liiindn. There urn IhriMi children surviving Ih'hIiIi'N Hi liiiidmnd: Alfred, of llrlttlHh CoIiiiii hlit, and J l 1 1 arid MIkm A n lit" I-kmou of Colioii. Mr. li'iHon and family lui v t resided In Oregon for Hi" past two yours, and havii mini" t In -1 r lionm In Colton since Unit tlm". Before coin lug to Oregon MrH. I'"hoii loxt four children, llin-i In one week, with ctl ji IIiitIh mid on" hy drownliiK. Kim li'iivi'H two hImIi'ih, Mr. William (iardi'iir, of Oregon City; Mrn. ('. Ire hind, of Hutilt Marin, Canada; three brothers, Holier! Jackson, of peters borough, Ciuiailii; Henry Jackson HrltlHh Columbia; George Jackson petorHltorough, Ciinitda. A brother, .lohti Jackson, ill"d In Juno nt I 'el "m borough. - MrH. I'khoii Iiiih been n piilli-nt Hiif ferer from Inllnniniiilory rheumatism fur th past 2!i yi'iirH, hut up to the IiihI hIi" hud woudorful memory. Al though her h hud heeii gradual ly fulling for tlm ihhi mouth her dentil wiih Hiiildi'ii and mine nn u shook to her family. Her faithful daughter, Annii. who llllH lieen coll Htiintly hi her Mid" for many yearn, reipienled thill til" reiualliH of hi1 mother lie hurled mi the old homo place, mid her wishes were granted Th" film-mi services were larKely at tended, Mrn. -enoii hiivliiK mad" many friends hy Iter kind dlHpiKltloti MI88 ANNA HENDRICK80N. Mount Pleasant Girl Wu Worker In Church Circlet. Careful of Your Properly I One of .'he secrets of our success In the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street C. LATOUIIETTB President P. J. MEYEIl. CMhlei THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY, OREGON CAPITAL, t50.0OO.0O. Trinncti Gnrl Banking Business. Open from 9 A, M, to I P. M r FIVE-MINUTE TALK Hum Hp Ammj CHICKEN LICE MITES COCKROACHES AND BED BUGS Twr Vt hol. V.r kf m Mm i Apiiuu f AVENARIUS GARB0LINEU1NI (0nni Wood rrtr ) Nptmnoua. Hanltary (XI or I'ut op lo IUhttrlh4 rua nl Don't Ut your dir git ywu rOM KAMI HY ALL DKALXIUt. I 1 Flshor, Tticsen S Co. fiBJ H lpl. 11. I'orll.nd TV.-i H Or.on kJ It Wrlia fur TmiI- F V ki ONLY ONE GENUINE THCRB 18 ONLY ONE GENUINE CARDOLINEUM, THAT IS THE AVENARIUS CARDOLINEUM. THERE IS A CHEAP IMITATION ON THE MARKET THAT IS BE ING OFFERED AT FROM 11.00 TO I1.J5 PER GALLON. THE GENUINE AVENARIUS CAR DOLINEUM IN QUART CANS (0 CENTS. AND ONE GALLONS AT II. U WILL DO ALL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. INSIST ON THE GENUINE, TAKE NO OTHER. PUT UP IN LITHO GRAPH CANS AND SOLD IN OREGON CITY. 0 Tin) funeral Hervlren of MIhh Anna 1irlinlii H"iidrlrkHon, diitiKhter of Mr, and Mm. John ilendrlcknon, will lf ! at the family h"te In Mount 1'leanant on Saturday, after a threo weekn' III lieKH of typhoid fever, took idace Moll day iifli'riMNiu from the Met hod 1st Kplnropal chnrrli. Hev. It. f. Illack well imclallnir. The aervlren were larifely allended hy friends of the de renneil, MIhh IleiiilrlckMin wnH n faithful worker In the MethodUt church. Ileautlful floral offerlnKH were on the ciiHket from the Kpworth l.eitKU", Ihe llethlnli rlitHH, the KiiIkMh of riithliiH, the Ori-Kon City Machine Hhop. and the m-wlng room of the OreKoli City ManufacturlnK Company The pull hearer werfl Krnnk Clark, Jack Marrn, Ilert Clark. Ilohert Ketch urn. John Wood fin ami J. McDonald The mother of the dead K'rl In Her- rloiiKly ill with typhoid fever, Imvlnit cintracted the (IlKeas" while nurslni! her Hlnter, and' her diiiiKhter liecanie afflicted with fatal ri'MiltH. MIhh llendrlckiuni wan Inirn at Col ton, ClackamaH County, In lSSfi, and wan iiKed S.I yearn. She had renlded In OreKon City hIiico nhe wan two year "f "Ke. FUNERAL OF MRS. BAILEY. and Six Children 8urvive Aged Women. The funeral of the late Mrn. Mary Mutiny, who died at the farm home two mllcH miutli of Oregon City iui Tuen day, wan held Thnraday at the family homo, the Interment heliiK In the Mountain View cemetery. Kev. T. V. Ilowen, reclor of St. riiul'B KplHcopal church olllclated. A larce nuniher of frlfiulH and nelchhorH were present at the HorvlccH, and the lloral offer Iiikh were heautlfiil. Mary Harvey wiih horn In Cheadle, StaffordHhlre, KtiKland, In July. ISifi. She wan married to Henry llalley at Teaii. ICiikIiuiiI. In 1S5I, and rame to America In 1X91. HettlliiR Immediate ly on the home place, where her death occurred. Her atjed huHhand and entire fam ily of Hlx children survive her, who are the following Ernest, Harry J. and denote, of rortlnnd; Samuel, who lives near the farm, and Arthur and Hannah, who still reside at home. Dements Best FLOUR $1.50 PER SACK AT ALL GROCERS. Fresh Meat For the Table at BROWN & KLOOSTRA'S 7TH STREET MARKET THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE Prompt Payment of Claim. Ore?on City, Ore., Nov, 3 '09. A. II. CoinliH, MiiiuiK.'r, National Life Inmirnnce Company, foi l land, Ori'Kon. . Dear Sir: I am pli'imed to ncknowledKe receipt of check in tliu Hum of $1, HUH. Oil In full settlement of the liiHiiranco on the life of my Hon, Vli'Kll 1C. WuIhIi. lately deceased. Tho proofH of death were mailed to your homo olllco on October Iti and chock In full .setllo iniitit. wiih delivered to mo on Nov ember 3rd. Your extreme, promplnesn la hill c ndy npprecliilcd, especially ho in view of the fact that tlimtli occurred h:i hioii after the IsHiianuo of tho pol icy With ninny tluuilis for t!t a courtuoua tu at n.di t accorded mo li ttiln nnui r.ei, I am. Slnceroly Ynum, MRS. FRANCIS WELSH. ANNUAL MEETING OF CHURCH. Congregatlonallata In Flourishing Con dition and All Bills Paid. Tho niimial nieetltiK of tho CoiiKre Katlonnl Chuicli wiih hold Thni-Hdny. Tho report for the past ten months worn read and allowed that tho church wiih In a tlourlshliiK condition. There wiih an unusually Inrno attendance. All of tho orKiiulzatloiiH of tho chyrch and Sunday School wore represented, IncludliiK tho llrothorhood, ladles' Aid Society, MIhhIoh Circle, Saturday Cluh. All hills wore reported paid nnd a surpliiH In tho trciiaury. Tho following deacons were elected to nerve for threo years: C. H. Dye, U If. AndroWH nnd Hubert Warner; trustees. L. Adams, MrH. M. M. Char man, elected for threo years. Mrs, Jennie Adamion. Mrs. Jennie Adainson, wife of D. W. Adamson, died nt the family home In Kansas City Addition, after an Illness of several weeks. Mrs. Adamson came to Oregon City about two years ago from Cleneove, Wash. She leaves a husband and daughter, 13 years of ago. The funeral services were conduct ed Tuesday from the house, Hev. S. A Hayworth. pastor of the Baptist church ofllclntliiK. The Interment was In the Mountain View cemetery. REAL ESTATE Ollbert and W. II. Kngle to John W. and Iva Hh"pli"rd, lot I, hlk. 2, Kverhait H Kirs! Addition to Molallu; i:i). J. W. and Ivu I Shepherd lo Utw ri'iico liaiimau, tract of land In Kver harl's llrst Addition to Moliillu; fr.iin. Deiiniorii (inrmler to JoHepin. (jar Meier, 1)2 1-4 ncroM, H"'IIoiih 22 and 23 town ihlp .') hoiiIIi range 2 "ant; $1. llwlglil. Ilalu to Itai lno l K. II., In, lot r, block 14. Kails View Addition to Oregon City: $1. J. M. and (iraee Zook lo 11, II. and Amanda .1. Tucker, south of tract K; i:itMi. Horace I, Hiilh'M to Hay A. (ill berl, lots Hi, 17 and 1H, block !, sec ond Mill) iIK'IhIoii of Oak (irove; Itoland KobliiHoli to Itb hard SIiiiiiih, 20 2-3 acres. Miction II lowtiHhlp 4 iKuith rang" 3 east; '!.Vi0. J. II. and Jennie ilrnce to Hobert (iordou, lols 4 and A, (,'itble Acrew; J0. (ieorgo and Minnie Kmalley lo (ieoige lowery and wlf", 2 acres, hi-c-Hon K, lowiiHhlp '4hoiiI)i, range 2 eUHl; $7r. A. I. and ('. K. Jones to Kinnia liwery, lif, rodH, hcciIoiih H and a, T. 4 H., It. 2 1C; $1. Martha ('. and John Ilrlstow to Al bert 1, ItrlHlow, 20 acres, sec, m, T. 3 H., It. I W.: $IrtO. Nancy II. Kngle to John W, and Iva Shepherd, lot 2, hlk 2, Kverharl'a first iiilillllon to Molnlla; $1U0. John V. and Klla II. Klsley to Al fred Allen, 2V4 acres In Concord; I'JOO Aurora and Northern Marion AURORA. lien Will Is now employed as as sistant at. th" 8. I'. depot, during the absence of Mr. Miller. A. ('. Hcheiirer Is again able to re sume his work In the electric plant Mrs. Sol Miller, moth-r of S. O. Miler, the hardware man, of tnh place Is at present very III, George Kry of Hubbard, was In Au rora Sunday, visiting with relatives. The Woodmen of Ihe World will hold a big now wow here In .lanimrv ie- iiiin lieen nun up ior uiioui ion ni. "men time nrty now nii rn weeks with th" acldeiu to Ms hand hers will bn Initiated Into tii-j my.' H111I occurred some time ago and on ' t-rles of tho order. The few ),. i.,. acioiim of which ho very 'nearly lord 'cut for the occasion to only three dob mrn per neau nun is expected to serve as 1111 Incentive to many who would want to Join. The date sot for the affair Ih the evening of January 13. A largo crowd of Aurora young poo- 11 part of hlH hand. A. I Will tho real Estate dealer, re cently dlsiKwoil of the Juco) Kraft place near Canity, to Itramles, of Portland, who paid 1 1. '1.000 eii-ih for the 135 acres composing tho entire plo went to Canity to attend the dance ranch. ! fit that nlace Inst Saturday nlvht u,i The K. of I'. district eoiiveiilluu In ; as one rig was 011 the way home with Kiilern, drew several of the Aurora : (ioorge Asklns doing the driving, It member there this week, who wont 1 accldently slid over the bank while up last Tucmlay to take 111 the affair. ' near the Molalla bridge and dumped Jean (larrolt wan a 1'orH.iml vislu.rjtho occupants to tho ground, bruising this week. , Asklns Hllghtly hut otherwise doing Mrs. Carpenter went to fialem last , no great amount of darnaee other Saturday on a visit to her many j than frighten the girls. friends at that place. While the Coyote Is a common sight Charlie Hcheiirer left, for Portland ; In somo parts of this state. It Is hv and lllllsboro this week where ho will no moans common here, hut one can visit wmi tils parontH ror some nine 'bo seen In our town ( as Mrs. Hlggen before again returning to this place, j botham, the Aurora central, has one Takes Well Earned Vacation. of these foxey little beasts for a p"t (ioorge Miller, the Southern Pacific It Is as Jamo as the average dnx en. agent at thin place lor the last twenty jcept to men for which It Heenn to years, Iiiih at last been allowed a leave ; have an antlttathv and will not make of absence and will lake for bis vaca- friends very eaally with any of the II... Irl.. "... ... t L. . H .11 ... . . it., 1, a mi? r.uni Wllt-i,; n: will meriier BOX, visit with hlH old boyhood friends Mrs. Sam Wolfer, of Needy, is very nun scii'iuiiiiaii-H wnom ne nai nee.i hi at ner home. QI.A I .. . 1. ...... I . . M,.r,.ii,nl'l UtivlliiH i. Tm.l ! . . . . .. ' n hit 1 i, J . , 7. anseni irom ior me greater part oi ft gets the surp lus worked off. J. K. Short, J. I). Casey and Uither lifetime Mr Miller's famllv fcrcoin- ,. . ... Ward, lots 0 to 13. and S. 4 of Io.h ,.,;, . ,.7 her " ,1! . I . Mr- Frank F(:tiM 18 very " G and 14; all of hlk 3; lots fl to 13 1 v Z I b" home neartockshurg. and 1. not Inclusive and H. lot. 6 and 14 In uollllli T,f Interest. Mr. Miller Ih ...e ' " r." wlthher " 'l Pr''"' blk li: lot 6 to 13 Inclusive and 8. nf l. ld Cermxn e,.lnlt. n.l ,l.,r. . of Iota 6 and 14 In blk 9; litis 1 1 1 i,u .iav au.v i, ,in ui.n it,,.' Reamog and family left this lo 9 Inclusive In blk 10, except lot 8; tmie (l the 0() cony n Min4.i iri 1 w,-?k tor ,ne U" Angeles country, lots 1 to 5 Inclusive In hlk 5; all of H not ,ak(.n a va(,aton j"lir)p ' '''"'re they will make their home In blk 4. Rosh first addition to Sell wood; his entire m.erliwl of Kervlee for ihe the future- company. W. H. Waterbury, of the telephone company, was In Portland this week It Is said by some who are In a on company affairs. Mr. Waterbury 110. Revvlle (.'bin nock to Isabelle Johns ton, lots 1, 2. 3, 4, 29, 30. 31 and 32, blk 1.. Hyde lark; J. oosltlon to know: that the man Tack-l8a" the loon lines now being con- f,....i,i- k' ,1.... , n 1... 1 . ... . ' I -neiuc ituiiiiwi-ni ni-uiiy Axsiicia- . hum lif l.r il leL In a rr.nn,l iiirr.ra nil BtrUCted W take n the llllpv P w.,11 .u r.nwBMi um'l-k, iruf.-m j u, ii, (hlH season gradually drifted over to wilsonviue country. IT fi.tiit. ranbv anil wan there nnlv n uhrirt l- a lliiml a.lnr.A i .-rnnklln T Crlffllh lr,ilr., t.. ... . . . . .. ' --I -,..Hiu ujt.c ui " -v.. "iiinn in nn Tiiitnn 11 m aa nrt n tir-o ltna Hrown, blk 42, Jennings Iytdgo; f()r h,m and lg aKan HPen mnBlng $1. with the good folks of this place. Utule Grazer, Canity's principal car- lunula and Allen Flrown to Mabel II. I'lerce, blk 42, Jennings Lodge: ,.ntP tt.m -, ,.. ,' i... or,.,. vl' """" - ou,., I'hlllp Ogle to J. W. Nosier. 40 trade 1. u 11. 1 A party of tho young people of Au I rriffl In rirrlot tet rlUn'o tho mimnlinv Willamette Falls Company to C. K. ,in,'i t ,. ,...i. Hevens tract No 3 Willamette & Tu- Ln th,ir ow accollnt. PooUng iMt cars of potatoes to Southern markets this week and will continue to un load a few lots each week until he .expected to live. Relatives have been notified and are now on their way to alatln Tracta; $1 25. sr. C. and Frances H. Dans to SI .mi,.. th ronli . .v. ,.' J. McI anlelH. 32.44 acres of sections A. (;. 8(.h(.,lr,.r where Mrs. Scheurer & audi., township a south, range 2 n,,n,rf n, t,, .i ....Ml- Ill.'l "' "" ..', ' ; . ... a" enjoyed by all present. Those O. U and Ilertha Thomas to U A. nnrtininmin,. ! r- "r"nPr,r!.,?,f k 1 AKkl' ""vey. Waited and o ld-Kk 5, t.reeniH)lnt." Oregon City; clarence Scheurer. Georgia Kraus. J1100, Willamette Falls Company to A. J and Cora Hodge, all of tractH No. 24 and 25, Willamette & Tualatin Tracts $5."i, J. 8. Imel and (5. St. II. Jones to Vhurles I). Kirk, part of D. L. C. of where he will be employed at tils ' her side. Cancer of the stomach is the cause of her trouble and Dr. Ded man aided by the best talent of the entire country Is doing all he can to aid her. George Scramlln, of SlackBburg. was a Portland visitor this last week, where he went to take In the ball game. Henry Comber, of Slaeksbure re- was enjoyed by all present. Those cently disposed of a part of bis place 10 air. tiiosKa. consisting of about 15 acres, at the rate of J90 per acre. A Chicago man will purchase another capital and purchasing the necessary SlrB. A. C. Scheurer and Slerle Scheu rer. It might be well to mention that Oeorge Asklns has been slightly un der the weather ever Blnce. A valuable and fine looking cow be-: part that Is Improved., for which ho will pay in the neighborhood of $125 nn acre. Saloon In Receiver's Hands. Tho Reception Saloon .owned and operated by (ins Kllngor. is now In the hands of a receiver, J. A. Hill be ing appointed to that place and nt present has full charge. The Snlom Rrowery and several liquor houses of I'ortland, are Ihe principal creditors, although Homo local men have a few j bills against the place, Nine hundred dollars wll cover tho entire amount of Indebtedness, while the stock In voices at between ,1100 and 11000; so It Is expected that all will he paid. Mrs. Larson, sister of A. Olson, who was the blacksmith here and recent ly sold out to A. C. Smith, of port land, and hor daughter. Bertha, left this week for Eugene, where, they will make their home during tho absence of .Mr. Olson, who will soon leave for Itrltlsh Columbia for the winter. Mr. Olson does not know yet whore ho will locate permanently, and will look around some first. Markets. Aurora prices are as follows: liutter fresh ranch, 2"'c lb. Kggs 40c doz. Cheese best creamery, 22,c lb. Lemons 30c doz. Oranges 30c doz. 1 Ilananas 30c doz. Cabbage lc lb. Honey comb, 12c lb; strained, 25c pint. Beans small white, 8c lb; brown, four pounds for 25c. Bacon country, 15c. Lard bulk, 17c. Hams country, 17c. Hams packing house, 20c. Dressed meats wholesale buying, block hogs, fancy, 9c; ordinary 7c and 8c; veal, fancy, 9c; ordinary, 8c and Chickens old hens, 14 c; springs, 14c; young roosters, 14c, mixed, 11c and 12c. Hay best clover, J13 per ton; loose J9: timothy. $16; cheat $14. Vetch seed 4c. Clover fancy red, 12c. Alslke13c for fancy. Hops best fancy. 22c; prime 20c; and poor to ordinary, 18c. Potatoes retail lc lb; wholesale, fancy, 50 cents cwt; sacks and twine Turnished. Seed, 15c bu; sweets, 3c. Onions fancy, 75c cwt; sets, 3c. 11 ENT SHA Bran 90c sack. Rolled barley $1.35 sack. Chop $1.20. Sugar $0.25 sack. Rice fancy 10c; common, 7c. Flour Salem, $1.40 sack; Wood burn $1.35; Yakima Best, $1.50 sack. Grape root 3c. I Cascara fancy, 4c. Oregon City Enterprise ln good de mand at $1.50. lariii, Tv.m.r ir.u'nchi.. 1 u,ti, ' longing to Sam Sillier was found dead east; 1500 lu'".' uiuihuib. u is unit- Wisconsin Investment Company to posd 10 be the cau8e' George H. Dufur. 280 acres of section A directors' meeting was held at 22. township 2 south, range 7 east; 'he rooms of the Aurora State Bank $1. with a full attendance. The entire Frnnros A. Pearcy to J. N. Pearey, business affairs of the Institution was1 mocks 21, 2X. 30, 32, 34. 38, 44, 47, 48, discussed as well as the policies for r.b. 57. 58, CO, C4. 65 of block "C" and this coming year. All were well sat- '(" Oswego Heights; $1. isfied with the past year's results iu Willamette Falls Company to Peter 'he way of increased business. Drake, Tracts 27. 28. Willamette A County Judge Grant Dlmlck. of Tualatin Trncts; $300. Oregon City, was here to attend the Peter Drake to Joseph Dlnmond. nil meeting of the bank officials ihis i of tracts 27. 28. Willamette & Tu- Miss Arietta Kraus, who Is now i oiaun iracis; ;.,(!. engaged as teacher In the Salem George I. Partoh to Allctor Johnson schools, was In Aurora this week, and R. E. Jurl. 20 acres of section 5, where she visited with her relatives township 2 south, range 4 east; $1000. week. W. H. and E. E. Wilson to Sarah rjonald Man stri.r. aih... Honney. 40 acres of section 30. nfl It?.'" 8?,7 '"V . X'7utV KoI.VrV TV tmr horkn"an on 'a pile" dr. e?" on the i .Pl25f:r ilTl Woodburn branch of the Oregon Elec- towns., ,, s sn,h r'f roau was severely Injured Sat urday, by a timber striking 1.1m on Alvln Jones, Formerly of Jennings. Alvln Jones died Sunday night In Portland at the Good Samaritan ltos pltal, following an attack of typhoid fever, and his wife Ih iu a precarious condition with the name disease. Mr. Jones was formerly superintendent of Judge Ilronough's place nt Jen nings Uulgo and took the initiatory dogteo In Oregon Unlge, No. 3, Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows, about six weeks ago. Foot Ball Game Next Sunday Manager Robert Kruger has nrrang ed a football game for next Sunday afternoon on (he Ciineiiiiili park Field, between the Oregon City team and the houth I'ortland nggregatlon. The H eal men played the Robinson Cloth lug Company team last Sunday to n standstill, winning by a score of 17 to 0. The Oregon City high school team will go to (SroKham next Satur day afternoon and play the Gresham nigh school. Mr. and Mrs, Buckner Remarried. The marriage of Herry lluckner and Mt'H. Abigail lluckner took plncc Mon day in this city, tho ceremony being performed by Justice of the Peace Samson at Mh residence. Mr. nnd Mrs. lluckner wore divorced on April 23 Inst. They reside near Heaver Crook, What Would You Do? In case of a burn or scald wlmt would you do to relievo tho pain? Such Injuries are liable to occur in any family nnd everyone should he pre pared for them. Chamberlain's Salvo applied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain nlmost Instantly, nnd unless tho Injury is a very severe one, will cause the parts to heal without leavlnir a scar. For salo by Hunt ley Bros. Co. ll.n. T rtn . .. ll V. n T. . , 1 I .,., i lu. in rnweoe o. liriuon- haaA ui , sllne llf.l nerno nt .rl., ie nt " "l"u- '""""'"S ""u uiiithiikciuus. , ""fn ' 1 5 :?' The wounded man was taken to a u m,., ,..M- i. rHSl , 91. I hOSllltnt In Snlptn vhflra lio tL.n.j ,'iroil D. N. and Phoebe S. Brldenstlne ' v i. .; Z Ct. " ..i V. II a T 1 T..U- r-tm - . iw.. ..u irwiifl Ul 1113 1TUI1U 1 11U11 Thonms iZ n ' liable, but he Is expected to ' ... " v' ivoovpr. v in in in iv niui iiiuin A. 1'ruu Immni tt 1a1 V Tii i rlhnm a 1.1. ;.,... '. iV "'" Church Notice. n.'. uiatiNttiiir: uu. Tkn n t-i . , , ., P..tnr .T nvimlno n.l Tina nvnnimr .lur wm noui reR. " r . tin, Miii- nronnh I n rr ni-vi n f I ... 1-ncrofl of Boction 1. township A"Lt"u.; "... T..v v.. HSUftl hniir in tho oflornnnn Mm i r ti.,,i,.rt j -vii.. t "wu. ir.l..A s k .. i rti... xiviiKv iu km. jt ami amy unnncr, i f,,n .n i x. . southwest quarter of northeast quar- j" n Pon whuw inTJi . iriVPd nf tho Voit. li.mro Untl Kn. mi-k'"u mm v iwi company io Thn ha.t n m u . w i-rin ri'iiinri v, Bfcumi iu, lowiisiiip 2 bouui, ranpo 1 east; JU - $ $ $ $ $ i$s $ J A GENTLE HINT As you sell your hops, grain or other produce place your money in a reliable BANK. Pay each bill or account by CHECK and avoid the danger of carrying large sums of MONET Put your spare cash to work night and day. We pay 4 Per Cent Interest on time deposits. "When remitting do so by our' bank DRAFTS For any accommodation call on the AURORA STATE BANK AURORA, OREGON eO4e4444e444444444e ! THIRTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE enables me to buy the best Millinery at lowest prices. All late styles and patterns. You get the benefit when you patronize X t MRS. ROSE GIESY AURORA, OREGON I Serreptla E. Downing and John R. ter of section 10. townshin S south. Downing to William Crawford, 15 range 3 east: $1. acres of section 28. township 1 south. Emll and Hilda S. Peterson to Hilda range 3 east; $1500. S. Peterson, west half of northwest t. . at. Leonard and Edna Leonard to quarter of section 10, township 5 rmiiKiiii jayior, ioi n, rinovon; ;hio. souin, range 3 east; $1. Franklin nnil T nnrn Tnvlor In C l I P.nmno T .,.ll r. it ri . . ........ .w ....,. li nrii tu v. XI. .irinrill Leonard, lot 13, Flnnvon; $500. lots 1 and 2 of block 9. Hvde Park: Glen A. DeGroff to A. P. Casey and $300. O. Henry Brown, northwest quarter of Burton H. Jones and Angle Jones section zn. township 1 south, range to Ernest E. Litscher, lots 15 and 10 2 east ; $a0. of block 33, Oregon Iron & Steel Cotn- Hort Jf. and Marion Denlson to Fred P'y s Addition; $100. Prudhomme. block 1 JO. Gladstone; $1. C. E. and Bessie M. Gorbett to J. D. N. nrldenstlne ami Phmii.n s - Sullivan, 40 acres of northeast Brldenstino to Eddie A. Strunk. 24 25 qliarter' sec"n 3"5. township 4 south noroa f ti,.oo n i r v.. ei. range 3 east; $750. . iiuiiii.n w ' t'. ... ii. . $10. s- an' Elsie B. Gorbett to C. E. i r-ii.. . it i ... irneu. u acres in ciacKamas conn- ... ... nuu cii.ii . lu'um iu j, ty- $1',50 , . ' . .: ., - Thomas F. and Mary A. Watts to ..... .... , -... EmUy Couslns 10 arres of secti()n g Aiiurew -. Kointioier to Aigunt and township 2 south, range 3 east; $2000. tuiiua uisKowsKv. 40 acres or section George W. I-nmrhlin nn,i Alice .u. lownsnip j goutti, range 2 east; Ijiughlin to Charles Hardwlck, land lr'00' In Oregon Cltv: $150. ' John P. nnd Murv K. Irvln to F. D. Charlotte C. Lnmnr et al.. to Julia Hopkins. 1.25 ncres of section 35. A. L. Cnsto, tract of land in Clacka- township 3 south, range 4 east; $1040. mas County; $1. R. J. nnd Jane Moore to Trustees M- blstine et nl.. to J. B. Gross of the Church of Christ of Molalla, land in Cllicknmas County; $1. J. T. and Ada F. Alexander to W. S. Gritlln, lots 6 and 7 of block 20. Wind sor; $10. . Emll and Hilda Peterson to Emll Peterson, west half of northwest quar- lots 4 and 5 of Multnomah acres: $2000. M. Valdstlno et nl., to Ira' C. Glad- east. R. F. and Lizzie Snyder to C. D. and D. C. Latourette, lot 4 of block 14S, Oregon City; $000. G. A. nnd Lizzie Simpklns to Ole J. Hogue, lot 12, block 1, Barlow, $1, 225. Katherlne and Frederick Riem to Mount Hood Land Company. 40 acres of section 29, T2S, R5E; $1. John Henry Miller to Lambert Whit ney Company, S7.09 acres of D. L. C. of A. B. Holcomb and wife, T2S, R2E; $10. J. W. and Eliza Roots to J. W. Slone IH acres of section 5, T2S, R4E; $50. Leander M. and Pansy Felts to Frank Amato and C.lvanni Dindia. 38 acres of D. U C. of Joseph C. Geer and wire, T3S, R 1W; $100. Charles E. and Lydia F. Bnrsh to J. S. McRoss, lots 3, 4, 5. block 27, Ore gon Iron & Steel Company's First Ad dition to Oswego; $700. Ernest L. Sturges et al., to Clacka mas Abstract Company, 9S.9S acres of section 16. T3S, R3E: $10. Earl and Beate Ogllbee to C. H. Sholes. all of southwest quarter of soui'neast quarter of section 35, T1S R2E; $1. Thomas Johnson to Rosa Shepherd. 5 acres of tract of land in J. D. Mil- ieuer, tracts z ana 3, 13 of Multnomah ' ler D. L. C, T2S. R1E; $750. Acres; j.ioUO. Almon J. nnd -Edith nnrlimr tn w William R. Stokes to E. S. Wilcox. W. Sellers lot Morrow p.i Tmt- N. E. 1-4 of S. E. 1-4 sec 30 two. 3 , J2200. S. R. East; Mairirlo A nml T T Tnhnsnn in Frank Lanorsand to E. A. Holbrook: I Bin and Sneros Pnnaa w 17 1 10 me ui c3. . j-i vi sec .m iwp, JUST RECEIVED FRESH SUPPLY OF Fresh Ftoit AT VERY LOWEST PRICES Ii. J. Bigger & Sons Seventh Street Graces. Successors to A. Robertson. 2 S. R, 5 east; $1 Paul and Helen McKinney to Kate Spulak, 77 acres near Canby; $550. ram and Helen McKinney to Har riot Spulak, 77 acres near Cnnby; $350 E. .M. Miller et al., to R. E. Pet- terson, all of lots 7 and 8, block 1411 Oregon City; $1075. C. Schuobel and wife to George Red- daway; lots 8, block 141, Oregon City; $025. L. E. Bentloy et ux., to Georgo M. Headley, lot 8, block 97, Oak Grove: $175. , U. S. Government to James Rastall, Patent to S. W. 1-4 of the S. E. 1-4 of lots 3 and 4 of section 2G and the N. E. 1-4 of section 35 twp 5 S. R. 2 Urn 20. 21, 22, 23. 24. 25, 26, lot "A" of block 75; also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9. 30, 31. 32, 33, 34. 35. 36, 37, 38 and east half of lots 10 and 29, all ln block 76; also lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36. 37, 38 and east half of lots 10 and 29, block 81. Minthorn Addition to Port land; $2250. William Hall to Robert Louden. 160 acres of section 14, township 6 south, range 4 east; $10. Thomas Foi and Katherine Fox et al., to Anton and Gertrude Neilson, 13.75 acres of sections 15, 16, town ship 2 south, range 1 east; $13.75. Ferna Yoder to William Bond, 28 acres of section 7, township 5 south, range 1 east; $1400. Mrs. T. E. Herrell and C. F. Her- rel to Adolph and Clarah E. Hugel, 80 acres of section 15. township 5 south, range 1 east; $1400. W. A. and M. A. Shaw to A. F. Russell, tract of land in First Addi tion to Jennings Lodge; $90. .1. D. and Clara Pike to Michael Cantwell, 3 acres of section 8, town shlp2 south, range 2 east; also 3 1-4 acres of section 8, township 2 south, range 2 east; $2600. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT & TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. Abstracts of Title Made. Office over Bank of Oregon City. JOHN F. CLARK. Mgr. ox TKiAii roic OM3 YEAR Sara Small Dealers Profits and Commissions Buy from Heuduuartera nn?eoL-Ti L'7!l!lJ'tjr T;;:rr.Mi"lc i n.iTr. Wt SLLL NEARLY EVERY WORTHY MAKE TERMS CASH. OR $.",.00 DOWN AM) $.-,.00 PEK MONTH .. - uu iua etui J.ri nuu PIANOS HON 1128 TO $1800 money if Piano is not alirinliitidv imt.iHfartnrv VlftTPVluVITlI..nnn tf rf EILERS PIANO HOUSE 100lSSl 35JWlSHI0T0Sr.,r0!TUII! largest, Most Liberal and Most Responsible Dealers ln Chickering, Kimball, tester, Hazelton and other Pianos