Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1909)
OliEOOX CITY KNTKKMMMSK. FRIDAY, NOVKMIIKU 111, WW. qui fcottU of GENUINE' CYRUS NOBLE direct to you harr paid to the imir r&Unwd &pm ffcs i i . rv ic in the North cL tl (rem the bei known, ttricily wholesale house in (he NorthcL established in Portland m 14 4 wro GENUINE O RUS NOBLE $4.90 A pure old honcsl whiskey bottled by the distiller. Guaranteed to the I'nited Stales Government, and to you. to contain notrunf excepting pure straieht whiskey. Many ol the railroads use tyrus iooie ainxm cmimni) So do the bif steamship companies. So does nearly even' buj metropolitan hotel Because it's pure. U . ..i Because il has that aolu delicate, palatable Savor ol the ripened train, often menuoacd but rarely found. Ci 0i Ik EjtihUeJ W. J. VAN SCHUYVER & CO. 1864 105-107 Second Street Portia. rtlind. Otrm BARTON. Pot mo harvest Hourly over mill I ho people on tho hills Just North of Bar ton have shipped many carloads tit ti cents por hundred. M. Johnson, wifo nn.1 family, wore visiting nt Barton Sunday. Mr. Wartlold, who Just nrrtved from Wasco County, with a carload of his goods, had only noon hero n day or so, when ho learned that ono of his children had typhoid fovor. llo wont back and" will ho gone for somo time dance on tho iiIkIii before Thunksglv Ins. Suppor will ho sorvod In tlio hnlol. thoro will be uood mnslo, mid H lino lime Is anticipated. People Wilting In Wllsonvlllo aro having a dreadful tlmo llndlng a place to llvo. Why tl'os not somo ono build somo cottages or Hals to rout? Tho lufiint child of Mr. and Mrs. Norrls Young dlod In Port land on Tuosday morning Xovonthor 11, and was brought to tho llood View come tory for intonnoni on Wodnosday afternoon. Mrs. Voss dlod on Friday evening, Mr. Tnrnor, who movod on tho Goo. Brown farm Is getting sottlod anil will i Xovomhor B. Hi hor son's homo near show von a good crop noxt season. I Shorwood. Tho funeral was hold from Tho now sioro at Barton Is being rapidly built. H. Ward has sold out, and would Hko to ntontlon to somo frlonds that ho realised $ii.000 out of tho 110 aoros that thoy woro ploasod to call tho "rockpllo". and also tho man tlsit got tho last chunk will doublo his monoy as rapidly as Ward. CUT T TM1 LlC aMO TO-oalf W. J. Van Schuynr A Co, rika 0r- EacWd cW and 4.90 loe ti please sod GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. fm, , . : at met by atnav prepsj. four quart! . NEWS OF THE COUNTY BAKER'S BRIDGE. We are having a spell of genuine Oregon weather that ought to start the moss and webs to growing. This Is the webfoot country xtt a surety. This will continue now with a few Intermissions perhaps till about the 5th of July. Farmers never feel safe to cut their hay until after the 4th of July. Arthur Cliff has returned from work In Oregon City and Is improving his place . He lately bought 3 acres lying between himself and the county road and now has a fine little home. With the bungalow forthcoming and a cook to take charge of same Cliff would be possessed of an ideal coun try home. Sheridan Lillie, who was recently burned out, has the sympathy of everybody. He is a great worker and will soon regain his loss, though It was certainly a great blow. J. L. Mumpower, our real estate shark is still at the old stand, but whether he has sold andthing lately I am not advised. T. D. Crader has charge of the hogs being fattened by W. P. Kirchem on creamery buttermilk and shorts. Mr. Crader will do his part of the work faithfully and well but it remains to be seen whether it will be profitable or not. Paying 15 cents per hundred for butter milk and present prices prices for mill feed must bring the value of the finisfied product down to a close margin. W. P. Kirchem, president and man ager of the Clear Creek Creamery Company deserves the good will of each and every patron, for he has cer tainly served the company faithfully and well and is now paying more for buttermilk than was ever paid before. He looks after every little detail of the business and has been the main spoke in the wheel since its Inception. He is the right man in the right place and the patrons should keep him there. A. R. Smith is Improving his tract and is getting ready to "plant" some goats on the place. He thinks the goats can grub easier than he can. JIany of us are wondering what the county court is going to do for us on the River road. It is a numbfr of years now since the people along the road and the business men of Oregon City subscribed $500 an the county expended a like amount on this road. Since that time no attention to speak of has been given the road and it plainly shows neglect. Much if not most of the work done on it has been an Injury instead of a benefit. This is one of the leading roads in the coun ty and it is to the interest of Oregon City to see that it is not nf-glected. Were this road leading to Portland it would be different. The water power plant seen.s to be' taking a rest for the present. Nothing could be done now till another season rolls around, ou account of high water. Miss Mathews is acting as principal of our school. She hails from Rose burg and this Is her third year here, her work has given general satisfac tion. Miss Jones, her assistant, is from Estacada, and the patrons are well pleased with her work so far as heard from. We have a school of ten grades and second to none so for as we go. Salmon are almost a thing of the past, and when these new power plants are put in what are we going to do for a mesa of fish? The writer can remember well when the Clackamas was Jlterally alive with fish and when salmon were spawning on all the rapids at this sea son of the year. The legislature creates some kind of a farce every legislative year to no effect. Last election the people them selves took a hand in the matter and still Mr. Salmon disappears. He is much like the Indian and can't stand the Invasion of civiliiation. It Is much the same with the game and the native pheasant is rarely seen. Last winter was so severe that the Mon golian pheasant and quails were almost exterminated. It Is a rare thing to see a cjnail In this vicinity although last fall there was quite a number. Rumor has it that Tom Watts may soon bring out a cook. We hope It Is true, for batching and farming don't go together successfully. We know for we've tried It. This reminds me that Almon Mc Murrayand Jennie Shepard were mar ried not long since. Almon gave the boys a dancing party in honor of the event and all unite in saying that he and his wife treated them right royal ly. Each and all unite in wishing them much happiness through their married lives. MEADOW BROOK. Grandma Marts is slowly Improv ing from hor Illness. Kobort Morris Is building a sawmill tor Mr. Schaffor. When completed It will bo tho larcost mill In town, and is to bo equipped with 115 H. P. en gine, llvo rolls, steam feed, back-action safety valves and high power com pressed hot air conveyor. Bert Perry and family made a bus iness trip to Candy Monday, returning tho same day. George Holoson has recovered suf ficiently from his fall to resume work In the timber again. There was quite a run made on the Molalla hank last week, but tho Insti tution was equal to the omorgency. We know winter Is hero from the fact that hotel De Perry has laid In a supply of fuel. Guy Schafor was seen coming In from an all-slay hunt with a smile on his face that reminded us of a poor man's lease extending from year to year. Guy said he had bagged a iarge bob cat. We first thought Guy was Joking, but he produced the hide which was ample proof. O. T. Kay and K. R. Cooper have their gasoline engine rigged out for sawing wood. Mr. Kay expert to saw enough wood to keep his wife warm all winter, splitting It. . Our school term was half out Fri day. Miss Chind Gren bids fair to make one of Clackamas Comity's most successful teachers. The Success Literary and Debating Society meets the last Friday in each month at the Meadowhrook high school building, with Miss Hazel Lar klns as president. They have a very Interesting programme for Thanksgiv ing. Farm work has been suspended In some places for a few days. tho late residence at II o clock Sun day morning at tho house, tho Itov. Kldridgo of Shorwood. olllolatlng, and InlormOut was tu.ido In tho Hood Vlow cemetery, Tho M. II. A. liOdgo mooting on Saturday etonltii; last, savored of more than ordinary lu(oivl. as nt the close of the lodge mooting, Mr. I'hn. Wagner In a neat little speech, presented Mr. and Mrs. Ilassollitlnk with some eloKaut solid silverware, as a wedding gift from the lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Ilusselbrink responded, thanking the uioinbers for tho honors conferred upon them In giving them a banquet and a lioautlt'ul gift. Eplor, who has lived near Wllsonvlllo for a good many yoins, Is located at the soldlois' homo at Kosoburg, and has written mends hero of his appreciation of tho courte sy and kindness cMondo! to Mil. by tiio management of tho homo. A Ion to tuts boon ill for somo tlnto and aj ho torved several years In tho navy t Manila and elsewhere he lv entitled to the generous protection given to the defenders of our American na tion. Wllsonvlllo has again had occasion to haw pride In tho village bank, for burglars in trying to open the safe of Thornton A Son, ou tho evening or November 4. were unable to penetrate the solid walls of manganese steel, and wore compelled to give up In de spair. This is the second attack made upon the local bank within six mounts Two suspicious characters wore seen prowling about town on tho afternoon of the 4th. but no attention was paid to the matter until after the bank rob bery had occurred. Papers were scat tered about and some boxes opened, but nothing of value was obtained by the criminals. The bank officials are wide-awake citizens and It Is thought the robbers will be apprehended. FOR COUGHS KING OF CURES THE WONDER WORKER FOR GOLDS FOR 1 I AND THROAT PR. (IMG'S LUHCS W fi ajVa --- ktj'aWj .i 'mar FOR COUGHS AND COLDS PREVENTS PNEUMONIA I had the most debilitating cough a mortal waa ever nffllctcd with, nd my frlendi expected that when I left my bed It would surely be for my grave. Our doctor pronounced my cane Incurable, but thanks be to God, four bottles of Dr. KIuk's New Discovery cured me so completely that I ra all sound und well. MRS. EVA UNCAP1IER, Grovertown, Ind. Price 60c ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED! and $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY JONES DRUG CO. MOLALLA. COLTON. MULINO. This part of the county is having an excess of moisture, and the Mull noltes would be glad to see the sun shine again. Mr. Wallace is confined to the house with symptoms of typhoid fever. Dr. Dedman, of Canby, is in attend ance. Mrs. Elva Daniels is able to be out again. They expect to move to Eagle Cliff in a few days. Fred Churchill's Job of hauling prunes for Clarke Bros, came to a sudden stop as the rain made the roads too muddy t houl over. Mrs. G. W. Smith's brother and fam ily from the East, are spending a few day3 with her at this place. Miss Inez Snodgrass was attending the institute at Oregon City last week. Archie Davis returned to school at E.itacada last Saturday after spend ing the week with his narents at M't lino. C.'Ashby and wife, of Marion Coun tv. have moved to the farm of Grant Oshby. The lecture at the church Thnis day night was well attended despite, the rain which came down in the reg ular old Oregon style. Bob Snodgrass has a crew of rren runnine shingle bolts down Milk creek. Mr. Carlson made a business trip to Portland Saturday. Fred Wallace sold a cow to the Canby butcher last week. Still more rain. People are wishing for a spell of nice weather again. Mrs. Leeson, who had been a suf fere for quite a number of years, was released by death last week, and was buried at her mountain home, as was her wish. Mr. Swanson and family moved to the Hull's saw mill last week, where he will work this winter. Will James was at Liberal on busi ness Friday and returned Saturday. J. Putz butchered a beef tor A. An derson last Monday. Mr. Phillips moved Philip Putz woodsaw to his place at El wood Mon day. Quite a number of young folks gath ered at Mr. F. Wilson's home at hl- wood Saturday night and spent a much enjoyed time. Some much needed road work is beinir done at Colton. Mr Danlelson broucht a load or store goods from Canby Saturday. A report was made that J. J. Jones purchased Mr. Phillip's forty acres of land at Colton. Miss Hattle Countryman and .vir. Monte Beek w-ere visitors at school Monday. Mr. Snodgrass, of Meadow-brook, was un driving shingle bolts with quite a number of men last week. WILSONVILLE. STAFFORD. Mrs. Jake Peters spent several days In Portland last week, returning home Friday evening. Mr3. Stlnebaugh has moved to the farm purchased by her brother near Oregon City. Eva Baker has returned to Port land, where she will spend the win ter. Norman Say and son. Harold, wont to Portland and Oregon City on Fri day. Mr. Cone, of Donald, has opened a butcher shop at Wllsonvllle, at the ol stand. The infant child of Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Epler, has been very III for some time. The Ladies' Aid Society met with Mrs. Norman Say on Thursday after noon Stafford enjoyed passable weather on Friday after the previous day of rain, and ladles Improved the time In making long defered calls. On Saturday tho day was Ideal, warm and balmy. Knitted all night, but pleas ant again Sunday, then settled right down to business; but the weather man says we lack alxnit four Inches of our normal amount of water so we are content. The Schatz girls and their brother and his wife came out from Portland Saturday to visit their brother Jake, recently returned home from Denver, where he was taken sick, nnd has been confined to his bed for the past two weeks under a physician's care. Ou Sunday he was up and lay on the lounge, but was not as well on Mon day. tins Gobhart. who Is building a kit chen for Claus Peters, In coming home after dark one evening last oil; he stumbled and fell, hitting his sld-, which became very sore next da and he thought a rib might be broken. Mr. Gage in returning to the house one day last week, stepped upon the wet approach to the barn and f"ll off to the ground, striking his head with full force, and In some way wrenc.ilng his knee, but It Is so he gets about on It. Then- has been quite a number of converts nt the protracted mooting held in the Baptist church, mostly children under fifteen years of age who are to bo baptized at the chmrh at 2 P. M. Sunday, next. Mr. Nussbaum was pleasantly sur prised by the arrival of a hr.nlior one day last week. The Misses Weddle and limbic ito mourning the mm arrival of suits ! -laved by the cave-In of the Shastu tunnel. There will be services In - school house next Sunday afternxm and evening. .Mrs. Nusbaum and her mo'tie.- -vent , to Sherwood Saturday to vllt rela tives, returning Sunday. Mrs. Powell went to Oregon Cl'.y Saturday. The telephones nre out of order again. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Kruet were go-li-g to Portland Saturday. Mrs. Mays moved to 'lie Will Up land house last Monday. We hoar no more complaint about plowing up dry ground, lately. In fact thoro has boon very Utile In that Hue done this mouth. The small streams begun running six days earlier than the uvorago time this fall. Very little fall seeding has boon done In this locality. Potatoes have boon dug, mi fur as we know, with tho exception of the farmer that does his planting and digging In February, It Is reported that soinii farmer re siding a few miles westward suspect ed grain disappearing front his grain cry. so a padlock was put ou the door, which did not stop the tbotf, as he undone thf bingo and helped himself again,. The proprietor w arn storm on the watch, however, und called halt, the order not being obeyed, the old shot gun spoke out In the stillness of the night. Tho next day much tracking was done by the blood split, and It Is hoped that ho got home to loll the story. Fred Watts has a couple of sick horses, which seem to be afflicted with a peculiar disease. Blacksmith Johnson, of Barlow was visiting here last Saturday. A. W. Itussoll Is ilolng quite a busi ness w ith his now Iron w orking hit ho. Miss Myrtle has regained her health and starts to school at Molalla Uils Monday. I". II H. Thomas came out from Portland last Friday, returning tho tlrst of this week Miss Lira Judd Is attending school bore this year. Kliner Saw-tell nnother Teiizi-1 ('rvek student Is taking advantage of! tho Molalla High School. j Ira Stelnger hns his wood sawing i out 11 1 In good working order und Is' doing the cut off act between showers Several of the .Molallnltos went to Liberal Saturday nlKht to alt end a dance for exorcise and a social time generally. ('. W. Herman Is having the lathe work of his homo-made water wheel done hero at Uussoll's. Dr. Patvell, Gilbert & Co. huvo en larged their mercantile houses to doublo rapacity. The uncalled Church of Christ has hud a split up before the completion of tho building, owing to a faction undertaking to lay down rules for the Interpretation of the New Testament scriptures. There Is considerable sickness abroad In the laud, mostly colds, which will wear off with this ralu SHUBEL. Will Hetttnnti was married to a young lady from Hubord last Moudny Wo wish thotn a successful wedded life. Herman Moohnko nnd family wore In Oregon City Saturday. Mrs. Hosa Wenger. of Salem, has returned home after visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. llortiHcburh few days during the past week. John Heft has been In Oregon City during the week on the grand Jury. Grain Is about nil sown MOUNTAIN ROAD. The It 1 1 1 1 1 1 at nottxou U drawing to a close nnd there nre very few that killed nvo birds nny day during the season Bon Hearst ami wife, of Portland, nre npendlnit the week with J II P.lncll nnd family. Fred linker, of Wllninolte. spent Wednesday with his sister. Mis. UmU Koellornicler The illitrlet Is having some work done on the school grounds this week, ns there Is no school A. J. I lodge fas an Oregon City vis itor on Wednesday. Horace Allen spent Sunday after noon at tlio ll'xlgo homo, visiting frlonds. Conrad and John Zimmerman woro tho guests of Ora Elsie Sunday. Miss Eva Hunter, our school teach er, attended tho teachers' Institute nt Oregon City this wo k. Carl Elsie spent the evening. Thunt. day, with the young folks nt Hodge's, playing rants, Mrs E S Kruo, of Frog Pond, sM'tit Friday afternoon with hor sis ter of this place. a Mrs Zimmerman Is spending a roil pie of days with her sister. Mrs. J. M. Turner, of Willamette Mr. Mamitmen and son. Otto, were In Canby Friday and Saturday, lisik t ii at for a place to rent ns they ex lied to move by the tlrst of next Misses Hanunh nnd Julia Masslnger of Seattle, nre visiting their parents hero a few days. Bob and Johnnie Moehnke are build JOHN W. THOMAS, DENTIST Molalla Mondays. Dave Moehnke bus moved his chop per and engine to Chnrles Moohnko' mouth place nnd Is chopping there for a few M,H1( mi,,, Kaiser Is spending a 'lays. . ,i. . .i,i, i.,,r ,,i.i ,-iiutii. Miss Eva Slur. levant nt Molalla. Mr. nnd Mrs John Kaiser Saturday evening with Mrs. I,,M .1' -. x Ing n long Inue across their cleared land. I John Moehnke and Miss Emms ! sick Hesdschs. Bluhm. of Mnptn 1-niio, wore married last Wednesday. Hero's success to them and may their only troubles bo "little ones" IJ..I..... llltl.. nt lM.t.l Ihrt l.tntl. era- Institute nt Oregon City .luring : TM.M-. tMmtrvo l UuM- the past week. spent Kelu- This distressing disease results from n disordered condition of the stomach, nnd can bo cured by li.Mng Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver ley Bros. Co 's drug store and try It. 44 The Light of the Hour ELECTRIC LIGHT 11 Lived 152 Years. Win. Parr England's oldest ma t married the third time at 120, work ed In the fields till 132 and lived 20 years longer. People should be youth ful at 80. James Wright, of Spur lock, Ky., show s how to remain young "I feel just like a 16-year-old boy," h writes, "after taking six bottles of Electric Bitters. For thirty years Kidney trouble made life a burden, but the first bottle of this wonderful medicine convinced me I had found the greatest cure on earth." They're a godsend to weak, sickly, rundown or old people. Try them. 50c at Jones Drug Co. CLARKES. Henry Schwartz is building a $::000 jH' Kriln Mrs. Sam Elmer Is on the sick list. W. H. Wettlaufer came out from Tltnebr Grove last Monday to get Mr. Botternlller's fanning mill to fan WAGONS BUGGIES AUTOMOBILES Cost no more than others Don't buy until you investigate Let us send you our catalogue Ask us about the 1910 automobiles You won't regret it. Automobile Salesroom Wagons & Buggies Chapman S Aider Streets PORTLAND 330 East Morrison Street PORTLAND residence on his lot near the electric car line. Contractor Chulupsky has the contract, which fact assures Mr. Schwartz a beautiful and convenient home. Mrs. Clyde Baker Is quite ill at the residence of Mrs. Allison Baker. Dr. Ireland, recently from Boston, has located in Wllsonvllle, and this Is good news, as our little village has long been In need of a physician. The doctor is an alert, reliable gentle man, and it Is now up to the people of Wllsonvllle to patronize our own home doctor, when In need of treat ment, or pay the mileage of physicians coming from a distance. Farmers near our village who have had business dealing with the Oregon City Commission Co., speak highly of the splendid and elliclent manage ment of the concern. Mr. Smith bad a narrow escape from serious injury on Tuesday morn ing, November 2, when the tongue of his wagon broke, the horses taking fright, running away and iiimettinj.' the wagon on the hill In front .of Charles Epler's residence. Mr. Smith saved himself by Jumping out; the wagon turned over several times on the steep descent, and was mashed to splinters, but Mr. Smith was un injured. The M. B. A. Lodge will give a Jake Hchlowe came back from East ern Oregon. He got all he wants or that place. Mrs. Fred Scherruble went to Purl land to slay and Alex Scherruble took a load of apples and some other things to Portland Monday. John Marshall came back from Eastern Oregon; again he made a short vlnit. Mr. S. KlelnBinlth came home from a month's visit with relatives. Mr. Ilotlemlller Is hauling cedar posts for a new fence. Mr. Barrett, from Portland, brought out two cows and put them In his pas ture at Highland. Il'-n Marshall was In town last Wednesday. Elder J. Hepp was out from M II wauklo last Sunday and preached In the morning. MACK8BURG. A Reliable Remedy CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm It quick lr absorbed. 0ie Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects the diseased mem brane resulting from Catarrh and drives away aC'old in the Head quickly. Jtnstores the Senses of Taste and Smell. Full si.s CO eta. at Druggists or by mail. Liquid Cream Balm for use In atomizers V c-ts, Ely Brothers, 66 Warren Street, New York. Mrs. Seward has moved Into George Kalb's house. Joe Gibson has been papering bis house the past week. Miss Margaret Zenscr left for Mt. Angel College last Friday. Cal Wolfer Is clerking In Scram lln's store. .yIIhs Nunda Wolfer, who has had charge of the glove and lace depart ment In Scramlln's store, has gone to Portland. It is MODERN. It is CLEAN, there fore a LABOR and MONEY SAVER. It is SAFE. It it CONVENIENT; a light WHERE YOU WANT IT. When you want itJUST PRESS THE BUT TON. It is SANITARY; does NOT in crease the temperature of a room or VITIATE the air. EXPENSE includes only the cost of electricity. Standard lamps renewed FREE. CALL UP THE CONTRACT DEPARTMENT A Methodist Minister Recommends Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy for several years for diarrhoea. I con sider it. the best remedy I have ever tried for that trouble. I bought a bottle of It a few days ago from our druggist, Mr. R- R- Brooks. I shall ever be glad to speak a word In Its praise when I have the opportunity." Rev. J. I). Knapp, Pastor M. K. Church, Miles Grove, Pa. Sold by Huntley Bros. Co. Portland Railway Light & Power Company aBVaaahaaM PIRST AND ALDER