Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 29, 1909, Image 7

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    a Lsttar Lilt.
I.IkI (if lllll'llllllll'll ll'tll'IN III I lid ( It'll-
Him I 'll y rimiiilll.ii fur tho week end
ing drliilii'l' 2!l.
Wuiiiiiii'm lint 1 lull M in 1, llnll.i;
Cinlii, i: 1 1 1 1 1 1 it : (lllhort, Nurii; (llllii'rt,
Mm. CiiiiiIIiih; Hoggiul, Mix. Ktiiinii;
I'rlro, Khhii ('); KiiiHIi, Mrs, .IiiiiIo;
Tiirliulln", Mid.
Mi'H'm IIhI - AiiiIi'Ikiiii, Ilium; Cmly,
Arthur; 1 hi 1 1 lit p, Frank; llllilm, Mar
li'li, .lugoo, Chlul; (iljur, I.hmvviu;
Noil nil. I''. A CHI I'lilhor, I'Iiiu'Ihh;
I'linli'i'. Mr; I'oilul, M ut li ; I'nliino,
Tlili'llli'il, Ailnir; VIM Murtin ; Win
loin, .lin k; Wllllitnii. .1. (I.
Will Known Nolo I Keeper Uees and
Hecommenda Chamberlain!
Colic, Cholera ttnd Dlsr
, , rhoea Remedy,
"I inltii pleasure In n y I ii n (lint I
Imvii ii-it Chiiiiilierliilu'H t'lillc. C'licil
i'tu iiihI Diarrhoea llitiiimly In my fam
ily tiH'illiliiii rlu'Ht fur it I it nit llfliK'ti
yi'iini, iiihI lutvo nlwny IiihI miltifno
my li-niiltit from Its two. I luivti lid
luililnti'li'il It to It grout inilliy lllivi-l-I
ll K ll W'f" Hilffi'l'lliK from trou
bles fur which It In ri'i'iiiiimi'inli'il, mill
Imvn never fulb'd to relievo thorn,"
nayii J ('. Jenkins, of (iluni'ow, Ky.
This remedy Ik fur tuilo liy lluiitloy
linn Co.
Executrix'! Nolle.
N'nllrii In hereby given tlmt tli tin-
itmnlHllril llllH ll I appointed OUK'II-
tilt of tlin luit will mill ti'Htiiiiii'iit i'f
peter ll-ld, ili'i'i'iiiti il; nil person hav
ing duliim UKiillinl said I'Htlito urn
hereby iiollflml to pron.'lit th" mime
wlili iri-r voucher, iluly ynrlflnil
nrronlliiK to law, at llnMitlloo of linn.
('. Ilnittiu'll, ut (iri'Kon City, Oregon,
within nil nuilitlm of tlm lui of tin)
litlttll.iiiloli nf tliln iintli'ii.
I n(il (li'tolmr K.ili, l!ii!.
ANNA lir.l.l).
l.Ulll of lln hint Will Will Intttil-
tulil nf I'i'Inr 1 f 111, iIi'Ci iihimI.
Aitnrnny for Eici-ulrlx.
Executor'i Notice.
N.itlrn In hereby given tlnsl tlm un-
(InmlKIH'il 11111 In'i'll appointed OXecll-
tor of tlm liil will iiml li'iitiiiiii'iil of
John labour, ilnci'iiHi'il ; nil person
hitting rlnliim agiiltm! mild 'liiln nn
hnrnliy lioiltli'd to present tlm same
wlili proper vouchers, iluly verified
act-otilllig In In, ill tlm oltioo of lino.
I'. Ilrowiiell, ut Oregon City, Oregon,
wllhlii nit iiiinitlm of tlm ditto of tlm
pulillriitlnti nt till" notice
Dated (Jrlntmr I Sill, 1909.
cii.hi.i:s LAiiont.
Executor of tlm H1 and teslit-tni-iit
of Joint labour, dot-nuicd.
(iCiiltfil. C. IIHOWNKLU
Atinrtmy fur Exm-utur.
In tlm Circuit ('mill of tlm Hint" of
tni-Ki'ii, for Clurkiiiiiiis Comity.
Myrtlii M. Iliirpnr, I'lulntlff.
Wlnfli'lil Harper, Iii-fi'iiilniit.
To tlm said Wlnfli'lil IlariMT, de
fendant :
In tlm uniim of tlm Slate of Ore
isiiii. in) nro Imrcliy rmiulri'il to up-pun-
mnl uitHr Urn coinplnltil flli'd
itKiilii"! you I" H1" il'vi' nntltli'il null
nil or In-forn tlm l".itli liny of Novriii
Imr I'.'"'.', mill If you lull 1 o P-p.-itr
or niuwnr. Urn pliilnllff will npply
to tlm Court for Urn n-llff pntyml fur
lti tlm i-oinplitliii. tolt: (or n (!
rr." (llnmilvltiK llni botnlK of tnittrl
tunny How i-xlnllnn In'twnnii yourio'lf
niul tlm pliilnllff on llm ground of do-m-rt
Tliln tniiiitiionn l pulilUlmd pup
miiuii to mi ordnr of lion. J- I'.
Cuinplii'll. Ju.Ikh of tlm nliovn Court,
ll ii.l nntnrrd OilolnT 11, IWf.
illffrtliiB llm pulillinlloii to li miulK
In tlm liri'Koli City MilnrprlHt'. pnn
llnli.d ni on-Koii Cliy. nn'Roti, for
lit Innil niifi wnnk for bIx nicrnn
kIvk wci'Uh prior to mild 2'Jlh dny of
Novt-mliiT lit"'.'. Tlm dntn of tlm lltnl
putilli-iitlim of IliU nuiiitiionii In Ur-
loli.-r i-illi
Attortmyii for I'lulntlff
In Dm Countv Court of tlm Suit" of
ori'Kiui 'or Hi' County of Cluck
In tlm tnuttor of Iho Incorporiitloti
nf I In. rltv of OnWl'Kll
Tn llm iilnivn niitltli'd Court KlttlUK
n ii liiiiinl of County ConiinlHHluimrii:
Tlm pi'tlilon or llm iitiunrKiKiin.i
imtltliitmrit ri'pi'cl fully lmwii, tluil nil
of tlm iitiilnmlKimil pntltloimrit urn
iiuiillfli'd flmlorn of tlm mild County
nf Cliieliiutmit and in rnnldnnlH with
in tlin llmltK of tlm Imrnlnuftnr lon--rllind
nnd proMnmd corporation.
Tlmt no nortlon of tliu propnrty
Iminliiuftnr di'Hcrllii'd nnd within llm
lioiitnliirli' Imri'lnuftnr nrntitloncil linn
.v.-r lim n or now In Incorporitti'd tin
n tiiiinlcliuil corporation nnd that llm
mild portion of mild County of Clack
litiuiH cotitnltmd within Kiild linuudiiry
ciititaliiH tiioro thiin turn hundmd nnd
fifty llMH InhiililtantH, towlt, four
liiitidri'd (400) Inhiilillunm.
Thai Hm propound hininditry of nch
viii-IMiratlon. which It In propoimd to
InroriKiriiln, nr nit follow: lh-Rln-nltiK
on tlm Sonih hunk of Tryon
Cmck at Hh conflimnco with tlm Will
iiiimttn Itlvnr; llmncn followlim up
tlm nld South llim of Tryon Croolt
to n point wlmro llm North lino of
15 Avmiim In tlm Oregon Iron &
I stnnl Coinpnuy'n- flmt nddltlon to tho
town of oAwoko nxtniidml KaHtnrly
IntnrmctH llm rloullmrly hank of Try
on Crnnk: llmncp Wi'Htnrly to tho In
tcrHcctlon of llm North lino of K. Avo
mi" and tlm KitHt linn of Illork 51 In
Oickoii Iron & Sli'i'l Company's
tntiHloti In Mm fltHt addition lo tlm
town of OswnRo; thiMicu Vnntnrly to
1h IntiTHimtlon of C Avnnuo; llmnco
fnllowltiK llm Norihnrly lino of 0. Av
nun to Mm point of Inlorsortlon with
tlin Wcslnrlv ll"" of Tmilll Strnnt (x
tntidnd Northerly I" Kiild pxlnnllon to
tlm Ori'Kon Iron & SI"i'I..Compauy's
flrat adilllloti lo tlm town of Oswcmi;
tlmiKP Hnullmrly t I'1" North ll)o
of V Avcnno In Hi" PXtmiHlon to llm
Orcit'on Iron & Smnl Ctintimny'H flmt
n.i.iiiinii io tlm town of Ohworo:
llmncn WnHlnrly to llm West Hun of
Ti.i-t.u.i.iii street tlmrnln: tlmimo
aniittmilv nliine Bald lino to tlm flout h
ll,i,. of i-'lrnt Avmiun tlmrnln; tlmimo
KiiMtnrlv to tlm West lino of Fourth
m, t ihnri'ln: tlmimo Southerly to
llm North lino of tho town of Oswn.
go ..('Xtnuueii 'n., ..i.i.v
nloilK X"11' 11,10 ,l,n Wlll,lm"H"
Hlvet" thence following lh meander
IngH of Iho Wlllnmetlo Ulver to tho
point of beginning.
All of which Is In nnd n portion or
the County of Clnclinmnn, nnd State
of Oregon.
WHEREFORE. your petitioners
pi-nv 1 hat wild portion of wild county,
us 'hereinbefore described and whoso
boundaries nro particularly not out,
bo Incorporated under tho provisions
of tin Act of Iho Legislating of 1S9H
being Sections 2187 to 2(192 Inclusive
of Halllnger & Cotton's Annotated
Codes nnd Stnlutes of Oregon.
Ion M. Plntt. LewlH Evnns, John
Jlleknor. D .J- Footo, J. S. Martin,
, . t..,.i,.ft li-llUt .l'l V
It. V. I'lnlt, II, llnlhkn, II. Konlilnr,
K, I.. DiivIiIhoii, 10, J. UuiiHnll, (I. (,',
WorlliltiKlon, It. A. Cnlfnll, Krnd
CiolHiiiint, A. J, IIiivIiInoii, M, llliinknii,
ilnoiKn Hitffonl, II. 1'. Iiavliliinii, C.
A. IH'thko, (,'. It. JolitiHon, (I, IC. Tlioiin
iih, t), A. IliiHirf, Win, Hpniipor, l, K.
Mnrmll, C. II. Mull, W. I', llli'linnr,
.1. II. .lohiiHiiu, ll. W. TIioiiiiim, (inn ll,
Hiiilth, ,1. V. TIioiiiiik, . J, Wilcox,
II. II. .loui'M, ,1. H. M. Il'inil, .liincpli
U'limry, I'. Knyi.on, W. J, Mnlmr,
(InoiKii Helumllnr, II. K. Nlxnn 0.
H"l kl, Win. Mlllnr, H". M, llilHliy,
W. C. Miiiiih M. I)., T. II. Cllimfnllnr,
J. W, Vim I lorn, Hurry Kariimr, John
('. l'-ox, C. N. llaliii'H, T. J. Ilrrmi, A,
.1. Kiiimltnr M. I)., C II. K.lntnll, I.
Meiliilin, M, Hull, A. 1., llm iliir.lnn,
,1, T, Coiiwiiy, Wllfmd 1'IuIih, Tliim,
Kox, J, W. Illrlumr, A. J. Tlioinpmin,
I, A. .InnyH, 1 Unwind II. Kox.
NOTK'H Ih hnrehy Klvmi Hint tlm
foreiiliiK pft II Urn will Im pri'Hi'iitnd
to dm County Court of CliickiiiiiuM
Comity. Htnto of Ori'Knii, m tlm
Novniiiiinr term llmrnof, on Wi'dnns
iluy, llm :inl day of Novmnlinr, I'.Mi'j,
ut tun o'clock A. M., or im noon tlmrn
after im Hi" Ciniiiiy Courl can lmar
llm mild pi'tlilon,
I luted tliln st ii iluy or octotier,
C.KO. (.'. IIKOWNKl.l,.
AUorimyii for I'etltlonein.
In tlm Circuit Ciiiirt of tlm Blntn of
Or-Knn for llm County of Clink-
It 1 1 1 it M
Maud M. (Imvn. I'lulntlff,
.l.nn A. (Irnvn, I)eftiduiii.
To Jinn A. (Jrnvp tlm almvo lliiiimil
di reiiiliint ;
In llm iiniiio of llm Hliii" of Ore
Kuli. ynu nre lien-liy nollflml In
nptieur und nniiwer llm cnmplaliil tiled
UKUlnnt you In tlm nliuvn I'tltltlml
court Ktiil einiHi. on or In-forn nix
weelix from llm duln of the flint pule
llcatliiti of tliln HUmmoliH, whlrli Ik
flint pulillHlied on tlm Kth iluy of Oi tn
her. I !ti Ut. ut il lli dny on or liefor
which you urn reiiulmd to upimar
mnl iiimwer Ih tlm 1'J iluy of Niivmn
her, llin'.l, for want thereof tlm plain
tiff will apply In llm Court for tlm
relief played for In tlm complaint,
towlt: for tt decreii iIImuiIvIiik llm
IioiiiIh of matrimony now edntliiK lm
tweeii iilaliillfT mid defeiidmit mid for
.inch ollmr nnd further relief nit to llm
Court limy onm cipiltiililu ami Juitt.
TIiIh miinnmiiH Ih putillKlied hy order
of (i II IHtiilek, JudKi' of Hm Coiinly
Made Hint I'lilered on llm Cth of Op-
toiler. l'Jn'.l.
Aiturimy for I'lulntlff.
Kirn! ptilillrntlon Kth Octolier. I!n9.
mk imlilleiltllill 19 Noveinher, 1909.
In tlm Circuit Court of llm Htutv of
Or.'Knn fur Chickuinnii County.
loulni K. Iiyer. rialtitlff.
Illi'hur.l J. Dyer, Defendant.
To Itlchitril J. Iiynr Urn nhovo until-
defelldllllt :
In tho nnnm of tho Stato of Ore-
Koti you nr neretiy notuieii io ap
pear mid nnitwer llm cuiiplaliit filed
iiKiilimt you in tho nnovn ctmucu
court nnd catino on or hefnro hIx
weolm from tho dato of tho flrnt puli
llcatl.ni of tliln mimuionit. which In
firm pulilfnlmd on tlm Rth, day f Octo
lier, r."'.i. itnil tlm dny on or tmfuro
which you nru required lo npimar
U llm 19th dny of Novomhor, 1909.
for wntit thereof llm plaintiff will I-
ply to llm Court for Iho relief prayed
for In the coinphilnl. to-wlt: for a do-
creo iIIhhoIvIiik tlm lioniU of mntrl-
mony now oxlslliiit Imlween plnltitlff
and d.'feiiilnnl nnd for uch other and
further relief un to tho Court inuy
seem emiltalilii ttlld UHt.
Thin miuimonn In ptilillslmd hy order
of U. ll. Iiliulck. Ju.Iko of tho County
Mn. In mnl entered on tlm Cth of
October, 1909.
, Attnrnny for rialtitlff.
Klrnt publication Kth' October, I'.lofl.
I JIHI piilillcutlnti 19 Noveinher, 1909.
Executor') Notice.
Notice lit hereby given that Iho nil
ilerBlgtmd hint been duly appointed
by the County Court of the Slnto of
Oregon for llm County of ClackaniiiH.
exerutor of tho hint Will nnd Tenin
nmnt of Catherine Wagner, deccnimd.
All pornim tinvlng clnliuH ngiiltiHl tho
i-Btittn of H.nl.l deceived nro hereby
required to preitciit tho name lo nm.
properly verllled BH by lnw required,
nt tlm nfllco nf my attorney, TIiok. K.
Itvnn, rooniH 2 and .1. Masonic Dulld
lug. Oregon City, Oregon, within nix
months from the date hereof.
Dated thin "Hi day of October, A.
D. 1909.
Kxeoutni of llm last Will nnd Testa
ment of Catherine ngtmr. do
consed. THOS. K. il VAN, Atlortmy Mr Kx-
Order of Final Settlement.
Notice Ih hereby given that tho un
dorslKimd tut ndmlnlHtrutor of tho
estato of Annie Woynmn, doconaod.
Iiiih filed his final report an Mich ad
ministrator with the County Court of
ClackamnH County Oregon, and tho
Court 1ms net tho 1st iluy of Novem
ber, 1909, nt the hour of 10 o ciock
A. M. as tho time for hearing tald
final report. Any and nil persons hav
lug objections to said final report nro
hereby notified to appear und mako
tlm an mo known Io tho court on said
date almvo mentioned.
Administrator of tho Estate of Au
nlo Weyninn. (Incensed.
Attorney for Untitle.
Dated September 2Sth. 1909
In tte Cltcult Court of t'r.o State of
Oregon for tho County of Clackn
num. Iinma Dyson, l'lnlntlff,
Charles Dyson. Dofendtint.
To Chillies Dyaon, Iho ubove named
In tho imiiio of tho Stnto of Orei;,m,
you nro hereby required to appear
and nnswor tho complaint filed npiiust
you In llm nhovo entitled Court nnd
cause on or before tlm 2."lh l!ty of
Noveinher, 190!, nnd If you fall bo
to iinnenr or nnswor tho plaintiff w
apply to Court thereof for tho renei
nnived for In Iho complaint, lo wit:
for n decree of dlvorco on the grounds
of desertion, and Hint plaintiff bo til
lowed to resume her nialden nnmo of
llowen, and for such oilier relief
as to tho Court limy seem just.
This summons is published not less
than six coiiHecutlvo weeks, by order
of tho Hon. ,T. II. Campbell. Judge of
the Circuit Court of tho nbovo county
nnd state, dated Rth day of Octo
ber, 1909. .
Altorney for rinliillff. 21(5 Worcester
building. Portland, Oregon.
Date of first publication, October
S, 1909.
Dale of lust publication, November
19, 1909.
Sharlff't 6li on Execution.
In tlm Circuit Court nf tbo Hlnto of
Oiokoii, for llm Couiily of .Mull
in i n ii It .
II, J, Kliilmr und M. (I. ThorHir, mid
C. O, Hmlth, pnrtnern nit Klnhor
Tlioren ft, Compuny, I'lulnllff,
(IrtoiKO 11. Kriink nnd Ulnmr M. WnllH,
p:irltmrH ax Krnnk & Company,
Htalo of On'K'iii, Coiinly of Clack
atiiax, hn.
Ily vlrtim of a Judgment order, do
crno nnd nn execution, duly Ixnimd
nut of mid iiinler tlm m-itl of tlm nhovo
enllllnd Courl, In tho nhov-n entitled
caunii, lo mo duly dlrecled nnd dated
llm 2r,lh day of September, 1909. upon
it judgment rendered mid entered In
mild court on tlm 1,'ith day of Hop
lember, 1909, In fitvor of II. ,I Klnlir
and M. (1, Thorncii mid C. (1, Hmltli,
partner dh KIhIut TlinrMen Com
pany, I'lalllllfTH, mid HKIllUkl fieniKii
II. Krank and Klnmr M. WoIIh, part
tmrM un Krank It Company! und each
of I hem, DefetidiinU for tho niun of
fliri.liK, with Inter. -nt tlmmoii (it. tho
rule of 0 p''r cent per iiiiniiin from Urn
2lt day of July, 190H, mnl llm further
inn of 91.30 cohIh and dlitburHemenH,
mid tho cohIh of mid upon tliln writ,
i u in it it ii I ii k nm out of Iho p.-r(iiiul
properly of mild defendmitM, nnd If
mitllclent could not ho found, then
nut of Iho real properly beloiiKlUK
in unld defenduiit on mid nft"r llm
ditto of Huld execiitlou to mitlufy mild
mini of IIJ1 UH nnd hIho llm cohIh upon
thin writ.
Now, therefore, by vlrtim nf mild
execution, Judgment order nnd decree,
nnd In pomplliineo with the ponitiiiuidH
nf mild writ being tillable to find any
liermmnl property of mild defi'tidiint'H.
I did on llin 4 1 It day of October, 1909
duTy levy upon tho following dencrlbed
real property of mild defendant,
CeoiKo II. Krank, xlluntn and beliiu In
llm ( i in Ii f y of ( I nek a inu h, and state
of Or.-Kon. to-wlt: All of lot and
wenterly 1 nnd twenty hundredUm
ucre of lot B, Krultdulo, nn tho mimo
nppenrx on the miip nnd plat nn fllo
In llm nfllrn of Itecorder of Convey
linen of Clncknmn (Nullity, Ori'Koti,
n ml will on Salurdar, the llth, dav of
Novenibor, 19n9, lit tho hour of 10:30
o'clock A. M., nt llm front door nf tlm
County Court limine In tlm rltv of
OreK'iti City, In mild County nnd State,
e! nt public aunt Ion, mihjcet to ro
,etiiitliiii. to tlm hlKheit bidder, for
I'. S. gold coin, ennh In hand, nil tho
right, title nnd Interent which tlm
within nnumd defendant, or oltlmr of
tlmm had on tlm date of mild execu
tion or hIiico hnd In or lo tho almvo
.lenerlhed renl property or nny part
thereof, to Htitlufy Hnld Jtidirment
order, decree, Interest, contn nnd all
securing COHIH.
n. n. MKATIK.
Sheriff of Clnckamaii County, Oregon,
llv ri. W. IIAKICU. Deputy.
Dated. Oregon City, Oregon, October
1th, 1909.
6htriff'i Sale.
In (he Circuit Court of tho Stnto of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka
mas. (1. II. Dlmlck. l'lnlntlff,
Alice M. Pnddock. W. O. Paddock, her
hiiHbaud. and II. P. Ilrlghthlll, Defend
mils. Stnto of Oregon, County of Clacka
mas, SH.
Ily Vlrtun of a Judgement order, do
rree and an execution, duly Issued
out of nnd under tho Heal of the
nhovo entitled court. In the
nhove entitled cnuso lo me duly
directed and dated tlm 25th day
nf September, 1909. upon a Judg
ment rendered and entered In said
court on the 23rd day of Sep
tember, 1909, In favor of 0. H. Dlm
lck, Plaintiff, and against Alice M.
Paddock, W. O. Paddock, her husband,
mid II. P. Ilrlghthlll, Defendants, for
the sum of H;'.2.30, nnd tho further
sum of 110.00 as attorney's fee, an.!
tho further sum of $25.00 costs and dis
bursements, and tho costs of and up
on this writ, commanding me to make
sale of the following described real
property, situate In tho county of
Clackutnna, State of Oregon, to-wlt:
Ileglnnlng nt tho North Knsterly cor
ner of a tract of land deeded to Will
lam and Mary J. Hlckenbothem hy
lend recorded In Hook 54, rage 235,
Deed Itecords of Clacknmas County,
Oregon, which beginning point Is also
the North Westerly corner of the Hon-
drlckson tract of land described In
Hook 30, Page ,155. Deed Records of
said county and In In the center of tho
county rond; thence South Easterly
at right angles to tho lino of snld road
along the lino dividing said Hendrlck-
snii and Hlckenbothem tracts eighty
(SO) rods: thenco at right angles to
said division line Soulh Westerly ten
(10) roils; thence North Westerly nnd
parallel with said division line of tho
course first mentioned herein eighty
(SO) rods to tho center lino of said
county road; thence North Easterly
nlimg tho center of said road ten (10)
rods to the place of beginning, con
taining five (5) acres of land, more
or less, being a part of tho D. .L. C.
of S. S. While In T. 3 S. R. 1 nnd 2
E. W. M-. being the Identical tract
purchased December 23rd, 1903, from
Mnry J. Hlckenbothem.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of sjild
execution, Judgment order and de
cree, und In compliance with the com
mands of said writ, I will, on Satur
day, tho 30th day of October, 1909,
at tlm hour of 10:30 o'clock A. M.,
at tho front door of tho County Court
House In tho City of Oregon City, In
said County nnd Stato, sell at public
auction, subject to redemption, to tho
highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin
cash in hand, nil the right, title nnd
Interest which tho within named tie
fiT'lnuts or either of them, had on the
date of tho mortgage herein or since
hnd In or to tho nbovo described real
property or nny part thereof, to sat
isfy snld execution, judgment order,
decree. Interest, costs and nil uccur
lng costs,
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Ily R. W. llAKEIt. Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Sep
tember 25. 1909.
Sheriff's Sale.
In Iho Circuit Court of tho Slnte nf
Oregon, for tho County of Clnclta
mas. George Reddawny, Plaintiff,
J. n. Hnsbrook nnd Ilasbrool;, his
wife, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clack
minis, ss.
Ily virtue of a judgment order, de
cree nnd nn execution, duly Issued out
of and under tho senl of tho above en
titled Court, In tho nbovo entitled
cause, to 1110 duly directed nnd tinted
the 2'.!rd day of September, 1909, up
on a Judgment rendered nnd enter
ed In snld court on tho 8th dny of
June, 1909. In favor of George Red
dtiway Plaintiff nnd against J. B. lias-
brook nnd Hnsbrook, his wife
Defendant for the Bum of $51.85, and
tho further sum of $11.20 costs and
disbursements, with interest thereon
nt C per cent per annum day
of May, 1909, and tho c.ohIh upon tbl
writ, fommnndliig inn out of the por
Biniiil property of iald dofendnntH, and
If Hiilllcliiiil cuiild not no iniinn, umn
nut of llm real property belonging to
xuld dnfnnilaiitH on and after tho
day of Mny, 1909, to natlHfy mild auin
of $W.0r. und alno the cohIh upon thin
mild writ.
Now Tliernfora, by vlrturi or nam
eiitniillon. judgment ordnr and do
nee, and In cninpll'incfl with tlm com-
iniitidH of Hnld writ, Imlng uiintilo to
find nny porxonnl proporty of nald div
fciuliinu', I did on tlm 2:i day of
Hi'iiemlK-r, 1909, duly levy upon tho
following di-Hcrlbed renl property of
mild deiondantH, Hltualo and being In
tlm County of t'lneknmax, arid Hmto of
Oregon, trvwlt: W W vt N.W.
14 ofN.W.Mof hoc 29, T. i 8.K.2K.
W, M. containing 10 acrex morri or Iokh
mid will on Saturday, tho So dny of Oc
tolier, 1909, at tho hour of 2 o'clock
I. M.i nt tho front door of the Coun
ty Court Hoimo In tho City of Oregon
City, In mild County and State, xell nt
public auction, Hiibjoot to redemption
t i tlm hlghoHt bidder for U. 8. gold coin,
,-iimIi In hand, all tho right, title nnd
Inleri'Ht which the within named do
feiidanlH, or either of them, had on the
date of mild day of May, 190(1
or hIiico had In or to tho nhovo deit
crlhed property or any part hereof,
to miliary Huld exeunt Ion judgment
order, decree, Intercut, coHtn and all
acctirlng cohIh.
Sheriff of ClackamnH County, OreK''n.
Ity H. W. I1AKKH, Drtputy.
laiied, Oreguti City, Oregon, Sep
tember 2.'l, 1909.
In the Circuit Court of the Stat.) of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Mtitlle (jcrrltz, Plaintiff,
Krank (mrrlu. Defendant.
To Krank (jerrltx, above named de
In tho name of the Slate of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
unswirr the complaint filed agaliiBt
ynu In the above entitled Hult, on or
before the Cth day of November, 1909,
said date beliig after the expiration
of six weekH from tho first publica
tion of this summons, and If you fall
to appear and answer said complaint,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief demand
ed In the complaint, to-wlt: Kor a de
cree vdlBHolvlng the bonds of matri
mony now existing between the pluln
tiff and defendant.
This summons Is published by or
der of Hun. 3. . Campbell. Judge of the
above named court, which order was
made and entered on the 21st day of
Sept her, 1909, and the time pre
scribed for publication thereof Is six
weeks, beginning with tho lsue of
Friday. September 21th, 1909, and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
Including tho IsHue of Friday, Novem
ber 6th. 1909.
Attorney for I'lalMlH,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas Couuty.
Madge Iluldwln, Plaintiff,
Fred llaldwln, Defendant.
To Fred Baldwin, the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon.
you are hereby notified to appear and
answer tho complaint inert againsr.
you in the above entitled Court and
cause on or before six weeks from the
date of th first publication of this
summons, which Is first published on
the 17th day of September, 1909, and
iho day on or before which you are
required to appear and answer Is the
29th day of October. 1909, for want
thereof plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In th 3
complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant, and for
such other and further relief as may
seem equitable and JUHt In the premis
es. This summons Is published by order
of U. U. Dlmlck, Judge of the County
Made and entered on the 13th day
of September, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
598 Williams Ave., Portland. Oregon.
First publication Sept. 17. 1909.
Last publication Oct. ?9. 1909.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Josephine A. Garland, Plaintiff,
William H. Garland, Defendant.
To William H. Garland, the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon:
You aro hereby required to appear
nnd answer tho complaint filed against
you In tho above entitled suit on or
before the 5th day of November,
1909. and If you fall so to appear and
answer for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the said Court for the
relief prayed for In snld complaint,
to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween nlnlntiff and defendant, and for
such other nnd further relief as to
the Court may seem meet and equit
This summons Is served upon you
by publication, pursuant to an order
of the Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of
the nhove entitled Court, made (tn
the 23d day of September, 1909. The
dale of tho first publication hereof Is
September the 21th. 1909. and the last
publication will he on the 6th day of
November, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Chicknuins County.
Cora Iloyt, Plaintiff,
Ed. Hoyt, Defendant.
To Ed Hoyt, the above uameu ue-
In tho name of tho State or Oregon,
vou nre hereby notified to appear and
answer tho complaint tiled against
you In the above entitled Court and
cause on or before six weeks from tho
date of the first publication of this
summons, which is first published on
tho 17th day of September. 1909, ami
the day on or before which you are
requited to appear and answer Is the
29th day of October. 1909, tor warn
thereof 'plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the r-llef prayed for in the
complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony cow existing between
the plaintiff ami defendant, and for
such other ami further relief as may
seem equitable and just in tho prem
ises. This summons Is published by orde.
of G. I. Dlmick, Judge of the County
Made nnd entered on the lath day
of September, 1909.
Attorney for Plaintiff,
59S Williams Ave., Portland. Oregon.
First publication Sept. 17, 1909.
, Last publication Oct. 29, 1909.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamax County.
Mury Joxephlno JonniH, Plaintiff,
William O. JoeniH, Defendant.
To William 0. Joorn, Defendant:
In tho nnmo of tho Slate of Oregon
you are hnrehy required to appear nn.1
aimwor the complaint filed agulnnt
you In tho above entitled milt on or
before tbo expiration of Hlx week
after the date of the first publication
of tlilx Kiiuimonx, which In September
17th, 1909, und If you fall to ho appear
and iiimwer, the plaintiff will apply to
Iho court for the relief prayed for In
the complaint, to-wlt:
Knr a decree forever dliuolvlng the
houdx of matrimony now exlHtlng be
tween plaintiff and defendant and for
Hindi other relief an the Court may
li-.-ui juitt and equitable.
Thin xiimmotii Ih published In the
Oregon City Kntcrprinn by tho order
of Hon Orant il. Idmlck, Judge of the
County Court, mado and entered Sep
tember IH. 1909.
Attorney for 1'lalntlff.
Klrnt publication September 17, 1909.
IahI publication, October 29, 1909.
. .1 ,.1 ,.,.? , .
In the Circuit Court of the State of '
Oregon for ClackamnH County.
Eva Johnson, Plaintiff,
William Johnson, Defendant.
To William Johnson, above named
In the name of the state of Oregon
you are hereby required to npin-ar
and, answer the complaint filed agalnal
you In the above named suit In the
above entitled court, on or before the
expiration of six weeks from the first
publication of tills summons, and if
yon fail to appear and answer said
complaint, for want thereof the plain
tirr will apply to the Court for the
relief prayed for In her complaint
to-wlt: Kor a dissolution of the mar
riage contract now existing between
plaintiff and defendant.
This summons Is published by order
of Hon. J. I,'. Campbell, Judge of the
above named court, which order was
made and entered on October 20th,
1 .!. and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof Ih hIx weeks, com
mencing with the Issue of Friday,
October 29th, 1909, and continuing
each week thereafter to and Includ
ing Friday. December 10th, 1909.
Ij Attorney for Plaintiff,
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County.
Carrie E. Cook. Plaintiff,
George W. Cook, Defendant.
To George W. Cook, the above
named defendant:
lu the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you herein ou or before the 10th day
of December. 1909, said date being af
ter the expiration of six weeks from
the first publication of this summons,
and if you fail so to appear and ans
wer, the 11 alntlff will apply to me
Court for the relief prayed for In her
complaint, towlt: for the dissolution
of the bonds of matrimony existing
between yourself and the plaintiff and
for such further relief as to the Lourr
may seem Just In the premises.
Th s summons Is publisnea oy oraer
of the Hon. Grant B. Dlmlck, Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, maue
and entered on the 22nd day of Oc
tober. 1909.
First publication. October 29tn,
1909; last publication. December 10th,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Final Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned administratrix of the estate
of Henry Close, deceased, has Iliea
her final account In said estate In
the county court of the state of Ore
gon for Clackamas County ana tnai
the Judge of said court has appointed
Mondav. the lath day of November.
1909. at 10 o'clock A. M. for hearing
objections to said account and for
settling said estate.
Formerly Sarah Jane Close,
Administratrix of the estate of Henry
Close, deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County or Clack
amas. Grant Clark, Plaintiff,
p.mma A Clark. Defendant.
To Emma A. Clark, the above named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint ineu
here n acalnst you. in me auovo en
titled court and cause, within six
weeks from Friday, the 1st day of
October, 1909. said date being the first
day of publication of this summons.
And if vou fail so to appear or ans
wer, for want thereof, the pla'ntlff
will apply to the court for the relief
demanded and prayed lor in me com
nlalnt herein, towlt:
That the marriage and marriage
contract now existing between the
plaintiff and defendant herein be dis
solved and set aside, and such other
and further relief as may seem equi
table to the Court.
This summons Is served upon you
by virtue of an order made by Hon.
Grant B. Dimick, Judge of the County
Court of the State of Oregon, for the
County of Clackamas, dated on the
23rd dav of September. 1909, and
which order prescribes that the sum
mons In this suit be served upon you
by publication once a week for six
successive nnd consecutive weeks, in
The Oreeon Citv Enterprise, a news-
miner of eeneral circulation In the
county of Clackamas, and State of
G. G. Schmltt,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
First nuhlicatlon October 1, 1909.
Last publication November, 12, 1909.
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregou for the County or Liachii-
Iva V. Martinson, Plaintiff,
Edward Martinson, Defendant.
To Edward Martinson, above named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you nre hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled Court anil
cause on or before the expiration of
six weeks from and after the date
of the first publication of this sum
mons, towlt: on or about the 12th
dav of November, 1909. nnd if you
fall to answer, the plaintiff for want
thereof will take judgement ngainst
you for a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony heretofore and now ex
isting between you and. plaintiff and
for such other and further relief as
to the Court seems meet and just.
This summons is published by or
der of the Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge
of the Circuit Court of the State of
Harvey E. Cross.
Real Estate Abstracts
Loans, Insurance,
OrHce in Caufkid Bldg., Main and Eig t St
Phone Pacific States G2. , Phone Horns BID
Oregon for the County of Clackamas.
and said order was made and dated
' ,.. ... , . ,,. ,a.n a
the 25th day of September, 1909, and
the date 01 me nrai puonr.auon 01
this SummonH Is 'he first day of Octo
ber, 1909, and the date of the last
publication of this summon Is tho
12th day of November, 19o9.
l.IDA M. O'iiKYON,
Attorney for Plaintiff, 402 Commer
cial Hlk, Portland, Oregon.
Notic(Tof FinaT Settlement
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of William Lowry has filed his final
account In the County Court of the
State of Oregon for Clackamas Cotin-
ty. and Monday, Nov. 1st.. 1909. at
10 o'clock A. M. at the County Court
House In Oregon City, Oregon, Is the
time and place fixed by said Court
for hearing objections, If any thereto,
and settling said estate.
Administrator of the Estate of Will
iam Lowry,- deceased.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Mary Young, Plaintiff,
Peter C. Young, Defendant.
To Peter C. Young, Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer to the complaint filed
against you In the above entitled suit
on or before the 3rd day of December,
1909, and If you fail to answer, plain
tiff will take a decree against you.
forever dissolving the bonds of matri
mony heretofore and now existing be
tween the plaintiff and you, and for
such other and further relief In the
premises as the Court may deem just
and equitable as prayed for in the
complaint filed herein.
Serv ce of this summons is maae
utKin you by pufJllcatlon In pursuance
of an order of the Honorable J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court
of the Fifth Judicial District, made
October 20th, 1909, directing sfich
publication In the Oregon City Enter
prise, one a week lor six successive
week, the first publication being
October 22nd, 1909, and the la3t the
3rd day of December, 1909.
J. T. fcL.L.13.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice is hereby given that the
underslgled Administratrix of the
Estate of John Cottee. deceased, has
filed in the County Court for Clacka
mas County. State of Oregon, her
final account as such Administratrix
of said Estate, and that Monday the
22nd day of November, at the hour of
10:30 A. M. has been fixed by said
Court as the time for hearing ob
jections to said report and a settle
ment thereof.
Administratrix of the Estate of John
Cottee, Deceased.
Dated October lGth, 1909.
THOS. F. RYAN, Attorney for Admin
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas has fixed
November 22, 1909, at ten oclock
A. M. in the County Court Room at
Oregon City, Oregon as the time and
place for hearing objections. If any,
to the final account filed therein in
the matter of the estate of Ole Han
son, deceased, and for final settle
ment of said estate.
Administrator de bonis non of the
Estate of Ole Hanson, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County of Clackamas, fixed
November 22. 1909, at ten o'clock
in the County Court Room at Oregon
Citv. Oregon as tho time and place
for hearing objections. If any, to the
final account filed therein tn tne mat
ter of the estate of Frank E. Casto,
deceased, and for final settlement of
said estate.
Administratrix of the Estate of Frank
E. Casto, deceased.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given, that the un
dersigned has filed his final account
as administrator of the estate of J.
E Crawford, deceased, with the Coun
ty Clerk of Clackamas County Ore
gon, and that the Judge of said Court
has set Monday the 1st day of Novem
ber, A. D. 1909, at 10 o'clock A. M.
of said date, at the County Court room
in the Court House at Oregon city,
Oregon, as the time and place for the
heating of any and all objections to
said final account, and the discharge
of this administrator.
c.. . DAltlUC.ll, Auumey iui Bum
um 11 tow s until ost-
P a hi
William Hammond
Main Street,
Oregon City, Or.
Wind Mills, Pumps and Hydra- i
He Rams a Specialty. i
Phone 26S2.
Oregon City,
Money loaned, abstracts furnish-
d, land titles examined, estate
settled, general law business. a
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice in all courts, make
collections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Building, s
Oregon City, Oregon. J
Probate and Realty Law Prao I
tlce Specialties.
Rooms 2 and 3 Masonic Temple f
C. D. & D. C. UAIUUKtllt
Commercial, Real Estate
Probate our Specialties.
Of- I
flee in First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. ?
Particular Men
Oregon City Laundry
Phone Main 93.
Third and Main Street.
! W. S. EDDY, V, SM M. D. V. j
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri- ?
t "nary College ot Toronto, Canada,
and the McKillip School of
Surgery of Chicago, has located J
I - n m J .l.ti-1 1 - .
ax uregon vuj ana csibuii-ucu uu
I . rr. -. Tt. t.--u;h C, a Kt. ?
office at The Fashion Stable,
Seventh Street near Main. ?
Both Telephones.
Farmers' 132
Mail 1311 I
Clackamas County
510 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment of maps, plats,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for ciackamaa County J
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
. Perfected. I
E. F. 4 F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys & Counsellors at Law J
For Sale by
. 3 ! . -4J -. wT.-t, ""' 'J i' . 1