Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 22, 1909, Image 8

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Opened with a rash and all those who participated in this great bargain feast arc loud in their acclaim of the values they got, so don't lag
behind but fall in line and secure your winter's needs of high class wearing apparel at actual cost
Our entire stock of the season's latest in Men's and Young Mens CLOTHING, FURNISHINGS, HATS and SHOES MUST be
converted into cash within the next four weeks in order to pay out Mr. H. L. Price. So don't hesitate, but come in, " as there are real honest
bargains in high class merchandise awaiting you.
Space being limited, note a few of the unprecedented values we are offering.
$3.00 Press or Work Shoes
$3.50 Dress or "Work Shoes
$4.00 in Iliffh Top Losiscr or Dress Shoes
$4.50 in Hidi Top Losrsrcr or Dress Shoes ,
$5.00 in High Top Logger or Dress Shoes ,
$6.00 in High Top Logger or Dress Shoes ,
$7.00 in High Top Logger or Dress Shoes ,
You know our shoes are the very best, so why not come in ?
Koelof's Celebrated $4.00 Hats S2.65
Hawes' Famous $3.00 Hats 2.35
$2.50 Waldorf Hats 1.80
$2.00 Hats 1.25
Caps at cost
Twenty-five per cent
Trunks and Suit Cases.
reduction on Blankets, Duck Coats,
lilt arid (Q)'GO&ts
$12.50 Suits or Overcoats, of the very latest make $ 8.75
$15.00 Suits or Overcoats, of the very latest make "lo!50
$18.00 Suits or Overcoats, of the very latest make J 325
$20.00 Michael Stern Hand Tailored "Suit and Overcoats J 575
$22.50 Michael Stern Hand Tailored Suits and Overcoats t 6.25
$25.00 Michael Stern Hand Tailored Suits and Overcoats j 875
This is an Honest and Just Sale, where vou can save monev
Why not do it? "
T5c Overalls nt , en ezrz
$2.50 Pants at ; 1 fi
$3.00 Pants at ; 15
$3.50 Pants at , 265
$3.50 Cordurov Pauts : q'q r
$4.00 Pauts at 2.95
Others marked down in proportion.
Don't be misled by fake sales when you can buy real bargains
iu merchandise that have helped to build our reputation of eieven
years standing.
50c Under Garments $0.35
75c Under Garments O 55
$1.00 All Wool Underwear (X70
$1.50 Cooper's Wool Underwear l!l5
We have an enormous stock and we can't quote everything, but
our prices will lHar investigation. Why not come in?" It will be
to your advantage.
Kegular 15c Sox now, per doz $0-55
50c Work Shirts 0.35
75c Work or Dress Shirts o!65
$1.00 Work or Dress Shirts O 80
$1.00 Monarch Shirts 080
$1.50 Cluett Shirts lilO
$2.00 York Shirts J .35
$2.00 Oregon City Mfg. Co. Flannel Shirts 1.30
Kvery article m our Furnishing Goods Department is marked
right down to bedrock prices. Why not come in and take advan
tage of sterling values?
Across the
Street from
Bank of
Oregon City
Sixth and Mam Sts., Oregon City, 0?e.
I which will be used In operation of (he
Many of the farmers of this section
of the country are busily engaged in
digging potatoes and gathering their
fall apples. The potato crop was un
usually large this year, and the soil
of Canby cannot be excelled for the
raising of this and other vegetables.
The apple crop, although not as large
this year as in former years, the qual
ity is excellent.
"Bashful" Roy Knight returned last
week from his summer's stay in the
Heppner country, where he was en
gaged In chasing the animal whose
feet are shod with gold." Roy ap
peared very bashful and hid himself
behind a thick growth of "brush" and
refused to come out, but his many
friends hope to see him appear soon
and get acquainted. As be passes
along the street everyone sings the
latest song, "My Little Chimpanzee."
Miss Lena Kraft is visiting her sis
ter. Mrs. J. Kraft, of Portland this
Mrs. J. Eckerson and daughter,
Alma, made a business trip to Ore
gon City 011 Saturday.
Mrs. William Porter and daughter.
Miss Vernie, visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. G. Korn.schak, of Needy,
Dr. Wolgamott, of Portland, was In
lanby last we!; on business.
Andy Knight was in C'anbv Sunday
visiting with his family. Mr. Knight
is now working at Portland. Frank
Kendall accompanied him to Canby. j
Miss Lillian Mitts is staying with!
her sister. Mrs. "arr"u Lee, and at-!
tending bctioo).
Miss Rachel Spencer visited h-T '
parents at Needy over .Sunday. !
Mrs. George Martin and son, Iiale, :
of McMltmville, are visiting with Mr.
Martin's mo1 her, Mrs. .1. Martin, audi
sisters, M-s. J. A. Graham and Mrs.
O. K. Mack. j
Rev. jd. of Parkplaee, preeched
at the ChristiMj cnurch nn Sunday j
both morning and evening to a good
congregation. I
-Mrs. Kryrc-ar t-'rnj clnitiren of Oregon
City, j. r- vl.-ltltig with Mr. FrvreaVs
ulster, Mrs. Charles Thomas. j
Fred Roth r turned Sunday evening ,
frou Alaska, wleu he tpi-nt the sum-j
Conrad Sauics has sold his place
to Mr. Oieson, of Portland. !
Otis Morris loaded a car of lumber1
on Monday for Fred Shafer.
The Art'-iii'iiR ' ad a big time at their!
lode room lau Thursday evening.;
Tl.a evening was devoted t.j games!
and followed .y refreshments. ;
The het.ekah Ljdge met. in the1
Knight hall on Tuesday evening, there i
being a very good Attendance.
Miss Alice i;nettling, an accom
plished musician of Oregon Citv, was
In Canby on Tuesday arranelue to
give piano Instructions. Miss Geot-1
tllng, as an instructor, is meeting with I
nuccess, and has arranged to give les-j
sons In this city on Tuesday of each I
week. Sho is a pupil of Miss Dorothea
Nash, one of the best instructors of
Portland, and her method of teach
ing is up-to-date.
J. L. Wakefield, of Portland, was In
Canby on business Thursday.
O. W. Eastham, who is interested
In the piano business in Oregon City
was In Canby on Thursday and reg
istered at the Cottage.
Among the traveling ealemen In
Canby on Monday and Tuesday were
H. O. Ashbary, Ed Asbaugh and V. B.
Borsseler, of Portland.
Alonzo Morrison, of Portland, was Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rauch and
In Canby the first of the week. I little son, Ivan, of Hillsboro, who were
Mrs. Langley and son, of Portland, called here by the Illness and death
are visiting for a few days in this I of the former's father, George Ranch,
city. have returned to their home. George
Mr Davidson, who has been in Can- Rauch. also a son of the deceased,
by for some time to interest the bust-1 who was accompanied here by his wife
ness men of establishing a cannery, and tle daughter, of Portland, have
went to Portland on business Friday, returned home.
returning on Sunday. It Is nrobable Andrew Kocher was a Portland vls-
that a cannery will be established "' on Tuesday.
here in the near future, as no section
of the county can offer better Induce
ments than here.
Professor Gill went to Portland on
Saturday, returning on Sunday evening.
Miss Blanche Jobe, of Pittsburg,
Pa., arrived in Canby on Tuesday
morning, where she has been en
gaged to teach the intermediate
grades of the high school. Miss Jobe,
who is an experienced teacher, took
up her duties Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Veva Bradtl has been in charge
of these grades since the beginning
of the term, awaiting Miss Jobe's
Prof. Howard H. Eccles and James
Adkins. the lumberman, went to Al-
Mrs. George Hoyt, who has been
dangerously 111 at her home. Is slow
ly Improving.
Mr. and .Mrs. William Rauch, of I
churn, cream rlpeuer and pasturlzer.
A new Kirch has been added to the
llermoser building by the manage
ment, and the Interior of tho build
ing will be renovated throughout be
fore starting up for business.
Death of W. A. Stone.
Mrs. H. A. Lee left for Kelso. Wash.,
on Saturday, where she attended the
funeral of her brother-in-law, W. A,
Stone, who died at the family resi
dence on Friday, after a stroke of
paralysis. The funeral was one of
the largest thut was ever held in
Kelso, being In charge of the two
Gladstone, were In Canby on Wednes-(""'ers of which deceased belonged,
day of last week, having come here
to attend the funeral of the former's
uncle, the late George Rauch.
On Saturday. November C. an auc
tion sale will be held one and three
quarters miles southeast of Canby by
the Mundorf schoolhouse, when the
household goods, farming implements,
cows and horses, etc., of Mundorff and
family, will be sold. M. H. HosteUer
will be the auctioneer.
Church Notices.
The Canby Methodist Episcopal
Church Sunday school, li A. M.:
bany Saturday and returned Sunday preaching service, 11 A. M. and 7:.K
evening. P. M.; subject for morning, "The
C. H. Frear, of the Corvallls Cream- j Bible: The Foundation of the Faith."
ery Company,' who has spent the past : Subject for the evening services will
week here on business in connection be "Our Battle Cry." All are Invited
with the plant, has returned to Cor-1 to these services. Rev. Creesy, pastor,
valiis. i Runaway on Main Street.
Grant White, accompanied by E. j A runaway on Main Sin e! caused
Morrison, of Portland, went on a hunt- j no little excitement a few days ago,
Ing trip the first of the week, but when two horses attached to a wood
their friends have not seen any sign I wagon became frightened, and started
of the venison.
at a rapid rate towards the Andrew
Calvin Kocher can boast of being Kocher Implement house. Whether
one of the crack shots of Canby when the horses thought It was about time
it comes Tor deer being the target. He for the owner to purchase a new
left here Saturday afternoon and re-' vehicle was not determined, nut any
turned Sunday, and before rettirntng
succeeded in getting two deer, (so he
Charles Lucke has returned to his
home in Portland, after a three weeks'
stay in this city assisting his two
sons in the commission house.
George H. Webb, one of the repre
senta'ives of the Corvallls Creamery
Company, was in Canby on Saturday.
Alec fice has returned from Kelso,
Wash., where he attended the funeral
of W. A. Stone.
William TIce was In Oregon City
r...i tf..n r tJ.t
E.1A1 ailt! IV '1 .lll'll. II I ei II II H IHU
conveyances for the beautiful floral
Mr. Sttine was well known In this
city, ami his death Is deeply regretted
by his many friends. He was born In
the 60'b, and was a resident of the
state of Oregon for some time.
Canby Gun Club Shooti.
At the regular Sunday shoot held
by the Gun Club, George Meeks, the
barber, claimed championship and
was undisputed, breaking twenty-four
straight birds without a miss. Claud
: llaty, who picked tho honors of the
j llrHt shoot of the season, was a close
I second. Several of the members were
' present for the first time this year
land as was generally expected their
records were not up to the usual
standard. Those taking part Sunday
were George Meeks, Claud Bitty, C.
Fellows II. Patch, Arthur Knight, M.
! .1. Lee, O. Kreuger, L. V. Carothers,
i E. Kreuger and Wllmer Bandsncss.
' Several new members have been en
! rolled this year and tho equipment
will he Improved. A loading machine
has been ordered by Mr. SandsnesH,
;the hardware dealer, and at least one
new trai will he purchased, besides
! needed improvements on the pit and
shed will he made.
way before trying to enter the build
Ing they ran into a fence, wrecking
It, which prevented them going fur
ther. No serious damage was done.
F. HartiDton Finishes Prune Dryina. ! NEW ERA.
F. Hampton finished his prune dry-1 1 ;
ing for this season on Monday after- Mrs. Wink was shopping In Canby
noon. Over 2000 boxes of prunes I Monday afternoon. I
were dried, which will command the; Frank Zolner, of Canity, has been
highest market price. The prunes sawing wood with his gasoline wood
were large and of excellent quality. ! aw the past week, ;
Mr. Hampton has 10 acres In prunes, Hurt McArthur purchased a line
and has made a success of raising this Jersey cow from Mr. Anthony last
as well as other fruit for the past 13 week, paying .",0 for same.
years. Ills trees are given the nest -ir. iiurgoyim spent, sevriui nays
J. A. Andrews Is erecting n black
smith shop. Mr. Johnson, of Molallii,
has "rented the shop ami will move
to town In the near future.
Mrs. ljirson. who lives about two
miles from town, came to town Fri
day with her son Unite. On tint way
home the team ran away, throwing
Mrs. Uirsen out at the top of Oak
ley hill. She struck on her head anil
was badly Injured. Will Tull happen
ed along and took her home. Site Is
slowly recovering but Is suffering
considerable. Dr. lien Glesy was
The Ijidles" Aid of the Synod Luth
eran Church, met with Mrs. Kkern
G. Sltukins has sold his saloop to
0. J. Hogue.
Mr. Moo has started a meat market,
at the old stand.
Mrs. (1. Oldenberg nnd daughter r"-1
turned to her old home at La Grande. !
Mr. Johnson hns rented the house
vacated by Mrs. Oldenberg. t
Jim Ogle has sold out. I
Harlow will noon have a barber'
shop. j
It Is rumored there will soon be a
double wedding In Harlow.
Miss llattle Irwin Is helping Mr.
H. Snyder, of Aurora, with serving!
this week.
Mrs. Snyder called on Mrs, Quint!
Saturday. 1
Mrs. Wurful was a Portland visitor
the first of tho week. '
C. G. Tull Is papering, cleaning ami !
renovating the Pusey house. Well I j
wonder what for, Casio? '
The fall rains seem to be here,
but the farmers hnvo their potatoes
dug and some have their wheat sown.
Mrs. James 1 1 y I ton Is threshing her
bean crop nnd a bounteous harvest
Is tho result.
Mr. Jenkili's son from New Mexico
is staying with his parents. He Is
a dentist and will proabbly locate lit
A meeting has been culled for 7.:I0
Saturday evening In the school house
for the purpose of organising the
Twilight Literary Society. A few years
ago literary meetings were held here
and met with great success with fifty
or sixty members. The tirminlrut Ion
of the new noddy Is meeting the
approval of all the neighbors nnd no
doubt there will be held some Inter
esting and Instructive meetings this
Wlllliim MK'ord Ih confined to tho
house with a severe attack of sciatic
Warner Grange meets nt New Era
on Saturday of this week and the
grangers from here urn anticipating
u big dinner nnd n good time. There
are a good many members In tills
neighborhood now and all find that
It pays to be n granger.
George Schrelner, after harvesting
his potato crop bus again returned to
his work In the lull limber.
This neighborhood Is coming forth
with new life, as we have two enter
tainments scheduled ahead. On Sat
urday evening, October 110, the school
will give n Hallowe'en parly nnd nil
good people are Invited to come and
enjoy the programme and bring your
purses, so that you can patronl.o the
hoothH. On the following week tho
Uiynl Temperance legion will give
an entertainment with a programme
that will lie Interesting to all,
I). L lloylan shipped a linlil of po
tatoes to Portland one day this week.
Frank Warner, who has been work
ing for Thomas Kelland, has accepted
n position at Oswego and will leave
for that place soon.
Ed Graves hns again been trying
Jils skill In exchanging horses. It
loolis as though his experience has
been of great service to him.
Show (ho "Enterprise" to your
Canby Market Report.
Butter fresh ranch, fine lb; cream
ery, t;5r lb.
Butter fat swert cream 43c.
Kggs 3lr.
('liees ;tv lb.
Cabbage line cwt.
New potatoes ,111 70c cwt.
Wheat Xfic bushel.
Oats- $25 ton.
Hulled hurley-$29 toll.
Sliiirls$:ifi ton.
Ilrnn $.'I0 ton.
Oranges ,Kic dot.
Haiianna Hoc dot,
l'lnons 2 .1e dot.
Peaches $ I. fill box,
onions 1 i,c lb.
Honey 12U,e, ,.
Dressed Meats block hogs, fancy,
Oc; ordinary TfiSc; venl, fancy, 9c;
ordinary. iif(t fityc.
Bacon best country lRfl20e.
Hams IKo.
Urd-bulk. 11V.
Sugar $11.11,1 sack.
Chickens old hens lie; roosters
I He, springs, l ie.
Melons K0e per cwt.
Oregon City Enterprise 9 1 .CO.
The largest Assortment In the City,
From 5 rents to $3 50.
Just Received Another Assortment of
Artlmlc Postals, lienutles, at
Want to Buy or Sell.
Farm: hog, dairy or chicken ranch;
orchard or timber. One acre or
thousands. It will pay you to
consult I dirt man & Thompson,
Chamber of Commerce, Portland,
Ore. Edwin Hooker, Mgr. Farm
on business Monday.
Mrs. C. C. Hutchinson went to Port-1 of care, which accounts Tor the large I last ween in i-oriianu.
laiut this week to nurchase new mil-icrons and of the fine quality. The passenger train killed
linery goods for her establishment,
Mrs. DeLasbmutt and family left
Wednesday for La Grande, Oregon,
where 'hey will make their future
home. Mr. DeLashrnutt preceded his
family several days ago, and has a
position in that city. The house va
cated by the DeLasbmutt family will
be ocupied by C. S. Hlnton.
Fred Waggnor has rented the Axtell
place across the river from Canby,
and will take possession this week.
Carl Lucke went to Portland on bus
iness on Thursday, returning on the
evening train.
Mr. Wade, of Portland, Is In Can
by this week, on business In connec
tion with the proposed cannery.
Miss Ivah Gordon returned home on
Tuesday, after a day's visit with Mjss
Laura Avlson, of Oregon City.
Two handsome new pianos have
been added to Canby homes during
the past week, being those of Mtb.
John Rydman and Mrs. Holzman.
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Paddock spent
Sunday with the former's parents.
County Treasurer and Mrs. A. D. Pad
dock, of Gladstone.
Death of Miss Barbara Reese. etetog cow on Thursday of last.
Miss Barbara Reese, a well-known week,
young woman of this city, died at the I Game is reported very scarce in this
home of her brother, S. H. Reese, on 'section of the country.
Wednesday, and the funeral services' Mrs. A. Kocher, of Canby, spent
were held at the Scandinavian church Saturday with Mrs. H. P. Wink,
on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the I Messrs. Slander, Dustln and Veteto
church being filled with many friends! have been laid up with sore hands the
and acquaintances of the family. The I past wee.k Carbuncles and blood pol
Interment was In the. Zlon cemetery. I son seem to have a grudge at gome
Miss Reese was Shout. 21 years of ag
and had resided at the home of her
brother for some time. She had been
ill for many months, and her health
had gradually failed until death ended
her sufferings. The many floral trib
utes was a mark of high esteem in
which she was held.
Creamery Fast Nearing Completion.
The creamery will be iu operation
In tfils city by the latter part of next
week, the Installing of the machinery
being almost completed, under the di
rection of Ralph Alllnghatn, of Cor
vallls. Already the churn having a
capacity of 6000 pounds, and the
cream ripener with a capacity of 400
gallons, are In position. At the rear
of the manufacturing room Is the en-i
of the New Eraltes.
Someone visited Ora Slyter'g chick
en roost a couple of weeks ago and
borrowed about 50 of his finest pul
lets and have not returned them at
this writing.
j .vi rs. .viary nougnam ami son, oi
i Candy, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Veteto Sunday. i
Mr. Wink has reshlngled and Is re-'
modeling his house. !
Mrs, Kate Spuluk hag purchased
some choice property In Candy. j
Clarence Dahlen, who Is employed
at the reform school, was visiting his I
parents Sunday. I
The Great Closing Oat Sale at
T.Re Fair tr
still going on and will continue until every dollar's worth
of goods is sold. So don't miss this great opportunity.
Come in and supply your wants for the next six months
to come. It means dollars to you in seasonable merchandise.