0 KEG ON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, OOTOHKU 22, t!H)i). mil m 11 t M You're sure you're getting the genuine vtiet you buy from u. No danger of refilled bottles No danger of buying cheap worth lex trash placed in CYRUS NOBLE bottles and palmed of as the genuine. Wc are now selling for the first time in 44 years direct to the con sumer in districts where you are unable to obtain this famous brand. 41? pan quart bottles of GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE direct to you, aO charges id to the nearest railroad Pure old honest whiskey at an honest legitimate price. Guaranteed to the United States Government and to YOU to contain all the secondary constituents that make it real WHISKEY The government officials state that any distillation thai doeso't is alcohol. k vj.van;schuyver" & cox Dubluhtd 1564 105-107 Setoad Street PortW. Ofrjoo cur rr tins una aat W. J. Vu Sdifyw A Co, mm EacWd pba tad M30 fcr di CENUINE CYRUS NOBLE. ' N pleoat mi VJ JJasiS. A aL si NEWS OP THE COUNTY MOUNTAIN ROAD. Mrs. Strasburg was calling at the Eisle home Sunday on business. Noisy Allen spent Sunday with friends and relatives of this place. Mrs. Zimmerman was taken quite sick Sunday, but Is much better at the present writing. Carl Eisle went to Willamette one day this week. Mrs. LaFlemme spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eisle. Johnny Helberg was visiting his friend, Johnny Zimmerman on Sun day. Mr. Ehlers Is doing some painting . In this neighborhood this week. Ernest Boeknian made a flying trip to Wllsonville-last week. Fred Baker spent Saturday in this berg digging spuds for L. Koeller meier. August Koellermeier, Sr. was doing business In town this week. John Holub. of Gladstone, passed j through here on his way to John i Babsh's place Sunday. Miss Anna Hodge has returned home from Portland, where she has beep spending a few days with her aunt, Mrs. Eddy. Mrs. L. Koellermeier and Mrs. E. S. Kruse spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. B. F. Baker, of Wtllara-.- ette. Mrs. Baker has been quite sick, but Is ebtter now. Fritz Zimmerman was hauling rock Friday and Saturday on the road. Neils Christensen. Jr. was hauling straw Saturday. Miss Alice Eisle went to Portland Sunday and returned home the follow ing Saturday. Frank Keluhofer made a trip to Wil lamette one day this week. We hear we are going to lose our neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. There was a family moved Into their house lately and the Petersons will leave In a short time, but do not know just where they will go. REDLAND. That bear did not drown Don, but coming up behind him he very nearly drowned him. Mrs. S. K. Gray was taken suddenly 111 last Friday at her home, her chil dren were sent for, but only the daugh ter, Mrs. D-vis, of Oregon City, and her son Frank, of Wllhoit, came as the other sons, Harry and Carl, could not be located. Her son, George, at Lents, has not arrived yet. Mrs. Gray is under Dr. Mount's care. Every thing is being done, but there is little hope for her recovery. The Misses Ada and Emma Brock went to Portland last Friday and visit ed with their cousins, Alva Dallen and wife over Sunday. SHOE NEWS The Oregon City Shoe Store has been purchased fcyJfjstinS.Lageson from S. Pallay. Mr. Lageson will take posses sion next Monday. Yoa are invited to call. -:- -:- Oregon City Shoe Store MAIN STREET . i OPP. POSTOFFICE $4.22 tipom offic. aua, to-o at mm pnaaoi fossr smarts It is reported that the Clear Creek Lumber Company has resumed work, but under a new firm. Mrs. Stone bought a roll of butter from Mrs. Wilcox, which was deliver ed by placing It In Mrs. Stone's mail box, but 'it happened that the mail carrier got there before Mrs. Stone and of course placed the contents of the mail box in his wagon, as every thing there is supposed to be for him, and continued on his route. He met Mr. Stone and requested him to thank Mrs. Stone for the nice roll of butter. It surely Is somebody's place to treat. Whose? Mr. Weiderhoisen Is buying tile to tile his place, which he bought some time ago of Mrs. Mosher. GREENWOOD. Get out your umbrellas, the rain Is here. Mrs. Alger is visiting In Portland this week. Percy Pennman was up from Sell- wood visiting with his folks over Sun day. If the person who took the whistle oil Mr. Stroup's engine will call on Mr. Stroup he might make him a pres ent of the engine. Mr. and Mrs. Baker gave a party Saturday evening to celebrate tbeir son, John s, fourteenth birthday. Re freshments were served and a very enjoyable time was had. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. William Braker. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mead Mrs. Helens, Miss Mae Clark, Bertha Rider, Hannah Thompson, Nellie Knowles, Stella Rolland, Vada Rider, Lucille Kellogg, Ruth Jacobs, Hobert Eastman, Theodore Marley, Nell Thompson, John Braker, Leon Dob- son, Charley Cahill, Lyman Rolland, Homer McCormack, Arthur King, Stephen Braker, Ernest Jones. David Thomas, Dell McCormic, Wesley Knowles, Charles Holmes, William Rolland, Willie Jacks. Archie Thomp son, Percy Penman, Richard Braker. Dr. Meissner and brother came out in their auto Sunday for a ride and to enjoy the beauty of Greenwood. M E ADO WB ROOK. Charles Hall has sold his ranch for S50 per acre. Potato digging Is now in order with prospects of a good crop, fair price and good quality. There Is a young lady stopping with Mr. and Mrs. Dozier that weighs pound3. Mrs. Dozier Is doing well, but Pat is reported to be In a critical condition. Mr. Staudlnger and family made a business trip to Woodburn Sunday, Gilmore's band left for Canby Thurs day, after celebrating the opening of the Cauby Canal Company's ditch. The ceremony took pine at the offleo at the bead gate tl was celebrated by the firing of salutes and speech making by .Mfssrs lo ami Dodge, Gtlmore's band furnishing the music. Humor says that Mr. Selmfer has a largo contract for ties for th Swift or some other railroad and will begin the erection of a iuv saw mill at once. Master George Kay has boon quite sick for the last few days, but Is reported to be bettor now. Mrs. Way and daughter, Kva, of Mount Pleasant, wore. visiting friends in town Saturday and Sunday. A very pleasant surprise was Riven Mrs. Kay Friday afternoon. It being the anniversary of her fifty second mllo stone. The evening was pleas antly spent in social talk uud games among the young folks and at 10 o'clock refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Hotmail and son. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and son. the Misses Myrtle, Hanoi, Nettle Jerkins. Hertlm Glen, Mable and Huth Chlldgreu and others en joyed the occasion, Mrs. Kay receiving some valuable presents. Thos. Kamsby's mulling face has been seen on our streets quite often lately. We understand Mr. Kamsby la Interested In an lrrlgntlou project on the upper Molalla. When the water was turned into the Canby Canal Company's ditch Thursday It was a surprise to the people to see the water run up stream. WILSONVILLE. Mrs. Marlon Young spent Tuesday In Portland. Mrs. Clutter' and Mrs. John Brobst have been spending a week at the home of their parents at Wllsonville. Mr. and Mrs. Bethune spent Satur day and Sunday at their home lu Lents. Oliver Todd has taken the position as mall carrier on route S, in place of Sam Hogan. Miss McCarty, of Portland, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Young. The Ladles' Aid met at Mrs. White's on Thursday last. The next meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs. Norman Say. Mr. Richmond, of Portland, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Reed Gra ham. Miss Pearl Bailey spent Saturdoy and Sunday at her home In Sher wood. Mr Archie Seely, eldest son of our honored townsmau. Mr. Frank Seely, was married on Tuesday evening, October 12, to Miss Olive Stratum, of Newberg. The funeral service of Mr. Moore, father of Mrs. Elmer Jones, was held at the home of his daughter near Wllsonville, on Thursday, October 12, at eleven o'clock A. M., Rev. Reed officiating. The Hood View choir ren dered appropriate music, and Rev Mr. Osgood, of Independence, assisted In the service. Mr. Moore had been ill for more than a year and although In recent years he has been a resi dent of Independence, the greater part of his life was spent on his farm near our village, where he was well known and a highly respected citizen. The relatives have the sincere sym pathy of the entire community. A wedding of more than ordinary Interest to Wllsonville people, on ac count of the prominence of the con tracting parties, took place on Wed nesday, October in, at high noon, at the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Seely, at which time Miss Cora Seely, the eldest dangli ter was united In marriage with Mr. H. L. Hasselbrlnk. the Rev. Mr. Reed, of the Congregational church, being the officiating clergyman. The par lors of the Seely residence were beau tifully decorated In white chrysan themums and maiden hair ferns, with a back ground of gorgeous autumn leaves, while the wedding bell was artistically suspended over head. where the Imposing ceremony was j performed. The bride was beautiful' in a gown of white silk organdie, J while the groom wore the ennven-' ventlonal black. Miss Edna Seely, ; sister of the bride, was the bride's attendant, and Andy Hasselbrlnk. brother of the groom, was groomsman. The Immediate relatives were the only guests present at the ceremony. A wedding luncheon was served In the dining room, after which the bride and groom departed on a short honey moon. The bride has been the popu lar teacher of our local school until recently, and Is beloved by her many friends. Mr. Hasselbrlnk Is a young man of sterling business ability and splendid character, who counts his friends by the score, and Is the pres ident of the local M. B. A. Lodge. After their return from their wedding trip this popular young couple will be at home in Wllsonville, where their host of friends Join in wishing them a very long, proseprous and happy journey through life. CLEAR CREEK. Joe Lacroy went to Lyle, Wash., Monday, to pick apples, as he has a fine fruit farm that he bought last year. The Clear Creek lumber mill, which went Into bankruptcy last sprliiR, will soon be running full blast, as C. Ovenller has bought all the logs and timber. Mr. Smith, of Clear Creek, who bought Lea Klrchern's farm, has started to build a house, and when completed will put all others on the sick list. MOLALLA. Farmers are Jubilant over the indi cations of rain, that fall seeding may be done. The Christian church building Is nearlng completion. Dr. Todd expects to move Into his residence next week. Regular meeting of Molalla Grange No. 210, this 4th Saturday. Mrs. h. W. Robblns has a cousin vfaltlng her from Alaska, whom she never saw before. Isaac Gibson and Arch Miller are building a house for Mr. Klsbee. JOHN W. THOMA8, DENTI3T. Molalla Mondays. Pacific Phone Main 112 Home Main 24 Res. Phone Home B 236 Dr. VLADIIMIR JINDRA Natareopath from Europe Specialist for Chronic Disease Successful Treatment A. W. Kusselll, our machinist, has purchased a tlrst class Iron working lathe and will be prepared to do almost any kind of lathe work. Indeed It Is a tool Molalla has needed In repair work for a long time. , J. VY. Thomas received directly from Cincinnati an automobile, bauled it out from Canby, set It up and he and his brother made a trip to Logan and return for the third run. Carry Herman brought homo a new traction Kngino a fow days ago, roll ing It off the car by steam. MOUNTAIN VIEW. There Is quite a lot of sickness around of late. Miss May Erlcksou thinks she Is taking the typhoid fever, nr. Stuart was called. tls Lura Skinner Is also sick. Mrs. Yundong, who weut back East Inst summer with her husband on a visit, returned homo Saturday, alone, as her husband died while there, Charlie May uud son, of Liberal, Ui hu oji iq puu dJ.tq iltif iH.v .uv typhoid fever ill the hospital lu Port land. Mr. and Mrs. Hysom, of Washington, arrived Wednesday morning to visit with their son and family. Grandma Godfrey, of California, w ho Is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. I Confer, will go to Portland the last of the week. Mr. uud Mrs. laiymiuui have com pany from the East. Mr. Erlckson Is making many Im provements on his place. He erected a new well house last week. Joe Uamurd was shaking hands with old friends here Sunday. Mrs Spencer, of Tualatin and two daughters, Mrs. Sadie tlulbrotth and Mrs. Josle Dunn, were calling on S. V. Francis and family Sunday. Henry llognslaskl Is In our burg again. Miss Alma Mack and brother, Mllo. of Portland were hero Sunday. Mrs. George Everhart was trans acting business In Portland Tuesday What a nice shower we are having. Mrs. Nohren was visiting lu this berg one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Parish will spend tho winter In Eastern Oregon on account of Mrs. Parish's health. Mr. WU-klund Is putting up a shanty on his place lu Elyvllle addition. Wiley May Is helping him put up the building and he expects to batch this winter. Mr. Dixon Is away from home this week, at a poultry show. STAFFORD. We have been unjoyliiR delightful October weather, warm and hay with just enough of a clitll In the air to give one a feeling of life and liberty not felt In any other month. Grapes In this vicinity are nearly nil gathered. Hups are nearly all out of tho grow ers' hands at price ranging from :.'c to 2ic, leaving u good living margin after all expenses are paid. Potatoes are turning out fairly well nnd all farm products bring a good price. The Muser brothers are runlilng their chop mill again on Saturdays. Mr. Aernl has been digging a well. The men thought they heard water running within a few Inches last week, but have not struck It yet. Il intent possibly have been to one side. Louis Schroeder, who was born and brought up near Stafford, and was as sociated for a number of years with the Sharu I Iron., In the threshing busi ness, died lu Portland on Sunday, und was brought to Stafford for burial on Tuesday. Although It rained, a large concourse met at the cemetery to pay the last tribute of respect to a de parted friend and neighbor. Mrs. Powell went to Oregon City Tuesday. Zack Ellegscn had a house full of company Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mllem are camping on her. part of the old Hayes place, trimming the orchard. When they were out, Kred Maker's hogs helped themselves to all the eatables they could reach, necessitating a fresh sup ply. Adolph Delkar Is having a well dug near his line, new house. They have been having the measles at Charlie Tledeman's. Miss Grace Is very 111 with them. Mrs. Mays and family are preparing to move to the Will Borland place owned by Mr. Kellar. Mr. and Mrs. Gage have returned from their trip to the coast, ami Miss IJee Gage, their granddaughter, is with them. Ed bought a couple of cans of paint and ten pounds of beef for his father last Friday, when he went to Oregon City. Coming home he took In the party at Mr. Thomas' and when he started home his purchases had dis appeared. Although there Is no pos itive proof as yet. It Is thought the party who Is being watched closely, will make a misstep and give himself away. A house full of company assembled at Mr. Schatz' on Sunday, and to their great surprise In walked Jake, who was last heard from In Denver about sick with a cold which grew worse, and he realized Webfoot and home was the best place for him. Ho Is better at the present writing, proving the wisdom of his course. Mrs. Frederics Is very sick. Dr. Mount In attendance. She had but lately returned from the Fair. MACK8BURG. Everybody Is hauling spuds. Road Supervisor J. W. Smith, Is graveling the road near the Lone Elder School House. The Macksburg roads are an honor to Clackamas County. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers have Just re turned from a trip to the old home near Minneapolis, Minn. Ilolh report a splendid time. Mr. Rowers says Minnesota is a grand state, but he was mighty glad to get back to Ore gon. Will Hlnes and Phil Graves traded horses this week. Hill weurs a smile. Phil wears a smile. Jess Hepler has rented Joe Gibson's ranch for a year. Save the cow bells. Deed Harms made a splendid bag of quail In Redileld's game preservu last Sunday. Joe Gibson bagged his limit of quail and pheasant the same day. Office Hours 1-6, 7-8 P. M. Sunday 10 to 12 Our school slniied two weeks ago, under tho old manngouiont. Mr, Bald win, principal, and Miss kutux, assist ant. A. J. McAnulty Is teaching the Initio Kldor school. TEASEL CREEK. Tho Herman boys wore called to l,onta a fow days ago to moo their mother, who Is dangerously III at that place. Mr, nnd Mrs. C. W, Herman were callers at Rev, Qulnu's last Sunday. Mrs. Dart, of Solo, Is visiting Teasel Crook friends this week. Mrs. King, who bus boon visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. II. Qulnn, for sometime, contemplates a trip to Hclo lu tho near future. Jesse llaghy went to Portland and Oswego this week. He will bring his mother homo, who bus been visiting there with her daughter. Ed Dart has taken his daughter to Portland for nil operation for appendi citis. Litter List. Ust of unclaimed letters at Ore gon City postomYo for the week end lug October 22: Woman's list Allen, Mi's. Hello 8 t2):l!roon, Mrs. Mutltdn; Jones, Cora; LIU Is, Mrs. Hon; Ullla. Miss; Mum mer, Mrs. Chas.; Itouyor, Mrs. I). E ; Shirley, MWIo. Men's list Carson. Ilerton; Edholm. Thoukrtd; Kills, Jas, A.; Evans, Ger ald D ; Gardner, J. C; Gorman, linn. W.; Glossier, Goo.; livell, lien; Minor, Kdw.; Sterne, L A.; Young. Edw. (S). VITAL STATISTICS OF COUNTY. Births Exceed Deaths By 3 to 1 In Old Clackamas. The following vital statistics for Clackamiis County have been report ed by the Stnte Hoard of Health for the mouths of July and August; July lllrths, ;itl; deaths, 10; cases uf tuberculosis, I; deaths from tuber culosis, I; deaths from typhoid fever. 2; cases uf diphtheria, 2; cases of scar let fever, 2. August lllrths, 30; deaths, 10; rases of typhoid fever, 1; deuths from typhoid fever, 2; cases of scarlet fever, 1. A PLEASANT WAV TO CURE CA- TARRH. I'iKir deluded victims! . Continually sprinkling und spraying and stomach dosing. What are yon doing It for? Trying to kill the catarrh germs? Ml Kin just ss well try to kill n rat with fresh milk. Sticking a plere of chewing Kum In the upper left hand corner of tho right car would slaughter Just as many germs. You can't kill the germs that cause catarrh unless you gel where ihey are. You ran get where the germs are by breathing llyoniel, the powerful yet soothing nntlseptlc. which Is pre pared especially to kill catarrh germ. Just brenthe It In, that's all. It gives Joyful relief in tlve minutes. Il Is guaranteed by Huntley Hros. Co. t; cure catarrh, or money back. It Is sold by leading druggists ev erywhere. A complete out III. Inclii I Ing Inhaler, costs $1.0(1. Kxtra bot tles, Dc. Cures sore throat, coughs and colds. "I lake especial pride In recom mending llyoniel to asthinetle suffer ers, as I know by experience thnt It Is a remedy that cures. I have licit since using Hyomel had any recur rence of asthma." Mrs. Win. Ilur tun. Owosso, Mich., June 1909. Oct 8-22 "The Light of the Hour" ELECTRIC LIGHT It is MODERN. It is CLEAN, there fore a LABOR and MONEY SAVER. It is SAFE. It it CONVENIENT; a light WHERE YOU WANT IT. When you want it-JUST PRESS THE BUT TON. It is SANITARY; does NOT in crease the temperature of a room or VITIATE the air. EXPENSE includes only the cost of electricity. Standard lamps renewed FREE. CALL UP Portland Railway Light .& Power Company A Old Folks' Livers H.l -. mfttNi.tituI ml-rlmr llr ikiKi i i. I Itillitita Hit. I sits is time, the Uvilivo mint ni bo sad cuue il;ikiii( snd sii loins. Vrt' li the Lie il trr:itmr:U for old folks' liven -nrvrr fails an, yrt never shocks. A Ionic s well stipatiun, ihriimalisin.hilimisiicsi-anyaii'iaii iriniiHrs oi liver, st.mm. li and Imwrli, TA an N R Ublut to. night you'll leel belter Get a FOR 8ALH 11Y JONES DRUG COMPANY, Dements Best FLOUR $1.50 PER SACK AT ALL GROCERS. Careful of Your Property One of the secrets of our success j In the liaggnge and I ransler business. I taFp PLmns and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Phones, Office 1121. Residence C I FIVE-MINUTE TALK Umw s star Awmf CHICKEN LICE MITES COCKROACHES AND BED BUGS rw wku vw kr Sllada ApfUntlMi ml AVENARIUS CARB0LINEUM (Owmu Wood rtmrrt ) ttoartxlaanous, Suillvr Iklof r-ul as ta lllhosraphnl rans IKS' I 1st sour daalsr ! f" Mrtalaaa ImltaUsa. rust BALK is iu iiKAt-r.im. rvsallaara Was riasantlag l raruaau, nr. Fisher, Ttio'sen I Co. . Wholxals Al.nls. Is. I'urtland Org"B Wftla for Toall- THE CONTRACT DEPARTMENT HRST AND ALDER nit lo It 1 1 thrill from ,.niT fit-till v run tlnwn. At (he Mine io viulcnt si to shock, the system mi a Imative. c s o r i on. la urn murtuiur. 25c No Transfer Co. 1833 525 Main Street I ONLY ONE GENUINE THini It ONLY ONI OINOINt CAFtOOLINIUM, THAT It THI AVINARlUt CARtOLINKUM, THINI It A CHIAP IMITATION ON THI MARKET THAT II INQ OFPIISKO AT MOM l.00 TO tt Pit GALLON. THI OKNUINI AVINARlUt CAR BOLINIUM IN QUART CANI M CINTt, AND ONI OALLONt AT USO WILL DO ALL THAT II CLAIMIO FOR IT. INtllT ON THI OINUINI, TAKI NO OTHIR. PUT UP IN LITHO GRAPH CAN! AND IOLD IN ORIOON CITY. MASONIC BUILDING, Room 11 OREGON CITY, ORE.