OREGON CITY ENTER PKISl', FRIDAY, OOTOHER 8, IWH. 1 j 4b Aurora and Northern Marion AURORA. . V S. Hurst was In Portland This eok drumming tin business. Mr. Hurst will shin a car of onion sets this week from his warehouse In Hub bard to llolse, Idaho. This is the first shipment of its kind this season, al though several ears of grain and early potatoes have been sold to the south ern and eastern dealers. H. L. Hems and family were at the Canby Fair last week looking over the exhibits and viewing the Tact Mr. Bents was very agreeably im pressed with the improvement made this vear over that of last, and thinks it a "great thing for the country in general. J. A. Hill was also at the fair to see the races. Mrs. A. Meyer, who has been here for some time as the guest of her sis ter, left for ber home in Cincinnati, Monday. Kreddie Glesy was in Portland this week taking In" the theatres, Mr. and Mrs. Sadler took a drive last Sunday through the country. Charlies Schuerer was In Canby and tried his best to take first money in the farmers' (rot, but luck was against him as usual. on v mt. nn.l Mr Racett. of 'Portland, were through Aurora this week and took dinner at me new Au rora hotel. They were euroute to Salem. Pen Will helped the Canby Reds get their "needing" last Sunday when the Hubbard bunch put it ver them bv a good margin. A. C. Smith, the blacksmith, has found business so rushing that he has been compelled to put on a new helper to do some of the extra work. . Gus Hankey, of Macksburg. who has been absent for some time, has re turned and will again be seen here as of old. He has been looking over his farm at Pieasenton. North Dako to, and reports the crops there as very good on the whole. Mrs. Lnndeen, after trying her new electric flat-iron, says she is very well rleased with it and commends Mr. Hurst for getting them Installed. Mrs. Henry Sayder and children were at the fair last week taking in the side shows. A. X. Fry, brother of the city re corder, was also at the fair. A social dance will be given at Au rora October 23d, by I'na Temple, No. 26, Pythian Sisters. Garrett's or chestra wil furnish the music and a good time is assured to all who at tend. Mishler and Grlbble, the hop mer chants, have already sent out a couple of cars of this season's hop crop; one going to St. Paul and the other to New York. Fire at Donald. The sub station at Donald was com pletely destroyed by fire late Tuesday afternoon. The exact cause is hard to determine. A terrific explosion took place that blew part of the ma chinery out of the building. This station was one of the main sub sta tions of the Oregon Electric Co., and its loss will materially weaken the power in the Immediate neighborhood for some time, or until it can again be rebuilt The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. St Helens is reported as very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Will Yergen returned Tuesday from Portland, where they took their baby to undergo an opera tion, which the child stood in good shape. The Good Samaritan Hospital mas the place where the operation was performed. Council Transacts Business. Mayor Miller called the regular meeting of the Aurora council to or der Monday night with only a small attendance. Those present were, H. L. Bents. Kraus, Miller and Recorder Fry. Several additional street lights were ordered to be placed in locali ties needing them, two of which will be installed at the upper end of Main street and the other one at the cor ner of Third and Liberty. In the matter of the town pump; ordered that the recorder Issue war rants to cover the cost of purchas ing the remaining Interest and at tend to the matter of making the deal. In the matter of the resignation of Deputy Marshal J. A. Hill; ordered that the same be accepted and that $ $ A (t KN As you sell your hops, grain or other produce place your money in a reliable BANK. Pay each bill or account by CHECK and avoid the danger of carrying large sums of MONEY Put your spare cash to work night and day. We pay 4 Per Cent Interest on time deposits. When remitting do so by our bank DRAFTS For any accommodation call on the AURORA STATE BANK AURORA, OREGON J $ $ RECEPTION SALOON AUGUST HUNGER, Prop. -UKALEK Fine Wines, Liquors, Brandies and Gears SALEM BEER "BEST ON Aurora, t !the matter of filling tho vacancy ho I postponed unlil a later date and for lurtner eonsiiieriiiiou. Hills to the amount of about $100 were read and approved and the same ordered to be paid by the recorder. The new bridge in the outskirts of the city Is completed and in use. It presents a very neat appearance and Is an improvement that was very bad ly needed. Mrs, Otis Morris and small daugh ter, of Molalla, were In Aurora this week, visiting her father. F. li. Peter. Kussell Higglnbothem and Henry Peter were in Portland Friday and Saturday, taking In the town. Nearly the whole town of Aurora moved to Canby during the three days of the County Fair, last week. Miss Anna Goou, acompanled ber sister. Mrs. Meyer, to Portland, as the latter was on her way to her home In the East. Joe Southerland has a contract of I getting out a number of extra large; cedar timbers for a California power plant, and the White boys, of Canby, are doing the team work. George Southerland and Mr. Hep- I'cr. of Macksburg. were In Aurora this ween. ' no specimen 01 uregon (..rape root ;"'' '? &" near here, was display ed at the County Fair at Canby last week, and attracted considerable at tention on account of Its Immense size. Donald will again have horse races and other sports this coming Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller were in McMinnville this week, attending the wedding of Mrs. Miller's brother. J. S. Vandoleur. of Buttevlllo, was In Canby attending the races and also showing the people the proper kind of fence to build. Mr. Vandoleur is one of the main officers of the Marion County Fencing Company, and their display and demonstration of their new fence attracted quite a bit of favorable comment. Gus Johnson, of Donald, so report says, expects to build in the Spring. Mr. F. M. Derby, a real estate man of Salem, and wife, were In Donald Sunday. John Zimmerlle. the contractor, who was to build the new residence of Mr. Hosklns. was compelled to give up the job on account of poor health and the work will he completed by Shandach. Mr. Whitworth, of Donald, was In Portland this week on business. The new telephone company is do ing things right along and new instru ments are being Installed as fast as they can be handled by the employes. The lines will be gradually extended to cover all the outlaying district hitherto untouched. Work will start on the new road be tween West Woodburn and the main town this week and is expected to be rushed to completion in the near fu ture. Al Will. Clyde Dick. Thurston Grimm, Marion Meddaugh, Will and George Ehlen have gone to the moun tains, where they will spend a week or so chasing the festive and some what elusive deer and other "var mints." Mrs. William Wooster and Mrs. J. B. Hurst, were at the fair Saturday. They were accompanied by Mrs. A. Meyer. Miss Merle Scheurer and Hattle Fel ler took in the fair and dances at Can by, and during the absence of the for mer, Mrs. William Ryan tended the candy shop. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence White, of I'nion, were In Aurora this week do ing some necessary trading. Mrs. A. C. Schaurer left for Port land Tuesday and during her absence Miss Ida Feller, of Woodburn, will do the house work at the Scheurer home. Mr. Bent's able assistant at the bank was in Canby to attend the dances and look over the other at tractions. L. Webert and J. A. Miller were at Salem this week on court business. Mr. Webert also attended the Fair at Canby. A full new barrel of the famous Old Joe Gideon whiskey and six cases of Martinet imported brandy have ar rived at the New Aurora Hotel bar. The best of lit. Hood beer alwayB on tap. $ LH HINT JN- ! OLD CASTLE WHISKEY J ! EARTH" Oregon ! 5 Market Report. Hops are moving but slowly as the general feeling is still to hold until the market advances as an me uoah ers and growers think likely. The 25 cent mark has already been reach ed and predictions for a 30 cent mar ket is heard every where. Eastern prices aro from 3 to 3 cents better than hero and the dealers thing the raise must come. Several hundred, bates have changed hands in different parts of the Valley at prices ranging around the 25 cent mark. 34 cents and even 35 cents aro being offered In New York and over half of the en tire crop of the state has changed hands. The potato market is decidedly weaker this week, local dealers of fering around 55 cents per hundred for the early fancy stock, drain of all kinds is stationary. Onions are plentiful on the markets. Provisions are fast climbing skyward and fancy cured meats will soon He a luxury. Butter also has made a marked ad vaneo this week and Is now bring ing on the local market, 22l cents for the best country. Aurora prices aro as follows; Butter, fresh ranch, 22uC lb. Choose, best creamery, 25c lb. Ienions, 30c dot. Oranges. 80c doi. Bananas, SOc dox. Cabbage, 2c lb. , Honey, comb 12clb, strained, 25 c pint. Beans, small white, Sc lb ; brown, four lb for 25c. Bacon, country, 15c. Bulk lard 17c. Hams, country 17c. Packing House, 20c. Evergree blackberries, 24c lb. Dressed moats block hogs, fancy, 10c; ordinary 9c and 94c; veal, fancy 9c: ordinary Sc and S4c. Chickens old hens 10c: springs, 17c; young roosters. He, mixed 11c and 12c. Hay best clover $12 per ton, loose $$: timothy $15; cheat $12. Wheat, S5c bu. Potatoes retail lc lb; wholesale, early fancy, 50c cwt, sacks and twine furnished. Onions fancy 75c cwt. Bran, 90c sack. , Rolled barley $1.35 sack. Chop, $1.20 Sugar, 6.10 sack. Rice fancy 10c; common 7c. Flour Salem $1.40 sack; Wood burn $1.35, Yakima Best $1.50 sack. Oregon City Enterprise in good demand at $1.50. DIVORCE FOR MRS. JEFF SHAW. West Side Woman Says Husband Has Irritable Temper. Suit for divorce was Instituted last week by Mrs. Esther M. Shaw against Jefferson R. Shaw, of West Oregon City, to whom she was married at Portland, Or., August 31, lSSrt. They have three children, William J., aged 16 years; Ruth, aged 10 years, and Samuel E.. aged seven years. Mrs. Shaw charges her husband with pos sessing a quick and irritable temper and says he becomes angry without cause of provocation. He 13 said to have grown cold to her within the past ten years and for weeks he would scarcely speak to her, and when she would entreat him to treat her with kindness and affection he would spurn her with contempt. Gordon E. Hayes Is her attorney and Shaw is represented by C. D. and D. C. Lat- ourette. Mrs. Shaw was granted her decree of divorce without a contest. BIG ATTENDANCE AT U. OF O. Registration Reaches 1000 Students In All Department. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON. Eugene, Ore., Oct. 6. Registration in all de partments of the University of Ore gon has reached 1.000 students. In the colleges of Liberal Arts and En gineering, the enrollment Is nearly 000 students, and the total registra tion for the year In these two depart ments will reach 700, an increase over last year of 20 per cent. The freshman class, all of whom are High School Graduates, number 250 stu dents. Graduates from practically every four- year high school In Ore gon have entered the University this j fall, and there Is also a very notlc ! able number of students entering ; who are graduates of high schools outsld of Oregon. Letter List. List of Unclaimed letters at the Oregon City Postofflce for the week ending October 1. j Woman's list Adams, Mrs. O. W; i Allison, Vlrg; Brady, Anna; Dozler, Emma; Eames, Annie; Erlckson, MrH. Anna; Lee, Mrs. Chas. (2); Means, Stella; Roberts, Mrs. Ralph. Men's list Hen, Geo. (2); Hrady, Daniel P; Clark H. J; Colman, Mies; ! Davis, Dave; Herron, Chas. E; Hedges, Andy; Hover, Mr: Hiielat, (Walter; McConnel, Geo; Reak, Mr. Thome, Dug; Trip, J. 15. Adkins Files Mechanic! Lein. I James Adkins has filed a mechanics loin against the residence of Fred . Hurst. He states that on July 23 jlast he furnished lumber for the con struction of the house to the value of $04.59. HANDICAPPED. j This is a Case With Many Oregon I City People. I Too many Oregon City people are j handicapped with a bad back. The j unceasing pain causes constant rnls iery, making work a burden and stoop J Ing or lifting an Impossibility. Tho ' back aches at night, preventing re I freshing rest anil In the morning is 'miff and lame. Plasters and liniments j may give relief, but cannot reach the I cause. To eliminate the pains and aches you must curs the kidneys. ! Doan' Kidney Pills cure sick kid neys, and cure them permanently. Can you doubt Oregon City evidence? VV. M. Stone, a well-knwon resident I of Oregon City, Oregon, says: "I have been greatly benefited by the use of I two boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills. My I t roubles were occasional dizzy spells land too freuont passages of the kidney secretions. I had to get u poft.cn at night on account of the laitre annoy ance, also suffered at times from at tacks of backache. Having found such great relief through the use of Doan'rf Kidney PHIb I do not hesitate to rec ommend them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 1 troubled with Indigestion, revise your cents. FoKter-Mllbiirn Co., Buffalo, 'Met, let reason and not appetite con New York, sole agents for the United Urol and take a few doses of Chamber States. Iain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and Remember the name Doan's and take no other. LATOURETTE CHOSEN DEACON FOR LIFE first BAPTIST CHURCH CLOSES MOST PROSPEROUS YEAR. IN ITS HISTORY. The annual mooting of the First Baptist church was hold Friday night and the rcporta show that the past year has boon iho most prosposou in church history. There wore 230 uddlttnns to the membership during the year, which moans that the mem bership has boon doubled. The bap tisms numbered 170. The past year was also remarkable for the largest amount of money raised for all pur poses during the history of (he church. The elections wore as follows: Honary deacon for lif ll. C. Lut on ret t. ivaoons for three year tonus Will lam Mcljirty, Mr. Charles and W. Calkins. Sunday School Superintendent A. S. Hunt; assistant. Mrs. Carrie N. Parker. Treasurer John W. l.odor; assis tant. Loo Burdon. Treasurer of benevolences Mlja Smith; assistant. Miss Ova Maris. Finance committee, in addition to the treasurers and trustees H. ic. Cross. Mrs. Carrie Parker, A. J. Maris and F. M. Thompson. Baptismal committee Mrs. U I Moulton, Mrs. Frank Welch. Mrs. N. C. Lynd. Auditing committee A. F. Parker. S. P. Davis. Membership committee, to act with the deacons Mrs. S. P. Davis. Mrs. D. C. Latourette, Mrs. Frank Welch. Yoke Follows Band Ed Cut there. chairman: El wood Frost. Gcoruc Ott. William Edgecomb, Mlehacl 0'ltnry. G. E. Edwards. Charles F. Charles, W. K. McDonald, Loo Burdon, Hugh ilurdon. Church clerk Mrs. C. A. Nash. Mrs. E. Harrington. Mrs. D. C. Lat ourette. Mrs. John W. Uider. S Davis. Ona M. Rentier and A. H. Mllev were appointed a committee on recep tion for the pastor and tils wife !:. collont music wac rendered at lust iiisiii s meeting by I.00 Burdon. the male quartette aud a duet bv Mr. and Mrs. John W. Uidor. CLUB PLANS WINTER WORK. Women's Organization Arranges An Interesting Calendar. The Woman's Club of Oregon City Is arranging for lis Winter's work and the first meeting will bo held on Wed nesday afternoon of next week in the parlors of the Commercial Club. The officers are: Mrs. J. W. Norrls. president: Mrs. Erma L Jones, first vice-president; Mrs. Roslim Fonts, second vice-president; Mrs. Ernest hands, recording secretary; Mrs. .Mary M. Charmun, financial secre tary; .Mrs. R. Caufleld. treasurer. me departments are: Shakespeare Mrs. Erma L Jones; Parllmemarv Law, Mrs. Jennie H. Harding; Current topics, .Mrs. T. E. Board. Calendar. October 1.1 President's Greeting Mrs. J. W." Norrls: Vacation Stories Programme arranged by Mrs. Roslna Fonts. October 27 Women In Civic Life Mrs. Eva Emery Dye. November 10 Programme to be ar ranged by special committee. December 8 Mexico, Inez M. Ry an. January 12 A Trip Through Mex ico. .Mary s. Harlow. January 20 Programme to be ar ranged by special committee. February 9 A Trip to Alaska, Miss .Muriel Stevens; Current Events, Mrs T. E. Deard. February 2.'! Parliamentary Law .Mrs. jennie 11. Harding. March 8 Programme given by snakespeare department. March 23 Irrigation, Mrs. A. King nson. April 13 Programme to be arrang ed by special committee. April 27 Debate, to be arranged by .Mollle E. Straight. May 11 Election of officers. May 25 Whlttler Day, Mrs. Mary K. Caurield. June S Open day. June 22 Annual meeting. SATURDAY CLUB ELECTS. Mrs. May Lowry at Head of Congre gational Organization. The Saturday finb of the Congre gational churrh held Its meeting U the home of Miss Laura Avlson Mon day night. The annual election of officers took place, and the following were elected to serve: President, Mrs May Lowry; vice-president. Miss Hel en Daulton; secretary, Mrs. Estella Mclletchle; treasurer, Miss Ivy H Itmik. Mrs. Charles D. lJitouretto, who has been president of the club for the past thre; years, resigned th'if Mb re. Plans for the coming year were not crnsldered, and the rules of the club clanged. The committee on paint Ing the church made Its report, and the contract was awarded to Mohl'-r & Fleming. The next meeting of the club will be held at tho home of Mrs. John Lowry, November I. BONNETT CASE IS SETTLED. Beaverton & Willaburg Company Paye KZbO For Milwaukie Land. The condemnation suit of the Ilea- verton & Willsbiirg Railroad Com pany against Mrs. Uonnett and chil dren, of Milwaukie, which was to have been tried before In the Cir cuit Court Friday, has been settled out of court and will be dismissed. Mrs. Jionnctt is to receive $2250. The land involved In the controversy con sisted of 20 hundredths of an acre in the town of Milwaukie, In the rear of the Donneit residence. R. A. Lolther and Franklin T. Griffith, of Portland, appeared for the company and Slate Senator Hedges represented Mrs. Uon nett. Confectionary Store Sold. The confectionary store of Mrs. An gusta Luu on Seventh street has been sold Ut Mrs. Lizzie Newton, of High land. More Than Enough Is Too Much. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs Just enough food to repair the wasto and supply energy and body heat. The habitual con sumption of more food than Is nec essary for these purposes Is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rneumn tism and disorders of the kidneys. If you will soon be all right again. For iale by Huntley JJros. Co. COMMERCIAL CLUB IS AFTER 200 MEMBERS BANQUET WILL CLOSE RALLY FOR INCREASE IN STRENGTH OF ORGANIZATION. The 200 sign was hung out last night at a meeting of the Hoard of Governors of the Oregon City I otu menial Club, mid owry effort will be made to Increase the club member ship to thai point before November 1 next. The club now tins 12'J mom hers, but there are scores of Oregon City business and professional men who aro not lifting a finger to aid the commendable work of this organ I rut ion. The membership ootnnillteo, of which State Senator Hedges Is chairman, has boon authorUod (o act as Judge of the qualifications of pros pective members for the present, and every member of the club Is request ed to assist In (ho Increase 1 ally which will end with a banquet at which members of the club will lie present and the officers of the sever al Improvement and commercial and publicity organisations In the various sections of Clackamas County will be the guests of the club. The details of the banquet will be left to the on tcrtatumoitt committee. The bills Incident lo the reception of President Taft wore audited lust and ordered paid. The Item for flags was the principal one. Treasurer lJitouretto made a re port of the receipts and expenditures for the mouth. He reported a bul unco of $t',S9 In the treasury. HUNT FOR SMITH HOPELESS Penitentiary Hounds Used to Search For Milting Man, From 2 o'clock Wednesday after noon until l;3u o'clock Thursday Con stable Miles, Dr. T. C. Smith, Jr. of Salem, anil a guard from (ho stale penitentiary with two blood hounds searched the woods between Canby aud Aurora for J. Addison Smith, who mysteriously disappeared a week ago from the Open Air Sanltorlum nt MJIwaukle. Reports received bv Dr Smith ludlcnled (hat his brother hud boon seen at Canby, but Constable Miles, who returned to Oregon City Thursday afternoon, stated that the man bore no resemblance to the miss lug patient, except that ho Is lame. He was found Thursday morning at Aurora, and Is merely a broken down telegraph operator, who spent Tues day night in the Oregon City jail, having no visible means of support. Some of Mr. Smith's clothes were taken to Canby from the sanitarium and the blood hounds were given the scout, hut the chase was hopeless from pie start. IMPERSONATES THE PRESIDENT. Big Man on Southern Pacific Flyer Plays Joke on Crowd. An amusing Incident orcured last Sunday night Just before the arrival of the Presidential train from port laud. The Southern Pacific SunFrun Cisco flyer was late and reached hero at ('.:!, on the time of tho President's special. While this fact was generally known to the crowd. It did not pro vent a laugh from a thousund throats when a portly, well dressed man, n poured on the rear platform of tho train and protended to bow his ac knowledgements to the crowd. Th. man could hardly be termed the Pres ident's double, though there was some resemblance and tho big, good iiotur ed throng caught the nature of the Joke and applauded heartily. Big Potatoes From Estacada, Edward Rotifer, an East Portland Jeweler, who has a farm neur Esta cada, brought In to Portland Monday u lot of potatoes that measured 10 and 15 Inches long and three Inches In diameter. While out there Sunday Mr. Kenfer dug 18 sacks In a very short time. He.xald that the ootatocs were so thick In the hills that lie could dig a half a bushel at it time ami that about two dozen will fill a bushel measure. He estimates that he will get 200 sacks to an acre from his place. Mr. Fields Gives Pictures. Two beautiful scenic views, hand somely framed, have been presented to the (ommcrrlal Club by E. T. Fields, local agent of the Southern Pacific Company. The pictures have been placed on the walls of the club rooms and add tone to the furnish. lugs. McKittrick and Schoenheinz Transfer. E. .1. McKittrick and Chiirlefl Schoenheinz have exchanged loca tions, the former taking possession of the building at (Wit; Main street and Schoenheinz moving his shoo re pair shop to Seventh street near the Southern pacific doot. Aergert Must Keep the Peace. Adolph Aergert, who was arrested on charge of threatening to kill Will iam llradley at Stone, was Thursday afternoon given a hearing In Justice of the Peace Samson's Court and was required lo give a Ixitid of $'.00 to keep the peace. The Beit Plaster. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parts Ih superior to any plaHter. When troubled with ame back or pains In the side or chest give It a trial nnd you are cer tain to be morn than pleased with the prompt relief which It a'ffords. This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains and Is certain to please any one suffering from that disease. Sold by Huntley liros. Co. Painless Dentistry : 'I ' TmLJ 1 1 Otil of town pmuls C'. ' Y r 'J'" tMr pitta t V v ,! , VtH1-""1 ! f.;V? y.i $3.50 : .-. , f y. 0fol Cromi D.UU XrfSMf.-.'. FlMi Fillln.1 1.00 4 -: t;-dr..-J run... I flfl r"f 2 tnim?1 riiitnfi i.uv 'a .... r t.-. pi 11 cum... ) cn mnj riiinRa C.VW uuv'j nuuutr . PlalM a.uu Ball M Bub- ULW.LWal.FnrainaoHuiiu D rmti l.uu mini iftHimM m rtinitt rmnleii tilr lmn ,QU WORK GUARANTEED FOR IB YEARS PntnlffM Kitrnrlinn f no Y lino rlntfm r ItIiIko work lnoflnrtHt. (JofiiultNtlon Krmi. acnimtumttlt4,m f(iril-NH work tlnne Mnywhen'. AllHirtk f iiTi Knur- Wise Dental Co imwi UriLumo imcohposatid nini.iM,u.hi.. PORTLAND, OREGON OtllUl Haunt; i A. U. to 1 1. B. luulw, I to I. SEMI ANNUAL REPORT OF THE TREASURER or Clackamas County, Oivgou, for six inolilhs ending September 110. I!''J' Special School Fund. To iiiniin ill on hand lust report , ' "f'!'1!li ! To amount received from ll'ON tax li,2iil 74 To amount received from 1H0T lux , To Miiotuit received from buck tuxes Ill 1. 1 1 To amount received from comiuonilBii ! f'l To amount received from Junk sale " M To uinouiit liiiiisiorred from County Hcliool fund to Special school fund iU-' l" $ -ir.sr. :i r,ti ly amounts paid out 2.004 18 Uulnucv on hand ;l K,!l 11 $ 4:,Kr:ir Special City Fund. To amount on build lust report $ l,?2 4j To amount received from IWS lux l.M'J 27 To amount received from buck tax 214S To amount received from Junk sain ill $ :i.li'.:ii'.l lly amounts paid out - Hulauce on hand uss Ml $ :i,u;:u;i General Fund. To amount on hand lust report , $ f!l.74t t2 Amount received from 1WS lux I2.I.H0MI Amount received from 1IMI7 lux I,lt;i Amount received from back tux 2sl !ir Amount received from Junk sale ini7il Amount received from compromise UH.m Amount received from Clerk's fees n.o:u).2S Amount received from Hecorder'a foes :! 7iuu!l Amount received from Sheriff's foes I.'7K0 Amount received from Licenses 111111110 Amount received from Sculp bounty 0 2C Amount received from Pines IT.o:!0 Amount received returned from Pauper 2111 $ 82,:i7S :ui llv warrants ''7 liuiutici r.:.i:o7i $ K2,::;s ;nt County School Fund. To bulunco on hand last report $ '..'.0:10 2.1 Amount from I'.'es tux ti .mm 21 Amount from p.107 tax Ii u.l Amount from buck tux t : ' t Amount from Compromise -2 24 Amount from Junk Sain 4u 23 Amount from Pines 7 tin Amount from Forest Reserve, rental M2'iS $ CIV.W27 lly Superintendent's warrants t;'.o22 tin lluluiico Ill .S27 1.7 $ KI.SM12; Road Fund. To bulunco last report $ I - -7 Amount received from I'.'i'S tux I2,f72nl Amount received from 1 17 tin lo'.iS Amount received from Hark tux 271 liS Amount received from Compromise :i i;a Amount received from Junk Sulo 1 2" '.' Amount received from sale powder, etc ::!.; 2 Amount received from Forest Heservo rental .l2ii'.i Amount received from Poll Tux 00 $ T.'.i tins f.t lly wnrrants I'l ieK Ml Hulunco lo,M".ii;S $ I'.usM State School Fund. To amount received from Stiite fund $ Ku.'.SS.'. fly balance $ I7..'.s s', State Inititutt Fund. To balance on bund last report $ K'n.'l Received from certificates I'.i7oii $ :i 17:17 lly bu lu lire III? J7 Indigent Soldier Fund. To balance on bund lust report $ !i. Hy bulunco $ .MS Library Fund. To amount on hand last report $ 14 1 17 lly balance $ M: 17 I. J. C. Paddock, do hereby certify (hut tho foregoing Is a true and cor rect statement of tho amounts received, pnld out and romaluliu; on hund In the county treusury for the six months ending September .10, I'.ioii. J. C. PADDOCK. County Treasurer SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT of the County Clerk of (iackainus County, Oregon, nhowiug amount of claims allowed, for what allowed, 11111011111 of wnrrants drawn nui amount of wnrrnnts outstanding mid unpaid 011 tho IMth day of Se- tember. IUO',1. County Court and Commissioner $ 1 ,,1'itl 9."i Circuit Court S.f:io.27 Justice Courts K2K 1" Sheriff 1.4:i2.:iS County Clerk I, Mm If. Recorder l,hX7.75 Treasurer 743 iW Coroner 31,9 M Superintendent of Schools W on Assessor 3,243 77 Tax Department f.of, 711 Tax Rebate K70 72 Current Expetisi f,74 .10 Court House 1.734.03 .lull 2!i4.2."i County Poor Il.lKiiilo Indigent Soldier 27fi.f Insane Committments 1SS.27 Sculp Homilies 211 r,o Printing and Advertising l,!H'r 32 Surveyor IM',0.10 Krult Inspector X4 On Hoard of Health o7.71 , Road 1 lumngc 70.00 Total Ceneral Fund $ 2l',l!il!.40 Toial Road Wnrrnnts 77,!M'i2.7i; Total $ KH, llll.7ii fienernj Fund warrants outstanding $ 1,387,75. Estimated Interest Kio.no Road warrants outstanding 1 l2,(i3i!.S2 Estimated Interest 7,fi00.0d $ ir!,;24.r7 STATE OF ORKCON, County of Clackamas. ss. I, F. W. (iltlCENMIAN, County Clerk of Clackamns County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing statement of the amount of claims al lowed, by tho County Court for the six months ending September ,'lulh, W,t, and amount of warrants outstanding and unpaid, I correct and true. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the County Court this f.th day of October, 1!)0'J. F. W. flIIEICNMAN, (Seal.) County Clerk. SEMI ANNUAL 8UMMARY STATEMENT of tho financial condition of Clackamas County, Oregon, on the 30th day of Beptembor, 1909. Liabilities To General Fund warrants drawn on tho County Treasurer, out standing and unpaid $ l,:)87,7li Interest accrued (estimated) 100.00 Road warrant, outstanding and unpaid 1l2.fi3'IX2 Interest aocruedi (estimated ' 7r)00.o") Total liabilities H!l.f!24.67 Resources, Funds in hand of Treasurer nppllcablo to pnyment. of General Fund warraiils 55,138.7!) Funds In hands of Treasurer nppllcablo to payment of road warrants 10,51!l.liR Net IndebtedmiHH 85,9Ht!.10 $ 151,024.57 STATE OF OREGON, County of Clackamas. ss. Following Is a report of the money collected and turned over lo Him Treasurer of Clackainu County by the Sherln thereof for Iho six inontliH ending September 30th, 1909. April May Juno July August Sept. Month $21,577.95 $(i,38.3 l $2,190i0 $2,017.22 $1,718 35 $115 111 Fee 37.00 40.30 35.00 , 5.5(1 5o!tti $2 I.14.!!5 $0,078.04 $2,225.10 $2,022.72 $1,718.35 $125 51 The total amount of money turned over lo tho Treasurer as shown bv I his report Is $37,385.27. . I hereby certify that tho nbovo report Is correct and true n. II. ItEATIE, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.