4X Tht Entorprls a tho only Clackamas County ' Nowspap.r thai print! 9 HI of tho niwt of this ) .growing County, 4 OREGON CI TY EMS FORTY THIRD YEAR-NO, 37. McLOUGHLIN IS HONORED HISTORIC HOME Of FATHER OP OREGON OEOICATED WITH CEREMONY. WEATHER IS AUSPICIOUS t - Hio your subscription 4 plrodf Look at tho labol, 4 You ahould not miaa any of our newa number. t-- Scores of Prominent Plonssr Coma to do Honor to tht Noblo Char acter of tho Savior of tho Northwest, In Itin presence of nearly BOO xo pin the home .f rr, John McUiughllii, creeled by tho Kathttr of )rwn III 1844 anil occupied Ma residence un lit hla death In m 57, was dedicated Hiiniluy. Thn (Indicatory ceremonies look place In thit public aiiuarn In a silently spot at the edgM of tho bluff overlooking the business section of the city ami a gentle brecse tempered thn heat and inailo tlio affair one of pleasure to tho dlstlniititiihi.d company of pioneer who had com from Port land and Willamette Valley point a to do honor to the mmorv of thn mini whose Innumerable cl of klii'liti-ss and consideration aro at til fresn In the OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 3909. WINS PRIZE FOR STORY. Wlllliini Fletcher, a press mini In a local nowspiipor of "'". Just ricidvi.i a chuck for $15 from tho Curtl Pub IImiiiK Compi,,,,, of Phllkdul. liiiln. a accoud prim) ownrdiid for bl tory about m,n,mi llollaek, tho Baturday Evening Posl boy nt Oregon City. Mr. Fletcher haa been asked to mid tho Curtla Publishing Co. photograph of younic Hot-' luck, and hla alory, which la called "lliiyltig a Curiosity," IM appear In one .f thn forth rotnliiK Issue of "Our Hoys" publication clrulnliid among th dispensers f n1B ..0vr million a week" periodical. mlnda of those who are living wl.o , "S" Mr.. M. benefited therefrom .' ,57'rK. Kranddaughter and aecre- TIik historic hntis.t, a inanition In parly days, where hospitality was of fercil freely, waa deckel out l.ruv,.iv In Ihe nailonnl colon, and In front of open doorway waa const met .) a tnmiMirary platform which served na a speaker's aland and a lasting place for prominent visitor. Grouped about thn house on tho broad lawn of thn city park waa an audience of several hundred people, who listened atten tively to addresses from Frederick V. Ilolman. president of the Htatn Hlator leal Holrlety; . . D'Arry, of Halem. vlrp-prcsldciit 0f the Orciton Pioneer Association; Key. Father Kberman. a ann of the distinguished General of Civil War fame, and Mrn rt Kmirv Dye. author of "Mctaunhlln and Olil iirenon." l)r. W. K. Carll. mayor of Orcicon City, prealded over tho cere moiilna. and bin Introductory remark! were happily choaen. The Oreaon City Concert Hand rendered patriotic clcctlona. Down In tho church yard of Bt. Johna. only a few hundred feet away, the marble atonea that mark the Itravea of Dr. John McUiuKblln and hla wife, ahono brilliantly In the af ternoon aim, while above them ran out eliHjueut word of euloity and rev erence for the memory of tho man whoar noble tteeda In helm If of the Oregon Country will lite for count lean Kcneratlnne. Heferrlna to the Innt 13 yenra of the life of Dr. Mi-UniKhlln apent In Ore li' m City In the limine thnt wna dedicat ed Holiday afternoon, Kredorlck V, llolmnn, the hloitrnpher of McloiiRh till, apoke feell IIrIv of the flnfy ikt In. Jimtlce that embittered the declining year of the old doctor' life. Mr. Ilol man hud hla aubjecl at hla fliiKera' enda and while hla addreaa waa brief. It teemed with hlatnrlral atatementa that were of Illicitae Intercut. The aieech of Father Hbernuin wna humor oua at flrnt, but the reverend Kcnllc- miin lild hla rca)Hcta to thoai) wboae iKiiornnce and blitotry have been con aplcuoua In a fill lie attempt to prevent the realisation of tho McUiukIiIIii Home on the mint where It now atiindii Mra. Dve'a brlubt talk una wnrmiv loll UlHili hla niiliil..!, it i . . ' , wnw into n a Inrno ineumire, to him that there waa -iiiiici netween thla Rovern- ""til .l KnKh.n.1. and It la l, true that he unilict..,i n, i ... Iton until thev w..r r..,t. ... . . ' - --- ... iwna care of tbentaelvea. In behalf of the .,i, s. - ' i i urn Roil who were the reclplenta of hla bounty when they arrived In (he Ore anil country ami i,n .... - .... . " w-r.v aulll.M by Dr. McUnmhlln with the neceuur- i-i uie, ami with raln. atoek and Implemeiita. I want tn uv n.ni n,.. ..i.. rieera aa a body did appreciate thi-ae favora, and I bear teatlmony In their name to the exemplary' character of .in limn, f I'mmlnenl ainnnr it..... ......... .. . -.". i'i mi i iin cerritioniea of del -in (iiHirsn II. Illmea. ancrnlarv ..r Oreaon IMoneer Aaaoclatlon; Mra. M. ESTABLISHED 12S3. HITS WIFE WITH FIST CLIFTON MAY, OF BEAVER CREEK. SENTENCED TO JAIL FOR BRUTAL CONDUCT. WILL SERVE FIFTY DAYS After Drinking Heavily Ha Strlkea Wlfa, Falling Her to Sidewalk, and Becomea Candidate for Whipping Pott. 1 v nin run riva. YEARS tary of Dr. McUiiiehlln .nd h..r ,i,..,..i. ter. Mlaa Myrlck; Warner llreyman. of Hleni. who enme to OreKon In l5n and who knew Mclouahlln well; K. X. Matthlnu. lli ..iiiv ... the foundera of the Provisional (ov ernment of OreRon; Captain Thomaa 8. Mountain, who came to On-Run In WW: Mra. lllll I), rmn.lall i... t. . laiiRiiinr or z. Donnell, a pioneer of inns, aim who came down from The imuea expreaaly to attend thn ri.iu.. Hon; Kx-tiovenior T. T. (leer. Hon Charlea II. Moorea. Joaeph Huchtel, of Portland. Mra. Eva Kmnrv n i n le. of Portland: Mra Arthur iv.,.' of OreRon city, and John Mlnto ami Miaa Maria D'Arcy and Mlaa Terena D'Arry, of fialem. Seated upon the platform were mem ber of the llrand Army of the Hepule He. with fife and drum rorna Thn hum. ceaa of the cereomnlea waa due larRe- iy to tne untlrltiR efforta of E. Q. Can field, tirealdvnt of tho iiniy,.i,n,. Memorial Aaaoclatlon. Htrlklmt bla wlfo In Ihft tuna its I Ik auch force Unit ahe waa felled to tho aldewulk. Clifton May of li....r ire(.K, created conalrierable excltn- meni muradoy afternoon on Main atreet. Tho man bad been drlnkltiR heavily and wua In an ugly mood, making an attcmnt to dnr hi. .i.ii.i out of a biiRRy, when hla wife Inter fered and Pleaded with Mnv i,. ... home with her. KeplyltiR anitrlly. the man raised hla flat and at ruck a vlcl oua blow at bla wife, who evaded It but the next blow atruck her full In the face. A crowd ituthnred nni-Liv and May waa aelted and huatled to the city tall by Conataliln v a mii... and Chief of Police Ilurna. On hla way to the baatlla hi r..li ni ..n ki. face to the aldewalli anrf h,i tn I. a almoHt carried Into the Jail, where be waa ien io aoier up and ponder over hla mlaconducl. May had hla hear ing In the office of f'liv I).,.,rX.. uiiiiick r riuav arternooii Th. .h.r . -- - i urougui aaainai him waa for Hn.ni. enneaa and dlaorrterlv ivnrf..i r comer Dimlck aeverely reprimanded in iinwuHT. ana arterwania .niD... ea mm to 60 daya In the county Jail but ordered hla releane aa Mav'a fam. Ily regulrca hla labor for their aup IMirt. May promised to atay out of IOWII, The precipitation of rain for lh luat five yeara hue been aa follow:- 180S. H Inchea; o, 49 Inchea; 11)07, JC.45 Inchea; l0g, 60 Inchea j J909, Inchon. Thla record baa been eompUed by O. A. Cheney of thla city, and commence gep-temlx-r 1, 1904, running one year from that date and the aame ecule la followed through out, the bulk of tho rainfall be ing from September to March of each year. M-44 $.$ 4444 t4 STOCK YARDS AT PORTLAND BLOCK OF WITNESS TREE. McLoughlln Negotiated Treaty with Indiana Under It Branchea. Boy Bant to nfnrm avkni Albert IJimn. aaed 12 veara nt Park place, waa committed to the atate re- iorm acmmi py county Judge Dlmlck. The boy acknowledged thnt he placed bOlta On th fall Of the Soillhern Pa. clflc tracka and threw arrinea at fha car winaowa. atrlklng a woman naa aenRer In tho fare lie erl,.,l l,ltl,.rl wneu nui aeiuence wa pronounced. . - E. O. 8. Roaumea Maallnna Pioneer Chapter. Order of Eautern Star, will hold Ita firat meetlnR alnce na aiiiiiiuer vacation next Ti.Aa.tav Bn ruing at the Maaonle Temnle n... rrifKhmenta will bo provided and all SWIFT FRANCHISE IS BEFORE CITY COUNCIL i.-:o,i..-,iia vw proviuea ana ai membera are requeated to be present Juat received fnm K. Ilolton. of Van couver, waan., a aectlon of the old wllneaa tree that fell ilown laui i..iv and waa curried away by relic hunter". The block niciijoirea 'Jii. f..,.t n-ru. mid benra the followlni! Inaprlntinn- "Thc block waa cut from n I In In. ,.r (illend tree that atood on tho North lunik or the Colitmbln Itlver ut the foot of Mnlu atreet, In Vancouver, WumIi., and waa commonly called the wltne tree, belnR a monument mnrk Iiir the flrnt Htirvey of the Hudson tiny l omtmnv mniie iimier th ,t r... lion of Dr. John McUiugblln. who ea- uiiilialieii the nrat atatlon of the Hud MEASURE GIVES PERMISSION TO CONSTRUCT RAILWAY SYS TEM ON MANY STREETS. SHERIFF R. B. BEATIE, Who hae Been Instrumental In Securing the Establishment of a Commission House at Oregon City. NEW ERA IN THE LIVESTOCK IN DUSTRY OF PACIFIC N0RTHWE8T. OPEN NEXT WEDNESDA Great Packing Plant on Peninsula la Prepared to Handle Large Amount of Cattle Sheep and Hoga. HOME FROM BREAKERS. t HARRIMAN IR nrin I Edward H. Harrlman, who controlled mor ml lea of rail road than any other man In the country, died Thursday af ternoon at hi homo in Arden, N. Y. He waa born February 25, 1849, at Hempstead, L. I. mr. nimmin nad been in III health foe aevaral win a FIRST ANNUAL FAIR ON TUESDAY, SEPT. 8 DOMESTIC AND HORTICULTURAL EXHIBIT WILL BE HELD AT OAK GROVE. The ordinance grantlm? a franrhl - - - ..... u. ... jiuu .... v.i-vn.i; ruiiwuj- lllltj to p. ,11. Hons liny Company where the bnrrarkd Swift tiassed Ita n rut ntJlflUlfy Woilnna. now hIhiuI. Tho tlrt tnnty of poaco day nlKlit at a npoctnl meeilng of the and trade watt niiula with the Indians (city toui.cU. Konr mcmbors, Ik'tzel umior thla trt by Dr. MoUiiiRhlln. Voh. Mvyvr una MlcheU, were ab-4 I fill irfttt lllfWUl Tilt tU I'liara " tf.. tlitnt 1 m O ... I ... .1 . ..-I ;nio, nil, ms mi, Otlll IO IIMIHIIIUK IIIO COI1 applauded and It remained for m, M . .1nvr. to Htructlonof a railway system from D'Arcv tneloan th ,.r,,r.... ' -.1. . . """"Kiuin iiome ror preaerva- uregon city to silverton through the a.a , iiimu tt is is am 1 r 11 iti I lll 11.. t .. It.... n- . . achtilarrvnd.lN..a n .11 ........... .111117. inn irnnciuse will "All ihut la m..ri,.i 11. . , t. - cover the followliiR territory; 1, r ::r!:,nyri;!oi::e: or. Mcloughl,n.s hosp.tal,Ty. bi-1 tery in your m i Ht. on t in h irh Intul ..... ... . ... " " wllhln view nr 11,. h, f.,i u.11. .. Daughter of Pioneer Mlaalonan, Be. l. roe atreet. thence etloltlver. Wl till- river la n... artarta Ula m m.er.v 01, Monroe to sixtt! atreet lordly or urnnd a the foliiinhln vet ' , , JHk MW, .... .. . . . . . . iiience acrona jncKaon afreet irom me no nt wnero it nowa tnin ti.nl r rcmi tnHiimonv or the eHinem in r, . . r...i ... . ... . . ... r L.1.1.L r,. ....... -v ' v umn ninwi, ucKiniiine on tie " " '.' ' " I"-""- ...v..-........ 1.1.1 iiviii Houtli ali o of Fifth Street thence run- wntera. It uppeala to the aesthetic In V '" early pioneer, baa been re- K Northerly to Tenth Street thne one', mind. It ut.rac.a (he pathetic cHyc.l I In a letter from Kll, 8p,,,. therly 0 f?t" bniij Hide of our beliiR. It Ih one of nn- K Wnrren. n duiiRhtor of llev. Eleventh Street about 100 feet Weat" turu'a Krcut roncentlona. It haa l..en SunldltiR. who waa with the Wll.tn.nii ,.ri . .... ,., .... 1 lmmorlullr.ed by the brilliant i,li,..,.r hilaalonnry party. In a letter writ, s ,,V . ' r-V." .1 L l.""1?1 poet of Oreiron Samuel I. m... .... toil from Lnkealdo. Chelan Pnniiiu ...... . . ... 7 .v....".. i .... i,. ...... ......!...' . iv..i. .....i.. .i... ... . ... . .."I V '-"l" 10 J"n" sirwt, ....... u, iierniii, iiipenii(i i -i nuKuni mm. uience Northerly to the city limits io mi rope io rcHcue lie Ifo v Menu . ""ir.-ii khvh: a...i L'ir. o .r ..... v ... .. ' .'VVIII. I, 1.. . I . aurei, U.-KHH1II1S .in.. ...Mii win minim oi me tiaracens, Norman names coiihiiIcIoum In tukliiR. When I. , - ...... itt. ...I ciuit-i iroin CjIihi kkio or Alan .K,,.'"i'r:.".!H. ,",?l,ft, ,y., ,he to Water Street; and on Center Street running thence Kallroad Ave- r.,n r-l... ... ' - " " I ..--.r,- .-.iiiiiiiunuti OIIH I'U a BI1K --j v.vn-u in the buttle of Ipnntn. and aaved nRiilnat W. V. Ijwla ami win ie i..... Kurope to ChrlHllan clvlllrnllon. dy, iiHkltiB for JudRmont for 11M42 Fine Applea Attract Attention 'Ho Wlltm tllfl HudHon Illiv Coniimnv Kmmemnn. uho la , " I i' u i ij tiiuu uii vAuiiML in i runt ohHcrvctl tho nnanrnrH romlntr Inln tornov O n vhv iillmma )... i .i.. nf a.i Aur..A n r- ... OreRon, It wna nlTeeted, In n mciimiro. la eiiRiiRed In the IiuhIiickm of nuiin.. SwnlTord. la nitrneiimr .,. with a aplrlt akin to CluirlemnKno'a. I'IHur and on July 7. lo, ho wna Hon. The limb Is ohs than 18 Inches With kimii. re.n...,.r... . . 'L011 nto Street. beKlnlK . , ". .T","" tnv head. It,' . 3' A.7. ?! J. '"""' U,,"lre t0 Wcatorly line n, YHK.r with , ' , ..-... .. ,v ... in., oi Minn street, tlioiico Wealerlv to i thla chlvnlroua undt.r- 'n-d memory of Dr. McIxniRh- Water Street, thence Southerly alot.R i Clmrltia Martel. at the '" ' l)km'w ,hl"i whn I wna a child Water Street to Tenth: and on Kiev- ra. drove buck tho Bur. I knew of hla Rrnnd and nth sir.w.t fr,.m u,... i.i .. . ..... ..'. '. "I v,,ll.,r,,. Iw.o .11... . .... .. . " m:en noniea uiiu prevetueu Kuropu , ' um niriy eei- to water Street ; and on Cent from comliiR under thn away of tho v,'n nl"1 "ilKrunla In an early day." hcRltinltiR at Sixth; thenco MoHleniH, they were there. In the Southerly to Flret Street; aerond Rreat IiivhhIiiii of Kuropo by 8uea For Wagea Duo. Westerly to the Bluff at Hall'i the Snrncena, they nRiiln pnrtlclpnted ClcorRo Kmmerson Ima nied n ault IIHe- ,n th" c"' ' Oregon CI in the buttle of Ijumnlo niul anve.l nunlnut ur i.' l ....... .... .i tun. ...... n mm ii HHiii io inarienuiKno B. i""K unci on July 7, ISO!), ho was Hon. The limb la Iohs than 18 Inchei The company thoiiRlit with tho Itnml- employed by IrfwlH to perform lnlmr lonR. and on this ore 15 lnrKe apples Krutlon of Hturdy American cltlr.eitH, I" draRRliiR pIlliiR and earned 192.82, without blemish. Tho apples are ol composed of dlffnront nntloimlltlos, of which amount 59.40 has been paid, tho Canada Itlnett variety and were iiiiivit, coiiniKcoiiH nnu inieiiiKent, jhcii n lion, and alnco then raised on c. R. Llvesny's place at lllled wllh love of country and loynl- dollvercd to lurdy a "bill Crescent nidRo, about one and ono- ty to tho fin IT Of thin mil Ion It wna of into for the nlllnir. Rtlimnruot. half mllen from rii-u.m.. rltu only ft auestlon of tlmo until tlin lliwl. "Kls Unit Lewis and Pnrrlv lie r,.. L' hums Hay Cdinpnny must irlve way to trnlm.i from niovlnK tho plllnc and AnH.r. e.n. ....i tho clvlllzlnir lnlliiencea nf n,,.n ni....,.i. for lllllKineilt f()r the nmomit .... . w-...w.umiBry. niiilv ennni.in nf f.,....,n,. u.,.,. : Anderson, who has been In tho extreme Western tan." of this eon! Declamation Da r.,.H.t. .I0"! !!',ry bns.iu .u"8 ,7V,T Vy, W?H,,",l ' ih,R "' rx"",n ,m,nlhH' 18 iMn vacation has just retm-ned f Yo m visit to his imny. mid th s nnd bornnio AmoHmn. nf twn ..! u " ... . h u. . ' " lV "IH (inllory (be peop o of which cheer- disciples Is now roudlnK out Us con- OreKon will c0 Into Zlnnsa In 1 . .' . ,a. I , K!" alp'?lft"'e 10 the tonnlnl and tho ministers In all tho other town, but has not yet decided United States (lovernment. lKht tliousnml pulllls of the country on a locution uicicu ."Tl, t'lllKa. .if nninnn .... .... .. ca ........ ... ... . . . ... w...n...., nt...... .-..oi.m.Tu lu hvi upurc ounnay, miimnl-lal Inpulnoa n m U ..... a I Ua.i.n....... nti .. . .. " "" iii,,K iii.'iii iu- ur,.,uurr in, us Declamation Liny. day, contributed most to this happy This duy will be duly celebrated In termination of events prior to tho or- Oliidstono. Kunlzallon of tho provisional covorn- J "lt. Picture For Commercial r.h.h "From 1823 to 18-13. the date of the Five handsome pictures have been , Redland Church Reopena. flethel Presbvterlnn Knlilmth Coi..,i l-ns been reorRiuilr.cd with John Ilnm lltcn, Siiperliitemlont. Services e.t 2 r. nr. every siiiihnth or.anla.Uon of Ihn P vl.i o , ...L... . ".r:. ' lures nave peon Cromley. of 8prinKwator. wili nren. ernment In Oregon, may bo dnslRnated this city by Dr A " o nd ZrtT i,? M" J."8 SeC.nd and ,u,ir,h na the "Al-o of Mii,it., r....,. L,.,. r J.t ""' Moftl- fabbnltis of each month. Tlila churrh Kon country depended for final deel-Inx.ms. whose walls the 1, 1 U 'M 'i'1 ' b.P;,n .reoPen'd - -I,,, a iuii auuiliiauce. , . The Oak Grove Ininrnvemonl inn. ciaiion naa completed arrangements for holdlna: Ita first annual rkimpaiir. and Horticultural Fair Tnea.lnv s..n. teniber 28. B. Lee Paget, chairman of ine committee on programme, has ob- iiiinea iroin in ted 8 tales Senator Chamberlain a promise to deliver an auun'sg in tne evening. hollowing Is a list of the commit eeg appointed by the association tn nave cliurce of the fn r- Pimmiiiu on decorations. Mrs. F. H. Gllgore. AI fred Gertsen. Mrs. J. a. nmurt tr Toomy and Mra. G. N. McArthur; ex moil, m. oaiiie warren, otto Neaf Ansa uameiii. sir. Crane. H r. Starit. weather, J. F. Hrotje. and F. H. - Har ris; superintendent of exh b ts. Mm John Hlsley; superintendent baby snow, nirB. m. uameld; programme .nrn. jonn nisiey ana ju. uee Paget; fruit booth. Mra. B. Ie Paeet ti-a' Charlea F. RlBlev. Mrs. Ymmc and Mra. C. E. Walker; Dutch booth. Misa itose rrenninger. Mrs. G. N. McAr tt.ur, Miss M. Oatfleld and Mrs. A. E Casgrlff; dairy. H. Thlessen and E Naef; concessions, John Klsley and John Oatfleld; tea booth, Mrs. Sallle warren and Mrs. Myra McArthur; publicity. C. A. Lewis. J. H. McArthur, C. E. Walker and Dr. Fleble: cash- lers. Mrs. C. E. Walker and Mra nin Sweeney; rnncy work. Mrs. L. E Armstrong, Mrs. C. E. Warren and Mra. k. H. Harris. The fair will he held one dnv and the exhibit will be taken to the Clack amas t'ounty Fair, which opens at Canby Thursday, September 30, and there entered for the nrizo for hest neighborhood exhibit. WALKING FOR A WAGER. Charlea Ely and Recorder Ramaby maae a rtemarxable Bet. Charles Ely will endeavor In u-alb into the mountains from Indian Hen ry's place In the Molalla country n miles ud the mountain and return In. side of bIx hours. He has laid a wager wnn county Hecoriler nhniinxav v Ramsby thnt he can accomnllnh thi. feat, and $25 of his good money says no can no u. on ine other hand Mr. nainstiy has wagered 1100 against Mr fc-ly a 125 that It ennnot bo done. Tho walk must be made this week ami rhn outcome will be watched with Interest uy ine mends of the two men Tho whole distance Is over a trail and ne nrst 11 m ea will lie a n...i. " e The new Union Rtnk v.m. i Portland Will onen for hnalneaa neaday, September 16, and at the same ume a new era in the livestock Indus- cry oi ine Farm Knrthaui ,m i, . ... ire- Rln. The Swifts have onmnbt. .K,.(, great packing plant on the fenlnaula aim are prepared to handle great num liers of hoes, sheen and .attlo Hoiin Heretofore the market atock of Ortv gon naa been principally drawn from the grass fattened stuff of the granges, but the ehorfacA nf naDti,nA .i... .. v w. H.unc .tint la becomlnR yearly more pronounced Is iuukiiik mia industry not an nmn. ..! a fn Dast veara A trrvut li..A ..,. market at home where any quantity vau uv nanoiea, Rivea the farmer of Oregon ODDortunlllo. n - - " " s uviuic juyva. ino count rv fa KAttAt .AantnA - av-vi.1 uaim.-y to Intense or diversified farming than i uurs ana no man la more independ ent that the farmer that at all times of the year haa something to sell. Swine. Roata. sheen chickens with the garden and orchard are growing into money constantly. AH cheap forage crop auch aa vetch, clover and alfalfa can be turned into beef or Dork at far tbe producer than by anv other moth. od. Oregon muat supply this great market now onen nr tho nu-. . ... feeders of the corn Btates will reap me euneni or our markets while we sleep. Can you afford tn lot vr urunn pastures erow nn In nvri. While It WOUld Sllnnnrt a nlno K..-..I, of sheep or goats? Can you afford to en your clover or vol,-), at in n.i.. Instead of feeding U to yonr own stock? The atocker and feeders of ine jiaaaie west have grown rich In buying our a-rasa fattonorf , . , ..... v. ..... u akt.M aouing to their weight feeding corn, aiiniiii or meai. BlOCk Don thla aoaaon l,...vi . UI uiju. higher price In Portland than omer marKei in me United States and ine immense sum thus put Into circu lation thla year la nnlv tr i .... - - J wic uuLKt-i. m comparison to the great in dustry that we can build up right at iiuuie. Mis Josle Cumin, of thla 9 city. Alls Mary Dale, of Esta- t ca.la, and Mis Hattle Hutch- Inson, of Canby, the young ladle who were successful In tbe recent contoat r,t th. -.. Ron City Enterprise, In which irip to lng Beach, Waah., waa given them, have return- 4 ed, after a moat enjoyable week t spent at tbe Hotel Breaker. s Tbe party was chaperoned by Mis Anita McCarver, of thla city. Many excursion were amonR the feature enjoyed by the party, and the Vtaintr I a H lota a. apeak In the highest term of i me counesiea extended them c me summer resort. Miss Mary Dale not only won the trip to the beach, but wa also auccessful In winning the lot - at U,-...na T.I . . COMMISSION HOUSE HERE ESTABLISHMENT 18 SECURED AFTER MANY YEARS OF ENDEAVOR. she lived until her death on Wednes day, September 1st. The deceased leavea a son Mr HavlH n.b ..j two dauRhters, MV. Martha Bla'nken- nip, or los Angeie, and Mr. Belle Blankensblp, of Sacramento; even teen grandchildren and aoven di,,. griuiucniiaren io mourn her losa. LOCAL MEN INTERESTED Project la Headed By T. F. Rourke, Who Ha Had Many Year of Experience and Capital Is 1 5,000, . Daughter of William Kroner. Cleo Kruger the R-voar-oid rfa...A. of Mr. and Mr. William Kruger, died Thursday night at the family hnmo on Fifth and Water street. The lit tle girl had been III about two week with tynhold fever Tho f..noi nem Saturday morning from tho ft, lly residence and the interment wa In Mountain view cemetery. Mrs. Elizabeth Harger, of Osweoo The funeral of the late Mn ph,0 betb Harger. who died Ttmaday ing at Oswego, waa held Wodnoari. aueruoon rrom ner late residence at aou.n oswego. Mrs. Harger fell and wa Injured last January nnri npvor wverea i rum me enecu. COMMERCIAL CLUB SAVES MUCH MONEY NSURANCE UNION PROMISES TO REDUCE FIRE PREMIUM RATES IN THIS CITY. Tbe Commercial Tlnh haa nmhiM. saved thousands nf dollar. t ,k property owners and business men of Oregon City by Initiating a move ment to brln a- about a twliwinn in o,. rates for fire insurance in this terri tory. Last week Judge T. F. Ryan president Of the club, annnlnted a .m mlttee to look into the mutter n.ik Llewellyn Adams as chairman, and .Mr. Aoams went to Portland and saw the rcDresentatlves nf what t. l. as the Insurance Union, which has oucceeuea wnat was formerly the me Hoard of underwriters of the Pa cific. Nearly all of the companies do ing business In the Northwest are in thla li n I in a -wt .1. i , - ...... i ui. y an 1,-uarge wnai- ever race is agreed upon. Mr. Adams has secured a definite promise rrom the Union to send its t-presentativtfs here sometime thl.-i eek to re-rate the whole city. This in proimlily mean that there will be Kenera rennet nn nil ninno- tho n With the recent imnmvomonta in ka -. ... ..... .1 . i, v.7 local water system and the excellent iacuiues Tor fighVng fire there is every reason for the expected reduc tion. Infant Child of John Woodfin The SlX-monthH-nM damrhtor nf U. ana air, jonn woodfin died Friday muruiug at me ramijy residence on Eleventh and Polk street. The fun eral iook place Saturday afternoon irutn me residence, Rev. R. c. Black well, pastor Of the Methodist Fnlo.n. pai cuurco, omciating. M. E. London, of Carus. M. E. London, who waa hnrn In rtew Orleans. La. nocomhop isen died AUgUSt 27 at Cania. riatramaa County, aged 58 years, 8 months and a aaya. GROUT SERIOUSLY INJURED. Former Real Estate Man Gets Bad Fall at North Bend. J. W. Grout formerly In tho real es tate business In this city, was serious ly injured Monday morning as a re sult of an accident at tho Smith Tn. let Ferry near Marshfleld, Coos Coun ty. Mr. Grout lives at North Bend and is road supervisor of that city. He waa on a scaffolding fnr a now ap proach to the Inlet Ferry when It gave way and threw him 20 feet be low. His lee waa hrnken In twn nlanoa and his head cut open. Mr. Grout was tanen to tne North Bend hospital. He will recover. MARTHA PARKER MARRIED. Pretty Ceremony Solemnized In St. Paul'a Church Wednesday. Imnroved Mall Service Mall will be received nt tho Hi-eim.. City postofflce on the South-l.otind train arriving at this place at 5:04 uc-iock in me afternoon. This conces slon on the mirt nf the miatnfllno do partnient is welcomed by Oregon City peopio. Heretofore there has been no mnll delivered here from Portland be tween tne hours of 2 P. M. and 6:44 M. Presented With Cold Crasa. Mlsa Clara Heme who hna hnon o mii mill orenn Ht nt the St. Paul's tfniu. copal Sunday School for the past two years. Was taken hv Qlirnrluo or ho. home Wednesday night, when she was Presented with a hnniluimn crntd nnaa and chain, a gift from the Ladies of St. Paul's Guild, Vestrymen and King's Daughters. The cross Is set with cut diamonds and pearls, and is much prlxed by Miss Deute. The recipient of the gift left yesterday for a year's .visit with relative In Chicago. MRS JOSEPHINE SECREST DEAD Attack of Dropay Proves Fatal to Wife of Well-known Citizen. Josephine V. Secrest, wife pf George Secrest. died ftt thA family MtMrnin. uu oixieenm and High streets Sun- oay nignt at 10 o'clock, after a linger ing illness of dropsy. Deceased was born in Clark County, .Michigan. October ?s i.us nm hn,i been a resident of this citv for sev. eral years. She waa tho mniho. six daughters and one son, three of the daughters having died. She is Survived bV her hliahnnd on,l tho fl lowing children: Mrs. Alice Hanson, sirs. Beatrice Schnrer, Mrs. Angeline Emery and Albert .T. Soprnaf nf f Vila city. Two step children, George Se crest and Mrs. Esther Chllberg, of this city, also survive, The funeral services ed Monday afternoon at the family residence by Rev. R. c. Blackwell. The interment was in Mountain view cemetery. Mra. I. N. Baker Dead. Died, at the home of w ni,,,ii.n. ship in Southern California, Mrs. I. N. Baker, age 84 years. Death was due to a stroke nf ol,...l. .. Baker lived at Cottage Grove most of her life, but durluc thp last twn she made her home with h..r .ii. ter, Mrs. Martha Blankenship at Wll- .ou.r-uio. bui owing to in health she moved to California this Spring where A pretty weddine took nlano Wod. nesdav at hieh nnnn at tho fit t)..l'. Episcopal church tho enntranttno- nor. ties being Miss Martha Martina Park er, eiuesi uaugnier or Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker of thla ity and i- Joseph Tramblay. a young business man of Vancouver, Wash. The im pressive ceremony nf tho Tniannnoi church was performed hv Poy T p Bowen. The ushers were Mesars Mortimer Cockrell and HavWd ci. frey. Promptly at 12 oVIrwt tn tho .inin. of Lohengrin's Wedding March, ren dered by Miss Veda Williams, the bride. On the arm' nf her fnthor nro. ceded by the bridesmaid. Miss Burse Keauick, and the best man. Dr. Eben D. Pierce, of Vancon VP! Wnah warn met at the altar by the groom. ' After the ceremony the friends and relatives weni io ine nome or Mr. and Mra. Parker where a roeontlnn waa hold and a wedding breakfast served. cne onue wore an empire gown of wnue net over white a w trimmod with cluny lace. She carried a shower Douquei or wnite Chinese asters and white prayer book, one of her weddins guts. ine br desmnid wnro a very pretty gown of pink silk organdie, her iiuwem oeing ptnn unmese asters. The church was nrtfstl ated In green and white, white Chinese asiers neing used n nrofiisinn. Many Indian baskets filled with the snowy blossoms added tn tho decora tions. The ceremony was norfnrmod uiiuei a cuuopy or wnite roses and ferns. The rooms of tho Paritor hnn,o were very attractive with their deco- auons or red geraniums and Virginia creeper. Upon the arrival of the hrl.lo at hoi- rareni s nome, sue threw her bouquet wnien was caueni nv Miss noas Koiiv The rlUC in the bride's eako waa nan. tured by Miss Veda Williams. The presents of the young couple were beautiful and ennatated nf nor land china, cutlery, cut glass and sil verware. Mr. and Mrs. Tramblay left on tho evening train for Vancouver, where the groom has a furnished cottage for the reception of his bride, who is well known in this citv hnvW hoon bom and raised here. The groom has been a resident of Vancouver for the last six years and is in business there. Amomr the out-of-tnu-n cmosta woro Mr. and Mrs. E. Tramblay and Dr. fc.nen D. Pierce. Of Vancouver and Mrs. Eliza Dickenson and son, John of Boring. There were about 40 guests who witnessed the ceremony and at tended the reception. After a vain struggle of more than ten years tO seen re a cnmmlaalnn house for Oregon City, the desired ena na at last been accomn ished. and there was organized Tuesday night tbe Oregon City Commission Company, with ranltal atrvlr nt $15,000, more than half of which ha been paid in. Article of Incorpora tion were filed Tuesday morning. Some of the best k nnarn hualnoaa and Drofeslonal men In tho r au Identified with the project, the stock- noiuers oeing ur. A. L Beatle, R. B. Beatle Dr E A Thomas F. Ryan, Judge Grant B. Dimlck, 8tate Senator J. E. Hedges, Attorney O. D. Eby, Win. A. Hunt ley, George A. Hardlnr Ijohn W. Loder and Leweilyn Adams. ne iouowing directors were elect ed Tuesday nlEht: T v Sommer, J. E. Hedges, W. A. 'Hunt- iey and A. L. Beatle. The officers are: A b. Beatle. Dresident- v. A Snmmor vice-president: T. F. Rnnrka urro! tary and manager. Heading; the nronnaltlnn la t r Rourke. who haa been in tho nn mission business In Oregon for the last 30 years, 20 year In Pendleton and the rest of the time at Port land. Mr. Rourke'a Inn IT avnorCon.k is backed by the money and Judg ment of more than half a anr.ro . local men. It is the primary mimosa nf tho concern to make money, but In ad dition to thia the ' j-x-- w wra BVUtJA holders Is to build up Oregon City and to Increase its general trade by establishing a market for .,n.ki. the Clackamas County farmers have rur many years there has been a sound diannaiiinn . .L ....... ,, aluullcj L11B farming community to complain that they cannot sell their mi.i. in im.' ' - u. lui. city and this complaint has been well founded. The result haa hoon th.r la vast amount of trade has been ut- r., iosl to Oregon City and has oecn divided hetworn pi..j .. - " . uauu HIIU Willamette Valley points. The actual site for the new busi ness has not yet been definitely de termined, but the Innatlnn .t. commission house will be chosen from two sites that are now nndo. ":, 7 oration, one on thp U'iiiDmD m and another on the Southern Pacific "o, ruau, oom located in the central business district nt . . . IUB CICJT. 1 1 IK Intended to commence operations im mediately and the prospects are verv bright for the success of the new enterprise. SHE USED DIRTY DISHES. So Georj,e A. Clarke Brina. Action For Decree of Divorce. Suit was inatltntod iu.i- j . George A. Clarke against Katie C. Liarke for a decree of d were married at Clackamas, October . ., ouu c larae complains of cruel and inhuman treatment, stating that his wife has shown hersolf totally un 5,,.to.lllf Performance of her house hold duties, having neglected to cook ills meals nronerlv Piorbo wife would not remove the dirt and filth from the dlahea and ho- i- dirty dishes. When ho r.mn..h.,.j she told him he could get some one ouu one wouia pack her duds and get out. The husband says his bet ter half has been under her mother's control. George C. Brownell is his attorney. SPECIAL TERM OF COURT. Judge Campbell to Hold Jury Term For One Week. tuesaay was- abusy day at the courthouse, which had been closed for two days previously, and attorneys were in evidence with nnnnra an1 m quests for decrees, defaults and mo- "7 various kinds. Judge Camp bell called an adinnrned torn, nt .i.. Circuit Court Tuesday and .n,J that on September 20, which falls on a week from nevt Monday , uu nuuiu open Court fnr a tor and that he would call a Jury The case of Linn vs. Morrow was set for trial on September 20. Judge Camp bell left Tuesday fnr Ulllakr. he will hold court for a few days. Wheat Seed Fop Distribution. J. A. Klmmermnn n-hn v. , . . near Milwaukle haa rni,.,i of Russian Chevalier wheat from a well known agriculturist, with a re quest tO distribute Several nnnnda among the farmera nf nl... " .aunaiiiaa County, who may secure this wheat TTjit.ciuueniai purposes from Mr Zimmerman. The whont recommended bv nr iana with.. uuivo yv 1 1 ij y - combe, director of the experiment sta tion of the Oregon Agricultural College. Letter List. List Of Unclaimed lottora nt Iho r.. gon City Postofflce for the week end ing eapiemoer 10. Woman's list Henderson, Mrs H. J.; Hubbard, Mrs. Chas. Men'S list Chnnno TO. m..t. i - . " . o., v.,a. n, I Geo. A.; Hull, Peter; Seals, I. D., (2).