OK EG ON CITY ENTERPRISE, FKIDAY, SKlTKMUKH 1!00. i Canby and Southern Clackamasp insect riaaiers. CANBY. Many people o( this section of the county have gone to the hopflolds for n,..ir minimi ontlnif. The hops are in good condition, and the prices are! Canal Company. John Chrlstlanson, of Portland, has purchased land In the Canby tiardons tract, and will make his home there In the near future. Mr. Chrlstlanson purchased the land through the Canby much better than paid last year, this being two Inducements for the plcK ers. The south bound train from Port land n Tuesday morning was filled with people bound for the hop fields. The watei melon season has opejiod here, and the melons are of delicious flavor. Canby melons, having a far and w ide reputation for their delicious flavor, sell rapidly and at a good price. Dr. C. H. Melssner, one of Oregon City's leading physicians, was a Canby visitor on Monday evening. Lionel Gordon, of Oregon City, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V, J. llordon, of this city. V. K. Garland, of Hepnbllc, Kansas, who has been visiting with his cousin. It C. Davenport, of this city, left for Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kocher went 10 Portland Tuesday, and returned to Cnniiv the following day. M I Ih has made several trips to, his home on Monday morning. Meadowbrook daring the past few days viewing the work of the Canby Canal Company. Sam Miller, of Aurora, was In Canby on luismoss una wevi. i Ing the fair. There have been $4000 worth of Im provements made oil the grounds and buildings this year, since the last fair. The buildings have been painted white, new grandstand constructed, as well as stables for the cattle. The stalls and stables have been number ed. stalls laid out. and all Improve- This intents that the Hoard of Directors was Mr C.arland's tlrst visit to the have boon able to suggest, there are coast, and was very much Impressed ' excellent camping facilities In the with the West. " I grove on the fair ground; an ample The Canby bund met at the city ' supply of good water and good places hall on Momlav eveninir. There was , for teams. in,.n i-HMle of Macksburc, was ! a large attendance of the members at The Southern Paclllc Company has .UMll V....H". , .1... ..........II l.l.l 111 li.VI "nii'i' nv " " 1 - r .... . .... - i... i,in.- !the nractle Mr. Cuminings and Adam Knlgnt two m .am, , .. , .... .- , Port- the southbound hi the morning and Or I. Hill... 8 iiii'iiim u. . - ' : , ... ......P.. .......J the practice, and much Interest is be-1 arranged with the committee to have the south bound In me morning nun the north bound In the afternoon stop of Canby'8 prominent hroucht In wagon loads on Tuesday v..noiies are a larce cron this year, Missc .-,-..,,. i retailing for 50 cents a i recently arrived from hniiwi The choicest nre retailing at i where t . . . . .i..hi ,.,.1 u-M1rt h..rt 11.50 busnei. i ne ' r u Mr j F Devoe. left Wed-: tory of Music with his headquarters at boost for Clackamas County ous flavor. Canby can boast of r; is- Mr and Mrs J t.l . u . iPoftlan d. Several of the band boys The culinary departuien. ing tne nesi peacnes an.. ,-..., - .wM.i , ,,a ti... -ours., i .,... vision of Mrs. C. N. WaU. us i n : lsi-tnism. w t iv- tin . - f i ..i . n.-. tt.iu u ttitW I litilil'a nut ii nta una pcmt iitnl ni. I qu.im. . : .ii,.i'itiftv,i in m.iu m- o.,.,t to ..-i.x fit.t t.vw minimis. A sm-i'liil r.ilo s Maun ana uuum im, - ... uv ,,.v. ..... n -- - . tirant& rass, ranging io give insiruUMon in mis ; or vw nun mir-wuui The choicest nre retailing at .where th nave ion ;,:., ..... ,,.,,. , ,..,..,...,,,.-,....,.. i n.vlte.l to come out ami ;l u-lth hli li.vl.l.mnl-I.OM ill luuisl for t'lackaiUllS t Olllll. Several of the baud boys I The culinary department tind.-r the are shipped into the markets. soil Is well adapted for the raising of frail of this kind. Kred Shafer, of the Sltafer Lumber Company, was in Portland Wednes day on business. Mr. Shafer purchas ed new machinery for his plant, and Intends to Install a large lumber plant in this city in the very near future. providing that the Canby Canal Com- their pany installs a cattat so as io noai the lumber. The output of the mill future home. I seen by the tht' annual pivmlu n lift of the' Clackamas County fa'-, offer good premiums. This will be one of the best departments of the fair, and K nh.uit 70 000 feet ier uav. Services were held in the Christian led at tne nates noun-. u .... c..i.,.. ,! ,r. I rinrence Nelson, of Portland Mrs. E. Saltmarsh. who has ben Mrs J. A. Graham ami unugmei. , visiiuig won ner son. vt . a. can Helen, Mrs, Ola Gurley and son. i marsh, returned to her home In this .. " Ci.inilv for Wood- cllv Tuesday morning. MB.in-. .... - ,, ---- - - ; , . ,, .. ...i.ii.i. o I.I burn where thev will spend several i Mrs. iiemsiunmi ami iamuv. .miss an women naviug " " weeks iu the ltarbur hop yanl. :Goldle Hlnton. Miss Kdiin llntctiln- enter them at Hie Clackamas county Mr and Mrs. C. L Hates have Is- son. Mrs. IVrter and Mrs. Oathes have fair this year In ample time, sued invitations to the marriage of gene to the White hop yards at Monl-1 Church It Dedicated. diucMer. Miss Harriet, io -ui. ur. lor a tew wccks oiiung. i There was a large atieuuance at Karl rtowlsbv. which will take place Miss Bates Tendered Linen Shower. i(m, ,i,.,no;,ion services of the Nor Thursday evening. September 9. at j One of the most enoyable social j w,.:tn,l Kvaug. llcal church on Sun S o'clock the marriage to be perform- events of the season was the linen j. Tll0 ,m,rng service was In the snower ten;iere,t .Miss tinei "" s I .Norwegian language, and were tn was at her home on Wednesday afternoon. ...o( ij,.ml,.r of Chicago, Sundav visiting at the the occasion being her approaching ! .m who sl,0Kt. both mortilng ami tif .... .... .u I..- n- . Th j In I iitinv on eumg o, uil uvi. .. .v " ;..-'.. m Kanch. ' marriaeo to Mr. Karl llowlsbv. . u.-... , , services were well attended. The fiddling lusivi tiibe comprises, beside tlic clcadiis. the katydids, crick cts. locusts ami KriiKslioppcrs, all of those creatures that make sounds with their wings mid legs Instead of with their mouths, Next time you hear a merry cricket cblip Jlit think that It produces this pleasant, liouicy sound by rubbing Its fore wlnus together. In sects of Hie clcmla tribe have two palm of wings, the final pair close to their heads, the back pair behind the others. The fore wing of the cica da tribe Is called the elytron (plural, elytra). Crickets mid the kind of grans hopper culled long horned make mu sical Instruments of their wings In this way. Locusts and short horned grasshop. pets piodme their sounds In another way. by rubbing t'uelr long, strong, ternoon. and evening In both KnglWh Wood will acaln hold services here' Kev. V. J. Weuer wem io Auams .enrassa. i m- ..... ..... . , NorWl,Kilu, languages. KVaiig.- on the third Sundav of the month. . Tuesday, where ne weni in ......... speu, ... .. ........... . "" '"'"'' ; lKi Sulger was also present nn.i tooi, Will lll'lti ll n.vv- ivtivriiii((ttt n,t-ir't.4. .in ........ n n i 1 J. . r.,--.,l.i no.l 1 Tha VV I 1.1. w, in charge of Miss Grace Patch recem.j came o. v-, ... , .-. afti,rmxm ,This ll0,nR who m, ,, to lake lt a su0. -I. . 1 1 o, ... xr i k-m-her's birthday an enjoyable , cess. Miss Bates, who Is one of Can- 1 nnc will Uv livj ?u ihvj niv . . ' ...... E. church on Sunday, September 5. j time is anticipated by the members, owing to the absence of the pastor. A. D. Paddock, the druggist, was an Rev. W. J. Weber, who will preach j Oregon City visitor on TuwJa both morning and evening at Cams. ; G. B. Hampton of Portland, was It Rubv Smith, who has been connect-1 Canby on. Tuesday. the Mu st ot ed with the Carlton & Rosenkrans her husband s parents. Mr. and Mrs store for the past four years. haAsev-F. Hampton. Drs Hampton ered his connection with that firm, chiropractors and ophthalmd oglsts and has accepted a position with the spine and eye spe cia lists, are I Lcated V. Harris grocery store In Oregon tn the kum Building, 'here he n.... c.i.i, ,. v. o ,k. are meeting with success. They are VI.. ..... 71... ..1, nuu " v. mi. -- ..,u r. most congenial clerks of the city, will be missed by his large number of friends In this city. Mrs. Andrew Knight and father, J. F. Deyoe, were In Oregon City on bus iness the latter part of the week. Miss Hattle Hutchinson, who was one of the successful young ladies In the recent contest of the Oregon City Enterprise, writes that she and the other young ladies who went to Long Beach and who are enjoying an outing at the Hotel Breakers at the expense of the Enterprise, are having a most enjoyable time. The young la dies will return home Sunday evening. William Powers, of Scotts Mills, who formerly lived In this city, and who is at present Interested in the coal mines at Scotts MUls, was in Canby the first of the week on busi ness. Dr. Claud Hampton, of Portland, ac companied by Chester Hodges, have been the guests this week of the for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hamp ton. Dr. Hampton will In a few weeks open office rooms at Sunnyside. Roy Lee, of Lebanon, has been vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lee. Mr. Lee formerly resided In this city, and is well known here. The Adkins Lumber Company ship ped four car loads of lumber to Mar tells. California, this week. The mill is running steadily turning out the big orders that are In. Joseph Hoff, who recently purchas ed property at Canby Gardens, has ordered the lumber for the residence be Is to erect tn the near future. Mrs. R. Z. Young, of Seattle, Wash., Is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Venack. of Silverton now associated with Dr. DeKeyser. who has been with the Woodard Clarke Drug Company, of Portland for many years. T. J. Davidson, of Portland, Is In Canby this week, accompanied by his wife. Mr. Davidson is aere m me in terest of a cannery. Many of the residents of Canby and surrounding country are Interested tn this pro ject, and if such a plant Is installed here It will tend to have many of the tracts of land to be sold Into smaller ones, and people will raise vegetables and fruit for canning on a large scale. Mr. Davidson has had many years of experience in establishing an enter prise of this kind. Mrs. Henry Smith and daughter, Mrs.. Rosella Lemons, and Miss Hallie Smith, left this week for Jones" hop yard near Brooks, where they will enjoy an outing for several weeks. Mrs. John Eckerson and Miss Al ma Erickson have gone to Eastern Oregon, where they will remain for several weeks visiting with relatives. Mrs. R. E. Ritchie and daughter, Mrs. Inez Holmes, of the East, have arrived In Canby and are the guests of M. Hosford. Mr. Hosford is an nncle of Mrs. Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Perry and two part 111 the services as well as Rev. Kalsom. of Forest Grove. At noon a dinner was served by the ladles In i n tent, which had been erected for by's popular young women, was pre-(hs oocaston. sented with many useiul aim naim-1 A .scripUn,, was taken up to de- some linen articles. frav ie .M,,S,. f erecting the The Invitation list Included: M'"'- 'church. Mnnv of the people of this William Knight. Mrs. Edward Hradtl. , . ,,,,,,, t,pnliiy. The lot. whlcn I I ix-e. ...rs. r.. . ..... ,s W(irtn j,;,, wns ,,mai,., )v Mr. Mrs. J. S. Eckerson. Mrs. J .F. Kcker- i,..f,.r.. th.. church was built. son. Mrs. Lawrence Hair, Mrs. W. H. about one year ago. Salem Company Contracts for Canby Prunes. Bair. Mrs. Andrew Kocher. Mrs. Geo. Reece. Mrs. Claud Baty. Mrs. W. C. Clark- Mrs. H V Rrown. Mrs. Charles T. Bates. Mrs W. J. Weber. Mrs. ; The large fruit drier north of Can William Evans. Mrs. James Evans, by. formerly owned by the Wlllain Mrs. T. L. Batten. Mrs. J. S. Dick, ette Fruit Company, but which has re Mrs. Mary Houghiim. Mrs. Grant cently been purchased by Mrs. Fran White. Mrs. L. C. Mlzx. Mrs. A. D. ' ces Roth. John Samuelson, S. 11. Paddock. Mrs. Cassle Evans. Mrs. A. Reese and A. Abrnhamnon, Is being H. Knight, Mrs. C. Wang. Mrs. T. J. overhauled, and everything put In Gary, Mrs. J. F. Deyoe. Mrs. A. J. readiness for the coming drying sea Knight, Mrs. C. X. Wait. Mrs. Marv son. Kirk, of Portland. Mrs. Fred Hurst, i The prune crop Is the largest that Mrs. Griffin. Mrs. George Koehler, has been for years, owing to the fa Mrs. Carrie Seaton, Mrs J. S. Patch, vorable season. The prunes are of Miss Josle Knight. Miss Florence g.xid size and of excellent quality. Snell, Miss Florence Wang. Miss Mil- The drier will be opened about Sep dred Wang, and Miss Lillian Wang, tember- 13. The price for the picking of prunes this year will be from 5 to 6 ceuts per box. 1 MVrW.y ummTm Poultry at the A. Y. P. Exposition By lli'itbit M. Story, CiiiuinlKHloner of Poultry for Oregon. The tlnio for milking entiles for the big show bus been extended to Sep tember 10, This Is a boon to the fniiclei' who has it lot of chicks that were nut hutched just us early its they should have been. There Is nothing more provoking than to send In your entry and leave out two or three beaullis that are "loo small" and have them suddenly develop Into your finest Hieclineus after the entries nre closed. I hope Io seo n flue exhibit from Clackamas County. A good ex hibit from Oregon Ih already" assured We cannot hope to equal Washington In numliers, but wait until the ribbons go up and see where the hlg prUes go. The Oregon exhibit will be a "tpiallty" show, a1 every poultry man do his duly and the Heaver Hlato will be covered Willi glory. The Hea ver, you know, dues not talk a great deal, but when he geln busy the wood piles up pretty (anl, Spialls Co. LI., of New Jersey, will i'. nip and fc'i'd the birds In Scuttle. They have handled the largest shows 111 Europe mid America, and the birds will be well cared for. George D. Hidden, tiwntiuisea, Minn., Sharp Hut terfleld, WliiHdor, Ontario, Canada; F. II. .Sliiihilmrgn, West lJberty, Iowa; W. C. Ellison, Mlnm-iipolls. Minn.; Henry Hemir. San .lose. Cal.; S. T. Campbell. Mansflrlil. tllilo; Chillies V. Keller, Wlliawac, Indiana are the poul. try Judges. William Stonihouse, of Vancouver, It. C will Judge pigeons. We can be sure that the Judiji'S really know a Hanlain frutn Haired Jewelers, offers a $M) cup for tlm largest and best exhibit of Asiatic". The Pacirie Piiulliyiuail, Heallle, of. feiH a I Ml cup for the best display of Mediterranean, IC. J, Mct'liiiialiiiii. Eugene, Oregon (ifl.'is a Mcl'laiiiiliiin Incubator (I Ml egg Hlo and brooder for the best tlhtplny In the WtigllHh Class. The Heallle Heed Company. Heallle, Wash,, niters a 1 no egg sUe CyphiiH Ini'iilinlor for largest and best exhibit of Polish, The Niitlliwi'Ht Poultry .loiiriuil, Salem. Oregon, offers n f.'.u cup to (he exhibitor winning Ilio K i . nt nnl number of first iuir.es on all sliimlar.l varieties of poultry ami waterfowls. The Northwest Poultry Journal, Ha loin, Oregon, oilers a silver cup (or the best display of Oregon bred IiIiiIh. The Porilaml Seed Company, port land Oregon, offers ii l.ee riii'tcn Blunder for I lie best dlsplliy of Ore gmi bred birds, The Fisher Thoiweii Co., 1'oiilalid, Oregon, offers Iwo gallons An'imi'lus Carbolliieiini for second best illiliiy and one gallon Avaiierloiis Carbolln emu for third best display of Oregon birds. The Chillies II. Ully Co. Seattle and Portland, offers one sack of Holly Chick Feed for best display, one hack of Holly Scratch Feed for second and one sack of Holly Mash Feed for third best display of Oregon bred birds. They i.lno offer one gallon of Lilly's Best Lice Killer for best llilny In each lias., of American, Mediterran ean. Aslallc. Polish, English, Flench, lmi.il. tin , Unntiim. TuiUe) and Waterfowls bred In Oregon, The Acme Mills Co , Purl laud Ore,, Hock, without the labels, They lire J ,,,. iiiiiii.Ih of chick feed fur best Miss Grace Patch. County Fair Near at Hand. M. J. Lee, secretary of the Clacka mas County Fair Association Is busily engaged In mailing the premium lists. Howard Eccles has been appointed as sistant secretary, and he too Is kept busily engaged In arranging for the opening of the fair. The fair ground gates will be open to the public on Mr. Jones, of Salem, representing the Tlllson & Company, prune buyers of Salem, was In Canby on Tuesday, and attended the meeting held by the Canby Fruit Growers. He contracted with several of the growers for their entire crop of Italian and Petile prunes, which will be about one hun dred tons. The price to be paid by Tut oiiAsiiorr:u. smooth bind legs ngaliist the edges of their fore wings. The process Is much like Hint of n violin bow scraping across the stiff riddle strings, though the sound made Is not iuti.ii like violin music. Another nuecr thing almiit the cica da family Is that they seem to have their ears stuck around aluut any old place about their ImhIIcs. Crickets, katvdlds and the long horned grass hoppers have their organs of hearing In their fore legs. Locusts and short horned grasshopMTS have theirs In their sides. There Is one sinties i.f locust that has been dreadisl by mat) from Bible times down to our day. It Is called Thursday. September 30. It Is prob- "" " , VJ hi th-i kvi,i. -.in h ,iaWntL ,he company will be 4 cents for 30-35, children. Ora and Harold, who have no horse races during this day. able that Friday will be designated as Oregon City day. The fair will close Saturday night, but the exhibits will be left In the buildings during Sun day, and arrangements will be made to have music by the band both morn ing and afternoon, but there will be been visiting In the East and also at the A. Y. P. Exposition at Seattle, have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Deyoe and Mrs. Andrew Knight, of this city. They left for their home at Grants Pass Wednesday morning. V. L Carothers was a Canby visitor on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Mack and child ren and Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Mack and children, who have been enjoying an were'in Canby last week. Mr. Venack outnS at Long Beach Wash., return- . . i knMA TViirajlav Thou wnnrl nHV. purchased seven 'acres of the Canby Gardens, and will build an up-to-date residence this fall. CANBY'S ART STUDIO and POSTAL CARD HALL Largest Stock of Postal. C. W. DAMM, Canby, Oregon. ed home Thursday. Tbey report hav ing had a most enjoyable time, and it is probable that they will return to the beach next season, as they were so Impressed with that summer resort. B. C. Davenport, the Jeweler, was a Portland visitor on Monday. While in the metropolis he purchased a fine line of Jewelry. Emil Gordon, manager of the Gor don Brothers Company, of this city, spent Sunday at Homewood Ranch, near Boardman Station. The programme this year is the largest ever offered at any county fair. Herman Fowler, of Portland, who operates several concessionaries at the Oaks and at Council Crest. Port land has arranged with the fair com mittee to put on about 10 concessions, Including a steam merry-go-round, moving picture shows, old plantation show, Joy wheel, baloon ascension, crazy house, doll racks, cane racks, two old fashioned cldermills and other amusements will be on the grounds that will be among the drawing cards. Canby is on the Willamette racing circuit this year, and some of the fastest horses In the state will be here. Bids are out for bands to fur nish the music, and already four bands of the county have been heard from. Any band organization In the county that is desirous of entering is invited to send In their application to the secretary. There will be a base ball game every day. The Maroons of Portland have decided to play dur- The prunes that are bought at this point will be shipped to Europe. Mr. Jones, who has been buyer for the Til son Company for the past four years is now one of the firm. The Company has two large plants, one at Rose burg and the other at Salem. Market Report. Chickens old hens 15c, roosters 10c. springs Hie, Eggs 30c, butler 45c. Lard, bulk 1C. Bacon, ranch, ISc to 22c. Ham, 17 to 2Cc. Flour, valley, 1.50; hard, $1.50; bluestem $1.75. Cheese, l!0c lb. Oranges, 25c 4oz; lemons 25c. Peaches $1.25 box. Shorts. $29 pir ton; bran $30.00; wheat 90c biiHhtl. Rolled barley, $29 ton. Oats, $39; lien, $28. Hops, contract, 21c. New potatoes, "5 to 80c cwt. Sugar, (Honultlu) $5.80 sack. Rice, fancy, 7t Butter fat sneet cream 38c; sour 33c. ; Hogs best blockers, 11c and 12Hc; ordinary 9c and 10c. Veal 9c; muttm 6c to 7'4c. Oregon City enterprise $1.50. WAGONS BUGGIES AUTOMOBILES Cost no more than others Don't buy until you investigate Let us send you our catalogue Ask us about the 1910 automobiles You won't regret it. Automobile Salesroom Wagons & Busies Chapman & Alder Streets PORTLAND 330 East Morrison Street PORTLAND LOGAN. We have had strenuous times and Logan Is behind again, so we will have to hustle to catch up with the procession. Mrs. Matilda Frakes was over from Wilsonville recently and visited a few days at J. S. Gill's. Fred P. Walker, formerly of Viola, and his brother are running a butcher business at Dufur, Wasco County, and report that they are doing well as they have a monopoly of the business. Fred has done well in another way, having formed a matrimonial alliance with one of Wasco County's fair dam sels. L H. Kirchem has returned from Idaho, where he visited several for mer Logan people, namely: Clem L. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith, John and Fred Bargfeld. He reports them all doing well and having good health except Peter Smith, who Is Just re covering from a surgical operation. The Bargfeld brothers are both mar ried and are working in the mines. T. Zimmerman and daughter, from Missouri, are visiting relatives her?. They bad spent some time In Cali fornia and had been to the A. Y. P. ex position before coming to Logan. Mrs. Zimmerman, who died some time ago, was a daughter of Mrs. U. Babler. Mrs. Frank Davey, of Grandvlew, Wash., Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gerber, all Is safe undercover. Grain gener ally yielded wef. and some of lt ex tra well. Oats nade from 50 to t!5 bushels and whet from 25 to 40 bush els. Oats are generally a slim ker nel but heavy an;how. Best Treatment for a Burn. If for no othct reason. Chamber Iain's Salve shoult be kept in every household on accoint of Its great value In the treat nent of burns. It allays the pain alnst Instantly, and unless the Injury Is a severe one, heals the parts wltlout leaving a scar, This salve Is also uneitmled for chap ped hands, sore n I roles and diseases of the skin. Price 2i cnts. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. MEADOWBRCDK. Threshing Is In fashih at the pre sent time and grain Is gf'd. The Misses Katie p4rl and Mar garet 8agar were vlsllig friends on Main Street Sunday. ' The s. P. Railroad lias an agent In town this week buy4g ties. Lee Adkins is movig the planer from the Schafer mil to the Noon Lumber yard, where If will operate it for the benefit of thi public. Frank Dodge, of Cffby, Is super- Intending the work'f'S the Meadow brook-Can by Canal Conpany. They exnect to cnmnleln tlil erndlnz thin At the last meeting of Harding i week. The water will lie taken from nfrTTr) arrirrT rT7 dttat ITV ' ' inn oijiiuuij sii i Tenth and Morrison, Portland, Orejoa 8 3 A. P. Armstrong LL.B., Principal Old in years, new in methods, admittedly the high-standard commercial school of the Northwest. Open all the year. More calls for help than we can meet position certain. Class and individual instruction. Bookkeeping from written forms and by office practice. Shorthand that excels in every respecL Special penmanship department. Write for illustrated catalogue. EL. Grange, the subject of naming farms was discussed. Some thought It a good thing, but it did not appeal to others. "8hall we patronl.e local mer chants in preference to mall order houses" was thoroughly discussed and the unanimous opinion seemed to be that we should patronize home Indus try unless we can do better by send ing away which we some time can, but more often cannot. It was ex plained that farmers have to meet outside competition with their pro ducts and merchants must expect to do the same. Cutting grain and hay, threshing and baling have been going on at the same time, which made things lively, but hard to get hands enough. How ever It Is about over now and most the Molalla river an) turned Into Woodcock Creek, It wll then fow of lis own accord at a poltt near Adkins mill and be flutned on to the Canby Prairie. B. F. Nover and fam)y were visit ing friends In town Sut'Iay. George Robson Is rusflcatlng In the huckleberry patch this reek. There is some talk of a party oper ating a line of gasollnt launches on the canal when it Is conpleted. A. V. Davis and wfM were visiting friends In town Sunday) The price of real estate Is advanc ing very fast since the (work on the canal Is being rushed Uroiigh. C. Holman and (IkUKhter, MlB3 Marv Alice am rusticating on the ranch this week. "W . (10 ..'..fr, tneti of National ri'putntliiu and will Judge the birds No. iloilbt, If there nre a thousand exhibitors at Seattle each one had a "special" preference III Judges, but every one raiiuot get Just what they want every time. All the same, e must get In and work for a big show. The regular premiums are certainly well worth of Oregon birds III Polbh. .lullc and Game Climseii. Also lim pounds scratch food for best dlsplav of French, Itanium and Turl.eis. from Oregon. Th Pacific Seed Co, Portland Die., offers I no pounds of snatch feed for best illxplny of Ihilih tiaxe and waterfowl fioui Oregon. They til.n of going utter. 1 lie entry fee pir single ft,r um, $, M mJ lf t-( lt )i . y Ilium birds Is $l.i)i. for peiiH $n.i. Hut for (.urw for ,,,,, tiHVuy f ofgoii blids single birds the first premium Is $100, the second Is $ 2 50. the third Is $11141 In each linn of American, Asiatic Mediterranean, Polish. FnglUh, Ihitrh, for pens the first prlo Is $10 tm. the Krh,hi ,;,,, j,inlani mid Turkeys. second Is i. no. tne tnir.I Is .l.un. 1 yh ,,rtluiil Seed Company offers The Poultry Gillette of Nebraska ml pounds each lUaiuoiul Mush Food offers a splendid silver cup for best f,,r host display of Oregon birds In cock, corkerel. lieu, pullet and pen In the Kngllsh and Medlteriaueiiii rlasa. the show room. I Now please send III your cuttles The Hon Mnrche. Senttle, Wash., of- and make the Clackamas County ex- fers a lion cup for best display In the : hlbll a thing to be remembered with American Class. The U L Moore Co. 1 pride. EDrop lira and see os about that land GLADSTONE a specialty. j j SCHOOLEY & CADELL 606 MAIN ST. OREGON CITY, ORE. I LAST CALL! Till MllillATOIlY UMTHT. the migratory locust Isicause It flies through the ulr from place to plant In numticrs that cannot be counted, de vouring everything except earth, rocks, solid wish! and Iron as It goes. This locust Is not green, like the smart, pick and span grasshopper, but Is of dull, dirty color. Us fore wings brown, its hind wings of a lighter shade. It Is alsiiit au Inch and hair In length. How an Oitrich Eats Oranges. At the Cawstiui ostrich farm In Houth Pasadena, Cal., there Is a veteran bird called Kmpemr Will la in. The Kinperor makes a dally practice uf catching In midair oranges which are thrown to him and gulping them down whole. He has been known to hare as many as a dozen of the big round fruit going down bis slim neck at once, making the latter look not unlike a string of Immense beads. Although be baa on several occasions eaten as many as thirty-five or forty oranges In succes sion, he Is Iu good health at the ripe ostrich age of twenty-three years. The food seems to agree with him. Nonunn Rhyme. Thirs was sn old prson of Hree. Who frequonli-il the dptln of the-1 Bli nursed the small flslirs And washed all the duties And swarn back again Into Uree. A Bottle Trick. Remark to the assembled company that vou can get vinegar out of a bot tle If you have no corkscrew and If you do not break the bottle or put bole In the enrk. Solution: Push the cork Into the bot- tlo Near Death In Big Pond. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs. Ida Boper to face death. "For yenrs a severe lung trouble gave mo Intense Buffering," she writes, "and several times nearly caused my death. All remedies failed and doctors said I was Incurable. Then Dr. King's New Discovery brought quick relief and cure ho permanent that I have not been troubled In twelve years." Mrs, Super lives In Dig Pond, Pa. It works wonders In CoughB and Colds, Sore Lungs, Hemorrhages, IjaOrlppe, Asth ma, Croup, Whooping Cough and all Uronchlal affections. DOc and $1.00, Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Ji.nes Drug Co. OWING to the fact that we have a lot of odds and ends that we must clean up, we will offer goods, except those now arriving for the fall trade at Sutll' tmrSah Prices. This proposition is good for a few days. Do You Want a Piano? We have half a dozen high grade Pianos, including Z two Kimballn, that wc will discount about one fifth. J that means $240.00 for a fUOO.OO piano. Pianos are Z sold on monthly payments of $7.50 to $15.00. We have some Pitchforks and a few Hayforks, a large quantity of Separator Z Oil, some mixed paint, pulleys and line for hay forks, a Cream Separator, and jj many other articles that will soon be out of season. If price is an inducement come in and sec if we have what you can use. Wz bavt njoyed an Unprecedented JIngust Business We cot it by telling the public what we were willing to do in the way of prices and living up to our offers. J We wish to thank the public for its liberal patronage. Our partons have profited and we are fairly well cleaned up for new goods and the Fall season's bus- iness. E. W. MELLIEN & CO. Exerythlng for the Home Oppoiite Court Housa 1