4 OKEGOX CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, A1KUJKT i:, 1!R)). What Ails You ,0 W 4 On you feel wck, tired, despondent, hive frequent head- mnr, cusicu oiibuc, rutter or had time in momm, 'heart. burn," belching of f, icid risings in thront ulier eilin,!, stenmch tnaw or bum, foul hrcsih, du?v mvIIi, poor or variable appetite, nausea at times and 'kindred kynipturat ? If rou have any considerable number of ilia hove rmpinmt vou arc ulTcrini! from bi.ioi torpid liver with indigestion, or dyspt-pvid. Ur. Pierce 'a (ioldcn .Medical Discovery is il.iJo up of the most valuable medicinal principlci known to medical acienca for the permanent cure of such abnormal conditions. It is a most efficient liver invijgnraror, stomach tonic, bowel regulator and ncrva strenflhener. T.-c (, olden Medical Discovery" is not ri:rn medicine or secret co-frum, a lull list ol its intfrrdienti bein printed on i; bcrlc-w ui-vht ,i..d e.-u-J unj.- u:li. V sluice at these will show (hat n c.cii.ncs mi alcniicl. or I uc fill IviSiMnrming Jruils. it it a fluid extract inudc nh pure, lnpk-u CnrJ lvcenne, of proper srrrnijth, fmm the i.- s c: v.- .,n:ic.lrt ,-. sdical, luret plants. World Dispenser? Medical Association, Crops., Il'utl do, N. V, -4: -Nr: Oregon City Enterprise Published Every Friday E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher. Entered at Oregon City, Or., Post office as second-class matter. Subscription Rates: One Year . $ 1 .50 Six Months 75 Trial Subscription. Two Months .15 should go there now would ho prised at what has boon done In tho ; way of crushed rock road improve- j meets. Untd. ho says, has doubled in value in two years. j Those manors can ho safely left j to the Rood judgment of the people J usual of Multnomah and Clackamas conn- A. ties. If the main argument Is ad vanced that Multnomah County will MOUNTAIN VIEW. Then' Is uulle lot of sickness In this vicinity this week. Crimdma Uhe-lt has boon quite p.vor ly of lale. Prank Stiltwell had tho doctor Wod-ne-day tnoruiud. ilran.lma Molloy Is worse. Mr. Crawford is not well of late and his son is with him. Mrs. Crawiord is at Independence vvlii her daughter. Itessle Aldrodgo. H. I". I.inu has been seriously 111. but Is a little better, linpiovements still go on. Mr. Cerher painted Mr. oloys new bain last week. Mr. Kleinsmlih was building nn ad dition fir Mr. Robeson Instead of his own, as was s'aleil in last week's new s. H.ivrv Ramho was hero again last week. We heard la.t week that Mr. Mur row sold his property but we have not heard tho pai I Iculars. Mrs. Sehoth and Mrs. Hullard spent one afternoon last week, visiting Mrs. Moran at Mel.lntm. Miss Kdith Hul!ard Is at Cams. Mr. and Mrs Pvcd Curran went out to the saw mill last t-ri.tay anu spent the day with rraukie Cumin's. IV P. Cun an is about the same as Canby and Southern Clackamas CANDY, Tho town of Canby was well rep resented at the Spiritualist oaiup -meeting at New Kia Sunday, This' being I'orlland day, many people from that city intended. I V. II. Hair and WINon Kvnns went ' to llubharil on business Monday. liordon on Snndav .1, lUggorness. of San l-Yanclsco. Mr, and Mrs. William Knight tun! Cl has arrived In Canby and Is the ; Arthur Khlghl visited at the homo suest of tils brother. N. incKcrueas. of Mr. and Mrs. William Potior on The one years-old child of Mr. and Sunday, ' Mrs. K. K. Allen Is very 111 at the I'nui-j Lester Hurdetle left for Newport lly home and verv little hopes are en-1 Monday, mid expects to upend two boys report having bad it flint (linn. .1. I.ee Ki'kerson nuiilo a business trip to I'orlland Saturday, returning Monday. Miss Uiura Avlson, Or.. C. . Melii. snor and Walter Wells, of Oregon City, were tho gnosis nf Miss 1 villi spend thousaftds on roads In territory that Is now a part of Clackamas it is a reasonable assumption that tho , ,, ,,, . .. , . , taxpayers of the couutv north of us Subscribers will find the date of ex- , , piration stamped on their papers fob , m, extend the glad band of vvol- lowing their uame. If last payment is or.io. not credited, kindly notify us, and ! . i Uio matter will twelve our attention. , Advertising Kales on application. : Mailt.: has houttht Mr. lliomp- son's property and rented the house to Mr. Seibkin's daughter, ilrandma Stuart has a fine garden NEW TRAIFF BILL. COUNTY DIVISION AGAIN. in Owners of automobiles, residing Portland, are apparently a'ier.pi'tj; to saddle a portion of fTic'anas County on to Multnomah fm t'-.e o'e purjiose of having the roads to Mount Hood improved in order to make a splendid thoroughfare for their ma chines. This is really a laudable pi on osition and one that ought to meet with the approbation of all taxpfytis, especially the great majority who do not own automobiles beeaiisj they cannot afford these luxuries. En gaged in this movement are E. Henry Wemme, president of the rortland Automobile Club and William F. Lip man, of the firm of Lipman Wolfe & Company and a heavy stockhold-r in the taxicab concern at the metropolis. This is the kind of dope they hand out to a ever supposedly gullible pub NOTICE. Portland, Or.. July 31. 1909 Portland Automobile Club j I The passage of the tariff bill and its approval by the President must prove a source of gratification to all sensible uituous. The measure actu- j ally revises tho tariff downward.- de spite the misleading figures which j our Democratic friends present to ! establish their claims to the contrary. ; A word as to these figures is not I amiss. Pv calculating the percentage on the place this e.ir. .1. Lewellyn and wife went to Spring .iter Saturday and spent three days among relatives. Miss pearl Prancis is spending this week among friends in Portland. Mrs. Hose Netiein visited Mrs. Weldner and Mrs. West Monday. John Frauds, who has been visiting relatives in Seattle and lllllsboro, went to the Ogle Mountain mines ! again Wednesday morning. I Frank llenrlci is threshing in tills i vicinity this week. I Mr. Kurd's grain averaged over -It) . bushels per acre. j Will Ueasoner. of Portland, was of the duty on the articles taxed, but omitting any reference to the articles transferred to the free list, they man age to show- a slight increase in the percentage of taxation. Of course such a method is wholly erroneous. To present a comparative statement that would be worth anything it would be necessary to show the percentages of reductiou. inserting those percent ages represented where, as in the cases of hides for Instance, the entire 15 per cent formerly Imposed was stricken off. Deduct from the percent age of reduction the comparatively few- percentages of increase and the remainder would afford a fairly ac curate measure of the reduction calling on friends in this berg Tues-ity day. I ,av. Albert Sehoth had the misfortune i to lose his little dog Monday evening. tertiilned for its recovery. The Koboknhs will meet In Knight's ball Tuesday evening The I. O. O, F. lodge w III meet ; Friday evening. j Charlie lloughain. who has been suffering w ith blood poisoning In his hand. Is Impiovlnr. Mrs. C. S. 1 1 i lit i mi and children, who1 have been rustie.i: ing at Wtlholt fori swveial weeks, returned to their home Salurdoy. Miss M.uy niggcrness also returned to her home hero utter a pleasant visit wlih Mrs. Illuton Miss hah Cordon has arrived from Oregon City, nud will niako her home lore, her parents having moved here about a week ago. Mrs. l,l;,-lo Palmer, of Oregon City. was visiting friends In this city on Tuesday. Mrs Casslo Kvaus. proprietor of Ihe' The Cottage Hotel, went to Portland on't'anliy business Monday, returning on Tin s-1 llnlshe day morning's train. Mrs. Kvans was the guest of her sister while In Port land. C. IJ. Cummlugs was an Oregon City business visitor Tuesday. Mrs. tieorge Knight was In Oregon City the latter part of the week. Victor Carothers. who Is now con nected with the Oregon Cltv Knter- j prise, passed through Canby on Tues- day morning on his way to Aurora, i where he went on business. I Or. H. A. IVduinn was In Oregon w eeks. Mrs, W. It. Porter started for Umg llemh. Wash., Friday to visit her dan ghter, Mrs. A A. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Iliadtl visited Ihe former's paienls at New Kia Sunday. Miss Alma Fckorsou visited Miss Mable Ken Knlglil Satuidav and Sun day. Mis Phagley, of Woodburn. vhlled her daughter, Mrs, lt.wluiau and fam ily Ibis week. Mrs, Itnhliison and granddaughter, Mildred. vMied relatives In Wood burn last week, reluming home Mon day. Miss tliace Ptlsier, who has been confined In the hospital at Portland, has relui ned home. '" ," '. . i '-'' 1 LOADING TIE9 ON CARS AT CANDY. The M.irkets. harvest season In bus been slatted, d their task, and ami around many In. . vo helping on professional business Tues- They think It was poisoned. Will May and family spent last Sunday at Cams visiting among friends. Mrs. May Fairc'.ough has gone to the mines, where her husband Is at work. She will probably stay two mouths gathering huckleberries and fishing for trout. STAFFORD. The I It is gratifying to note that the j press generally, including many pa I pers which have no sympathy for the -protective policy and which would have liked to see all but revenue du ties abolished, is giving abundant credit to President Taft for the part he played in compelling the leaders of his party in Congress to scale the duties, and is commending the meas ure as an actual, if not radical, ful fillment of the party pledges. Will Hold a I GOOD ROADS CONVENTION SUN-' DAY, AUGUST 1st ! at one P. M. at Welches Farm ' to devise ways and means to split up, Clackamas County and annex a por-i tion nt f iilrnnmal, Pmmlr SENATOR WILLIAM F. LIPMAN ' The greatest occasion for gratitude Will tell you how to do ,tj over the tariff contest to all true Re- Mnitnnmah rvmnfsr -in K.oM publicans must be the highly satls- Boulevard to the faetory manner in which the President una acquuuru uiiuseu, Qeuiuiisirauug "Paradise of Oregon." Free Music Furnished By Welches Orchestra. all are invited PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLUB By E. Henry Wemme, Pres. Something Doing .All the Time. We are told that the meeting was a huge success and that Multnomah County is ready and willing, cheer fully so in fact, to assume the burder of taxation that Clackamas County is unwilling to carry for the benefit of Portland motor car owners. During the past year or so we have been hearing a great deal of news paper comment on the proposed dlvl-1 sion of Clackamas County. Estacada, j it is said, has ambitions to be a coun-1 ty seat, and there has been talk of ! cutting off Clackamas north of the riv- j er of that name. Here is what a res- j ident of the Estacada section has jo ' say in the Portland Oreeoolan- I Aeording to Edward Renfer. who ! Stone is to have a new electric owns a farm near Estacada. the neo- Dower ulant in the near future A pie of that portion of Clackamas Coun-1 gang of men are at work running lines ty want the opportunity to vote on I and laying off the ground nrenaratorv Multnomah County, to the erection of a splendid manu- even to the most sceptical his right to the title of leader of his party. To W llllam Howard Taft is due the fact that the bill is a revision downward. that the interests were not able to cause the stultification of the party pledges, that the measure contains a provision for taxing the net earnings of the corporations and that it con tains the germ of a tariff commission which under his fostering care prom ises to grow into an effective agency for the control of the protective tariff and the prevention of the effective In fluence of that selfishness and greed which have done so much to make the protective policy repugnant and which, uncontrolled, would have com passed Its complete rejection by the American people. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A STONE. annexation to They desire to make the Clackamas river the dividing line between Mult nomah and Clackamas counties. Mr. Renfer, who lives In Portland, said that he spent some time near Estaca da Saturday and Sunday, and nearly facturing and power plant. The Clack amas river is to furnish the necessary power. It is understood that the com pany is entirely Independent of any concern previously operating in this section. They also state that, the Harvest has been In full blast the past week, and one or two threshers have started. Help has ben srarce. and the few wandering Willies, p.xir sticks, hut by changing work with each other, as In early days, farmers are getting grain secured in good shape, as the weather has been Ideal for harvest. A number of families have been af flicted with whooping cough and meas les. Sam Moser and all his children had the measles except the mother, who has a young child. All are doing well, and Sam was able to be out to church Sunday morning. The three Delkar children have been having the whooping cough and meas les and have been very sick. Zack Ellegsen's little daughter. Christina, was quite sick with meas les, and Just able to be about at the present writing. The remainder of the family have the disease, as none but the oldest son have had them. A couple of young ladles of the Holi ness band, held services at the school house Sunday afternoon and evening. The society will send some one out to preach every two weeks at 2:30 and 8 P. M. The Schatz boys have a dog which catches gophers or rather, these black moles, which do lots of damage In gardens. The members of the Baptist church held a prayer meeting with Mr. Wels senborn Sunday afternoon. He Is sorely afflicted, having had a paralytic stroke some time ago. which leaves him almost helpless. Hops are coming up, and it is said Mr. Nimlck has returned to the bos om of his family. Mr. Powell, with the help of Mr. Barnes Is putting up a fine wire fence on his side of the lane leading to Gage's. He has removed the old rail fence, plowed and grubbed out roots and brambles and smoothed the ground down nicely. It will be a de cided Improvement. Mrs. Schatz. who was sick last week is betier. Her daughter, Hosa, Is home now. Len Francis Is building a fine house for Adnlph Delkar. Mrs. John Q. Gage returned to her home In St. Helens, taking with her nearly 200 quarts of fruit she had canned in the two weeks she had been staying in Stafford. Mrs. .1. C. Paddock and daughter. Miss Uiura Paddock, of Gladstone, were In Canby Sunday, the gnosis of Mr. and Mrs. A 1. Paddock. Mrs. Grant White and Mrs. M P. Savior went to Oregon City on Tues day afternoon's train, returning homo by buggy. Mrs. A. J. Knight and little daugh ter, Wichita, who have been visiting with Mr. Knight at 1" mat Ilia, have returned homo. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Deyoo loft Fri day for Collins Hot Springs, where they go for the benefit of Ihe former's health. Mr. Hoyoe has returned, and during his slay at the resort his health was Improved. Claud Hampton, of Portland, Is vis iting with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hampton. Mr. und Mrs. Charles T Hates. Mrs. George Hates and Miss Harriet Hates spent Sunday at WUholt. C. W. Damm. the photographer, has purchased a new $;;, portrait lens, and this week recti veil a large supply of post cards. Mrs. L. J. Mulum has gone to WU holt, where she will enjoy an outing for several weeks. Miss Edna Hutchinson Is confined to her home by Illness. Mr. and Mrs. William Cant well nnd daughter. Mable Uiwry, went to Glad stone Sunday, and spent the day with Mrs. Cantwoll Bister, Mrs. Dann. and mother. Mrs. Hoise, U J. Mulum left this morning for Dakota, where he goes on business. Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Mark and fam ily nnd Mr. and Mrs. Marley Mack left Thursday for Img Ileach. where out others. Those who tiav. finished line plca-el with their vea s cum, aj. many of the oldest Inhabit tuts stale j thai the spilug was the divest for j years. Among those who have finish ed threshing Is K. l,ee, who resides on the edge of C.inhv On August I :;td be threshed his crop of three acres of wheat, and the result was I d bushels, -IS I I! bushels to the acre. and seven acres of oau. After cut 'ting two svvai lis entirely around Ihe seven ucro tract with the mower to j wake room for the binder, he had rem ; bushels of grain. 71 :! 7 bushels to the acre, I A. D. Glihhle brought the first load of new grain to town on Monday, On ' t lit Grlbblo place were bushels of winter oats, averaging !iu bushels to the acre John Maluwood. one of Hie promi nent farmers of Canby, has finished : baling his hay. Mr. Maluwood has in acres in clover, an. I the result of; this year's crop was I'-j tons In Ihe I acre, Mr Maluwood says that bis! crop would hav e been even larger l hall this bad he plastered his ground, j Mr. Maluwood s one of the enthiislas 1 tic farmers of Clackamas county, nud says that Oregon Is the best slate In the Cnloti. He has traveled over Ihe liilted States since coining from Fug land, and says that this Is the coun try for him. Mr. Malnvvood's farm Is about three quarters of a mile from here, and the soil Is excellent for farming purposes. The corn on his place attracts the attention of all who pass his place. The commission merchants of this place are roiutuenelng to receive marketable potatoes, which will be shipped to Enslerti nud Southern points. Mr. Hair says that he Is now ready for marketable -totatoc at his commission house. There are more potatoes shipped from this point than any other In Clackamas county. Mr. Hair will ship several carloads alHitit the liith of this month. The price for the marketable potatoes Is from T5 cents to 85 cents per loo pounds. Fresh vegetables are dally arriving In the markets, and there Is already demand for same, but the merchants man will be In California for iieveral inotilhs lie is at plesellt III Idaho .1. ,1. S i 1 1. 1 -.1 1 1 -is was a llurloiv visitor Wednesday evening, having allendeil the services coiidiliied by Rev. Willie, of Sllveilou, Services will be conducted at the M. K. church both morning and even lug. Rev. W. .1. Weber ottliiailng II IV Maxiiiu, an old Mine resident of French lialile, was lit Ciinby on Tuesday vl.siilug among his old Willi iota CoillllilllV , He llbio visited friends in Fillmore county, Milium for Ihlee davs. lie Ihell lulled his aim nihilist lug of I'.'n tieroi Tin, man In limine was Jilsl Hill inns' planting his corn t'p hi lie- Km of Ma at thai ti'ai-- i'ie. hud hiiow ntoiuis, but afiei i i ' ill-si n( May eV e I hlllg Kiel. Hi,"- III. Isle, Slid int the liees came mil III bud lllul the grass loniiiieiii'iil In nunc up II pin seated a very beautiful night Mr. friends Mr, Mavuni has been awuv ; Siiiiibiucm i einalne, (or llnee days at Trout hero for veins, and was glad ( his (nun. nud (rout llo'io .-ul to lo be back among his old fiiendn. At I lillinoie Coiiutv, nun Itiinhfoul, his Oregon city he vi dled W. W. II Sam i fm hut home w lo ll a buy. II wan Just son. who performed hi i marriage cor f .It ivjh on the ;.'nd of May (Inn ho einony. Mr Mavuin Is residing n reached (hut plain fiom bis imllvi 111 I'lliei ton. Wash,, whore hi' Is em- counl rj . Norway. Mere ho vlnlleil bis p!ovc, In Ihe navy yard. I half slMcr. MUs Chihdtia Suinb.UesH, I'.. 1.. Chase luis sold bis place In! ho died shoitly after bis urrlval. lie Canby lo K Flngarson. of Hillslioin , nlsn vislied to of his hindu-ix nnd Mr. Flngarson Is nil old friend of Mi i another ,!.!. -i hcldes o, school Aisled, who recently bought the Wll males. e vi-,!e, I jllieiiboisi with Ills llain Vorpahl place, and who came ; bio! her In law . a luii.lware mail, nnd here from The city along the pro pelt v nctlve Inle North Dakota. Is building a new sidewalk street fronting the ltru.lt! The city council takes an rm.t In the nppentanee of relumed to M linn spoils on June .'.;. itti.l heie WUS some of the llOlteilt Weather thill h' Ill's ever evpelieliced lie npenl niilne 1 1 111" III St 11111 1 lie then ib'iatte, for hi a f.um ill Anoku. where h" remained (or three days At this (''ace the weather was eoo, but tniiltv electrical sltuuis occurred or the cltv. while lie WHS II, ere At I'lllm.ir., II,.. Mrs l'harles Hates n'i't Mi i G. iege , ,.r,,1H ,,,,., Mr Si,h,,iiss Hates and sou were among Ihe Pott-j left M In ik-ii t tln July ! for Flnlev. laud visitors the latter pan of th" North Dakota, whet" he also vilie, Keck with friends. wli'Tu In- remained until William Mulliwivod has moved Into I iv .. n, ,.., ... ,,., iB,. ., looked fine. Many of Ihe farmers In that plan' using the automobile In- lis city, and the sidewalks that lire In need of repair aie attended tu il once either by the property ovt'e-s Ills llew residence. Which Is one of the most altiiicllve buildings thai have gone up In Canby (his Summer every man he met brought nn the i dam ami other question of annexation to Multnomah j be rushed to completion as fast as County without Mr. Renfer saying j possible. The fact that barrels anything on the subject. Mr. Renfer i of cement alone has been purchased says that the question is being gen-! for the work in hand shows that they erally agitated all through that dis- mean business trlct. and that an effort will be made to get a vote on the matter by "imimrau nuwever, mis is ; recently, i h" land for the purpose not the first time this annexation of ! was purchased bv the conntv from A good road leading from the main Leg-1 road to Clear Creek has been opened the territory north of Clackamas County has been agitated, but has never reached the voting point. Clack amas County is doing a lot of road work near Estacada. Mr. Renfer re ports that people who went to the section three years ago and who Mr. J. .1. Hiitton. This enables the traveler to drive down to the creek and camp or water his beasts. Grant .Mumpowr, quite unlike the Arkansas Traveler, is putting a new roof on his house while the weather is good. Starting a Business For Yotirself It is unreasonable for a young man to think that he can set himself up in business with out some capital to invest in the enterprise. Perhaps this lack of capital has been the cause of your working fcr some one else in stead of yourself these many years. If so, it is high time that you began to accumulate a fund for the purpose of establishing yourself in some good paying business. An account with this bank will afford you a convenient, safe and an ideal method of put ting your surplus sums where they will grow into a fund, that in time, may make possible your business success. Others Have Done So You Can Do Likewise Tie Bank of Oregon City Oregon Gty, Oregon FIRWOOD. All Items for the Firwood Ilugle should be sent in by August 18. An entertainment and slipper social will be given by the Firwood Progres sive Association at Firwood Hall Sat urday evening August 21. Indies bring lunches in shoe boxes. An in teresting and Jolly time Is guaran teed, rain or shine. W. J. Wlrtz lectured on "Charity" before an attentive audience which filled Firwood Hall on Sunday even ing. The lecture was Interesting. In structive. Some have expressed a desire to hear such a lecture every week. J. J. Costello has returned from a short trip in Canada. Mrs. Cruise anil daughters return ed to Portland after a very pleasant month's vacation at Firwood. lierch Roberts returned from his trip In Southern California. lierch says there Is no place like Oregon for hirn. Mrs. J. J. N'ally is visiting her moth er, Mrs. II. Frey, at camp Idle a While this week. they will enjoy the ocean breezes for!,nn k','P IM'ly P " diimatiil. Kggs have taken a drop in price in the last few days, and are bringing a price of Hi cents. There is a gisul demand for good country butter nud poultry. Corn. cucumbers and summer squashes are among the vegetables that are coming In. Corn Is ranging from 1" to 20 rents per dozen. There will be a good crop of plums (his year. Iigan berries are on t of the market, but l-awton ami Hlmulava berries are In the market, and are re tailing nt 5 cents per box. Canby Quotations. Chickens old hens 12c. roosters Xc, springs lc. Eggs 2t;c, butter 22'c. Ijird bulk, Ific. Hucon ranch, 2"c to 22c. Hum. 18c. Flour valley f t.-IO, hard $1.75, blue, stem $!.". Cheese, 20c. Oranges 25c dor; lemons 25c. Shorts. $:k; per ton, bran $:iu, w heat 95c per bushel. Rolled barley, $29 per ton. Oats $.1!1, new $2. New potatoes, 75c to 85c. Hops, contract, 21c. Hutter. 45 to fine. Rico, fancy. 10c. Hutter fat sweet rreiitn Z'i'jP, sour .10 '4 c. Hogs best blockers, 10'jC, ordi nary X lo lie. Veal fie; million C, to 7c. BORING. I!. Richardson and Ivon Turner reached Boring Sunday after spend ing 10 days hunting and fishing on I'pper Salmon and Zigzag. They got i three deer, one small brown bear, a , bobcat, and plenty of fish. They re- port 200 people at Welch's place Bun i day and say that all resorts In the i mountains are crowded. There were 10 automobiles from Portland which ', reached Welch's Sunday. Norm, Har l riott, Goldle Fisher and Vernon Mauld , lug hunted in the neighborhood of j Maulding's hotel, but they say there j was a hunter for every deer, and they j came back empty handed. One of I their pack horses took to bucking and spilled the entire stock of provisions, and they were obliged to return bo fore they had Intended. J. W. Roots returned Sunday from a week's trip land hunting in the Tilla mook country. two weeks. Miss Fay Vletheor. who has been spending the past week with Miss Anna Krueger and Hiss Hattle My ers, returned to her home In Portland Sunday. From that clly she will go to Ijirrh Mountain, where she will spend the remainder of her vacation. Miss Vletheer Is a milliner In Port land. Mrs. Calvin Kocher and baby re turned home Saturday evening from Portland, where they have been visit ing with Mrs. Koclier'n parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Vorpahl, who re cently moved to that city from this place. Professor Howard Eccles has re turned from Oregon City, where he was Instructor of mathematics, civil government, reading, history and spelling at the Summer Normal. There were more teachers attending this year than any previous year. John Schwaiihauer, a prominent farmer of Needy, was transacting business in Canby Tuesday morning. The James Adklns Lumber Com pany has resumed operation after extensive repairs to the mill. The mill was enlarged to a running ctitm- city of lO.ooo feet per day. Stanley Wang was a Portland vis itor Sunday. Thomas- Fleming, of Oregon City, is In Canby working at his trade, paper banging. Mrs. J. U Eckerson and baby re turned from Aurora Tuesday after noon, after a brief visit with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs, Heck. Miss Chrissle Zee, after a visit, with relatives In Portland, has returned home. Mrs. Andrew Kocher has Improved from her severe attack of rheumatism. Mrs. George Ranch and Mrs. Eflle Ranch nnd son, Everet, went to Port- j land last week to visit relatives. The j former returned the same day, but Mrs. Ranch and son remained with her brother, Charles Ranch, of Port land, and returned Tuesday. Mrs. Scot t on and two children, of St. Paul, Minn., arrived Monday and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Scottoti. Mr. Scotton will arrive August 17 and after visiting with bis parents here for a few weeks, Miss Ada Wrolstad Dies at Canby. Miss Ada Wrolstad died Monday morning at the residence of James Meluiu, Ibis side of Canby, where she had been visiting. Miss Wrolslaif was a daughter of II. Wrolstad, of Stevens Point, Wis. ,and bad been been visiting In Oregon for several months. She was a niece of L. (1. Wrolstad, and a sls(er of Mrs. James Erlckson, of Harlow. nr death was caused by peritonitis. The body was brought to this clly and taken to llol man & Myers undertaking establish ment whore It was prepared for ship ment to Stevens Point, Wis., for bur ial. - Djnd Doys Ouy Piano. The Cauby Kami, which recently puichaseil a Pease piano, will give n darning party at the city hull on Sat urday evening, August 21. Garrett's orchestra, of Aurora will furnish the music for the occasion. The hand Is under the leadership of lr. A. F. He Isplnnsse, who has taken an active Interest In Ihe ot gaulnl Ion, nud Is now one of the best musical organisa tion In the county. Meetings urn held regularly each week There me about 22 members belonging, compos ed of many of the leading business men of the city. It Is the Intention of Hie band to give concerts nnd danc ing parties to help defray the expense of (he plnuo llefore coming lo Can by lr le,esplnimo had sevenil years of experience as a lender of an orgiinliitlou of this kind, and h Is a musician who can master almost any kftul of musical Instrument The baud boys are lo be rongiatulaleil In securing his servlres, Many of the pisiplc of Canby have kindly dunnted towards the cause, and those who wish to contribute ran hand (heir con tribution to tiny of the baud boys, which will be gratefully received The list of those who have already given Is as follows: Contributor. Carlton Si Rosenkriius Co $.)00 Canby Hank & Trust Co f. no Canby Canal Co 5 00 W. H. Hair .'. no .1. J. Sandsness 2 50 W. II. Lucke 2 50 F. F. 1 1 ii ii ii il. 250 O. Wang & Co 2 50 While & So! r 2 50 Andrew Kocher 2 50 Gordon llros. Co 2 50 stead of buggies The grain nt place was the lluest looking Hint he bad "en mi his trip Among other places vislied were Mavviie nud Portland. N H Many of (he people at Ihcsn places knew very llltle of Oregon, Some of I be people w hom h met had vislied porilniul. Or, but bad not visited nnv of Clnckiinins counl y. and many of ibn pi.pl.. think (ha( Oregon Is n wilderness. Pisiplc whom he met nnd who had visile, (he Pnclllc roast statu that Portland was one of tho most beautiful cities they hsd ever seen, Mr Sandsness gave those who hnve not visited the West a goo.1 des cription of the country, nnd bns In duced several to isiinii nnd sen for themselves Mr. Snudsuess wns be! (or plensed wllh Oregon ibnn ever upon his rolurn, and says (hut he Is going lo always reside here, Larg Shipment of Polot from Cinby. Huong lb" pns( few months a large shipment of logs have been scut from this clly to many parts of the i'nlte.l S(nte to be used for railroads, mines nnd other puna J,M) Sutherland, of this place, has Cotitrnrteil for llroiiKhton St Wiggins, of Portland .for iniiny hundreds of pules, which were recently shipped. T, p,,,.s were fir. and nrn of second growth. About ,i men have heel iployed during (he peeling season preparing (his timber for use. The peeling season Is In Miirch. when (he nap Is mi, and dur ing thai lime iiIhiiiI 7iiii carlonils were prepared for shipment. The timber was (akeii off of Hi., logged off hinds of Canby. There Is i h gisul Umber In (be Canby country, and since (his new industry here much of the small er timber hits been Ismghl up by Port- laiiii units. Italy & Meeks . . . ir. He ,osplnusHi' V.. A. Krueger ... ('. W. Fallows , . . J 0. T. Hates .. Hoc Sailor . . . O I,. Hates .. C. W. I la in m . N. Iilggerness II Davenport . Iv W. Hales . . lerry llnty 2.50 2 no 2 Oil 2HII ' Kckersoii ... 2,00 1.50 I. on 1,00 l.oo l.oo l.oo l.oo l.oo "Ox" Krueger 1 .1)1) "J. Mies" .. It. Smith .. W. C. Clark O. R. Mack . 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Miss Verna Porter 1.00 Temperance Picnic at Cnby. The first annual picnic of (he W. C. T. C. mid T. I- was held nt Ihe camp ground Wednesday, August II. lly the lime Ihe chief cook beat l,e lln pan to call the people (o (he fes tive Hoard, Ihere were close (o l.'.u people on (he grounds. The dinner was a big one and a gisul one, ami was enjoyed by young nm , ni,, .n, children occupleii much of their lime In athletic contests. At 2:15 P. ,M, ii program coiislsllng of recltallotis! "..k., i.-.i.ioiK" llllil lllllloglles reiniereil. All agr that was a splendid sin ss. was Hie picnic accompany bis family home, visiting the A. Y. P. Kxposltiotrftt Seattle on their return trip. John Craig, a former resident, of this city, has returned to the active service in the regular army, ami Is now stationed at Washington liar racks, at the National capital. Ho Is well known here. ,T. V. YohI. was among the Canby visitors Saturday. Mr. Yost Is en gaged In brick manufacture, and re ports that there Is a good demund. The bricks he Is manufacturing al ways find a ready market. Mrs. Iiura Scramlln, who has been conducting a millinery establishment at Wllsonville, was in Canby Satur day. Mrs. Scramlln was on her way to Puyallup and Seattle, where she will visit, with relatives and visit the fair at the latter place. Among the prominent farmers who transacted business In Canby on Sat urday were John Cahler and L. P. Spagle. Otto Kruger and Harry Sherwood returned from their vacation at Ing (lev A rtaveniifirt unit fiimllv will will ' leave tills week for the beach, where Spiritualist Association Electi Offlceri I The Spiritualist Cumpmeellng clos ed Its mooting nt New F.ra on Sunday. There was a lurge atlendance (his year, and many good speakers were on Ihe grounds. It has been decided by the association In have only four weeks next year, and more attrac tions. The elerllon of olllcers took place nt New Mra on Saturday, who will serve for tho ensuing year, and are as follows; President, p. K. Dun Ion; vice-president, Mrs. I.ydla Irwin; secretary, H. Klrbyson; Ireasnrer, J. Htirgoyne. Ueach, Wash., Tuesday morning. Uothl"!?" to visit with hor father, Mr. Pen I hey will spend a few weeks before leaving for Nebraska. Rev. Daven port, who resides at. Harlow, but who has I ii holding services In the Christian church In this clly for some time, preached his farewell sermon Sunday evening. Many attended the services. C. h. Rogers, of Hood River, who recently purchased a large tract of land In Canby, was hero on Friday superintending some of the work that Is being done on the place. About 40 acres of the tract has been slashed and will be cleared. Mr. Rogers Is preparing to build a beautiful home here, and will bring his family us soon as It Is completed. Ho Is one of Ihe prominent fruit raisers of Hood River country und says that apples can be raised In Canby to compare wllh those of the Hood River apples, providing the trees are cared for In the manner those are In Hood River. George Penman, who formerly re sided here, will leave this month for Herkeley, California, where he will Join his wife, who left Beveral weeks J, J, Sandsness 8ays There Ii no Place Like Oregon. J. J. SiindMiiess, who recently re lumed to his homo In this city from Minnesota, where he had been look ing after properly Interests, is glad to return (o Oregon, nnd Is speaking of bis trip gives ii very Inleresdng ac count of bis travels. Mr. Sandsness left here on May 18 on Hie Hpokane Porlland Soo lino for Wes(ern Al berta, Canada, and on the 17th en countered a severe snow storm. The storm reached all through the western part of Alberta, and was uniisunlly cold, lie reached Mlnnelpolls on the 281 h of May, where he visited umong some of his old tlmo friends, who are connected wllh tho Russell Road Grad ing ft Manufacturing Company, and of the Kllolson, Slockland & Wolf CANBY'8 ART 8TUDIO nnd POSTAL CARD HALL Largest 8tock of Postals, C. W. DAMM, Cinby, , - - - Oregon. Mist M. 8. Barlow Returns William Tun, of Harlow, left 'Tues day for 111. bile In Soillberil Oregon where be Is to meet his mint. Miss Mollle Harlow, who Is lust from Oakland, Cnllfoinla. Miss liar low has extensive timber holdings In Hie sugar pine bell of ih Hlt and will take steps lo place (ho product "" " ,ll'l"'t "s sikiii ns possible. She has been absent for several monlhs dining which lime she has vlHltod Mexico, Arizona, and several other places of Internal, o HOP PICKERS WANTED Near Salem 180 acres Call at Electric Hotel Friday and Saturday afternoons from 1 to 5 o'clock and ask for SHELLEY CORNELL and register. I