Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, July 16, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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The Kind You Have Always
In use for over SO years,
yW- sonal supervision since Its Infancy.
wCAMfc Allow no onA fadreolrn vnn In tlilo.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of '
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OH, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothinjr Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotlo
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Dlarrluva and Wind
Colic It relicTes Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Fanacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
Tie Kind You toe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tttc cktw iMMn, tt kukkat arscm aniwi orrr.
The Maple Lane base ball nine and
the Highland nine played on the Shu
bel grounds yesterday. The game
was won by Maple Lane, 8 to 5. A
second game of five innings was play
ed which resulted in a tie. Two more
innings were played neither side scor
ing. The result was 3 to 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Beck visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Hettman yesterday.
Arthur Bluhm has been busy break
ing in his bunchgrasses during the
past week.
Robert Ginther is the only fortun
ate one in this neighborhood, to have
gotten his hay in before the rain.
David Moehnke has taken his en
gine to Oregon City, where he will
run the rock crusher for a few weeks.
Miss Lydia Hornschuh had the mis
fortue to sprain her ankle one day
last week.
George Priester and Miss Lena
Moehnke, of this place, were married
last Wednesday.
Rev. Marschall, of the German Con
gregational Church, is attending Chau
tauqua. Henry Hettman has been helping
John Hehn, of Highland, build his
new house during the past week or
Miss Rosa Moehnke has been en
gaged to teach our school the coming
year. We wish her success.
Mrs. Steiner, of Oregon City, visit
ed Mrs. Hettman during the week.
Redland is well represented at Chau
tauqua this year.
The recent rain has helped every
thing but hay.
Mr. Mosher returned from Chicago
and he and his wife and baby have
gone to their home in Salem.
Mrs. Robertson continues very ill
and her neighbors take turns caring
for her.
The friends of Miss Mortlmore will
be pleased to know she has won the
prize offered by the School & Home
and will go to the A. Y. P. .
Mr. Fred Scherruble went to Port
land again last week to stay.
Mrs. Buche is on the sick list at
Ed Hettman Is cutting stove wood
for Sam Elmer.
Mr. Scherruble cut his hay last
week before the rain.
Mr. Will Marshall is building a
new house on his place.
Fred Baurer went to town last Sat
urday. The farmers are all waiting for
the rain to let up. We have had
enough for the present. They all
want to start to cut hay and soon
it will be on hand.
Henry Klelnsmith was in town last
Mr. Barett, from Portland, was in
Clarkes looking around for fresh milk
Tom Grace sold two cows last week
to Mr. Barett.
In lumber Grove they are intend
ing to start in and tear down the old
log r.rhool house and build a new
one, If they can get a carpenter to
do the work.
Miss Emma Klelnsmith Is taking
D. C. LATOURETTE President.
CAPITAL, $50,000.00.
Transacts a General Banking Builneie. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M
Office Both Phones 22 Residence Phone Main 2C24
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Established 1865 Sucessor to C. N. Greenman
Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
Bought, and which has been
has borne the signature of
has been made under his per-
Signature of
la summer course of school In Port
i land.
Miss Mary Sullivan Is home now
from her term of school in Oregon
Rev. Hillebrand. from Oregon City,
was out in Clarkes the other week to
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer spent Sunday
afternoon with Mrs. Buche.
The recent cry for rain has changed
to a wish for fair weather, especially
by those who have hay out.
Mr. and Mrs. Fish have returned
to their home in Eastern Oregon after
spending a few days here with friends
and relatives.
Ernest Davis spent a few days with
fcis parents last week.
Mrs. McDonald and Miss Mary
Erickson left Monday for Wallace Is
land, where they will cook for the
fisherman this summer.
Bert Wallace went to New Era
Sunday afternoon to attend the Spirit
ualists camp meeting.
Oscar Dix has a crew of men clear
ing up his land at this place and ex
pects to make his home here In the
near future.
Miss Kate Snodgrass and sister.
Inez, spent Sunday at the home of
their parents.
Mr. Woodslde left last week for
Eastern Oregon to visit his brother.
Mr. George Nicolal visited Molalla
on business a few days ago.
Rev. Craig attended Chautauqua on
Friday and Saturday of last week.
L. W. Robblns left for Portland on
Saturday and expects to bring back
his new auto when he returns.
Sam Gregory, of Carus, visited his
brother, George, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gregory left for
Chautauqua on Friday.
Mrs. J. H. Vernon and daughter,
Thelma, are visiting friends In Port
land and Salem.
The Women Home Missionary So
ciety will hold a lawn social on the
school house lawn on Saturday, July
31, afternoon and evening. Plenty of
ice cream and cake will be on hand
Come and have a good time. Molalla
band will be present
Dr. J. W. Thomas returned from
Seattle on Wednesday, where he at
tended the fair for a while.
Dr. J. W. Powell has commenced
building an addition to his house.
Frank Adams has begun on Grand
pa Adams' new house.
Everybody is busy making bay
while the sun Bhines.
Our side walks need repairing In
many places in town, the loose boards
are dangerous. On Monday a lady
was tripped by one of them and fell
heavily to the ground, bruising her
face badly. Take warning and fix
your walks. '
We hear Rev. Wood will return to
his preaching on Thursday at the tent
on School Lawn.
It Is reported that Royal Davidson
Molalla Mondays.
F. J. MEYER, Cashier
Is roIhr to settle down to fariuluK
In the near future. Umik may ho
Perry Hotel wits reported closed
last week, but Is reopened.
PreaoMiin at the M. K. Church on
Sunday morning and evening.
Fnuik Melton and wife spent lust
Saturday and Sunday with friends
at Teazel Creek.
Wm. Davidson and family spent
Sunday with Rev. qnlnn and family.
tirandmn ivurt Is very feeble, yet
Is In good health.
J. II. Qnlnn and son. William, are
cuttliiK their cheat hay this week.
The reoent rains have Improved the
quality of the cheat hay and (train
in this country wonderfully.
Mrs. Woodington and Miss Norah
Herman went to visit with friends
near Slherton last Monday.
Our people are generally In good
health and are satisfied with the
bountiful rainfall which wet mother
earth and will Insure tills part of
Clackamas County with a bountiful
Several of our progressive farmers
have taken unto themselves a mow
ing machine and went Into the hay
field ami cut down part of their hay
and II has been thoroughly water
soaked. One hayseed fanner got part
of his hay hauled before the rain.
Grant Mumpower and D. T. Griffith
had their sawmill burned down and a
lot of lumber; quite a loss. They had
just bought a new planer and other
new machine repairs and had a good
sale for lumber. Fire Is a bud master.
This part of Clackamas County is
quite a noted place, especially for au
tomobiles on the first day of the
week. Some large cars whirl over the
road at a speed faster than a man
can walk.
A new name has been put tip here
on Mnnipowers" and Hayes' premises,
thus: "Clear Creek Park."
The prospectors for a stone foun
dation here In the Clackamas river
are at work for an electric power
plant. It looks like this kind of work
is slow. We look with Interest on this
enterprise as the parties have spent
considerable money on this enterprise
all ready. Mr. Robinson Is the man
ager of the drilling on the site. He
built the electric railroad to Salem.
The t'nlted States Hag floats from
the cupola of the new school house.
The outside work is about done and
a structure stands that adds greatly
to the appearance of our town.
A gasoline drill has been In opera
tion for a week or more driving a
well on the school grounds. At a dis
tance of forty or fifty feet water Is
coming In freely.
Several families from this vicinity
are camping at Chautauqua grounds,
and many of our citizens are In fre
quent attendance.
Miss Agnes Hartnell recently went
to Monmouth to take a two weeks'
course In Methods. Later she will
visit relatives near Newport.
J. E. Chandler with his sisters from
Michigan, Mrs. Skinner and Miss
Chandler and Mrs. Chandler, nre vis
iting In Portland this week.
Rev. J. L. Lewis went away last
Tuesday on his wedding trip. He
will return with his bride in about ten
Sunday School will be held as usual
in the Congregational church, but
there will be no other service next
About 500 soldiers are quartered at
the encampment. Drill, dress parade,
guard, and other military maneuvers
create quite a flutter of excitement,
and are Interesting to witness.
G. W. Holcomb, Sr., was In town
last week visiting with friends and rel
atives. Mrs. Mary Mills is visiting Mrs.
Lee Harrington and other friends
during Chautauqua season.
Mrs. Mary Burrell and little grand
daughter, Mary Burns, of Portland,
are spending the week with Mrs. M.
C. Hayward.
Dr. L. O. Ice, Dentist. Rooms IT
and 18, Masonic Bldg.
Henry Aden went to Portland last
Mrs. Corby, of Salem, mother of
Mrs. Ira Seeley, Is visiting at the
home of the latter.
Mrs. Cronan's sister and family
have been visiting at the home of
the former In WilBonvlIle.
The late rain has done a little
damage to the hay and cherries, but
the oats, wheat and potatoes have re
ceived benefit enough to make up so
say our best farmers.
Many of the residents of Wllsonville
and vicinity are taking In the Chau
tauqua, finding the electric cars a
great convenience in going and com
ing. Mrs. Brobst and her daughter at
tended Chautauqua on Wednesday ev
ening and were delighted with the ad
dress of Rev. Smith, D. D., of Chicago.
The mothers' Club of Correl Creek,
district No. 82, will give an enter
tainment in the school house on Sat
urday evening, July 24th, at which
time the following programme will be
Farce, "Goln' Somewhere," Mrs.
Norman Say, Henry Wllhelm and oth
ers; solo, Miss Brobst; recitation,
Miss Graham; violin and organ duet,
George Stallnacher and Charlie Tooze;
dialogue, members of the HChool; solo,
Sherman Seeley; recitation, Wayne
Smith; duet, Miss Brobst and S.
Seeley; organ solo, Georgle Fuller;
recitation, Glenn Epler; organ nolo,
Pearl Baker; solo, "My Kitty," Clara
Epler; closing song, school.
Ice cream and cake at 10c will be
served at the close of the programme,
also lemonade at 5c. Proceeds for
the benefit of the school fund. Ev
eryone Is cordially Invited to attend,
hear this good programme and help
a worthy cause.
The First Congregational Church of
Wllsonville, was organized on Sun
day last, and work on a church build
ing will be commenced very soon.
About twenty members have already
signed their names to the church
roll, and officers for the church have
been elected as follows: Deacons, Mr.
White and Sumner; treasurer, Mr.
Ira Seelv: finance committee and
trustees, Mr, Brobst and Norman Say, I
This church has a flouriHblng Indies'
Aid society and the people of Wllson
ville are loyally aiding this first
church of our little town.
As the young ladles of Wllsonville
seem to think it is too late to enter
the Enterprise contest, some of the
contestants from other places would
do well to try getting Buhscrlbf-rn
around Wllsonville. Everyone ought
to lake a county paper no matter how
many city papers one may take. No
uum does more good to his ow n comi
ty for less money than the county
newspaper man and he deserves the
support and patronage of the people
who are loyal to their home county.
There was an accident at the mill
again Tuesday evening. Henry Hit
quslaskt had his foot mttshed by a
heavy Iron and ho Is going around
on crutches this week.
Mr. I). Hruoe and three children ar
rived from the Kasi last Saturday, the
mother died about a mouth iiko and
the baby Is oulv a little over a vear
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Williams, nee
Kdna Kldd. were guests of friends
hero Monday.
Charlie Kly and family have gone
to Allsea for the summer.
Chester Klliott and Wilt I'rlebe have
gone to the mountains.
Horn. July sth. 1909, to the wife of
Wllmer Fisher, u daughter.
Mrs. Selby and children have gone
out camping where Mr. Selby Is cut
ting wood on lleaver Creek near lieu
rlcl. Fred Gullager, of Chetialls, Wash.,
Is the guest of S. V. Francis ami fam
ily this week.
Mrs. W. 11. Clark Is out with Mrs,
Hussler this week, who Is on the sick
Mrs. Mason Is quite poorly lately.
Mrs. Faust Is able to be up again
this week.
Breaking bronchos seems to bo the
order of the day In this burg.
Hay maklni;, shaking and raking Is
now- iu order among the farmers.
Our real estate men are doing a
rushing business this week.
H. C. Uonaker has embarked in (he
husbandly business, having purchased
a baud of sheep.
Mr. Hotmail, of Portland, and Mr.
Kaltiey, from Seattle, were Interview
ing some of our business men In
town Sunday. Mr. Holinuu expects to
make some extensive improvements
on his surburhau residence.
A number of our folks attended
Grange at Mulluo Saturday, and also
attended Pomona Grange at Molalla
Harney Leichlwelse and family and
a number of relatives were visiting
with J. W. Staudinger and family on
Mr. Wlngflelil. of Russellvllle. will
preach at the schoolhouse Sunday,
July 18. at 11 o'clock.
Troy Kay and family, from Wash
ington, are expected to visit home
folks this week.
Mrs. Ralph llolman and son, Nicho
las, called on Mrs. Cooper Sunday.
The South Side Milling firm of'llar
low and Schafer, has dissolved part
nership, Mr. Harlow retiring and Mr.
Schafer taking full control.
The woods are full of berry pickers.
Some report finding a few berries and
others a good many yellow Jackets.
Mr. Davis Is building a residence
for Mr. Robson. who expects to en
gage in the logging business with Mr
A Horrible Hold Up.
"About ten years ago my brother
was "held up" In his work, health and
happiness by what was believed to bo
hopeless Consumption," writes W. R.
Lipscomb, of Washington, N. C. "He
took all kinds of treatment from sev
eral doctors, but found no help till
he used Dr. King's New Discovery and
was wholly cured by six bottles. He
Is a well man to day," It's quick to
telleve and the surest ciire for weak
or sore lungs. Hemorrhages, Coughs
and Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe. As
thma and all Bronchial affections. Gi)
cents and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Guaranteed by Jones Drug Co.,
Leaves Seven Children, Among Them
a Son In Oregon City.
The funeral of Robt. Pollock, whose
death occured on Satunluy, July 3,
was held from his r)sldcncu In Port
lain on Monday rooming. Mr. Pol
lock was born In Scotland 74 years
ago, coming to Chicago In the early
days of that city and gave many
years of his life to Its Improvement
and early building. He came to
Portland In 1853 and has been prom
inently identified with Its growth,
many of Portland'! best buildings
having been built under his super
vision. He leaves seven children to
mourn his loss: Mrs. C. C. Murton
and James B. Pollock, of McMInn
vllle; Mrs. Jos. Delsman, of. Seattle;
Mrs. M. E. Wheeler and Mrs. Thos.
Klrwln, of Chicago; Robt. L Pollock,
of Portland, and Wm. Pollock, of
Oregon City. Mr. Pollock was a life
long member of the Presbyterian
church and has been for many years
a prominent Mason. He met with
an accident several years ago while
out driving which caused partial par
alysis of the brain which with his
advanced age was the final cause of
his death.
Buys Home On West Side.
Frank f. Norton, who Is In charge
of the finishing department of the
James I. Marshall Company, of Port
land, manufacturer of office and store
flntures, has Just purchased the beau
tiful place of Joslah Martin In Wind
sor, on the west Bide of the river.
Mr. Norton will move there with his
family, but. will retain his position
at Portland. Mr. Norton is now a
resident of Lebanon.
Twenty-Five Cent is the Price of
The terrible Itching and smarting,
Incident to certain skin diseases, Is al
most instantly allayed by applying
Chamberlain's Salve. Price, 25 cents.
For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.
BATEt At 10W At lAiTtll HOUSE
Body of Elmer 3. Hurley Brought to
Oregon for Burial,
The remain of Kliuer S. Hurley.
youngest son of Mrs. Mary Hurley, of
Itlsley, who died at Manila. 1'. I , July
J, 1909, arrived In Portland Saturday
morning, mid the Interment took place
In the family plat In the Ktvcrvlew
cemetery. The funeral service was
private, as military funeral was giv
en the young man In Manila.
Klmer Hurley wan born In liowlntnn,
Idaho, October IB. 1S70, and eatuo lo
Oregon City when a young boy, with
his parents. He spent IiIm younger
days here, and Is well remembered
here by old friends. He was the grand
son of General M. M. MeCarver. At
the time of his death Mr. Hurley was
a member of Company I', Fourteenth
Infantry, and saw active service while
lu the army.
Deceased Is survived by a mother
and the following brothers and sis
tors: George Hurley, of UmiiiiIs,
Wash.; Mrs, Fred Terry, Mrs. .1. I,.
UUoy, of Coronado, Cal.; Mrs, tl. C.
Cavalitie, of Portland; Mr. C. L
Pease, of Itlsley; Mrs. A. K. Wivo
witch, of Itlsley. Mrs, Mary MeCar
ver, of this city, Is an aunt of the de
ceased. Chlldron Cry
New Automobile Garage.
The automobile business In Oregon
City has received an Impetu and
(here will be a second garage estab
lished In the building on (he corner
of Main and Eleventh streets, formerly
the Voting Mon'H Christian Associa
tion building, and for several years
iisimI for a skating rluk by Phillips &
Olds. Pavne & Klnir who have taken
over the Wllholt Springs Auto Stage
Utie, have rented the bullolng for
three years, and will make It their
headquarters, having machines for
sale and rent at all hours of the day
and night. C. (5. Miller ha already
tnitlt ii irannre In the ri'nr of Ills store
building, and has had It lu operation
or several months.
Don't Get a Divorce.
A western Judge granted divorce
on account of ill-temper ami bad
breath. Dr. King's New IJfe Pills
would have prevented It. They cure
Constipation, causing bad breath and
Liver Trouble the III- temper, dispel
colds. banish headaches, conquer
chills. Jj cents at Jones Drug Co.
Guardian's Notice of Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that bv vir
tue of an order and license Issued out
of the county court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County In the
matter of lh- guardianship of Her
bert J. Charters, minor, the under
signed guardian of said minor will
from ami after the nth day of Au
gust. A. I). 1!)09, at 10 o'clock A. M
of suld day at the office of John W.
Loder. Oregon City, Oregon, Hell to
the highest bidder for rash In hand
all the right, title nnd Interest which
said minor has In and to Iho following
described property: All of tots num
bered three (3), and four (41 of sec
tion four (tl, township four (4) S It.
four (4) E. nnd lots numbered four
(4) and five (5) of section thirty-three
C13). In T. three (31 S It. four (4) K.
of the Willamette Meridian. Clacka
mas County, Oregon.
Dated July IB, 1909.
Guardian of the person and estate of
Herbert J. Charters, a minor.
Portland Railway Light
& Power Company
There are'two kinds of whiskey. ,
One is the other isn't.
The kind tlmt IS contains till the constituent tlmt come
from proper distillation tind toeing Unit's what nuikcsit
HliAL whiskey. .... . . ,
Vl'ho kind tlmt ISN'T is mode of uteohol, prune juice nnd
bead oil or is simply. ulcohol put in charred barrels, nnd
branded whiskey.
The Pure Food Law aims nt having the consumer fict
exuetly what he culls for.
Yhen you cull lor whiskey nsk your dealer if it will
respond to a government laboratory test.
Ask him ii he guarantees it.
Then you will know whut you are paying your money for.
Buy the brand you know, the standard (or 70 yearn.
Cyrus Noble pure whiskey-ull whiskey-old whiskey.
quart botlleeof CENUINE CYRUS NOULE
diracl lo you, all charge!
paid to the netrul railrocd eiprois office.
V.O SihurVW A CO., PwlUaJ,
tVleM.! j4 (tl$4.90 U Knlv
N - .
Cf . - . .....
Clarkes Celebration,
ThcHe are the rai-en that took place
on the 3rd and till at the darken role-.
liiatlon. Among the ploanant fcatuieiij
of the cebdirntlon might be mentioned
the addreim by Rev. Hlaekwell.
Glrl'it race Hilda Schuehid, lt;
Ituby Card. '.'ud: Zllhih Klrbyitou 3rd;
Josephine AdiiniH, 4th. I
lloyit race Raymond Deciilre, 1I; j
Walter Schuetiel, 2nd: Walter Horn-'
hIiiiIi, :ird; Itaymoml tilnther, ttli. I
Half mile Will Dolhow.lHt; Otto i
Klmor, 2nd.
HVI yard daub Will IMhow ln(; i
lien llyHom, '.'li. I, ;
Pole Vault Otto Klinor, lnt; Ver- j
nm I.arkliiH, '.'int. ,
Shot put (!eori!i Kirk, 1st; lien;
llywun, Jml.
Satunluy niortiliiK Hurry (laid made I
a upeech. Subject, "Wanted energy. "
It was hkkI. I
Sunday Ilev. Illuckwell preached.
Text, Sth verxe 4th chapter Timothy;
"For bodily exerclne prollteth little,
but llodllucHM unto all ihliiK" hnvluit
promlxe of life that now la, and of Hint
which In to rumo."
Brav Fir Laddlei
often receive aevero burnt, putttnn
out fired, then uhii llucklln'i Arnica
Salve and forKet them. It aoon drive
out pain. Kor Hores, Srnldii, Woundn,
cutK and limine l earth' KrcateKt
healer. Quickly cure Skin Kruptlon.
Old Hore, Holla. I'lrer. Felon; beat
I'lle cure mnde. Itellef Ih limtant, 23
cent at June DniK Company.
ii n nr 1W. ..-r rrrrin
10 J-107 Sw.mhI IWt. PorlUmL Oirfw
LlNI NO tftik TO-QAV
mwI tl ikk. k; u, four quarto
M,. . -,
... Um . - . . -
Atthma and Hy Fever Will Vnlh.
F.vcryhiidy know (but llyoimd cure
i-ntarrh. Hut there are mniiy nifferer
from iiitihniu and bay fever who don't
know that llyoiuel will lilve them In
Ktuul relief nd If ucd n-Kiilurly per
limuent cure.
Hut Huntley llro Co know no
well what llyoiuel w III do that they
liuaraulee It to cure catiirrh, bay fe
ver a n. I nnilimu.
Surely It' worth n (rlul oil Unit
bunl and why people continue to
choke ami wheee and "pit and hawk
mid "ii ii (Tie when a cerlulti euro I
at bund I beyond the ronipreheiialou
of human IntelllKetice.
When yi'ii hn-uthi' llyoimd deep Into
your Iiiiik 'oii breath" eiuctly the
name pleannnt nutlneptlc lull my air
that you would brent be III (ho forent
of pine ami em-lyptu of Inland Ann
1 1 n 1 In.
"IWtorltiK and n-tneille never help
ed my hay fever, till I ui'd llyoiuel,
It Rave me nreiit relief, and bn my
indiireincut." Uml A. drove, Flint.
Complete llynmel nut tit I only l,
and i' Urn bottle fu rent. A llyoiuel
on Kit connlnt of a bottle of llyoiuel.
ii hard rubber lubuler. meillcltie drop
per uud full hint ruction for line. Jut
bieuthe It In and net Immtidlutu re
lief. ufes indljetf taw
It rellevin Htoiimrli Inlwry, wmr Htom.
Itch, lndeliiiiK.aiiil cure all ntonuw-li dn
eaxi or money back. Iaika Imx of tab
let 60 (. nt. lJruggUu lit nil towiu.