Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1909)
OKEGON CITY KNTEUPKISE, I'KIDAY, ,11MA !, VM). & Milwaukee Those who have news for the Milwaukee department of the Knterprlse should either mall It to the Milwaukee Killtor of the Knterprlse at Orccon City or leave it at the real estate and Insurance ofllre of A. 11. Dowllng in Milwaukee, or with Justice of the Peace Kelso. MILWAUKIE. The stores of MHwauMe on Monday were closed for half-day on account the legal holiday. Many of the people who Intended celebrating at Oak drove were disappointed on account of the tain, and remained at home, while oth ers braved the storm and went to Gladstone to spend the day. Kev. N. Slinpp. pastor of the Evan gelical church, went to Portland on Wednesday afternoon on a business trip. V. Kelso wenl to Jennings Unlge on a business trip Wednesday. Harnett Howard Is recovering from an attack of measles. A. X. MotTitl, ho owns two ranches, one In Gilliam County and the other In Sherman County, states that his grain crop has been a failure, and be fore he left he turned 00 head of horses into pasture, and w ill not at-j tempt to harvest this year. i A. U Holstead. cashier of the First 1 State Hank of Milwaukee, attended the celebration at Gladstone on Mon-, day. Mr. Holstead Intended celebrat-! Ing at Oak Grove, but owing to the ! celebration being postponed at that place on account of the inclemency of the weather, he went to Gladstone, Phillip Streib left Wednesday morn-: Ing for Hillsboro, where lie spent the' day with his son. Kred, who is spend Irg his summer vacation at the Streib farm. The 12-vear-old son of Rev. A. p. Hiliner mot w ith a painful accident Tuesday evening. The boy was in the Hct of plaiting cherries, when In some manner he lost his footing and fell to the ground. His hip was dis located. Pr. Townley was summoned and set the fracture, and the lad is getting along nicely. The First State Bank of Milwaukle is in a prosperous condition at pros nit. The capital stock of the insti tution has been raised from J10.0VO to $25,000. Ninety shares of new stock have been subscribed. The new hank building has been delayed on account of shortage of brick, and as soon as tue neces.sary supply can ie gotten on the gronnd. the work w ill I ne pusneu rapiuiy along, lontraciors I - saved bv Grace." and "Homeward Toats & Moran had a force of men j Bound" bv Mr. and Mrs. W. Kiel, was working on the building this w eek. ; beautiful. The profusion of tloral of When the building Is completed It will j ferincs wa a beautiful tribute lo the be one of the handsomest bank build- j n,emorv of the deceased. At the grave ir gs in the state. It will cost over Jl'.-;te members of the Milwaukle band 000 and wUl be ready for occupancy j rendered verv Impressively "Nearer about the middle of October. I My God to Thee." the musical Instru- Joint installation between Linden ments and voices blending beautifully. Circle, Women of Woodcraft, and Ash Camp W .O. W. will be held on Wed nesday evening. July 14. in the W. O. W. hall. The degree team of the W. 0. W. of Oregon City and from one of the Portland lodges, have been in vited to take part in the installation exercises. The installation will be fol lowed by a supper. The committee in charge of the affair consists of I. S. Mullan, A. H. Dowllng and C. Kerr. Services will Ue held at the German Evangelical t-hurch on Sunday at the following hours. Kev. N. Shupp. pas tor, officiating: Morning service rt o'clock; Sunday school, 11 o'clock; Young People's Alliance. 7 o'clock; evening service 8 o'clock. All are invited to attend these services. The building being occupied by 0. j Wissinger as general merchandise j store, has been enlarged, and is now j one of the largest store buildings In j the county. Mr. Wisinger will enlarge i his stock of goods, and is moving many of the goods that have already i arrived Into the new addition. The up- j per floor w ill be used as the lodge j room for the W. 0. W., a kitchen and dining room having been installed, which will make it more convenient for the socials that are given by this THE JOHNSON REALTY CO. City Lots, Acreage and Farms a Specialty. P. 0. Box 213 Milwaukee, Ore. Let Dowlirg sell your property. I WEAK KIDNEYS MAKE B00IES. WEAK Kidney Diseases Cause Half the Com mon Aches and Ills of Oregon C'ty People. As one weak link weakens a chain, so weak kidneys weaken the whole body and hasten th" final breaking down. Overwork, strjins. colds ami other causes injure the kidneys, and when their activity Is lessened the whole liody suffers from the excess of uric poison circulated in the Mood. Aches and pains and langour and urinary ills come, and there Is an ( ver-increasing tendency towards dia betes and fatal liright's disease. There is uo real help for the sufferer except kidney help. Doan's Kidney rills act directly on the kidneys and cure every kidney 111. Oregon City cures are the proof. Theodore Huerth, Park Place, Ore gun, City. Ore., says: "For a long; time I suffered a great deal from a lameness and arhlng across the kid ney regions, also was bothered by Ir regularity In the action of the kid ney secretions. The trouble was not severe enough to lay me up but very annoying uml it was difficult for me to stoop or lift as sharp pains would shoot through my back at every at tempt to do so. A friend induced me to try Doan's Kidney Pills and I pro- Beaver Engraving Company QUALITY CUTS Telephone Main 1335 First and Ankeny Sts. PORTLAND, ORE. and Northwestern 1 1 organization. The large plate fins front on the lower floor gives Mr i V Wisslnger A chance to exhibit, his line of poods lo the puhlic. Mllw ankle is experiencing an in crease in its Inhabitants, as several blrlhs have been reported during the Hpnst few days, among them boitijs the I following: : To Mr. and Mrs. Fuss Maple, a daughter; Mr. and Mrs j Pnetsch. a daughter; Mr. and Mrs ' Uuznii, of Mlhvaukle Heights. A son. .1. .1. McKinney. an employe of the O. V. T. Company, who cut his ami a few weeks not while In the act of splitting wood. Is Improving Mr. McKinney states that he has had enough of wood cutting for awhile, and has turned the Job over lo his j wife to see what kind of a wood-chop- per she will make. Mrs. McKinney has so far not met with any accident while performing her duties. Mrs. George Lewis, who has been ill for some time, has recovered. The Johnson Realty Company and J. K. Kelso have just closed a real estate deal at Minthoni. The land brought per acre. The buyer is a newcomer. J. K. Kelso, after visiting with his son, o. C. Kelso, at Montesano. Wash ington, returned home on Tuesday ev ening. Mr. Kelso reports a most en joyable trip, O. C. Kelso is master mechanic of the C. C. Clemmens log ging camps. Over il miles of rail road extend into the timbered coun try, and all the latest appliances for the cutting of timber are used. Mr. Kelso says that the timber In that part of Washington is the finest and some of the largest that he has ever seen. One stump alone he saw- while on his trip was so large in circumfer ence that :'l men could easily stand thereon. One hundred and twenty five men are employed by the com pany, the wages being from J.'.jO to' i.iM per day. While on u trip ; through one of the forests Mr. Kelso i and party ran across a huge bear ami rul'- lnlt ns I,u're was 1,0 S ! carried by the men. the animals were unmolested. Mr. Kelso expects ! unmolested. Mr. Kelso expects to jtake another trip to Montesano In the near future. Anna Gertrude Wetiler. The funeral services over the re mains of Mrs. Anna tlertrude Wet it ler, who died at the home of her son, Henry Wetiler, In Oregon City, on Sunday afternoon, from a stroke of paralysis, were held In this city at the German Methodist church on Tues day atfernoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Hil mer officiating. The church was filled with many old time friends of the de ceased, who came to pav their last tribute to one who was loved bv .,,, kncw h,,, Thp rendering" all of Many friends followed the remains to ; the last resting place. The pall bear ers were F .W. Birkemeier. O. Xaef. Rev. Jahn. Mr. Sauber, Rev. H. Han-; sen, Mr. Tuhn. Anna Gertrude Wetzler was born at Hessen Castle. Germany, January ;2, 1SJ1. and came to America almost 5S years ago. Mrs. Wetzler first settled at New York, where she remained for 30 years. From New York she went . to Chicago, residing there for two jears. and came west settling at Mil waukie. About a year ago Mrs. Welz-' ler went to Chicago to visit wiin her daughter. Mrs. Mary Heuck. where she remained for some, time, after which i she went to Santa Cruz to visit with hor son. William, and remained there until .May, when she returned to Ore gon. It was the intention of Mr.t. Wetzler to again take up her residence in this place ami to erect a new home. Mrs. Wetzler was well known in this part of the county, where she has a host of friends who regret to hear of her demise anil who deeply sym- j pathlze with the family In their be- reavenient. Mrs. Wetzler was the ! mother of nine sons, all of whom were i present at the funeral, and are the 'following:: J. E. Wetzler, of Milwau ikie; Henry, of Oregon City: George and Fred, of Portland; Edward, of iSellwood; Albert, of Oak Grove; Her- man. of Hillslxiro: William, of Santa Cruz, ('a!.; Mrs. Mary Heuck, ilatigh'er 'of the deceased, who resides in Chi cago, was unable to be here. Resides I the children left to mourn her loss are 2"gran'l children and three great grandchildren, all of who attended the funeral except two. cured a box from Huntley Pros', store. Their use removed every trace of the trouble and strengthened my back and kldjieys. Doan's Kidii'-y Pills proved In every way fo be a remedy v.-orthy of Indorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price r,n f-nts, Fo-'er-Milliurn Co.. RnfTalo. New York, S'.le agents fur the lnlted State. Ib-member tl;f name Doan's and t:t!.e no other. Bids Wanted. Sealed bids will be received by the clerk of School District No. M"i. Wll l.inieite, Oregon, fur painting of school building, two coats of standard paint, to he used. Sal cl bids must be filed with said clerk not later than July 17. 1 :. school board reserving the right to reject any or all bids. GEORGE DI" HOK. C'b-rk School District No. ins.. Don't Get a Divorce. A west ei ii Ji.dge granted divorce on account of Ill-temper and bud i breath. Dr. King's New Life Pills! would have prevented it. They cure Constipation, causing bad breath audi Divei colds chilli Trouble the ill- temper, dispel banish headaches, conquer 2"i cents at Jones Drug Co. Colton. We are having pleasant rain weath er, which does a lot of good. Mr. Kngstrom's new barn Is going up rapidly. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Lamm, who werej visiting at the latters' parents left j hist week.' : Oils Hix and Charlie Freeman were at Portland on business last Thursday. ! 0 t . s. iir. was cutting nay ior ,i. Putz lust Wednesday. Mr. Hi rg'and butchered a beef iast Wre. Mr. Engslrtim Is back again from Portland. W. K. Bonney and son-ln-biW, Mr. J. L'imm, attended the fair at S last week. ""'' J Mr. Anderson purchased a cow from C. Strorngrecn. Fred Haurer Is raising a barn th!:, week. H. Putz was hauling lumber last Clackamas JENNINGS LODGE, Mrs. Maimer Ktnmons enterlnlnod some of her friends at a garden party on Thursday, July 1st. A dainty pic nic dinner was served under the troos and the time was most enjoyahly spent nui'.titig. The Women's Club having number lo get ready for their annual basaar, have taken this way to ge iheiu ready and enjoying n so cial time together under the tree. 11 C. 1'aiiiton has Just completed drilling a well at the rlllc range near Clackamas, and will remove his drill to the Clackamas school property to trill a well there. Mr. Palntoa has been very successful in drilling wells 1 In that vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Morse enter gained a number of their relatives Sun day, July ith. Mr. and Mrs. mil and the Misses l'.llceu and Flora I'll! Htul Coleman of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Will lull, of Kugeue. Grace t'hapei Inn been plastered, and will be ready for services Sunday. July llth It will be dedicated some time later in the month. A number here have received the July l'.ulletin of the Oregon City Com mercial Club, which Is a neat little sheet, well gotten up. Great credit Is due Mr. mivls, the pupils of the Ore gon City schools and the men and women who sent In e-says and papers on Clackamas County, "the gem of the Willamette Valley." A quiet July 5th. was observed at this place. A number went to the Chaiitaunua Park at Gladstone, some spent the day at the Oaks, a merry crowd made up a "hay-rack" party and spent the day at Judge Hayes' farm titar Clear Creek, and a number of Portland people enjoyed themselves under the fir trees n! the cainpineetlng grounds at this place, despite the rain which came down. A Jolly party com nosed of Kodnev Tompkins, formerly of Pollen, but now of Portland, his son I.loyd Tompkins, w ife and children, and Miss Hessle Tompkins and a- Mr. and Mrs. Allen, formerly of New York. i enjoyed a picnic at the lnlge on July 5th. Fire-works were en loved by all the campers which were tired from a barge anchored out in the stream, and a good time was enjoyed by all. , While the rain was very much need ed and did lots of good, it has Injured some of the hay which was cut nnd also some of the ripe cherries. Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hodgkins at Vancouver, Wash. Miss Bronte Jennings, who taught last term at this place, has accepted the school for another year. The Jaeger Prothers' bungalow Is Hearing completion and they expect to move here the last of the week. Eugene Rice has gone to visit his mother at her mountain home near Hood River. Mrs. H. R. Smith Is confined to her home with rheumatism. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Drown will be pleased to hear that their children are both doing) 11 "'"n.iing swiri oi snow- nicely, and all are In hopes that Allen j "ence It was broad daylight when the and Sibyl will soon be able to be j little, ragged army fell upon the lies cut again. slan outposts nt Trenton. To make Mrs. J. B. Evans has also been nulte I ""'lr l,l',', still more Improbable, ill for almost a week and her many j some Tory had sent Rubin warning of friends are anxious for a speedy re- j ccvery. Mrs. J. A. Soesbe Is enjoying a vis- it from a brother from Marshtleld, Or. I Miss Ella Rose has accepted a posi tion in Salem and left for the "Cherry i City" a few days ago. ! H. H. Emmons lett. Friday for a j fe wdays" visit at the A. . p. expo-1 sitlon at Seattle. i Messrs. Carmlchai-l and Matthews; ' returned from a pleasant trip to ' ' Wood burn and Salem and were ao- ; 'companled by Mr. Manson Rose on Monday to Vancouver, Wash., where they spent the day. Mrs. Roys, of Kelso. Wash., made a ; business trip to this place on Mon- day and called at the home of Mr.! and Mrs. Wilcox. ' Clyde Spoonr-r and Clair and Miss ' Florence Jennings accompanied by I Miss McCann. of Marshlleld. sp-nt ! Monday at the Lodge. Mrs. V. Harris, of Oreg-.n Citv. vis- ; ited on Sunday w ith Mrs. McAlplne, . of Meldrum anil Mrs. Fred Terry, of ; the IyOdge. ! Walter Ili-ckner expects to leave the latter part of the week for Idaho, j where he will remain for some time , looking after the Hammond Manufac- j Hiring Interests. t week. Mr. Datilelson was at Moliilla Fri dav. Quito, a number of people fnm here celebrated the fourth at Clarke. BEAVER CREEK. Reaver Creek July 11. St. Peter's Chruch at l;uo P. M. German Sumhiv School, and at l;::u P. M. German preaching. Henricls' school house m lu:.;o A. M. English Sunday School, and at 7 : I P.iM. English preaching. New Era July 11, St. John's ''htireh at !)::!(! German Sunday School, and: at 10 A. M. German preaching. i English Etchings. There are nl ways about L.ViO youths between sixteen and twenty one in prison. A seam of coal of good quality two feet thick has been discovered under liriggato, ono of the principal streets of Leeds. At the funeral of Fred Cnvalla, a London costennonger, the open hearse was drawn by six horses One of the lending horses was ridden by a pos tilion dressed In black, while four bearers currying white wands walked beside the hearse. 1 Progress and Labor. within v.'aos 1 third of a century the rate throughout the German eui- plre has doubled. j The building trade has the greatest number of strikes The coal and coke I Industry comes next. I A new machine automatically weighs 'or measures a medicine and fills eight capsules while one Is filled by hand. I .-Norway mis a law- wiiien prescntics that nil factories shall provldw accident Insurance for their employees, failure to comply with which is punishable by fine. The Wars of Our Country X. The Revolution. Jc Qui: t mas Battle. By Ah-eil I'avton 'lrfliuw I'WI'M'S picture icpre-cnts Wash Inutoll crossing the I Via ware on i lulMniai nlglit. I Till. Apart from the tact that it P o r t r a y s n n A m eric u n flag Hotiiliig above the c o in in n n l e r's bend (whereas llu- American Mag was not even ile- i tied until ITTTl, Hie pit mre Is Im portant as mark In the turning point of the Kev elmlouiiry war -the tlr-t gleam of hope In the black Hess of perpetual defeat. CKOSSIM, T1IK Phi A W A HI'. All summer and fall, ever since the signing of the leolani(l.ui of Inde pendence, the patriot feres had suf fered n long series of defeats. Wash ington ii ml his half starved, half frozen little army bad been driven out of New York Into New Jersey, across New Jersey ami over the iKlaware. Tin- Itrltlsh he'd New- York, swarmed over .New jersey In ilov minting num bers and established a number of mili tary H'.sts along the le!avvare. at Trenton. Princeton They were waiting and elsewhere, for the river to j freeze solidly enough to penult them I to cross on the Ice. Then ihev Intend ill to capture Philadelphia and put nil end to what was left of Washington' army ami of the Revolution Itself. The most dreaded of nil the Itrltlsh troops were the German mercenaries (known s Hesslansi. V IkmIv of about I.IM) of these Hessians, under eoiiunatiil of a fatuous German named Raid, were en camped in nnd around Trenton. Therefore on Christmas night Wash ington embarked every available Con tinental soldier In tl.itlioats ami cross ed the Ice choked I'elaware, bound for Trenton. He Intend. h! to make the crossing, then cover the nine miles to Trenton ami fall on the enemy under cover of darkness. Hut this part of the plan fell through, as hud most (if the American plans of late, for the J passage of the river was Impeded by ! Ice nnd current, making the heavily laden boat travel at a snail's pace, j Then, when the landing was made, u jbllzzard sprang up, ainl the march was their approach. Rut the Hessians so despised their foes that they did Hot dream the ill etilpcd patriots would dare attack them. So it was that Washington easily beat back the outposts nnd hurled his army upon the town Itself. The rude ly awakened Hessians fought bravely, but could not hold their own against that furious onslaught. The enemy were driven out of the streets Into the fields beyond, surrounded and forced to surrender. Nearly n thousand Hes sians were made prisoners. Ruhl was slain, and iiiantlties ef provisions, weapons and aiiimuni; ion were taken. Cornwallis, with a laie army, liorc down 1 1 1 t i Trenton, planning lo cap ture Washington by sheer force of numbers before the Americans could rceross tin- Hei.nvai'e to surety, ror the river by this time was practically Im passable. Washington bit upon a dar ing master stroke to a cold this peril. He lighted many camplires to do reive the F.ritMi Into believing the patriot army were still encanipe.l tienr Trenton, 1 tlor.ltlt of the ill! pending n 1 1 a k . Then under cov er of night he and bis army slipped n w: y and bore down on Prince ton, where sever al I'.rillsh regl n:et:ts were wait ing to Join Corn u a lis. At sun ri e Jan. .'!, 1777. V.. dilngtun fell 1M ii these regi ments and. after Ar KN a l.ercely contest TON. etl battle, defeated them with great loss Then, with two notable vletori ; in eight days to his credit. Washington retired to northern New Jersey. In vain us Hummer drew near did I the liritish try to draw Washington I Into a general battle. He rel rented ; ever before tliem, striking lightning ! quick blows, then withdrawing out of : reach of reprisal. He was In 11 incus 'lire repeating the Indian tactics tint i had played stieh havoc with Ihe Itriiii'i i regulars In the French nnd Inert 1 . wars. At I'.ramly wine Creek, Sept. 'I, 1 IT77. In- was forced Into a biillle by j the liritish general Howe and was ile ; fen ted. Howe thus captured Phllndel ! phla. Hut. thanks to Washington's 1 tactics, il. holding of Ihe (junker City ! required so large a force that Its pos 1 session proved a loss rather than a ! fain to Khgland. Good Roads In Franca. In France the highways nre the chief col,:; oMtors of Ihe railroad. The. farroachlhg anil splendidly maintained road system lias distinctly favored the sriall landed proprietors, n ml In their prosperity anil their ensuing distribu tion of wealth lies the key to the se cret of the wonderful financial vital ity and prosperity of the French na tion. The road system of France has been of fur greater value to the coun try as tln means of raising the value of lands and of putting the small peas ant proprietors In easy communication with their markets than have the rail-ronds. t aef The Land of Puzzlcdom. No. 481, Word Pudding, I'luil one word that cumulus nil the follow Iiir words without Irausposlng any letters: Act, actor, fact, factor, factory, or. 'tis, to. Tory, sat, Is. No, WJ CharVdea of Countries. My nit In ihe i,uno of l lio Hon o Minns My second's not lot when I ho miow men w roo; My whole la country that is (on on the limp If you Jui I urn to Kuro vou'll tlnd II, may hup. 11. My fliat la whr ohlldrrii from usee un told Have amiKiili'd uiul neatl.-d when hungry or cold. My second la tar o'er the sen and rlsht hero. Wo live on It. thrlv In It, er nftm year. My whole la a country ni,i ivlmh-or wnv dwell Hut cold, so cold ou'd not like It well 111 My flint no Huh could awltn nltltnut To Ond It's an Jnat looU kI.oiii Mv seconds when uu'd wiali to tie It you nf uilinti on the sen Mv whole n country la hound lo tie Thut ia north, of Uu-.slu.clon In th v- - Youth a i 'oi ii im n Ion No. 433. Talking Deny Puile. i This couple have a baby which of late lias been trying to talk. What progress It has made limy be de termined when It Is known that throe straight marls ml. led to the ciphers In the picture will change them Into what baby Is saying -remember, Just three straight marks added to ll. What Is the baby saying?--Washington Star. No. 484. Sur. Thinjj Fill In. Mother was annoyed Rob bad con tracted Hie habit of saving "Sure:" or "Sure, Mike!" to every ipicsdoii or re murk, and II hurt her lltorarv feelings. So to reform hint ami make him sick of living "sure" she made til t i till In the following blanks nnd learn the thing by heart: One tliliiK v mi miiNt ito lr you'll "Mtire tout Or umuxA much uri-. Your wenl ou inimi 'nur. I mirtt you 'tin trtov No. 485, Numerical Enigma. My 4 3 1 1 an rmltMrltiK term. My b 6 ? 11 n n!t-tub-r bund or unit quite firm ; My ? 9 M S n uly toiitto-iokiri -. My 1.' 13 II li U mi-Ik-In itowti ft lo-avll)'! My whole lotii; vein iiiiu K.ot tomul The greatest rcrd hi the wotKt uroiind. Without lie hflp I d not I )i-ie Nor wottUI you urck mo fur. 1 fieir No. 486. Baheadingi. Rehead nil Rngllsli river nnd leave part of the hurtles of n horse. liehead closely nnd leave In time. glMKl liehead by word of mouth ami leave to pluck up courage Pichead an actor and have one of several thii knesses of material. liehead to subdue nnd leave to bring forth. Pehead (o fall back uiul leave to puss way. No. 487. Pictured Word. What parts of a Ine are represented! No. 430. Pyramid Punle. Ileum tige the letters of this pyramid so ns to spell 11 familiar phrase of two words: II It II M M M E E B K Riddle and Answer. I have tmt one eye, and thut without nlKhl. Vet It help mo, whutcvur 1 do; I am sharp without wits, without lenfle I 11111 bright. The fortiino of.Monm and of lome A de light. And I douht not I'm useful to you. (A newlle.) Key to Puzzledom. No. 471. Charade: Haw-horse saw horse. No. -I".". President I'ir.z.ln: Grapes, Apple, Itoeket, Fan. Iron,, Ladder, Desk. Initials spell Garfield. No. 47'!. .Igzug: Joseph Haydn. Cross Words: 1. Jocund. Itobust. 3, Muster. 4.- Street. .r.. Seraph. 0. Wraith. 7. Slight. S. Ilantmn. 0. Try ing. 10. Adages. 11. Number. No. 477.-Hldden General: Win, field, Scot. than. cock-Wlnfleld Scott linn cock. No. 47S. Homonym: 1. Iinridy lions. 2. Dandelions. No. I7!i.-Pictured Ilirds: Thrash, robin, bobolink, lark.' No. 480. Anagram: Itcsoliitlon. Both Eeeentlalt. "I Just miiHt get a good puff In this next tow n," dei hired the Ingenue. "Press." Inquired tho dark heavy, "or powder'"- Kiiusas City Times. Perhaps. In the la rlU ulnre Of a ntilihurous torch, Borne tiny nml eomnwhere, The ecorchitre will scorch! -Puck. Certainly Not. Hewitt It Isn't fair on the face of It Jewrtt What Isn'tr Ilewltt-A brunette. New Tor Prcis. V. 1 i M I J f7 Flatulence Whrn' every liiic you nmi your (tuiiKuh uml IcsH iliM'ottifott, it is an iiiif.iilinu niuii that your co tire nyatcin needs u tliurouh Jiiiuaci leunini:, wWwtttedti i V 4 13 a curei fl.iiulcufe ly eliminatiinj the cause vif I tic divtuili- am e l.ver. anu you 11 ict-l heller la I). Jl .il f - v m ucr man i IK-. KOIl HA1.IC II Y Eshicado tind Eastern Clackamas EAGLE CREEK. We un enjoying refreshing nnd much needed showers which tire np pioolnled by the funnels. Mrs. II F. Gibson, of llarloti, nnd Mrs. Mario Fuller, of San Francisco, were visiting with Mrs, Henry IMoll IiihI Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. IV Norman relumed to their homo Saturday lifter upend ing soiim time with d lends in (his neighborhood. J. P. Woodle nnd family went to Portland Sunday and spent their fourth out at I he. City Park. Their daughter. Miss Myrtle, who bad boon attending school hi I'ort Intnl. nceoiii panted them home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howled were pleasant ly entertained by Mr. and Mrs Ui.v iiritst Sunday. Several families of this community intended the celebration nt Suiidy on Saturday and enjoyed the day exceed ingly. The programme was excellent Kd 1oik1ion Is the champion foot racer of K.iglo Creek lie run III roe races nnd won nil of tliem nt Sandy, on Sal unlay. Mr. and Mrs John Held nnd child roll, of Sprlngw atcr, were visiting at the homo of James Gibson Sunday. Mrs. Wesley Ikmglas. uiul Mr and Mrs Walter Douglass called on James Gibson and his daughters, Mrs Held nnd Mrs I'dell. Sunday afternoon. Itay Woodle butchered two pig on Motiilav, nnd took them lo llHtiicndu Tuesday, II. S and II II Gibson wore llstu radii visitors Mondav. .1. P. Woodle Is working nt the mil! for Mr. I.arariis. j Dodue. Mr. Ancer who left I lodge last spring t.) return no mote, hn returned j to slav a short time. When he h ave I here ho expect to gn to California lo tt iich mind healing Mr I" Striink has gone to the moun tains wPh a tlshlng party. ; Miss Mvrtle Park of Dodge. Is at tending normal at Oregon City. .J. ino-n park went to Albany lo nt tend the teacher' Institute. A party of liodgo people went onl Into tln foot hills lo spend Hie ith. eat lunch nnd have a general good time. Hay I a short crop all through (his country; grain will bo short un less we soon have rnlu. Arthur Howard has returned home from wood rutting. He will start In rutting logs for Holey and Horner Saw Mill Co. BORING. Fnimett Donahue tecelved order I for teams to take lo passengers to ihe llhododemlron Inn. on Mount Hood ; on Inst Saturday and Sunday, lie look in Inod of 111 Tuesday, and the manage inent of the rcsiri was untitled that a paiiv from Port land consisting ol L'.'i automobile lands would be there from Saturday until -Monday. Then were .'In tout and oilier camp equip ment taken from here to the moun tain laid week. From every Indication there will I." far more people this summer at the different hotels and camping places than usual. The purl land Hallway. Light & Pow er Company has 11 rrew of men lit Por ing pulling In nn addlllonal power line from the unburn n lo the main line. This work will occupy Hie crew for several day. John Hullgreen and wife, formerly of lloilng, but more recently of Port land, have returned to llorlng nnd I leased the ranch of Mrs. Uine, one mile north of town, ami will make dial their home for some years lo come. Mrs. John Maiming has llsn returned to llorlng from Portland. Joseph llanllebl, of llorlng. has gone lo Tin' Dalles, where he will be mar ried this Week. He will be at homo the latter part of the Week. James Curl and T. II. HIcIiiipIhoii were both In Portland Thursday buy Ing lumber nnd material for their new building north of (own. It being nee cHsury lo go to Portland for their lumber, us the mill here has sold out every stick. SANDY. O. T. Hakes, of SI. John, opened up a restaurant 011 Main street nnd did a great business on the fourth. He will probably locate permanently. T. J. Jonsrud la building a bin barn on his farm. FIVE-MINUTE TALK Hew le Krrp Awe; CHICKEN LICE MITES COCKROACHES AND. BED BUGS For a Whole Vmi T Hlecle Applli-alliia of AVENARIUS CARB0LINEUM (German Wood I'reeemer.) Non-peleoniiu. henliary odor. Ini up In lllh"rllo-il rene onl) Don't lot your 0ler lve you a wortblete (mlUUoli. Kilt NAI.K IIY AIX IlKAl.tllM. ( arriollnrum Wood I'reeervlnc ' I'ortlanil, or. MllwuukM, Wll. Nn York, N. T. Han FranclRco. Cel. Fisher, Thosen S Co. WholfftI Ant. lpt. I'orllMiid urfitfon. Write f'tr Til- ft, arriini to turn to cas ititrslinri rausc Vou rinl- la!;e an Mi tablet itHiiuht ilie iiioriiini;. . . . . ills lor Liver Ills JO JOM1S Ultl'li COMPANY. A company In Port hind will cotnlucl an lliltn Hue between I'ot lliilnl. Samlv and way minions to tt. Hood lllllldleilii of people mo Iloi-IUIIK to the hills for health, plcasuio, uiul ll'di. If they bile. Climles KioIih' brick mill b running full blam. Having In full blast, but crop me not to bbi'iifull Sliott nil mound Miss F.mllv Mclllrov bus loliunod from an extended trip I'at.l Chillies piiiihnll has found n coal mine up lit the hills mid hut Dome line specimens of coal. Lofjjn. In caplotis iptnutltlcs a' Haiti, rain. hint. If It hud come a few weeks soouer It Would have pill I III Ml null il I of llol Inrs In the funncm' pockets, but we must bo thankful for uch favor us w'e receive. Tin' patriotic dance nt the Gwingo hall was a great inn-Co-. In tlmt line. of seveial reasons About 70 iiiiuilo rn were sold, ml well ns n largo ipianllty of Ice creiitn and lemonade Tho coin intttoK Incharge; (i A Kohl, y, P Wilson. . II Klrchem. Mahal.-i GUI. Mr. S. I. Wllmui uml Mary Hwtilo. deserve much prale for the ui-ce. fill olltcolue. The hull w as btllllullt Iv lighted by 1. Funk' gasoline lamp, Frank Wltltemau' koroluc mantle Mump nnd O. 1). lioliblu iilcotnd lamp I Henry Hurbor lout it valuable horse liil week by It going through Ihe floor Into the basement. A daughter appeared n( the home of Mi nnd Mrs Oscar llcnnoti last w.-eK j Arnold Motnl' duiighler m been very hick "nil luunuimitiory tiieinuil Usui, but I better now. STREET AN 'ASSET. Neftt In Ao&thrtio Importance lo High Cleit Architecture. I Next to high chit nre hlteoiuro a town or city chief nn-t should lie In I It street trees While iircblliviurt I iniir claim lint rank, Hint city I inent I beautiful which I posiccil of the ! greatest of unliable street tree Hut n few tint ago nu eastern woman visiting III l. Angeba wne I hoard to ny. "I think Sail Lake Ctf Is the most I m ii 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 pho-e west or tho MIsnlHulppl. It hue eo ninny finely planted trees." Viewed from the height nil any elde, where detail I o-,i nnd the composllo whole I conslilerisl, 110 plneo of like ulr.e In California I more beautiful than Illvi-rslJe. the I'orot i lty, mid Street lief lire Us chief nssot Wher ever we hear 1111 opinion expressed r- ' carding 11 beauilful clly we may note, 1 If xve but listen, that some remark I ! Illllile nb ml sin-el tree I ,' very vl 1 Iter to llurope, 1 oininentliig on the line r cities, doe hot leave on" run lliertl 1 1 llg ' the chief charm until lie has spoken of mngultici-iit iiveuiicsiind boulevard 1 lined with iree None I tnentlourd ! (hat I hot tree llnisl When on m- elder both the aesthetic nnd economic i value of tree It I hard lo ri-alire Hint ' we have ieoplv w ho do not like thrill. : There nre those who really would I rnther see bare sireei ihaii wi li plant ed one To Home these person lire object of pity, but lo n majority Ihey but Invoke disgust by a presentation of their views.- I.o Angele Times. Theft Good. "My husband hn always been one In in ourago those who work for I1I111," teiimrked Mrs. Pike In her "lster "Voil menu he Is always ready to give praise, win-re praise I duo." "Ves, Indeed. When one of his men (lis-s good work he I quick lo say "o. Night after night, lifter he has 1 11 In t ill the olllce, I hear dim inunniir Ing In Ids sleep: That' good! That goodl' And he always reluctantly con fosse that he wus dreaming 11 1 ion I the good work Ihe men ate doing nt the olllce. Oh, I'm so glad!"- Puck. Contentment. Who live for lovo iniiMt eorrow know. Who live for sain muni rem ton-ito. Who live for power lutint lrnnnln )y. Who lives for fanin etiilo nil for toy, More litest nro they who lull nil day And sleep tho ulccp of Jiint I'luln any. Llpplncott'e MnKiulne. ONLY ONE GENUINE THERE IS ONLY ONE GENUINE CARBOLINEUM, THAT 18 THE AVENARIUB CARBOLINEUM, THERE 18 A CHEAP IMITATION ON THE MARKET THAT 18 BE ING. OFFERED AT FROM 11.00 TO 1.25 PER GALLON. THE GENUINE AVENARIU8 CAR 0OLINEUM IN QUART CAN8 50 CENTS, AND ONE GALLONS AT $1.60 WILL DO ALL THAT 18 CLAIMED FOR IT. INSIST ON THE GENUINE, TAKE NO OTHER. PUT UP IN LITHO GRAPH CANS AND SOLD IN OREGON CITY.