Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1909)
OUWION CITY KNTJiUWirSK, KIM DAY, JULY 9, 1!K)0. I LARSEN & COMPANY j Cor 10th A Main Bt. OnCQON CITY, OHEQON. GROCERIES PIIOVISIONB i CROCKERY mid QLA88WARE FLOUR, FEED and HAY CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER WE PAY CASH FOR WOOL, HIDES CHAIN and COUNTRY PRODUCE llnn'l fiii"l to liielmlii u lint- , tl of Vim iMisr.Kii'H Kit met (if J t MtniMii in your Hint tiiilr No clii't lii compare with It for I llitvur mill quality. LOCAL URIEPS Mm. .May H Mlllit Im K'Hie to Hi'IIMIk WiimIi , where nhe will vlnlt til" A V I'. i:liimltliiu. Hee V. I Inn U alHiiit n ull plainer. Ilinn or cement. Mr V I' Mor-y. Mlirn ll.len KiikI limn Hiul Kdward Kiintlmiii. of (ilen iihutIi', with In the rlty Kidlay eve- lllllK Mm. Kill" lliiimiilier Nlrholii. nf I'nrlluiid, t'i mi' iiii Krhlay nlnlil to Itllciiit tln Ori'Koii City IiIkIi io-IiihiI ttlllllllll in ( I UK If ymi are looking fur K"iil farm I'HIii'r Iiiik" or munll, we huvn them Kii'.viiiii Hwnffonl, lii'iir H. I'. I nit. (iniinii city, ir, ' Him ( lireeiunnii, niiii'rliiti'lnti'lit of lli Salmon Hlvi-r Imtrlii'ry, Iiiin re turned from Heiittle, where lin ha III'. II on hunlUiKK rolilHH'li'il Wt (hit mittn lintrhery work. Mmiiy In Initn Bt iMirri'iit rut . ('. II !. H W. Corner Kill mill Mull) trec, Ori'Kou t'lly, OrnKun. ' Lurl I .lit Jt. who ha I n lit Hherl- iliin In hiisiiie for several month. lm returned to Oregon t'lly, mill will leave thin week for Canton Hot hrliiKx. to npi'iiil n few week. County Clerk (ir-i'iiiiiii Friday Kranti'il a marriage I li-nurm to Wilms lllnlr mnt lienige Ienler. Iloth HP front NVkiIv mill Ml lllulr I" well Kiinwii ik 11 fliirkuiimn Ciitiiity hcIumiI teacher flno, i',iii) mill otliir mini to limn i n fiirni luiut. (', II. I , corner of Klh mill Main street, (iri'Kon City Oregon. Ml IMIIh Cheney, MIhh l-:t lift I'urk Hiul Minn K'lim I'm k ,lio imvi t n iiixtlrntliiK lit Mnliillii, have re- turned lionnv Tlny were rliiiperoticil liy Mr (hiirlc Ely, w hu alo returned HI the hiiiiik time. See Frevtug A HwntTiiril If yon have kimmI fui in lainl for mill'. We are hav Init liuiiiliy for good property. Ofllrn loiir H I". depot, Oregon City. 1,1'U 111 mill nl tll , llllli'Ht win of Mr. mill Mm 8. HoneiiMlcIn, nf tlilH rlty. Im returned from Connll I'lilvemlly, Inn Inn Knuliinti'il from Hint limtltn Hull Itiinminti'ln Ik nlno a graduate of tli lliirrlny High Ki'honl or thin rlty mill of tin- Agricultural College. CorvalllN. I have re loritii'il my law ottli'o at nt the H. W. roriii-r of St h mnt Muln Hlri'itM. tiptalr. Will he plfincil to meet my friend nt my new ottleo. C. II l)YK. Attorney. W. P. W'rlHiniinilfl, who wiih I uli i'ii Jll wtlh imi'tiinonlii nl Stiiylmi hi'vitiiI llllllllhH IIKO. mill Willi llllH lll'l'll III H rlty vlhltliijt lila hIkIiT, Mm. Dun l.yniiH iiml puri'iiix. Mr mid Mra Joint ViIb" miiinli'l. li'ft ' Wi'iliii'Niliiy for Coiiilon. wlii'in ln him fur tin' lii'iii'llt of his lii'iiltlt. Sim' V. llnrrlH nliotit mill plimliT, Ilinn or ri'ini'lit. Mr. mnt Mra, KIht A. Cliupiiinn an. I Mlaa .Million l'tttliwiilti', wlio liuvn lii'i'ii Hpi'inlliiK ai'vi-ritl wi'nka at Trull. Oh'Khii, Iiiivi' ri'turiii'il. b'lulitoii KH CHEAP! 13 A DISTINCTION OF QUAL ITY, NOT OF PRICE. ONLY IN A 8LANQ 8EN8E DOES IT MEAN THAT WHICH 80 MANY BUYERS TAKE IT TO MEAN ACTUALLY. IN BUYING GROCERIE8 WE MAKE OUR 8ELECTI0NS FOR WHAT THEY ACTUAL LY ARE NOT BECAU8E THE PRICE WOULD MAKE THEM 8EEM WHAT THEY ARE NOT EVERYTHING. IN THIS STORE 18 CHEAP AS DES IGNATING HIGH QUALITY AND FITTINGLY LOW PRICE. MANY MERCHANTS CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH GOODS CHEAPER, IN THE SLANG 8EN8E, BUT NOT CHEAPER IN ACTUAL WORTH. WE CAN MAKE THIS STATE MENT WITH A GREAT DEAL OF EMPHASIS, BECAUSE WE ARE ADDING A SMALL ER MARGIN OF PROFIT TO THE ACTUAL COST OF THE GOODS THAN IS THE CUS TOM AMONG OTHER GROC ERS. J. E. SEELEY THE PEOPLE'S STORE NINTH AND MAIN ST8., OREGON CITY, OREGON pilifl I , In nl Iht of Mm. Clinpmiiii, Im IImIi I'llllllllHl Of I lll I'llltl'il Ht III I'M KIlllHT li'H. iiml In iilnlloiii'il lit Trull. Tin' pally I it 1 1 II iiioiit I'lijiiynliln limn Mali lii( ami li il M 1 1 ii k . Mia. Mini K. .Iniii'H h I'liJnyliiK mi mil Iiim ' ill Ni'Wpni t. MlliH Uwih Mllli'l' llUM tlllll'll II Hti'M oKrnplilc ponliioit lii tlm law (illlru of IHinlrli K Itliiilili. Ili'iiiy Cnniii'i' h it H lii'i'ii lippnliili'il liy County Ahmi'Ukiii' Jurli, ilnpuly na Hi'MHiir fur Hin illnlilrt of HpilllKWUli'l'. MIhh (inicn 'J'llliinl IniH I i I cli'rli'il li'iirluT of Urn primary ilnparl uii'iil of tin' Wllliuui'llii Ni'lionU nl li auliiry of fir pi'r liniiilli, '. II. Il)i', IjiwyiT unit Imiii AK'Hit Alinliai'ta mrofiilly ininlii. J:hi lit ai'tlli'il. H, W. roiiinr, Kill iiml .Main atriMilM, Oii'K'in City, On'Kon. , I'". V. W'lillo iiml iIiiiikIiI't, MlnH Ji'iin Wlilln, ,y ,Mna Kloroiioi Wliltr. li'ft Wiuliii'ailiiy nlKlit for It trip to Mm Hi'iiilln Knlr mill will r- turn Iioiiik ni'Xt Mnnilay. J. li'n ( 'it u ll 'lit li'ft Wi'ilni'ailny for I" 1 1 1 ii ii k , In Join u Hiirvi'ylim party unit will pioluilily ii uliHi'iit nil Hum- ni'T, r i'l ii in 1 1 ik In tlino to ri'Hiiuni lila ntilillna lit thn I'ltlvcralty of Ori'Kon. Mlna HoroHiy Crona, who la ri'Kla- liar of tlm Coliimlilii Colli'iiii of i:x pii'Haliui, Cltli'iiKo, urrlvi'il In Ori'Kon City Tiii'Hilny, mnl will vlalt with nr pitrmita, Mr. ami Mra, If K. Croaa, of (IIihIhIoiih, for lliri'o wi'i-lia. Mlaa Mary K, Ki'linrily, of Kiiiimiih City, Mu, In In IIik rlty vlalllltK Iter iilii ln, Jnlilt C. Ilniilloy. Tltla la Iht til hi trip to Hi" ('onal unit alt" will ri' iiitiln alHiul t It r "" wi'i'liH. vIhIIIiik th" A. V. I'. I'KpoHlilon hi'foni ri'tiirnlnu. Mlaa l'iia I lnliUniltli. of Hun Krtin lai'it, iirtlvi'il Monilay nn.l will ii'inulii until ih'XI Wi'ilni'ailny with Iht uiothi'r, Mra. A (iolilainllh. Mr. iiml Mra. J. (inlilnmllli mnt clillilriiit, of Kit- Ki'ii". will arrlvn thla wi-i'k Hiul vlalt at tlm (inlilnmllli hoiiin for a f"W iluya. Mra A. Cintlln, mminK"r of thn ('. Htoi", left Wi'ilni'ailny for u alx wi'nka' trip In tin) Kuril, K'lliiK In New lork. Chlrtiito. anil Ht. loitla. .Mra. oitllii. who la rniiiinrti'il with dry Kiiila atori-a lit VuiirouviT, IIIINInini mnl (Iri'Kon City, will liny a Inru" atork of tiuoila for III" Full mill Win- r Iriut", lir. anil Mra. J. K. .Morton, of ()l. vi'l. Wla,. who urn inakliin a tour of III" I'niillc Coual, api'tit n fi'W ilaya luat wiM'k with tln'lr frli-mla, Mr. ami Mra. U (). Kftton In ('nni'iniih In-fori' KoliiK to thn I'lpoaltlon nt Ki'iilll". Til" ilorior la w"l pli'iiai'il with tltla part if tit" country, ami (Iuto la a xaal- lilllty that li" will iiiukn lila liuiii" on Hi" Ciuial. If you liavn any K'""! rlty hoini'R for Halo, Hat tht'lii with na. aa w" an havliiK Inquiry for Ihi'in. KrcytiiK i Swufforil, iirar 8. I'. H'Hit. Ori'Ki Ity. Or. Mr. ami Mra. A. K. IMki'f mnl rhllcl- ri'ii, of HiiitTonl, with In Ori'K'in CHy Wcilui'Hilay. Mr. Ili'lki-r, who la onn of lin- pniuilni'iit yiuiiiK fiirmi'ra of Stuftoril. fit r in 1 11 1 ovi-r I'm nrri'a. alnii'a that tlio riTi'iil nil ii hna lii'i'ii "ry lii'iii'lli'lnl to lhf rnipa In lila iii'lKhliorhiKiil Many or thn pi'oplu In hla MM'tlnn have a ttri'iit drill of tlu-lr u y rut, hut It la prolialdii that thla will h anvi'il. Mr iM'Iki'r, who liaa over 20 arrca In hay. tin iilrrmly cut II vt nrri'a. Mlaa KiIiiii Caulli'lil. Mlaa Cliira Can- lli'ld. Mlaa Aildl" Clark. Mlaa Allri' .shannon, Mlaa Murli'l Ktovi'iia. Mra. Hoaa Chiirman ami Mra. Duff, loft Wi'ilni'ailny moruliiK for Si'iitllu. whi'ri' tlii'y will ml," n ali'iiiiu'r for Alaaku. tnakliiK a fiirtulk'ht'a trip. Th")' wrre arnitiipanli'il In Srnttli' hy Mra. liarli'B II. I'liiitli'lil, who will vlalt for f"W day thorn and th" okimihI Hon. It'a link In amokn I'urk. The llottor tlinn 5c ClKtir Th" Clmir In tho (irm-n Hm. Crlck.t Crlrkot wlrkola hnvo loon plnni! fivunty-lwii yard upnrt attiro I71K). Tho Surrandar of Mali. Tho croati-al aurroiidi r In tho anniila of nurriirt- waa I lint nf Mil uu Oct. 7, IsTti. Tho kurrt'inlrr Iniludiil II tlohl murahiila, I'.il goiU'rals. il.Otm nlll cor of InHcr ili'grou, ovor liai hMina. Urn lullriillli'iiaoa. Hourly tk) atiiinlnrtla and 17:i.ii rank mid tlio. An Alaakan Superstition, Tho I'.iUuin woiiioii of AliiNka nevrr ar Mhllo the ini'ii arc IUIiIiik'. and ahnuld any iiioiidliig he luiporiitlvu thoy (In It aliul up In Utile tenia out or alght of the aril. Car In Powdor Mill. The garineiita of worker In powder lilllla nro pia'ketloaa, an Hint they can lint rnrry knlvoa or iiintrlira or Indeed anything, mnl are iiiiule of nuiiliilliim nialilo uinterliil. No imp la nllnwiil to go iiImuh wlih trotiaera turned up nt the liotlom, liivaiiae grit I collected In Hint way. ami the meroat hard apeck I dungi'Miia. Arabio Flgura. Aralilc tlgurea were not Invented by tho Arnlia, hut liy the early acholnr of Indln. Caylon Hoapltal. A riirloiia olllclal regulation demand that nil the old linen of the Ceylon hna pit a 1 m it tin 1 1 ho burned every three month. A government ntllcltil come round on n periodic linen lnapectlou ami rnndeiuiiH holey alieota, towel, etc., to a fiery fat. Th Turquoi. Poraht hna the initat faninu tur (Itlolae mine In tlio world, which have lieon worked no lea than eight centu ries. Theae pretty atones, however, ure to be found In many inrta of tli world, Including Hnxnny. A Cap Town Scotiman. Among the black population of Cape Town the florin Ih called a "Si'iitanum hecnuao In' the old dny. when the florin waa little known In South Af rica, a Scottish contractor paid hi workmen III florin Inatend of half crown. Illuminating Oil.. 011 wa used for Illumination a ear ly as tho epoch of Abraham, 11121 It. C. Chriatm Tree. Practically all conifer can be and are used na Christmas tree, but the most popular ones are the fir, spruce and, to a less extent, the pines and cedar. Tho ue of one or another evergreen for thla purpose depends frecjticntty upon Its accessibility, par ticularly in the mountainous section of the country. Canby andx, Southern CANDY. HlllV" IIIhiii'II riiini' (o Citnliy to iii'iul th" Ko'irth of July with hla fam ily. i Mr. Dnyon mnl family huvn frlonila rioiu iOiiKi'li" vImIIIiik with tlnilil thla Wi'l'll, Mia. CuhhIii IOviiiih apnil Hulunliiy In Aiiroru, iitli'iiilliiK tlm ri'li'lniillnii. Arthur KnlKht loft tlm llrat of thu wi'i'k for Hi'iiilln, wlioni Im la uttonil IliK Hi" 'poallloii. Mr. mnl Mra, M. J. Ia-m mnl Mr, ami Mra, llrudtl worn Oiokoii (,'lly vlaltora Hiimlay iiioiiiIiik, Mlaa VitiiIii lloliluaon vIhIIiiiI nt thu hoiiui of Mra, HHmaou Humlay ami Miiiiilay. Mra. It. H. Coo, Hr la In I'oillaml vlallliiK with lu'r Hon, It. h. Coii und rnnilly. Mra. Com apout tlm fourth In tliai rlty, mid oxpocia to roiurii Una ovi'iiliiK with h"r ilaiiitlitor and two Iliin Klrla to api'inl a woi'k on tlm Coii farm. lt"V. Joalyn, of Montranno. Waali.. hua ri'tniiii'il to hla hoiiin nftor u lirlef vlalt In Cmihy. Mr. Joalyn. who for- nii'iiy rualdoil In thla rlty, hua ilcrldod to rot urn horit to muko Ida linmo, and liaa purrliaai'd proporly noar town. Itov. unit Mra. W. J, W'oImt and clilldii'ii li-avii I lila wi-i-k for (JlailatoiiK, wnoni uioy will ramp ilurlnii tint Chun- lniiiiiii. Horvlroa will ho Imlil na uau l In thla rlty hy Itov. Wnlior on Hun- III) M. K. A. Krui'Kor, who rrrontly iiur- chnai'd thn fiirnlliirii alum or ). (. Min k, hua roauuioil hla work In tho atoio nftor holng ronlliioii to hla liouio hy llluca for aovoral duya, Arthur tieiilon, who mot with a tmln- fill ai'ldi'iil a few wooka ago hy aluait- lug hliuaeir accldontly in the fixit with a rill", la repldly Improving. Mr. and Mra. Charloa Itniich. of Kt. Joint, apoiil tho Fourth of July In thla ity, guoala of Mr. and Mra. (ioomo Itiiiirh. Karl Coo, or .Mlniii'iiiHilU. nonhew of It. 8. (.'o, la apondlng the aiiminor with hla unrli'. la now at Hood Itlvor and While 811I111011 looking over the orchiird land, that hla ftaltor und other partloa of Mluuoapolla are plant ing 10 appioa. ovor 100 urrea ure be ing put Into apple by tltoae men. Iloury AtlibTaon. while engaged III alrlpplng hark from a Iron near Dili rlty, had hla arm badly luroratod hy the allpplng or tho ax he waa ualng. 8ovoral Htllchea were reiiulre.l, and lr. Dodman report Unit hla patient la getting along nicely. Mra. A. I). Paddock loft for tilud atuito on Suiiday, where lite waa the guoat until Monday of Mr. and Mra. J. C. Paddock, parent of A. D. Pad dock. Mr. mid Mra. J. A. Gruhuin. Mr. mid Mr, t). K. Mack, Mr. and Mra. M. Mack and famllio lormcd a party who wont to the hank of the Molalla Hlvor 011 iiSturday. The party apoitt a moat eiijoyahlo day and one or the foiiluroa waa a hy thn linlloa. lino aprea.l prepared ' 1 ' Mlaa .Mildred Wang, Mlaa Helen tJriiham, Mr. and Mr. Wang wont to Aurora on Suturday evening by auto niolillo, and attended the grand ball. Mr. and Mra. M. II. Loc and child ren, of Hubbard, have arrived In Can dy and are vlaltlng with relative. Mr. Lee la on hla way to Illalock. KiiBtorn Oregon, w here ho will work during the summer. Ill family will remain nere during hla abaenre. Mr. an I Mrs. J. 8 .Dick loft on Fri day for Seattle, where thoy will apond a Week Ut the A. Y. P. Exposition. Mr. nnd Mra. J. F. Deyoe and on. Claud, who have been sojourning al Newport for the beiiotlt of Mr. Deyoe'a health, have returned to their home Th Antarctic CircU. The ntitarotlr circle waa tlrat croased by European by the J nines Itosa ex pedition Jan. 17. 177:1. Artificial Eye. Artltlihil eyes were llrat made use of!, by the Egyptian. They were of gold . and silver und aiibsoinontly of copia-r and Ivory. Hundred nf year later, In the sixteenth century, when they j were made In Europe, pnn'elaln wna the Kiibatiinre uiod. mid the maker Uauitlly HtauiHMl hi address oil the white of the rye. Th Firt "Bool" How mimy are aware of the origin of the word "boo." used to frighten children? It Is a corruption of "Hull." tho name of a fierce Cmthlc general, the son of Odin, the mention of whose Itiinie spread a panic among bis cue- mitH Traating a Burn. Benr In mind that quick treatment of a burn will not only relieve auffer ing, but will frequently remove all danger of crmuncnt scars. Baking siala, scraped raw potato, lard, olive oil, molasse and even milk arc ef. flcaclnus, much of the virtue of the cure depending iioii a siKnnly applica- Uon. Philadelphia. The largest city In the country In Washington's time was Phlladelphbj. It had OU.tKK) Inhabitant. Evolution of Warfare. The battle of Fornova. fought July fl, HM, between the French nnd the Milanese, whose territory they were invading, was the very last of the characteristic middle ugc battle. From that time the Infantry gained the pre eminence over the cavalry, mid can non were employed In preference to nil other projectile weapons. Divorces In Holland. When n wife Is divorced In Holland sho take half her husband's goods. Th Call of th Drum. When nn Afrlcnn chief of tho Nigeri an tribe is ready fo begin harvesting and requires extra assistance he sets snmo of lit tribesmen drumming. They lieat a huge kettledrum made of skin stretched ou a calabash nnd a small side drum. The sound of the drumming carries a great distance, and laborer come In from all directions. Chalk In Glue. The addition of u little powdered chalk Is an Id to make common glue stronger. First Ice Machine. The first Ice machine was made by Pr. John Gurrle of Apalnchlcola, Fla., where there was a great prevalence of fevers In summers. In 1850 he roc rcrded In producing small blocks of Ice about tbe size of the ordinary build ing block. In thla idly. Mra. Dryoo H aiiffcrltiK with a aovoro itttitrk of in iiralKla. Cliarlna IIoiikIiuiii liaa kohh to Van- I'ouviT. Waali., ttlirrii ho will apoiid a f"W woi'ka with rrlullvoa. Mra. A. II. KuIkIiI, who Ihih lii'Wi vIhIHiik with li'T liiialuiiid In 'orllam. li'tuini'd homo on Tuoadny I'vonlnx. Mr. mid Mra, l-roy WuIIiit mo HinoiiK Hio Canliy pcopli! who ha v nt ti'iiiloii tlio Honttlo Kxpoalllnii. . Mra. Miiuilo KnlKlit vIhIIoi! nt tin homo of Mr. and Mra. Oorifi' Zook, of Mllwuukli), thn Ural of tlm woi-k. Jamra Hviina. on of Hio promlni-nt roaldonta of thla city, who hua hoori vi-ry III for aovoral duya, la Improving Thn atroolH of Cniihy proHcntod a ili'MiTlrd upiicaranni! Haiunlay, whon tlio pooplo of thla rlty loft to apond tlio day olthi-r Bt Aurora or Wllaon vlllo, or In an inn cixA, ahmly aKit. Moat of th" poo)lo of thla oily wont to Aurora to nttond the Krand Knurl. li of July rolohralhm hold at that pluco. All roport hnvlDK had a Rood tlmo. Tho iniUituolillo or Whlto und !-o won; kopl Iniay from morning till nlKlit rurryiiiK tlm crowda to and from Aurora. Tho Aurora Hand furnlHrhod oxcllnit iniialc which wna onjoyod hy tho thotiaandH of pooplo atti-mjiiiK. Tho rololirutlon rloHod with a Krand hull In ihii ovonlng. Mra. I -ii I ii Hhopnr.l, of Kail Ijiko ' City, gnvo a vory liitoroatlng locturej al tho Moihoillal church on Wednoa- day ovonlng f a largo and approcia- tlvo auilleiioM. Mra Hhopurd topic I waa "Hoclal I'urliy." During hor atay I In thla oily alio wua tho guent at tho.f,'. Monro, of Walla Walla, and hla homi) of Mr. and Mra. W. II. I'ortor. Mra. 8lmpard left Thuraday morning for Portland, where a b.iiiipa t waa tondorod her at the V. W. C. A. bulJd log hy the W. C. T. t;. of Portland. She haa gone to Seattle, where aim will apond aovoral daya before proceeding to Idaho, where alio will lecture. Mra. W. J. Weber wont to Portland on TliuraJiiy morning accompanying Vra. Hhopard, who lectured In thla city. Mr. Weber attended the recep tion given in Mra. Shopard'a honor. She alao attended the Northern Dup lin t Convention and the Chicago Alum ni hantpict held at the Porklna (Jrill. Mra. Weber, who la a graduate of the I'nlverally of Chicago, met many of her old achool frleitda. Tho meeting waa proalded over by Proaldont Harry Pratt Judaon, who waa accompanied by by hi wife, who alao la an old friend of Mr. Meher. There were about 25 preaent, and following the I. aliquot the U. of C. Alumni Club of Portland waa organized, Mr. Weber being choaen aecrelary and treaaurer. The other officer are: Fred Parker, proaldont; Dr. It. H. Wellington, vlce prealdont. During her atay In Port laud Mra. Weber waa the gueat of Mr. Page. R S. Coe spent the Fourth of July at (iladatone und report a very pleas- ant time and a good attendance. Mr. (' llk,', " ulk C',un,y ,'.alr w,lth the f......H I'lfw a atwl will Onm. 11 VMJ " i..i , ...... "... monce the talking of electric line from Wllsonvllle to Molalla hy way of Cauby. When the east part of the Clackamas river is cut off from Mult nomah County the county seat will he at Cauby. The Oregon City Enterprise has .inrtn.i n vniinir coiiieat the nrlzo to j bo a handsome building lot at Mount riCnStinl WOrin l-Uli; B CreUll 01 jy to be given on a lot In South Oregon City; $25 credit to be given on any unsold lot In the same addition; vaca- Hon trip for four young ladies at the Iloach to stny at Hotel Hreaked at the expense of the Oregon City Eu- terprlae; a scholarship In the Holinke- Walker Business College. Miss Hat- SOCIETY I Mra V S lT'Iton entortnlned nt ,, . , . , F,fth street (ll honor of tR,r u,,st Mr9, William Krleger, of Louisville, Ky.. who is spending the summer In Portland. The prizes were won by Mrs. Nelson Uw- rence, Mrs. E. A. Summer, Miss Ann lingers, of Portland. Refreshments were served during the afternoon. 1 Present were Mrs. Theodore Clark, jMrs. Henry Moldrum, Mrs. E. E. I llrodle. Mrs. E. A. Summer. Mrs. J. j N. Wlsner, Mrs. Max Iinllack, Mrs. 1 Eber A. Chapman, Mrs. L. L. Pickens, j Mrs. C. I). Latouretto, Mrs. Nelson I iJiwrenre, Mrs. T. A. McBrlde. Mrs. 1 L. Porter. Mrs. Ina Charman. Mrs. M- C. Strickland. Mrs. J. E. Hedges. Miss M. L. Holmes, Miss Fannie Por- tor. Miss Kate J'orter, Miss CIs Bar- I cltiy Pratt, Miss Martha Frances Drap- , er, miss Murjorie tauneiu, miss jane Lewolllng, of Idaho, Miss Vera Can- Held, Miss Nell Caufleld, and the fol lowing from Portland: Mrs. O. L. a I Remodeling Sale We are remodeling our Store and when the work is complete we will have one of the most up-to-date shoe stores in the northwest. In the meantime we have put on a Remodeling Sale and while this is in progress you may buy SHOES At prices that are low Oregon City Shoe Store New Goods Arriving Daily Clackamas tin HutcliliiHOii, onn or Cunhy'ii moat popular youim ladlca, hua i iitorcd th" riuitoat for tint trip to thu linirh, and ovrry poraon In Canliy ahnuld kIvh u IholpliiK hand in (uivIng Cunhy ropro- aontod In tlm ronloal. Mlaa Hutcliln nun hua a hoat of rlonda, who, it la no doiiht, will kIvo tholr uaalataiicH In winning out In Hio ronti-at. Many vutoa liuvn alroudy ,oon cant for hor ao aim now hua a ahow to win out. 'I ho prion of Urn Kntorprlao la $1.50 a year, IiicIipIIiik a )ulr of adjuatuhlo tonalon ahoura, and throo yoara' suIj arrlptlon to tho Tarlllc Northwoat. Juat think of It, all for II..V). Karli aiihacrlptlon counta M0 votea, rn nowal or now. Kirk Hohokuh 1jko mot In rogu lur aoaaion Tuuailuy nlKht. Ida Knlxht dlatrlot deputy proaldont, Inatallod tho following oHIcith: Nohlo Grand, Ola M. (iurloy; vlco-grand, lloaao Mack; trouaurcr, Joaale Huthorlund; wardon, Cuaalo Kvaim; conductor, Iaura liair; iualdo guardlun, Joa. Huthorlund; out aldo guardian, (ivo. Iloyt; right aup pnrtor iiolilo grand, Ida Knight, loft aupporter lioblo grand, Huruh iloyt; right aupportor vlri) grand, O. K. Mack; loft supiKirtor vice grand, L. T. l!utlon; chaplain, Margaret Eckeraon. Mra. II. Hurgoyno, of 1'ortluml, la vlaltlng hor parol nt a, Mr. ami Mra. Jumoa Kvana. Mra. A. Knight wan a Portland alioppor the Drat of the week, Kdltor Carothora was In Portland a fow ilaya thla week, Ki tJovernor of Waahlngton, Mile nun, Walter II. Moore, prealdent of the Canby Canal Company, arrived from Portland luat Thuraday In their big alx cylinder Franklin. They visited the head worka and followed the route of the canal. Mr. Moore expreased hlmaolf aa very favorably Impreaaed with the evident fertility and conae- ! q"''nt proaperlty of the dlatrlct and i connnonted on It attraction. NEW ERA. Mr. McArthur attended grange Sat urday eaat of Portland. Remember that the New Era Spirit ual campmeeting will be running next Sunday and for four more 8undayg afterward. An abundance of meill uma and speakers will be In attend ance. Mr. Alice Pitt, of Mllwaukie, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. D. McArthur. George H. Brown attended the ex position at Seattle Iat week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Woodcox on July 4th, a bouncing girl. George Ogle, of Molalla. and Mr. Ola Gurley, of Cauby, called on Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Veteto last Sunday. BARLOW. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Slotager died Friday nlghL The family has the sympathy of their friend. Luther Fox, a resident of Barlow 10 year ago. was calling on old friends here Monday. Misses Ida and Olga Howe are home from Portland for a two months' va- cation, Most of the young people and a few nf the older ones went to Aurora IU tnrumic uic ruimii, uii.u o held In that place Saturday. Walter Howe and Sam Erlckson went to Portland Friday. Fred Jesse went to Portland Sat- urday, returning Tuesday. Mr. Wist, nephew of O. M. Ausve, who has been teaching the Norwegian school has pneumonia. Price. Mrs. Fred Cozens, Miss Ann Rogers. Miss May Rogers, and Mrs. J. W. Saddler, of Aurora. The marriage of Miss Maude E. Fromong to N. A. Melvin was solemn ized Wednesday night at the home of the bride's parents in Gladstone, Rev. John M. Linden, pastor of the First Baptist Church, offlicating. The cere mony took place under a beautiful bower of ferns and was a very quiet affair, only the members of the fami lies and their Immediate friends be ing present. The house was prettily decorated for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin will reside on the lower Columbia River, where the groom is connected with a logging company. Mrs. Mary Fosdlck and W. L. Rld elbaugh were married on Saturday night in this city. Judge W. W. H Samson performed the ceremony. Mrs. Rldelhaugh is a sister of Mrs. P. S. Flnucane and a daughter of S. A. Rohb, of this city. They will make their home here. The marriage of John L. Etchison to Miss Daisy A. Huges was solemn- The Best Watch Whatever the ilie of font We carry a complete stock of Hamilton, Howard, Waltham, Elgin, New Eng land and Ingersoll Watches in Solid Gold, Gold Filled, Silver and Silverine Cases. GENTS' WATCHES FROM SI 00 toSlOO.OO LADIES' WATCHES FROM $5.00 to S75.M We Repair Watches, Clocks and Jewelry WORK GUARANTEED Btirmeister & Andresen Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Cor. Ized Wednesday at the home of the bride at Scllwood. Rev. John M. Lin den, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Oregon City, officiating. Mr. Btchl son Is one of the city letter carriers. Chlldron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A DAMES AND DAUGHTERS. Mr. Alice Itoosevelt Longwnrtb bat applied to and received from the Ohio automobile department a license tag. Ida Lewis, keeper of tbe Lime Kock lighthouse. In tbe southern end of Newport harbor, will celebrate her fifty-third anniversary at the light house July 1. Julia Ward Howe, who is ninety year old. is quoted us saying. "The deeper I drink of the cup of life the sweeter It grow the sugar I all at tbe bottom." Mrs. Sofia Loebinger was elected president of a new organization of iufTragettes which was formed recent ly In New York. It Is composed en tirely of wage earning women. Miss Crete Wilduiascr, who has just married I'aul Laudbeck. a hunter of large game In Africa, was the first European woman to acquire citizen ship in the Kongo Free State. She is a native of Austria. I-ady Aberdeen, who hrfs been car rying on nn energetic propaganda to better the health of the Irish people, has undertaken tbe editorial work of a monthly magazine which will be Is sued by the Women's National Health association. Mrs. Collls P. Huntington has given a large plot of ground at Broadway and One Hundred and Fifty-sixth street New York city, valued at 250, 000 or more, to the American Geo graphical society on the condition that the society raise money for the erec Uon of a building on the site. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A WILL PARTY THAT ANSWERED 213 ad in Oregonian please send address to Chark C. Pierce, Park Hotel, Portland, 350 Glisan St. WANTED Boys and girls to enter contest for the beautiful $200 lot in South Oregon City to be- given away by the Oregon City Enterprise. For particulars apply Enterprise of fice. WANTED Men and women to enter contest for the beautiful $200 lot in South Oregon City, to be given away by The Oregon City Enter prise. For particulars apply Enter prise office. RESERVATION OPENINGS For full information regarding the Spokane, Coeur d'Alene and Flathead open ing, send 25 cents for pamphlet to P. SIMMONS, Nezperce, Idaho. CarefuJ of Your Property One of ihe secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. Phones, Office 1121, Residence 1833 525 Main Street AT THE OLD STAND Farms, City and Suburban Property, Lots and Business Chances for Sale ' or Trade. W. F. SCHOOLEY & CO. 606 MAIN ST. OREGON CITY, ORE. Will Treat You Right For Your Money pare, may be foam! here MARKETS WHOLE8ALE QUOTATIONS. Vegetable, Fruits, Etc OREGON CABBAGE 40c. doz. OREGON ONIONS $1.25 sack. POTATOES 2ftc. CAULIFLOWER $1.00 doz. CUCUMBERS 25c. doz. TURNIPS c. doz. best. PEAS 5c. lb. BEANS 10c. lb. BEETS 10c per doz. bunches. CARROTS 40c per doz. bunches. RHUBARB 2c lb. LETTUCE 15c doz. bunches. Butter and Eggs. BUTTER Ranch, 34 to 40c; cream ery 55c per roll. EGGS 23 to 25c doz. HONEY 13c frame. HONEY Strained, 7c to 9c lb. Fresh Fruits. STRAWBERRIES $1.05 crate. RASPBERRIES 10 to 35c. LOGANBERRIES 20c. CHERRIES 3 to 4c lb. Dried Fruits. DRIED PPLES Quartered, sun dried. 5 cents; evaporated 6 and 7c; prunes. 3to4c, silver prunes 6c to 64c; pears 10c. Grain and Hay. WHEAT $1.40. GRAY OATS $37.00. HAY Valley timothy $15 per ton; Clover, $12.00; Cheat, $11.00; Grain, $12.00. WHOLE CORN $39.00. MIDDLINGS $34. CRACKED CORN $40. SHORTS $31. Clackamas County Live Stock. HEIFERS $3.25 $3.50. STEERS $3.30 $3.45. LAMBS $3.25 to $3.50. COWS $2.50 $2.76. HOGS $5.50 $6.00. MUTTON $3.25 $3.75. HAMS 16c 18c. DRESSED VEAL $7.50 to $8.00. DRESSED PORK $8.50 to $10.00. HIDES Beef hides, 6c; calf hides, 6c. TALLOW 3c per lb. Poultry. OLD HENS 11c per pound, young roosters, 13c; old roosters, 7c; mixed chickens, 12c. AT THE MILLS AND STORES. Flour and Feed. FLOUR Hard wheat, $6.25; Valley, $5.60. WHY NOT TRT Popham's ASTHMA REMEDY Gives Prompt and positive relief in every case. Sold by druggists. Trial package by mall 10 cents. Williams Mfg. Co., Prop., Cleveland, 0 For sale by Huntley Bros. Co. i I