Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 9, 1909)
OREGON CITY EXTKlilMilSK. V KM DA V, .UMA' ... VM). 2 1E1 ALCOHOL 3 PKR CENlT AVcgciaNi'Rviwat'hinllr.t siminn'inj the Flxxf orelRrirfa imgiln'SiftTCtenndlW-M IYomofcs Ditotionflrrrfii ncss and RrMjContoins ncnw Opiimi.Mrtrphirtc norNaeralJ ISOTARCOTIC. utaatlm pqVw Surrr . Awsfrct rVmrdv forOTOto Hon . Sour Sltinach.Dlarrtin WormsfomTilsionsJotnsli ncss and LossofSleep. FacS'mle St$nanvf of NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature w t 'TUl.'.T'.VilLlL' I ir ' CJ Guarardrrd undrr the Ex Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years Twt ecarTAun imniy, new tmi rrr. NEWS OF THE COUNTY GREENWOOD. George and William Cassadjr have returned from a trip to Yamhill Coun ty. They report that the crops are not so good there as In Clackamas. David Penman Is back from the hos pital at Portland, where he had been for several weeks since undergoing an operation. He Is still far from being well, but is able to be around. Jess and Clarence Glazier are up from Rainier visiting with their par ents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Alger. George Thomson and wife, of Rain ier, who were visiting with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Thompson, returned home Saturday. William and Lou Morgan have treated their house and barn to a new coat of paint and otherwise Improved the looks of their property. Walter Braker, of Portland, spent the Fourth with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Braker. WILSONVILLE. Eva and May Baker arrived home from Hood River on Wednesday ev ening. Henry Wilhelm, the rustling farmer near Wilsonville. is having a vaca tion and is enjoying a visit with rela tives and friends in the state of Wash ington. Mrs. Clyde Baker of St. John's has been visiting relatives near Wilson ville. Mr. Jos. Y. Bethune has been elect ed teacher of the Wilsonville school for the coming term. Prof. Graham and family, of Port land came up in their handsome new launch from Portland and spent the Fourth at their beautiful country home on the river near Wilsonville. Mrs. Stangle. who ha3 been ill for so many months died on Wednesday evening. June 30. Death came as a sweet relief to this weary sufferer and the sympathy of the community is ex tenred to the bereaved husband ami sorrowing relatives. The remains price, as well as many other sales of recent date. Wilsonville, with its usual good for tune, drew the lucky number In choosing to celebrate upon the 3rd of July, as the day was really a typi cal Fourth. Just hot enough to make one feel Inclined to lounge around In the shade of a beautiful grove, enjoy the many sights and games and listen to a good programme, then In the cool of the balmy evening air, choose be tween participating in a dance or watching sky-rockets" red glare. The ball game between the St. Paul and Canby teams, which came off in the morning, upon the Wilsonville dia mond, was well played from start to finish and resulted In a total score of 8 to 5 in favor of St. Paul. home run In the last Inning of Batv of the Canby team, deserves special mention, and he was lustily cheered by lovers of the baseball sport. The motor race upon the river was easily won by Robt. Crlssell in his trim lit tle gasoline launch. Hon. George C. Brownell, of Oregon City, was unable to be present and Mr. E. S. J. Mc Allister, of Portland, delivered the ad dress. Mrs. Lowry read the Declara tion of Independence In a pleasing manner: there was good singing, fine musical numbers were rendered bv the band and the flag drill given un under the direction of Miss Cora Seely was. especially enjoyed. The dance was attended by about one hundred couples, who were loud In their prais es of good music and a happy evening. Altogether this celebration given by the M. B. A. lodge was a grand suc cess with a noticeable lark of disorder or ungentlemanly behavior on the part of spectators or of participants in the day's sports. gon City on Monday In mi outnmohllo, but abandoned Hie nulo hi Molalla. Mail Carrier Stuhha bok them on to WillioU by team. Luther Fore mid family, who have boon visiting friends In Molalla, left for Oregon Cliy Saturday to spend a few days with O. D. Kby. ljist week the cry for ruin went up and tt came In good shape, hut the cry Is new for dry weather, so the farmers can get lit their bay. Molalln infidelity received n great electric shock last Sunday and by STAFFORD. Most of the people front this vicin ity went to Wilsonville or Tunlulln to celebrate Saturday and report a pliasnnt time. Those wjio walled for Monday for their celebration found a damp day. It began to rain Sunday at sundown, and at Hie present writ ing n pale sun Is peeping out. nearly two Inchon of rain having descended to refresh the thirsty earth, lay the dust for our automobiles and do an night the rain was coining down ti "",' lot of good t gardens and the "jus! and unjust." A good repre sentation of Molalla assemble.! on the beautiful Molalla river, at Wright's Bridge to witness the baptism of H young man. Before performing the Christian rite Evangelist Wood ex tended the Invitation to others, when three noble women accepted and were all straightway scrlpturnlly h.iptUed. Frad Watts hud a blaie on the ev ening of the third, resulting In the un roofing of his milk house, caused by the small "American boy and his fire cracker." Only by the immediate as sistance of bis near neighbors wor the buildings saved. Meadow brook scribe: Molalla holds her school meetings' In the sunlight to avoid hunting about for old burnt timber. Miss Nannie Thomas, principal of the Kosedale High School, of Kansas City, arrived at Molalla on the Kth Inst., and will spend her vacation vis it lug with her cousin. Dr. J. W. Thom as and her other relatives on the coast. Miss Thomas attended the t.ewls and Clark Fair and expects to view the A. Y, P. exposition next week. This beautiful rain means twice as many oats and four times more pota toes for the Willamette Valley, lluy? Well It's most too late for any thing lolng in that line. K. K. Part has built his bam larger and re-shinglod the whole of it which adds greatly to the holding ca paclty as well as appearance MOUNTAIN VIEW. by Ben Faust came home from Malheur City last Friday evening. Mrs. Faust a little better and expects to sit up a little soon. Mr. Hlckson. of Southeastern Kans as, Is visiting with Mr. Hamm and family this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Evcrhart are furnishing rooms over the store for their home. Louis Hubbard was In this burg again Sunday. Frank Wills was quite badly hurt W . B. Stafford had the misfortune to lose his horses by death Monday. Mrs. Durvall. of Sellwood. was vl Itlng friends In this vicinity over Sun day. Mrs. Jennie Dorsey, of Mill Cltv. was in this burg again a little while last Sunday. Mrs.' Will Bruce Is quite sick this eek and Mrs. Jackson is waiting on ner. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Exon and Mr ami jirs. ituznillier. of Yon were lsitlng Wiley May and famllv and other relatives last week. Oscar May and family, of Harris' mill, spent last Sunday here with his parents. e have had a fine rain since Sun day, but It Is bad on the cherries, making them crack open and spoil. jonnny jiorrls and wife were call. Ing on.Mr. Mautz and wife Sundav. .Messrs Fisher and Ely made a busi ness trip to Mullno Wednesday. we have a new mall carrier this week, as Johnny has gone on his wedding tour. We must give him a serenade when they return. huge Is carrying the mall. MOLALLA. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Meadow brook, visited Mr. and Mrs. Faurle Sunday. The band boys think ther were were taken to Oregon City for burial, j JjlRhI; Iavoi by having such a fine day for the celebration at Wright's Springs on Saturday, seeing what a rain we nave bad since Sundav. The celebration passed off in good' shape everybody having a good time and the band boys realized a good sum for their efforts. We came near having a serious ac cident in our midst on Mondav Rnni hustler Dayidson shot at a chicken when the uau Kiiinceu and nasacd ti.rnnv Alonzo Epler, who Is quite crippled with rheumatism, has been spending a few days at his home near Wilson ville. Roris Young, who is attending Cor vallls College, spent the 4th with his parents, at their home in Wilsonville. Emll Tauchman is now the obliging Wilsonville ferryman, having bought out Mr. Stangle. Emll is a nnA Heearvoa tho rtnnfirtpnoo nf ttip community in his new undertaking. wndow, and through the hair of Miss People have stopped talking about If1" saviors head, who was sitting taxes and are now found discussing the prevailing price of flour. Mr8. Marian Young and Miss S. M. Graham went to Portland Wednesday evening, June 30, to attend the pre sentation in violin recital of Ward Alden, one of the star pupils of Prof. Wm. Wallace Graham. The presen tation was given In the First Presby terian Church of Portland, and the violinist was assisted by Pauline Mil- in the room, and struck the wall on- . ..., na,r 18 q(me slck fron the shock. Two umbrellas were left at the on me picnic grounds at ugm.s tarings, Saturday. Owners can get them by calling on William Mackrell. Everman Robhlns Is building a tent oj camp in nunng the summer. -irs. j. R. Shaver and riiii?M.r ler Chapman, soprano soloist, and nave Dfn spending a few days with Arthur von Jessen, concert pianist. I menus in Molalla, taking In the cele- The Tauchman place was sold last bratlon at Wright's Springs, week by Butson & Darby to Sir. Mc- A party of tourlHts came from Ore- Kinney, of Chicago, for $10,500. Prop- erty along the river front has increas ed rapidly in value in the past year and bids fair to enrich all the own ers of property who care to dispose of their holdings, judging from this sale of 40 acres at the above named JOHN W. THOMA8, DENTIST. Molalla Mondays. D. C. LATOURETTZ President F. J. MEYER, Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK of OREGON CITY , OREGON CAPITAL, $50,000.00. Transacts a General Banking Business. Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M Office Both Phones 22 Residence Phone Main 2C24 Pioneer Transfer Co. Established 1865 Sucessor to C. N. Greenman FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED EY EXPERIENCED HELP. PROMPT AHD RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER MEADOWBROOK. The glorious Fourth has again come and gone and those farmers that let their hay stand are feeling better now. ' The Russellvllle correspondent was taking in the sights In and around town Sunday. Mr. Dennlson and family were vis iting with Mr. Bonacer and famllv Sunday afternoon. Mrs. C. L. Staudlnger and family and Mrs. Hurst and family were vis iting with their parents. Mr. and Mrs 0. T. Kay, Sunday. The South Side Milling Cnnnm ni ls putting In a large dam on Woodcock Creek. C. L Staudlnger Is foreman on me works, the water to be used tor ncating logs and for Irrigation we nave received word thnt Mm Mc Cord Is Improving very fast and win soon ne able to leave the hospl tal for her home. Mr. Holman has been hauling til mg tor tne last few days. What no tions some men have about Irrlga tlon and drainage. Ye Scribe, while strolling through the city park, noticed some wild deer, but having no gun. he made no snerini pnon io caicn tnem. un me morning of July 3rd our usually quiet town was given a snr. prise It will remember while the eagle continues to. float over the cloud cap summits of the rocky mountains or Its perched on the staff of the star spangled smasher when Mr. Davis and wife came rldlne down f:,in Street In company with a new horse ana buggy. u may oe a little early In the season for guhernatlonal booms but that Dlnilck boom Is Just booming un trA ,1..... .1 , . . .. ' onu uowu un; .Moiaiia valley. potatoes, thus niaklg up In part for possible damage to bay which bad been cut. and si III In the Held. Sonic vandal In celebrating the -It h look a shot at Gage's farm sign, but he says he Is glad to believe none of his neighbors' boys would do It, a. though a man was beard some time ago trying to set up a couple of voting boys to shoot through Fred F.llegsen s sign, but of course oven that was meant all In fun. Mr. Mays and family went to see Alfred Sharp on Sunday. He Is no better, we are- sorry to say. Mr. Gage's eldest son mid family came Saturday and returned home Miiiilay evening, Mr. Mellel, accompanied by a sur veyor and two helpers, catne out Fri day to survey the old Hayes place and nuke division lines for the three re maining children. Mrs. Mlletn will get 50 acres. Mrs, Shipley 50. and Gor. doll Hayes, of Oregon Cltv the re. mulnder. Mr. Hayes, who Is In feeble health, wished to have things all set tled, although retaining the balance or power In his own hands while he lived. We are sorry to hear that Mrs Mllem. who was born and brought up In Stafford, fell a couple of weeks ago ana nurt ner hip again quite serious! Mie was thrown from a rarrlage number of years ago In a runaway and hurt in the same place mid was then ron lined to her bed for a year. CLARKES. The celebration at Clarkes was fair. Harry C.uad, from Kastem Oregon spoke Saturday morning nud Rev niackwell. from Oregon City, preach ed a sermon Sunday morning. There was a big crowd at Clarkes. We had a heavy rainfall Monday It Is hard on the hay that Is cut Clarkes will have heavy crops this year. 1.. Maxon Is In Kastem Washington F. Scherruble came home Sunday lie was gone for two months. He was tlxlng his new home In Fast Portland. Henry Kleiusmlth was In Portland last week on business. A. Klelnsmlth was at Clarkes Sun day to visit his mother and relatives. (. Mnrquardt was In on business. Mr. Wettlaufer bought a new hack last week. E. Met man bought a mower lust week In Portland. G. W. Klelnsmlth Is getting along tine building his house. hlmer !e Is doing fine. He has prospect for a good crop this year, STONE. Dr. L. G. Ice, Dentist, and 18, Masonic Bldg. RoomB 17 TEAZEL CREEK. A nice shower visited this section last Sunday night, continuing to rain all day Monday. It was needed as the gardens were getting pale anil at a sianii hum. Preaching at Teazel Creek next Sunday. Sunday School at In Rev. Qulnn made a flying trip to Mt. Angel last Monday. Gus Burgreen was vlHltlng friends In this community this week, wear- "os a smne a Jong as a telephone pole .jiiiii, oi Marquam, had a runaway last week, fearing a new mower all to pieces, leaving nothing but the tongue to the team when caught. Mrs. Qulnn Is aeain on the ti, .1.1, (list this week. E. E. Judd Is able to be out around again. Mr. Ecberd Is able to be on route number two again, to the delight of inn many irienus. and Brave Fire Laddies often receive severe burns, putting out fires, then use Bucklln's Arnica Salve and forget them. It soon drives out pain. For sores. Scalds, WoundU, cuts and Bruises its earth's greatest healer. Quickly cures Skin Eruptions Old Sore, Bolls, Ulcers, Felons; best Pile cure made. Relief In instant. 25 cents at Jones Drug Company. The song of the mowing ninclilnv Is heard hereabouts. The road supervisor has repaired the Clear Creek bridge, seemingly in the nick of time. There has been a man here trying to get some of our people to secure land to prospect for oil. From present Indications the people are nfrnld of having their land Injured, ami ask $M0 per arre for their property, but the prospector don't want the land. All he Is after Is the oil.. Claude Stewart and Mark Sprngue are cutting cordwood for Grant Mum power and D. T. Griffin. Tim timber is coltonwood for making paper. Mum power & Griffin expect to send the wood down the Clnckamns River to Pifrkplace providing the qlectrlc com pnny, which Is prospecting for a foun datlon In the river, don't turn the river through. The Clear Creek Creamery board ran walk around the creamery build Ing now without getting their feet smeared with mud nnd wnter or but ter milk. June 2"th ye scribe starter! to the Molalla country In an automobile which runs to Wllholt Springs and stops at Molalla. The machine made the run to Molalla In one hour nnd 20 minutes. That was the quickest trip we have ever made to Molalla or nnywhere pise In our life on such a horse as an auto. Brother Wood, from Oklahoma, Is holding a rqeellng at Molalla. He Is holding his meetings In a tent. Six neonlc were ndded to the church urday night. More peopTe hear the gospel preached at these meetings than we have seen at one time In Oregon at Molalla. The meetings are being continued with much Interest. The Molalla people think they have a fine country. Yes. they have. I believe that Molalla Is In Clackamas County. There Is a household at Molalla where they have samples of the yellow metal, which we call gold. It Is not the gold of ophlr, but the gold of Ore gon and of Clackamas County, espe dally. A Horrible Hold-Up. "About, ten years ago my brother was "held up" in his work, health and happiness by what was believed to be hopeless Consumption, writes W. R. Lipscomb, of Washington, N. C. "He took all kinds of treatment from sev eral doctors, but found no help till he used Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles. He Is a well man to day," It's quick to iflleve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, As thma and all Bronchial affections. IjO cents and $1.00. Trial hot tin free. Guaranteed by Jones Drug Co., mm IN ONE OR MANY COLORS LARGEST FACILITIES IN THE WEST FOR THE PRODUCTION OF HIGH ORADE WORK mi AS II Al IAITIII mini m BP HARMONY, Al the annual school mooting held In Harmony, Joint Wise and Kdward Spoouor were elected directors and l llatlln clerk. The district decided to Imlld a new fan -room building lu time for the fall term of school on the present site, The uieeiiug was Harmonious and every one seemed In favor of a good build lug that would be a credit to this beautiful district. The building was limited to $5500 In cash. A new teacher, Mr. Wynn, will have charge of the higher grades and Miss McKouiiy was reelected primary ti acher. A party was given In honor of l ho Misses Ambler. a nuiuiier or mo Harmony young rcIKs lu buggies, etc., went to Arlola to attend a party in honor of Miss Kate Fortner, Tji Harmony Improvement Society will have a headquarters lent at the Chautauqua grounds and will lu pleas ed to have their friends call, and they will also have facilities for coffee making, etc. Miss Bertha Itoseuau nnd brothers, Kouben and Charlie, have hud the measles. Miss Julia Spooner has been visit lug her brother I'atil, al liming. Mrs. Dlx and Mrs. Winnie nre on a ramping trip In Yamhill County, Mr. Hanson has sold his farm. The new district of Wichita, formed of parts of the Harmony and Mllwau kle districts. Is building a new school house of four rooms, finishing two and tne others as needed. The Harmony Improvement Society Is Invited to hold Its next meetlnit at Mrs, llorgerl's (nee Jennie Clnrkl III Alhlna, July 21. Mrs. Jerome Avery and Mrs. Gal loway have gone to Seattle to attend the A. Y. I'. Fair. Mr. Stoker succeeds Mr. Haverllng ns pastor of the Kvangellcal church In Harmony Prayer meet Ing w ill be held on Wednesday nights. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA FIRWOOD. The long looked for rain ruinn ni last. It was slow, but sure getting here. Mrs. Mena Nally Is attending a week at Camp Idle a While. 11. i. Hart's family Is rnniidnir on his ranch In Flrwood. C. W. Cassedv has returned from Si IiOUls.-Mo. Harry Kehres Is spendliii! his va cation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Al Hart and son. Hon er. spent the fourth at Flrwood. John Roberts and Vic Hodlov re turned from their huntlnir trln Mrs. H. Frey and Havmond K spent Saturday with friends In Sandv Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Hart and Mr and Mrs. II. F. Hurl spent the 3rd and 4th at Rhododendron Tavern and Welches. They report a fine trln Bowel Complaint In Children. When six months old the little laughter of E. N. Dewey, a well known men-hunt of Aguewvllle. 'a., had an attack of cholera Infantum. Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy was given and effected a com plete cure. This remedy has proven very successful in cases of bowel coin, plaint In children and when given ac cording to the plain printed directions can be relied upon with perfect con fluence. W hen reduced with water and sweetened It Is pleasant lo take. which Is of great Importance when a medicine must be given to young children. For sale by Huntley Bros. II rlffPP Vk'c hereby offer $1000 to unyone proving by t licnti- oil unulysis or otherwise tluit CYRUS MHU.K con ' tuiiis utiylliinjj excepting pure NtruitiliC utfed whiskies. It is distilled in un old-fiishioned still uiul contains ull those secoiuliity products of distillation which the , I). S. Agricultural Department und the I). S. Interim! Revenue Department rule must be present to entitle ' the distillation to be culled whiskey. Alcohol docs not contain these constituents. Neither does cheap to culled Mruitfht w hiskcy made fin a continuous or many chunibercd still. , Money talks. CYKUS NODLE-a purc-o!d-honcst-w hiskcy aged in wood. 4 quart bottle, of GENUINE CYRUS NOBLE direct lo you, all chargM paid to ths nrMt railroad sxprMt offics. $4 90 & W. J.iVAN.SCHUYVER & CO. FjuUiJwJ. 1864 105-107 Sul Stus-i. PunUI. 0,n,n m CUT AT THIS klftC NO MUk VO-OAf m I W. J. Vu Schurnr A Co., ruw, Oni tUJ J Ul M OO U h.h p4M KW M Al t, CmuIim CjrnM NobU, Ha. I" O Uta Ik M Latter List. IJst of lellers at the Oregon City Post Office for the week ending July 9: Woman's l.lsl llrown. Hut h. Men's list lieery. Aaron; llrlan. Molvln, ('. (ill; Cunningham. Chits: Doyle, J. Harvey; (ireen. Thomas; tioHttugar. Frank; llardlsou, 10 H ; Mohammad, F. ; Itadcllffe, ('. J.; Wat son, Harry II. Proper Trsstmsnt for Dyssntsry and Dirrho. The great mortality from dysentery nnd diarrhoea Is due to a luck or proper treatment at the first stages of the dlsense. Chamberlain's Colic, holora and Diarrhoea Hemedy Is a reliable and effectual medicine, and when given In reasonable time will prevent any dnngerons consequences It hns I n In use for many years uiul has always met with unvarying suc cess. For sale ny iiuniiey nros. urug To ths Public. The subscriber respectfully begs to announce Hint he Is prepared to do custom wool carding. The old Hotinetl mill has been overhauled and placed In good running order. Any letters addressed to the Hon nctt carding mill, or Oregon Woolen Mill, Mllwiiukle. Oregon. Mllwnukle Wool Scouring and Hulling Mill will receive due and prompt attention by the advertiser. lies perl fully, SAM PKAUSON. CATARRH MICROBES. A Dead Microbe Is ths Beet Microbe Hyomel Kills Them All. Hyouiel (pronounced Hlghotue) Is a killer of catarrh germ, because when you breathe It In. Its autlccptlc and germicide procrtcs reach every nook nud crevice of the mucous mem brane, from the mouth and nose deep Into Him lungs Hyomel brings the Australian for ests of pine nud ruralyptiis lu your home. It Is mnde of (he atilvn prin ciple extracted from lhee trees. No one who lives III or Hear Ihesn forests suffers from catarrh. No one who hrenihes In Hyomel, ths real for- st nlr of Australia, will have rntnrrh for lung after the treatment at art m If you want to cure rntnrrh, croup, bronchitis, coughs, colds, asthma, liny fever, or relieve consumption, try Hy omel, the common eetiitc cure, the cure thnt reaches the spot. A complete Hyomel outfit. Including a hard rubber Inhaler, costs only ft no. anil extra bottles of Hyomel, If after wards needed, costs ' but flrt rents, (iiinrnnteed lo cure, or money bnrk. Sold by lending druggists everywhere. Sold nnd guaranteed In Oregon City by Huntley pros. Co. MI-O-NA Cures Indigestion It relieves stotiincli iiiU-ry, sour slum. Bj-Ii, l l.iiing.and cures all stomach dm. rami or money bm k. I Argn ln nf tnl. lets IS) iviiU. Druggists lu all towns. IF NOT WHY NOT? DO YOU USE ELECTRICITY? ELECTRIC LIGHT IS CHEAP WITH TUNGSTEN LAMPS INVESTIGATE AT Portland Railway Light & Power Company C. G. MILLER, AGENT OREGON CITY, OREGON